exiledcrown · 3 months
WHEN HE shakes his head free of water she laughs, playfully leaning away as she eyes him, ‘ what, are you a dog now? ‘ she had often wished she relax so completely as he could, the weight of what was to come, the need to know what was to come, often overtaking her ability to. somehow, in all his hectic nature and inability to stay still, she found some form of peace, the assurance that perhaps she doesn’t need to constantly look to what comes next or keep her guard up for some unseen danger. whatever came they would face it and come out the victors…she hopes. ‘ wooden slides under your shoe? ’ gyda repeats incredulously, ‘ no, i do not think that is for me. ‘ deathless she may be, but she was not immune to the pain of road rash which she knew would follow. ‘ zip lining. ’ she ponders the thought as she looks out toward the waves again, watching the light glint off the water. it is so different from the harsh waters she once knew… ‘ maybe. if it was someplace warm, with plenty to look at. i think i would enjoy that. ‘
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He shakes his hand free of the water from his hair before decided he should just shake his head a bit to get some more out and then fixing it again. Only then does he place hands behind him to prop him up as he leans back, letting the sun wash over him and begin to dry as much of him off as it could. Still, he keeps his head turned and looking over at her. Seeing her take in the sun after doing something that had scared her, and looking happy, made his grin widen. She looked more relaxed in a sense, relieved, a way that it almost felt like she seemed to have freedom or less responsibility in the moment and that was what he wanted for her. He wanted her in the moment and it seemed to work. A chuckle left him as he shook his head. "You don't have to worry about that." He answers, happy to meet her gaze. Sure his life wasn't normal, he needed a reason for his heart to beat like that again and outside of her? Well, this was the best way. Another chuckle left him as he started to shrug. "Well, there's ziplining or racing cars, holding onto a driving car with like wooden slides under your shoe so you slide with it." That one was a bit more out there for her. "But I think you'll like ziplining."
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exiledcrown · 3 months
plotting call for gyda (jokes on you if you followed for another muse i only wanna write her)
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exiledcrown · 3 months
Send “You belong to me” to see how my muse reacts.
Send “I belong to you” for the reverse.
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exiledcrown · 3 months
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ɪ ᴛʜɪɴᴋ ɪ'ᴠᴇ sᴇᴇɴ ᴛʜɪs ғɪʟᴍ ʙᴇғᴏʀᴇ…              ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ᴅɪᴅɴ'ᴛ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴇɴᴅɪɴɢ
indie multi muse established in 2021 and revamped in 2022. featuring canon and oc muses from greek & norse myth, marvel cinematic universe, asoiaf and general fantasy.  as loved by mari.
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exiledcrown · 3 months
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exiledcrown · 3 months
anyway, gyda’s problem being that she loves too much, cares too much, despite the fact that she should find these tiny, short lives around her insignificant she does care. even in her apathy towards her own immortal existence she cares so deeply about the people around her and i 😭
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exiledcrown · 3 months
plotting call for gyda (jokes on you if you followed for another muse i only wanna write her)
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exiledcrown · 3 months
THE PAIN she feels for him in that moment cuts into her, slicing and stinging like fresh steel, but incomparable to the centuries of what he has felt. she can only imagine it to be like a dull knife, sawing away at him, cutting deep into bone. she has known the ache, but never so keenly, never so long. her first husband, her son, they lived long lives, died with honor and dignity, were afforded happiness in her absence. they had died and she had mourned them but she had the peace of mind that came with their happiness. he knew no such peace, and she wishes she could give it to him, would give anything for him to have never known such pain...but she knows it to be impossible. so her hand slips from his wrist as she presses her palm to his, entwining their fingers, squeezing his hand in a show of silent support. as if she could will his pain away by touch alone, take it on herself instead.
when their eyes meet she cannot tell if he sees her, if he truly registers who she is, his eyes so clouded, so far away from their living room. nor does she have the time to ponder it as he looks away. her back presses into the sofa as she sits straight, eyes stinging with unshed tears. this might just be what broke him. ' okay... ' gyda nods, the corners of her lips downturned and her voice quiet, ' we'll watch. ' as she turns the tv back on a different voice fills the room, an old man with white hair and skin wrinkled from years in the sun explains how he found the site, how years of research had led him to that exact location. soon after the anchor turns back to the camera, offering a trailer of the documentary premiering that day. as the screen darkens with the production logo she looks away, focusing on him. watching his reaction as the light shifts over his features with the changing scenes. she hears the narrator describe the supposed scene, the murder and hears the reenactors speak, hears the old man explaining his findings in the most cryptic ways possible to entice the viewer but she cannot look away from him. gyda hears how they talk about him and she wants nothing more than to draw him into her arms and hide away from the world, they paint him as a monster. a killer the opposite of the man she knows him to be. how could they ever speculate on such a thing?
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This wasn't what he expected to ever experience. Leon had fully believed his village would have remained hidden beneath centuries of layers of dirt until the end of time. He wasn't sure why he believed it but something made him think that maybe it would, the other two thousands no doubt lulling him into a false sense of security about it all. A sense that was completely shattered by what he had seen on screen. The mood of the night now completely shifted from what it had been before and he wasn't sure if this was a nightmare or another reason for the gods to laugh at him when he finally found happiness. When he finally felt like had enough peace after two thousands years of not fully living exactly. He doesn't hear her voice at first, doesn't hear his name be said as he is too lost in his own thoughts at what he'd witness. Only when he feels her hands wrap around his wrists to lower them does he somewhat bring himself to reality. It all sinking in that this was real, this was happening.
The blond knows what she is trying to do, make him think it could be any other village but he knows better. He knows that forest like the back of his hand, that was his forest. He'd been going there for centuries on the anniversary and now it was being turned into an attraction. Why couldn't they have been left their to rest in peace? His head is brought back up, hazel eyes looking to her for a moment with centuries of pain behind it before drifting to the tv. His answer doesn't come at first, hesitating on giving it before nodding. "Please...I need...I need to see what they've done." His jaw tenses after his answer, almost bracing himself for what he was about to see appear on the screen as best he could but even then he knew it was hopeless to even think he was ready for whatever would appear. But he was going to try.
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exiledcrown · 4 months
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EVEN AS his fist closes around her throat she cannot help but grin, a mischievous glint in her eyes, ' i have no clue what you're talking about, ástin mín. am i distracting you? '
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@exiledcrown liked for a starter for Gyda
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Hand grips around her throat, pulling her to him with a smirk. "You are a tease, you know that? No, you definitely know that. Why am I even asking."
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exiledcrown · 4 months
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THOUGH SHE has steeled herself for this moment for half a day, she cannot help how her heartbeat speeds up when he smirks at her. it is almost unnerving that she reacts to a stranger so— while she has known nearly half her life she was destined for him she has never known him. had only the girlish fantasies she clung to in earlier years, and then the distant memory of his face as she grew. gyda does not love him, not yet, but she would be a liar to say she has not been drawn in like a moth to the flame, that she does not want him, perhaps more than she has ever wanted anything. it only solidifies her that this was fate’s plan for her, that the norns have always intended for her to be in his path, and for him to be at her side. everything else had been the distraction, this was her truest course.
she tries to keep her gaze on his as he undresses before her, but green eyes flicker to his chest, taking in the artwork that spans over his skin. someday she would trace over each line with her fingertips and know them by heart, that perhaps that very night she would kiss her way down them, but for now her gaze follows his hands. he seems to move with a practiced ease as he undoes his trousers and only his voice makes her look back up, there is a teasing lit to it. yet the tease makes her all the more resolved. she does want him, but she does not like the way he speaks of her…formerly intended. as if this were merely some impulsive act, the last act of rebellion before her wedding. she knows what she does, arching a brow as if to question him on his choice of subject without ever saying a word.
her first words cannot be some offhanded comment, every moment was to be planned. gyda swallows as he grows closer to her, the mere touch of his hand exciting her. and when his lips brush hers she nods, she knows there is no going back. the kiss steals the air from her lungs, that feeling, that pull surpassing anything else she has ever felt in her entire life. there is no tenderness, but she has never expected that, and as her lips move against his she knows herself to be too impatient for anything less than what he gives. even still she must pull back, though a lack of air would hardly be the end of her, when her lungs burn she rests her forehead against his. ‘ your name, ’ her words come out breathy, ‘ i need to know who’s name i’m to moan before the night is out. ’
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He had been here before, years ago in passing for trade and supplies. Anything to keep him on his journey as he moved from place to place and left a trail of blood in his path as he went. That path led him back to her village, though unaware of who she was and if they had seen one another before. However, he couldn't deny the immediate pull he felt towards her. Their eyes meeting and something feeling different., something he couldn't place as it was a feeling he hadn't had in what felt like centuries. Unknown to him, it was what he had felt for someone before all those years ago before the gods took his heart and changed him. Before they made the man that stood and walked in the market today. It didn't get by him how doted on she was, it bringing a small smirk to his lips as he realizes she was a bride to be. His smirk only grew, hazel eyes looked her over as a berry was popped into his mouth and he walked away. He had known better than to approach and so he turned his attention to going his own way for the day.
That involved trading, spending time in the Great Hall with the others as he ate and drank as a guest of the village. It was later into the night when he was able to leave and make his way to the quarters provided to him by the völva. Still not entirely sure why she had volunteered to house him, he wasn't going to complain. Entering into his chambers, expecting to be alone but instead hazel eyes land upon a small figure laying in his bed. His gaze narrows a bit, he knew the face of the woman half draped in the furs of his bed. He's silent but a small smirk starts to creep upon his lips as he begins to remove his own clothing piece by piece. "My, what a surprise." He starts, keeping his gaze upon her and taking in the sight that sits before him as she moves. It isn't hard to see what her intentions are, bare skin being illuminated in the dim light of the fire. The pull felt earlier when he had seen her from a distance was now stronger than ever and there was no way he could avoid it despite knowing she was meant to be married tomorrow.
She really was breathtaking, but he knew that already. Seeing her this close, in this setting, only strengthened that fact for him. Moving closer to the bed, his shirt is removed and dropped to the side revealing several tattoos upon his torso, shoulders, and upper arms. Hands then move to begin untying his pants as head tilts to the side. "Is this what you want?" He asks. "I am sure the man you are betrothed to would not like this." But the smirk showed that the blond had no issues with that himself, gaze once more raking over her like a predator with its prey. His hand lifting to cup her cheek in his hand before leaning forward, lips brushing against her's. "There is no going back after this." And closes the final distance to meet her in a rough kiss.
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exiledcrown · 5 months
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FOR THE first time in nine days, she finds herself alone, free from the gaggle of ladies preening over every small detail of upcoming nuptials. from the flowers she would wear in her hair, to the fine fabric for her gown, they have been constant companions and constant guardians, keeping her out of the presence of men as she bathed and fasted, cleansed herself as tradition dictated. yet on the night before her wedding, she has been left to her own devices, the old woman who raised her off on errands to make herself scarce, there would be no other reason why a woman so dedicated to their gods would think to leave her alone with a man, a stranger, in their home. but he was no true stranger, she had seen him years ago, and again earlier that day, unable to shake the feeling of his gaze on her since.
alone, she had readied herself for bed, undoing the small braids decorating her hair, rubbing the fine scented oils into her skin that her soon-to-be husband had brought to her from excursions east. final preparations before tucking herself in to rest it would seem, and yet it is not her own bed she goes to. making her way through the long house she has known since childhood she seeks out the spare room, only the sound of her heartbeat and the dying fire in the main room accompanying her. there are furs spread out, a bundle of things off to the side she must assume to be his, yet he is not there. it does not give her pause as she removes her nightgown, slipping beneath the furs of the bed before arranging her hair in the way she thought most becoming. tonight, she would toss aside a marriage, for the future she is certain the gods have set before her.
this was the man she would spend eternity with, a killer, a legend she had heard even as a little girl, the man who would bring her the revenge she has so wanted. ( and a man whose gaze has made heat creep up and into her cheeks every time she thought of it ) for him she would set aside the comfortable life she had been offered, the slow march toward battle that mortal men could give her. and as she hears footsteps she knows it to be him, quickly she arranges the furs so that only her middle is covered before settling back and waiting. there was no time to be nervous, not when she finally sees him. green-eyed gaze remains on him, lips curved at the corners as if she is merely pleased to see him. and for a moment she only watches him, taking in the sight of him up close for the first time-- he is far more handsome up close, otherworldly in the harsh shadows firelight casts. but now is not the time for that, she had come to him with a purpose, and smoothly she props herself up, allowing the furs to fall down to her waist, to make her intentions quite clear.
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@wolfskrieger / / au starter
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exiledcrown · 5 months
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{ the gods have bigger plans for you. i swear it. / / endless gyda edits }
non-mutuals do not reblog
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exiledcrown · 6 months
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@wolfskrieger spoke: 📸 ( from leon obvi )
Send a 📸 to see 3-5 pictures that my muse has/has taken of your muse(s) ( accepting )
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exiledcrown · 6 months
do i speak r*ssian? no. am i already weak for this ship? yes.
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exiledcrown · 6 months
so uhm idk how to say this but gyda was tall as fuck for her time. 5’6 is just an inch shorter than average for the men of her time, so she was not smol scary witch she was as tall as the men who surrounded her with the exception of her husband.
0 notes
exiledcrown · 6 months
AS HE speaks she lets her eyes slip closed, turning her face toward the sun to let it wash over her and warm her skin. this was the sort of eternity she had never imagined, happy, loved, excited at the prospect of what lay ahead. even with the sacrifice she had made for their own little piece of forever, she knows it will be a good one. he was worth it, he was worth closing the door on a possibility. this was a full life with him. there was nothing half so dear to her as he was. ' thank the norns, i don't think i could keep up. ' gyda laughs, finally looking to him once more, and it is difficult to hide the admiration there. he had such a unique talent for living, for making sure that there was always something worth doing, worth trying, no matter what his reasoning for it might be. and now he was showing her how to be that same way. to live again, to feel that excited flutter in her chest, and not just because he smiled at her or held her in his arms. ' so, aside from planes or fire, what do you think i should do next to, how would you put it, get my heart racing? '
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A full laugh left the blond as he bobs up and down with the waves at her words. He figured that would be the reaction from her and nods as much as he can to show he hears her. "Okay okay, alles klar." Leon replies, the German so easily slipping from his lips. "No planes unless we are flying somewhere, I got it." It was a reasonable request and one he would fulfill as he wasn't planning on forcing her to do anything else. It was all about her comfort after all. It would be something he could handle but this was her slowly learning to how actually live life and enjoy it. Maybe it was because nothing would kill him but it made him feel something of a rush, as close he could get. Then she came along and that was a new feeling entirely. It was one he loved and it was why he wanted to show her some of his world and let her experience it. It was something he could share with her, far better than anything else he could share with her about his past. But this wasn't the place to continue a conversation, making him suggest they swim to shore. Eventually he got on solid ground as he turned to look towards her, the smile still ever present on his face. "Yeah, I'd say so. I still get a rush." He answers, hand lifting to comb through his hair. "But I also don't do it every day."
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exiledcrown · 6 months
GYDA RAISES her brows when he shrugs, wondering if he knows that the goddess had given her at least one gift to do her bidding with, wondering if he knew that he was very close to the truth. but she cannot dwell on her own questions for long, distracted by his smile. it makes her feel like a little girl, the same one who saw him in the market all those years ago and stopped in her tracks. except now she isn't sure if she likes it, if the idea of the norns having decided who she would love before she had ever even been born, that they had seen fit to let her know it too. or if it is romantic...she pushes away that thought, refusing to let ideas and fantasy cloud her judgment. she would love him for him when the time came, no more, no less. for now, they would drink, and she knew what would come after. ' good answer. ' and yet, despite her teasing, she hopes that it is true, that he has thought of her as she thought of him before. ' somehow i doubt that, ' the blonde laughs, and yet even still she falls in step with him, allowing him to lead the way, ' past experience and all that. '
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His shoulders lift and fall in a shrug, knowing he had his own little abilities due to the curse he thought she might have some of her own. Maybe that was something the gods had given her. But the tone in her voice suggested otherwise. He was happy, however, to see it bring out a smile. It made his only grow, the feeling gave him doing the same. It was something he knew he hadn't felt in a long time, not since he first met what was going to be his wife years and years ago. Part of the reason he was even still here in the first place was how she met her end at his hands. A sin he paid for every day. It was something he didn't talk about and one he hoped he could avoid with how he was even still alive to her. But even then those thoughts didn't stay long because he still couldn't believe shew as here. Hazel eyes looked her over, the same image of her stood before him like it had the last time he saw her. "Only one to leave an impression." A smile answer, easily said. It was almost too much to believe but here she was in front of him. It was why he couldn't let the chance slip through his fingers, asking her for a drink without even thinking. Not that he entirely needed to. His grin grows as he steps to the side and motions her to follow along. "Just one, I promise."
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