existing-on-cloral · 2 years
Two fandoms on tumblr literally agreed on shipping a spy kid and an ex-crime boy from two different lines of books, slapped an otp sign on them, and called it a day
Anyways the ship is perfect so i won't complain
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existing-on-cloral · 2 years
uh oh I seem to have accidentally found a new favorite cross fandom ship
testing if I still know how to paint
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Lets hope the tags will work this time😐
Plz let me know if this doesn't show up in the af tags, tnx :)
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existing-on-cloral · 2 years
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Teach about anything! There is always somebody willing to pay you for it. - By the makers of WordPress.com.
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existing-on-cloral · 2 years
Anybody want to hear my horrible ygo takes again. This was not a question
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existing-on-cloral · 2 years
holy buckets you’ve got me convinced
I’m very impressed ngl
Crack Theory: Jaden Yuki is (at least partially) Atlantian
As usual, this is 100% my own connection making brain going crazy, I doubt this is what the writers intended, if they thought about it at all. Also, this essay is not free of infodumping or absurdity. 
So, Atlantis has always been… kinda weird, in yugioh. Other than just the absolute wildness of it just. Canonically existing. The Waking the Dragons arc has some of the most far reaching lore implications for the franchise as a whole, introducing ideas like the spirit world, duel monsters appearing in history (outside of egypt lol), and some major afterlife magic. Things that yugioh will expand on in following series, and things that were, I reiterate, introduced in a throwaway filler arc of the anime because they had run out of manga to adapt. 
But one character in particular not just builds on the concepts introduced in DM’s Atlantis season, but shares some interesting similarities with the main villain of that season, Dartz.
Jaden Yuki.
The first thing that caught my attention was the eyes. While yugioh has an almost ridiculous number of characters with magical eyeballs, heterochromia with one turquoise, one orange/yellow? Incredibly specific. I can’t think of a single yugioh character whose weird eye horror even passingly resembles anothers, yet here Jaden and Dartz are. Even further, both of them spend time serving as a “king” with pure gold eyes, before coming into contact with a foreign entity and developing the bilateral asymmetry. 
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But Jaden’s eyes are based on Yubels, and more thematically, the colors of the polymerization card art. And Dartz’s seem to be just a random anime villain power up. 
Let’s put a pin in this for now.
The next weird link between the two is in the strange flashback we see at the very end of GX season 3. Jaden sees one of his past lives, when Yubel pledged themselves to be his guardian. In this era, Jaden is the young prince of a vague and never named kingdom. When was this? Where? We don’t know.
But the few characters we see share some interesting design elements with the people of Atlantis.
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The primary front skirt panel being this narrow rectangle ending in a point at the end. The gold crown featuring a solid band with a diamond shaped piece right over the forehead embedded with a bright red gem. These capes and the big round brooch thingies. Jaden’s father’s belt has this segmented gold design that looks quite a bit like the necklace of the Atlantian king. (His granddaughter, Kris, has a similar one, I was just running out of space for references.) In fact, both Jaden’s father and the Atlantian king use red gems as their primary design element.
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And finally, the biggest detail I want to point out is this little gemstone on human!Yubel’s forehead. Crowns are a pretty universal thing, but a delicate little jewel right on the forehead? That’s an iconic piece of jewelry worn by one Dartz Yugioh. It’s also worth noting, Jaden supreme king armor has the same blue diamond on its forehead. 
Now, before I tie this all together, let me take a quick aside to reassure that yes, I am aware, this sounds like the furthest reach I could possibly make. Sure, the two kingdoms might share some design elements, if you squint. Yeah, Jaden and Yubel might each have one weird feature that Dartz also flaunts. But really, is that enough to posit a connection between the two?
I mean, absolutely, I’ve built fan theories on far less and I WILL DO IT AGAIN
But no. Here’s the plot twist of this post: 
I’m not trying to prove that past!Jaden was the prince of Atlantis.  
Past!Jaden was the prince of New Atlantis.
Keep reading
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existing-on-cloral · 2 years
Holy kuribohs I need your theory right now it sounds fantastic
Jim’s eye being called “The eye of orichalcum” implies that it originally came from Atlantis. Discuss.
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existing-on-cloral · 2 years
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have a hastily made jim meme because i love this man and would lay down my life for him!!!!!! also this is how i get around editing my fics lol
inspired by this beautiful creation: 
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existing-on-cloral · 2 years
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Jim Crocodile Cook/Jedediah
brown vest
thinks the protagonist is stupid but loves him anyway
funky scarf
“bros” with a solider boi
literally about dies like 500 times
can easily blame Ancient Egypt for all their problems
110% done with the dinosaur’s shit
(Brokeback Mountain reference here)
Austin O’Brien (Axel Brodie)/Octavius
red motif
strong boi, literally stronger than everyone else (that is the same size anyway *side-eyes Octy*)
funky hat/headpiece
“bros” with a cowboy
pretty much fearless until you get the one thing involved (squirrels/Supreme King, same thing right?)
probably still bitter about the library of alexandria
less impressive than they think they are
enemies to friends to lovers 100k slowburn (with literally anyone ngl)
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existing-on-cloral · 2 years
Dinosaurs did not die 65 million years ago, as previously thought. A small select few (those thought most useful) were saved by the early stages of humanity as another ice age gripped the planet. Due to the sinking ocean levels, a new island appeared, which became known as Atlantis. The remaining dinosaurs coexisted with the inhabitants of Atlantis until a few people decided that it was time to rejoin the world at large.
They left with a few dinosaurs, including a tamed but still mighty Tyrannosaurus Rex, eventually stopping on the eastern edge of modern-day China. Unfortunately, a nearby volcano erupted, causing the explorers and the Tyrannosaurus Rex to be buried under the gushing lava. (This would later be excavated by a team of paleontologists, but an avalanche would cause one of the junior members to nearly lose his leg. His leg would be saved by using a bone from the buried Tyrannosaurus Rex.)
After a few years, the people of Atlantis began to realize that the explorers must be dead, and so they decided that it was unsafe to leave. The king and queen barred the gates forever, but they trapped themselves in with a bigger threat. The meteor shower of the Oricalchos… Well, you all know that story. Unfortunately, the full power of the Oricalchos was not meant for any creature to withstand, and the dinosaurs died from the overload. As the second wave of meteors fell, the queen experienced a disturbing vision. She saw the future of humanity if the monsters that were surrounding her home were allowed to live. A dark king would rise and rule with an iron fist. However, she couldn’t bring herself to kill those that had once been her people, so she set about finding a new way to stop the madness she saw.
Taking a small fraction of the power of the Oricalchos, the queen created an eye that would give the wearer the power to stand against this dark king. When she felt the power of the Oricalchos begin to take over her, she locked the eye in a small box and threw it into the ocean, praying that the right person would someday find it.
Jim’s eye being called “The eye of orichalcum” implies that it originally came from Atlantis. Discuss.
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existing-on-cloral · 2 years
Artemis, 36 hours without sleeping: This is fine; if it were truly overwork, surely my body would shut itself down or I would get sick. I, however, am the pinnacle of health and am functioning ideally. Truly I am above such necessities as a sleep schedule.
Butler, holding the dwindling tissues and stopping Artemis from drinking paint water instead of coffee for the third time in as many minutes: Artemis. Please. Go to sleep.
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existing-on-cloral · 2 years
It would be cool I think to do like… a group re-read of the Artemis Fowl series. That would be kinda fun.
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existing-on-cloral · 2 years
Bobby and Spader: *going to get ice cream*
Press: *working in an ice cream parlor*
Bobby: Uncle Press?
Press: Yeah? Oh, for the love of bejeebers!
Spader: Is this your after-Traveler-coaching job?
Press: *jumps over the counter* What if it is, Spader? What if coaching you dumb nutnuggets doesn't cover all my expenses, huh?
Bobby: *laughing* Expenses? What expenses? You wear the same coat every day!
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existing-on-cloral · 2 years
pendragon as vines (but it’s mostly bobbyspader (what is their ship name?)):
Gunny, talking about Spader/Bobby: And they were suitemates.
Uncle Press, watching from Solara: Oh my Halla, they were suitemates.
Press, about Bobby: Ooh, my boy going to save Halla! Fuck it up!
Gunny, canonically from 1937, pointing at Bobby and Spader cuddling: What the fuck- is this allowed? What the fuck- is that allowed?
Bobby: stahp
Gunny: (realizes something about himself)
Press: Two bros, chilling on a skimmer, five feet apart, cause they’re not g-
Bobby/Spader: (kiss)
Press: O.O
Saint Dane: You know, the Travelers can be really aggressive, so it’s important to take all precautions.
Saint Dane, blowing an airhorn in Bobby’s face: Get fucked!
Bobby, booking it to the flume on Eelong: AHahahahaAAAAAAHHh AAAH ahaaaaaa
Kasha: Why are you running? WHY ARE YOU RUNNING?
Spader, after a bag of chips falls on his head: Hurricane Katrina? More like Hurricane Tor-till-a!
Aja, driving on Second Earth for the first time: Road work ahead? Uh, yeah, I sure hope it does.
Mark: Is there anything better than pussy? Yes, a really good book!
(Courtney hits electric piano chord)
Loor, to Spader: Hey, I’m lesbian.
Spader: I thought you were Zadaa-ian?
Bobby, behind the camera: AHHAa!
Spader: AHAH!HGir! Stop, I coulda dropped my craw-sant!
(Loor watching some deer)
Bobby: ahCHOO
(deer run)
Loor: Oh, nice, Bobby.
Bobby: I sneezed! Oh, I’m not allowed to sneeze?
Saint Dane, disguised as a police officer: Do you know how fast you were going back there?
Bobby, putting on sunglasses: I would’ve been going faster, officer, but you stopped me!
(Saint Dane dragging Bobby out of the car)
Aja, from the back seat: You goin’ to jail, boy!
Spader: We’re getting pulled over!
Bobby: Quick! Put these on!
(Bobby and Spader put on camouflage)
Saint Dane, in a slightly worse police officer disguise: License and registrati- WHAT THE-
(Bobby and Spader get out and run away)
Saint Dane, panicking: Who opened that? Devil car! DE-VIL-CAR!
Bobby, to Spader: I love you bitch!
Spader: wha- oh my god
Bobby: I ain’t never gonna stop lovin’ you. Biiiiitch!
Spader, doing fucking anything during The Never War:
Bobby: Weoow.
Aja: I don’t need friends, they disappoint me.
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existing-on-cloral · 2 years
There is a provocative essay titled “Excremental Eroticism, Carnivalesque Desires, and Gross Adolescence in Eoin Colfer’s Artemis Fowl” in the book “Innocence Heterosexuality and the Queerness of Children’s Literature” by Tison Pugh. The title is in reference to the fact that Pugh is pulling from Freud’s five stages of sexual development (oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital stages) described in “Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality” to synthesize a queer reading of Artemis as a character with a queer reading of the dwarves in the series overall (and the latter topic is something I find less compelling). Pugh eventually comes to the conclusion that “Colfer leaves heterosexuality as an at first unattractive, if intransigently unavoidable, sexual fate for Artemis” (p.136), which is too foregone a reading for me, lol. It would have been all too easy for Colfer to have Artemis “graduate” into normative heterosexuality, J.K. Rowling-style, by removing him from the narrative in TFT due to him having a wife, 2.5 kids, and a white picket fence, yet the potential queerness of Artemis is retained by having him exist as a sort of 21-century, kids’-lit confirmed bachelor (with an asexual reading being possible within this framework as well)
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existing-on-cloral · 2 years
Hey parents trying to raise kids who are prepared for the realities of sex and digital life
I was doing some reading today and discovered a hole in my kids’ sex-pos digital preparedness 😨
Most of us probably know that, when minors send nudes (even to each other), most American states treat this as a crime that falls under child pornography. I’ve told my kids repeatedly that they should never ask for or send nudes, because you can’t control what happens to your photo once it’s left your device, and because, all moralizing aside, it’s simply a huge legal risk to be in possession of a sext from a minor—even if you are also a minor. This is important to teach them because a lot of teens don’t know that this is true even of consensual sexting. Even between partners.
What I hadn’t considered was that I needed to teach them that this is a case in which the default rule they’ve been taught their whole lives—if you see something concerning, tell a parent or teacher—DOES NOT APPLY. Teachers are legally obligated to report. If a kid even hands their phone to an adult, the adult can become culpable. We need to teach our kids that, if they ever get sent nudes by a partner, friend, or classmate, they need to immediately delete the message, and talk to the sender IN PERSON ONLY, if it’s a friend, to tell them to not send images like that. They could tell me if they wanted, but face-to-face, not on a device. This way, if a cop was ever to ask them if they received the image, they can answer honestly, “Yes, and I immediately deleted it.” And they haven’t endangered anyone else by sharing the image.
I asked my 12yo, who has had our ongoing talk about not sending or accepting or asking for nudes, what he would do if someone sent him an unsolicited nude. His immediate response was, “Report it?” So you can see how these situations arise! So then we had to do the whole, “Normally that would make sense, but in this case, here’s what you should do instead” talk.
This is a case where the law (with the good intention of preventing child sexual abuse, which is of course a real concern) is clashing with the lived reality of digital life where digital space is one of the spaces in which people engage in sexual acts. The reality is that the law in most places in the US is such that it is simply not legally safe for minors to ever sext. It is not lost on me that we’ve created a scenario in which the digital world is somehow competing with irl (with its STIs and reproduction) for the unsafest sex.
In any case, thought I’d pass this along if it’s missed your radar like it did mine. Here’s the source, from Dr. Justin Patchin of the Cyberbullying Resource Center:
“If you do receive [a sext] image, odds are that it was sent by a good friend (or a boyfriend or girlfriend). As a result, you probably don’t want to get this person into too much trouble, but you also know that peddling in these kinds of pictures is probably not going to lead to great things in life. If you think about it, it is highly inappropriate, morally wrong, and potentially illegal. So what do you do? Most adults might advise you to “tell an adult you trust.” This is generally good advice for a lot of problems you run into. However, in the case of a naked photo of an underaged youth, this can be devastating for all involved. If you show the image to a teacher, he or she is likely required by law to report it to the police. Teachers who don’t can lose their teaching license and/or be fired. If they don’t know what to do and seek guidance from a fellow teacher, they could get into even more trouble. If you give the teacher your cell phone with the nude image, and he or she shows another teacher, both teachers (and you) could be charged with “possession” of child pornography, since they had possession of your phone. That’s because the police often treat these images as child pornography irrespective of the sender’s intent or the relationship of those involved. This means that if you took the picture, you can be charged with the “creation of child pornography.” If you send or forward the pic, you can be charged with “distribution of child pornography.” If you keep it on your phone, you can be charged with “possession of child pornography.” In some cases, you could even end up on state sex offender registries.
My advice to teens who receive a nude or seminude image of a classmate is simple: Immediately delete it. Don’t tell anyone about it. If there is an investigation, and someone asks if you received the image, you should tell them yes, but that you immediately deleted it. If necessary, they can get your cell phone records from your service provider and search your phone’s contents, which will show that you deleted it within seconds of receiving it. This is the best situation for you. Some adults aren’t going to like this advice because they want to be “in the know” to attempt to deal with the problem, but I think this is the only safe advice I can offer youth at this point.”
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existing-on-cloral · 2 years
ygo acknowledge that atticus exists challenge
so ready to quit duel links at this point because if we can get fucking VRAINS AND LINKS i think we should be able to AT LEAST get Atticus by now. cmon
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existing-on-cloral · 2 years
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Happy birthday to AO3 🎂🎉
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