everythingliar · 2 years
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[4-panel comic. Panel 1: My mom tells me "I have a lot of great pictures of your wedding." Panel 2: My mom adds "And one not so good picture of you." Panel 3: I say "Just delete that one." Panel 4: My mom says "But I want to share it with everyone!"]
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everythingliar · 2 years
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[4-panel comic. Panel 1: "I bought my wedding dress." Panel 2: "It's actually just a regular white dress." Panel 3: "We're aiming for the smallest ceremony possible." Panel 4: "We want to focus on what's most important: cake."]
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everythingliar · 3 years
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[4-panel comic. Panel 1: I don't have a sense of being in my thirties yet. Panel 2: It's still new. Panel 3: As is the realization that I survived my twenties. Panel 4: It took more than I thought I had, but I made it to my thirties.]
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everythingliar · 3 years
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[4-panel comic. May 7, 2021. Panel 1: It's almost time to register for fall courses. Panel 2: I don't know how much going back to school will change my life. Panel 3: But I like that my life could change, that the future is full of possibilities. Panel 4: There is so much still ahead.]
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everythingliar · 3 years
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[4-panel. February 24, 2021. Panel 1: “First, I was hopeful.” Panel 2: “Then I was a field guide to survival, with a few pages missing.” Panel 3: “Now I’m older and hopeful again.” Panel 4: “The field guide to my life is full of spring mornings and autumn sunsets.”]
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everythingliar · 3 years
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[4-panel comic. February 23, 2021. Panel 1: I say "I'm glad I have a plan for the future." Panel 2: I say "I may not know what the future will bring, but I know what I want." Panel 3: Inara says "It says here you need to pick a minor." Panel 4: I say "It turns out I know nothing."]
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everythingliar · 3 years
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[4-panel comic. February 22, 2021. Panel 1: When it was my turn to grow up, Panel 2: a year of birds stole me from the ground. Panel 3: though maybe they weren’t really birds. Panel 4: and maybe I wasn’t myself either.]
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everythingliar · 3 years
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[4-panel comic. January 16, 2021. Panel 1: I try to dance with it rather than around it. Panel 2: But dancing wants a bravery I don’t have. Panel 3: If I look bad, I want to disappear. Panel 4: If I look good, I want to disappear and stay gone.]
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everythingliar · 3 years
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[4-panel comic. January 13, 2021. Panel 1: I tell Inara (my cat) "I'm happy I'm going back to school in September." Panel 2: I say "The world is terrifying right now. Having a good thing to look forward to helps." Panel 3: Inara says "That's what you said earlier to justify eating pizza for the third time this week." Panel 4: I say "And I'll do it again!"]
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everythingliar · 3 years
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[4-panel comic. January 11, 2021. Panel 1: I ask Inara (my cat) “Do you want to take a virtual museum tour with me?” Panel 2: Inara says “If it’s virtual, I can’t touch everything.” Panel 3: I say “You shouldn’t do that in person either.” Panel 4: Inara asks “Then how will I solve the museum’s mysteries?”]
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everythingliar · 3 years
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[4-panel comic. January 9, 2021. Panel 1: I tell Inara (my cat) “I dreamed I ran into a burning building to save you.” Panel 2: I say “And now you try to steal my smoothie.” Panel 3: Inara says “I thought it was a milkshake. Panel 4: Inara says “I’m taking my talents elsewhere.”]
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everythingliar · 3 years
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[4-panel comic. January 8, 2021. Panel 1: "I write a memoir in warning signs." Panel 2: "One: a dreamer dreams dislike." Panel 3: "Two: a defense that puts itself in a bad situation." Panel 4: "Three: a pain too pretty to claim."]
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everythingliar · 3 years
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[4-panel comic. January 7, 2021. Panel 1: I say "I had a dream we were trees." Panel 2: Inara (my cat) says "I had a dream you turned into a monster." Panel 3: Inara says "You were destroying everything for no reason." Panel 4: I say "So basically I was you."]
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everythingliar · 3 years
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[4-panel comic. January 2, 2021. Panel 1: I say "Friendship means not throwing a snowball at me." Inara is holding a snowball. Panel 2: Inara says "I thought it meant buying me food." Panel 3: I say "I do that all the time." Panel 4: Inara says "I really want to throw this snowball at you."]
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everythingliar · 3 years
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[4-panel comic. January 1, 2021. Panel 1: Inara (my cat) says “I’ve outlived another tree!” Panel 2: I say “It’s always the same tree. I put it back in the closet after Christmas every year.” Panel 3: Inara says “I can’t believe I didn’t know!” Panel 4: I say “Your real enemy was your fear of the closet all along.”]
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everythingliar · 3 years
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[Comic #1, December 23, 2020: Panel 1: “I’ll always remember the day I got engaged” Panel 2: a ring. Panel 3: a toilet plunger. Panel 4: “was the day the toilet clogged.”] [Comic #2, December 24, 2020: Panel 1: I say “I can’t stop thinking maybe my engagement is a trick.” Panel 2: Inara (my cat) asks “from your fiance?” Panel 3: I say “from the universe.” Panel 4: Inara says “The universe isn’t out to get you. You’ve been mistreated before, you can have love in your life.”]
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everythingliar · 3 years
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[4-panel comic. December 22, 2020. Panel 1: Inara and I used to be best friends. Panel 2: But ever since my boyfriend moved in, I’ve been demoted. Panel 3: My boyfriend tells me “If it helps, you’re *my* favorite.” while holding Inara who stares at me angrily. Panel 4: I say “It doesn’t.”]
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