esmerelle-blog · 6 years
( Find me there--whenever I am online--as Es’merelle Vharri! Her blog is forthcoming. ^_^ )
please reblog if you're on Mateus ✨
i’m looking to follow fellow artists/rpers/whoever else if they’re on mateus! i would love to make some more mateus friends <33
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esmerelle-blog · 6 years
One of my last reblogs. Thank you everyone for tolerating seeing it so many times! XD
A Grand Return & What’s Next!
Hello everyone! 
Most of my things are packed away for my move out of state, so it is finally time for me to jump back into RP as actively as my ‘regular’ life will allow me! With that, I would like to announce a few important things! 
For starters:
I would like to introduce my new Main RP Character in WoW: @sivanawra​ 
A very old concept brought back to life, she’s quite a departure from Esmerelle’s upbeat cheerfulness. So, if you enjoy dark, occult, spooky, and macabre themes with a side of instability, Sivana’s your girl! PLEASE NOTE: Very macabre, gothic, dark and occult imagery abound on her blog.
Her blog is not 100% complete, but it’s almost there! So please, feel free to toss her a follow if you’re interested! 
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Esmerelle is moving to FFXIV! (well her base concept is) 
A Seeker strangely raised by Keepers, with a thirst for adventure and a desire to know what happened to the Es tribe, Es’merelle has run away from the safety of her highly reclusive surrogate mother tribe in order to fulfill her believed destiny. 
You will be able to find me in-game on Mateus as Es’merelle Vharri ! I hope to be able to explore Eorzea and RP with those of you that play FFXIV! Feel free to DM me your character name(s) or just try to catch me in-game! Her blog is in the making currently.
I will still be RPing the WoW version of Esmerelle by request, otherwise she is going to be bouncing happily around Eorzea instead of Azeroth! ^_^
Thank you all for your patience and for reading! Feel free to DM or Ask any questions! <3
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esmerelle-blog · 6 years
A Grand Return & What’s Next!
Hello everyone! 
Most of my things are packed away for my move out of state, so it is finally time for me to jump back into RP as actively as my ‘regular’ life will allow me! With that, I would like to announce a few important things! 
For starters:
I would like to introduce my new Main RP Character in WoW: @sivanawra​ 
A very old concept brought back to life, she’s quite a departure from Esmerelle’s upbeat cheerfulness. So, if you enjoy dark, occult, spooky, and macabre themes with a side of instability, Sivana’s your girl! PLEASE NOTE: Very macabre, gothic, dark and occult imagery abound on her blog.
Her blog is not 100% complete, but it’s almost there! So please, feel free to toss her a follow if you’re interested! 
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Esmerelle is moving to FFXIV! (well her base concept is) 
A Seeker strangely raised by Keepers, with a thirst for adventure and a desire to know what happened to the Es tribe, Es’merelle has run away from the safety of her highly reclusive surrogate mother tribe in order to fulfill her believed destiny. 
You will be able to find me in-game on Mateus as Es’merelle Vharri ! I hope to be able to explore Eorzea and RP with those of you that play FFXIV! Feel free to DM me your character name(s) or just try to catch me in-game! Her blog is in the making currently.
I will still be RPing the WoW version of Esmerelle by request, otherwise she is going to be bouncing happily around Eorzea instead of Azeroth! ^_^
Thank you all for your patience and for reading! Feel free to DM or Ask any questions! <3
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esmerelle-blog · 6 years
Roleplaying with me means no pressure!
I promise I WILL NOT guilt or pressure you into replies!
If I message you about something, it is an EXPRESSION OF INTEREST, not an an obligation!
I will RESPECT your decision to drop threads!
I UNDERSTAND that you have more chemistry with some partners more than others!
And I ENCOURAGE you to follow your muse!
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esmerelle-blog · 6 years
( for the OoC fun! )
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esmerelle-blog · 6 years
About Esmerelle’s Mun
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Likes to be Called: Whatever Character I’m RPing or Ru
Gender: Female 
One thing you should know about me: I am an extremely kind, patient, and understanding person who values communication. I’m also an older, spooky goth lady who adores memes and cats. ^_^ Did I mention anxiety and a hectic life? Oh, that too. XD  
One thing you should know about my character(s): I try my best to write as realistically as possible (within a fantasy setting). Flaws and seeing characters overcome them is some of my favorite stuff to write. 
First Language: English.
Second Language: N/A
RP Blog(s): 
@esmerelle and unveiling my half-finished @sivanawra
Contains: Mostly IC | Does not Contain OOC Posts
Single Muse Blog(s) | Multimuse Blog | Aesthetic Blog
Age Range: 
Under 13 | 14 - 17 | 18 - 22 | 23 - 25 | 26 - 29 | 30+ | 70+ |
Am I ok with NSFW? 
Yes  | No | Mostly (gore/blood/reference okay, lemon/romance tends to only be with trusted RP Partners)
My favorite most common thing to RP is:
Angst | Fluff | Action | Slice of Life (in smaller doses than the rest) | Plots | Events (sometimes) | Other (Memes and asks)
OC Friendly: 
Yes | No | Well, obviously! I suppose Canon friendly too in an AU setting if someone really wanted to for whatever reason. 
Tagged by: Too Many People ( technically XD )
Tagging: Everyone Who Has Not Done This!
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esmerelle-blog · 6 years
Reblog if your muse would risk their life to save a loved one
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esmerelle-blog · 6 years
Fears: Esmerelle Edition
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BOLD any fears which apply to your muse. italicize what makes them uncomfortable.
the dark | fire | open water | deep water | freezing | being alone | crowded spaces | confined spaces | change | failure | war | loss of control | powerlessness | prison | blood | drowning | suffocation | public speaking | natural animals | the supernatural | heights | death | dying | intimacy | rejection | abandonment | loss | the unknown | the future | not being good enough | scary stories | speaking to new people | poverty | loud noises | being touched | forgetting | being forgotten
Tagged By: @kat-hawke ( thank you! ^_^ )
Tagging: Everyone Who Has Not Done This!!!
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esmerelle-blog · 6 years
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esmerelle-blog · 6 years
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esmerelle-blog · 6 years
(via https://open.spotify.com/track/6vkSY2DjEXmwwn8dC0jf40?si=usYw04YAR6yrJqwRrUiFXQ)
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esmerelle-blog · 6 years
Spicy Traits: Esmerelle Edition
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( 18+ Traits below the cut! )
Bold what applies, put what somewhat applies in Italics.
✧ INCLINATIONS/HABITS: is submissive | is dominant | prefers to top | prefers to bottom | likes to switch | identifies as heterosexual | identifies as homosexual | identifies as bisexual | identifies as pansexual | identifies as demisexual | identifies as asexual | enjoys sex with men | enjoys sex with women | enjoys sex with multiple people at one time | initiates | waits for partner to initiate | spits | swallows | prefers sex in the morning | prefers sex at night | prefers sex any time | no sex drive | low sex drive | average sex drive | high sex drive | hypersexual
✧ BODY/APPEARANCE: small build | medium build | athletic build | muscular build | curvy build | voluptuous build | wears boxers | wears lingerie | goes ‘commando’ | shaves/waxes | doesn’t shave/wax | cup size a-c | cup size d-f | 1-5" in length | 6-9" in length | 10" or over in length
✧ SOUNDS:  is silent/makes little to no sounds | is very quiet | is very loud | grows in volume over time | bites hand/partner/pillow to muffle themselves | calls out partner’s name | curses | fakes/exaggerates | prefers a quiet partner | prefers a loud partner | is turned on by dirty talk | is turned off by dirty talk
✧ TURN-ONS/KINKS: having their hands pinned | pinning their partner’s hands | having their hair pulled | pulling their partner’s hair | being watched (by their partners) | being watched (by a third party) | watching their partner | receiving oral | giving oral | calling their partner ‘daddy’ | being called ‘daddy’ | giving praise | receiving praise | biting/marking | being bitten/marked | spanking | being spanked | teasing | being teased | having toys used on them | using toys on their partner | giving anal | receiving anal | choking | breath play | dirty talk | being tied | tying their partner
Tagged By: @olliehaldstan & @kelcrowrunner ( technically XD )
Tagging: Everyone Who Wants To!!!
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esmerelle-blog · 6 years
Characteristics: Esmerelle Edition
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• eyes: blue | green | brown | hazel | gray | gray-blue | gray-lavender | crimson | other
• hair: blond | sandy | brown | black | auburn | ginger | grey / white | multi-color | dark | light | other
• body type: skinny | slender | slim | built | curvy | athletic | average | muscular | pudgy | overweight
• skin: pale | light | fair | freckled | tan | olive | medium | dark | discolored
• gender: male | female | trans | cis | agender | demigender | genderfluid | other | doesn’t like labels | don’t have any definite headcanon either way
• sexuality: heterosexual | homosexual | bisexual | pansexual | asexual | demisexual | other | unsure | doesn’t like labels
• romantic orientation: homoromantic | heteroromantic | biromantic | panromantic | aromantic | demiromantic | unsure | doesn’t like labels
• species: human | undead | elf | voidsent | demon | angel | witch | ghost | incubus / succubus | werewolf (worgen) | alien | mutant | android | xaela | miqo’te
• education: high school | college | university | master’s degree | PhD | uneducated | self-taught | magical studies | knighthood training
• i’ve been: in love | hurt | ill | mentally abused | bullied | physically abused | tortured | brainwashed | shot
• positive traits: affectionate | adventurous | athletic | brave | careful | charming | confident | creative | cunning | determined | forgiving | generous | honest | humorous | intelligent | loyal | modest | patient | selfless | polite | down-to-earth | diligent | romantic | moral | fun-loving | charismatic | calm
• negative traits: aggressive | bossy | cynical | envious | shy | fearful | greedy| gullible | jealous | impatient | impulsive | cocky | reckless | insecure | irresponsible | mistrustful | paranoid | possessive | sarcastic | self-conscious | selfish | swears | unstable | clumsy | rebellious | emotional | vengeful | anxious | self-sabotaging | moody | peevish | angry | pessimistic | slacker | thin skinned | overly dramatic | argumentative
• living situation: lives alone | lives with parent(s) / guardian | lives with significant other | lives with a friend | lives with servants | drifter | homeless | lives with children | lives with pets
• parents/guardian: mother | father | adoptive | aunt | uncle | foster | grandmother | grandfather | deceased (mother) | other (father, unknown)
• sibling(s): sisters | brothers | none | deceased | other
• relationship: single | crushing | dating | engaged | married | separated | it’s complicated | committed relationship
• i have a(n): developmental disorder | learning disorder | personality disorder | mental disorder | anxiety disorder | sleep disorder | eating disorder | behavioral disorder | substance-related disorder | PTSD | mental disability | physical disability | other
• things i’ve done before: had alcohol | smoked | stolen | done drugs | self-harmed | starved | had sex | had a threesome | had a one-night stand | gotten into a fist fight | gone to the hospital | gone to jail | used a fake ID | played hooky | gone to a rave | killed someone | had someone try to kill them
Tagged By: @olivia-lovecraft ( technically XD )
Tagging: Anyone Who Has Not Done This And Would Like To!! 
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esmerelle-blog · 6 years
Shape of Pain: Esmerelle Edition
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You have chains, keeping you linked to something you'd rather leave behind.
Maybe this is a bad family, traumatic event, toxic relationship... but something's keeping you trapped there, and you don't know how to escape it. You can turn the chain around, to help you instead of trap you... Can't you? 
Take the Quiz HERE!
Tagged By: @estonvega​ ( Thank You! ^_^ ) Tagging: Everyone Who Would Like To Do This!!! 
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esmerelle-blog · 6 years
Temperament: Esmerelle Edition
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Sanguine Temperament
The sanguine temperament is traditionally associated with air. People with this temperament tend to be lively, sociable, carefree, talkative, and pleasure-seeking. They may be warm-hearted and optimistic. They can make new friends easily, be imaginative and artistic, and often have many ideas. They can be flighty and changeable; thus sanguine personalities may struggle with following tasks all the way through and be chronically late or forgetful. Pedagogically, they can be best reached through awakening their love for a subject and admiration of people.
Take the quiz HERE!
Tagged By: @kelcrowrunner ( technically XD )
Tagging: Anyone Who Has Not Done This!
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esmerelle-blog · 6 years
Bad Habits: Esmerelle Edition
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Bold the “bad” habits your muse has!
Nail biting | throat clearing | lying | interrupting | chewing the end of pens | smoking | swearing | knuckle-cracking | thumb sucking | muttering under their breath | talking to themselves | nose picking | drinking | oversleeping | snacking between meals | skipping meals | picking at skin | impulse buying | talking with their mouth full | humming/singing to themselves | chewing gum | leg jiggling | foot tapping | hair twirling | whistling | eye rolling | licking lips | sniffing | squinting | rubbing their hands together | clenching | gesturing while talking | putting their feet up on tables | tucking their hairs behind the ears | chewing lips / cheeks | putting hands on hips | rubbing the back of their neck | being late | procrastinating | doodling | shredding paper | peeling off bottle labels | forgetfulness | running their hands through their hair | overreacting | teeth grinding | nostrils flare | slouching | pacing | drumming fingers | pinching bridge of nose | rubbing temples | rolling their shoulders
Tagged By: @kelcrowrunner ( Thank you! ^_^ )
Tagging: Everyone Who Would Like To Do This!!
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esmerelle-blog · 6 years
Layers: Esmerelle Edition
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name: “Esmerelle Graye. Jus’ call me Elle, yeah?”
eye color: “Green, last toime oi checked any’ow haha!”  
hair style/color: “Red ‘n’ shortish, easy t’ take care of. Yeah, them feathers ‘r’ real an’a pain. Oi! No, y’ can’t touch ‘em.”
height: “Foive ‘n’ six o’ them inches. Oi’m quite a tall one.”  
clothing style: “Stoile? HAH! Iffin oi foind summin’ t’ wear, oi’d say tha’s stoile enough fer me!”
your fears:  “Hurtin’ ‘r failin’ others.”  
your guilty pleasure: “Daydreamin’.” 
your biggest pet peeve: “Cruelty.” 
your ambition for the future: “Becomin’ one’a them adventurer toipes!”  
your first thoughts waking up: Center yourself, Elle.  
what you think about the most: “Gettin’ out’a here.”
what you think about before bed: Please let me sleep through the night.
your best quality is: “Oi’m a hoot! Yer know, ‘cause them feathers? HAH! Nah, it’s ‘ow oi support others.”  
single or group dates: “Oi s’pose it depends on wot m’ lover loikes, eh?”
to be loved or respected: “Loved! Naturally!”
beauty or brains: “Oi! It’s wot’s on th’ inside tha’ counts! Oi ain’t sayin’ tha’ ‘cause oi’m s’ gorgeous neither! HAH!”
dogs or cats: “Both! Both’s an answer, roight?”
lie: “Only iffin oi need t’! Yer know, them well-intentioned half-truths?”  
believe in yourself: “Absolutely! Oi believes in y’ too, oi does!”  
believe in love: “‘Ow could’ oi not? It’s one’a th’ greatest powers in all th’ world!”
want someone: “Oi ain’t really thought ‘bout it much.”
been on stage: “Nah.”  
done drugs: “Oi! Yer acusin’ me’a summin? Oi’d never!”  
changed who you were to fit in: “Definitely! HAH! Gotcha! Pfft, never! Does oi really look loike th’ toipe?”   
favorite color: “Can oi pick two? Orange ‘n’ yellow!”  
favorite animal: “Again with this? Oi ‘ave t’ choose one?”
favorite food: “Baked goods, ‘specially meat poies!”
favorite game: “Dancin’ ‘n’ singin’, although oi’m not sure it counts as a game?”  
day your next birthday will be: “May th’ 1st”
how old will you be: “Twenty-three!”
age you lost your virginity: “Younger’n eighteen, ‘n’ oi’m not gonna says more, yeah?”
does age matter:  “Iffin it only involves adults, than it ain’t no issue.”
best personality:  “Summun who can make me laugh. Oi! Thems should be kind ‘n’ patient too.”  
best eye color: “Summin’ different maybe? Oi don’t ‘ave too many physical preferences, yeah?”  
best hair color: “Oh, oi dunno, maybe summin’ darker ‘n’ moine?”  
best thing to do with a partner: “Go on them grand hero-toipe adventures, ‘ave sum fun sumwhere special t’ us, ‘n’ stargazin’ too!”  
i love:  “Loife.”
i feel:  “Soideloined.”
i hide:  “A secret.”
i miss:  “Bein’ free.”
i wish:  “Th’ world were different.”
Tagged By: @kelcrowrunner ( Thank you! ^_^ )
Tagging: Everyone Who Would Like To Do This!!! 
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