etoweek-blog · 8 years
Last Supper
The alarms were ringing. All in turmoil.
Inside the cell peace, For she did not hear the noise. Staring at the box, Yet she could not feel remorse.
Takatsuki Sen, her human identity existed for roughly 13 years. That was exactly the length of her relationship with Shiono Shunji. She was the star author, he was the editorm supporting her, a backbone if you may. A mutual benefit between the two. Money on one side and influence on the other.
- Thank you, Shiono-kun. - was all she could say.
She shoved the meal into her mouth. That trash said it was paté seasoned with liver. She had to hand it to him that his “cooking skills” were certainly not lacking. Not that she would ever openly ever tell this to anyone. It was delicious.
- Thank you for the meal! - were not the words she wanted to say. They were merely all she could muster. Eating her editor’s remains helped her regain her strength.
Sadly, strength was not courage, what she needed the most. Yoshimura Eto was a coward. No matter how hard she tried she could not do it.
To cry here is to loose. To feel sorry this far is to betray.
Up until now plots were her forté. That’s why she made a killing with her books. She was that good after all. However her role was over. The last wish was received even if reluctantly. The truth was out for all to see.
The people she met on the way were just pieces on the board, but she was unable to move them anymore. There was only one piece that needed to move itself, one piece that she could not discard for some time now. After all Kaneki Ken and her were totally the same. She grew fond of him. Unable to love, unable to feel love. In a way a perfect match. The boy had potential, but he did not see his own value so it limited his power at the moment. In a sense he was dense and because of this he could only move forward at a slow pace.
One step and only one.
It was time. She wiped her mouth and stood up. Now she could hear everything. Pure chaos just as she liked. She did not believe in fate for she chose to act. It was her pride as an author to partake in the finale she created. She would hinder her enemies with a smile on her face.
Screams, blood, tears and despair.
In the end she wanted to see the King’s March.
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etoweek-blog · 8 years
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-Good Omens
Etoweek 7/7
Day 7: Free Day OR Tokyo
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etoweek-blog · 8 years
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etoweek day 7 - free day
ive been swamped with work so i didnt get to do anything for eto week (which im modding lmao) but heres some more picturs from my eto make up test i did a week ago!!
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etoweek-blog · 8 years
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In this room, you are not allowed to love anyone.
Day 5 - Plots
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etoweek-blog · 8 years
The Kings Bileygr
Eto Week Day 7: Free Day
Summary: This was Eto’s last book and she wasn’t ready for it to end just yet, no matter how much was riding on it’s release. 
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etoweek-blog · 8 years
while today is technically etoweek’s last day, we’ll be checking the tags for up to a week after today in case anyone has late entries!!
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etoweek-blog · 8 years
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Call and response.
Etoweek 6/7
Day 6: Connections OR 20th Ward
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etoweek-blog · 8 years
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If you play the wrong opening, the game is already lost.
Etoweek 5/7
Day 5: Plots OR 1st Ward
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etoweek-blog · 8 years
Her Child
Eto Week Day 6: Connections
“I will make you my child.” She told him
Those were the word Eto used to forge a connection with a man named Kaneki Ken.  She even in that brief moment treated him exactly like his mother before her. She hurt him, told him that she loved him, and feed him like a good mother would do for any child. She even sealed the deal when she licked his eye that held his Kakugan. However, they were actually connected for a long time, they just didn’t know it.
Eto didn’t realize the impact she played on Kaneki’s life, how all of her books helped him during all of his times of great pain. The Black Goat’s egg came out shortly after his mother’s death, and helped him find solace and a distraction from the pain. Whenever Kaneki’s Aunt seemed to be extra terrible to him another one of her books would grace a bookstores shelf and right into his hands. Eto is even the reason why he was even able to go on his first date, well it wasn’t her fault that it went so terribly. Kaneki was able to put a personality behind Eto from her books, and was able to understand her easier than those who have known her for years. They built a bond through the writing and reading of all of her books.
They also are connected because they are both one of a kind they were both half ghouls and the very first of their kind in this new generation. They were connected in the way that they both hated the life they live. They really were like mother and child, just look at the way her son was taking after her, and she was so proud. He was playing the game just like she did smart and with careful playing, she just wished that he had the desire to live so she could watch him grow up. She just looked at this as his rebellious stage. He would come home to her because he was her child and they were now connected by familial bonds
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etoweek-blog · 8 years
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Day 5: A O G I R I
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etoweek-blog · 8 years
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Also, I guess you need SPECIFIC gunk.
Etoweek 4/7
Day 4: Aogiri OR 11th Ward
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etoweek-blog · 8 years
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Eto Week Day 4: Aogiri
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etoweek-blog · 8 years
The Most Dangerous Plan
Eto Week Day 5: Plan
Summary: Eto is a smart women, and is often the brains of Aogiri’s most brilliant plans. However, Eto’s most recent plan is the most high risk of them all, because it relies on one unstable young man.
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etoweek-blog · 8 years
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If you play the wrong opening, the game is already lost.
Etoweek 5/7
Day 5: Plots OR 1st Ward
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etoweek-blog · 8 years
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The kind of mess that don’t come clean.
Etoweek 3/7
Day 3: Confrontation OR 2nd Ward
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etoweek-blog · 8 years
The Last Fight
Eto Week Day 3: Confrontations
 Summary: Eto just wants Noro to stop lying to her, and tell her the truth. That her father did not want her, and that he never planned on coming back after abandoning her in the 24th ward. 
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etoweek-blog · 8 years
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Eto - Aliases
“I Shall become your God”
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