#yun jin fluff
evangelinewritesss · 2 years
how the geo characters would spend a date with you <3
was this requested? no
pairings: geo characters (seperate) x gn!reader
genre: headcanons
a/n: sorry if some of them are short
warning: not proofread
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~ noelle is a very busy woman, so she'd take her breaks to spend time with you!
~ she would take you on a picnic at starfell lake, and you both would eat traditional mondstadt foods as you talk about the things you've accomplished, troubles, etc.
~ noelle talk about her training to become a knight, and she told you that you were her motivation to train harder.
~maybe you would dip your toes in the lake if you wanted, it's up to you, dear reader!
~ after you part ways, noelle will give you a broach that she made for you.
~ you gave her a hairpin that she wears everyday to work.
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~ just like noelle, albedo is very busy with his studies, so he would plan a date in his lab so he could show you his work.
~ he would meet you in springvale first, so he could accompany you through the bitter frost of dragonspine.
~ when you saw his lab, you were just standing there with your mouth wide open.
~you'd never seen anything like it! so many bottles full of things, you were tempted to touch them all.
~ albedo showed you his latest creations and potions, and you were in awe!
~ then you would eat in the lab, as he showed you his sketches and paintings.
~ at the end of the date, albedo gave you a rose he made and a painting of you in a field of dandelions.
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~ when ningguang heard you were in liyue, she cleared her entire schedule just so you would have a date together!
~ she planned a date at the jade chamber, and she had so many presents for you! one of them being a jade pendant she had made for you.
~ ningguang had her chefs make li and yue foods so she could see what cuisine you liked better. you ended up liking both cuisines, so ningguang knows that she should take you to both liuli pavilion and xinyue kiosk.
~ she then took you to play her chess game, and you won a round, while ningguang won a round as well
~ after, you sat down for some tea, and she gave you your presents and gave you a furbished room that is your room for whenever you're in liyue
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~ yun jin wanted the date to be at night, but she had to perform the only night you were free from your job
~ to make up for it, she invited you to come to the show. of course you accepted her invite and wore your best clothing.
~ the setting was full of color, and the story was of course from liyue folklore, and you recognized the story as one of your favorites.
~ whenever someone threw a flower at her, she always gave it to you, with a kiss planted on the flower for good luck for both of you.
~ after the performance, the audience cheered, but you cheered the loudest at yun jin. she was your girlfriend, after all. but she was the best performer in the show.
~ you both then went to grab tea and sit down at the harbor to watch the moonlight
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~ zhongli would plan the date at the heyu tea house for some tea and a story from tea master liu su
~ he would always shake his head and sigh heavily when liu su said something incorrect about the archon war, which told you the story was inaccurate. nevertheless, you continued to listen to the story.
~ after the many cups of tea and about 5 stories about rex lapis, you payed the bill, and went on a walk around liyue harbor, hand in hand.
~ he would tell you the accurate stories about the archon war, and you'd listed to his soothing voice.
~ you bought tiger fish to eat as you two watched the children play, the loyal residents of liyue do their work, and the calm breeze.
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~ he would take you on a walk around watatsumi island!
~ you both would talk about random things that came to your head, like inazuman history, the narukami ogosho, the divine priestess of watatsumi island, etc.
~ he always tried to hide the urge to chase the butterflies, but you let him chase them.
~ he caught one for you. it was the same color of your eyes, and it looked so beautiful! (like you)
~ gorou then took you to a spot in the woods that had a pile of sakura, and some foxes laying there.
~ then gorou taught you how to feed the foxes, and you had a good time with your boyfriend!
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~ itto would take you to the irodori festival to see everything that the yashiro commision prepared.
~ itto is very picky about his food due to his bean allergy, so when you two get food, he has you check his food to see if there are beans in the dish while itto stands on the other side of the road.
~ he'd show you the shops, and you two would get matching rings together!
~ whenever there was a contest, itto would always enter and he always won every single contest. he'd give you some of the prizes though.
~ after the festival, he would introduce you to granny oni, and then take you home
thank you for reading! make sure you take care of yourself!
lots of love,
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lume-nosity · 1 year
if they get isekai’d to our world
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characters: tighnari, nilou, yun jin, eula, aether, lumine, heizou, kazuha, xiao
genre: fluff
an: this is completely self indulgent and i may make a part 2 of this when i’m feeling up for it. take this post before i vanish again for the week. i’ll see you all again on the weekends <3
notes: not proofread, gender neutral reader, swearing, written in hc form so it’s short/weird, reverse isekai trope, written in one day
reblogs are appreciated!
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trusting tighnari with your plants.
he’s experienced in the botanical area, so have him tend to them. it’ll also give him an opportunity to study/observe said plant(s), so just have him watch your plants when you don’t have the time. he’ll be very happy.
but if he finds out that you haven’t been caring for them before the isekai fiasco, he will scold you. and then give you a lecture on why and how you should care for them.
if you have like a book on plants/biology/anything plant related, he’ll be thrilled to read such a book from you. he will spend sleepless nights reading it, and you have to remind him to take it easy.
nilou, yun jin, and eula playing just dance.
nilou’s having a great time, ended up getting high scores while eula is flustered but she still maintains her graceful stature when dancing.
eula didn’t want to play at first because she’s suspicious of the game, but she was dragged into playing so she didn’t have any other choice. she ended up liking it but of course she doesn’t admit it. and yun jin is just glad she gets to be a part of it.
all of you are dancing the night away frfr
having venti listen to your playlists.
as it’s known, he knows every song in existence. but listening to your playlists, he’s surprised he’s never heard of such a tune before. because, you know, he’s not from your world.
but even so, it reels him in wanting more. so he begs you to borrow your phone to listen to your playlists, especially new ones you just made.
when you left your phone somewhere unattended and venti came across it, he looked both sides before snagging your phone off of its place to listen to your playlists in secret. ehe.
aether & lumine being your errand buddies.
if you’re planning to go out to run an errand like buying groceries or something, these two are the first ones to volunteer to help. i know they do everything in teyvat; doing shit for everyone and all that but this is different. when they got isekai’d, they’re reunited! (i’m going to ignore the abyss sibling bullshit okay let me write in peace i want these two to be happy)
so they’re returning the favor by assisting you in anything! even in your house, they still help you with chores and whatnot! which made you worry for them, so you’ve decided to arrange a time where you all could sit and chat. they talked about their journeys to other worlds, and you could listen to them talk for hours.
introducing heizou to true crime documentaries.
ohhhhh boy you know he will binge the SHIT out of them. now that he doesn’t have to deal with missing pets, he has something interesting to indulge himself in.
he ends up figuring out who’s the culprit before the show could even reveal who. which shocks you, if you’re the type to take a long time trying to connect the dots.
if you show him some unsolved cases, you know damn well he’ll look/watch into it. you have a smart detective on your hands, and if he ends up solving them as well, you must be writhing in pride that you and heizou are the only ones who know the truth.
kazuha asking you to go out on a stroll from time to time.
one time when he accompanies you and your errand buddies because he wants to see what your world looks like in addition to lending another hand, he wants to see that again. the wind, the sky, the view, all of that. it’s all unique to him.
so, expect him to ask you if you’d like to go out on a little stroll for a while. it’s an excuse for him to feel what your world would be like, to digest its features and compliment it all in a poetic sense.
most likely points out the colors of the leaves you guys walk by. he’s just blabbering about nature while you’re out here digesting his words and your mind turns into an actual tree from listening.
teaching xiao everything you know about your world.
yes, this seems bland, but listen. xiao is oblivious to how teyvat works in terms of tradition/humans, and now that he’s isekai’d to your world, you have to teach this poor innocent individual.
he needs information in order to adapt to this new world he’s not familiar with, knowing there’s not really a way out.
xiao is listening intently and nodding to everything you say, asking questions at the same time.
this isn’t part of the headcanon, but he’s also cautious when you say you’re going to go out at night especially when aether & lumine are busy with other matters. if that were to happen he will be the one to step in. no danger will befall you when you have a yaksha by your side.
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nian-7 · 1 year
Hello good morning / good night! could i request a Hc of Genshin women's reaction to receiving flowers from their s/o ? (if possible Fem!reader please). I already thank you in advance :) , feel free to delete !
hi! this sounds cute, please enjoy
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Various Genshin Women x reader
✧their reaction to receiving flowers
✧fluff, genshin male ver
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She's surprised to say the least. It wasn't something that she was expecting to see when she arrives home. She's very thankful that you thought of her and bought her some beautiful flowers! She accepts them gratefully and will put them as the center piece on a table.
-Eula, Jean, Ningguang, Kokomi, Yun Jin, Ayaka, Nilou
She's happy! She loves the flowers you picked out and will cherish them for as long as she can. She takes extremely well care of them and is disappointed when she has to get rid of them because they've hit the end of their life span. She absolutely loves them and will put them on display and mention how you had gotten them for her.
-Collei, Yoimiya, Beidou, Hu Tao, Xinyan, Amber
The poor girl is a little flustered that you had gotten her a gift! Why didn't you tell her before? She would have gotten you something as well! She really does like them though and will always think of you whenever she sees those flowers now! Not that she wasn't thinking of you before, of course.
-Sucrose, Ganyu, Ayaka, Kuki, Layla
I mean, of course you got her a gift. Why wouldn't you? Whether this be her thought process to protect her own ego, to hide the butterflies inside her, or even just to poke fun at you before thanking you for them, she really does like the gift! No matter what type of flower it is, she thinks it was very thoughtful of you to get her a gift while you were out!
-Yae, Lisa, Mona, Fischl, Faruzan, Hu Tao, Yelan
She has a neutral expression for the most part. You can't tell if she doesn't like it or if she isn't sure how to react. At this point, you might as well ask but, before you can she thanks you. A small smile appears on her face (possibly accompanied by a small blush forming on her cheeks) as she looks at you.
-Rosaria, Shenhe, Ei, Sara, Kuki
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please do not repost any of my work without my permission, thank you for reading.
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dreamsofteyvat · 2 years
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imagine kissing them.
imagine them melting against your lips, resting in your hold. imagine their muted sigh against you, the relief that chases away the exhaustion in their limbs.
imagine their hands: wandering, careless, thoughtlessly holding your waist, your arms, your shoulders. imagine their starry eyes gently closed, their skin so beautiful under your fingers.
imagine kissing them again and again, sharing comfort and sweet nothings that turn into everything under the warm breeze and heavy moon.
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-> (your fav) + KAZUHA, xiao, jean, ayaka, kuki shinobu, ningguang, KOKOMI, lisa, rosaria, SHENHE, DILUC, kaeya, CHILDE, yun jin
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windwheeler-aster · 2 years
...is always love
summary: what it’s like to bake in the kitchen with your loving partner.
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pairings (separate): tartaglia, ayaka, yun jin, and sucrose x reader
reader info: uses gender neutral pronouns (they/them), reader and characters mentioned are in an established relationship, and reader is not traveler
word count: 1,217 words (4 mins~)
genre: Modern AU, romance, fluff/domestic fluff
format: headcanons
warnings: mentions of alcohol used in recipe (childe), swearing, brief mentions of fire/burning home down, suggestive if you squint (childe, yun jin), skinship (childe, yun jin)
a/n: hgggg,,, domestic life,,, thoughts of baking with my luv make brain go brrr 💖 also, ignore any and all childe kissery in this post by the author /lh (part one can be found here)
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childe likes to cook and bake
growing up, childe always lent a helping hand around the kitchen while his siblings were outside playing
and, truth be told, he feels most at home there
so when you come home and see childe in a lovely apron, calmly whisking ingredients together into a thick batter, you’re floored
how could your boyfriend looked so hot cute??? and act so nonchalant about it??? mother fucKER WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS 🤬
and when he looks up to you??? 
he literally breaks out into a smile, eyes crinkling up at the very edges 
he’s all smiling and warm inside because he’s just so happy to be with his favourite person🥰
ugh, he’s precious sometimes
if you ever want to join in, childe is all for it!
most of the deserts you’re making are for his younger siblings though! be warned!!
and childe does become a little more... distracted while baking with you
while you’re in the kitchen, he wants to be touching you at all times
leaning his head onto your shoulder, hugging your waist with one hand, and hugging you from behind are his top 3, for sure
given the chance, he will pepper kisses into your neck as you mix and measure ingredients
if you happen to mess up because of his actions, childe will mumble an insincere apology
if you are really serious about baking though, childe will be very helpful!
he has a few tricks up his sleeve and knows the perfect way to bake (and cook) something he’s familiar with
if it’s a new recipe though? he’ll still bring the same confidence as before!
“alright, so add one teaspoon of vanilla... hm. babe, how about we swap out the vanilla for some rum? what?! it tastes so much better— arg, fine, fine, i relent! i suppose getting my younger siblings drunk on cookies isn’t a very good idea...”
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ayaka likes decorating the deserts you’ve made!
but otherwise, she does not like baking!!
she gets really frustrated with the recipes, as most of the ones she uses are worded strangely or too complicated 
she would read the recipe, follow the instructions, measure everything EXACTLY to the grain
....except... she’d still mess up along the way
but hey!! you still get cookies in the end!! they just don’t taste/feel like expected!
so, she sticks with decoration
and a small section of ayaka’s kitchen is just reserved for that, actually!
she only ever uses it whenever you bake though
and she loves, loves, loves watching you bake
ayaka will happily stand in the kitchen with you, simply enjoying your presence😌
and, no matter your experience with baking, she’ll love to call you some sweet related nicknames (sweetie, honey, and rarely honey-buns)
it’s a very calming experience for her!
even if you get distracted and almost burnt down the kitchen!! she’s never been more calm in her life, don’t worry!
but when it’s time to decorate? ayaka completely switches places with you
she's now become the master in the kitchen while you stand back, amazed
and whatever she decorates always turns out so pretty, definitely earning a place in your camera-roll
your cookies are... unique!! compared to ayaka’s at least
but ayaka loves them with every bit of her being!! 
she just can’t help but chuckle a lil when you put them side by side
“oh, don’t be so hard on yourself! your cookies look... charming! no, i’m not lying, darling, please trust me. hm... if you want i could let you know a few tips and tricks for decorating— er, only if you want to though, sweetie!”
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yun jin doesn't bake often... but she would with you!
mostly because it’s an excuse to touch you, due to the small kitchen space
but she won’t let you know that, of course😉
although, you have a sneaking suspicion yun jin enjoys leaning her head on your shoulder more than the actual baking...
oh, and besides trying to be close to you, yun jin does try to dance with you too!
while your pastries are baking, she’ll gladly take your hands and twirl you around
it doesn’t matter if yun jin makes up a dance on the spot or if each careful step and twirl are apart of some ancient dance— she makes the moment special
she’ll still smile and laugh with you as she spins you around and around
and you won’t notice this, of course, but yun jin doesn’t let go of you until the dance is over
truthfully, she never really wants the dances to end but... the pastries cannot be burned☹️
and when you do need yun jin’s help, she’s more than willing!
she practically dances on her own whenever she fetches ingredients and tools around the kitchen
and if yun jin ever needs to move past you, she’ll gently grab you by the waist and move you over
her touch is feather-light and without any pressure, and you barely notice it until you’ve been moved
it’s still a flustering experience for you! (it’s yun jin, c’mon)
but yun jin is oblivious to any effect this has on you!! 
until she catches a hint of enjoyment from you, whether that be a smile or flustered expression
and she will (unknowingly) tease you about it, by the way
“oh! excuse me, my love, but the whisk is just behind you. pardon me— okay, here you go, love. er... my love, what’s with that smile on your face? d...do you like me picking you up, my dearest? wha— no, love, it’s a genuine question—”
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sucrose is a great baker!
she has the cutest cooking tools and appliances!!! 
all of which she uses very often, by the way
and she applies the same seriousness she uses with her lab experiments with baking
also, sucrose really wants to impress you with her baking skills👉👈
so she starts giving you her “samples” and eagerly asks for your opinion on them
slowly, but surely, sucrose will find out your preferences😈
sure, she could ask you what you like
but where’s the fun in that, right?
oh, by the way, if you’re ever right next to sucrose you can catch a whiff of vanilla from her
please tell sucrose she smells nice, she’ll melt
also, please let sucrose talk about baking!!
you’ll be blessed with a very excited sucrose who is babbling on and on about how her work and baking aren’t so different
and she has stars in her eyes and she’s smiling and she’s getting louder and she’s so cute and—
but if she notices that you’re staring at her, sucrose will clam up
she may have mistaken your look of adoration for boredom...
sucrose’s really worried you might grow bored of her
or worse! you might think she’s really annoying and just want her to shut up
but sucrose is delighted when you encourage her to go on!
she will happily talk as you both wait on the pastries to bake, gradually regaining that confidence
“and really, the only difference between my lab work and baking is the amount of mistakes i can make. no, seriously! with recipes that have been used for years, i know what product i’ll get at the end of my experiment. but, when i follow mister albedo’s notes—”
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@x-zho  @definitelynotahutaosimp​ @cxlrosii​​
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thank you for reading 💖 all forms of interaction to my posts are appreciated 💖
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eclipse-escarlata · 1 year
YunYan fanfic - Cotidiano
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¡Hola de nuevo! No esperaba traer nada tan pronto pero aquí os dejo un regalito, algo más subido de tono de lo que yo suelo escribir pero regalo igualmente.
No creo que vaya a publicar el siguiente capítulo de La tormenta que desató el viento hasta finales de este mes, tengo mi examen para conseguir mi título del B2 de inglés y mi graduación de por medio. A lo mucho subiré la traducción de La tormenta que desató el viento y si puedo también la de este fic, pero nada más hasta pasar todos los eventos importantes.
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I've wrote some Xinyan x Yun Jin fluff! : D
I wish I could give you a bigger synopsis, but it literally is, "Xinyan and Yun Jin go to a bathhouse together"
My Kofi in case you want to request something
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heedmywarnings · 2 years
Songs of Different Kind
Anticipation and nervousness were the emotions Yun Jin felt behind the curtains of the stage, it was her first performance, she had every right to feel scared. What if she messes up? What if something goes wrong? What if the audience doesn't like it? Thoughts and thoughts of all negative possibilities coursed through her mind like a racing horse.
Yun Jin was a playwright, she only meant to write plays for her own enjoyment, she isn't suppose to be performing! Well should she?
After her performance, the audience clapped so loud it was deafening, it gave Yun Jin something to, as an opera singer.
Many plays later, and many more fans later.. Yun Jin is now the current director of the Yun-Han Opera Troupe. Her movements as fluid as water, and her voice spreader throughout Liyue's breeze, though.. it feels sort of suffocating for her. Performing the long history of Liyue, her God, Rex Lapis, and the adepti, she's getting quite bored of it, surely her audience agrees too?
Whilst strolling the harbor to find inspiration for a play she's writing on, she stumbled upon a unique type of music, a type of music she's never heard of, it's so different from opera. Oh, how she wondered what it was, and so curiosity got the better of her, and off she went to the woman playing the music.
"Excuse me, what are you playing?" Yun Jin asked, "Oh! Well if it isn't the famous Miss Yun! I'm playing a guitar, isn't she a beauty?" The woman said, "Well it is unique, I'd like you hear you play more. If that's okay with you" Yun Jin asked her which immediately made the woman in front of her smile wider, "Of course! Playing for Miss Yun is a prestige!" She replied, "I'm Xinyan by the way!" 'Xinyan introduced herself, "You already know me as Yun Jin" Yun Jin said.
It was already a blooming friendship from the start. Xinyan rooting her in her plays, while Yun Jin makes sure to visit her performances atleast three times a week even if she's busy or if she's not allowed too.
Even at Lantern Rite, they watched the fireworks go off in multiple different colors in the sky.
(This isn't a ship post its just Xinyan and Yun Jin being besties</3 please don't reblog:D)
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yok00k · 3 months
truth or dare
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pairing: hellokittylover/coquette!oc x boxer!jk
genre: angst, fluff
‧₊˚🎧⊹♡— are you playing? truth or dare
synopsis: rumor has it that jungkook is entertaining other girl(s)
word count: 3.3k
warnings: angsty, oc got: attachment issues, daddy issues [like the author], etc. oc is also kinda dumb (and broken) but she’s figuring shit out, lowkey she’s that bitch, jealous!oc, side characters were kinda introduced, mention of jk making out w/ another girl, jk’s character is complex: one sec he’s a playboy and another sec he’s down bad for oc?, open ending, unedited
a/n: this took place when jk and oc were in 2 month situationship and still getting to know one another! so their boundary wasn’t clear..
₊˚⊹ ᰔ
Everything seems to be a dream as soon as you wake up on another glorious day.
you’ve never felt so energized like this before. it’s a little strange to say but, you even feel like you’ve been reborn for some unknown reason. maybe today is going to be a good day for you.
well let’s see.. you’re off from work plus you basically got nothing to do other than clean your room a little for a little bit and to just chill around!
one of the first things you do as soon as you wake up is stare at your phone, particularly to see if jungkook has sent you a message yet as he always never fails to not. a simple yet sweet “good morning pretty :)” and “did my baby girl sleep well?” can add a bright color to your day. it shows that he cares and that he’s thinking about you too.
the anticipated message from your comfort person unexpectedly did not pop out in your notification. it kind of threw you off. jungkook never misses sending you at least one message, precisely at 8:30 every morning. even in the mornings where he had a boxing match the night before. today is indeed such a strange day.
you’re in no position to be sad just because he didn’t message you. in fact, you’re not, you’re just surprised, or so you think. at the same time, you shouldn’t be in shock owing to the fact that there’s no label between you and jungkook. indeed there’s something going on with you and him, whatever that would be except for being girlfriend and boyfriend.
you often ask yourself where you two stand. for you, it’s indistinct to identify what you are to him. all you know is that he is someone special to you. jungkook makes you feel like you’re the prettiest girl in the whole universe every time he’s around you. it’s the way he articulates his words when speaking to you. you can’t explain it.
you’re more than aware that you’re growing emotional attachment to him. getting used to his affection and now that you didn’t receive a message from him to start off your day, it dismays you. although you’re not sure if there's a hidden motive beyond those gut feeling, you choose to ignore it and start typing on your keyboard.
good morning my ggukie!!
r u free today?? kinda wanna hang out with you >o<
delivered | 9:01 am
since you didn’t establish any kind of plan that you’ll be doing today, you’re thinking of inviting him over. you have lots of things to show him, things you purchased when you went shopping with your best friend who also happens to lives next door, Yun-jin
speaking of her before you even forget, you have to call and ask her how her night went from clubbing last night. she initially invited and forced you to go. but your thousands of homeworks and seventy other things on your checklist didn’t permit you to go. partying is always fun, especially with her, but you have to stay focused on your priorities.
you find her inbox off your message app, the first thing you saw was her latest message from this morning
im aliveeeeeeebwwkwwjhskw
sent at 3:33 am
it made you chuckle lightly. she’s completely wasted. there’s no point of calling her as she’s probably still down. so, you decided to pull up to her apartment, bring a few painkillers with you. you’ll bet seven grand that her hangover is going to be so bad.
opening the door using the key she gave you, you spot her laying on the cream and fluffy rug in her cozy white themed living room. you quickly make your way towards her.
“yunny wake up” you said, gently rubbing her back. “i brought you some painkillers, take them quickly” handling her a couple of pain relievers.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ
you’re currently searching for breakfast in her mini fridge, something yun-jin can eat so she’ll feel better. your poor friend is a complete mess as she lazily walks toward the counter in front of you.
“last night was so fun, you should’ve come,” she murmurs, hopping on the bar stool as she watches you cook her breakfast. “Jaeyun won’t stop asking me about you.”
oh you almost forget about him. Jaeyun is Yun-jin’s childhood friend who has a huge interest in you. well that’s what Yun-jin has told you, but you swore to her that you won’t tell him that you know. back in your senior year of high school, you mostly have the same classes as him. oftentimes you two hang out and study together in a local cafe. you enjoy his company a lot, but only as friends. just when you and Jungkook started talking, your friendship with Jaeyun unintentionally grew apart. you lowkey miss hanging out with him. anyways, you take a mental note to check up on him later.
yun-jin tells you more about what you’ve missed. most of them are about the hot guys that she encountered in the night club. that’s not new to you because she’s always out there looking out for hotties.
“oh i forgot to tell you, you remember Blythe? she’s wildin’ last night too” of course, how could you forget about the girl who spreads malicious rumors about you? you genuinely don’t know what’s up with her as she constantly talks shit about you though you never know her personally. to you, she’s just a friend of a friend and some type of hater. indeed, it’s a one- sided beef. she is also known for making out with multiple guys and god knows what at every party she’s in.
“my god, who was her target last night??” you interestedly asked. you and yun-jin have a silly habit of keeping track of her targets. you two soon discover that she goes for the basketball players and athletic guys in general.
“I don't think we’ve seen the guy in a club before but I’ve heard he does underground boxing.” she said as her eyes glanced to her left, trying to recollect her memory. Jungkook might be familiar with the mysterious man. he could be either in his circle or one of his opponents.
you just hum, you expected she’ll go for another basketball player. you guess she’s trying something new.
“but girl, let me tell you. the boxer guy looked so drunk and she was dry humping on him like a damn get a fucking room bro” she adds more details on the tea, while pretending to cry as she covers her eyes.
“wait was the guy totally intoxicated ?” you ask as cracking the eggs on the hot pan.
“No, he was still responding back to her, running his hands around her body and stuff.” you’re glad you didn’t see that yourself, or else you’ll cringe. your friend giving you a summary of how the night went is enough. still, it’s entertaining. for a while.
“let me see if she posted something on her IG” yun-jin utters, pulling out her phone from her pocket.
she taps on her screen multiple times, and finally she finds a story that the girl posted. “look, she posted this”
and with that, yun-jin faces the phone your way. you take a glance on her screen, showing you a low exposure photo of the girl sitting on the uknown guy’s lap. her face is showing while his face wasn't captured. the blurry image seems normal. until your eyes examine the familiar tatted arm that’s wrapped around the girl’s torso. you swear you’ve seen those tattoos before. it takes you a while to recognize the ink into the deep layer of their skin.
then it hits you— those not-so-foreign tattoos belong to jungkook, your jungkook.
oh. your heart suddenly drops.
your eyes lock with the phone screen surface longer than the usual, by which makes your friend frown.
“hey, what’s wrong?” Yun-jin concernedly ask
maybe that’s why he hasn’t texted you yet. maybe he slept wit—
“y/n? you ok?” your friend calls for you again, interrupting your thoughts, though they didn’t fully vanish.
shifting your eyes to her, you blink rapidly “yeah, i’m completely ok,” swallowing your lies away. you can feel your eyes watering, and you don't want your friend to see you break down.
after cooking her breakfast, you decided to head back. “I forgot that I have something to do, I’ll go now” you rapidly put your shoes on
‘she’s not eating this breakfast with me?’ Yun-jin thinks as she watches you leave her apartment.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ
As soon as you get back to your apartment, you walk towards your bedroom. immediately, you throw yourself on the bed.
“I’m so stupid” you groan as you kick the baby pink multi layer bedsheets on your bed.
and once again, you can’t explain this bothersome feeling. anger? feeling betrayed? jealousy? sadness? all of the above?
you can’t understand. no, you’re trying to understand in the midst of confusion.
you really like him, you really do. and he says he likes you too. he even confessed his feelings to you first! since then, it was safe to assume that you two will establish a label soon. you were so sure of it, until now.
how.. how come he’s with another woman?
the more you think about, the more you feel the sting in your heart. the unpleasant emotion is spreading inside your system, it’s urging you to throw up. you find yourself removing dead skin out of your cuticle using your thumbnail, a habit which you only do to relieve anxiety.
you have so many questions that need to be answered. were the feelings he felt about you real? or was he just playing you? or did he just forget that you exist in his life last night? or did he just lose interest in you? these questions bring out your inner conflicts. so many questions you’re afraid to know the real answers of.
just before the skin next to your cuticle bleeds, your focus shifts to the triple loud ping coming from your phone. Of course, those messages belong to the one person who you least likely want to face right now.
morning pretty
sorry just woke up, having a severe hangover rn
still down to hang out? I can pull up a little later
sent at 11:59 am
his text confirms your suspicion, proving that he was drinking heavily last night. you can’t stand seeing him today. you will just cancel your initial plan and make up some lame excuse.
nvm, we can just hang out another time.
no, erase that. you’ll avoid him from now on, there won’t be another time!
nvm, I feel sick. please don’t come over.
seen at 12:00 pm
my poor baby, i’ll take care of u
sent | 12:01 pm
no need, thanks tho
delivered | 12:01 pm
not being in the mood to keep talking to him, you send the last message before putting your phone on ‘do not disturb’ mode. leaving jungkook’s messages unseen
considering that your day has been ruined, you choose to shut down the world and take a long nap.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ
on the other hand, jungkook definitely notices how cold you turned out to be. maybe it's the time of the month for you. thus, today his mission is to grab things you typically crave for: brown sugar milk tea, some sweet pastries from your favorite bakery shop, and finally, the icing to add on top, a bouquet of white roses.
jungkook usually pampers you with a bunch of food and affection. that’s why he pays attention and takes mental notes (or even notes on his phone) of tiny details about you. it satisfies him to see you all spoiled.
that’s the reason why he jumps out of his messy bed and initiates to get ready. starting off his usual morning routine by taking a cold shower. not much time after, he applies his skincare.
Jungkook hears loud chatters of two men talking from his living room as he walks out of his bedroom. he opens the door and perceives his hyungs chilling by his couch.
“yah jungkook, that chick you brought from last night was way out of control” Jimin complains as soon as jungkook enters the living room.
“yeah kook, kicking her out at 3 in the morning wasn’t a good idea. she’s loud as hell and I had to deal with one of your neighbors' complaints again” Taehyung, who was their designated driver, added annoyingly.
“whose chick?” jungkook confusedly asks.
“yours” both of his hyungs exclaim in unison, which the youngest responds with a shrug.
to be honest, Jungkook doesn’t remember shit from last night. he can recollect some memories, but not a whole bunch. drinks. yes, he drank a lot. there was this girl he randomly made out with, however he can’t remember her name or what she looks like. not that she’s relevant to him anyways.
jungkook chooses to not care about the insignificance, he could spend his time better than that. and by the word better, he spends time thinking about you.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ
the constant sound from your doorbell that’s been ringing for who-knows-how-long wakes you up from your wonderful nap.
you gently rubbing your eyes, then you tap the screen of your cellular to see the time; 3:59 pm.
shit, how long were you out for? no idea. you look at your window and see the raindrops rolling down the glass. it was just sunny before you drifted to sleep a few hours ago.
down below to your screen, you notice jungkook messages and a few missed calls from earlier and just now.
7 missed calls from 🐰
55 mins ago
I’ll stay for the night so I can take care of you
delivered | 12:03 pm
just grabbing few things for my baby and I’ll be there soon.
delivered | 12:30 pm
it’s raining heavily and now I’m stuck in traffic
delivered | 1:01 pm
I’m here!
delivered | 1:44 pm
baby? are you home? I'm here
delivered | 1:51 pm
don’t know where u at but I’ll be here waiting at your front door :(
delivered | 1:56 pm
after reading his texts, you rush to the door. there’s no way that man will wait for those hours outside your front doo-
indeed, he’s in front of your door, waiting for you to open up to him as he’s sitting on the ground. besides him, a couple of light brown paper bags, his backpack, and a bouquet of flowers are also laying on the cold cement.
“hi my pretty!” he cheerfully greeted you, rushing to get up from the ground. jungkook walks up to you with a smile full of relief and happiness as if he wasn’t wasting his time for two hours waiting for you right there.
you attempt to avoid his gaze, your eyes examine his black long sleeve that really fits him nice and is damp.
“come in, you should change your clothes.” you mutter coldy
it’s inevitable to not be concerned that he got wet from the rain. Even if you don’t wanna let him in, it will guilt you if he gets ill.
jungkook does what he was told, gathering all the stuff he brings with him and steps into your flat. he feels the strange coldness as soon as he lands his eyes on yours. something isn’t right. something is wrong with you.
He settles his things by your couch and changes into a new oversized t-shirt in front of you. after changing, he reaches for the paper bags to show you the things he got.
“look baby, I got you your favorite drink, some pastries, i know how much you lov-”
“thank you, but you shouldn’t have. I told you to not come” your stern voice cuts him off before he finishes his sentence. you’re trying to keep your cool. your tone is full of nothing but seriousness. not a hint of sweetness in them, which makes jungkook tilt his head on the side, confused by your odd attitude.
“but baby, I just wanted to be here to take care of you.” he insists. by all means, he won’t listen to what you say.
“I hate when you do this” you sigh
“did i do something wrong? are you mad at me?” he attempts to reach you, but you’re too quick to avoid his touch. “tell me what’s wrong baby, please” Jungkook added once more. he doesn’t understand why you avoid him.
“do you treat your other girls like this too?” you ask, eyes shooting lasers at his. an anger rushes through you as the thoughts of him spoiling girls other than you.
“my pretty, what are you talking about?” Jungkook furrows his eyebrows, looking down closely to you. where are you getting these notions from?
“my friend saw you last night”
it took him a couple seconds to remember
“listen to me baby, whoever I was with, she meant nothing” Jungkook defends himself quickly, reaching for your hand, trying to reassure you that she’s insignificant.
it’s not working.
“I just wish you could’ve told me we weren’t exclusive.” you said wipe a tear from your upper cheek before it could roll down further.
“or maybe I was just dumb to assume we were since you initially told me you liked me, I'm sorry, I don’t really know how this whole thing works” you dryly chuckle, honestly admitting to him that you’ve never been in this type of complicated situation before. now you feel like a fool, getting mad at him for something you can’t hold against him.
jungkook shakes his head, reaching for you one more time, placing his gentle on the side of your face, caressing it. you did nothing as you stood still.
“no, i’m sorry if I hurt your feelings. I do like you. I still do and that won’t change. I was just so drunk last night and could barely remember what happened. I’m sorry, it won’t happen again.”
but somewhere deep down is telling you that he’s only sorry because he got caught.
“you’re free to do whatever you want, Jungkook. I don’t think we’re on the same page so it will be best if we don’t see each other anymore” you articulate as best as you could.
you don’t want to let him go, due to the fact that you’re growing so much feelings towards him. it’s almost as if you’re enamored. but that’s also the same reason why you must let him go. you must, or you’ll get hurt deeper.
“y/n, please don’t say that”
“No, you know how much I like you. you know how much I value you. yet in return, I feel like I’m just a plaything to you that you can play with whenever you want.”
“that’s not true baby, you know that” Jungkook protests, shaking his head. the main problem is you don't. you absolutely have no idea of his motives for pursuing you. is he doing it because he's falling for you too? or he's just playing one of those games. those dangerous games you won't involve yourself with.
he’s looking for words to proves you that his feelings were genuine, but fails to. maybe because he never knows how to show his real feelings. or maybe he was never genuine to start with.
"I'm not one of your playthings. so just— ” you pause, shifting your eyes on the ground. “go away"
Jungkook locks his gaze to you, hoping you will look back at him and take back what you said. but he can read you face and make it seem like he’s not welcome there anymore.
without any words, he leaves, leaving you accompanied with melancholy.
series m.list
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yuusishi · 6 months
pairings : twst , genshin , hsr cast x gn!reader
genre : fluff , unestablished relationship , requited feelings
cws/tws : kissing lol (a lot)
a/n : happy holidays to all who have anything to celebrate and to those who don't I hope you enjoy a break and a warm december <3 this is also sort of my 1k special !! I know it isn't much but I couldn't think of anything to do to celebrate <//3
note: I know I mentioned friends in the first prompt but you can literally imagine these scenarios with either a crowd or alone lmao
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"Oh. My. God" rang in their head as they looked up, eyes meeting the green leaf hanging above the two of you, "We don't have to push through with this... tradition if you don't want to..." they said but it came out as almost a mumble. As more teases fell from the mouths of your other friends, you couldn't help but inch closer to them, once you got the go signal you pressed your lips against theirs. It felt warm amidst the cold of the season and radiated a sense of comfort throughout your body.
(twst) Deuce, Cater, Ruggie, Azul, Epel, Idia, Sebek. (genshin) Jean, Amber, Ganyu, Chongyun, Yanfei, Sucrose, Thoma, Kirara, Kaveh, Layla, Charlotte, Navia, Kokomi (hsr) March 7th, Arlan, Asta, Bronya (sort of), Gepard, Luka, Qingque, Sushang, Guinaifen.
They stared at you silently, waiting for you to make the next move. Yes, they're interested in you and they know you were interested in them, but they didn't want to rush you. Eventually you stepped closer, tugging lightly on their hand before they tilted your chin. It was a calm, ordinary kiss, yet it made the cliché movie fireworks explode both in your mind and body.
(twst) Trey, Jack, Jade, Rook, Silver, Malleus. (genshin) Albedo, Ningguang, Zhongli, Kazuha, Shenhe, Cyno, Yun Jin, Ayaka, Alhaitham, Baizhu, Heizou, Nilou, Neuvillette. (hsr) Serval, Himeko, Natasha, Tingyun, Hanya, Argenti, Ruan Mei, Jing Yuan, Luocha, Argenti
"Well?" they said teasingly, throwing you a sly look as you fumbled around your outfit in an attempt to calm down. They waited until you stepped closer to them, their hand making its way to your cheek as they leaned in and kissed you. It was funny, you could've sworn you were sure they didn't like you back, so why were they kissing you so calmly yet with so much fervor? As you pulled back, you couldn't help the sense of longing as you looked back into their eyes looking like they, too, wanted more.
(twst) Ace (not a loser this time!!), Vil, Lilia. (genshin) Kaeya, Venti, Childe, Hu Tao, Itto, Yae Miko, Ayato, Lyney, Yelan, Wriothesley. (hsr) Kafka, Sampo, Black Swan (?), Sparkle
"There will be no 'kissing under the mistletoe'" They said sternly, but no one missed the tinge of pink dusting on their ears and cheeks. Despite the small disappointment, the party went on without a hitch. Later on into the night, you spotted them by the balcony admiring the stars with a small drink in hand and joined them saying you wanted a breath of fresh air. "I've liked you for quite some time now" fell from their lips, somewhat boldly even, the sudden confession made your heart skip a beat. A kiss placed on their lips was all the answer that they needed.
(twst) Riddle, Leona, Sebek, Idia (sort of), Jamil (genshin) Diluc, Beidou, Dehya, Xiao, Mona, Keqing, Rosaria, Eula, Raiden Ei, Kujou Sara, Kuki Shinobu, Tighnari, Candace, Scaramouche, Faruzan, Furina, Chevreuse. (hsr) Seele, Topaz, Blade, Yukong, Fu Xuan, Jingliu, Xueyi, Dr. Ratio
They had a mixed expression of shyness and also slightly explosive joy. I mean, they knew that you liked them back but they just haven't had the chance to tell you yet, you know? They impulsively (but gently) took your hands in theirs and looked you in the eyes as if telepathically asking you for consent. Once you gave your permission they immediately kissed you, their happiness was infectious and leaving you feeling giddy once they pulled away from you.
(twst) Kalim (genshin) Yoimiya, Ga-Ming (?)
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xcyphoz0a · 6 months
4 steps to (not so) discreetly show interest + the one moment you do.
Recipient: @yuellii , secret santa event! Enjoy :)
Gender neutral reader, fluff TW/CW: injury(minor) Word count: 2739 Proofread: n/a | she think’s she’s discreet, her act is to perfection. is it? oh, no, no– you know. it’s painfully obvious but you can’t help but watch in amusement, watching as she trip on her own heels, but you’re there to help. | A/N: set in modern times, highschool au, ITS CHRISTMAS, SNOW!! :D
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Furina, as confident and enthusiastic she may be on stage, still has sides that she feels difficult to show– perhaps some of her more softer and ‘weaker’ sides that she kept behind the facade of flamboyancy.
Recently having found newfound interest in you, the school librarian, she couldn’t help but subconsciously make her way to the school library, taking a seat near your station, peeking from the top of her book as she watches you work on your laptop.
Perhaps it was in the spur of the moment, or it was her muscles that moved on their own, when she had walked up towards the small desk, slamming her hands down on the table.
Eyes moving rapidly from your startled form towards the book ridden wall, she finds her words stuck in her throat, unable to form a coherent sentence.
You adjust your posture as you form a small smile, not knowing what to say.
“May I help you?”
Furina finds her face flaring up into fire as she rethinks her sudden movements, finding herself at a loss of words. She stares at you for a good while until you wave a timid hand in front of the famous school actress.
“Ah, I thought I saw a bug near you– haha…”
The heterochromia girl wanted to sink into a hole and never be seen again– what kind of excuse was that? – to her, it seemed like a loss of face as one of the best students with great acting in the drama club. 
“I… see. Thanks for your concern.” Your voice is laced with some bit of confusion, watching the flustered girl run outside of the library.
1) Befriending you
Furina, at first, finds this idea of hers quite easy.
“You know, I think befriending them is the easiest way to win their heart!” Her voice is filled with anticipation, until she gets shut down by another club member.
“But that can make them only see you as a friend, perhaps?” Yun Jin suggests, “It may not be a 100% possibility, but there’s a chance.”
“True, true, like, you might become one of those second leads that finds their romantic interest get taken away by someone else!” Hu Tao chimes, hands animatedly flailing around.
Furina slumps down on the chair as she sighs. Perhaps she just had to keep it to herself.
“But you can try to woo them, find out their interests maybe?” Nilou pitches an idea.
The white haired girl straightens back in her chair again, grabbing a hold of the red haired’s hands, heterochromic eyes sparkling as she hurriedly mutters out a thank you, running towards the library.
The three look at the door that Furina dashed out of, sharing a knowing look as they hear her footsteps fade.
The sliding door of the library opens as the girl slumps down a bit, taking some breaths as she makes her way to her usual spot to ‘read’, sneaking glances at your form typing away on your laptop. Tapping sounds of the keyboard is heard throughout the ambient silence as Furina closes her book, walking towards your desk as you look up at the approaching figure.
“May I help you?” You close your laptop as you tilt your head.
“Ah, no– I just, well, wanted to know you better– I think my actions yesterday shocked you a little, yeah?”
You smile as you nod slightly, finding some amusement in the obvious stuttering the famed actress’ words. You think you know what’s going on.
Furina conjures up a small smile, “So, as an… apology! I’d like to treat you to something you like, if you have the time…” voice fading as she waits for your response.
“I’m free today after club activities, is that okay with you?”
The girl in front of you perks up as she nods, the single lock of hair seemingly also bouncing up and down, thanking you for your time as she makes her way out of the library– in a calmer manner.
As the door closes, you can hear a faint, ‘Yay!’, with excited footsteps fading into the distance.
2) Sitting closer
After Furina’s apology, the two of you became closer, finding the two of you going out regularly towards the small cafe outside of the school after club activities from school. Some days when one of you didn’t have the time, it felt slightly odd and empty, finding nothing interesting to do.
You haven’t noticed yet, but Furina thinks it’d be better for you to not to know, as she takes the seat opposite of you in the library as she opens the book to the bookmark she placed, blushing when she finds the exact book next to your arm, with a small paper folded saying ‘Furina’s’
The white haired girl thinks her club members– friends– are delusional when they tease her about how you may like her back.
She wishes it was true, but the chance of you liking her back in that way was way too low. Always slamming her forehead onto the round table in the drama room.
Today, she came from the drama room once again, though with a slight red marking on her forehead from the excessive slamming of her head onto the table, smiling weakly as you turn your head towards the library’s entrance, greeting her like you always did.
You refocus on your laptop again, until you jerk your head back towards Furina, eyebrows furrowing at the circular red swelling of her forehead. Standing up from your seat, you walk towards the white haired girl, brushing her hair from her face.
“You’re hurt…” 
Furina’s unable to think nor respond as she slightly malfunctions between the small distance from you to her, once again, finding herself at a loss for words.
You take the girl’s hand as you lead her towards the infirmary, setting Furina down on one of the beds as you search for a cooling pack in the fridge.
“You should be more careful next time, what if you get a concussion?” Your voice is laced with concern as you carefully pack the cold pack with tissue, setting it on the girl’s forehead.
“I accidentally slammed my head on the table too hard today– nothing serious!”
You sigh as you let Furina hold the ice pack on her head, making sure to check for any signs of other damage, until you find a small but bleeding cut on the top of her knee.
“What happened here?”
“I don’t know how that happened, really! I’m serious… I didn’t feel anything there–”
You rush to get some disinfectant and a bandaid, setting a chair towards the bed as you sanitise the cut, applying some pressure. Setting the bandaid on the small injury, you look at the girl as she stares back at you, dumbfounded and flustered.
You squint your eyes in confusion until you recall your actions, finding yourself flustered and bashful as well.
3) Trying to impress
The day after that small interaction was pretty normal.
“...I’m telling you, Furina, they definitely like you back!” an energetic voice is heard outside of the drama room as the said girl slaps her hands on Hu Tao’s mouth.
“Be quiet! I don’t want anyone to hear about this– I want to keep my dignity today!”
Yun Jin laughs as she agrees with Hu Tao, “I’m sure (y/n) likes you back, you said they were also flustered in the end as well, no?”
“But still– they could be just caring…”
This time, Nilou shakes her head. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard of (y/n) doing that to any of their friends– I can try ask Tighnari– he’s one of their closest friends, if my memory serves me right.”
Slightly– quite obviously– desperate, Furina nods, clasping her hands around Nilou’s own.
“That’d be wonderful! Thank you so much, Nilou~”
A few days later, Nilou brings in newfound information from Tighnari about you.
“Apparently, they aren’t outwardly caring, but do care for their friends… oh! And he did say they seemed to find interest in someone in the school, but didn’t tell him who…”
Furina, with the first bit of information, perked up in glee, though soon dropped on the floor in some despair when she heard the latter.
“They definitely don’t like me back… archons, what will I do?”
As the imaginary rain and thunder cloud splashed tears of despair onto the white haired girl, Yun Jin speaks.
“That mysterious person could be you–”
“That, is being delusional!” Furina chides.
“Maybe you can try impressing them in some way?” Hu Tao mumbles, chin on hand, “They’re the librarian, right? Try reading something they like or something, I don’t know~”
With the brunette’s suggestion, the girl in distress seem to have a weight lifted off her shoulders as she smiles.
“Great idea, Hu Tao!”
And off went Furina, skipping towards the entrance of the library once again.
Yun Jin sighs in amusement, closing the room’s door, chuckling at how this situation felt like many cliches in romance dramas.
When the familiar footsteps of Furina’s shoes clacked on the wooden and marble tiles of the floor, you look towards the library entrance, expecting the white haired girl to arrive soon enough.
“Welcome back.”
Furina’s eyes seemingly brighten when she hears your voice, as she nearly skids towards the opposite seat, sitting down in front of you as she leans towards your laptop.
“So, (Y/n), I think I’ve ran out of books to read, any suggestions for books you like?”
The girl prides herself for not stuttering this time– she thinks that now, she perfected her acts to hide her feelings.
“Oh? Well– I don’t really have much suggestions, but I can lend you a book that I finished reading last week, if you’d like?”
The floating lock of white hair bobs up and down vigorously as Furina hears your suggestion. You smile a little, reaching down for your back and picking up the hardcover book.
“Tell me about it after you read it, yeah?”
4) Jealousy?
Furina thinks she really isn’t the jealous type– especially when she isn’t in a relationship at all.
She also thinks that she shouldn’t really be jealous when she thinks–thinks– you smile more when you’re talking with Neuvillette.
But she can’t help but find a grimace settling on her face whenever she sees the tall white haired man in the library, taking her seat as you both talk about some matters surrounding costs in the library– it wasn’t something really meaningful, but perhaps it was the jealousy setting in, as she feels like the person you were interested in could be one of her friends– moreso babysitter– but still, she disliked the odd feeling in her chest.
“What if they like Neuvillette? I definitely saw them smiling–”
The rest of her words are muffled in her sweater sleeve as she buries her face, unable to knock the odd feeling in her chest.
“That’s your feelings acting up there, messes up with your logical view on a situation, Furina.” Yun Jin sighs, patting the despair stricken girl on the back.
“But still, think about it– it’s possible!”
Hu Tao seems to be fed up with Furina’s continuous despair, drawling out,“Yeah, yeah, what were they talking about anyway?”
The latter’s mouth thins out to a straight line. “Costs…”
Several sighs are heard from her club members, as the white haired girl peeks up from her arm.
“Yeah, no chance of (Y/n) liking Neuvillette, he’s in the student council, of course he’s going to talk about costs with the student librarian!”
Hu Tao sighs, hands and shoulders creating a shrugging motion as she slumps down to her chair.
Furina sighs as she slinks down on the chair, heterochromia eyes staring up at the ceiling.
However, the four club members’ attention is directed towards the door, several knocks heard from outside. Furina weakly speaks,
“Come in…”
Your hand slides open the wooden door to the drama club, waving a small ‘hi’ towards the startled three. Your shoes make little sounds on the floor as you tap the white haired girl’s shoulder, watching the girl immediately correct both her posture and expression.
“Are you still coming to the cafe? You weren’t near the library for a while, so I wanted to ask–”
“Oh, it’s already time? I guess I was a little caught off, haha– shall we go now?”
You nod, already near the entrance door as you wave back towards the three other members, taking the much happier girl in tow with you as the two of you walk towards the cafe outside of the school.
“I’m like, 1000% sure that they both like each other, it’s so suffocating–”
“I think so too…”
5) Your own interest.
In your opinion, you didn’t really find anyone in the school pretty interesting– though your friends, particularly Tighnari and Cyno, did comment that it was most likely due to how much time you spent stuck in the library.
It all changed when a random girl– which you later knew as one of the most popular and famous actress in the drama club in the school– slammed her hands in front of you.
After the small interaction, you found slight interest towards her, finding amusement whenever she tripped on her own heels, both metaphorically and literally, stuttering in the moments when the both of you were alone, and how she became more fidgety during those moments.
You didn’t know that you’d find someone as interesting and funny like Furina in your school years, but you think that this pretty much changed when you saw the girl hurt.
It must’ve been your subconcsiousness acting, because you barely remembered what happened, but you know you remember how Furina stared at you, face red hot, as you found yourself close and taking care of the injury. You remember how after that day, you’d find yourself blushing and warm thinking of the girl.
It was until Tighnari told you that Nilou– one of the other drama club members– asked him for some of your information, telling you his own thought– which you can directly quote,
“Maybe Furina asked her? They’re all pretty close, so it does make some sense.”
Especially when you told Tighnari about how you did find some interest in Furina, Tighnari did convey some information, though taking away some information just for some amusement.
It also didn’t really help when one of your other friends, as well as senior, Lisa, told you that your interest was most likely romantic attraction after you told some of your feelings about Furina towards the senior librarian.
With you, nearly a hundred percent sure about your feelings being reciprocated, waited for Furina to be at the library or its vicinity, but weren’t able to find her after your conversation with Neuvillette.
Perhaps, you think, she went home because of the cold? It is winter…
You take some hesitant but haste steps towards the drama room, knocking on the door as you hear the familiar yet uncharacteristic deflated voice of the white haired girl speak out a weak ‘come in’. You sigh in slight relief, knowing that she didn’t go home yet.
When the two of you make your way towards the cafe that the both of you mostly went after extracurricular activities, you decide to say your feelings– it was now or never.
“Wait, I have something to, uh, say.”
The girl next to you turns towards you, attention focused on your tensed form, eyebrows raising up in both confusion and anticipation.
“Uh… I– I like you, a lot, really…”
Furina’s face heats up, blinking incredulously at you as you look away, unable to look at the heterochromia eyed girl, finding interest in the falling snowflakes from the dark but nice clouds in the sky, though your head immediately turns back as you feel her hands taking your own.
“That’s– that… I– I like you too!”
You smile. Your confession definitely wasn’t one of the smoothest, nor was it the best– but you knew that now, your feelings were reciprocated.
“So, we’re official now?”
“Of course we are– besides, you should be feeling grateful that I– Furina– even liked you back~”
You bonk her head slightly as the two of you make your way towards the cafe, snow crunching on the pavement as you watch the warm orange fairy lights decorate the cafe.
“Merry Christmas.”
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kurogane2512 · 10 months
Ningguang Birthday 2023
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Happy birthday to Ningguang!! Not me being one day late to post my waifu's birthday fics once again but ugh exam season. Anyways, I combined all the scenarios shown in her birthday art, comic and mail this year for this fic so hope you guys like it! I will also be doing all Ningguang requests in my inbox today to celebrate her day! <3
Game: Genshin Impact
Characters: Ningguang x fem!reader
Type: Fluff
The Tianquan of Liyue was known for many things, her wealth surpassing all perhaps. The Tianquan of Liyue was known as many things; calculative, materialistic, intelligent among many more. Some would say she had no care for finite possessions for the mora she possessed was infinite; however, she had proved to all she was much more than the exquisite woman she appeared to be. She was Liyue's guiding star and protector, shining down on it as brightly as the Jades she possessed. Yet, a part of her was still unknown to many, not even her closest secretaries knew of it....
"Lady Ningguang, the Yuheng declined your invitation to play Liyue Millennial today." Baiwen informed her lady on one pleasant morning when the Tianquan was surprisingly free of her never-ending duties.
"Oh? Did she state the reason?" Ningguang questioned.
"She said she has some personal matters to attend to and cannot give so much time to the game."
"I see....And what about Captain Beidou? I heard the Crux is currently docked in Liyue."
"Oh, they left last night, Lady Ningguang. We did send the invitation to her but received no reply..."
"Hmph, as expected of her.....And what about the other invitees? I assume everyone denied as well."
"Y-Yes, Lady Ningguang...." Baiwen replied hesitantly.
"Hmm....I didn't expect that new card game to become so popular and make everyone enamored with it. Hehe, it can't be helped, I suppose. Chess mates are becoming hard to find, if only she was here...." Ningguang paused and stared into empty space before sighing, "Is there anything on my schedule today, Baiwen?"
"Yes, Ms Yun Jin asked you to witness her new show today at 1 pm, she also made arrangements for lunch. Everything else was moved to other days to give you time for yourself, milady."
"Hehe, how considerate of you. I understand then, you all are dismissed for the rest of the day as well."
"O-Oh, thank you very much, milady!" Baiwen bowed with a smile and exited Ningguang's office gleefully. Ningguang sighed and rested on her table while pondering deeply, "It has been like this for months now, till when will I keep playing on my own....? What's the point of a 2-person game if there is no partner? Hmph, I'm sure the excitement for that card game will fade away soon and Liyue Millennial will stand the test of time...."
Ningguang squinted her eyes and sat up then walked outside to the external platform of the Jade Chamber, gazing at the scenery in front of her. Her eyes wandered over to the distant sky adorned with fluffy clouds and she suddenly spotted a faint twinkling of a star.
"Heh~ To be able to spot the brightest star on a sunny morning like this....The higher you stand, the closer you are to the sky, after all."
A smile formed on her face as she observed the star before it was no longer visible due to the bright sun illuminating the sky.
"I wonder if I'll spot a shooting star tonight....It would be nice if our very own shooting star came here today but I suppose that's wishful thinking...."
She looked down at the city and decided to take a walk around until it was time for Yun Jin's show. She went through the market and asked for a few things but didn't buy any as there was no requirement and there was nothing new worth investing in. She then reached the venue for Yun Jin's play and watched the stage being set-up before Yun Jin walked out and began her performance.
"This is from the new piece I've been working on. What do you think, Tianquan Ningguang?" Yun Jin asked at the end of her performance.
"Wonderful. It hasn't been long since we last met but you've surpassed yourself once again, Yun Jin." Ningguang replied earnestly.
Yun Jin beamed a smile then moved her gaze to the other people in the audience and was caught by surprise for a moment spotting a familiar figure.
"What would you say?" Yun Jin questioned while looking at a person behind Ningguang.
"As Tianquan Ningguang said, it was really wonderful."
Ningguang's eyes widened hearing the all too familiar voice, she then slowly turned around to see none other than the shooting star she had wished to meet not so long ago.
You smiled, "It has been a while since we met, Lady Ningguang and Yun Jin."
Ningguang's heartbeat fastened for a moment before she composed herself and stood up while clearing her throat, "Pleasure to meet you again as well, Y/n. How has your journey been going?"
"It's been good so far. I was missing Liyue hence thought to visit..."
Ningguang smiled at your confession, "My~ Of course, you are always welcome here. Come, have a seat. We were about to order lunch."
You accepted Ningguang's proposal and sat on the table with her and Yun Jin as a feast was being served. Ningguang was not expecting to see you today of all days, she wondered what really was your reason to come. Was it a mere coincidence that you chose to come today of all days or was there something in your mind? However, she realized she didn't care for the reason. 
When she sent invites out to her associates to play chess with her today, she had written one for you as well but refrained from sending it in the end. She knew you were more than enough capable of matching against her in Liyue Millennial, you had done it before. But she didn't know what was in your heart. Ningguang always liked being able to predict the next move of those around her, but you were the most uncertain piece on her board.
"What new region have you visited now, Y/n?"
"Oh, I went to Fontaine from Sumeru. I still have more things to do there but I had to do a few errands at Mondstadt recently then decided to come here too to meet everyone...."
"Hehe~ And here I thought your annual trip to Liyue would always be for Lantern Rite. You surprised me yet again~"
You chuckled softly and continued eating until bidding farewell to Yun Jin and being in the marketplace together with Ningguang.
"Well, I suppose you have to meet your other friends now, Y/n. It was good to see you again and I hope your future travels are as pleasant as ever." Ningguang spoke with courtesy before turning around to walk away but you stopped her.
"U-Uh, Lady Ningguang, if you aren't busy then may I take some more of your time? I wanted to say a few things...."
"Oh? Well, it's your lucky day then as my schedule is free. Come, walk with me. However, there is one condition~"
"W-What might it be....?"
Ningguang sensed your nervousness and chuckled before walking up to you and leaning close to your face, "You will not call me 'Lady Ningguang' for the rest of the day~"
You blushed seeing her up close and nodded, "I understand...."
Ningguang smiled and proceeded to walk and you accompanied her, you looked around the bustling marketplace and tried to start a conversation but were unable to. Ningguang was ethereal in your eyes and you'd always get slightly nervous around her as you didn't want to disappoint her in any way. You knew she held you in high regard and you wanted to maintain that impression.
"Well? What might it be that you wish to converse with me? Are you facing some kind of financial problems? Or perhaps you need help in some kind of business-related commission?"
"N-No, none of that....Well, I am running short on Mora recently but I wouldn't come to you for that."
"Why not? I'd be more than happy to assist you. Of course, I wouldn't just hand you a bag of mora but I can get you sufficient work that pays well. With your skills and caliber, there are a number of high paying jobs suitable for your needs and many would be more than willing to hire you just from hearing your name."
"Haha, I see....I'll keep it in mind for the future."
"Well? You haven't answered my question."
Ningguang stopped walking and turned to face you, slowly becoming suspicious now.
"A-Ah, it was actua—"
"Oh, if it isn't Y/n. How are you doing recently?" a familiar voice called out to you and you turned around to see none other than Keqing waving at you.
"Keqing, long time no see. I'm fine, what about you?"
"I'm the same as ever. I see you already met Ningguang. So, what brings you to Liyue?"
"Nothing much, just thought to meet everyone."
"Haha, that's great. Now that you are here, want to have a duel with me? I recently updated my deck~"
"Oh, right now? You don't have any work to do....?"
"Hah~ The next appointment isn't until 2 hours, I went around asking others if they are up for a match but everyone was already engaged in another and I haven't found any opponent...."
Keqing briefly paused and glanced at Ningguang, "....and a few others don't like playing it anyways."
"I-I see....Well, I don't really have any work right now so—"
"Oh, that's perfect then! Come, there are a few empty tables at Yangshang Teahouse."
You hesitated to reply then looked over at Ningguang, "....Would you like to come along, Ningguang?"
"Oh, don't bother with Ningguang. Genius Invocation TCG is too low for her status~"
"I see..."
Ningguang squinted her eyes at Keqing's remark then glanced at you and saw a pleading look on your face, seemingly indicating that you wanted her to come along. She didn't understand it, why were you so eager to have her there? You could have just left her and went about your merry way.
"As it happens, I'm rather interested in seeing a duel between our Yuheng and the esteemed Hero of Liyue~"
Ningguang mused with a smirk and Keqing sighed then the 3 of you made your way over to Yangshang Teahouse and settled on a faraway table before taking out your decks and setting up a duel. Ningguang noticed that your deck revolved around her card, she was the main damage dealer and all your supports were tailor-made for her. While she felt proud that you had invested in her card, she knew Keqing was quite formidable and her deck was rather advantageous against yours. Still, she was betting on you to win nonetheless. 
The game gradually became more heated as none of you were backing down, even attracting a crowd of on-lookers to the interesting match. Both of you had lost one card each and were close to reaching round 5, Ningguang had already figured out Keqing's strategy by observing her play so far but she was quite stunned by you. She actually couldn't figure out what your play was, she thought of many options seeing your cards but you'd always make an unexpected move and prove her wrong.
"Oi, Lady Yuheng is actually being cornered....Haha, as expected of Liyue's hero!" someone chimed from the crowd, eliciting more similar remarks all around. Ningguang chuckled looking at you, "Always so interesting....If only you showed such keen interest in Liyue Millennial too."
The match finally came to and end as you defeated another card of Keqing and she decided to forfeit as she knew she can't make a comeback with her remaining card. You emerged victorius with a resounding applause from the crowd and appreciation for a good game from Keqing.
"Well played indeed, Y/n. I didn't know you are such a good player in this as well." Ningguang remarked.
"I have played many matches going all around Sumeru, Inazuma and Mondstadt by now. But you flatter me, Ningguang, I still have room for improvement."
"Hehe, that's good to hear. The game has been very popular all over Teyvat, no wonder you were dragged into it as well."
"....Is it true you aren't a fan of it as Keqing said?"
"Well, I wouldn't say that.....I simply find it too simplistic for my tastes. I did enjoy it in the beginning but I don't see myself continuing in the long term, I'd much rather spend time on my chess."
You looked at her with a smile and nodded in understanding when a few more people approached you inviting you to duel with them. You felt overwhelmed with the crowd gathered around you and noticed Ningguang had walked away to give them space. You politely declined everyone saying you had other commitments and caught up with Ningguang.
"N-Ningguang, wait! There was something I wanted to say!"
Ningguang stopped and turned around to look at you when you saw a surprising expression on her face. You didn't ever imagine you'd see the Tianquan of Liyue making this kind of expression; full of loneliness and sadness....
"Ningguang, what's wrong....?"
"Hm? Whatever you might mean, Y/n?" she feigned innocence, swiftly changing her expression back to normal. You knew she was hiding something. You looked up at the sky and saw the sun was slowly setting, the light still spread in the sky but you couldn't wait any longer.
"Ningguang, is it okay if we go to the Jade Chamber? It'll give the best view."
"Best view for what?"
You smiled, "You'll see. Just trust me, will you?"
You extended your hand to her and she hesitated for a moment then took it and you both walked to Yujing Terrace to ascend to the Jade Chamber. By the time you reached, the sky had darkened further which was good news for you. Ningguang was about to take you inside as usual but you stopped her on the external platform and asked her to watch you. Ningguang waited in anticipation and mystery, she had absolutely no idea what you were going to do.
You looked up at the sky and saw stars appearing then took out a launch tube and placed it on the ground before turning around and facing Ningguang. Her heartbeat suddenly fastened as excitement engulfed her thinking of the possibilities of what was going to happen. You then took a deep breath and launched a firework in the sky which burst into a brilliant crimson light illuminating the words- 'Happy Birthday Ningguang'
Ningguang's eyes widened reading the words, did you have this planned all this time? Was this your main reason for coming to Liyue? More fireworks were released in the following minutes, all containing different drawing and words that described her, or at least described her as you thought her to be- beautiful, kind, selfless, elegant, compassionate and many more. She was truly taken aback, it felt like the whole sky belonged to her and was wishing her on her special day. Her surroundings were nothing but the brilliance of these fireworks that you created.
"Ningguang." your sudden voice reached her ears and she moved her gaze towards you. You smiled at her and said, "Happy birthday." A firework burst behind you at the same time with the words, 'I love you' and she was the most surprised now. How were you always capable of catching her off guard was beyond her. Nobody could do this to her, yet here you were. Her heart was beating faster than ever, the fireworks ended long ago but the thumping of her chest still resounded in her whole body.
At last, she calmed down and regained her demeanour with a smile on her face, "Thank you very much, dear Y/n. This was magnificent and that in the end....was that true? Did you mean it?"
You smiled and nodded, "It is....everything was true. Each and every word was from the bottom of my heart, it is what I have felt for you ever since we first met...."
Ningguang smiled as well, "....Was this your real purpose for coming here today?"
"It was....I just wanted to celebrate your birthday. I know this isn't much but—"
"Don't say that. I don't care how much it was, it's the thought and effort that counts and I'm feeling blessed that you did this for me...."
Ningguang walked closer to you and suddenly embraced you, "I love you too, Y/n. Thank you very much for this."
Your eyes widened and you slowly wrapped your arms around her body, "I-It wasn't much...."
Ningguang chuckled, "Would you believe me if I said I had wished to meet you today?"
Ningguang released the hug then looked at the stars in the sky around you, "I wished to see a shooting star today and was reminded of you since you also came in this world as a shooting star, after all. Hehe, it seems I ended up wishing to a shooting star indeed and the Archons heard my wish."
You blushed hearing her words, "I-I see....By the way, the sky is really beautiful from here. The stars seem so close...."
"Mhm, the higher you stand the closer you are to the sky. I did build this Jade Chamber to be the guiding star of Liyue, it is only rightful I should be among them."
You gazed at her as she looked at the stars then were reminded of her expression from earlier, "....Doesn't it get lonely at the top?"
Ningguang was caught by surprise at your words and looked at you in surprise, but by now she had gotten used to your unpredictable nature and simply smiled.
"Well then, wouldn't you stand by my side being Teyvat's very own star?~"
You blushed, "It would be my honor...."
You gazed at each other with a smile and you felt intoxicated, bewitched by her. The night sky around you adorned with stars emphasized Ningguang's beauty even more, her own self twinkling with them. You released your arms from around her and stepped back then took out a Kamera and pointed at her.
"Oh, you would like to capture this moment for me?"
"Yes, I still have some fireworks left too."
"A lovely suggestion. I heard that many people in Fontaine take pictures to celebrate their birthdays nowadays."
"Yes, it is quite crazy over there when it comes to technology...."
You giggled and set up another launch tube by the time Ningguang chose a spot, you then took out 2 Kameras and alternated between them in taking photos of Ningguang with the stars and fireworks.
"My, I didn't think you would have such a collection of different Kameras. It seems you are quite potent when it comes to photography~"
You smiled then finished clicking the pictures and showed to her, "These are really well taken. I'll keep some of them and you'll keep some too, right?~"
"Yes, I'd love to...."
You said in a daze as you watched her stand beside you and happily look at the photos.
"O-Oh, is there something you'd like to do? We still have time left until the day is over, I feel bad that we barely did anything worth a celebration."
Ningguang smiled softly and caressed your cheek, "You made the day special enough for me by coming here and doing all this. But still, if you insist, I do have something in mind~"
She held your hand and pulled you inside the Jade Chamber, taking you downstairs to her office where you saw a game of Liyue Millennial was laid out on the table.
"Did you play with someone today?"
"Oh....well, I invited a few people but everyone refused giving one excuse or the other. Keqing even had the audacity to say she personal matters to attend to then was happily playing that card game with you."
She sighed bitterly and you remembered her distaste for TCG then spoke, "Are you having trouble finding chess mates nowadays due to TCG?"
"....Yes, that is true.  Everyone is quite enamored with it; I even got some complaints saying that chess is too difficult and stressful and that I should simplify its rules."
"I see, that's unfortunate....I would love to play with you from now on. Truth be told, I have gotten quite bored of TCG having played it so much. Not to mention, playing chess with you is an incomparable experience...."
Ningguang blushed at your sudden compliments, "My. You never fail to impress me, give that sweet tongue of yours a rest for some time, would you?~"
"I-I'm sorry but I was just saying the truth...."
"Hehe, well then, would you care to indulge me with a game now?"
"Of course, as you say."
The two of you sat on opposite sides of the table and took out chess pieces to arrange on both of your sides, the rest of the game hadwho already been set hence making it easier and faster to start.
"Hmm, would you mind if we make the game slightly different than usual?" Ningguang suggested.
"Not at all. What shall we do?"
"Every time one of us loses a piece, the other gets to ask a question or order them to do something. How does that sound?~"
You suddenly became nervous of Ningguang's mischievous suggestion accompanied by the smirk on her face, "Uh, are there some things we can't ask or do?"
"Well, I'm open to everything. But if you want to keep some boundaries then I will abide."
You pondered for a moment and thought of certain possibilities causing you to become slightly flustered then nodded, "Okay, I'm fine with everything too."
Ningguang's smirk widened, she knew what was going on in your mind and she would be lying if she said she wasn't thinking the same things. She let you take the first move and you finally began playing, an interesting and heated game of Liyue Millennial ensuing.
"My~ Rarely anyone can match up to me this way and keep me entertained, I knew I was right about her..." Ningguang pondered with a smile.
The game went on for some time until you finally lost your first piece, and the first ever piece in the whole game hence giving Ningguang the first chance to ask something.
"Hmm....well, I'll give an easy one since it's the first loss. Have you had your first kiss yet?"
Your eyes widened in shock, "T-This is easy?!"
You looked at Ningguang's playful expression then replied with a slight blush, "N-No, I haven't...."
Ningguang chuckled in amusement and squinted her eyes looking at you, subconsciously licking her lips then continuing the game. Next was your turn to ask her something as she lost her first piece.
"Um, have you dated anyone before me....?"
"I was confessed to and even offered marriage proposals but I refused all. So, you are my first— in everything~"
You knew what Ningguang implied by that, and you truly hoped it would come true. The game continued more and you continued asking each other questions, some rather intimate but nothing overbearing. Ningguang was winning hence got more chances to tease and fluster you from her questions, also enabling her to know more about your likes and dislikes.
"Hmm, let's change the direction of the questions now. This time, I ask you to take off your shirt~"
"H-Huh?! That's a huge jump all of a sudden!"
Ningguang smirked, "Let me rephrase it then. I order you to take off your shirt~"
You were further shocked and tried to protest but she was unhinged, "Don't forget you agreed to everything, dear Y/n. I don't take lightly to people going back on their words~"
You gulped and eventually nodded then proceeded to slide off your shirt and keep it aside, sitting in front of the Tianquan in just your bra and pants now. Her gaze trailed all over your exposed body, cunningly observing your features as if they were an intricate design carved by the finest of hands. The game then continued and you finally got your chance to make her do something too.
"Uh....t-take off your dress....."
You gathered all your courage to say that, earning a short chuckle from Ningguang who expected this, "How bold of you, dear Y/n~"
"I-It's only fair, right?"
"Hehe, you are correct...." Ningguang stood up and proceeded to untie the strings of her dress, you intently watched her remove her accessories starting from the fur around her neck, down to her finger claws then finally slide down her qipao and standing in her black lace lingerie. Your face heated up as your eyes subconsciously took in her features, her perfect curves and breasts all in front of you to feast on.
"You are staring a bit too much, dear Y/n. Hold in your urges until later tonight, will you?~"
"I-I don't have any urges!" you exclaimed bashfully and looked away while she sat down at her place with a giggle, "How adorable you are...makes me want to have my way with you right here~"
The atmosphere between you two grew tense as the game continued, you were struggling to keep your eyes off Ningguang's body while she was enjoying this little game too much. She was much swifter in stealing glances at you and made it seem she was focused on the game rather that the immoral thoughts she was having.
"The next order I have for you is...." Ningguang trailed off and stood up from her seat then walked towards you, your heartbeat fastening as she came closer. She then straddled your lap facing you and wrapped her arms around your neck, your heart skipping a beat at her action.
"....Kiss me~"
Her thumb brushed across your lower lip and you put your hands on her waist to pull her closer as she leaned in and connected your lips together. Her soft and moist lips gently cuddled with yours, a blissful feeling spreading in your body at the contact. She was everything you needed, only you knew how much you had held back all this time to hold and feel her this way. Without much thinking, you grabbed her tighter and suddenly pushed her to the table making her lie lean on it while you kissed her passionately.
Surprised by your sudden rough movements, she wrapped her legs around your waist and pulled you down to kiss you deeper. Your tongues entangled in a heated manner, heavily breathing into each other's scents. She moaned into the kiss as she felt you rub against her abdomen, her nails digging into your back as you went down to kiss her neck. Your hand slid towards her thigh and caressed her dragon tattoo, a low chuckle leaving her lips sending vibrations in you.
"And here I thought the Hero of Liyue was much more restrained. You knocked off all my pieces in one go, it seems I'm obliged to follow all your orders now~"
You blushed then grinned, "Well, I did knock out my own pieces too so that makes us equal and considering you were already winning earlier...."
Ningguang continued, "....I'm the true winner and get to order you once again? Is that what you want?~"
"If that's what you want to give me as my return gift, I'll gladly accept it~"
"Haha~ A return gift, you say? And here I thought you still had more gifts to give me~"
"You still want more, Tianquan Ningguang? You do realize you'd have to give a fair amount of return gifts then?~"
"And you think I cannot afford that?~"
Ningguang smirked wider and you smiled then snuggled into the crook of her neck, "What do you want me to do, Tianquan Ningguang?~"
"Stay with me on this lonely night and many more lonely nights to come. Be the star that shines beside me and never leaves me alone"
You leaned up and looked into her eyes, "I accept the contract, my Tianquan."
You smiled at each other and passionately kissed once again, her legs tightened around you and you lifted her off the table to carry her to her room and lay her on the bed. The Tianquan spent the night together entangled with her lover, she no longer felt lonely being at the top of the world and knew you would always be by her side in any and everything. She looked into her mirror next morning after a passionate and lustful night and caressed the marks left by you on her neck. Of course, she had to get you back for it. No wonder you were given strange looks by people as you left the Jade Chamber later with a red kiss mark adorning your cheek that she so discreetly made as a goodbye kiss.
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nian-7 · 2 years
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Various x gn!reader
✧fluff headcanons
✧fluff, 200 follower special
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Akane tends to want to hold your hand wherever you both go. You always feel safer when he does and he always gives you a small smile when you squeeze his hand.
Chu2 tends to have you do her hair before concerts and flat out will deny anyone else who tries to do her hair until you arrive to do it. (Unless you are unable to make it, of course)
Haruka tends to love summer days with you. Walking together on the side walk, hand in hand while the wind blows is something she'll never get enough of.
Ichika tends to rest her head on your shoulder whenever you both are comfortably sitting somewhere. On the train, on the couch, on the bed, etc.
Lock tends to love when you compliment her. She gets all flustered and looks away but the small smile that soon grows shows that she really feels nice inside.
Yun Jin tends to act or dance with you. She doesn't use the lines she's been practicing, she finds it's more fun when you both are learning something new together.
Mona tends to almost ramble on about astrology to you and always wants to try something new she learned about it with you. It make's her happy that you enjoy listening to her.
Nanami tends to have a shelf in her room of memories of you and her together. Pictures, things you bought together, little notes from you, and more.
Collei tends to want to brush against your knuckles with her own but, get's anxious about it. She feels terrible that she can't and she want's to keep trying for you.
Ena tends to paint you. A lot. She seems to incorporate you into almost every painting somehow. Whether it be you in it, a color scheme that fits you, or anything else she could think of.
Mizuki tends to dress you up and take you shopping. They know they can't buy the stuff you try on but god do they think you look amazing in almost everything they pick out for you.
Kuki tends to enjoy the calmer personality, especially when you both are alone together. She likes the comfortable silence between you both where nothing needs to be said.
Eula tends to like to walk along the shorelines around the city. The waves quietly hitting the sand as you both walk is the most peaceful thing she could ever think of doing with you.
Yosano tends to love to go to the mall with you. She loves to have you come with her and go shopping. All the items you have to carry back might take some time but, it always comes with fun memories.
Ayato tends to make you his first choice or go to. If he ever has a problem or needs someone to be there for something, he always will call for you to come assist him.
Ran tends to love it when you braid her hair. She'll sit with a smile on her face while you could talk about anything while you braid it or not say anything at all. She just enjoys the moment.
Akito tends to ruffle your hair. He acts annoyed and will often ruffle it to annoy you back but in reality, he likes to see your slightly annoyed expression at him while you try to fix your hair.
Kazuha will make a little tune for you. He always will play it when he sees you waiting for him at the docks or whenever he finds you out in nature admiring it quietly.
Atsushi tends to get nervous around you. He can't seem to calm himself because he's so excited he can see you that specific day! Bonus: He loves to play with your hair as well.
Miya tends to act like he hates affection when he really want's to be close to you. He likes to hug you and glares at anyone who dares to say anything about it.
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please do not repost any of my work without my permission, thank you for reading.
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lumiconic · 2 years
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❥ summary: running and jumping into each other's arms ^^
❥ characters: everyone
❥ content: fluff, gn reader
❥ note: i'm working pitifully slowly on the request i've gotten since school finally started T.T i hope this can tide you over until then anon!!
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run at you as fast as they can and practically throw themselves into your arms, expecting you wholeheartedly to drop everything you're holding and catch them instead. when you inevitably are required to fling your things into the air to catch them -- as they expected -- they wrap their arms around your neck, laughing so hard you can't feel annoyed.
BARBARA, fischl, HU TAO, lisa, SHIKANOIN HEIZOU, lumine, yun jin
absolutely wouldn't jump at you but would throw everything they're holding to catch you, even if it ends disastrously, they can forgive you because they rather like holding you in their arms while you cheekily thank them and promise to help clean up their things :p
ALOY, bennett, ganyu, KAEDEHARA KAZUHA, ei, rosaria, EULA, childe, XIAO, beidou, zhongli
think this is the cutest idea ever and look desperately for a proper time to do it when you're not holding anything and you're in a good mood (and you're on soft ground just in case) -- and yet they still manage to screw up the timing and cause you both to go sprawling in a pile, them giggling with a flushed face and you rolling your eyes with amused exasperation.
try so hard to catch you and twirl you around, but fail miserably and you would both end up stumbling into each other awkwardly, having to steady yourself with your hands on their shoulders, doubled over by hiccupping and almost painful laughter.
amber, ITTO, chongyun, GOROU, sangonomiya kokomi, AETHER, yanfei
would ACTUALLY catch you, because they are amazing, and smile, blushing faintly, when you clap and praise them for being perfect with a huge smile on your face.
DILUC, JEAN, kujou sara, KUKI SHINOBU, noelle, razor, SHENHE, thoma, xinyan
effortlessly dodge out of the way and laugh in your face when you go sprawling on the ground, complaining loudly about being spurned. if you bother them enough about it they'll probably help you up, but otherwise, whatever they're holding takes top priority. they know you'll forgive them anyhow >:3
albedo, kaeya, KAMISATO AYATO, keqing, NINGGUANG, sucrose, tighnari, XINGQIU, yae miko, yelan
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thank you so much for reading, and pls leave a like + reblog + follow if you enjoyed!!
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ventitititi · 3 months
Good morning, ilayda. This is my third and final Gaming request for the day. Please kindly consider this Gaming hurt/comfort request: Gaming and Reader have been betrothed ever since they were kids and Gaming makes it a point to visit Reader during the weekends. During his most recent visit, Gaming finds Reader being rather distant. Rather confused, he inquires around the village and finds out about the rumors about him and Yun Jin getting closer and Reader was expecting him to break off the betrothal to be with her. Gaming hurries back to Reader to assure her that he has no intention of annulling the betrothal. Please also kindly take as long as you need with this request; I have no qualms in waiting. Furthermore, by no means feel obligated to prioritize this request over your other requests
I've seen all your requests and man, i sure hope I'm doing your boy gaming justice as i chip away at these
Cw/tw; none!! Expect lots of fluff, headcanon-ish format, the hurt/comfort is very mild tbh, it's 2:30am here so yeah take this with that warning
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🌱. Gaming had come back from another trip in the harbour, gifts in hand and excited to tell you all about the people he's seen and the places he's been
🌱. But... You seemed off. Normally, he'd expect open arms and warm hugs, maybe even a kiss on the cheek (definitely a kiss on the cheek,) instead though, you were... Quiet, distant
🌱. So, he did what anyone in his situation would do. He started to ask the aunties and uncles why you seemed so different, asking everyone he could about the matter
🌱. One aunty held the awnser to his plight, she'd overheard you talking about how gaming was getting closer to this girl by the name "yunjin"
🌱. Worse still, the aunty informed him everyone thought he'd break off the engagement
🌱. Interrupting her mid sentence, gaming holds up a hand, "sorry aunty but i gotta go! I'll hear the rest of your story later!"
🌱. And he was off, running like his life depended on it back towards your house. Never in a million years would he dream of breaking this engagement, you were the best thing to happen to him
🌱. Upon opening the door, you're greeted by a very frazzled gaming. His chestnut hair in a disarray and his clothes all unkempt. Before you could fully close the door on him with some uttered excuse, gaming had his foot in the door, keeping it open
🌱. "Y/n! Wait! Just hear me out, okay?"
🌱. You eye him warily but you do wait, you owed him at least that much
🌱. "Listen, i know you'd heard how I've gotten close with another girl recently, but i promise it's not what you think! She's a performer, too! She sings opera and i just thought she could teach me some useful tricks... Regardless, my point is that you're wayyyyy more important to me! You're like my heart! So please, let me in?"
🌱. He was giving you his best puppy eyes, and while you were still doubtful you opened the door.
🌱. Immediately you were swallowed in the soft scent of his clothes, strong arms holding you in a hug. Melting into him, you sniffle softly, "I thought you were gonna leave me, i didn't know what I'd do with myself"
🌱. "Nonsense, I'm never leaving, not even in a gajillion years! So cheer up, y/n"
🌱. Spends the rest of the evening/night holding you and doing his best to soothe any worries you have bottled up, his hands gently rubbing your back and occasionally pressing little kisses to your face
🌱. Genuinely, you're stuck with him for as long as you'll have him
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co-sharkie · 3 months
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Requests are open for any of the characters on the Masterlist.
🩷 — Fluff
🌧️ — Angst
🔥 — NSFW
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Resident Evil
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Leon S. Kennedy
Pink Vial of Loving 🔥
The new agent you are jealous of drugs Leon. He goes to you for help.
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Dead By Daylight
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Packing them a lunch 🩷
ft. Jake Park, David King, Nea Karlsson
What they are like in Minecraft
ft. Jake Park, Nea Karlsson, David King, Claudette Morel, Feng Min, William “Bill” Overbeck, Yun-Jin Lee, Felix Richter, Élodie Rakoto, Jill Valentine, Leon S. Kennedy
When you are on your period 🩷
ft. Jake Park, David King, Claudette Morel, Leon S. Kennedy
Best Kissers
Killers who would show mercy // part 2
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LA Knight
Off Script 🌧️🩷
A promo goes off script when you come to watch your husband work.
LA Knight with a shy wife 🩷
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Grayson Waller
Picture Perfect 🩷
Triple H hires a photographer who Grayson just can’t keep his eyes off of
WWE’s Himbo Tag Partners with a girly female partner 🩷
ft. Austin Theory
Girlfriend 🩷
Grayson keeps flirting with you in front of everyone.
Feeling Fabulous 🩷
Grayson wears matching ring attire with his girlfriend.
Date 🩷
The Smackdown roster knows Waller is trying to take you out tonight, so your WWE father figure goes to have a chat with him.
WWE’s Himbo BFs when they’re jealous 🩷🌧️
ft. Austin Theory
WWE’s Himbo BFs and cuddling 🩷
ft. Austin Theory
WWE’s Himbo BFs + the one bed trope 🩷
ft. Austin Theory
Grayson Waller and the friends to lovers trope 🩷
You Are Beautiful 🩷🌧️🔥
You feel insecure before your date. Luckily, your boyfriend is there to help.
WWE’s Himbo BFs and receiving compliments 🩷
ft. Austin Theory
Date me 🩷🌧️
Grayson asks you out on a date. The roster hears and Candice convinces you it was just for a dare.
Grayson Waller and the Exes to Lovers Trope 🌧️🌧️🩷🩷
Lipstick 🔥🩷
You let Grayson pick out your lipstick
My Girl– 🩷
Bron Breakker flirts with Grayson’s girlfriend.
Helping Hand 🩷
The newest member of judgement day helps Grayson get a win.
Lost in the Storms 🩷
ft. Austin Theory
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(POLY) Grayson Waller & Austin Theory
WWE’s Himbo BFs when you are injured 🩷
WWE’s Himbo BFs when you had a bad day 🌧️🩷
WWE’s Himbo BFs trying to make you a birthday cake 🩷
WWE’s Himbo BFs when your dads find out 🩷
WWE’s Himbo BFs when you guys have a fight 🌧️🩷
Revenge is Sweet 🩷🌧️
Candice LeRae attacked you backstage and your boys help you take revenge.
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Austin Theory
WWE’s Himbo Tag Partners with a girly female partner 🩷
ft. Grayson Waller
WWE’s Himbo BFs when they’re jealous 🩷🌧️
ft. Grayson Waller
WWE’s Himbo BFs and cuddling 🩷
ft. Grayson Waller
WWE’s Himbo BFs + the one bed trope 🩷
ft. Grayson Waller
WWE’s Himbo BFs and receiving compliments 🩷
ft. Grayson Waller
Lost in the Storms 🩷
ft. Grayson Waller
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Randy Orton
Randy Orton and a honeymoon 🩷
Dating Randy Orton 🩷
A wedding with Randy Orton 🩷
Evolution! Randy Orton with a crush 🩷
Legacy! Randy Orton proposing 🩷
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Medic! Reader Series
Austin Theory & Grayson Waller & Logan Paul
The Doctor is In! 🩷🌧️
The boys fake injuries to flirt with medic! reader.
Medic! Reader with her boys after an ambush 🩷🌧️
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