eunji-enigma-blog · 11 years
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eunji-enigma-blog · 11 years
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five pictures of eunji - for anon
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eunji-enigma-blog · 11 years
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A-PINK’s Jung Eunji
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eunji-enigma-blog · 11 years
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J U N G ♥ E U N J I
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eunji-enigma-blog · 11 years
Eunji braced herself as Sooyeon got ready. She knew it probably wouldn't hurt, but she learned to never underestimate her opponents. Sooyeon took a few deep breaths, holding up her fists awkwardly. She held back a giggle, knowing it would be rude.
A fist shoots out and hits her right hand, jarring her a little. Eunji didn't expect a punch that hard, so she smiled widely at Sooyeon in encouragement. "Yah, good! Just like that," Sooyeon's other fist shot out, hitting her other hand just as hard as the last one. Eunji laughed happily, shouting more words of encouragement. Her next punch, however, missed Eunji's hands and the other girl stumbled as her propulsion made her fly forward.
"Ahh~ And it was a good streak too," Eunji pouted slightly, teasing the other girl. It was so fun, this. She rarely got to be the punching bag; it was sort of enlightening. Eunji shook her hands lightly, holding them up once more.
"Ja! Let's do it again."
{ sweat it out / sooyeon & eunji }
Eyeing the girl, Sooyeon raises a brow and casts a look around at her environment. The girl’s reaction to this situation unnerved her — she’s genuinely happy? Sure, people could be happy about excersizing, but she’s more uncomfortable with her own predicament. 
Clearly Eunji had some sort of interest or hobby with boxing. Which means she would know the ropes better than Sooyeon would. Inevitably  that meant Eunji had the upper hand. Knowing she’s at a disadvantage, Sooyeon shifts uncomfortably.
Sooyeon nods her head at Eunji’s words, and jerks with with a shout at the punches aimed at her face; they don’t get close enough to hit, and she knows its only a example, but her eyes widen and she stares at the girl incredulously. Sooyeon inhales deeply — her pride unwilling to let her take back her words. C’mon, Jess. You can do this.
Her gaze moves from her gloves, then to Eunji’s opened hands. Licking her lips and taking a step back, she holds up her fists in an awkward fashion, furrowing her brow as she fixes her stance. Swallowing, she inhales — one, two. one, two Jess. and she shuts her eyes for a moment, before reopening.
Her fist shoots forward, one glove hitting Eunji’s right hand before she pulls away and does it opposite. Her eyes light up as both of her fists hit their mark, a grin sliding on her face at her accomplishment — but it’s wiped off as she misses the third time, and stumbles forward. 
“Damn it.” She grumbles, refixing herself as she tries again — wincing as her fist makes contact with Eunji’s skin. It doesn’t hurt, persay — but Sooyeon is spoiled and brittle, her bones sore from the pressure. 
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eunji-enigma-blog · 11 years
Eunji sipped her wine, smiling at Dongwoo over the rim of her glass. The waitress came by, standing awkwardly at the two staring at each other. "We'll be ordering in a while. Thank you though," The woman nodded hesitantly, going off to help another table.
Sighing, she placed down her glass. Eunji crossed her arms on the table, thinking over what she would say. "I want to make a deal, simple as that," She said bluntly. "You want nothing to do with your family and their business. I want your help with.." Eunji trailed off, unsure of what she wanted herself.
"I have a device," She reached into her pocket, pulling out a small USB. "This. It doesn't look like much, I know." Twirling it around in her hands, she smiled weetly. "But it can erase somebody. Their records, their family connections, their history. Just like," Eunji brought her fingers up and snapped them, "that."
She placed the USB down on the table, awaiting Dongwoo's reaction.
Allies ♔ Eunji and Dongwoo
Dongwoo was pissed at his father, but didn’t see any other way just to go an meet Eunji. Something was really off about her, and he couldn’t keep himself calm around her - every cell in his body screamed to take cover or at least be careful around her. Since she was a huge trouble… 
But he was looking for it, without even knowing that.
As he entered the restaurant, his eyes immediately found Euji’s - she was looking at him, smiling, but more to herself than him. Without wasting any time, he walked up to her table and sat in front of her, looking he straight in the eyes.
“Let’s get to business” he said dryly, ignoring the waitress, who came to take his order.
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eunji-enigma-blog · 11 years
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eunji-enigma-blog · 11 years
"Mm, Jongin.. It's nice to meet you, despite the circumstances," Eunji shot him a half-smile as they sat down at a nearby table. She noticed the people around them staring at them angrily, as they were sitting down with no food or drinks visible. She bit her lip, feeling bad about taking their seats.
Eunji nodded when Jongin suggested they go to a nearby coffee shop, liking the idea of it being near a mall. "I can get a new shirt, if you don't mind, of course." She thanked Jongin quietly when he held the door open for her, looking up at him when he draped his jacket over her shoulders.
"Ah, thank you," Eunji said happily, giving him a warm smile. They walked down the sidewalk, the boy leading them to their destination. "So, Jongin.." She tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, glancing at him. "What do you do for a living, if you don't mind me asking. You know, other than spill coffee on girls," She nudged him with her elbow playfully, laughing at her own joke. 
Wonderful Accident ♔ Eunji and Jongin
“I-I’m sorry…” He bit his lip and rubbed the back of his neck. “I can buy you a new one… One coffee too.” he was about to turn back and order, but was pulled out of the line by the girl. “I guess I’ll have to buy it later then.” Jongin chuckled a bit and followed the girl, looking around for a place to sit down, which was impossible at this time of day; The coffee shop was cramped. There were so many people, there was barely any room to move, no wonder Jongin spilled his coffee on someone. To think the coffee shop has heaps of customers to begin with, then they decide to have discounts too?
When he finally spotted a place to sit down, he sat down across from Eunji and called his friend to take their order. It was a silly thing to do, since he was already dying with orders, but maybe he’ll take their order… after an hour or so. “It’s Jongin.” he offered the girl a smile and sighed a bit. “Maybe we should go somewhere else, before we get more coffee spilled on us.” Jongin looked down at his shirt, which had a small stain also. It was hardly noticable, but still there.
Standing up and letting other people, who were actually planning on eating there, sit down, he offered Eunji his jacket and led her out the door. “I know another coffee shop a few blocks away, it’s a bit pricey, but at least there are less people. And it’s close to a mall, so it’s convenient.” 
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eunji-enigma-blog · 11 years
Eunji jumped around happily, excited to fight. Well, she wouldn't fight yet. It would be unfair to just basically beat up Sooyeon. She seemed nice and.. sassy. She held up her hands, which were bare except for some fingerless black gloves. "Punch my hands." She said bluntly, grinning widely.
At Sooyeon's bewildered expression, she huffed and shook her hands a little bit. "I need to strengthen my hands anyway. Just punch, you know. Left, right, left, right," She let her hands jab out in the pattern she described, her hands swooshing by the other girls face. Eunji laughed as Sooyeon flinched, pulling away from her.
"Don't worry, I've done this before," She held her hands out again, palms forward, giving the other girl an assuring smile. 
{ sweat it out / sooyeon & eunji }
Sooyeon’s surprise only increased at the intake of information, eyebrows raising high. The girl was slim and tiny — that was an awful lot of fighting in those sports. Sooyeon shrugged the thought off, letting out a low whistle at her. “Wow. Really? I’m impressed.” She nods her head to herself, a smile tilting at her lips as she tried to imagine the scenario in her head.
Sooyeon shakes her head, holding up her hands as she waves them at the girl’s words. “No, no. It’s okay. We’ll do it. I don’t see why not.” After agreeing, Sooyeon felt an uncomfortable feeling in her stomach. Sooyeon was a fighter, but she wasn’t a fair fighter. She fought dirty in an effort to be cruel and mean and win in any possible way. But professionally, she was as slow as could be — and had a clumsy swing. She could barely throw a baseball right, much less a fist.
Following Eunji to the area, she eyed the gloves that was handed to her with unease. A uncomfortable feeling eased in her gut as she took the red articles with hesitation, slipping them on carefully as she glanced up at the girl.
She was cute — with a contagious smile. Sooyeon couldn’t help the twitch of her lips at it. She was playful — and despite her irritation, she couldn’t keep up her annoyed mood. Shifting on her feet, she glanced down at the gloves, twisting her hands from side to side as she analyzed it. “Uh. So…” She blinked cluelessly at the girl in front of her. “What now?”
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eunji-enigma-blog · 11 years
Eunji grimaced as she watched the red wine soak fully through the man's white shirt. He didn't look as angry as she expected him to be, luckily. She took a step back, bowing deeply at the waist. "Ah, I'm so sorry. I didn't see you there and.." She brought her finger up and bit it nervously, worried about what he would say.
Now that she thought about it, though, he looked familiar. Tilting her head slightly, she scrutinized him for a moment, but no name appeared in her head. It was then she realized he had asked her a question. She apologized for her rudeness, bowing slightly again.
"I'm Jung Eunji. Terribly sorry about this, really," She rubbed her arm nervously, glancing at the wall next to them. She was so awkward when it came to apologizing, she always hoped she sounded sincere. "I-I can pay for it to get cleaned, if you wish," Eunji opened her purse, starting to dig through it for her cheque book. 
Mishap ♔ Eunji and Myungsoo
Just past the door there would be thousands of people partying as if it was their last day to live. From politicans to the unemployed, everyone was invited to this party. Myungsoo knew this was a big night for his father, yet here he was running late. Myungsoo took  a deep breath, still dressed in his casual attire, he turned the door knob and walked past the door. 
Making his way through the crowd was a challenge. Alcoholic beverages were held up in the air, threatening to spill out the cup. As Myungsoo pushed his way up to his room, he closed the door behind him. He let out a small chuckle, amused by the outcome of the party. It was definitely more packed than the previous years. Myungsoo pulled his shirt over his head, shedding his pants off while he walked over to his closet. He stopped by the full length mirror to look at his body. The other piece of cloth that kept him from being fully exposed were his boxers.
“Ah, Myungsoo, you need to start exercising again.” The boy began to flex, paying attention to his muscles. He shook his head disapprovingly and opened his closet pulling out a while button up shirt, along with a black tuxedo. After putting his clothes on, he walked over to his bed. Sitting down on the bed, he pulled a pair of dress shoes from underneath the bed. When he looked back up, on the table next to his bed was a small rose and pin. A smile formed on Myungsoo’s face. He took the pin and rose off the table and placed it on the collar of his blazer.
Walking out his room, he didn’t pay attention as to where he went. By know he knew where everything was in his house, he could walk there with his eyes shut. Perhaps due to that attitude it caused for the red wine to stain his shirt, but nevertheless, what happened could not be reverse. 
Myungsoo saw a female, several inches shorter than the male standing in front of him. Her expression was filled with worry and disappointment. Myungsoo looked down at his shirt, a red stain lied right in the center. The wet shirt began stick to his skin. Myungsoo bit his bottom lip thinking to himself, “Perfect, I’m going to be even later.”
He looked back at the female, “What’s your name?”
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eunji-enigma-blog · 11 years
Warmth :D
Eunji sneezed as a gust of cold air hit her once again. She glared at the pile of snow in front of her that was seemingly mocking her. Her hands gripped the shovel tighter as she pushed as hard as she could against the pile of snow, lifting up the shovel with shaking hands when she had scooped up enough. She tossed it to the side, the snow landing on her lawn. 
"Aish.. I'm so cold," She muttered, teeth chattering. A snowball suddenly hit her back, and she turned around furiously. Taemin was standing a few feet away, laughing happily. She narrowed her eyes at him, letting the shovel drop from her hands.
It clanked against the icy ground, and Eunji speed walked towards him, wary of the slippery surface under her. She punched him lightly when she got to him, ignoring his playful yelp. Eunji hooked her arm around his, pulling him towards the house. "Let's get warm.." She mumbled, burying her face in his warm arm. They opened the door, making sure to take off their snow-covered boots. 
Eunji skipped happily to the kitchen, yelling over her shoulder for Taemin to put a few logs in her fireplace. She took her hat off and threw it carelessly on the table, reaching to open up the cupboard. She grabbed a tin of hot chocolate powder, reminding herself to pick up some proper hot chocolate when she went shopping tomorrow.
Scooping out 3 spoonfuls into two mugs, Eunji filled her kettle up with water. As she set it to boil, she ran back to the living room, skidding slightly on the wood floor. Giggling, she kneeled down in front of the fire, grabbing a lighter that was on top a table nearby. "Yah, I've got some hot chocolate going," She said over her shoulder, holding the lit lighter underneath the firewood.
"I love hot chocolate," Taemin said happily as he pulled down a few blankets from her couch, laying them out in front of the fire. "Mm, yeah. Do you want marshmallows?" Eunji laughed when the boy nodded his head enthusiastically. She ran back to the kitchen when the high-pitched noise of the kettle reached their ears.
Carefully pouring the warm water into the mugs and mixing it, she leaned back to look out of the kitchen as she carelessly threw a few marshmallows in the steaming cups. "Yah! When I bring them, don't spill it okay?" She picked up the mugs, mumbling under her breath about the hotness of the cups, and walked slowly back to the living room. 
"Pfft, of course I won't spill," Eunji heard Taemin yell back from the living room. As she came in, she saw him sitting near the fire, holding his hands out to warm them. Smiling widely at him, she slowly and cautiously leaned down to hand him his mug. He took it, giving her a small smile and thanking her. Eunji placed her mug on the fireplace as she sat down, wrapping a blanket around her.
She leaned forward and picked her hot chocolate up, taking a hesitant sip. She yelped when it burned her tongue, and leaned away from the fire to cough slightly. Taemin laughed at her, blowing lightly on his own cup to cool it down. Eunji narrowed her eyes at him, huffing slightly.
"Shut up."
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eunji-enigma-blog · 11 years
Eunji looked over at his ear, checking for any injuries. "No, everything is fine. No blood," She mumbled the last part as she got into the car. She slid into the middle section of the car, reaching behind her to grab the seatbelt. As she waited for Taemin to get in and buckle up, she glanced at the rear view mirror to see Minyoung looking at her worriedly.
She smiled slightly and gave her a thumbs up, even though she knew Minyoung wouldn't stopped worrying. The older woman sighed softly, looking back out at the driveway in front of them. The woman beside her, that Eunji unfortunately forgot the name of, smiled at her slightly, although it turned into a sort of grimace at the sight of her blood-covered face and hands. Eunji heard the click of a seatbelt next to her, and clicked her own in. 
"Alright, let's go," She said, grabbing Taemin's hand gently and squeezing it. Minyoung nodded, driving away from the house. The car ride was mostly silent, with the occasional muttering of words from Minyoung, mostly complaints that Eunji had been so careless. Eunji rolled her eyes, and spent most of the time comforting Taemin by softly patting his hand every now and then. "Don't worry," She uttered the same words again, offering the best comfort she could at the time.
Incubus ♔ Eunji and Taemin
Taemin nodded and he exhaled shakily. “I feel sick again,” he mumbled. He reached a hand up to his ear and he felt around, just to make sure that he really wasn’t hurt. The bullet had whizzed past him and he was so scared that he hadn’t even thought about if it had hit him or not. “Is my ear bleeding? I hadn’t even though…I didn’t feel anything…I just…”
“Oh,” he said, feeling even sicker at the thought of a bullet being lodged in Eunji’s shoulder. Taemin nodded and he sat down heavily to pull his shoes on. His hands were shaking, so tying the laces was kind of hard, so by the time he finished, Eunji already had her jacket on and she was even holding his coat out for him. “Thank you,” he said, slipping his arms through the coat sleeves.
He took the phone and wiped it off on his shirt—it was already ruined anyways—then he slid it into his pocket. “What do I do if someone calls your phone and you’re seeing the doctor?” Taemin took Eunji’s arm once again and he opened the door for Eunji. “You get in first, ok?”
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eunji-enigma-blog · 11 years
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eunji-enigma-blog · 11 years
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eunji-enigma-blog · 11 years
Eunji patted his hand softly. "Some of them were bad. Don't think too much about it; I don't want you to worry about it," She checked her phone, reading the short text message from her friend Minyoung. She would be coming with another one of the women that worked for Eunji with to pick them up. Eunji had texted her before, asking Minyoung to drive them to the hospital and watch Taemin while she got healed.
"Oh, no. They just need to make sure the bullet still isn't in there, and remove it if it is. Then I'll get stitched up and we can get out of there," She smiled brightly at him, hoping to reassure him that she was fine. "Let's get our shoes on, neh?" She gently uncurled his tight grip to grab their coats from the stand nearby. As Taemin pulled on his shoes shakily, she pulled her jacket on, careful of stretching her shoulder the wrong way.
Eunji held Taemin's coat out by the arms, allowing him to pull it on. "Here, hold onto this," She handed him her phone, which had blood smeared on the back. Eunji pulled on her comfiest shoes, opening the front door. A small red car was waiting patiently in front of the house, the engine humming. "Come on," She let Taemin loop his arm around hers again as she led them to the car.
Incubus ♔ Eunji and Taemin
“Were all of them bad? Did they have to…?” Taemin asked, not sure why he was still asking questions. He felt sick enough already, he really shouldn’t be asking more questions. He gripped her hand tightly, hoping he wasn’t hurting her, he was just scared.
“Good,” he mumbled, stumbling slightly. He tried not to think too much about whatever it was and he forced himself to keep moving. “Surgery? Are you hurt that badly?” Taemin’s voice wobbled a little and he frowned as he tried to remember what wounds he had seen on her body. He remembered the shoulder and her forehead, but he couldn’t think of anything else.
“I don’t want them to know about me,” he said, nodding. Taemin opened his eyes and he told himself not to look back from where they had come from.
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eunji-enigma-blog · 11 years
Eunji led him quietly down the hallway, trying her best to avoid the bodies around them. She was caught off guard by Taemin's sudden question. "They.. were allies." She had no other way to put it, really. She had met most of these men once or twice, not really knowing anything personal about them. It was tragic that they had to die, yes, but this was the lifestyle they chose.
She smiled slightly at his onslaught of questions. "The hospital is about 5 minutes away. Of course, you can stay. I'll have a few of my friends look after you while I'm in surgery," Eunji grimaced at the last word, knowing she'd probably need it. She decided she should probably have a few women look after Taemin; he seemed more comfortable around them. 
At his hesitant question, she tightened her grip on his hand reassuringly. "No, of course not. They had no idea you were there, don't worry." She looked at his face, tear-streaked, red, eyes closed in fear. "No. They won't lay a finger on you." They reached the end of the hallway, leading out into the large entranceway. "You can open your eyes now. I'll call some people and we'll be on our way to the hospital in a few."
Incubus ♔ Eunji and Taemin
Taemin nodded and he took hold of her hand, instantly closing his eyes. He’d seen enough carnage when the door had opened and he was swaying back and forth slightly now from the stink of death and congealing blood. “Who were they?” he asked quietly as they began to walk forward.
“How far away is the hospital? Can I stay with you? I want to go home, but I’m too scared to go by myself now,” Taemin said. He was afraid and nervous and tired, which somehow meant he was bursting with questions. “Are they going to come after me now?” He clutched Eunji’s hand tighter as his foot knocked against something.
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eunji-enigma-blog · 11 years
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