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“#bpd” via tiktok @ goddess_rising
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Or meth blog lmao
"my child is fine" your child had 5000 followers on self harm tumblr
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"my child is fine" your child had 5000 followers on self harm tumblr
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If im not high or starving myself then what is the Point
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When you constantly have a water bottle with you and everyone thinks it’s because you’re healthy but in reality it’s because you never know when you’re going to need to do a shot💉💉💉😂😂😂
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Or when your mouth gets so dry so you use a water for drinking 😂
When you constantly have a water bottle with you and everyone thinks it’s because you’re healthy but in reality it’s because you never know when you’re going to need to do a shot💉💉💉😂😂😂
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Always kept playfully bobbing amidst to roaring waves,
The whore reaching from Rock bottom
Holding Curiosity for the caves even below that
- Evelyn Rae
(went to visit a friend and he said he was saving me a surprise)
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I know it's messed up but when a shot gets to bloody to use I make art.
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times have been so fucking rough lately dude. been sick & outta work for a couple weeks, no money to support my habit. my boyfriend brings me all the happiness I could hope for but every drug addict knows - were not normal. we don’t think clearly. Our minds are so occupied with that next fix that it’s hard to think about anything else. I want more for myself, I want better for me & my family. but I feel like I’m stuck this way, cause I search for the slightest bit of serotonin, a small amount of a mind altering substance just to take my mind off the struggles & the pain I’m forced to live with & reflect on for the rest of my life. Yeah, it’s a horrible way to achieve happiness, but it’s the only way I know. if I’m sober I’m not as happy. I’m not fulfilled. but I want to be. idk what else to do.
I’m just not the same. the lights are on but nobody is home.
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Covering Up Your Track Marks With Concealer & Foundation. ♥
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This me
My devil is slipping away. I think it’s the drugs returning me back to my normal state. I get scared sometimes because the darkness emerges. My angel pushes her down but sometimes she’s too strong. I can’t fight her. Sometimes I let her win. I fear her. She’s evil. Manipulative, charming, takes what she wants without your consent. My angel is sweet, caring, timid. She loves you unconditionally & listens to what you have to say. She wants to heal the world, one act of kindness at a time. She smiles at pretty strangers & loves living in nature. Men fall in love with this side and beg her not to leave. I can’t. The devil waltz right out. I want to stay, but it’s not my choice. The angel cries herself to sleep every night waiting for him to come save her. Looks out the window waiting impatiently. Someone, anyone save me from this darkness. She falls asleep eventually and wakes up the devil.
“back and forth” -avalon
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“She needs a little lovin’
Or someone to get into heavy drugs with.”
Chase Atlantic
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“but baby did we really love eachother? or just the drug addiction we shared”
— why’d we let it get so bad?
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(This is a poem I wrote myself I am both scared and proud to show it please treat it kindly )
Crystalline Abcb
A cursed crystalline pursued to penetrate the anatomy illuminating the pessimistic caves
Trespassing into Virgin Domain of an unsuspecting pained shell
Enclosed and securely rooted  incessantly leaving coruscate scaring permanently all around
You succeeded in creating my own personal utopian hell
A secret needed to harbor exploiting any means required only there concealed in pure darkness I am your devoted slave
Until the day civic flesh parades our premature death knell
Lost innocence accompanied by the robbing of the same vibrational ring draped in a wedding gown
But still you receive limitless adventures to abuse time and again as your personal carousel
Exploiting my amise unbreakable lust for you, each inhale collapsing both sides of once unmarried airwaves
My peculiar succubus and I somehow always emerge parallel
Echoing an endless endeavor I surrender down allowing you to paint me as your clown
Absorbing me whole fraction by fraction in order to seize my whole cell
You deceived me declared United our souls only shortly to mess around
A brief escape in ecstasy I discovered was not reality so now forced I am to accept I'm yours eternally until I shut down
-Eveyln Rae
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