rayelle · 1 year
I'm back with one last post, How are we doing today aphblr?
As we all know Jesson has been "hinting" at old vids coming back, either that or it's just making fun of us old fans. But let me catch you up and get to my point.
Along with the new childish videos in YouTube, aphmau also does "YouTube shorts" these comprise of nonsensical skits, like the videos she does on her channel but shorter, and animated. She also uses this to promote her new line of plushie-cats and new juice?.. huh..
Anyways Aphmau started making a YouTube short series entitled "*Character's name Birth to Death in 30 seconds!"
So far the only Characters that had been in these shorts are: Aphmau, Aaron, and the latest one being Ein. Our main focus today!
Ein as the MYS watchers have come to accept is Aphmau's half brother—they are related by father, whose name is Zack. The mother is still unknown—now Jess realized that Aphmau and Ein's love arc is very much incest and later on has been covered up as a "red herring."
No further word about Ein's past has been said other than Zack isn't his father (which we all now is just... a lame cover up really.)
Anyhow out of boredom scrolling through YouTube, Aphmau's YouTube short about Ein's birth to death in 30 second started playing, before I could even skip it the first second of the video shows this.
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This shows Ein as a baby, and the man in the doors seemed familiar to me. It showed the Man leaving Ein, hence a father abandoning his son, it then shows Ein sad and him crying.
It took a while for me to realize that this man leaving Ein is none other than Derek Lycan.
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Same gray cardigan shirt or whatever. It's definitely Derek! Lore dropping on YouTube shorts is a personal crime to me but sure...
So I guess the only way Jess decided to fix the red herring was to make Aaron and Ein.. siblings???....
Really I was dumbfounded when I realized this was Derek, and was EVEN MORE DUMBFOUNDED when I realized they're trying to fix the red herring by making Aaron and Ein related instead of Ein and Aphmau.
My personal thoughts on this? Hell no. Just no. I mean is it better than incest? I guess it is, but not really any better.
I guess this is their way of solving the red herring and instead of making Aphmau and Ein realize they were basically doing incest, they instead made it a "Brother and Brother want the same girl trope.", I personally don't like this anymore than the incest one.
First of all if this were ever to be cannon in MYS How would Melissa take it? With PRESUMABLY both Derek and Rachel are dead. How would she even find out?? Who'd tell her?? Who would even comfort her that not only is her dad one abusive son of a bitch but he's also a lying skanky cheater.
To me personally it doesn't make any more sense. It made even the timeline more confusing. When exactly did Derek have this affair?? It was obviously when they were still using the forever potions since Aphmau, Travis , And Ein are mostly around the same age range.
It really doesn't make sense. I don't think it's supposed to. I hope they just decided to use Derek's model in place because they we're to busy and lazy to actually make an original character for Ein's dad.
But if they do ever decide to make this into the cannon realm of MyS then they would definitely make it a "The brother loves his brother's GF" kinda storyline.
This would also destroy people's image of Derek, I mean... it's already pretty destroyed but it'll get even worse. Derek already had his "redemption arc" at MYSS6 by saving Aaron. Making Ein his brother would probably just rake his redemption through the mud.
That's it. My name is Rayelle, signing out.
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rayelle · 1 year
Hello There! Rayelle here, I'm just here to say that I'll be moving to a different account now.
No reason it's just that, I didn't really think things through while making this account, forgot its email and everything Wooopsies.
No need to worry though I'd probably still be named Rayelle, and I'd probably still be complaining about Garte, and probably still contemplating about why I'm still emotionally attached to a minecraft roleplay that will probably never ever continue.
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rayelle · 1 year
Just went through the 5 stages of grief trying to give Garte Ro'meave a personality.
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rayelle · 1 year
I wanted to keep PDH with uniform, but no. I somehow with all the power in the universe made the fucking uniform worse. I am now reverting back to my idea of no-uniform-because-its a-publicschool-duh.
Even though the real reason was I somehow made the uniform universally worse.
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rayelle · 1 year
I already hate PDH, and the uniform they're wearing is not it. It's a bit wacky, it's a public school sure but why is it so... basic??
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rayelle · 1 year
Hear me out, I may just really be Mystreet/MCD deprived but Hear me out I beg you.
Imagine Mystreet Aph being the new "Irene" and is the reason why for the new child-ish videos, it's exactly what the previous Irene did (MCD Lady Aphmau)
Lady Aphmau had created a new realm, new dimension or a new place where all of the people she knew, friend or foe, could live peacefully. She set a new timeline, a new path, a different way for her To be happy, and is through Mystreet Aph.
Lady Aphmau had used most of the Relic's left over strength to create this new realm for her to see what it would be like if all the bad things in MCD never happened. A place where Zane isn't some evil priest with a cross waging war on everything, a timeline where she isn't pressured by her thoughts of being Irene, where she doesn't have big responsibilities, where everyone she new and loved had the life they deserved, and mostly an alternate home where Aaron is alive. In the end she knew Mystreet Aphmau isn't her life to live. After years, decades, centuries even, She finally rests in the hands of judgement.
But what exactly happened before Lady Aphmau became Irene? a TL;DR of my Theory of this is that, she had exchanged her life in the Mortal world to replace Irene in the "Irene dimension". I personally believe the reason Irene in MCD wasn't able to pass to the after life was because there no one to take her place in the "Irene Dimension" or whatever dimension it was that helps the universe stay in shape. Irene wasn't able to lay and rest in judgement because no one would look after all of these Realms and dimensions.
So during Shad and Lady Aphmau's battle in that one episode in MYSs6, I believed that Lady Aphmau had accepted Irene's full power and relic to be able to save Alina and return everything "the way it should be"
(Miraculous: Lady bug style yk?)
But her accepting Irene's full power meant that, Irene was finally able to pass to the other side, which left the "taking care of the realms" responsibility to Lady Aphmau.
Now let's take a look at what happened to MYS Aphmau.
MysAphmau is the reincarnation of Lady Aphmau, me personally, MysAphmau is the "carefree" side of Lady Aphmau, the side of Lady Aphmau where she has no worries, where she can do whatever she likes, whenever she likes.
I take it when Aphmau died, and was going to be sent back to the Mortal realm was the part when basically MCDAphmau is passing the torch of power down to MYSAphmau.
So MYSAphmau wakes up, beats a demon's ass, and dies part 2, wakes up to realize most of her friends are traumatized (not dead surprisingly) and finds that Lucinda can't do magic, Zane can remember but talks in A.I., and lastly Aaron, who doesn't remember her.
You could imagine how devastated home girl must be, hiding from men with guns, coming back from the dead, meeting Gods, witnessing her friends absolutely lose their shit, opening realms, just to find out her Fiancé, no longer remembers anyone. Not even her.
Now this is where I insert my ✨personal timeline✨, Now MysAphmau is the new Irene, MCDAphmau now resting in the afterlife, No one is there to take care off the realms.
MysAphmau, too devastated, too ashamed to face her friends and accept all of their problems and all of their difficulties, especially seeing Aaron the man she was Destined to be with, no longer remembering her or anyone really. Accepts that she's the new person to take care of the thousands of realms left to her by her former ancestors??? Former–Goddess–Leaders?? Former–idontknowanymore.
Basically instead of facing her friends and family, she decides to step up and be the new Irene, this is where the new videos come in.
Now that MysAphmau is in control of everything, no Godesses to tell her what to do, think, and make (considering the Relic holds both Irene and MCDAphmau's memories), She decides to repeat history and create a new realm, once again.
Same reasoning as the relic holder before her, she just wants to see all of them happy.
But it just doesn't stop there, this would explain why the videos are repetitive of the old ones. It's MysAphmau reliving her life, it's MysAphmau trying to push all of the conflict and trauma behind her and stay in the past before all of these overwhelming–otherworldly things happened to her.
Not only is MysAphmau trying to relive her past but she's also trying to make up for lost time, and creating fantasies she's always wanted, these scenarios she's created include and are not limited to:
•finally getting to marry Aaron — as we all know Aaron's kinda yk, half dead rn, blind and has amnesia. Pretty self explanatory, we could see how excited Aphmau was for the day they were going to get married.
• finally having a loving family — as we saw in the new videos, suprise, Zack and Slyvanna get along, even call eachother loving names. Something a child of divorce and abandonment would love, and I mean would LOVE to experience, no matter how icky and yucky it may seem, to Aphmau's eyes having both a loving mother and a supportive present father, would've meant the world to her, especially seeing as what Aphmau went through during her Child–adolescence years.
•Getting herself a sister — Arina has been showing up too, and as we can remember in starlight (and maybe even season 1 and PDH) Aphmau was obsessed about having an older sibling, she was always envy about Zane having Garroth, and Aaron having Melissa. She had always wanted an older sibling to run to about her problems, hence Arina.
• There was also family videos with Aphmau and Aaron having kids but I don't really wanna touch that.. the thumbnail alone scares me.
• There's more I could say but let's keep this short I still have a series to write, but another thing these videos have in common is that in the end, Aphmau is always happy. There is not a single video where in the end she cries and suffers or stay mind controlled, she always ends up saved and laughing by the end. This further suggests that MysAphmau unlike MCDAphmau had the balls to keep changing the plot of the story so that the new videos–Aphmau, would never have to feel the pain and suffering she went through.
Another thing i'd like to mention is the surrounding places of these new videos—
(FYI, yes, I know they make the scenery simplistic and color-coded because they are showing this to children, and children need things to be handed to them on a silver plate but seriously stay with me on this one)
Unlike the scenery in both MCD and MYS, the new videos seem to generate places, not as "pretty" as the realms before, I'd like to connect this with the fact that the current relic Aphmau holds is very weak, it's gone through centuries and centuries of over-usage and imbalance, so of course it wouldn't generate a world so beautiful such as MCD and MYS, because it's so weak and fragile now the best it can do is to put a few houses, make a few roads, spawn a few vehicles, but it can no longer generate realms that compare to the beauty of MCD and MYS.
•Personally, I'd like to make this a series, after my Prequel-Parents rewrite, The story would basically be—as I said—Would start with a devastated aphmau leaving the world of MYS to create her own world, but this time MysAphmau's friends are trying to reach and travel to her, crossing dimensions to help her heal, to be able to reach her and tell her whatever she's feeling is what they all feel aswell. She shouldn't be ashamed because she had done all she could and that was enough.
To me personally this is the season 7 that I would love to see. But who am I to say this, I'm just some girl who sleep, eats chips, and has asthma. See ya'll on the next one.
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rayelle · 1 year
Ahaha, it's nearly been a year and I've got my whole story planned out, now to share a few more headcannons, rant a few more times, and wonder whether or not I should post the story on Wattpad or Ao3.
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rayelle · 2 years
Going to be doing art of the MS parents soon but for now have my Rewrite-Aphmau
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rayelle · 2 years
Part 3 because I have lots
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rayelle · 2 years
Part 2 of Mystreet parents meme
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rayelle · 2 years
A few MS-Parent headcannons.
Zack calls Elizabeth "Lilybeth" and Elizabeth just tells him to "do not call me that" and when he does it again she just doesn't stop him.
Eric called Elizabeth Lilybeth and got the lecturing of a life time.
Garte called Elzabeth Lilybeth as a joke and got the beating of a life time.
Slyvanna even tho vertically challenged is really really good at volleyball, she absolutely humbled Highschool-Katelyn when Katelyn challenged her to a game of volleyball.
Zianna feels bad for cracking eggs, like this girl isn't vegan or wants to be vegan or something like that, she just feels bad for absolutely no reason, she'd just be baking and cracks the egg and goes "Poor little baby chicken, your mother must be looking for you." And just eats her amazingly baked cake in sorrow.
Rachel is scary good at playing poker. No reason she just is.
She's also good at card tricks, she practiced it because she thought it was cool and it is.
Maria very flexible like this girl can twist and bend and not break a bone, she actually scares her friends by walking towards them, The Ring Girl style, and honestly it's fucking scary.
(Garte gets scared the most just because Maria thought his scream was hilarious)
Enki likes collecting "good looking" rocks
"Like the smooth rocks?" no. Not those, just rocks that look pleasing to Enki, like ones that have funky shapes, weird "rock" colors all that jazz.
Garte can't spell because and beautiful till college
Eric can do the splits... . For unknown reasons
Zack can't pronounce paracetamol, no reason he just keeps fucking it up for some reason.
"Perecetamol" "Paricitemol" "Parifetamol" Elizabeth finds it hilarious.
Derek is actually a pretty good dancer, it's Rachel who Aaron got his two left feet from.
Rachel does "little happy dances" everytime she achieves something big.
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rayelle · 2 years
Just a few memes I made of the Highschool main cast part 1
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rayelle · 2 years
Part 2...I think??
Anyways the reason I didn't add these 4 to the last blog was because they didn't attend O'khasis High and they were just doing different things from the ones from The Main Cast in O'khasis
Anyways this one will cover more intense topics than the last just so beware.
let us begin!
•Rachel Florence
Mention of peer pressuring and anxiety.
Rachel is basically Miss Perfect. Rachel is from the City of Scaleswind and studied in the best schools and are always at the top of her classes.
Rachel is really smart and I cant emphasize that enough. This girl studies astrology, astrophysics and religious history and Ancient history in general FOR FUN.
Rachel can also play Piano and Violin and guitar.
She's constantly pressured by her family to succeed and be #1 in everything this led to Rachel being a perfectionist and constantly worry about whether what she's doing is right and simply just has constant anxiety.
Rachel is actually quite the pessimist when you think about it, she's always worrying and thinking of the worst outcomes possible. (This becomes worse when she finds out what Derek is lol)
Rachel doesn't really get to make proper friends until after college when she finally breaks herself off from her toxic home life.
I actually want to state this now so I don't forget but remember the Lomensa Corporation Derek creates after the whole Forever potion Thing??
Yeah Rachel basically helped him with most of it, Rachel was more of behind the scenes work. Since she already kinda knew how to kick start things.
•Derek Lycan
Derek lycan is kinda interesting to tackle because it isn't clear what kind of life he lived??
I mean yes it's obvious that Derek has generational trauma and many more from the way he treats Aaron and Melissa but it's hard to actually pinpoint what I want to say about him, so excuse me if I say anything wrong and feel free to correct me.
Derek Lycan is the older brother of two younger Siblings and was tasked of taking care of them at a young age.
Derek sadly had to be both mom and dad since his mother passed away and his father was a completely deadbeat.
It didn't help that his father wasn't home often and if he was he would talk about how stupid he was to inherit the Ultima curse even though his father was the one to give it to him.
At the age of 8 Derek already learnt to steal and lie just to be able to feed him and his younger siblings, it didn't help that his younger sibling would get sick very often.
Derek took his anger out on toys when his siblings were asleep, after he'd bottle up all his anger he would take a toy that was his and completely destroy it, it wasn't a healthy coping mechanism but it works.
Derek was a high school drop out since he prioritized his siblings, so instead of living the high school dream Derek was stuck working in minimum wage jobs.
This was until Derek accidentally had a slip up and revealed his werewolf form (with no red eyes) to a few people because he got pissed during work, so he left his siblings with his grandparents and had to leave them to keep them safe.
Derek then was somewhere in the outskirts of Scaleswind and that's where he meets Rachel for the first time.
Derek doesn't really have any talents? Just because he simply never got the time to take a step back and explore the things he could do.
There are more things to Derek I want to say like the reason he kept Drone Parenting Aaron was because he himself never felt safe and secure with his own father or how shouting is the only way he knows how to talk to Aaron and Melissa because that's how his own father talked to him.
(This is not me defending Derek's Abuse towards Aaron and Melissa he should be definitely be held accountable for the trauma he gave to both of his kids, it's just me taking a shot of what Derek's life was like before he had Aaron and Mel)
•Terry Valkrum
Terry is a descendant the demon warlock hence him being the selected vessel (along with travis)
Terry grew up in the demon realm where the entirety of his Childhood-to-Teenage years was spent to prepare him to become a vessel for Micheal.
Terry doesn't really remember his younger years, maybe it was because all of it was spent on preparing him to become a vessel? Or maybe it was because he didn't want to remember it? It wasn't really clear for Terry.
After finally being possessed by Micheal the time comes Terry was finally able to go to the mystreet realm.
For Terry realm crossing wasn't really a new thing, it was part of his training. Yeah sure it took his body a while to adjust to the new environment but it didn't take to long till he started making moves.
Terry's first assignment was to locate the Ultima and inform Micheal of where he is, what he does, what his credit card number is, you get it just information about Derek.
It doesn't take Terry too long to find him, he was actually part of the people who saw Derek's ears and tail pop out during his tantrum.
And so Micheal finally has a location on the Ultima what does he plan on doing with it? In the actual story, Micheal does it for his own gain but I like to imagine that he does this for the revival of Shad the destroyer.
Like Derek there's more to Terry's story than meets the eye but I will tackle that next time.
•Enki Custos
Forced Marriage❗❗
Enki is a beautiful woman think Travis but woman, Enki was very wise and came from a family with power but sadly it didn't take long until Micheal had come to ruin her life.
While Terry was instructed to be his vessel, Enki was instructed to be his wife.
Enki was in absolute disbelief but her parents would be killed if she hadn't agreed to the marriage.
The reason Micheal chose Enki to be Terry's wife was because Enki was a descendant of well enki the keeper and had his relic.
All Enki needed to do was bare a child for Micheal.
Terry tried his best to make Enki's life less miserable by trying his best not to be around her or giving Enki her favorite things and even taking her out on diners.
But one thing was clear. Neither of them wanted this.
Their stories are shorter since most of what they do happens during the Forever potions Agenda. That and I don't really have an honest deep lore for these characters.
I know this was more intense than the last blog and it covered some not so friendly topics but if I did mess up any of the information about the sensitive topics don't be shy to correct me, okay bye
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rayelle · 2 years
I wanna first address how I see the Parent characters and their relationship with one another or atleast the ones I can still remember.
I will be adding more in the future but for now we talk about their highschool lives.
Let's set the stage, The main cast (excluding Enki, Terry, Derek and Rachel) live in a rural town somewhere in O'khasis and like I said since we will talk about their high school lives, this will take place in "O'khasis High".
Side note: since Jess hates putting MUCH NEEDED last names, I will do it myself, some are Canon, but most have been changed.
•Slyvanna Shalashaska
In highschool, I will be keeping the whole "yandere" thing but changing it to something less problematic going with something in the lines of "obsessive" and/or just flat out crazy.
(I will also be taking out the " yandere-chan emotionless" thing just because I don't like it and instead I will replace it with a "she likes the weird flustered feelings" or just simply that she just gets what she wants, either way it's just Slyvanna being crazy.. obsessive.)
Slyvanna is the school's popular but not popular girl, She's popular in the way that everybody in the school knows who she is but they don't hang out around her.
From Yandere Sim I will be keeping the whole "senpai" thing and ways of eliminating rivals, and by eliminating I do not mean killing them like in the game, but the other mechanics like: befriending, match making, bribing, changing other people's reputation and many more.
But other than her weird obsession.. Slyvanna is pretty normal for her age, like aphmau she's smart but fails in math. (why? I want to)
I also put Slyvanna in the debate club just because.. I think she's a good liar and she's just persuasive in general, she makes up good stories and makes people believe it.
(This comes handy for her when she starts changing people's reputations)
•Zackary Everton (Zack)
Suprise Suprise Zack is the "Senpai" of the school, there's actually no reason for Zach to be senpai.. I just.. added him because it's my story and I do what I want.
Anyways, unlike most MC love interests Zack actually has a personality! Omg so shocking!!
Zack is the popular guy and there's an actual reason for it, he's very attractive, Zack has got this dark Wavy brown hair, his gorgeous orange-yellow sunset eyes with long eyelashes and other than being literally so pretty, Zack is actually a pretty kind person during High school.
(I personally believe that Aphmau took her looks and most of her personality from Zack rather than Slyvanna.)
Zack is also a really smart guy, straight A student if you will.(being a doctor and witch craft wizard guy in the future)
He tutors for extra cash because college. I can ramble how much of a pretty nerd Zack is but that will be for another time.
Zack is also in the soccer and track team just because his mom put him in it to keep him fit but even though it was against his will he's still pretty good at it. (Also this is where Aph gets her Athletic genes from.)
Zach even tho being "Mr. Popular" of the school rather than partying, he's normally is just in his house or in another friends house, why? Zach just doesn't enjoy parties.
I don't really know how to describe it but Zach does things that only benefit him, but when he starts seeing how his actions affect others he starts going weak and starts questioning his decisions.
He's bad but he actually takes pity on the people he hurt but in the end as long as he gets what he wants, he slowly forgets about it.
•Eric FireFist
(Last name may most likely change)
Eric is the "wtf he goes here?" Student just because he doesn't show up the entire school year during freshman year and honestly it surprises people how he passed freshman year.
For the most part Eric isn't really a trouble maker he's either just late, doesn't wanna show up, lazy or he just doesn't like the class.
And then suddenly Eric starts going to class when he met Slyvanna, Eric doesn't obsessively crush on people like Slyvanna does but he does try to impress them with his little skills.
Eric actually started getting better grades to impress Slyvanna and made sure she saw how well he cooked during home economics.
Eric is mostly pretty chill, he's obliviously "Slyvanna's Partner in Crime" he doesn't know that Slyvanna is using him to get connections or even doing some of the dirty stuff for her but that doesn't matter to him since he gets to spend time with her.
Eric is actually in the newspaper club, hence why Slyvanna wanted to befriend him to get them juicy connections.
Most weekends you can find Eric helping around animal shelters and doing community service because his parents make him do it.
•Elizabeth Lavena
Ah yes, Elizabeth. Where do I begin with her?
She's just a she-devil character from the start, she creates most of the problems and fights that happen in the school and no one knows that she causes the said problems.
Elizabeth is the kind of person to act stupid and unaware of what's happening around her but is actually the one to be pulling the strings.
Elizabeth doesn't even do this for her own gain- well I mean sometimes she does it for money and power but most of the time she does it because she thinks it fun and hilarious.
Elizabeth was doing all of this undetected until Zack caught her but didn't report her.
Elizabeth was going to smoke behind the bleachers when Zack suddenly popped put of Irene knows where which also scared Elizabeth.
Zack simply tells Elizabeth to stop smoking and starts lecturing her and then Elizabeth starts being smug and says that he has nothing to use against her and Zack just pulls out a literal BINDER filled with Elizabeth's wrong doings with PROOF.
(Zack got all this from Slyvanna, to anybody who was wondering.)
Instead of Elizabeth being nervous that Zack literally has a binder that could send her to Juvenile Detention she instead finds what the hell Zack did attractive. She finds it attractive.
She finally found someone was worth her time and attention, not on the same intelligence level as hers, but the effort is there.
Elizabeth is mostly an average student, you can normally just find her smoking and planning her next "evil plan" in suspicious abandoned houses in the prohibited part of the town.
Elizabeth is in drama club because she's dramatic. I'm kidding it's because she actually has a passion for acting.
•Zianna Bridget
Best girl Zianna!
Zianna is actually a pretty consistent character, she's kind, sweet, caring, loving, good-natured and she doesn't have a single bad Muscle, bone, vein or cell in her body.
Zianna is actually the prettiest girl in the school with Maria just right behind her, she had a lot people asking her out on dates and parties.
Zianna's family is actually the model family in the town and for the correct reasons, Father is a good role model, the mother is kind-hearted, and Zianna is Zianna.
Zianna tho not blessed by academic smarts was blessed by street smarts, this girl knows how to get to places in such a short amount of time, she knows when something is off and immediately calls it out, knows how to wiggle herself out of awkward and difficult situations, and all that jazz.
Zianna = shopaholic. knows every vendor in the Town and she even gets personal 50% offs just because she's that well known by most of the vendors.
Garroth gets his Baseball Athletic-ness from Zianna. Why not Garte? Bcs Fuk Garte. Zianna is a CHAMP at baseball.
Zianna is normally the first candidate when the school has beauty pageant competitions and she comes back trophy in hand.
Zianna doesn't really have a club she joined at school but that's because she serves her time around helping animal shelters and if anyone needs volunteers she's usually in there to help and is normally helping in community service.
Zianna does infact have amazing baking skills even tho it didn't show that much in highschool her skills improved and got better around her time in college.
•Garte Ro'meave
I won't be dwelling much on Garte because I don't like him, and there really isn't much I can say about him.
Highschool Garte is just Highschool Garroth but wasn't a heartthrob because his personality was just bad, alot of girls asked him out because from a far he actually looks sweet but immediately broke up with him because of how much mistreatment they got from him.
(Things like: pointing out insecurities without a second thought, practically embarrassing them during the dates, hardly being polite on said date)
But anyways Garte is normally found training for the varsity team specifically baseball but compared to Zianna he sucks.
Garte is part of band he plays the tuba.. no reason.. he just does.
•Maria Everton
Maria is Zack's younger sister, even though they look nothing alike, they are infact full blooded brother and sister.
Maria has short dark blue Wavy hair (dyes it lighter when she gets older) and big bright teal eyes with, of course long thick lashes.
Maria won't appear alot during the stories, but i do have things I wanna tell about her.
Like I said Maria is one of the prettiest girls only second to Zianna so alot of boys have also asked her out on dates, which she sadly refused because Zack would absolutely go MAD when he finds out people want to woo her sister.
Maria gets along with Zianna quite well, Zack/Maria and Zianna's parents are long time friends so they grew up with eachother.
Maria also goes shopping with Zianna alot, she isn't a shopaholic like Zianna but you know, Zianna gives free food after shopping.
Maria IS BOMB at Arcade games Robotron? Done. Donkey kong? PLEASE street fighter II? EZZ.
Maria is also part of Drama club in the school, she doesn't really like it but she was pressured to take a club so she just kinda.. eenie Minnie miney moe-d the clubs and boom Drama.
And that concludes the main cast! Well atleast the main cast for the highschool part of the story, I will also make one for Rachel, Derek, Terry and Enki but since they don't go to O'khasis High I just didn't add them here, they'll have their own separate blog.
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rayelle · 2 years
I talk about mystreet parents and their potentials, Because they have ALOT of potential.
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