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Greetings and salutations.
On behalf of the Togami family, I come to present to you an interest check.
This interest check is to see who around would be interested in participating in a strictly 18+ plot-driven roleplay group on Discord. Activity and canon portrayals of characters are the biggest, most necessary skills needed in order to join. If this check is successful, there will be a try-out period to officially join. Another thing to note is that the main form of roleplay will not be text-style. Nearly all character interactions will be held through the use of the “Monokuma Character Creator” bot. This is a bot that makes character dialogue look as though they are straight from the game, complete with sprites and various backgrounds for endless possibilities. This makes interactions easier and faster to progress. More information on this bot can be found with a google search. Otherwise, you are free to message this account and get a head start on learning how to operate it right away as this server will not begin until early-mid June at the very least. 
That being said, nearly all characters will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis. As the moderator of this server has done a few servers just like this one, any returning participants get first-choice of their characters. Members of the group can choose up to three characters to muse, but please keep in mind that there is an activity expectation for all muses, as well as their admins. This group will be heavily, heavily plot driven. This is important to remember because it is imperative that we collect a group of people who not only want to have fun, but use creativity and personal deductions to solve and play along with the storyline.
Feel free to message this page with questions. Questions we deem as valuable to the community will be posted and answered accordingly. Signing out,
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