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Jocasta: Then all that’s left to say is…Avengers Academy Assemble!
Avengers Academy #14 by Christos Gage & Sean Chen
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Maddy: Remember when Reptil got those burns fighting Electro? They used that University of Pittsburgh treatment on him— Brandon: Yeah, sure. Maybe it’ll work. What a disaster. We come here so you, Mettle and Hazmat can get your lives back, and all you get is a taste before it’s snatched away. Worse than nothing.  Maddy: Well…not for all of us. I never took the cure. I’m still normal. I feel so bad…Poor Ken and Jenny— Brandon: Hey. Don’t do that. This is great. Maddy, you’re my friend. Even if there’s nothing they can do for my face— Even with all the crap that happened today…If it got you a future— The chance to get old, fall in love, be happy— It was totally worth it. Maddy: And you’re my friend, Brandon Sharpe. The best friend I’ve ever had.
Avengers Academy #37 by Christos Gage & Tom Grummett
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from Avengers Academy #13
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Maddy: Why are you always like that? Why do you have to look for the worst in everyone and everything? Brandon: I’m sorry, am I the only one who noticed we almost got killed fighting that Korvac psycho? I did get killed. Future me, anyway. Maddy: Alternate future you. Dr. Pym said just by experiencing it you probably created a different timeline and— Brandon: Are you people all blind? Everyone is working an angle. Our teachers. The Avengers. The media. They’re trying to mold us into obedient little heroes so they can pat themselves on the back and say they did something good. Something noble. And when we get killed fighting Dr. Doom they’ll put up a statue of us in the memorial garden next to Jack of Hearts and forget all about us. I know you all talk about me. About how I ran away after Korvac killed by adult body. Well, to hell with all of you. Just because I’m not ready to die for some “greater good”…for a world that’s never given a damn about me.. Maddy: Brandon. You took down Whirlwind. You fought the Absorbing Man. The Hood. Korvac. No one talks about you. No one judges you. You don’t have to prove anything to anyone. We’ve been through a lot. Too much. We can talk about it if you want. But y’know what I’d really like right now? I’d like for you to dance with me.
Avengers Academy #13 by Christos Gage & Sean Chen
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Maddy’s Narration: In the morning, when I first wake up…I forget for a minute. The atoms of my body are slowly losing cohesion. One day, I’ll just drift away. I’m dying. Dr. Pym’s promised to help me. To find a cure. But now I’m on probation—because I was stupid—and if I make one wrong move, I’m kicked out. Every day I hope things’ll get better. And instead, they get worse.
Jenny’s Narration: I’m rested. Maybe I had a good dream. And for just a second, I’m happy. The way I used to be. Then I remember. I’m only really alive in this room. Outside, I’m stuck in that suit. For the rest of my life. Pretty soon, it’s sunk in. Today’s gonna suck as much as all the others…but just a little bit harder. Because it’s one more day…with no end in sight. 
Avengers Academy #10 by Christos Gage & Sean Chen
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Ant-Man & Wasp #1
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Amazing Spider-Man #661
I haven’t posted my Academy kids in awhile. I just love them!
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‘I caution you, don’t read too much into what you see. I took your bodies from widely divergent futures. I chose the ones in which your power is at its peak. But there may be fifty others in which you’re restored to normalcy.’ -Avengers Academy #12
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Avengers Academy #20
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"Humberto...," she said, looking up at him sympathetically. "You can't give up hope, I'm sure they're still alive and one day you'll find them..." She bit her lip and looked at her hands, folded nicely in her lap. "Do you think, without this place, that we'd be the bad guys now?" 
A lazy afternoon
“Understandable. I would be too if I didn’t have Jeanne around as a distraction.” he said with a sigh. “I don’t know why we’re still here anymore…”
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[Tries really hard not to laugh but ends up cracking up] Yeah, something like that. Except human. 
[stifles a laugh] No, they’re people. Uh, I guess I should use they’re hero identities or whatever. They’re Ant Man, or maybe giant man….and Tigra. 
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