ethicsagents-blog · 10 years
They say beauty is in the eyes of the beholder… but in the chaotic and rather unstable climates worldwide wherever love appears it really must be celebrated as much as possible, and wherever possible in our humble opinions!
In Buenos Aires, Argentina and in wider Latin American cultures as well as around the world in many regions, the art of using the body as a canvas has grown in popularity considerably over the years. Maybe it is the modern predicament of us all yearning to be recognised as the individuals that we are, each with our own unique biochemistries and DNA make-up; and so to be able to express this as part of ones outward identity is surely something we are all entitled to.
They say you only live once, and so if you wish to appear outwardly as unique as possible and you don’t feel the need to exist to the wider and very man-made conventions or rules for what constitutes as normal or conformist in modern life then there really is nothing wrong with this we say. If you express yourself without feeling the need to hurt anyone or anything else, and it also attracts the attention you may grow to like from all the many others who have conformed or are a little less liberated in their own lives… then so be it!
Victor and Gabriela Peralta are two such individuals that do not conform to conventions (although they do love parading at Tattoo conventions!) – based in Argentina, Victor is originally from Uraguay and his wife Gabriela (also known as Gaby) is Argentinian. They are known worldwide and across the body modification subcultures as officially the most modified married couple on Planet Earth.
credit: Javier Pierini / Ethics Agents
credit: Javier Pierini / Ethics Agents
The very tribal-styled enhancements and modifications to date add up to over 77 modifications combined consisting of over 50 piercings, four microdermals, 11 body implants, five dental implants, four ear expanders, two ear bolts and one forked tongue. But this is merely the superficial side of their appearance.
This Valentines Day what Victor and Gaby do for us, and the rest of the world who stand on the sidelines to observe or judge, or even label… is show that it really doesn’t matter what people think, but they are a loving couple who have been together for quite some time now and they live a full, complete and often adventurous life, and so be it if it is ‘different’ to the rest of the masses who are happy to conform… or maybe too afraid to not.
credits: Javier Pierini / Ethics Agents
Speaking to Victor from Buenos Aires this Valentines week he helped us learn a little more about the couple too, and he told us what they were planning for Valentines Day:
Who got the first tattoos/body art etc between you and your wife and when was this?
I got my very first tattoo at the age of 13 years and in some letters on my fingers it spelt the word “fuck”. I was young! Gabriela ‘s first tattoo was a red rose on her chest but she no longer has this as I have covered it with another design she wanted.
How long have you been together as a couple?
We have been together for 18 years now, and still in love!
How many tattoos / piercings do you have each?
I actually don’t even know how many tattoos we have but i’m almost 90 percent covered over my body and Gabriela is around 65 percent covered.
How much have you spent in money on tattoos / body art?
No amount of money required to spend as we are in the business… but maybe about 2,000 dollars from tattoos and modifications in our lives. We have many friends that we work with and trust we also have our own tattoo studio so design and modify for others. We are very good I must say!
How are you celebrating Valentine’s Day this week?
This Valentine Day we will of course be together and will prepare dinner together! Gaby is my queen and so we always enjoy each others company, not just on Valentines! Ha!
Your ages and do you have any children etc?
Gabriela is 42 years old and i am 43 years old. We have a child of 22 years and his name is Axel Jannis and lives with his mother in montevideo in Uruguay. He also has several tattoos!
Any other quirky facts / figures about your body art?
Apart from our art, we are also involved in body suspension shows around the world and tattoo conventions. We perform at these events too with dancing and so on and there is a very big and fast growing community worldwide. I don’t know why this is growing, but we believe everyone should live their lives without harming others. Do what you love to do, and enjoy!
credits: Javier Pierini / Ethics Agents
A VERY HAPPY VALENTINES TO EVERYONE WORLDWIDE FROM THE GUAVO TEAM, and of course from the incredible Victor and Gabriela Peralta in Argentina!
credits: Javier Pierini / Ethics Agents
To view the full photo shoot join our FACEBOOK page for updates and also on TWITTER and visit: www.thisisguavo.com
Photo licensing and Media Enquiries Email: [email protected]
For media interviews only contact the team directly on: +44(0)8432897077
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ethicsagents-blog · 11 years
Have you ever heard of a Flying Push-up? This video will show you exactly what it is… and if you try and attempt it, chances are you will find it a challenge to reach a height of anywhere close to 1.36m. What Ahmed shows us in this video is that with the right training, discipline and persistence, it can be achieved!
Ahmed Valentino, also known fondly by the nickname ‘Iron Monkey’ is 27 years old and was born in Kenya (1985) but moved very early on in his life to be raised in Norway since the age of 3 years old.
His nickname was given by a good friend who recognised his acrobatic skills combined with his strength, power and the countless amount of times he fell or got injured, but never stopped.
“Put simply, the ‘Iron’ represents my strong, persistent will. ‘Monkey’ — well because I’m never afraid to try something new. I was the crazy one at the park always swinging around, you could never find me at the same bar for long. I would try everything and anything I saw on youtube or hear about from someone else, even though I did not yet possess the strength, not letting any fear or doubt control me!” he says in his own words.
Ahmed does recall and reflect on how he grew up angry and frustrated with the world around him, and he admits to having fallen into the wrong path many times.
“I had built resentment and lots of hate against the world when my father abandoned us and left my family with nothing. I didn’t see another way of supporting my family so believing it would help us, I went down a long dark path. I never had a role model or anyone to look up to. I’m certainly no saint, but I want to now give the world and others like me something that someone once gave me which turned my life towards positivity and the desire to inspire others — a chance to be great through what I will show we can all achieve!”
Street Workout is what Ahmed calls his training program which means exactly that… no requirements to be in a gym and no need to purchase expensive equipment or gear. Alongside his ‘Team Physix’ crew not only have they become more physically fit through the discipline, it has become an effective vessel that they believe takes them‘to a whole new level in life’.
“It has provided us with the key to unlock a glimpse of a skill-set which we are taught only the winners of society can master. More importantly it has proven in essence to be so much more than swinging from bar to bar. We believe many bar athletes and fitness pros will relate to the raw feeling and passion that we have for the sport of Calisthenics and what we can showcase!” says Ahmed.
This is an introduction to Ahmed and his team of fitness professionals who train daily to become better and greater at what they do. It’s more than just fitness… and what they advocate is beyond mere physical strength. It’s a philosophy, and this really is just an introduction so watch this space for some ongoing updates with Ahmed, exclusively GUAVO in every sense!
PHOTO / VIDEO CREDIT: Ahmed Valentino + Mankini Photography / #TIG Media
Media & General Enquiries including interview requests with Ahmed:[email protected]
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ethicsagents-blog · 11 years
Maria Cristerna is a striking human aesthetic – a living, breathing canvas if you like. When you refer to modern body art or modification sub-cultures worldwide; Maria aka: ‘The Mexican Vampire Lady’ reigns as Queen. Having spent considerable time in her company this weekend, I would go as far as even referring to her as like some kind of mythical Goddess… or a form of one even.
Prior to our meet I had the pleasure of dining with a member of her team, who is also a very close friend and confidante of Maria. I was briefed on Maria’s history leading till now, her troubled past – having suffered many years of domestic abuse and severe violence from a former partner.
She married young and has four kids. Interestingly Maria also still lives in the same family home in which she grew up, in the heart of one of the most violent and notorious ghetto neighbourhoods in Mexico. Her parents have both passed and she chooses not to move away to a nicer neighbourhood; something she could easily afford to do so with things taking off with her music industry involvements and the many creative projects she juggles simultaneously throughout the year. Her schedule is packed, as she travels the world touring with her new music collective – alongside a funky female DJ partner on the decks and she herself being a highly talented VJ… or more aptly a VVJ (Vampire Video Jockey). There is also a live music element to their very ‘visual’ music set where over the course of upto 2 hours – they seamlessly mix urban, eclectic music styles – electro, drum’n'bass, techno, metal, rock and the odd worldly sounds in the mix.
“If I’m honest, my personal preference is metal… and I’m talking the dark, gothic, noisy kind. But when we DJ/VJ live – we play what the crowds want to hear!” says Maria in Spanish, and translated with the assistance of an interpreter.
Maria’s visual répertoire begins with her own striking appearance. As she dances hypnotically to the music, completely immersed in the moment – she resemblesNeytiri from the film Avatar – the daughter of the leader of the Omaticaya (Na’vi clan) – Tall with the high heeled black boots, long bright red dreadlocks, and of course covered in quite intricately designed body art and implants and tribal modifications.
Whilst waiting backstage prior to their DJ/VJ set I asked Maria many questions. I wanted to understand the motivations behind what she has inflicted on her body and how the reaction of others whom she meets daily on her travels makes her feel… is she religious, is her appearance reflective of spiritual beliefs, is this some kind of extreme cathartic reaction to pains and suffering she has experienced, does she have any regrets seeing as so many people have tattoos and piercings they themselves later regret… is she happy??
“I have used my body as a canvas… I am expressing beauty through my art for the world to see, God lives inside of me, and I believe it is what I do daily for others and my actions that make me who I am, not how I look or my appearance. Yes I like people to look at me… but I am a product of my experiences and what I have seen around me since very young. I have always been different!” she told me.
Where Maria lives, violent gang culture is rife. There are severe social ills and struggles on her doorstep daily and after considerable time, her neighbourhood and her wider Latino community now fully accept her for who she is and what she looks like on the outside.
Her confidante told me: “In the early days local people and anyone from the community would cross the street when she passed, making the ‘cross’ gestures as if she was the devil or was possessed. People feared her immensely and were understandably intimidated by her presence. Many thought she was on drugs or crazy! But now they kiss her hand when they meet her. Many almost worship her and take her blessings – like she is some kind of Goddess with mystical powers!”
Maria also delivers local domestic violence talks to women groups and others who have suffered or are suffering in her city. She holds a strong affinity with people – wherever she travels people naturally gravitate to her and from my own time with her I noticed there is a strong, almost magical vibe to her:
“We all have the power to change the world if that’s what we choose to do. Even if it is just changing your own world or circumstances. We have the power within us all!” she explained.
Maria was in Vienna, Austria this weekend as part of the headline artists for an event line-up that is probably one of the world’s most unique. The event is calledWILDSTYLE - the creative genius of a very successful Austrian entrepreneur called Jochen. The same line-up that also includes music artist, and fellow tattoo fan (also very good friends with singer Lady Gaga!) – Zombie Boy, as well as acclaimed musician Rob Holiday from UK music collective ‘Prodigy’. The event consists of tattoo conventions by day and eclectic, visual DJ and music sets in the evening. It travels across many cities in Austria and over the years has grown into a bit of an international cult following across the region.
Maria’s profile is a key driving force on the marketing side for the Wildstyle series of events… after all, it’s not every day you can say that you went and watched a magical Vampir-ess and her ghoulish buddies mix visuals and music on stage!
It was a real pleasure meeting Maria and her collective – Gis Sanchez: the funky, talented female DJ alongside Mr Rodriguez on his electric guitar and adorning the famous Mexican wrestling mask. They beautifully fused an almost 4-D musical performance with the visuals, funky beats and live vocals alongside live music… but the key focal point at the centre of the set without a doubt is Maria herself. She is truly incredible on many levels… and no matter what you think about how she appears, she is one of the most unique individuals on Planet Earth today.
Whether her outward appearance is a reaction, or a by-product of her experience and surroundings, again on the outside… from the inside she carries herself as a warm, friendly, compassionate, vulnerable and rather polite woman, who just happens to be esoteric and with a fascination for the darker side of life which she chooses to magnify through her outward identity.
As my time with Maria came to a close in the early hours of the following morning and so I shook her hand and without even thinking, I leant forward to kiss her goodbye on the cheek. Prior to our meet I would have thought twice about this and maybe would have been a little reserved… afraid even. Her skin was surprisingly very soft, contrasting with the hard exterior that meets the eye. Seeing her beyond the outward appearance I was rather charmed by her whole presence. I asked her what was coming next for Maria Cristerna aka: The Mexican Vampire Lady:
“I’m currently a little obsessed with a new hobby of bodybuilding and I am in serious training with a professional coach in my hometown!” she said.
It seems Maria, like a growing number during these very modern and ever-changing times is fascinated by transformations, and evolving and pushing limits, boundaries and perceptions even… a little too far many would say. She is a restless creative, and I’d safely assume probably also has an addictive personality. I have no doubt that in the next year she is going to unveil another aspect to her body modification obsession – this time with bulging muscles accompanying her intricate art and implants.
(Credit: Mark Berry) 
Whilst traveling back to the hotel I reflected on quite the remarkable encounter I’d had with a real-life Vampire lady. I also wondered whether the title ‘Vampire lady’ was more of a tabloid-friendly term that some journalist somewhere conjured and it just got stuck here onwards by the press.
I then thought back to some familiar images that appear in Hinduism of mythical monsters, and even a Goddess worshipped and feared worldwide by the name ofKali. She too is often visualised in a similarly frightening outward appearance… yet she is revered as the Goddess of time and change. She is said to be just another form of another Goddess called Durga who appears more angel-like in appearance… although worshipped in the two different forms, both Durga and Kali are said to be metaphoric representations of the same feminine energy referred to in Sanskrit as‘Shakti’ – and translated in English as meaning ‘Power’.
(Credit: Deviant Art) 
Maria is certainly someone I would say carries this kind of strong energy, and she embraces both the dark and light side of her very own powers. I’d also add that the famous saying “beauty is in the eye of the beholder” couldn’t be more apt.
Blog post written by Vin Sharma for #thisisguavo Media 
Have yourselves a very HAPPY #HALLOWEEN season folks!!!! 
Worldwide DJ set bookings and Business Enquires for Maria by email:[email protected] /[email protected]
To view the full selection of our photos + video footage email:[email protected]
Video + Photography: Vin Sharma
Filmed: @ Planet.tt @ Gasometer in Vienna, Austria @ the Wildstyle event
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ethicsagents-blog · 11 years
This month ‘World Record Diving Malta’s’ lead diver Sean McGahern set a new world record for the Longest Warm Water Scuba Dive by spending 49 hours and 56 minutes underwater last weekend, in aid of local charity Inspire.
PHOTO CREDIT: Patrick Engstrom 
Despite suddenly being hit by strong winds, currents, surge and one metre waves only five hours into the dive, Sean and the team were not at all downhearted and accepted this as an even bigger challenge, working strongly together to get safety divers in and out of the water safely.
Surprisingly Sean managed to eat, drink and sleep during his time underwater.
PHOTO CREDIT: Katja Neisius
Moreover, he also spent most of his time keeping busy by clearing the seabed of any debris he could find, which was collected and brought up to the surface by the dive team. Sean was also surprised by the number of visitors who also turned up to surprise him on the seabed including his sponsors and his Dive Master instructors.
After successfully remaining underwater just under 50 hrs he emerged from the waters exhausted but ecstatic. Sean joked and smiled as he was assisted by the dive team and St John’s rescue corps out of the water and accompanied to Mater Dei Hospital for routine checks, following which Sean spent the day celebrating!
PHOTO CREDIT: Patrik Engstrom 
Sean was accompanied and assisted during his record attempt by the wider World Record Diving Malta team and the St. John’s Rescue Corps. 
PHOTO CREDIT: Patrick Schembri 
PHOTO CREDIT: Mikaela Papagiorcopulo 
'World Record Diving Malta' is an organization hosting a series of recreational as well as competition diving events on the Maltese Islands. The main scope behind the organization is to showcase the sport of diving in Malta whilst also promoting the Maltese Islands as an ideal destination for divers.
They have achieved multiple world records now including both longest time remaining underwater in both warm and cold water.
'World Record Diving Malta' do not only base their events solely around physical challenges but also as charitable goals. For this reason, all events have been organized in aid of charity, having promoted, contributed and encouraged donations in past events both to local charities such as 'Dar tal- Providenza' as well as to foreign research campaigns such as 'The British Psoriasis Foundation' and 'Brain Cancer Research.' 
For further info email: [email protected] 
Content sourced + syndicated courtesy of #TIG Media - 
Please also support the charity as being supported by Sean and his team. Visit: http://www.inspire.org.mt 
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ethicsagents-blog · 11 years
The World’s longest anamorphic painting in Panoramic Mode in Bangkok
We Talk Chalk is a world-renowned provider of creative and unique marketing solutions, and they made history this weekend by creating the world’s longest Anamorphic street painting. It’s quite an incredible portfolio they have developed alongside the much valued assistance of very talented creative artist and 3D street painter extraordinaire Melanie Stimmel – together creating 3D visuals on behalf of a range of promotions and using this unique skill-set in an innovative manner.
The piece, commissioned by Smirnoff and developed in partnership with Index Creative Village and Nannapas Publisher Co., is currently found in Asia’s famous Siam Center. For the following two weeks, it will adorn a space from the opening of the mall to its center Atrium—an astounding length of 165 meters (543 feet). Total square footage measured just under 3,000.
Led by gold-medal winning artist Melanie Stimmell, the piece’s creation required work from no less than eight different artists over the span of three weeks, culminating over 1000 hours in production which is perfectly captured in the above time-lapsed video footage.
“More than anything, the Smirnoff exhibit is a testament to the creative prowess of our team. While we’ve long been celebrated for our 3D street paintings, the truth is that we’re well-equipped to develop and deliver unique 3D visual solutions for almost any environment. For those present in Siam Center this week, the ability of our work to draw attention is more than apparent.” says Remco Van Latum, Managing Director at We Talk Chalk.
On September 12th 2013— just two weeks from its birth, the piece will be removed from Siam Center. In the mean time we salute all involved who are behind this innovative use of talent and skill, for the focussed purposes of brand promotion and publicity, and of course the positive reaction by all who get to appreciate this great creation.
Organized by: Index Creative Village
Video Credit: Ogilvy PR and Teams
And special thanks to Remco Van Latum
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ethicsagents-blog · 11 years
You may not be familiar with the name Luther Bangert yet… but he’s certainly gaining a lot of attention online for being quite the eccentric and entertaining variety performer extraordinaire… he also quite often gets referred to as “the enigmatic Luther Bangert” with the style to match. Not one to be pigeon-holed – he delves in the areas of music, circus, philosophy and street performance and he travels the world on a mission to engage audiences from all walks of life… providing glimpses along the way into his own personal unique ethos and world view.
He’s the guy regularly playing musical saw in his local Iowa-based mall in the USA. He’s the guy juggling in his local park and in parks around the world. He’s the dude breathing fire, removing cigarettes from your mouth with the crack of a bullwhip and shoving a 21.5-inch sword down his throat for five bucks… and he also plays the Indian Sitar quite well too!
Bangert is an Iowa native, but has taken his street performing acts all over the globe. He spent three months traveling with the Great Bombay Circus in India, and has performed all over the United States and Europe. He recently attended an annual hedonistic-fest juggling convention in France, and in between his recent travels he also happened to break a unique world record… as you do!
The most recent record he has set is for the ‘Most objects juggled whilst simultaneously swallowing a sword’ and he managed to successfully juggle five balls for a duration of 11.7 seconds with the sword down his throat, beating the previous world record with the timeframe as opposed to the amount of objects juggled. The video footage above clearly shows the attempt in all of it’s glory!
A little bit random and unusual… but then that’s Luther in a nutshell. But there is an underlying method and theme to what may appear to conformed eyes as ‘madness’ or vacant eccentricity. He lives his life on the edge and he aims to inspire and also do quirky stunts for worthy causes in each location he visits. He also helps promote circus and variety entertainment activities wherever he goes and currently he can be found parading his skills at Edinburgh in Scotland for the famous annual festival season in the region.
“I’m like one of those tall, skinny street performers from the past who lives his life on the edge and has crazy adventures around the world. Oh, and I also love to entertain audiences, and as long as they keep enjoying what I do I will carry on… after all who wants to live an ordinary and boring existence nowadays?!” Luther Bangert
An adventurist in every sense of the word, and a performer who inspires others by living life to the fullest himself, even if it is a little more ‘out there’ than the averageJoe… or Luther even!
PHOTO CREDITS: Ross Aitken / Nadia Honary for #thisisguavo Media
Cover Photo Credit: Bill Adams
Media Enquiries by email via: [email protected]
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ethicsagents-blog · 11 years
The Extreme Unicycle Championships is an annual event that started small and is now a key part of the wider program at the very popular ‘European Juggling Convention’ – this year being the 36th edition of the fun-filled (and quite hedonistic!)festival. This festival could well be the ‘Burning Man’ of Europe as described by those who are regular attendees and are performers, athletes or a growing number of rebels with the cause to have as much back-to-back fun as possible within the space of a week.
The Unicycle Stunts scene is a growing, yet still very underground younger cousin to the very well established and heavily invested BMX and Motorbike stunt scenes, but it has a significant and loyal base spread across Europe, the States and spreading fast within wider territories. With the likes of big brands such as Red Bull sponsoring many skateboard and bike stunt athletes, the Poham brothers (there are 3 of them in total!) are on a mission to attract the same credibility for themselves as Unicycle stunt pros, and also to the array of talents from the worldwide scene.
In the above latest video footage taken at the EJC 2013 you can see some highlights of the Poham brothers displaying their talented skills at night during a grimy Hip-Hop styled ‘Battle’ showcase – with the music being apt as they almost dance whilst on a unicycle!
The Poham’s make both balancing and stunting on one wheel look easy, and we can assure you that it is far from that.
Look out for some more ongoing Incredible Unicycle Action coming soon right here via #thisisguavo Media.
And we advise you ‘jump on board’ to support now whilst both the scene and the Poham brothers themselves are raw, and very underground… right before it all gets too big to reach!
PHOTO / VIDEO CREDITS: #thisisguavo Media / Raphael Poham
Video Editing: Kelly Clapton
For further photos from the Championships in France and more about the Poham Brothers:
Do also check out this fantastic FLUX VIDEO feature with the Poham brothers.
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ethicsagents-blog · 11 years
The year is 2013 and the setting is Los Angeles in USA. Two people who have committed themselves to what can and should be one of the most fulfilling journeys of their life… choosing to embark on the next phases of their individual journeys together.
Sounds like any marriage vow being held in any part of the globe, and statistically although there is much talk about the whole decline in people choosing to be part of the whole ‘institution of marriage‘ there are still millions of people who will tie the knot and will continue to do so.
So when the married couple are from the same sex… does this make the vows any less sacred? Should there even be reason for debating why two people who are in love have decided to formalize their relationship both spiritually and in the eyes of the law, as well as with the blessings of their family and close friends – just because they are two women?
There is a reason these incredible photos – as taken by very talented photographerSteph Grant have attracted the attention of millions worldwide – both across social media and news networks. They represent the shifts in attitudes, lifestyles, global culture… and the very freedoms many of our ancestors fought for and often battled against in order for us to now be in a stage of history where we can and should be able to make choices that are true to ourselves.
We spoke to Steph who told us how surprised she was at the interest her photos have gained, although it is clear that she has taken the photos with great efforts to capture the quite apparent strong bond between two people who just happen to be two women.
The underlying cultural fusions and the vibrancy of the day is also captured beautifully by Steph and we just had to give it the Guavo seal of approval both creatively and in sentiment.
Visual poetry I am sure you will agree… our heartfelt congratulations to Shannon and Seema.
Vin at #thisisguavo Media had contact with Steph quite a while prior to the photos going viral online, and she was understandably a little reserved at earlier stages about attracting any Media coverage. As a result of the interest that quite naturally generated she felt the need to answer some questions to provide a more detailed account of the experience of how ‘going viral online’ can be:
1. Did you expect these images to go viral?
NO. I had no clue they had even spread until I got a text from a friend. By the time I got home from the pool and back to my computer people around the world were sharing and talking about them. No one can ever give permission or give their “blessing” for images/videos to go viral. It just does.
2. Are you trying to use these images to get famous or for personal gain?
No. I am just doing what I love and that is capturing love stories, sharing the images on my blog and promoting love. It’s what I alway do. This question makes me laugh…because if you truly know me you would know that I live a pretty simple life without dollar signs in my eyes.
3. Did you give permission for all of these random sites to share/post your photos?
No, not all of them. It was out of control. I can’t help it that there was a beautiful wedding that I photographed that people happened to love so much that they were excited to share it. When people are passionate about something they spread it…and that’s exactly what happened here. I did however give permission to some media groups after being contacted to do interviews regarding photographing same sex marriages and my response to the images going viral.
4. Do you get your clients consent to post wedding images on your blog?
Yes, of course. As a professional, I run my business using the same procedure for every client and that is with a wedding contract that states under section 5: Use of Images “Client agrees that Steph Grant may display any images taken at the Wedding festivities pursuant to this agreement on her website and blog, and may use any such images, in whole or in part, in connection with any illustrations, publications, websites or other promotional materials created by or on behalf of Steph Grant.” All clients (yes, even friends) MUST sign a contract…I also make sure to remind my clients that I will be posting on my blog/Facebook. I have worked with numerous clients who have asked me before signing a contract to not have their images shared online and those images are nowhere on the internet. I respect my clients but in return I also hope that they respect me and my business and honor their word.
To wrap this up I will leave you with this: my images from this wedding are everywhere on the internet…pixelated screenshots, some horrible representations of my work. When a potential client is looking to hire me they want to view my work. Which is one of the main reasons any photographer has a website/blog. I talk about telling a story with my images and they want to understand that. The only way for them to fully grasp that is to show them my work. The work that I am proud of…that I spend countless hours editing and putting together to share a compelling story. That story… my work, is on my blog.
I will continue to tell stories & promote love and I hope you do too!
XO Steph
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ethicsagents-blog · 11 years
Bob Bretall has been collecting comic books since a very young age. At over 40 years of age now his passion for the genre has amassed himself quite the impressive personal collection… the largest anyone else has showcased on the planet with just under 90,000 unique comics and counting. (not including the duplicates which brings the total far beyond 90,000!)
When Australian resident Brett Chilman previously set the authorized world record for the largest private collection of comics with the Australian “World Record Academy” with 68,000 books, Bretall thought to himself, “Gee, I have at least 20,000 more comics than that guy.” And here began the unplanned journey to authenticate a world record in the eyes of the world…
Far from the almost calculated manner in which world records are acknowledged nowadays, Bob is a purist in every sense of the word. He is the kind of collector that far often stays away from the limelight to simply continue indulging in his love for a craft – and his passion and dedication has over time made him quite the specialist‘go-to’ expert in the field of comic books and collections. He runs his own blog viaComic Spectrum where anything and everything you ever want to know about comics and Bob’s collection you can explore. When visiting his home near San Diego in USA, we also admired the countless amounts of incredible comic-themed memorabilia he has also ammassed over the years, and beautifully displayed in a dedicated room in his home.
And on the most precise recent count – the total reached 89,613 and bearing in mind he buys on average over 150 comics per month, this total is rising rapidly. And what makes Bretall’s collection most notable is that he wasn’t simply stockpiling books over all these years — he has actually read every single one of these in his time on Planet Earth… a potential candidate for a Mastermind appearance on TV we feel.
We were left inspired by Bob’s untarnished sentiments towards both his comics and the impressive memorabilia he has showcased in a special room in his home. He teaches us all that loving what you do is key, with no specific intentions to monetize or gain recognition for the outcomes of your hobby… but eventually if through this love you gain attention, riches or credibility then that’s surely a bonus and a by-product of your passion. Feel free to think about this from a range of perspectives and adapt it to what you love doing.
In the mean time, we salute you Bob!
Video and Photo Credits: #thisisguavo Media
Media Enquiries and for further high-res photos contact by email via: [email protected]
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ethicsagents-blog · 11 years
Hollywood actor David Arquette went skydiving with (well nearly!) topless women for the infamous Larry Flynt Hustler Club’s charmingly titled “Flight of the Tatas” charity fundraiser in Las Vegas this month. Arquette took the leap shirtless, but the club told us that:
“city commissioner said women couldn’t do the jump literally topless, so they started nude and pulled their bikinis on halfway down.”
Afterwards, Arquette, girlfriend Christina McLarty, and even celebrity special guests Ron Jeremy and Jesse Jane and many others partied at the Bootsy Bellows bash on the strip club’s roof, raising money for breast cancer research.
Jumpers in the July Fourth “Flight of the Tatas,” billed as a topless sky dive and breast cancer fundraiser, were certainly demure about a certain detail of their descent.
A few dozen divers landed with their tandem guides in a gravel lot next to Larry Flynt’s Hustler Club, the quite apt event host on the day. Organizers and participants said bikini tops or T-shirts might slip neckward because of wind. But by the time things got terrestrial again, gravity — or something — would pull tops back over torsos.
Porn star Jesse Jane, one of the event’s celebrity jumpers, was surprised when she got the word of the clothing requirement. But she took the unexpected change with a sense of humor. At least she wouldn’t be wearing a few things she usually does.
“I’m not going in full makeup,” she said. “My lashes would fly off.”
Jason Mohney, owner of the adult entertainment centre, said everything was going as planned until he started feeling a little pressure “from the county.” He talked to a lawyer and didn’t want to risk jeopardizing his standing with the Clark County Commission, which grants the site its licenses for liquor sales and as an adult entertainment cabaret.
Lt. Glen Lowe, spokesman for Las Vegas police, said officers who kept watch deemed the jumps “basically uneventful.”
“There were men with no shirts on, but no women,” Lowe said.
“Had the female rather than male physique been exposed…” Lowe said, “somebody might have complained and that could have caused issues.”
Spectators didn’t seem to mind that the leaps didn’t end quite as planned. They cheered as both the men and women swooped in smoothly on their feet.
Actor David Arquette got involved to raise money for the charity after his own mother sadly lost her long battle with Cancer herself. Altogether, $20,000 was raised and despite the ‘topless’ technicalities… we’d account that as a real success!
Video / Photos Provided by: Outshine Marketing for #thisisguavo Media
For all Media Enquiries: Contact Angela on e: [email protected]
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ethicsagents-blog · 11 years
California’s Death Valley has been experiencing some of its highest temperatures ever in the last month, and after our Talent man Vin recently learnt whilst in Las Vegas – who himself loves a run in the sun… when running in soaring temperatures such as in these parts – you gotta take some serious precautions – namely – don’t do it during the day! (Vin burnt his lips whilst on his trip – ouch!)
So whilst sensible folks are indoors being thankful for the invention of Air Conditioning, one man put on his Darth Vader costume, went outdoors and ran a mile in record temperatures.
Jonathan Rice is the maverick man who has founded the aptly named: Darth Valley Challenge and for four years now he has been enjoying the soaring temperatures per year whilst running in severe heat.
He admits his hobby is pointless and “ludicrously dangerous” but says it’s fun.
When questioning any further motivations behind his challenge:
“So – the reason I do this is not to be the fastest, or the furthest… the idea of being the hottest run in history only occurred to me on the drive to Death Valley.” said Jonathan during our recent chat.
“I do this purely because it makes me laugh. I think how much I would enjoy being the driver of the car that just passed me while I’m running… that sense of total bewilderment really appeals to me. Everything in normal life is so “expected”… you expect to get up and brush your teeth, you expect to go to work, you expect to come home and watch TV. You don’t expect to see some crazy person running around Death Valley in 129 degree heat dressed as Darth Vader. It gives you something to tell your friends, a funny story that you might remember for years.”
Jonathan also outlined to us that he doesn’t consider himself a great athlete by any account, despite the rigorous training regime he undergoes to condition his body to withstand such grueling temperatures. One aspect of his training involves training in a sauna environment… something he would not recommend anyone tries without the consultation of experts and medical practitioners.
“I love being part of this unique endeavor. I’m not a great athlete, but I’d like to think I can make a few people smile which if I can achieve – I’m a happy man. Plus, I’m 42 years old, I weigh 200lbs, and I’m running in 129 degrees in a Darth Vader costume – with a time achieved of 6 mins 36 seconds… life ain’t too bad eh!”
Our thoughts:
Well we love the underlying sentiments that the worlds’ eccentric and quite maverick individuals such as Jonathan represent. In a world where a growing mass of people simply live to survive… Jon pushes our frame of thought to exercise the right we also have to turn the other way and live life on our own terms, and if that includes indulging in unique feats such as this then who are we to get in the way if no one else is being harmed in the process. As long as any endeavor also involves the necessary precautions and safety measures in place and a calculated approach to pushing any personal limitations – we find that through this process you learn a great deal about a lotta things! So whilst the world may question the sanity of Jon Rice… we secretly know and understand exactly what he is set out to achieve.
Get in touch if like Jon’s pals dressed as R2D2, Chubaka, Yoda and Princess Leia this year, you too would like to attempt accompanying Jonathan even if it is just following along in the car in next years run. If weather trends are anything to go by, temperatures next year could well reach post 130 degrees… (gulp!)
PHOTO / VIDEO Credits: Jonathan Rice
Media Enquiries: [email protected]
During our contact, Jonathan also linked us some very responsible advice and key pointers if we or anyone else finds themselves in severe hotspots such as Death Valley, California in USA:
“Whether you come to run, walk, or just sit by the pool, please remember that this is a beautiful, but deadly place. I have literally run past the grave markers of people who have dropped dead from heat exhaustion here!” advises Jon.
Remember the key rules:
1. Never go out by yourself in the summer heat. Ever.
2. If you break Rule One, tell the rangers where you’re going and when you expect to be back. That way they know where to look for the body. (only joking!)
3. Hydrate. Seems obvious? I mean REALLY hydrate. You can lose four liters of sweat per hour in Death Valley… consider that when you think how much water you need to take with you on a hike or run.
4. Wear white clothing (yes, I know) and long sleeves. Keep your face and head covered.
5. If you take prescription medication, be extra careful – many medications can be harmful in extreme heat. Check the warning label.
6. Have an exit strategy. This does not mean leaving your car if you should break down! In fact, the exit strategy for that situation is to STAY with your vehicle. The rangers will find you, because they’re very good at that sort of thing.
7. Carry extra water in your car, or on your person. Mistakes happen… this way you’re more likely to get a do-over.
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ethicsagents-blog · 11 years
This week as the world braces itself for the eagerly anticipated ‘Man of Steel‘ film release – we bring to your attention the profile of an athlete and performer being dubbed as ‘The Real-Life Man of Steel’ – or should we call him the ‘Mouth of Steel’ -Igor Zaripov is a Reebok Cross-Fit athlete and established ‘Cirque Du Soleil’ artist currently based in Las Vegas, USA, and most recently part of ‘The Michael Jackson Immortal Tour’ production of Soleil as well as also landing the lead role in acclaimed Film Director James Cameron‘s colaboration with Cirque Du Soleil – the big budget blockbuster – ‘World’s Away 3D‘
Igor started his life in a family dynasty established in the circus since as far back as 1893, and from a very early age he has been training to accomplish incredible, and almost super-human feats of strength and ability.
Igor has completed several world class stunts during his career and is a three times world record holder with some incredible strength-based abilities showcased from his broad repertoire… including being able to pull trucks and cars with the power of just his teeth and mouth! (the above video highlights just some of the training he goes through to be able to do this!)
And so after a stint in Hollywood with one of the most acclaimed movie directors in the world and having performed worldwide with Cirque Du Soleil he is now pushing into the next phase of his abilities and planning a range of projects for 2013 and 2014. This year he also launches his own unique functional fitness program worldwide which is a unique concept towards strength training and taking your regime and abilities beyond what you may have ever imagined. With the increasingly easier way to communicate via skype and online and the huge interest in health and fitness he will be opening up his schedule for personal training sessions and tips to enhance your own regime and adapt his concept to your aims and requirements –we would recommend getting in touch fast due to the demand though!
Whereas most bodybuilding and fitness programs focus on just aesthetic benefits, Igor’s own fitness training brand which he calls ‘Czar Fitness’ focusses on far more functionality aspects to sync with whatever requirements an individual may have, which whilst encouraging pushing your personal limits will naturally bring the bonus of the aesthetic benefits too. Athletes who are looking to enhance their strength training would particularly benefit from Igor’s specialist knowledge and experience as would fitness enthusiasts wishing to push their levels of body power.
To learn more about Igor Zaripov and to follow his journey – you can check out his brand new website launched just this week via: www.igorzaripov.com
Do also sign up for updates on his website to keep in touch with the regular series of Live Video Streams where he will be sharing regular tips, discussions and demos as well as exclusive access to updates that he will be coordinating from the website.
“We’re all here together, trying to do the same thing – trying to stay positive, trying to eat healthy, and trying to get the exercise in. It’s not always easy but a wise person has said that ‘nothing that is important is ever easy’. I’m here for you because I feel this is one of my many purposes – to help others through what I have learnt and what I am continuing to learn daily!” IGOR ZARIPOV
Video + Photo Credits: #thisisguavo Media / Igor Zaripov
Media Enquiries can be made by email via: [email protected]
You may also wish to check out the trailer for ‘Worlds Away 3D’ film – the incredible Hollywood collaboration with Cirque and Director James Cameron. Igor was hand-picked to play the leading role in the film – available for purchase via www.igorzaripov.com
Trailer courtesy of: Paramount Pictures
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ethicsagents-blog · 11 years
What happens when you combine the skills of skydiving with martial arts? The video above is what happens – this is active member of the Armed Forces and both licensed skydiving and martial arts expert Ernie Torres of Virginia in USA as he attempted a unique stunt in order to raise money for a cause very close to his heart.
As if throwing yourself from an airplane and falling towards the earth at terminal velocity wasn’t exciting enough, right?
“After watching the video of the current record holder, one thought came to mind, I can do better and use the publicity of something like this to raise awareness to what I think is a well deserving cause- One that has personal meaning to me and many of the people I’ve served with in the Armed Forces over the years- The Wounded Warriors Project.” said Ernie about the motivations for his jump.
“Also, this event is not something I’m trying to profit from. Sponsors and myself have already covered all costs. All funds donated through our donation page go directly to The Wounded Warrior Project.”
On the day of the jump – due to technical difficulties Ernie and his team had to switch aircrafts, which delayed the jump by over an hour. Once all was set and back on schedule Ernie was determined to achieve his stunt and managed to successfully set a new world record in the process by breaking 12 boards in mid-air.
“We jumped from an altitude of 16000 feet, which requires oxygen to avoid a condition called hypoxia. Hypoxia can cause a person to feel ‘high’ (pardon the pun) or giddy, leading to a possible lack of sensible reasoning and importance of deploying your parachute. I deployed my parachute at 4000 feet that gave me approximately 70 seconds of freefall. That may seem like forever to some but it’s not very long with you’re trying to accomplish a specified task.”
Skydive Arizona — the team alongside Ernie who assisted with the logistics and execution of the attempt is home to some of the world’s greatest skydiving talent and champions in the sport. Having Arizona Airspeed, Arizona Arsenal, AXIS Flight School, instructors from Adventures in Skydiving and SkyVenture Arizona, and other local talent.
Ernie describes this as:
“In the air with you it’s the equivalent of having a team of Jordans on the basketball court with you asking you what you want them to do!”
“I’m not sure I can even put the feeling into words. There I was, a small-town ‘nobody’, with the world’s best skydivers on my team, asking me what I needed from them. If that wasn’t enough some of the regular local talent who don’t regularly compete came along. All of them band together to help me achieve my goal of accomplishing a world record and raising funds to help The Wounded Warrior Project.”
So far, $1187 has been raised and through the post press coverage this is hoped to increase donations to ‘The Wounded Warrior Project‘ — a worthy cause helping soldiers from the armed services in every way possible.
We commend all individual and group efforts towards a positive cause such as this… and when they are executed in such unique and exuberant style… well that’s what the ethos of GUAVO is all about.
To find out more about the good work of WOUNDED WARRIORS CHARITY:
Ernie’s Donation Page Link:
Filming / Photo credits: Terry Schumacker / #thisisguavo Media
Further Enquiries via: e: [email protected]
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ethicsagents-blog · 11 years
Here at #thisisguavo Media – we do not put prime focus on the competitive angles or any record-related aspects of a challenge because this doesn’t exclusively on its own serve to fit the underlying purpose of our wider purpose / work remit. For us, the prime focus is on ‘Incredible‘ – so whether you are the first to achieve something, or part of a long list of many – if it’s Incredible in nature we will be involved.
80-year-old Japanese mountaineer just this morning became the oldest person to reach the top of Mount Everest – and we were following his journey all this week via his team.
Yuichiro Miura, who also conquered the 29,035-foot (8,850-meter) peak when he was 70 and 75, reached the summit at 9:05 a.m. local time, according to a Nepalese mountaineering official and Miura’s Tokyo-based support team.
Miura and his son Gota made a phone call from the summit, prompting his daughter Emili to smile broadly and clap her hands as you will be able to hear in the above video recorded by his family and team. For those fluent in Japanese you can follow the full conversation, and for anyone who doesn’t you will still be touched by the touching exchange in words and emotions.
Key translation quoted as:
“I made it!” Miura said over the phone. “I never imagined I could make it to the top of Mount Everest at age 80. This is the world’s best feeling, although I’m totally exhausted. Even at 80, I can still do quite well.”
Nepalese mountaineering official Gyanendra Shrestha, at Everest base camp, confirmed that Miura had reached the summit and is the oldest person to do so.
On his expedition’s website, Miura explained his attempt to scale Everest at such an advanced age:
“It is to challenge (my) own ultimate limit. It is to honor the great Mother Nature.”
He said a successful climb would raise the bar for what is possible.
“And if the limit of age 80 is at the summit of Mt. Everest, the highest place on earth, one can never be happier,” he said.
It is also worth mentioning that Miura conquered the mountain despite undergoing heart surgery in January for irregular heartbeat, or arrhythmia, his fourth heart operation since 2007, according to his daughter. He also broke his pelvis and left thigh bone in a 2009 skiing accident.
Miura initially became famous in Japan when he was a young man as a daredevil speed skier.
Congratulations from us to a really remarkable man who has inspired us to even attempt reaching for that Everest summit ourselves one day – maybe at the age of 81 even… truly GUAVO to the core!
PHOTO / VIDEO CREDITS: courtesy of Miura Dolphins
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ethicsagents-blog · 11 years
They say traveling broadens the mind… and whilst traveling you certainly get to see and hear a wonderfully diverse array of sights and sounds.
As part of our wider Global focus across Entertainment we are also taking a committed musical stance with the launch of #GuavoMusicSessions – We will be covering the entire Planet and gathering an army of GUAVO individuals and groups who are not only incredible because of talent – but because they stand for something beyond themselves and demand to be heard…
In 2012 we discovered Naama Cohen by chance and were mesmerized instantly. We learnt she was a big fan of UK singer Amy Winehouse and so we featured her profile as part of a special tribute to the late singer. Infectious energy, beautiful expression and a vocal that sounds like it has been trickled with honey – a popular saying in parts of Asia when someone has an Incredible singing voice.
Naama Cohen
Only the artists and musicians who have an element of ‘Incredible’ to what they are doing will be featured across #GuavoMusicSessions and regardless of genre or demographics. Handpicked by our team, as well as through organic contact and encounters whilst traveling – so if you or someone you know would like to be featured and promoted across our international network just GET IN TOUCHanytime.
Our format with all the music sessions is one cover song and one song from the repertoire of the artist themselves… and so check out these absolute gems of live video performances by Naama:
The 1st Video above is a beautiful cover version of ‘You sent me Flying’ by the wonderful Amy Winehouse. We strongly feel that Naama captures the same passion and spirit Amy did when she performed, with a unique magical vibe that oozes naturally during this unplugged performance. 
The 2nd video LINKED HERE is an exclusive glimpse into the upcoming album of Naama and it also proves that language is no barrier when it comes to great music. Here Naama sings in Hebrew during a live session filmed + recorded in old Jaffa. The song is entitled ‘Tov La’
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ethicsagents-blog · 11 years
The above video is a powerful example into the similarities we share with those on other sides of the pond… even in the regions where all that we hear is negative stories of war, violence, struggle, lack of hope – what is emerging are glimpses into a new generation who strive for exactly the same as the rest of the wider world. Youth cultures provide an insight into an emerging need for musical and artistic expression as well as consumption and this need is being filled in this particularly volatile part of the world by what we would call a positively revolutionary Sound Central Festival movement.
More than a hundred people attended the second edition of this Sound central festival in Kabul, Afghanistan – it was held as secretly planned over a number of days in the first week of May 2013 – a promotional strategy unlike any other to cater for the sensitivities and complex security issues in the region. A truly one-of-a-kind music festival – and the only event of its kind that takes places in Afghanistan, where significantly music was banned by the Taliban until the end of 2001.
The need for expression is strong amongst the youth in particular and a glimpse of this thirst for alternative sounds merges with the underlying sentiments felt across the changing regions and here to witness from the results of the festival.
As part of our own collective acknowledgment and support for the festival, we and our colleagues are already looking towards propositions and planning for next year and our vision alongside the founders of this innovative event- Travis Beard and his team of hard working mavericks out in Afghanistan – is to aim real high in terms of attracting credible creatives from outside the regions to get on the ground and take this to even higher heights than already impressively achieved so far. 
PHOTO / VIDEO CREDITS: Sound Central Festival / Agency
To find out more or for enquiries you can email Vin via: [email protected]
And as our colleagues start in Afghanistan – we kick start the #GuavoMusicSessions - a series of innovative musical endeavors from every sections of Planet Earth – all with the GUAVO twist at the core of it’s being.
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ethicsagents-blog · 11 years
At the grand old age of 102 you would expect to be lucky enough to just be able to communicate and do the most basic of tasks – with the freedom and ability to feel content and happy with having successfully spent just over a century on Planet Earth. Fauja Singh – also fondly referred to by his fans as ‘The Turbaned Tornado’ or ‘Sikh Superman’ – having survived many World Wars, witnessing the likes of Boxing legend Muhammad Ali at the peak of his career in real-time, and being around during some of the key revolutionary periods worldwide in politics, technology, science and now communication – he carries with him a certain content vibe and disposition we haven’t even witnessed with those a quarter of his age, let alone over the age of 100. Well described by the Sports Columnist from the Las Vegas Tribuneas:
“a convivial personality… This old man was practically gregarious!”
Reading about him doesn’t do justice to the abilities and zest for life this man possesses – although if you read some of the achievements he has made during his time on Earth he is certainly worthy of the love and affection he attracts wherever he goes and all we feel regardless of his grand age.
Recently unveiled in conjunction with Gatwick Airport and British Airways airline as the UK’s Oldest Jet-setting Traveller – which doesn’t stop now that he is even 102. He leaves for Toronto in Canada a week after having returned this week from Las Vegas where he enjoyed a well-deserved vacation and attendance at a series of local events. Straight after Toronto he will be leaving for India for another set of Charity runs which he remains committed to in order to raise funds for as many worthy causes as he can.
Credit: Gatwick Airport Press Team / #thisisguavo Media
Credit: Gatwick Airport Press Team / #thisisguavo Media
“If I stop running, I feel as if my body will think I am stopping. I get restless if I sit for too long, and I always listen to my body whether I am tired or whether I feel I can walk or even run.” says Mr Singh in his own passionate and gesturing style of communication.
“Although I can feel my body is getting weaker, I refuse to give up completely yet and so will remain listening to my body and praying to God. I have much more to do on this Earth yet and I want to carry on making my own small difference for others… and of course, I still love to travel so will carry on doing so wherever I get invited!”
Less publicized is the fact that Fauja Singh is one of the significant philanthropists of this world who lives within his means and gives away everything else for the benefit of others less fortunate than he has been in 102 years. He has no vices as such – but he does have a strong and surprising passion which is his love of clothes. Another unofficial title we reward him with is ‘Most Dapper Centenarian’ – a grand old + funky fashionista if you like.
#thisisguavo Media
You can check out a 90 minutes glimpse into what it is like sitting + conversing with Mr Singh – by the great Vegas-based columnist Ron Kantowski – a beautifully written piece which appeared on the front page of the Las Vegas Tribune Sports sections, side by side with news of boxer Floyd Mayweather and his most recent win- all whilst Fauja Singh was visiting Las Vegas just this week.
If this short glimpse into one of the most Incredible human beings on Planet Earth doesn’t impress – how about knowing that as an illiterate man with no set qualifications – he has had the honor of lunch with the Queen, he appeared in an advert alongside David Beckham and Muhammad Ali and was the oldest man to be sponsored by Adidas – he also recently endorsed the benefits of a Vegan diet with the charity PETA – and of course, most importantly – at his grand old age he has run far too many marathons around the world than his age should allow him to.
The word LEGEND was made for the likes of this man… a true inspiration on so many levels, and his secrets are both logical and here for us all to learn from regardless of age or abilities.
And as mentioned, it’s the unique disposition, his infectious personality and what he represents to the world which is what makes us love him all the more!
Credit: Inkquisitive
PHOTO CREDITS: #thisisguavo Media / Gatwick Airport Press Team
Media enquiries by email: [email protected]
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