evenstargws-attic · 2 years
New Threads
D: Hey Stefano, you remember I messaged that guy with the awesome t-shirts in his collection?
S: Sure, the metal shirts right?
D: Yeh, he messaged back last week, told me he was gonna make Savatage-shirts... I forgot to tell you, but look here, this arrived in the mail today. *Damian points at a package*
S: OMFG !!! let me at them, i wanna see if they fit ...
D: Let's make some pictures too, I wanna thank him by showing of his work !
a little while later :
D: See here the pictures,... and then we need to edit them a bit like this , cut off the empty spaces, apply a filter or two and VOILA
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S: Jeez you're so smart with that newfangled stuff. Where did you learn that ? And how the hell do you remember that all?
D: ...
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S: Nevermind, I do not need to know that. I reckon it's like the lyrics for my my songs, this picture stuff is just what you like to do and then you remember it easier...
D: You're just old my love, you can't remember everything...
S: Did you just call me old ?!? ... I'll show you old,... better run now darling, 3...2...1...
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So the boys send a big thanks to @mellosakicc for the awesome Savatage T-shirts. They really like them a lot and wanted to show off their new threads immediately...
Also thank for the posemakers @mel-bennett (posepacks Always yours & Couple Carpet) and @herecirmsims (posepack #52 Happy with you)
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evenstargws-attic · 2 years
Whoop !! 8 swatches ! For every day of the week a clean shirt ! :D
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savatage tees
for @evenstargws-attic.
base game compatible
m&f - teen thru elder
enabled for random
custom cas thumbnail
download (simfileshare) | download (patreon - free)
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evenstargws-attic · 2 years
The Fishy Tales - Side Notes
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More details:
1 - 25 , 26 - 50 , 51 -75 and 76-100
Now to finish the story and let Patience and Paka'a have somewhat of a normal life before they die.
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evenstargws-attic · 2 years
The Fishy Tales - Side Notes
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Babies # 76 - # 100, in addition to these posts
1 - 25 , 26 - 50 and 51 -75
more info on reddit 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 and plumtree
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FLTR: Bravery, Earnest, Reverence, Balance, Independence, Revel, Pleasant, Decency, Dignity, Kolohe
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FLTR: Vision, Kindness, Sensebility, Mindful, Epiphany, Humility, Truthful, Honour, Glory
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FLTR: Haven, Mercy, Trinity, Purpose, Sage, Blythe, Constance
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evenstargws-attic · 2 years
The Fishy Tales - Chapter 7
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Chapter 6 ended with Patience thanking Paka'a for the wonderful day they spend together.
"This was one of the best days of my life, thank you my love" Patience tells Paka'a before they part that night !
In chapter 7 we will find out that Paka'a and Patience both have their faults too. They are not flawless and despite how strong their love is, it is often the people that you love most that can hurt you the worst.
A few years passed since that great day that Patience received the promise ring from him. Things were still going great and the end of Patience's task was in sight. It was a good thing too, because Patience was tired. Tired of all the work she had to do alone, all the men she had to juggle and keep young via her magic, all the kids with each their own requirements, and most off all tired of not being able to share her burdens with the love of her life.
One day Patience was out for a stroll on the beach and she heard voices at the picnic table further along on her path. She recognized one voice immediately, it was that annoying Iosefina Sawea girl, that wouldn't stop treating her house like it was a public venue and leaving empty water-glasses everywhere. There was something about that young woman, Patience could never pinpoint it, but whenever that woman was near Patience felt real uneasy.
A low man's voice she could also hear whispering,… This perked Patience up, Iosefina had clearly found a mate and might thus move away soon, until she saw who was talking to that woman. At first she thought she must be imagining it, it couldn't be. But she would recognize those hair locks everywhere, because she admired and caressed them so often she could almost imagine the feeling of them sliding through her fingers.
Tears slowly gathered trickled down her cheeks and slowly it became harder to breath. Patience gasped for breath, the man stiffened his stance and slowly turned around, and the girl Patience disliked so much seemed to be smirking when the man wasn't looking. It was him! Paka'a was holding Iosefina in a lovers embrace. Paka'a released the woman and took a step backwards, he looked embarrassed to be caught, or was it confused … his gaze went between Iosefina and Patience like he couldn't believe his own eyes.
Patience however had seen enough, turned away and ran off as fast as her legs could carry her. The last thing she saw was the smug look on Iosefina's face, a proud expression you could also call it. And the confused and horrified look on the face of the man she loved more then live itself.
Later Paka'a came to her house and tried to explain that he thought Iosefina Sawea was Patience and a lot of other bullsh*t. Patience, never the most patient of people despite her name, didn't, or couldn't, believe him tho, and in the heat of the moment she uttered that she never wanted to see him again. How could he do this to her? Was she not enough? Why would he hide his affair, why not just talk to her and ... Patience was so dam angry she gasped for breath and turned away from his face trying to calm down.
That made Paka'a angry and he accused Patience of being a hypocrite, how else then were all those children conceived if not by him. Patience told Paka'a she had always been honest with him and would have told him everything if he wanted to know, but his own words when they just met came back to bite him, he didn't want to know …
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Words can hurt a lot and between two very proud and stubborn people even more.
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Something was broken, the bond of trust that seemed unbreakable before was gone and the couple became two solo people still in love but not together.
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Patience tried to reconcile but, as she later learned from her son, Paka'a had left and had never returned home. Paka'a had sent Chivalry a message that he would eventually come back, but in the meantime he tasked his son to take care of his mother.
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Chivalry knew nothing of what had happened and had to laugh a little about the message he received , knowing his mother was more then capable of taking care of herself. He even showed the message to his brother Dutiful, who joked he would tell his father, Vladislaus, the coast was clear. Since his father seemed to have a major crush on Patience.
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She did go to his house once and found it empty. There was however a big orange (ironically Paka'a's favorite color) cat living in his house, she supposed Paka'a had adopted the animal and never got around to tell her. So once in a while she would bring some scraps of food to the animal.
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And Chivalry and some of his brothers would visit the cat too from time to time, to clean the litter box and keep it company. Chivalry felt an odd affinity to the animal, where he wasn't particularly fond of cats normally.
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The years passed and Patience slowly withered away, while she was at home for her children she was never really present. Holidays were a sad dinner , the house not decorated and the ambiance was rather grim.
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Once her task was completed but she found no satisfaction in that. The person that once laughed so much and enjoyed life to the fullest never really recovered and the smile on her face would never again reach her eyes.
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Often she could be found sitting on the beach near the house looking at the ocean for hours on end without ever speaking a single word to anyone.
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She stopped taking care of herself up to the point that when Chivalry decided to visit his mother one time after not hearing from her for a while, when he arrived he got a very big scare.
What he found was children running amok in the house and trying to keep it going, mismatched clothing the floors decorated with colorful messes . He'd remember how he did that as a child and got told off immediately, his mother did not like mess in the house and you would find yourself brushing your teeth at least five times after cleaning the mess you made.
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The smell, when he stepped inside, was awful and distinctly that of dried scales and rotting fish. When asked where their mother was they'd answer "sleeping".
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So after explaining the situation to his siblings he lived with in the city, Chivalry moved back home to take care of his mother and make sure the last of her children were raised properly.
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And still that dam cat would be hanging around the house at odd hours and demanding attention whenever Chiv visited his father's house to chase out the dustbunnies and fix leaks and do general upkeep work. He still had hope in his heart his father would return one day, though that hope became less and less as the years passed.
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So you see that words can hurt. And love can be painful too, ...
But what will happen next ? Soon you'll read it but I hope that you guys know that this was a very difficult chapter for me, many tissues were used in the making of this chapter. Tragedy is not my favorite thing to tell about and/or read about but sometimes it's needed to make one realize what we take for granted and what life will look like without certain people in them.
Once again the posemakers get a big thanks from me, but in all the tissue abuse i forgot to write down the posepacks i used, so i can's specify the name of the packs i used. If you are a posemaker and you recognize your own work in my pics, feel free to leave a message and i'll edit this post to have you tagged in it. Thank you :)
0 notes
evenstargws-attic · 2 years
When I am making my stories up sometimes I have this little while I cannot find the path for the story to continue. Currently The Fishy Tales is at such a point. I feel something tragic needs to happen but I'm very bad at letting tragedy happen in my story worlds; i lay awake at night thinking of scenario's that won't hurt my heart but still add an "oomph" to a story. So I'm working on it only it doesn't seem to come to me, at least not as fast as I'm used to. Maybe it's the pressure I feel having to produce stories for here, whatever it is I'm sure it'll come to me soon. Meanwhile I leave you guys with a little listening pleasures:
Ofcourse if you have suggestions on what can happen in the story, I'd love to hear about them. I can't promise I will make it happen but your ideas might unlock my writing block :P
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evenstargws-attic · 2 years
The Fishy Tales - Side Notes
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Babies # 51 - # 75, in addition to these posts
# 1 - # 25 and # 26 - # 50
more info on reddit 1 / 2 / 3 and plumtree
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FLTR: Charisma, Felicity, Purity, Faith, Victory, Resolve, Nimble, Thrift, Swift and Praise
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FLTR: Comfort, Liberty, Blessing, Marvel, Wonder, Destiny, Chance and Merit
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FLTR: Clarity, Sincerity, Gratitude, Serendipity, Keen, Perceptive and Silence
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evenstargws-attic · 2 years
The Fishy Tales - Chapter 6
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Chapter 5 ended with Patience wanting to visit Evergreen to remind her of her purpose. Every little thing that can help her keep her hopes up will be important now, while she has such a hard time and so many doubts about the path her life is taking. She will do that indeed, but not before it is her birthday which she thought to let pass quietly.
This chapter is mostly about one very special night between soulmates with an impossibly strong connection and love. It is about how little things can make a person very happy and memories can help a person keep their hope up.
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"Hello lovely lady, fancy meeting you here !" a familiar voice sounded behind Patience… she turned around and saw her soulmate.
"Aha ! So that's why my sons were so attentive, they were in on this weren't they?" she giggled "The house hasn't been so clean in a while and the little ones were all in bed, there was a bath waiting for me and my nice clothes laying on the bed…" she mused "I didn't understand it, I told the boys not to bother with my birthday since we can't all be together I'd rather skip it, they agreed, but you had other plans it seems. Thank you !"
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"Yes they're were part of the com-plot" Paka'a admits "Now come on my-lady, let's dance !"
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"I didn't want to let this day go by without making it special, so your sons and I came up with this little outing. Meanwhile, Marvel and Wonder, they're taking care of their siblings so don't worry. You've named those two aptly, they were so enthusiastic when I told them my plans."
After the song finished clammy lightly shaking hands grab Patience's hands and after a deep breath he whispers: "I've been wanting to ask you something for a little while now,… just couldn't find the right moment, and I'm pretty nervous at the moment, … let's walk to the beach."
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Now he has made her nervous too, and when Patience is nervous she starts to babble, which alleviates Paka's nerves because it's so cute he forgets to be nervous himself. "Look" she blurted "A very bright star up there, so pretty ! Can I make a wish now ? That's what people do right when they see a particularly bright star, or is that only with falling stars? Doesn't matter … I'll… "
"Yes very beautiful" Paka'a interrupts just in time, while he looks at her and not the star that is indeed very bright in the sky above the ocean "Go ahead, make a wish,… I'm not sure when is traditional, …" "though I don't need a wish I have everything I could ever want right here…" he murmurs in a low tone…
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As if timed the piano starts playing and his hand goes into the folds of his wrap ...
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Patience gasps ...
"Don't worry, it's not an engagement ring until you've completed your task" Paka'a tells her, "But it is a promise… of my lasting love and for the day we can be together forever." Paka'a says while he puts a ring on Patience's finger "will you wear this until the day I can replace it with a proper engagement ring?"
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"YES ! I will wear this each and every day with pride and it will help me keep my spirits up when it gets tough."
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Paka'a proudly scoops up his woman and says "now ill take you to the beach…"
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"Honestly I was afraid since you seemed so absent lately when we talked." Patience admits "I thought maybe you had found someone else and … well it seems I was afraid for nothing… you did all this wh…"
"You didn't see him just yet then ? Chivalry and Justice just snuck off that way …" Paka's laughs and points at the other way off the beach.
"OMG !!!" Patience laughs too "I have such sneaky boys, I haven't taught them that I'm sure!" She looks at Paka'a with twinkle in her eye while she pulls up her eyebrow in that endearing way she does…
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"Woman shut up and relax for a bit OK ? Let me hold you and listen to the silence for a little while …"
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The silence last for a whole 30 seconds, at which point Patience admits defeat and says "I can't Paka'a … I'm to excited after that little surprise with the ring… are those the cookie … they are,…!"
She is like a whirlwind from one subject to another and not being able to sit still. "I baked a batch of honey cookies for Chivalry who told me he had a date and he wanted to give these to her … hahaha !"
Paka'a just looks at Patience amused by her "Yes, and your favourite tea is there too ! Ginseng with a dash of honey …"
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Patience darts off towards the water "Let's swim and then drink a cup of tea !" she yells, then goes back to pull Paka'a with her …
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"You are not afraid of this water are you ?" "You a merman and faster then most denizens of the ocean" Patience tells him
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"You are… !" she gasped not waiting for Paka's to answer her question "You always do that thing with your hand in front of your mouth when you're scared !"
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"Come on ! I'll protect you !" she whispers in her ear
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"Don't pull my arm of lady,… i need that to hold you later !" he says while being pulled towards the water.
For close to 30 minutes they play and frolic in the water until it is full night and the water gets a bit chilly. Plopping down into the sand near the teapot. "Now stay here, sit still and ill fetch the tea, then let me hold you …" Paka'a said, and so they cuddle until it is time to go back home…
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"This was one of the best days of my life, thank you my love" Patience tells Paka'a before they part that night !
After finding a more complicated but different pose player for the pictures (i have troubles with my original one) I am able to make nice pictures again for my stories luckily. This concludes another chapter in this love-story, Patience has 67 children now and has just turned adult so with a little luck her wedding to Paka'a will not be when she is grey and old.
Big thanks to KHD ( @kerriganhouse ) for the furniture I used on the beach. Also the posemakers Beto ( @beto-ae0 ) - eternity love, Simmerberlin ( @simmerberlin ) - it's okay, Herecirm ( @herecirmsims ) - 1908, Mell Bennet ( @mel-bennett ) - perfect duet, and anyone else who recognizes their content in the pictures of my heavily modded game deserve my thanks, because without them my stories would be simply text and no pictures ...
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evenstargws-attic · 2 years
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17K notes · View notes
evenstargws-attic · 2 years
The Fishy Tales - Side Notes
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in addition to this post , look at plumtree for more info
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FLTR: Worthy, Harmony, Serenity, Bliss, Endurance, Innocence, Empathy, Temperance, Tolerance
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FLTR: Unity, Able, Noble, Steady, Wisdom, Promise, Valor, Èloquent
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FLTR: Generosity, Amity, Grace, Chastity, Curiosity, Loyalty, Merry, Fortitude
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evenstargws-attic · 2 years
The Fishy Tales - Side notes
We've managed to reach an important milestone for our matriarch. But I'm kinda running low on ideas for good names, so let me know if you have any (it must be a virtue and one I don't have yet)...
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evenstargws-attic · 2 years
The Fishy Tales - Chapter 5
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Chapter 4 ended with:
The storm is getting closer now and I'm debating going inside, but I know Pop's wouldn't hurt me so I decided to have a nap here.
Lately I find myself often sitting in the shallow water near my house so as not to leave my babies alone, but still separated and able to think. Just watching the waves and listening to the sounds of the ocean. The time for the first contract is nigh and I'm reluctant to fulfill my end.
In a way it makes me very happy that Paka'a is merfolk, like I am and as such longer lived. I'm very happy I don't have to use this foul magic on him. The fathers of my other children do not yet understand the consequences of their "payment". Having to see everyone you love die is not for the faint of heart, it hurts and there is a lingering sadness that will follow them throughout the rest of their days. I'll give it a decade, maybe a little longer, before they'll be returning once again asking to be released from the magic that reverses the aging effects. But until then I'll have to keep my end of the bargains, however hard it may be.
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Are you sure you want this, Alika?
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Close your eyes now !
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It is done ! You know where to find me, next time...
Now go away, I need to be alone...
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Back when I was a teenager, when all the planning for this last ditch effort began, I wondered why the earth men would want to be with me and give me their seed. Why would you want a stranger to have your child? Idealistic me thought to just explain the situation and ask for cooperation. My mother told me that would never work and the men would never want to "help me" just for a good cause. Thus my training in sea witchery began, under my mothers guidance, …
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"Little Girl", she said to me in one of he teachings, "If there is one thing earth men are, it is vain. You should make use of that knowledge". "Anyone with a significant talent, should understand the value of their gift. As it turns out sea witchery is no different in that regard. Offer them what no one else can, and they'll gladly bind themselves onto you with that contract. Their price will be your fertilized eggs. But make sure they don't speak of that contract, knowledge is power and witchery is not embraced by everyone."
And so it was that I found myself learning the darkest of Magic Grimoires in my mothers possession, the book she inherited from her father. Incidentally it is prudent to note here that her father, my grandfather, is named Poseidon or Neptune, no one is really sure and he himself won't give you any straight answers.
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I remember my grandfather as the kindly man that was always there in the background, always watching and welcoming me with a hug when I should have had my mother to do that. Now I'm grown I realize that I have always felt his presence, even now I do so and I'm greatly comforted by it. I suspect there is more to it all, though I suppose I shall never know, or maybe I will.
My Parents had a fight one night just before my training began, I think they didn't realize I could hear them.
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I heard my mother telling my father that she would make sure I was protected against the corruption of the magic, though I didn't understand at the time whatever that meant. Now though I understand what she did, what is so ingrained in me it stops me from ever becoming her… she showed me exactly what the magic had turned her into, never put up any act and made sure I felt as little love as possible from her and in doing so growing my natural reluctance to do what she does, to be her.
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My mother, … rarely have I known a person so cold at heart, mean and evil to boot. I suspect it's her heritage, the sea witchery, corrupting her thoughts and I'm sure that my father would not be with her if she did not have, or had, any good qualities. I remember very vaguely, from so very long ago, she could be nice too, but nowadays she is just busy with her magic and obtaining more and more power. When there is a potential in you for great power, as my mother has, it is hard to limit yourself and not let the magic rule you. At times she will give it a pause and look around and then just smile at me or papa, but then she is distracted again and continues with her everlasting search for more knowledge.
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As a little girl there was this one time I asked why I did not have any siblings. I turned to my mother and saw her eyes grow distant at first, and then cold. "Because" she answered me… and swam off not to be seen for a few days hence. That hurt, the fact I still remember that pain proves exactly how much that hurt, and I never dared ask that question again. I was nearly grown up when I learned that it was a choice, because with her power there must be balance too. It was either being fertile and have no exceptional power, or no more children and being able to wield nearly limitless magic. It must've been extra painful for her to learn I had both. I could wield our hereditary magic and have children too. Then again I have not nearly as much power as she does, and I use it so sparingly because the last thing I want is be corrupted like my mother and have my children see me as the mean witchy mother.
No one in the pod where i lived my younger years understood the warning signs at first. Fewer dolphin's would visit us, and those that would visit would bemoan the fact they couldn't easily find our resting spots anymore. Slowly the waters closer to the surface became polluted and toxic with what we now know as plastics. The sharks, that normally swim much closer to the surface, came nearer to our habitats each year being unable to get their food closer to the surface. Their numbers would grow to so that the guards that swam around our pod came home wounded more often, and their wounds would be so severe they couldn't heal from them. Slowly, but surely, the cause of all the troubles became clearer until on a certain day men were sent to the surface and see what was happening on land.
Debris would be floating nearer to the shores in layers so thick the light wouldn't be able to reach past it. And the waters close to the shores would be so filled with chemicals one could hardly call it water anymore. Normally seagulls are bastards, always deviant and never polite, but when some of us asked the gulls flying over to describe the landmass nearby, they would describe a ravaged countryside where earth-people would fight over the remaining resources, "there was no human with any food they could easily steal" they said. And forget about seeing anything when you fly over, one of the birds added.
It is hard to describe the destruction earth-people had inflicted on their living spaces, and when I came to shore it was hard to imagine to, but I suppose I came ashore in a place that isn't so bad as long as they keep working to conserve what they have.
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This place the men talked about, called Evergreen, ironically, I should visit that place sometime soon, if for nothing else then to remind me of my purpose.
And that's another, though it turned out not to be as nice as I hoped. I will work to make future chapters better with good pictures, but as I said in an earlier post, I'm having trouble with the pose-player currently. Anyway thanks for reading and see you soon !
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evenstargws-attic · 2 years
the ultimate fat sim cc masterlist!
if you’re like me, you may struggle sourcing cc that can be used on fat sims. whether it’s making realistic fat sims, or simply finding clothes that don’t distort or clip through their bodies, it can be an absolute pain. fortunately for you, i’ve compiled this list of resources and creators who have made fat sim friendly cc!
*please note: while i will try to make this list as inclusive as possible, male/masculine-frame sims are often an afterthought for most creators, especially fat sims, so most of this content may be female/feminine-frame exclusive
i will try to update this periodically to include any new finds :)
**ALSO–some creators’ pages may contain nudity/NSFW. please browse at your own risk!
first, let’s start with bodies!
because you can’t have a fat sim without a fat body
presets & sliders
screaminsnail - great variety of different fat body presets for masc and fem frames. highly recommend. **page may have NSFW content
hi-land - great variety of different fat presets for masc and fem frames. a staple in my game. special mention: thicc king & queen jaw slider  **page may have NSFW content
vibrantpixels - lots of different body presets. special mentions: the arm thickness slider and ankle thickness slider.
afrosimtricsimmer - lots of different body presets. special mentions: juicy & pound cake **page may have NSFW content
also recommended:
sweet bod & honey by simulationcowboy
soft boi and dense boi by narci-cism
big daddy by kikovanitysimmer
LBOS by estrojans
give me curves by arenetta
extended butt slider by gzckrg
shoulder height slider by hellfrozeover
chest depth and width slider by hellfrozeover
cheek sliders by pirumxsim
skin overlays
moonchildlovesthenight - they have lots of skin overlays and defaults that are great for fat sims. very realistic and diverse. highly recommend. **page may have NSFW content special mentions:
u r real skin - defaults & overlays (my personal skin default)
strudel skin
stretch marks
amanda & adam overlay
brianna & brandon overlay
sims3melancholic - lotty skin & erika skin
pralinesims - aphrodite skin
blahberry-pancake - bold skin & overlay
skin details
catshrub - starch masks
alienratz - tiger stripes stretchers
marigolde - lucky skin stretch marks
faaeish - chubby cheeks & growing pains
miikocc - cellulite overlay
now onto clothes!
finding clothes that don’t warp, distort, and/or clip into fat sims is a big pain. here are some creators i recommend whose clothes are tried and true on fat sims. i won’t include descriptions, because i am far too lazy for that, but i will note if they are typically mm, mix, or alpha creators
**please note that some creators listed may have some older content that don’t play nice with fat sims. i will try to note them, but please keep that in mind when downloading!
also, some creators may have patreon-locked content, but can be easily found if you know where to look :)))
aharris00britney - maxis match
arethabee - maxis match
astya96 - alpha
belaloallure - alpha (tsr)
busra-tr - alpha (tsr)
candysims4 - maxis match
clumsyalienn - maxis match
daisy-pixels - alpha (simsdom)
dissia - maxis match (tsr)
elliesimple - alpha (simsdom)
evellsims - alpha
gorillax3 - alpha **sometimes their clothes will do the thing where the arms go inside the body, but the clothes themselves are fine 
grafity-cc - alpha (simsdom)
greenllamas - maxis match
joliebean - maxis match
thisiskiro - alpha **a few pieces are a bit wonky
kumikya - maxis match
laupipi - alpha (tsr) **their older stuff isn’t quite fat sim compatible, but their newer stuff is *chefs kiss*
liliili - maxis match
lynxsimz - alpha (simsdom) **NSFW WARNING!! some bottoms clip, but tops/dresses are usually pretty quality
madlen - maxis mix
miikocc - maxis match
ms-marysims - maxis mix
myshunosun - maxis match
newen092 - alpha **their older stuff (18-19) is NOT GOOD on fat sims. NOT GOOD.
nitropanic - alpha (simsdom) **NSFW WARNING!!
nuagelle - maxis match
nucrest - maxis match
oakiyo - maxis match
okruee - maxis mix
pixelunivairse - maxis match
plumbobnfries - maxis mix (tsr)
ridgeport - maxis mix
rimings - alpha **a few items may have minor clipping, but overall very good quality
savage-sims - alpha
sentate - maxis match
serenity-cc - maxis mix **some of their older stuff can clip or just look… weird on fat sims, specifically some pants and skirts. boots also don’t work well with large calves
sifix - alpha
simkoos - maxis match 
simstrouble - maxis match
soboro-sims - alpha **some older stuff clips with fat sims
solistair - maxis mix **NSFW WARNING on their older stuff!!
trillyke - maxis match
waekey - maxis match **older skirts do the arm-in-body thing
yunseol - alpha **dresses are a little hit or miss, but the tops are good
there are a lot of creators listed above that also dabble in accessories, but i wanted to make a special section highlighting a few creators whose accessories are fat sim friendly; more specifically, necklaces.
pralinesims - ultimate necklace collection **not every necklace will work with larger necks/fat sims, but there are a lot that do
christopher067 - high quality necklaces that work with all neck sizes
simstefani - y2k-style; accessorize 1 | accessorize 2
eunosims - trendy y2k-esque style; they fit most neck sizes
blahberry-pancake - ‘unusual’ style; works with most neck sizes **simsdom warning!
as i mentioned earlier, i will try to update this with more finds as i go! i’m also absolutely open to suggestions, as this list is (mostly) just curated from my mods folder!! anyway, i hope this helps!!!
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evenstargws-attic · 2 years
Little Trouble
I'm currently experiencing a little trouble with making pictures in game (explained here and here) so I can't make a new fishy tales yet, unless I publish a text only Chapter which I rather not...
I will make pictures asap when I get this thing sorted tho, don't worry I've not abandoned the story.
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evenstargws-attic · 2 years
The Fishy Tales - Side Notes
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The first 25 of Patience's babies - look at the plumtree for more info
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FLTR: Confidence, Integrity, Modesty, Verity, Justice, Melancholy <3, Chivalry, Cautious, Hope
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FLTR: Perseverance, Prudence, Regal, Valiant, Desire, Honesty
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FLTR: Radiance, Courage, Prosper, Dutiful, Dilligence, Vigilant, Courtesy, Compassion, Charity, Joy
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evenstargws-attic · 2 years
The Fishy Tales - Chapter 4
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Chapter 3 ended with :
We sat there for a few hours more, just..., not talking but enjoying each-other presence nearby, both of us deep in thought, until suddenly thunder boomed and the lightning flashed up in the sky and we were soaked through in minutes.
That night I had a dream, my grandfather subtly encouraged me to be strong and everything would be alright eventually. I felt comforting presence in my subconscious, in that space between sleep and dreams.
So the next morning I woke up in Paka'a's arms while he was snoring a bear in winter. I had to giggle a little about that, so the man did have a flaw… The night before I had decided, going forward, to do what was necessary and get stuff sorted real quick, so some of my life would remain for us to be together. I would not, could not even, enjoy my times with the other men, it was a bodily function that was needed but there was no pleasure in it.
After our baby was born, Paka'a often came to visit and just sat there, beaming like the proud papa he was. My little gem was, to me, at the most difficult times a light in the darkness. I would look at my baby and hug him close to me. Of course children see and understand more then you as parent expect them too. He would seldom be defiant when mama needed a hug, like he understood I missed his father being beside me greatly…
Chivalry always was a thoughtful child, quiet and thinking a lot all the time. He would look at stuff, and quietly contemplate what it could be, and when he couldn't figure it out he'd shrug and move on to other things. Except for the times he had his outburst of energy, he would rip of his clothes a run through the shallow waters on the beach. If it wasn't for his affinity with fish (he did not want to eat fish-sticks or other fish containing foods) the running on the beach was a clear indicator my little darling was a merman, just like his mamma and papa.
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There were times when my first children were still little I felt like it was all to much. I learned pretty quickly not to expect my house to be spotless all the time and quickly hired a local woman who would help me once a day to get the worst of the cleaning done.
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I would "sneak" of some nights while being pregnant, when my boy was old enough to alert Emerald who was always on guard nearby when asked her.
One such night Chiv asked me where I was going, he was almost a teenager by then: "was I going to see his papa again?" he asked. "Why does papa not live here, mom ? Other kids in my school have their papa live at their home"…
Kids are so smart and they will not miss a thing if it matters to them. I told him "Yes I'm gonna see your dad, I'll tell you more when you're older, but now knowing that I'm with Paka'a will have to suffice, my little boy. And call for Emerald if you need me to come home OK?" He nodded thoughtfully and never asked for more information, he knew I would tell him the details when he was old enough.
And then my firstborn grew into a teenager, he became able to change forms while swimming. But dam he is a beautiful merman, a sleek and colorful tail and big fins and he can almost out-swim Emerald with his speed. He looks so much like his father, sometimes I look at him swimming in the nearby waters and think it's Paka'a.
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I told him the reason why his dad and I couldn't live together and why it was so important to preserve our legacy and habitats in the deep. I didn't even need to ask but he immediately began taking up the cause, helping me care for his siblings all the while he made plans to set up a museum about our water-world.
He said "One of the ways to make a person see the importance of something, is to teach them about it." He even contacted his brothers father, Geoffrey, and asked him to help out, and he did it tactful too so as not to alert Nancy, that shrew wife of his.
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Anyway so Chivalry contributed knowledge and some artifacts, and Geoffrey made a financial contribution to that ugly ass museum in Del Sol to have it renovated and exhibit "the oceans deep" exhibits. I am so proud of my boy, our boy I should say really because after I told Paka'a about his son, he beamed brighter then the sun with pride.
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Paka'a does not talk much anymore though, he becomes more and more silent each year that passes and I worry for him, and us, greatly. Sometimes I see him look at me and wonder what he is thinking. It weights on us, this mission, … His eyes are more troubled and his soul feels burdened, even though he still looks at me like I hung the moon.
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Don't misunderstand me though, he loves the children and plays with them when he can (he says they're all a part of me, so automatically they're a part of him, even though they're not biologically his he adopts them like they're his own). And he is so good with them, so patient and loving. Always willing to teach and answer their questions.
But as I said sometimes he looks at me like he is trying to figure out a way to make it easier on not only himself, but also me, because he is not blind and he knows what this does to me.
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I can even notice it myself, my heart becomes colder every time I am with another, my empathy for the other men drains a little more each time. Despite all that every time I watch my love in an unguarded moment I feel my heart warm again, I still love him so much and I suspect that will never cease, no matter if his hair becomes gray or he gets a few more wrinkles.
It is all so very difficult and it will not become easier anytime soon. My angel boy Chivalry will soon leave for university, he already found a apartment in the city which he is renovating right now. I wonder where am I going to find the strength his presence gives me daily. He asked me if he needed to stay home and help, and I said to him "It is time for you to grow and start your own life, I'll be here when you need me but I can't depend on you forever." Then the "little" darling made me promise to call him every day … who is the parent here i wonder ?
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So now I sit here on the dock musing about my trials and treasures in this life of mine. It is quiet around me, aside from the soft breathing of my babies in the house if you listen closely you can hear the whales the populate the deeper waters around the islands communicate with their beautiful songs. Once in a while a fish will jump out of the water and splash back in, they're playing and preparing for the end of the summer. And slowly the sun sinks into the sea and the sky turns to her beautiful palette of golden orange and purple. In the distance I hear the rumbling of thunder, a storm is coming, or grandfather is laughing out loud.
Thinking back to my youth, I miss my family and the people I grew up with. My childhood was so carefree, in a sense, it is hard to understand it came to this. I had never thought I would not grow old within the community I grew up with, but instead go on shore and never see them again. I think I miss my grandfather, and my father, the most. Papa's quiet presence when mother was near and his very different persona, the jubilant jester when she was out. My grandfather's comforting hugs, even when I was almost fully grown. A look was enough for him to just swim up and open his arms to me. I remember Mother would always chastise him for it, that I needed to grow up. Ah well, sometime in the future I will tell your about my home, and how I grew up, but not now.
At last weekend's family get together my firstborn son came up to me. Chivalry asked if I would come and visit him and my other babies in the city someday, I am not sure if I will be able to live without the ocean nearby, but on the other hand maybe I will get to see snow then, I heard it's a strange sight and very very cold. And I do miss my "little ones" so very much. Yes ! I know they're big now and having their own live but I'm still their mom and will miss them always. Little Cautious calls often tho to tell me of her dates with boys she knows, and Desire has just eloped with her lovely girlfriend, which I have yet to meet. Desire often calls about her trials in trying to adopt a baby with her wife Aanya, but they have not yet been successful. Then we have Perseverance, who never seems to have any luck in love, he often sits and silently broods after the last breakup he is going through, even though I assure him any man would be lucky to have him as a partner.
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The storm is getting closer now and I'm debating going inside, but I know Pop's wouldn't hurt me so I decided to have a nap here.
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And that's another chapter in this story finished... Who is that man in the last picture you ask? Well that would be ... explained in the next episode ! Stay tuned and once again thanks for reading my ramblings...
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evenstargws-attic · 2 years
The Fishy Tales - Chapter 3
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In Chapter 2 Patience discovered Paka'a had left a little present and she is uncertain what to do. So she went back to the ocean to have a good night's sleep and decide how to handle the situation.
"So that night I went to the deep water and just slept there and and be one with the ocean once more."
The next morning, the sun had just peeked above the horizon and the surface waters slowly warmed a little, Emerald woke me up playfully splashing me. I played with her for a while until she pushed her nose to my belly and asked me what was wrong, and I told her I was expecting a young.
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If dolphins could have facial expressions hers would be very confused at that point, she did not understand why that would make me sad. She circled me and whacked the water with her tail, creating what I call "Happy Waves" and showed me her own tummy which was also a little swollen, it seems she was expecting too and very happy about it.
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But I wasn't unhappy because I was expecting, quite the opposite I told her, … I tried to explain it to her that it was the timing and the complicated situation, but animals think differently, they don't make an orca out of a goldfish. So in her own way (by squirting me with water) she told me to just put on my big girl fins and stop talking and thinking so much… then she brushed me off and swam away.
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Feeling refreshed and up for the challenge I went ashore the next morning and dressed warmly. The weather had turned a bit so it was quite windy and it looked like a storm may be coming in, dark clouds threatened on the horizon. I walked onto the market-square and noticed people boarding up their houses for the weather forecast told them this was probably a good idea... A lot of people ran to and fro their houses and the market was being packed up as well... I saw a lot of people, but he was nowhere to be seen while normally he would be hanging around the market stalls and chatting to people.
Procrastinating once again I didn't look for him to thoroughly, I walked slowly (or would you call it waddled by now?) to the beach where I stood for a while, trying to come up with words on how to explain this to him. It wasn't needed, the explanation, it seems. His arms went around my body and he nuzzled my ear, he whispered "You have something to tell me?"
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"We are pregnant" I blurted out, and I gasped at my own words.
"So you're gonna make me a papa then ?" he knelt before me and started humming very familiar nursery-song, one that my mother used to hum to me too, at my belly.
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That made me tear up real fast and when he looked up in confusion at my sniffles I tried to hide my tears but … He stood up and gently wiped my tears after which he softly kissed my lips while there was such gratefulness in his eyes. He didn't ask why there were tears, and I didn't tell… It seems communication was not our strongest trait, but he seemed to know me so well already, it was amazing.
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"I'm glad I've given you your first baby, that way you'll never forget me" he said "Does that make me sound selfish? Maybe,… but I'm just a fool in love…"
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He sat down in the sand, and looked out over the ocean. Sitting down in the sand with some decorum was decidedly less easy for me now that my tummy was so swollen, so I sat behind him and leaned on his shoulders. Together we sat there for what seemed like hours but was probably more like a few minutes. So I figured to just bite the bullet and ask him.
"What have you decided…?"
He started talking at exactly the same moment
"It's gonna be difficult to stay away from you both at certain times, but I hope you'll allow me to be there for you when you need a helping hand in the future"
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I couldn't believe my ears .... I had assumed this would be the moment we said goodbye, or maybe he'd swim off in anger after I told him I was expecting. But so it seems you can never really know up front what someone else will do in a certain situation.
"Does that mean you'll stick around even though... "
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"Yeh , I will, but don't be telling me all that happens to make your babies, it's difficult enough as it is."
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I was stunned, and relieved at once,... Once again this man proves you can never assume just what's gonna happen. I was still afraid one day he would wake up and tell me he didn't want to be with me anymore, our relationship was so new at this point and we knew hardly anything about each-other.
We sat there for a few hours more, just..., not talking but enjoying each-other presence nearby, both of us deep in thought, until suddenly thunder boomed and the lightning flashed up in the sky and we were soaked through in minutes.
And that's another chapter finished.
How will this tale continue? I can imagine this is gonna be very very difficult for Paka'a, having to see the love of his life being pregnant with babies by other men. And Patience, let's not forget about her… can you imagine the hell she is going through having to be with others while she knows her soulmate and love is relatively nearby? Hopefully their connection is strong enough it can withstand and survive all this turmoil.
Chapter 2 / Chapter 1
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