exoticeggos · 6 years
We don’t talk anymore | Tom Holland
Word Count: 825
Warnings: angst, angst, angst.
Request: requested by Requested by meetingtheworld asked:
Can you do a imagine of Tom/Peter(Preferably Tom) x Reader to the song We Don't Talk Anymore but Charlie Purth/Selena Gomez? Thanks!
Author’s Note: I’m so sorry these requests are taking forever to get done I have a lot going on right now but I’m doing my best if you guys ever need anything my inbox is always open, and this is really shitty and really short I’m so sorry.
We don't talk anymore, we don't talk anymore We don't talk anymore, like we used to do
(y/n) and Tom were childhood friends, been friends since they were born. They were always together, everywhere they would go or anything they would be doing it would be together, they were inseparable. As they got older nothing changed, until they started developing feelings for each other and everything soon changed. Their relationship blossomed and still they were inseparable, not only being best friends but lovers as well. But that all changed when Tom had become famous, it was hard at first him always being away constantly having to travel, they kept in touch for a while always calling, facetiming and trying to make time to see each other. But Tom soon stopped talking as much always making up excuses, it hurt (y/n) a lot seeing him not being able to talk because he needed to do work, she understood that, but when he said he needed to work and instead went out with his friends, that really hurt.
Was she not good enough for him? Was he sick of her? Did he not care anymore? Questions like that would always pop up in her mind, asking herself if maybe he didn’t love her anymore, maybe he had found someone new.
'Cause even after all this time I still wonder Why I can't move on Just the way you did so easily
The one person who had always been there, always been by her side was now gone from her life. Of course the first couple of weeks were hard, months even, but she had to get over it. She was stronger than this she told herself and so one day she had gone out on a date with one of her old friends and they instantly clicked, she had moved on from Tom and found someone else. But it wasn’t all that easy for her, Tom was still always on her mind.
Tom was devastated after they had broken up, and once he had heard you had moved on from him it absolutely broke him. He couldn’t even think about you with another guy other than him, it seemed weird. And he tried, he tried to get over you but he just couldn’t. Couldn’t get over your beautiful (e/c) eyes, your perfect smile that would light up his day and your great personality.
Don't wanna know What kind of dress you're wearing tonight If he's holding onto you so tight The way I did before
Tom was coastally thinking about you, the memories you had with him. He replied them like a movie in his brain, seeing how happy you were with him. It crushed him when he had seen that all the photos on your social media with him were deleted and gone, not there anymore, and It hurt even more when he saw that they were replaced with someone else.
We don't love anymore What was all of it for? Oh, we don't talk anymore, like we used to do
The fans and news went crazy once it had gotten out that tom and you had broken up. It was everywhere, all over social media fans going crazy posting stuff about it and even leaving nasty comments. It was hard for Tom to answer questions about it in the interviews, he couldn’t avoid them or else he would he judged but he didn’t want to answer them for the fear you would see it.
I just hope you're lying next to somebody Who knows how to love you like me, Every now and then I think you Might want me to come show up at your door But I'm just too afraid that I'll be wrong
Tom was always on your mind, everything reminded you of him. You had hoped that he had someone that was there for him, always by his side to help him through all the rough times and to support and love him, like you did. You had thought about running back to him all the time, seeing if maybe there could be a second chance that maybe just maybe he wanted to see you again but you were a coward, you were just too afraid to be wrong, that maybe he didn’t want you back, maybe his life was better without you, but god were you wrong.
Ooh, it's such a shame That we don't talk anymore
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exoticeggos · 7 years
Anywhere with you | Peter Parker
Word Count: 899
Warnings: pure fluff and Peter being a sweet cinnamon roll
Request: requested by anon
Hey there love :) can I have a request with Peter Parker? Reader is a teleporter mutant and he is totally in love with her. After a lot of blushing and stuttering peter finally manages to ask her out. Maybe Peter do some research and find somewhere in Italy or France for their first date so reader takes them? I love your writing love you! <3
Author’s Note: I’m sorry for being such an awful person and being gone for like five years but school is getting really hard for me at the moment and there is a lot of stuff happening but I’m trying my best to get all these requests done. Lots of love guys x if you ever need anything my inbox is always open.
Peter was casually doing some homework in his room, a lie obviously. He went to pick up one of his school books to actually start catching up on some work that he needed to do when suddenly there was a loud noise from behind him, he spun around eyes wide and surprised when he saw (y/n) lying on the floor and a couple of his book laying on the floor next to her.
“you know you need to move these books because they somehow always manage to bump into me!”
Peter couldn’t help but laugh at her comment, “maybe you just decide to bump into them.”
(y/n) put her hand over her heart, “I could never, I’m too nice.”
“mhm whatever you say.” Peter replied as he helped her up from the floor, and as her hand lingered there after getting up he couldn’t help but blush.
“so what are you doinggg?” she asked as she walked over to where he was sitting at his desk and rested her hand on his shoulder, peter blushing slightly from the contact.
“j-just some homework…” it was hard for him to concentrate on his work whenever (y/n) was around, he would always get distracted with her beautiful (e/c) eyes and perfect smile.
“haha yeah right parker.” She said as she took the book of him and hid it behind her back. She giggled as he shot up out of his spot and raced towards her, but she was too quick and disappeared. Peter huffed as he knew what she was doing.
He quickly spun around as there was laughter behind him, “hahahah well you’re not going to be doing homework for a longggg time.”
“where is it this time? Australia? California?” he asked as he crossed his arms over his chest, trying to look mad but failing miserably.
(y/n) laughed at the expression on his face, “nah you’ll find out later.”
A couple hours of flirting and laughing Peter had finally worked up the courage to ask her out. She was laughing at something Peter had said or done when he reached over to put his hand on top of hers. She stopped suddenly and looked down at their hands and then back up at his face smiling.
“I was just um wondering i-if you would maybe um like to go out for d-d-dinner with me?” he asked, he rubbed his sweaty hands on his pants as he looked into her eyes.
“are you trying to ask me on a date parker?”
He let a smile take over his lips, “maybe.”
“well then, I would love to go out for dinner with you. Where are we gonna go?” (y/n) asked as she smiled brightly.
“oh I don’t know; I was thinking somewhere in France.” He answered as he laced their fingers together.
“ooh fancyyyy, I’ll see what I can do.” She playfully winked at Peter as she got up and started walking out, “pick me up around 7?”
“yes!” As she left the apartment Peter couldn’t help but shout happily, he was finally taking you out on a date.
Peter had showed up exactly on 7:00 and waited patiently as he waited for (y/n) with a pick nick basket in his hand, when she had finally opened the door he couldn’t help but stare, god did she look beautiful.
“y-you look amazing.” Peter complemented her
“mmm you don’t look too bad yourself parker.” She winked at him as she held tightly onto his arm, “now this is the fun bit.”
The world around them spun for a few seconds before they had appeared on a grass hill where you could clearly see the Eiffel tower standing tall and glowing. (y/n) had turned to see Peter’s reaction and laughed lightly, Peter’s mouth was hanging open and suddenly he turned to her with a massive smile on his face.
They had got everything set up, both of them sitting on the picnic blanket with delicious food surrounding them. Peter packed a lot of food, knowing (y/n) was in love with it. The night went quick, there laughs and voices filled the air. (y/n) didn’t want to leave but she knew they had to go soon.
“Thank you so much for tonight Peter, I loved it.” She smiled brightly in his direction and took his hand in hers.
“Well I’d love to do it again sometime.”
“definitely!” (y/n) couldn’t be any happier.
Once they had left Paris they appeared at her apartment door, “well I guess this is it.” She said smiling down at the floor.
Peter had confidence surging through him and lifted her chin up with his finger and pressed his lips gently to hers. (y/n) was surprised at first but then relaxed into him and kissed him back. Once they pulled apart they both said their goodbyes and went their separate ways. Both of them replaying their amazing night back in their heads.
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exoticeggos · 7 years
Makeup proposal | Tom Holland
Word Count: 606
Warnings: Zendaya mentioning of stealing you children and a fight going on, kinda.
Request: requested by 5sosarethebabes
Hi can I have one please. My names Hannah with Tom holland. Tom and I get in a fight, he slaps me. I drive to Zendaya's house and stay there the night, then the next morning I wake to hear zendaya and tom yelling then tom sees me and tries to apologise it I refuse until he wins my heart somehow 👍🏻👍🏻
Author’s Note: I’m sorry but I couldn’t imagine him slapping you but if you want me to change anything else I always can! I also am taking a bit of a break of everything because I’m going through a tough time but I will try and get your requests done soon!
Hannah and Tom had rarely gotten in fights but when they did they were most likely very serious and since they were both very serious it may go on for days, even weeks. But this fight was not like any of the others, Tom had come home after a very stressful day while (y/n) was in the kitchen cooking some food for when he came home but instead of saying anything to his loving girlfriend he had walked straight past her and sat down on the couch. The fight was stupid; it was over something stupid.
She couldn’t even remember what it was about now, they had started fighting yelling and swearing at each other after Tom had said something terrible she had stormed out of their house and was now driving to Zendaya’s house. Zendaya was kind enough to let you into her house without bombarding you with questions, she had to tell her at some point and when she did Zendaya was pissed to say the least.
Hannah had fallen asleep on the couch with a packet of her favorite chocolate in front of her and one of the latest show she was watching. She hadn’t noticed there was a knock on the door and when Zendaya went to open it she was not happy at all. It had been the morning when Hannah had finally woken up from her deep slumber, and she looked much better than before. She woke up to the sound of shouting, she had just guessed it was the TV or something but when she heard a familiar voice her head instantly snapped up.
At the sound of Tom’s voice, she had tuned into the conversation they were arguing about what had happened between the couple. Hannah had gotten up from her spot on the couch, to go outside and see what was happening and as soon as she stepped out of the door both of their heads whipped in the direction on her. Tom’s eyes softened and held pure guilt while Zendaya’s were pure anger and disappointment.
After a while of shouting and scolding from Zendaya she had left the two alone. Tom had started ranting about how he was stupid and a fool for what he did, “I hope you can forgive me.” He said while taking something shiny out of his pocket. Hannah could not believe her eyes, there in Tom’s hand was a rose gold ring with a diamond on top of it. He had knelt down in front of her, let out a speech and asked to marry her. She was surprised, Hannah had not seen this coming. Tears of joy fell out of Hannah’s eyes, “Yes, yes you idiot!”
After sharing a soft kiss or two Zendaya came running out of the house jumping happily as she saw that the couple before her were getting married soon, she couldn’t be any happier for the two.
“Now all I need is for a child or two and I’ll be all set.”
“What it’s not like I’m gonna steal them!”
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exoticeggos · 7 years
“Wanna go pee pee with me?”
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exoticeggos · 7 years
perfect father | Peter Parker
Word Count: 340
Warnings: none
Request: requested by  CrazyDree on wattpad 
My name is Lyla, and can I please have an imagine with Peter Parker? The plot is when they are older (in their twenties), and she tells him that they're expecting but he freaks out. He doesn't think he'll be a good father and so on. You can put more in but with angst and fluff please? Thank you, have a wonderful day!
(y/n) had never expected this to happen, sure her and Peter had talked about having kids and making a family but not like this. She had not expected to throw up in the morning, countless times. She had missed her period by four days, she had been getting bad nausea with the vomiting. So she decided if it was not better by the tomorrow she would go and take a pregnancy test, and the next day it was not better.
So she drove to the chemist and got some pregnancy tests and once she got them and did everything she had to do (y/n) waited, it felt like hours when they were done and when she went to go and check them she took a step back and put her hand over her mouth. This was exciting for her but she didn't know how Peter would act, she looked down at her stomach and puts her hand on it, laughing.
Once Peter got home he spotted (y/n) sitting on the couch, smiling down at her phone while her other hand was rubbing circles on her stomach. Peter's eyebrows scrunched together with confusion before her put his stuff down and walked over to where she was sitting, (y/n) looked up and her smile widened.
"hey, how was your day?" (y/n) asked, Peter sitting down next to her moving his body to face her.
"It was surprisingly quiet today. How was yours?"
She smiled, averting eye contact with peter for a moment before taking his hand in hers. "I need to tell you something."
"Yeah, whatever you need."
(y/n) chuckled before looking down at her stomach, "I'm pregnant."
When she finally looked up at Peter and let out a laugh, he had his mouth wide open (trying to catch flies or spiders), his eyes were wide staring straight at her.
"a-are you serious?" He asked blinking a couple of times.
She nodded her head, "Yeah I uh I checked this morning and stuff, it's definitely yours too."
Suddenly Peter frowned at her his smile dropping, his eyes looking down at the couch.
"What's wrong?" She asked, she was pancaking what if Peter didn't want a kid this early, what is he left her?
"I-I just, I just don't think I could be the perfect dad? You know what child would want me as their dad? I just don't think I'll be a good dad."
"aww Peter, I'm sure you'll be an amazing father this kid will be so lucky to have you as their dad not only will they have Peter Parker as their dad they also have Spiderman. You'll be the perfect father Peter."
Peter nodded his head and looked up, his eyes shining in the light. He suddenly sprung up from where he was sitting and lifted (y/n) up from her spot and spun her around.
Finally putting her down, he brought her into a kiss, their lips moving against each other's furiously when they finally pulled apart, in need for air, they smiled at each other. Leaning her head against his she sighed, "I guess that means you want the baby?"
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exoticeggos · 7 years
What I Write
a. One shots [ OPEN ]
i. imagines
ii. Preferences
b. Moodboards [ COMING SOON ]
c. Ships [ please state the fandom ] [ OPEN ]
d. prompts [ COMING SOON ]
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exoticeggos · 7 years
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exoticeggos · 7 years
Hey there love :) can I have a request with Peter Parker? Reader is a teleporter mutant and he is totally in love with her. After a lot of blushing and stuttering peter finally manages to ask her out. Maybe Peter do some research and find somewhere in Italy or France for their first date so reader takes them? I love your writing love you!
Hey hun, you sure can this sounds like an amazing idea i’ll get around to writing it soon may be up later then usual because i have alot of requests coming in right now thank you for requesting! Love you too!
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exoticeggos · 7 years
a. Peter Parker
i. Ned did it!
b. Tom Holland 
i. Tessa Loves me more
ii. Popcorn Kisses
iii. Badass Baby
iv. Mrs.Tom Holland
v. Tea Lady
vi. Truly are Spider-Man
i. Hide and Seek with Tom and his family
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exoticeggos · 7 years
I got tagged
tagged by @spidermansgirl thank you so much for tagging me, your blogs amazing!
a - age: 14
b - birthplace: Melbourne
c - current time: 12:19pm
d - drink you had last: Water
e - easiest person to talk to: idk probably my best friend, I tell him everything so...
f - favorite song: Feels by Kiiara
g - grossest memory: Definitely getting vaccinated I hate needles so much you have no idea 😁
i - in love?: Tom Holland, I mean like who isn’t
j - jealous of people?: Isn’t everyone?
k - killed someone?: I don’t think so...
l - love at first sight or should I walk past again?: Walk past a couple of times and then talk
m - middle name: Christiana Ann
n - number of siblings: 5
o - one wish: tbh I don’t really have one
p - person you called last: my mum
q - question you’re always asked: I always get asked how old I am (because people always think i’m younger then I actually am)
r - reason to smile: Spider-Man
s - song you last sang: Partition by Beyoncè
t - time you woke up: 9:56
u - underwear color: Nude colour
v - vacation: New Zealand
w - worst habit: Biting my nails (which i need to stop doing)
y - your favorite food: Chocolate🍫
z - zodiac: Sagittarius
random tagging: if you’ve already been tagged or don’t want this don’t worry about it~ @peterandchurros @tomhollandhollaatme @hcllland @peterbparkerr @that-sokovian-bastard @tomsh0lland
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exoticeggos · 7 years
Can you do a imagine of Tom/Peter(Preferably Tom) x Reader to the song We Don't Talk Anymore but Charlie Purth/Selena Gomez? Thanks!
sure thing hun, I was already planning on doing this anyway! xx
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exoticeggos · 7 years
Truly are Spider-Man | Tom Holland
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Word Count: 452
Warnings: the worst creature which is spiders and tom being a little cutie.
Request: requested by marvilimagines
Okay so I have MAJOR anxiety when it comes to spiders and today I found like 9 spiders in my basement + 2 egg sacs so I guess they were building a colony and I’m scared for my life 😂. I want to ask for an imagine (tom holland x reader) where the reader has extreme fear of spiders and she finds some in her room and she freaks out and tom finds her freaking out and even though he hates spiders he catches them for her and fluff? Thanks ❤❤❤LOVE YOU SO MUCH YOU HAVE NO IDEA
Author’s Note: sorry this one was so short I have a lot of imagine coming in from my account at the moment and I’m very sorry if I haven’t done yours yet!
A scream left her lips as she spotted a massive spider in the corner of the room, she ran towards the bed and pulled the covers over her head, pulling out her phone to press it against her chest to protect it. She peeked out from under the bed covers to look at the spider and saw it moving along the side of the wall to another spider and she let out a squeak.
She heard footsteps coming towards the room and looked up from where she was hiding and she saw Tom poke his head around the corner and look into the room, “What’s wrong, love?” he asked moving into the room more and trying to pull the sheets off of her but she wouldn’t budge holding onto the sheets tight and bringing them up to her chin.
“S-Spiders” she whispered moving her eyes away from Tom’s to look at the spiders that were now moving closer to their side of the room.
Tom let out a tiny laugh watching the girl in front of him pull the sheets back over her head and saw her shaking her head. Tom also hated spiders as much as (y/n) but he went to get them down for her.
He picked up some tissues from the side of (y/n) bed that hadn’t been used and went up to where the spiders were and grabbed them with the tissue carefully trying not to kill them and (y/n) could see him leaving the room with them. When Tom had retuned he had discarded the tissues and the spiders climbing into the bed and pulling the sheets over him to see her.
“W-What did you do with them?” she asked, looking up at Tom.
“Don’t worry about it, love” Tom told her, (y/n) cuddling into his chest. “There gone now.”
“You truly are Spider-Man.”
“When haven’t I been?” He asked looking down at her with surprise to which she replied with a light peck on his lips before snuggling closer to him.
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exoticeggos · 7 years
Tea Lady | Tom Holland
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Word Count: 659
Warnings: fluff and Tom being a little shit like always.
Request:  requested by @perfectlyspookycheesecake
Hi! I love your imagines I've read all of them 😂 I was wondering if you could an imagine Tom Holland x reader and they are dating but she gets hurt once while hanging around set (I’m very clumsy😂) and they talk about it in interviews and idk I’m in need of fluff so you can interpret this in any way! Thank you ❤️❤️❤️
Author’s Note: I know alot of you are waiting on your requests and I'm working on them but I have alot of them coming in at the moment and I also have to go by the order people requested in even if they are from my tumblr account or my quotev account, hope you enjoy this imagine xo
(y/n) was just walking back from getting coffee and tea for the whole crew on the set on Spiderman: Homecoming with Harrison, laughing at something that he was saying about Tom making her laugh.
She had one tea left in her tray and as she was walking around set she found Tom talking to Harrison, she smiled as they turned to face her and as she went to walk forward she walked into the door making the cup of tea spill all over her white t-shirt. Harrison and Tom couldn’t help but laugh at her, she opened the door and walked to Tom opening her arms wide and wrapping him in a hug making the coffee get all over him as well.
“Next time if you would please warn me about there being a door that would be greatly appreciated.”
“I’m not going to lie, you still look good with tea all over your shirt.” Tom commented smirking.
“You’re only saying that because you can see through my shirt.” She replied, lightly hitting his arm when he nodded and bit his lip looking down at her shirt.
Later that day she was walking through set trying to find Tom somewhere when she had turned around when she heard her name being called but her feet kept moving forward, she walked straight into the metal pole. She turned back around and glared at the pole before walking towards Tom him commenting, “At least you didn’t spill tea all over your shirt again.”
It had been weeks of embarrassing moments on set for her, some walking into random objects or even her saying something the wrong way round. She was glad that filming was over but right now she was doing an interview with Tom, she just hoped she wouldn’t embarrass herself.
After what felt like hours the interview had finally started with questions firing everywhere and games that they had set up for them.
“Who was the clumsiest on set?” The interviewer asked.
“definitely (y/n).” Tom answered.
“I was not!”
“Remember that time you walked into the door spilling tea all over yourself, I don’t think you would want to hire her as a tea lady.” Everyone laughed at Tom’s comment.
“Well at least I know how to pronounce croissant properly.” She fired back.
Tom narrowed his eyes at her as his hands made a spasm movement, “Well at least I don’t go running into poles while looking for someone.”
“That was one time, I’m sure you’ve done it before.”
The Interviewer laughed at the couple in front of her, “What was the most amount of time you had to redo a scene?”
Tom laughed, “There was a scene that Jacob and I were doing and (y/n) came in trying to look for us to say something when she stepped on Lego and she had bare feet, we also kept messing the lines up and couldn’t stop laughing.”
“It really hurt my foot, I’m pretty sure I still have the bruise there.”
“Want me to kiss it better.” Tom asked jokingly.
“I swear to god if you touch my feet you will be stuck in that Spiderman suit for the rest of your life.” She narrowed her eyes at Tom as he put his hands up but in a blink of an eye his hands were at her side tickling her, making her fall of her chair and onto the floor.
“Thomas Stanley Holland I will get you!”
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exoticeggos · 7 years
this video always makes me happy, so here you go
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exoticeggos · 7 years
Peter Parker | Ned did it!
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Word Count: 944
Warnings: Terrible writing from me, Really Short imagine and mention of the one and only Penis Parker?
Request: requested by @putznouis​
Hiiii, how are you? Could you please do a Peter Parker imagine? I would love if (Y/N) had super powers (like scarlet witch) and being really smart and brave!! She goes to the same school as Peter and joins the avengers team after a while. She starts date Peter! Thank you!
Author’s Note:
I’m sorry that I skipped her meeting the Avengers bit and I’m really sorry this is so short and terrible.
As (y/n) started walking to school she couldn’t help but feel that something felt wrong, something was different but she couldn’t figure out what it was. As she arrived at school she did her normal routine, go to her locker and put everything in there and getting all the things she needed for the next class. As she arrived she took her normal seat in the second row at the back next to an empty seat, her partner was taking the day off again.
As she was going to pick up her pencil to start writing notes about what the teacher was saying the pencil moved without warning and her hands glowed a bright blue for a second and then back to normal.
She gasped at what had just happened and turned to look if anyone had seen it but everyone was paying attention to the board, until her eyes connected with Peter Parker’s. Peter looked away from her and started to take notes but he kept a close eye on her. It had happened numerous times in class, she would go to move something or get something and it would move without her even trying and her hands would glow no one would notice expect of course Peter had to see it every time. So as everyone was leaving the classroom she made sure to follow Peter and she checked that no one saw and grabbed him by the back of his shirt and dragged him into the nearest closet.
“Wh-What the hell!” Peter yelled as he turned around and reached for the door handle only to have her step in front of it.
“What you saw in class you can’t tell anybody.” (y/n) pointed her finger at Peter and narrowed her eyes as she waited for him to reply.
Peter stood frozen, her finger pointed at his chest her hand glowing a bright blue. Peter’s lungs felt like they were filling with water and he were drowning. She had only just noticed what was happening when she looked at her hand and once she saw what was happening she removed her finger and tucked her hands behind her back, with one hand on the door knob and the other resting in the back pockets of her jeans.
Peter gasped as soon as she removed her hand and his eyes went wide as he stared at her and he nodded his head quickly, as she moved out the way and was letting him go out of the closet.
“I’ll make you a deal, If I don’t tell anyone about what happened I can get someone to help you with your powers.”
“But you’re going to tell them that I have powers?” She asked, her eyes narrowing on the boy in front of her.
“You’re lucky I like you, Parker.” As she said this she walked out of the closet and Peter had only just noticed that her phone number was written down on a piece of paper that she had slipped into his t-shirt, his headphones wrapped around the piece of paper. Peter shook his head and chuckled, running after the girl.
As she reached her locker and was putting her bag and her books into her locker she could see someone lean on the locker next to hers,
“So I’ve heard you and that Penis Parker are dating, is it true or is it just a rumor he is making up because he could never get someone like you?” She rolled her eyes and looked Flash dead in the eye.
“Well, I don’t really know you have even had girlfriends let alone how you even got one... and can you stop calling him Penis Parker, we get it his is bigger than yours.” She replied, spotting Peter making his way to her locker and his smile dropped as his eyes spotted Flash.
(y/n) chuckled and closed her locker giving Flash one last glare before meeting Peter in the middle of the hall way, she smirked as she could feel Flash glare at her back. She gave Peter a light peck on the lips and they started walking hand in hand to his locker.
As they reached his locker and Peter had stopped talking instead turning to Ned and talking to him about something she focused on the locker that Flash was currently leaning in and as the door hit his head she turned to Peter and put an innocent look on her face.
“Stupid locker!”
Peter had seen the whole thing and turned his head towards (y/n) and his eyes were narrowed at her but she could tell that he was having trouble keeping the smile off his face.
“I swear I didn’t do anything, if anything it was Ned.”
“What did I do?” Ned asked, his head coming out around of Peter’s head so he could see her.
(y/n) raised her eyebrows at him and shrugged to which Ned replied with, “Yep, I definitely did whatever I did.” Ned nodded his head as you all laughed.
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exoticeggos · 7 years
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exoticeggos · 7 years
║\ ║▒\ ║▒▒\ ║░▒║ ║░▒║ ║░▒║with this blade ║░▒║I cut those who ║░▒║disrespect ║░▒║Tom Holland ║░▒║ ║░▒║ ▓▓▓▓ [█▓] [█▓] [█▓] [█▓]
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