eternalflamexx-blog · 7 years
Ruby blushed lightly and averted her gaze from the pearl owned by her diamond herself
She stepped aside as pink diamond entered with a small host of sapphires and quartz guards
Staying near the door Ruby kept her gaze low and away from pink diamond and her pearl as the doors closed
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@pinkloyalty liked for starter
After emerging from earths prime kindergarten
Ruby was placed into guard force that patrolled around pink diamonds arm ship and her complex on earth
Settling into her role as guard quite quickly Ruby would sometimes sneak the occasional glance at pink diamond and her pearl when they pasted by her and other ruby guards around
Not taking a break while other rubies though she stayed in place guarding the entrance to pink diamonds control room inside the pink diamond court complex on earth
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eternalflamexx-blog · 7 years
Entering the hanger bay
Ruby walked up to a blue tinted roaming eye ship
"You two to the side chairs while I set the course for the colony. you era 2 gem check engine output and ready the gravity engine for pull blast. 4ND prepare the navigation system."
Ruby hopped into her commanding seat and readied the ship for take off
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eternalflamexx-blog · 7 years
Passing by the rubies
Ruby herself chose eyeball and then leggy to act as her partners during the mission
"You two. Ruby 4ND and the last one you are two are to accompany me on my mission to crush possible rebel gem activities on a newly colonized planet"
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eternalflamexx-blog · 7 years
Seeing the Ruby squad from earth
Ruby approached them and crossed her arms
"Stand in attendance soldiers you are being expected by an era 1 gem for a new mission so stand and in order of facet and cut and rank!"
She placed her hands behind her back waiting for the rubies to comply
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eternalflamexx-blog · 7 years
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@confvsedruby liked for a starter
After a few months of waiting Ruby was finally being sent on a mission to a new colony to crush some suspected rebel gems
Being ordered to recruit at least one more or two more rubies
She makes her way through yellow diamond complex barracks looking through various profiles on some rubies to chose partners for her missions
Coming across the profiles of the Rubies sent to earth Ruby herself nodded looking around the barracks for one of the rubies from the earth mission
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eternalflamexx-blog · 7 years
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@pinkloyalty liked for starter After emerging from earths prime kindergarten Ruby was placed into guard force that patrolled around pink diamonds arm ship and her complex on earth Settling into her role as guard quite quickly Ruby would sometimes sneak the occasional glance at pink diamond and her pearl when they pasted by her and other ruby guards around Not taking a break while other rubies though she stayed in place guarding the entrance to pink diamonds control room inside the pink diamond court complex on earth
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eternalflamexx-blog · 7 years
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🔴First starter call!🔴 ♦️Give this a like or reblog for a starter with Ruby ♦️
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eternalflamexx-blog · 7 years
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New Ruby Oc blog! give this a like or reblog if you would be interested in interacting with a ruby who once served pink diamond 
rules   about
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eternalflamexx-blog · 7 years
*mostly gonna only be interacting with ocs or canon characters within Steven universe *i love to plot!! So if you wanna plot a thread instead of just random starter simply IM me or drop an ask with a plot idea *mun is of age but will be highly selective with nsfw (smut, highly detailed violence etc ) *AU plots are welcomed!!! *ship hate is not tolerated on blog hate of any kind will result instant block!! *Please if you are a personal blog don't like/reblog my starter calls or rps as you are not apart of them *If you are following on behalf of a side blog with a personal blog tell me so I don't block you -if you have read rules go ahead drop me an ask or simply follow me :)
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eternalflamexx-blog · 7 years
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Name/Gem: Ruby FACET 1F7 CUT 7XG
Species: Homeworld Gem
Era type: Era 1 Gem
Nickname(s): Guard Captain (by her subordinates)
Sex: Sexless
Pronouns: She/Her
Affiliation: Pink diamonds court(reassigned after her diamond was shattered)
Blue diamonds court
Gem caste: guard captain (serves under an aquamarine as captain of her personal guard)
Gem placement: On her forehead
Gemstone: Ruby has a red stone on her forehead. It has a square aspect, the front and back are symmetrical, and it has a light pink ring around it, which is usually hidden inside her body, except when she is regenerating. It is a decahedron, specifically a truncated tetragonal dipyramid.
Gem weapon: Combat Knife
Gem abilities: * Combat knife Proficiency * Photokinesis * Thermokinesis * Pyrokinetic Touch * Heat Resistance * Enhanced Density * Standard era 1 gem abilities
History: Grown inside the prime kindergarten many years before the war broke out for earth
When ruby emerged she was made a guard to serve in pink diamonds armship while it was stationed on earth in pink diamonds complex
Ruby only ever met pink diamond on rare occasions she would always be nervous when her diamond addressed her thinking she would be in trouble but for relieved when her diamond simply wanted to talk to her about her day
When the rebel rose quartz started attacking Ruby served in pink diamonds guard where ever she went on the planet
She was one of the few to witness pink diamond getting shattered but bearly remembered what happened cause she was poofed by rose quartzs Pearl
With pink diamond shattered Ruby started serving under blue diamonds court as a ground soldier under a quartz commander
When the war broke out in earnest she served in many battles seeing tons of her comrades shattered by rebels
When the war ended and Homeworld sounded retreat from earth Ruby grew content knowing that the rebels were gone for good
She continued to serve in blue diamonds court as a captain of guards serving under an aquamarine
Personality: Like most rubies she tends to be very temperamental and volatile with her anger but with centuries of combat against rebels under her belt she learned to temper rage and remain calm when needed
Around pearls and gems taller then her she tends to get rather embarrassed by being short even compared to a pearl
Appearance: She shifts her outfit to better serve under blue diamonds after her original diamond was shattered
Extra: She tends to be more reserved about her emotions around gems that serve under blue diamond
But around those who once served under pink diamond like her she is open about her emotions and grief over pink diamonds demise
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