eulersidentitiy · 5 months
Does your blog username have a typo or is "identitiy" purposeful? /genq /nm
[ i haven't touched this blog in ages but i'm pretty sure it was intentional since eulersidentity is taken! i could've just come up with something else but i was at a loss tbh ]
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eulersidentitiy · 9 months
OOC: [ logged in. lots of bot followers. Such is life on this website ]
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eulersidentitiy · 9 months
Ah, I see. If there's a fair or anything like that that I hear of, I suppose I'll have to give it a try. Thank you.
I must admit.. I am not familiar with Halloween at all, but I've been seeing a lot of posts about it lately.
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eulersidentitiy · 9 months
Send me a △ and ask a really invasive question aimed at my character
They’ll have to:
Rate on a scale of 1-10 how much they don’t want to answer that question.
Answer that question.
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eulersidentitiy · 9 months
Oran Berry- Something the muse considers important in day to day life
ooc: { there are a Lot of potential answers here but i'm going to go with a broader one. i think since they spent most of their life after being picked up by ghetsis so heavily sheltered, now that he's free to do whatever he likes, he values appreciating the small things - all of the new sights, sounds, smells, etc. of a new place, each sunrise, each sunset, the way the moon shines off the sea, etc. if this makes any sense at all. i hope it does but i cannot tell LOL. honestly, kind of appreciating things fully in general since they're just having So many new experiences and things have sort of slowed down in a way where he has the time to. }
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eulersidentitiy · 9 months
Aspear Berry- Something the muse does to stay warm and cozy on a cold day
ooc: { stay with reshiram, namely. when he was young, it was darmanitan - i also imagine that the pokemon he was staying with, particularly zorua/zoroark would've probably known that he needed something more to keep warm so as to not get sick and they probably would've been able to find heavier clothes for him that had been discarded. but, reshiram radiates a lot of heat, so even in fairly thin clothes, he's able to keep warm by staying close to it, though of course it doesn't allow him to dress TOO lightly either. he's also discovered a liking for hot chocolate and is a tea drinker, which helps a little. ]
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eulersidentitiy · 9 months
I trust that, based on the posts that I've seen about it.. though, I can't say I'm someone who enjoys being afraid. I'm not sure I really understand that part of it. Perhaps this year I'll stay around the city to watch.
I must admit.. I am not familiar with Halloween at all, but I've been seeing a lot of posts about it lately.
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eulersidentitiy · 9 months
I see. I don't know much at all, honestly.. from what I've gathered, though, it seems like there's something to do with ghost and dark type Pokemon, or at least I've seen them discussed regarding Halloween? It's also very popular in Unova, but I don't think that I've spent a late October in Unova in quite some time. It also seems that the festivities take place at night.
I must admit.. I am not familiar with Halloween at all, but I've been seeing a lot of posts about it lately.
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eulersidentitiy · 9 months
I must admit.. I am not familiar with Halloween at all, but I've been seeing a lot of posts about it lately.
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eulersidentitiy · 9 months
Hello there~
If I remember correctly, you made your way through the Unova League several years ago… Perhaps not under the best circumstances, but I still do remember the battle we had, it’s quite high on my list of matches to remember indeed~!
Do you still partake in battling nowadays…~?
Hello. I did, yes. Is that so? I remember it too, fairly well.. Liepard is a dear friend of yours, isn't it? I do battle occasionally these days, though I only have Reshiram with me most of the time. If I'm to really partake in battle, I would likely ask some friends to join me temporarily.
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eulersidentitiy · 9 months
You're right, of course.. thank you.
Hello, everyone. Apologies for my absence, I have been quite tired lately..
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eulersidentitiy · 9 months
Hello, everyone. Apologies for my absence, I have been quite tired lately..
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eulersidentitiy · 10 months
Is now a good or bad time to say I've never been to a doctor?
My shoulders are acting up.. I suppose it was a long day.
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eulersidentitiy · 10 months
I would appreciate that very much, thank you.
My shoulders are acting up.. I suppose it was a long day.
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eulersidentitiy · 10 months
Jaboca Berry- Does the muse have any physical health issues?
{ OOC answer: good time to answer this. yes, he deals with chronic pain. i don't really have anything specific in mind in terms of conditions though. }
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eulersidentitiy · 10 months
Yes, my name is N. That.. would probably be a good idea. I'm not too sure where to go for it, though.
My shoulders are acting up.. I suppose it was a long day.
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eulersidentitiy · 10 months
My shoulders are acting up.. I suppose it was a long day.
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