estherwieliczka · 4 years
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Morning Star, 1902, Alphonse Mucha
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estherwieliczka · 4 years
Whatever you are, be a good one.
Unknown (via bnmxfld)
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estherwieliczka · 4 years
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“[JULY IS OVER AND THERE’S VERY LITTLE TRACE]”, Selected Poems by Frank O'Hara (1974);
original photo and edit
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estherwieliczka · 4 years
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Focus on one project at a time? Finish a project before starting another? Blasphemy.
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estherwieliczka · 4 years
The scholar took her time to scan the man’s features, now more visible thanks to the light of the torch, her grey-blue eyes fixed on his, it's shape was equal to a human, but the iris was a beast-like pair resembling ones of felines, gleaming in a yellowing tone, almost hypnotizing, her gaze went to the side, tracing the scar on the left side of his brow, sliding down the apple of his face and almost touching the jaw. His silhouette was well built, his features gave the impression this was a young man, but marked by violence and the ordeals of a life...hunting monsters. And maybe men too.
Esther would hear his words, although her mind was racing by the multiple possibilities that she would face, plus analyzing who was this witcher in front of her. She’s close her eyes that were previously opened in her distraction, small but noticeable gap between lips. - "I suppose so." She replied, not quite please with the idea of a massacre on her messenger but there was nothing that could be done - "Uhm, again, I'm truly sorry for troubling you without being announced. But I hope we can get to an understanding while inside the building? I'm afraid the weather isn't too favorable and I haven't eaten in a while." The cold would lower the temperature on the woman's extremities but she did her best to expose an amicable smirk, to try and convince the man to let her in and hopefully engage in conversation, even though she could tell he wasn't in his best temper.
"I can prove who I am if that's the issue. I understand inviting strangers inside isn't the wisest of decisions around...here." The last word was emphasized, but not on purpose, Esther just couldn't find the best word to describe what "here" was. She could be referring to the mountains, the fortress, Kaedwen, alas she was stranger in strange lands, the girl could only suppose the life of a witcher was an arduous one, that would give little space for doubt, much less an odd woman begging for shelter.
The moment Esther heard a voice coming from inside the cold fortress the wind flushed slightly harder for a second but then ceased suddenly, evidencing the silence between them as Esther pondered on her next words. The whole location inspired solitude, having anyone expect abandonment, so obviously, deep in her mind the scholar also expected lack of human activity within the facility, although she hoped it wouldn’t be so it was also a probability. “I-I’m Esther. Esther Wieliczka, a scholar.” She paused for a second, rather choosing her next words carefully - “I mean no harm, nor I bring bad news. Actually, I come here hoping to find the one responsible for Kaer Morhen? To talk of course.” The redhead would step closer to the gates, her gray-blue eyes furrowed and fixed on the fading light of the torch to find the one that held it. A witcher probably, or caretaker? Was anyone except the members of the school allowed inside? If not Esther wouldn’t mind being the first, it was clear the man before her was either bothered by her presence or very much suspicious of her intent, the scholar wouldn’t blame him for that, but either she’d be discouraged by it. - “I tried to send messengers before but I never heard back. So, I came myself…alone and unarmed.”
Alone and unarmed doesn’t mean very much in a world brimming with magic and hidden monstrosities. Lambert is on edge even with that promise. Truthfully…it isn’t even one of those. But what’s he got to lose? So long as he’s within these walls, he has the advantage.
He steps forward and into what little light there is. That, plus the torch, illuminate a surprisingly young face, bearing distinctive scars gifted to him courtesy of a Katakan and the kiss of a sword on his lips.
“This place hasn’t had a caretaker in a long time now. Nobody’s itching to take up the job.” His deadpan tone suggests that’s not a subject she should push. There are graves here, after all, though the row of skulls once left out front of this place has been cleared. Those bones are buried, both Witcher and foe alike. The dead can try to rest now. “No messenger reached here, either. Probably got eaten by a wyvern. Or a rock troll.”
Gee, don’t sound so casual about it…
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estherwieliczka · 4 years
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what did jesus do?, adam gopnik // archeology, myriam fraga (trans. chloe hill) // sacrifice: a problem for theology, simone weil // amor fati, ruth awad // xx, alex lemon // the secret history, donna tartt // music from a burning piano, traci brimhall // her body and other parties, carmen maria machado // eating snake, margaret atwood // saturday night special, natasha oladokun.
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estherwieliczka · 4 years
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Been doing a little redecorating
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estherwieliczka · 4 years
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Salammbô, 1896, Alphonse Mucha
Medium: lithography
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estherwieliczka · 4 years
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The Difference in Vampires
“ While some people are tempted to lump Higher Vampires in with the lesser vampires such as garkains and ekimmara that is among the costliest mistakes a person can make. While they share some commonalities - namely a desire to drink blood - Higher Vampires are as similar to a “lesser vampire” as a human is to a monkey.
Most lesser vampires are largely feral beasts with no drive other than survival, reproduction, and consuming blood. They are to all tense and purposes animals. Lesser vampires past the ekimara are sapient but still driven primarily by a lust for blood and often find it difficult to blend in with the society of other sapient races. Bruxa, Alps, and a rare few other lesser vampires are capable of maintaining human guises but they usually prefer to remain separate from other races whenever possible.
Higher Vampires on the other hand are usually integrated entirely into the society of the races around them. Unlike other races of vampire, Higher Vampires do not require blood to survive and they are not wounded or hampered by sunlight. Most higher vampires ingrate into human societies and often use their powers to find their way into a position of great power. “
Erland of Larvik, A Witcher’s Journal
The Witcher Lore (112/∞)
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estherwieliczka · 4 years
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bonus points if someone comes in and interrupts you and you have to start all over.
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estherwieliczka · 4 years
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Higher Vampire - Commoner Superstition
“ There’re people in the south who believe there’s a secret cabal of powerful vampires operatin’ throughout the Continent. They seem to think these vampires’re connected like some kinda web. Pullin’ strings and manipulatin’ all castes of people. Met a lad who swore that some great clan of vampires came durin’ the Conjunction and set up shop near Mount Gorgon, heh. Seems a little crazy to me but what do I know. Only vampire I’ve ever seen was a plumard. Heh, all I know is, a vampire might be stronger and faster than a mortal, they might heal from any wound a mundane can inflict but a silver stake through the heart’ll still put ‘em in the grave! “
Rodolf Kazmer
The Witcher Lore (109/∞)
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estherwieliczka · 4 years
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date night with my vampire boyfriend where we furiously search for his vampire husband before he can kill again
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estherwieliczka · 4 years
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The Origin of Higher Vampires
“ While no scholars have ever deciphered the origins of the higher vampire species, it is a known fact that they hail from some alternate realm that merged with the Continent during the Conjunction of the Spheres. This mysterious realm was likely dominated by the Higher Vampires, and populated with a number of different clans, cultures, and countries. Its make-up is alien with metals and other organic materials that don’t naturally occur on the Continent. Likely, due to the largely nocturnal nature of most vampires, some have assumed that the vampires “Homeland” is a primarily dark or moonlit one.
When the first Higher Vampires were dropped unceremoniously onto the Continent, they, as well as many other vampire species, found themselves in the Toussaint region, near the foot of Mount Gorgon. At this time, the region was being cultivated by the Aen Seidhe, who had begun to found a kingdom centered around a beautiful white marble city that would later come to be called “Beauclair.” The Higher Vampires were left with no knowledge of the world they were stuck in and no idea of how to return to their homeland. Due to their shape shifting abilities and social graces, the vampires found blending into the Aen Seidhe society easy, though adjusting to the Elder Speech from their mother tongue took time. “
Erland of Larvik, A Witcher’s Journal
The Witcher Lore (110/∞)
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estherwieliczka · 4 years
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Witchers & Monsters
“ Witchers were created centuries ago to save humans from monsters. They were a brotherhood of mutants, rigorously trained for years and sent out every spring to wander the Continent, hunting monsters and saving the local townsfolk from curses. While many people were thankful to see a witcher when they needed help, the bizarre and frightening nature of witchers (as well as their secrecy and penchant for neutrality in politics) often got them in trouble, and still does. This became especially true a few centuries into their existence.
Witchers’ sole reason for living is to hunt monsters and break curses; their training makes them extremely efficient. In a way, they did their work too well. Witchers, and their silver and meteorite blades, made many species of monsters extinct. And as monster species fell one by one, and monsters became less and less common, witchers began to lose their purpose. Even with very little work in monster slaying and curse breaking, witchers still often refused to work as assassins or mercenaries. This aggravated the kings of the realms—soon, they saw witchers as more dangerous than helpful. By the 1250s monsters were so rare that many species had fallen into mythology—no more than fairy tales to frighten children. It was rare for anyone to see so much as a ghoul, let alone a fiend or a grave hag. The common folk’s fear transferred onto the mutants who had once been their protectors. One by one, the once-proud Witcher Schools were assaulted and destroyed by the same humans that they protected.
At first this relieved the commonfolk, but that would soon change. Many people speculate that wiping out or driving away all of the witchers eliminated the only natural predator of the remaining monsters. Such species have now come back from near extinction. More and more monsters are being spotted around the world, and witchers are needed yet again. Unfortunately most of them are dead. Those that aren’t have largely abandoned the witcher’s life to avoid lynch mobs and execution. “
Brandon of Oxenfurt & Rodolf Kazmer
The Witcher Lore (104/∞)
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estherwieliczka · 4 years
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Poster for the Brooklyn Exhibition, 1921, Alphonse Mucha
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estherwieliczka · 4 years
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The moment Esther heard a voice coming from inside the cold fortress the wind flushed slightly harder for a second but then ceased suddenly, evidencing the silence between them as Esther pondered on her next words. The whole location inspired solitude, having anyone expect abandonment, so obviously, deep in her mind the scholar also expected lack of human activity within the facility, although she hoped it wouldn't be so it was also a probability.
"I-I'm Esther. Esther Wieliczka, a scholar." She paused for a second, rather choosing her next words carefully - "I mean no harm, nor I bring bad news. Actually, I come here hoping to find the one responsible for Kaer Morhen? To talk of course." The redhead would step closer to the gates, her gray-blue eyes furrowed and fixed on the fading light of the torch to find the one that held it. A witcher probably, or caretaker? Was anyone except the members of the school allowed inside? If not Esther wouldn't mind being the first, it was clear the man before her was either bothered by her presence or very much suspicious of her intent, the scholar wouldn't blame him for that, but either she'd be discouraged by it. - "I tried to send messengers before but I never heard back. So, I came myself...alone and unarmed."
The wind passed the scholar form like freezing blades as she dwelled the mountainous lands of Kaedwen, to venture the Hertch this time of year was unwise, autumn was about to pass, winter presented its firsts signs as the air around her chilled while the sun threatened to go down in the west. Even though Esther was a nature enthusiast and did find the landscape quite astonishing, calm even, she couldn’t deny her fatigated state only worsen her chilling bones, the girl’s right hand clung to her cloak while the other pulled the strap of her bag close to her body, unfortunately, she’d lost her mule three days ago as a pack of wolves attacked them when they settled a small camp in near the Gwenllech river. Esther barely escaped as well, by using a torch she was able to hit one of them and forced the rest to flee, but the poor creature who served as her mount was severely injured and the scholar, he profession demanded she girl would always follow a more ration path, yet, couldn’t leave it there, so instead she searched for whatever she could find to ease it’s pain until the mule fell calm and bleed to death as the girl rested it’s head by her lap and caressed it until the heart stopped beating. The event delayed her schedule but at the time it seemed to be a sensible sacrifice, Esther knew in her mind that sooner or later she would get to Kaer Morhen no matter what, so giving her loyal steed one last act of companionship was the least she could do. Her feet had blisters, her state of mind slightly shook from the ordeals throughout the voyage and she desperately needed a bath, one could easily question her sanity considering all the casualties involved in the quest for Esther didn’t lose one but two messengers already in hopes to ask permission to get to the witcher’s fortress, a pleasantry and act of respect since she had no invitation and didn’t want to arrive unannounced. Alas, the scholar was utterly out of options, so she pursued the same quest on her own, her colleagues advised her to get someone more “physically able” to travel with, even offering themselves to go, Esther refused politely, for she knew the presence of a witch hunter soldier in the fortress might keep her possible hosts on edge and this was a matter of wits, not strength or power. The girl’s objective was to be “allowed” inside their precious library, and not forcing her way inside. The gray-blue eyes peered the huge iron gates, from it’s base to the top, the wind coming from behind her mett the cold entrance and back to her in such a way that made her feel even smaller before the notorious Kar Morhen, she could only dream of what lied ahead of her, the books and tomes of unimaginable content, she knew some of the contents were considered anathema for some of her colleagues in Novigrad but matters of tastes and morals were completely discarded here. Esther could almost hear the scripted words calling her inside, she adjusts her cloak and pulled down her hood, exposing her messy bright red hair and cold , slighlty rose cheeks, the scholar inhaled deeply, allowing the chilling air inside her lungs as she searched for any signs of human figure of activity- “Hellooooo?!” She shouted in inquiry and waited for a reply, trying to peek inside from the space between the iron bars.
The looming fortress is silent. There’s no sign of a fire near the entryway, but the wooden bridge has been maintained despite this place’s state of disrepair. Someone comes here, at least on occasion. There are no footprints or hoofprints of note, save for what seem to be those of a herd of goats. Maybe they’re feral, leftover from the days this place was home to dozens of Witchers and boys in training.
What if there really is no one left?
- - -
Within the fortress, Lambert is hard at work hacking up an old ballista. The swings of his axe are steady and rhythmic. He began breaking the old thing apart the winter prior, and most of it ended up as mulch. It’s far too old and has been exposed to the elements too long to be any good as firewood, after all.
Every swing, every bit of exertion, helps him chase away the thoughts floating around in his head. This place brings with it many memories, few of them good. If he wasn’t drunk and making a fool of himself, he was suffering- somehow, some way, either in silence, to avoid conflict, or in pain, over the loss of something or someone dear to him.
After a particularly hard swing, he pauses to wipe the sweat from his brow, the axe finally beginning to feel heavy in his calloused hands. His ears ring with the noise of splitting wood.
But…no, there’s something else. Someone else. Another Foglet playing tricks? The Wolf squints in the direction of what he thinks sounds like a human voice.
A woman…? Not one he knows, either. Surely it’s a trick. He sets the axe down and moves to grab his scabbards from their resting place on a low stone wall nearby. Monsters require silver, after all.
He’s the only Wolf left in Kaer Morhen for the moment, and therefore its sole defense. He might as well meet whatever waits for him at the entrance like a real Witcher, not some mediocre lumberjack.
- - -
The first thing Esther will see is the firm but small light of a torch in that darkness. The footsteps that accompany it are nearly silent. The voice, however, is anything but.
“Who the hell are you?” The man’s not visible, but his anger is audible without seeing his expression.
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estherwieliczka · 4 years
The Syndicate
Here’s my personal cast for the members of the Syndicate for The Witcher!
Sigismund Djikstra - Vincent D’Onofrio
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Francis Bedlam - Vinnie Jones
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Gudrun Bjornsdottir - Michelle Rodriguez
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Cyrus Engelkind Hemmelfart - John Goodman
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Cyprian “Whoreson Jr” Wiley - Christopher Eccleston
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Carlo “Cleaver” Varese - John Rhys-Davies
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