eskylabs · 1 year
when i was younger i thought you gotta create a best looking image of yourself in front of the people whom you seek affection and attraction from. Keep your shortcomings and your unreasonable shits and your messes to yourself, under your own sheets YOU. on your own time should deal with them and whatever private space you have for yourself fix them, cover them up, burry them; as time goes by just keep trying to fix them privately all the while maintaining your "perfect image". i'm well versed in creating a good image, i'm well versed in having people perceive me in a certain way.
but that's so 2019- that's what social media do to you, it forces you to always want to make yourself look good, wearing this and that because you gotta look like the IT SHIT. going to parties you don't belong to, rubbing elbows with yet another crowd of "potential connections", making friends with people you donteven like being bffs with people you JUST met. dance to music your ears find deafening, stand among crowds that make you feel suffocated, struggling to thrive in this city hustling to make a name for yourself-undl one day the name doesn't match the person inside of you anymore.
now that i'm older I feel like if you want geniune affection you cannot make people love a facade or an image you create: no matter how cool how IT how successful how beautiful the image is, it's a facade. facts and truths are scary and risky but they are long asting. truth is you're just another human being witntlays, instead of hiding them i'll let you know i'm vulnerable im unreasonable i'm packed with less than happy thoughts. im smart but aiso dumb and i break things i forget shits im fucking petty. i cannot be perfect but i'll let you know my imperfections - i'll let you know i'll try. i will not create a temporary image of somebody who's flawless. no tricks no game. no pretense, no trying to LOOK like something, somebody you're not / cannot become.
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eskylabs · 2 years
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i look at these pictures and i cry thinking about how breathtaking, how mysterious, how lost our earth is in the vastness of the universe. whenever i feel sad, looking at the pic of earth always reminds me to never take life for granted and cherish it well. and i think people should learn bout universe to understand that we're all nothing within a galaxy, galaxies, whole cosmos. people need to treasure each other. #Reminder
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eskylabs · 2 years
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Waltz of the Stars
l from International Space Station l Sean Doran
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eskylabs · 2 years
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Aurora Borealis From The ISS
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eskylabs · 2 years
fact about myself✨
i'm a cat person (sebenernya anjing lucu juga tapi aku gak boleh pelihara karena ya aku muslim tapi sometimes aku kalau ke rumah sodara suka deket2 pernah pegang habis itu dimarahin). selain punha kucing aku juga punya ikan, kelinci, dan burung. suka bgt looking at cat vines / videos its like my daily habit. they make me so happy
i said this before, sebenernya aku dulu gak suka kpop wkwkw but karena mbak ku biggest fans of 2ne1 jadinya aku agak ketularan. and my first bias is sehun exo after their debut. terus fell in love pertama sama bangtan taun 2014 tapi itu masih jadi solo stannya yoongi wkwkwkw dan 2015 bulan agustus im an army! but now im not unstan bts tapi hatiku bercabang ke seventeen and enhypen. iya aku kenal seventeen itu sejak mereka sebelum debut. my best friend is carat and dia selalu talking about them praising cheol 24/7. akhirnya aku kepincut sama wonu. kalau buat enhypen aku suka jaeyun. yes. feel free to educate me masalah percaratan dan enhypenan soalnya aku ngga tau2 banget soal mereka.
anime lover! iyaaa suka bgt sama anime sejak smp, tapi lebih suka ke ganre yang non romantic sih. terus suka banget sama komik, iya baca komik. since sd kelas 4 aku udah punya banyak bgt komik sincan, doraemon, and conan. but after my family pindah ke kota lain itu komiknya gak tau ilang kemana, dan beneran gak kesisa samasekali.
sebenernya sih aku itu bisa dibilang penikmat segala. aku suka apapun yang sekiranya menarik buat aku. im thai enthu juga, chiness juga aku sikat (sekarang) wkwkw btw lagi mabok banget sama mtxt:( lan wangji mau aku nikahin.
westran? suka tapi gak terlalu bgt.
suka anak kecil :( like, they're so honest, pure, dan aku suka ikut project yang banyak engage sama anak-anak. pernah ditemuin sama seorang anak SD yang katanya problematic, tapi kita langsung akrab di pertemuan pertama sampe ibunya heran. cool fella.
banyak orang yang bilang kalau aku juga orang ya bisa banget ngobrol sama orang yang lebih tua! mostly setiap main kerumah temen meski itu baru sekali dateng aku langsung akrab banget sama mereka wkwkw
aku moody banget orangnya. pagi bisa ceria banget, malem bisa bikin satu kontrakan takut. kalo udah foulest mood, i curse a lot and regret the most of it in the next morning.
horror-addict. maniak film horror (meski aslinya penakut). i'm obsessed with this genre, i love suspense, and i enjoy scarejumps. horror paling juara bagiku masih 'munafik'-nya malaysia. petjah. none can top that masterpiece atm.
i really can't stand sindiran. apalagi di story/post ig atau tweet atau apapun yang possible aksesnya buatku ngeliat. i think that's very cowardice and immature. first thing i do kalo liat sindiran; chat or dm ybs. tell them to man the fuck up and speak to me like a grownup.
suka ngomong eng dirumah not bcs karena sok eng tapi keponakan ngomongnya selalu eng di mix pakek jawa:(
i love sport! yang kenal aku dari lama pasti tau kalau aku suka banget sepak bola! i lovw this sport karena menurutku sepak bola tu bukan cuman games, tapi its like happines. dari TK aku udah suka bola soalnya setiap lomba dari tk sampe sma yang selalu di ikutin lomba sepak bola. kalau TK cuman nendanv bola ke gawang sih wkwkwm terus dari sd smape sma itu futsal. eh waktu kuliah gabung di klub futsal jugaa. selain football sih aku suka nonton basket tapi aku gak jago main basket, bukan pro player. tapi aku gak suka banget sama voly idk mungkin karena trauma tangan kepelintir wkwkwkw. golf sukaa bgt!!! orang ngiranya fancy tapi emang fancy dan susah. aku suka banyak sport sekarang lagi ngikutin ice skeating. terus demen bgt F1 ketimbang MotoGP.
club bola favorite sih Chelsea!!
sebenernya gak jago nulis tapi karena aku anaknya suka ngebanyol jadi ya gitu.
not gammers tapi bisa kalau diajak main game.
gak suka duren tapi suka matcha
if aku udah sayang bgt sama orang pasti bakal aku praising sampe orangnya eneg kalau liat, aku bucinin sampe kakinya gemeter, dan aku sayang bgt sampe dia ngerasa gak bakal tega buat nyakitin aku.
music addictic! sehari gak bisa gak dengerin musik. akhir akhir ini lagi suka musik indo, soalnya gak tau aja lagi demen wkwkw
treveler bgt! milih duit habis buat treveling daripada buat beli baju wkwkwkw.
manhwa bgt.
manja sih katanya:( tapi aku mikirnya bukan karena aku manja tapi karena orang tua aku yang selalu treat me like a baby! jadi kaya, aku lagi makan sama ibu dan bapak gitu di kedai makan. pernah gitu aku pesen lalapan ayam dan ayamnya masih panas, dan sama ibuku ayamku di tiupin dan di suwirin kecil2 biar aku gak kepanasan makannya:(
have boyfriend :D
lan wangji, huacheng, naruto, apo nattawin, kim taehyung, jeon wonwoo, sim jaeyun. love u.
kapan kapan di tambah kalau inget! wkwkwwkwkw
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eskylabs · 2 years
here's the thing , if you're rich doesn't mean you can get anything you want at anytime. it simply means that you're slightly blessed than other people. and if you're rich, doesn't mean you have to have the newest or latest things, it doesn't mean you can get it easily. from how i want to be as a person i'd rather not spoil myself by getting everything i want. yes maybe i have spoilt myself a little before but i've come to realise that there's no point to it. i want to earn what i deserve instead of doing nothing and be a spoilt. no shade thrown to anyone, everyone has their own ways of getting things. it's just my way. #reminder
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eskylabs · 4 years
If i have a bad day, i just look at these gifs 🥰
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winter fairy
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eskylabs · 4 years
today's reminder that the universe is GORGEOUS
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Star Cluster NGC 6752
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eskylabs · 4 years
i wish i was beautiful as she is
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eskylabs · 4 years
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Mental health is so important and something that needs to be taken seriously and handled properly. Please do all you can to take care of yourselves. Please talk to someone if you’re struggling. Youre right not everyone is going to listen, but eventually someone will. A friend, a family member, a coworker, a mentor, a teacher, your provided counselors at school. someone. Please dont stop trying.
And it’s really unfortunate that people still don’t understand that all the money, good looks, and fame in the world doesn’t make someone happy. Criticizing someone’s mental health with the “why would they do that when they have----” is disgusting. That’s not how any of this works.
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eskylabs · 4 years
daily reminder that life is an adventure! make memories, mistakes, sins, everything. don't be afraid of new things. choose your own path. it's your life, your choices, your responsibilities. don't forget to have fun for the rest of the day! you only live once, try everything.
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eskylabs · 4 years
Define happiness
Happiness is feeling good about yourself, having good company around you, and doing what's right.
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eskylabs · 4 years
no matter how hard it is there's always a reason when things happen. I always keep saying "whats the point of loving someone who makes you feel miserable and who doesnt love you back"
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eskylabs · 4 years
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To say I’m shook is an understatement. I regret not finishing this book any sooner. This book teaches life and does it by tugging at your conscience. Pokoknya this book ngingetin kalo kita mengandung all kinds of binaries. We have good and evil sides. Both are in us. Both are us.
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Buku ini juga mempertanyakan agama. Dia bilang Tuhan yang menciptakan dunia ini dan dunia ini bukan cuma punya hal baik-baik aja, tapi juga hal buruk. Kenapa tuhan menilai kita dari kebaikan kita doang padahal kita manusia biasa, yang Ia ciptakan dengan keburukan juga.
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In this page, salah satu tokoh, Knauer, mau bunuh diri karena nafsu seksualnya. Ajaran agamanya cuma bilang bahwa nafsu seksual itu buruk. Ajaran agamanya lalai menyampaikan bahwa nafsu seksual itu manusiawi dan bagian dari dirinya. Demian bilang: We’re not pigs. And we create our own God.
Buku ini bukan promosi atheisme. Mempertanyakan agama cuma jadi kendaraan yang dipilih penulis untuk mengingatkan manusia bahwa "kita ini makhluk luar biasa, tapi kita disetir banyak hal tanpa pernah sedikitpun mempertanyakan apa yang kita lakukan, apa yang kita amini, apa yang kita imani". Like me yeah when aku sholat jamaah dimana aja mau padahal karena engga paham bahasa arab, engga tau bacaan surahnya bener apa enggak, engga tau doa apa yang dibaca di akhir solat. Pokoknya amin amin aja. Yang penting gugur kewajibanku solat lima waktu. (This sad story anyways)
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Dia bilang tugas manusia di dunia ini cuma satu: “to become certain of themselves, to grope forward along their own path”. Jadi jangan mentah-mentah ngikutin orang lain karena tiap orang hidupnya beda.
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Banyak orang bilang kebahagiaan itu cita-cita ultimate kehidupan semua orang. Kalau dia bilang pengen bahagia itu jawaban cemen. Kita bilang pengan bahagia ya karena kita engga tau apa yang kita tuju dalam hidup dan kita malas dan takut buat cari tau.
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At last buku ini juga ngomongin cinta. Dulu aku sering dihina karena punya prinsip cinta mah cinta aja yang penting ikhlas. Status tuh ga penting.
Orang bilang itu sih stupid idea.
Tapi ternyata pak Herman sependapat denganku. Baca paragraf dibawah bracket raksasa yang ku buat.
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