eve-creativework · 4 years
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In this post I drew these art styles to see what I would look like in them, and one of the critiques I got was that I could colour them in to see what they looked like. I decided to do this digitally as I am most comfortable drawing digitally, and I thought that it would be easier to do the Animal Crossing and realistic style this way.
By now I have decided to take a less realistic approach to my realism style and this is reflected in my art, which has flatter shading and larger, unrealistic art style. I am quite happy with these and my favourite is the Homestuck one, which is the most accurate, and my least favourite is the Bojack Horseman one, which isn’t very accurate at all.
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eve-creativework · 4 years
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Out of all the drawings I did, this one is my favourite. I used coloured pencils for this one and was more confident on this than the rest. The colours appear more washed out in this that they do in the actual drawing, in no small part due to the fact that I had kept the colours light. The anatomy at the bottom looks kind of wonky, but she’s supposed to be looking over her shoulder, with her body facing far towards the left although it is hard to see.
As this is my favourite, I would like to do my finished portrait in this medium.
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eve-creativework · 4 years
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This one was my attempt using oil pastels. It was the last one I drew the sketch for and it shows, as the art and expression are a lot more cartoony than the rest. I feel that there is a lot wrong with the anatomy here that I would like to fix, and wish I had put more effort into the colouring instead of leaving it so simple, but like the painting I did I chose to keep it simple as I have never used oil pastels before.
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eve-creativework · 4 years
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This is my second portrait and one that I decided to paint. This is my least favourite, as I feel that the fact that I rarely paint really shows. The colours are too dark for my liking and the anatomy is very off, with it being angular in a lot of places that I never intended. The hair is also too large for my liking, and I had wanted to add shading but abandoned this idea as I realised it would mostly turn out bad.
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eve-creativework · 4 years
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In order to work on my self portrait skills I drew portraits of myself in different mediums. The first one I chose was digital as this is what I draw the most in and am the most comfortable using.
I don’t feel especially proud of this one as it ended up being a lot more stylised and flat than I intended. The eyelashes also look bad as I wasn’t sure how to draw them. The shirt came out duller than I had hoped for, as it had been a light yellow before I started shading, and the hair it too textureless for my liking.
I like the way the nose turned out, I am bad at drawing noses in a liness art style, and my normal art style has stylised noses because of this exact problem. I wasn’t sure how to draw the noses at first, but I saw how some other people did it and followed their lead.
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eve-creativework · 4 years
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As I’ve been off college sick and the college closing due to the current pandemic sweeping the globe, I’ve been unable to do a lot of my work. I’m using this time to catch up on what I’ve missed, starting with a moodboard that shows a lot of my interests.
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eve-creativework · 4 years
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To help me come up with ideas for my self portraits, I decided to draw myself in different art styles. I chose ones that have influenced either my art, the way I tell stories, or both, and made sure to use a character as a reference. I feel that my favourite is the Homestuck one, as my art is very influenced by the Homestuck art style, and my least favourite is the Bojack Horseman one, as I struggle with more realistic art styles and don’t think it looks very accurate.
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eve-creativework · 4 years
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These are both pieces of artwork I created in class. The first is my poster I created for my useless design. I painted the background yellow and drew both the silhouette and logo digitally, printed them off and glued them on. I chose to use different mediums because I enjoy painting and drawing digitally, so combining the two would be perfect.
The second is a drawing I did to both study useless inventions to try and come up with my own, and to work on more realistic shading, although it can be hard to see here.
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eve-creativework · 4 years
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This was my first attempt at a self-portrait drawn from a mirror. Underneath is my attempts at a more realistic art style without reference, with my own art style as a comparison and an analysis of a self portrait by Leonardo da Vinci.
 I found the self portrait easy and hard. I found it was hard to get everything in the right place and have it not look odd. I found it easy too as I could use the mirror whenever I forgot what to draw. I struggled with the anatomy, and ended up making the forehead too small. but liked drawing the hair and eyes.
I drew eyes as I enjoy drawing them and thought it would be the easiest to draw. I decided to draw someones face from the side as I find profile pictures difficult. I decided to ad a comparison to my own art style to show how much I have to work on to grow my realism skills.
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eve-creativework · 4 years
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This is some research one self portraits I have done in class. I done research and analysis on self portraits by different well-known artists, and looked at what made them effective, to get inspiration for my own attempts.
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eve-creativework · 4 years
Erin: I don't know what to post on the chat thing!
Jessica Grimbark: You can post anything, just post this conversation.
Erin: OK.
its true, thats how it happened!
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eve-creativework · 4 years
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eve-creativework · 4 years
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eve-creativework · 4 years
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eve-creativework · 4 years
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eve-creativework · 4 years
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My cat in a box my cat in a box
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eve-creativework · 4 years
Sarah Lynn: Isn't this place amazing?
Bojack: Totally. I always forget that there are more than just the six stars you can see in the Los Angeles sky.
Sarah Lynn: Yeah, that's cool, too, but I meant this building. It's a giant dome. Domes are so cool.
Bojack: I prefer rectangular buildings, as I firmly established.
Sarah Lynn: I wanna be an architect.
Commentator: Be it horse, cat, human, or even lizard, our lives are but the briefest flashes in a universe that is billions of years old.
Bojack: See, Sarah Lynn, we're not doomed. In the great grand scheme of things, we're just tiny specks that will one day be forgotten. So, it doesn't matter what we did in the past, or how we'll be remembered. The only thing that matters is right now, this moment, this one spectacular moment we are sharing together.
Bojack: Right, Sarah Lynn? Sarah Lynn?
Bojack: Sarah Lynn?
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