ewonlcy · 2 years
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FAVOURITE MTYL SCENES (in no particular order):
“I think it’s not bad. Making new friends and dating someone. You’ve grown up, it’s time to do something like that. But… are you sure he won’t leave you?” “How would you know if you haven’t tried it?”
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ewonlcy · 6 years
To make it easier to find and more organised, I decided to have a single post with all the ripped audios + metadata I’ve made over the past year. I’ll be adding more as needed, so I’m cutting the post here so you don’t have an outdated version when you reblog it. If any of the links are broken or wrong, please let me know. If you have any requests, I’m open to explore them.
This is how these would look on your phone:
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Note: They’ll play on your Android even if you download them from mobile (for further instructions on how to do it, click here), but if you have an iPhone, you need to download them on desktop and sync with your iTunes for them to appear in your library. You can, alternatively, play them from the Mega app.
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ewonlcy · 6 years
Sharing Rooms
Remember how over the years Louis and Harry sharing dressing rooms has turned out to be an actual fact and not some fan scripted illusion ???
Lets see, starting from that time when nick and his crew went to see one direction.
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According to Nick and Tina, harry’s dressing room- Dark in there, black sheets over the walls, scented candles, plush dark sofas, dark velvets and house plants !!!!
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So, its dark in here, the walls have black sheets, i see scented candles and plush dark sofas BASICALLY A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT WORLD !!!
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Hence harry’s dressing room.
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Oh there’s that HOUSE PLANT IN THE BACK !!!! And there’s LOUIS too in the room.
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With his best friend’s father-in-law …and his football shirt hanging. ( *in harry’s dressing room*)  
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Louis also did shoot a video in *harry’s dressing room*
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Lets focus on this picture posted by their stylist, where both harry and louis’ clothes and shoes are kept side by side .
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And here “L and H” sitting in all its glory !!
Now, the time in 2015 when it seemed like Larry were gonna come out and we had all these new facts and information given to us, one that adds to this “sharing the dressing room” is the information given by the tour rider that even the media picked up on.
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Unrealitytv !!!
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Sugarscape !!!
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Hollywood life !!!
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In conclusion - Louis and Harry shared the dressing room …resting on those dark sofas enjoying those scented candles they fought over which house plant to get.
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ewonlcy · 6 years
The Cab Driver Larry Story
This is lovely!  And the original date of the post was 7 October 2017, so this allegedly happened summer 2017.
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ewonlcy · 6 years
Srsly shout out when I saw yt notification *scream*
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ewonlcy · 6 years
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ewonlcy · 7 years
170526 小白王博文 V5澳门行
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ewonlcy · 7 years
Part 4 :’)
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ewonlcy · 7 years
so just FYI louis now shows up on Harry’s related artists page on spotify
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ewonlcy · 8 years
it’s always so funny when people think louis/harry wouldn’t kick their asses for talking shit about the other one
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ewonlcy · 8 years
things that make me cry:
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ewonlcy · 8 years
Remember Bradtheladlong? The guy who trolled 1D fandom and talked shit about Harry. Well..
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ewonlcy · 8 years
Quizzing Ben Winston (or, Shading and Cross-fading)
Four Hangout, 9 November 2014  (long post!)
Ben: A lot of people also talk about decisions, and who makes those decisions in One Direction. That’s something we touched on earlier. Harry: (singing) Decisions… Ben: These days I guess, is it just always your call on everything, from albums— [Liam: Modest.]  [Niall: No.] —to what you do— (Ben laughs) go on, Liam—
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Liam: No, it’s us, it’s us, I’m just kidding. It totally is, it totally— Before we start, some strange stuff going on—
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I’ve started something, now we’re here. Ben: Maybe correct that. Liam: But yeah no it is totally us. Like I say, it’s amazing like, and the thing is these days it’s not even us trying to put our [—?] in everywhere, people ask us. Like when we worked with you on the videos, for example, if we like a shot, you go ‘do you like that, or don’t you like it?’ You’ll give us a piece of advice for something. I think we’re given a lot advice on certain things, but ultimately, we call the shots. …I actually call the shots, in total.
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Niall: I really like your video for Night Changes. Ben: Thanks very much. Niall: It’s very nice.  Louis: Mm. Ben: I’ve just shown them the video of Night Changes, and I think it’s quite exciting.
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ewonlcy · 8 years
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ewonlcy · 8 years
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ewonlcy · 8 years
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Lewie ‘n Harrie fist bumpin
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ewonlcy · 8 years
Hello! I have a pretty random question/observation. How come Harry’s dark side of the moon tattoo is wrong? I mean the line going through the triangle is not curved like the line going out of it? It's suspicious to me, always have been. Zayn also has one and his is perfect but Harry’s is just wrong. Just wanted to point that out and ask if you've noticed it as well? Thanks! Xx.
I mean I totally 100% hadn’t but you just fucking blew my mind.
This is the album artwork:
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This is Zayn’s tattoo
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Pretty fucking accurate representation, right?
Now Harry’s:
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??????? That is not the Dark Side of the Moon??? That is a triangle with a line on one side and three lines on the other. The ‘white light’ that’s supposedly entering the prism on the left side is not angled, and the rainbow light that’s supposedly being projected by the prism isn’t angled either (and it’s super narrow). Also, there’s nothing inside the triangle, though there’s definitely a shadow in both Pink Floyd’s cover AND Zayn’s tattoo.
I’m just wondering how Harry could get such an iconic album art cover SO FUCKING WRONG? I don’t think I can explain how important and historic this album art is, especially for a Brit. I mean ??? That tattoo looks professionally done (the lines are super straight and well done) and according to Kati’s tattoo timeline, it was most likely done in Skunx, London. Also, a lot of the mistakes on this tattoo are easily fixable, yet, he hasn’t fixed them
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Didn’t he say in Another Man that he listened to Dark Side of the Moon for weeks during tour? But he doesn’t realise that he has the wrong art tattooed I’m just ??????????????? I mean:
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So….? Did he do that to get a triangle tattoo without getting a triangle tattoo? Is it supposed to be a prism projecting a rainbow? Because that’s even more queer than a triangle tattoo lmao. That IS NOT Pink Floyd’s art cover. It just isn’t.
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