evangelinewritesss · 2 years
UPDATE! i will not be writing the male version of my latest story, due to having no motivation.
sorry for the people who were looking forward to that!
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evangelinewritesss · 2 years
the 3 archons with a younger sister!reader
pairings: venti, zhongli, raiden ei x fem!reader (seperate and platonic)
was this requested? no
genre: headcannons, fluff
warnings: some spoliers for ei's part.
a/n: i will be making a male and gender-neutral version lol.
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venti + you = chaos
he loves you sm! (platonically ofc)
venti loves taking you to his statue, the windrise tree, stormterror's lair, basically all around mondstadt.
he taught you how to play the lyre, and you wrote a song about him. he cried.
takes you on joyrides with dvalin.
he's not overprotective, venti's the kind of person to be protective when it's needed.
overall, 9/10 (because he does steal some mora to buy wine)
"Hey there, lil sis! We'll have a great day today! Hm? Where's your Mora? Ummmm... ehe."
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y'all are too FORMAL (i'm so sorry)
zhongli taught you manners, etiquette, phrases, how to dress, how to be polite, etc.
he takes you to work because hu tao keeps forcing him to bring you.
zhongli makes you tea every day because, well, tea i guess.
gave you an earring that kind of matched his, but in the more, smaller side.
childe does indeed adore you, and thinks of you as a sister in-law.
(because, zhongchi?)
overall, 10/10, best big brother.
"Dear sister, these stories are quite.. inaccurate. Come, I will tell you the story myself."
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(btw this takes place after the sakoku decree was abolished)
ei has more time to spend with you after she abolished the sakoku decree
you and ei buy dango to eat together.
ei decided to teach you the musuo no hitotachi sword art, even though the technique is deemed very dangerous by ei herself.
she loves you with all of her heart, even after makoto's death and the creation of her puppets, raiden shogun and scaramouche.
yae miko will spoil you rotten, she will give you books, kimono's, hairpins, etc.
whenever ei isn't around you, she will always send kujou sara and the tenryou commission to make sure you're safe
overall, 9.5/10, not the best, but is super kind and supportive
"[Name], would you mind and come get dango with me? You will? Thank you!"
hey! i hope you enjoyed this one. please let me know what i should write next!
lots of love,
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evangelinewritesss · 2 years
how the genshin children would spend a day with you!
was this requested? no
pairings: genshin children (seperate) x gn!reader (platonic only!)
genre: headcannons, fluff
a/n: i was bored and i didn't get klee. also i apologize if it's bland.
warnings: not proofread.
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klee wanted to play with you and albedo, but sadly, he was busy working in dragonspine, so you and klee went on a fun adventure!
she took you to her favorite fish blasting spot, and she showed you how to blast fish.
you had to watch her, so she didn't burn the grass, and possibly mondstadt.
klee then introduced you to a game that she plays with jean. it's a scavenger hunt to find dodoco plushies!
she won, not because you let her, because she had more experience in playing.
overall, you end the day by watching the birds near the cathedral
"Yay! Are you here for playtime with Klee?"
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the popular bartender of the cat's tail had a free day off, so she invited you to springvale to catch anemo crystalflies and pick flowers!
she started off by making sure you had no trace of alcohol on you, for safety measures, of course.
diona showed you how to make flower crowns out of calla lilies to decorate both of your outfits.
you caught an anemo crystalfly to give to diona as a pet, but she insisted you keep it
to end the day, diona and you layed in the soft grass and looked at the constellations.
"Oh! It's you. If you're going out for a bit of sunshine, I wouldn't mind!"
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qiqi wanted to do something with you, but she forgot..sadly. so dr. baizhu had to remind you to come to the pharmacy to pick up qiqi.
you and qiqi went to dihua marsh to collect some herbs for medications, but she also wanted to have a picnic.
you brought some of her favorite treats and drinks, as well as your favorites to eat and drink as well.
qiqi's face looked like her normal self, but she was having fun with you.
at the end of the day, you return qiqi to baizhu, along with the herbs and a snack for him.
"I have a poor..memory, but I will try to remember this event."
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sayu wanted to go to chiyu forest for your fun day together. you wondered why a forest, but sayu has something planned.
she wanted to show you how do to shuumatsuban techniques!
you were quite flimsy at the beginning, but gradually, you mastered a couple of the abilities.
sayu then took you to inazuma city to have some tea at the komore tea house.
at the end of the day, you take a sleeping sayu to the kamisato estate.
"I really had fun! But, I'm so tired..now.."
thanks for reading!
feel free to request me something to write!
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evangelinewritesss · 2 years
how the geo characters would spend a date with you <3
was this requested? no
pairings: geo characters (seperate) x gn!reader
genre: headcanons
a/n: sorry if some of them are short
warning: not proofread
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~ noelle is a very busy woman, so she'd take her breaks to spend time with you!
~ she would take you on a picnic at starfell lake, and you both would eat traditional mondstadt foods as you talk about the things you've accomplished, troubles, etc.
~ noelle talk about her training to become a knight, and she told you that you were her motivation to train harder.
~maybe you would dip your toes in the lake if you wanted, it's up to you, dear reader!
~ after you part ways, noelle will give you a broach that she made for you.
~ you gave her a hairpin that she wears everyday to work.
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~ just like noelle, albedo is very busy with his studies, so he would plan a date in his lab so he could show you his work.
~ he would meet you in springvale first, so he could accompany you through the bitter frost of dragonspine.
~ when you saw his lab, you were just standing there with your mouth wide open.
~you'd never seen anything like it! so many bottles full of things, you were tempted to touch them all.
~ albedo showed you his latest creations and potions, and you were in awe!
~ then you would eat in the lab, as he showed you his sketches and paintings.
~ at the end of the date, albedo gave you a rose he made and a painting of you in a field of dandelions.
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~ when ningguang heard you were in liyue, she cleared her entire schedule just so you would have a date together!
~ she planned a date at the jade chamber, and she had so many presents for you! one of them being a jade pendant she had made for you.
~ ningguang had her chefs make li and yue foods so she could see what cuisine you liked better. you ended up liking both cuisines, so ningguang knows that she should take you to both liuli pavilion and xinyue kiosk.
~ she then took you to play her chess game, and you won a round, while ningguang won a round as well
~ after, you sat down for some tea, and she gave you your presents and gave you a furbished room that is your room for whenever you're in liyue
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~ yun jin wanted the date to be at night, but she had to perform the only night you were free from your job
~ to make up for it, she invited you to come to the show. of course you accepted her invite and wore your best clothing.
~ the setting was full of color, and the story was of course from liyue folklore, and you recognized the story as one of your favorites.
~ whenever someone threw a flower at her, she always gave it to you, with a kiss planted on the flower for good luck for both of you.
~ after the performance, the audience cheered, but you cheered the loudest at yun jin. she was your girlfriend, after all. but she was the best performer in the show.
~ you both then went to grab tea and sit down at the harbor to watch the moonlight
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~ zhongli would plan the date at the heyu tea house for some tea and a story from tea master liu su
~ he would always shake his head and sigh heavily when liu su said something incorrect about the archon war, which told you the story was inaccurate. nevertheless, you continued to listen to the story.
~ after the many cups of tea and about 5 stories about rex lapis, you payed the bill, and went on a walk around liyue harbor, hand in hand.
~ he would tell you the accurate stories about the archon war, and you'd listed to his soothing voice.
~ you bought tiger fish to eat as you two watched the children play, the loyal residents of liyue do their work, and the calm breeze.
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~ he would take you on a walk around watatsumi island!
~ you both would talk about random things that came to your head, like inazuman history, the narukami ogosho, the divine priestess of watatsumi island, etc.
~ he always tried to hide the urge to chase the butterflies, but you let him chase them.
~ he caught one for you. it was the same color of your eyes, and it looked so beautiful! (like you)
~ gorou then took you to a spot in the woods that had a pile of sakura, and some foxes laying there.
~ then gorou taught you how to feed the foxes, and you had a good time with your boyfriend!
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~ itto would take you to the irodori festival to see everything that the yashiro commision prepared.
~ itto is very picky about his food due to his bean allergy, so when you two get food, he has you check his food to see if there are beans in the dish while itto stands on the other side of the road.
~ he'd show you the shops, and you two would get matching rings together!
~ whenever there was a contest, itto would always enter and he always won every single contest. he'd give you some of the prizes though.
~ after the festival, he would introduce you to granny oni, and then take you home
thank you for reading! make sure you take care of yourself!
lots of love,
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evangelinewritesss · 2 years
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hi! my name is evangeline. i go by she/they, and i'm a fanfic writer!
my blog is a safe place for anybody of all ages, genders, race, sexualities, etc.
my carrd
things i will write
chapter stories
hurt comfort
love triangles
things i will not write
character/reader death
yandere-type situations
pyro characters
klee - how the genshin children would spend the day with you
hydro characters
anemo characters
sayu - how the genshin children would spend the day with you
venti - 3 archons with a younger sister!reader
electro characters
raiden ei - 3 archons with a younger sister!reader
dendro characters
cryo characters
diona & qiqi - how the genshin children would spend the day with you
geo characters
how the geo characters would spend a date with you.
zhongli - 3 archons with a younger sister!reader
last updated: august 11, 2022
thank you for reading, and follow if you'd like!
lots of love,
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