A Little Secret
“Earth’s moon spotted C’therax” Xogue said.  “Vyryn any signs of life or tech?” C’therax asked.  “None sir!” Vyryn responded after checking his screens.  “Then land on the dark side, all cloaking measures in effect” said C’therax.  
“Woof! Woof!”  C’therax turned and smiled at Fang.  “Yes boy!  We will be out of this ship soon!”  As they closed in on the moon C’Therax looked at the strange blue orb it circled.  It’s a pretty world.  He thought.  
The moment they landed Xogue shouted “all breaks activate!  All right lets get outta here!” and ran to the back of the ship to get her spacesuit.  “Permission grant-” C’therax began.  “Lets be real C’therax,” Vyryn interrupted, “She’s running outside with or without your permission.” “Well it has been a month.” C’therax said, “now we can stop playing World of Starcraft on the holovids and get down to some real action.”  
Vyryn went to the back of the ship with Xogue and Sp’rark to fetch his spacesuit.  “You coming C’therax?” he shouted after awhile.  “Yes, just one moment!” C’therax called as he went through a drawer near the captains chair.  He rummaged through its contents and pulled back a false bottom and lifted out a silver tube and gave a start as one of Vyryn’s flew in from nowhere and knocked it out of his hands.  “VYRYN!” C’therax shouted.  Vyryn examined the tube, ignoring him.  “Anything happening back there?” Sp’rark shouted from the ship’s rear, concerned.  “Nothing at all Sp’rark, keep Xogue from doing anything crazy” Vyryn called back pleasantly.  
“Vyryn!  Give me my medtube before they come back…come on you were the one who wanted me to…” C’therax said “I never wanted you to do anything.  You are grown, you can make your own choices.  That being said when your mood improved I suspected you were taking something.  Is it helping with your moods?” “Yes, it turns out I am short of a specific enzyme…” “Rubix-36 by the looks…” “Yes, yes thank you Vyryn.  Anyhow one of the side effects is a slight imbalance in neurochemicals. Thanks to the recent medical advancements, if this is corrected, moods can return to normal”
“C’therax, I am your second mate.  I was wondering what you were hiding all this time.  It’s a small ship C’Therax.  People notice when you are keeping something hidden.  And when it’s such a small secret-many C’rululians have similar problems-why bother getting the team rilled up? You know Sp’rark tends to presume the worst. Can’t say I blame her.  And I was wondering what secret was so important you could not tell your first mate.  And your friend of twenty years.”
“I didn’t want them knowing that their captain….” “Is a reasoned and reasonable man?  Who knows his weaknesses and does what he needs to have a full life?” C’therax glared. “The public still harbors its doubts about this sort of thing…”  Vyryn sighed.  “I guess your right, C’therax” Vyryn began “some people (unscientific people I might add) could judge.  Does high command know?” “They tried to replace me once I said that my moods were…low.  But no one else in the Star Force met all the qualifications of the mission and was able to volunteer. And mood disorders resulting from failures in rubix-36 are exempt from automatic disqualification, provided carrying a medtube is consistent with mission requirements”
“Stupid idiots those high ranking baboons.  C’therax I am not concerned you are taking this, but why do you have enough for five people to last two years?” Vyryn asked.  “You are not overdoing it, are you?”  He eyed the remaining tubes in the drawer.  Each one contained hundreds of daily doses. “Spares,” C’therax said. “In case something happens to one of them I have backups.  I guess…I didn’t want to be stranded without it.  Don’t tell the crew Vyryn. I depend on a medtube. It seems pathet-”
“C’therax, if this stuff helps you from falling down a dark crater of rumination, I’m happy for it.  You seem more embarrassed by this than you should be.  You were the only one who had built the strength, skill and will to come on this mission.  That takes heart.  So with this stuff or without it, you got something special.  You left a whole homeworld of people who could not do this with or without one of these things.  Don’t ooze yourself C’therax,” Vyryn said with a smile as he motioned to C’therax’s twin hearts “these don’t come from a medtube.”  
C’therax allowed himself a slight smile.  “Thanks Vyryn” he said.  Vyryn handed the medtube back and C’therax hid it away.  
Just as he put it away, Sp’rark entered looking concerned.  “Is anything wrong?” Vyryn smiled and looked at C’therax.  “Everything’s fine.  We will be right out.” C’therax said and they headed towards the ships rear.  Vyryn noticed Sp’rark look back at the drawer near the captain’s chair and frown.
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The Extraterrestrial Masquerade blog supports Net Neutrality because it makes the free exchange of creative and political ideas possible.  Please do your part to support Net Neutrality.  Support the internet.  Support democracy.  
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🚨 The internet needs you 🚨
You’re up again, Tumblr. 
Back in 2015 you demanded that the FCC adopt strict net neutrality rules and establish a free and open internet. And you won. 
That should’ve been the end of it. But apparently not.
The new head of the FCC wants to undo the net neutrality protections you fought so hard for.
His proposed changes open the door to your web traffic being slowed down, or even blocked altogether. You could be forced to pay extra to use your favorite apps. You could even be prevented from getting news from the sources you trust.
Title II protects consumers and democracy by ensuring all voices can be heard.
You know the drill. Here’s what to do:
The FCC is taking comments from the public, and dearfcc.org is making it as simple as possible for you to make your voice heard.
Go there now 👉 dearfcc.org ✌️
You’ll just need to provide a name, an address, and then say a little bit about why rolling back Title II protections is a bad idea. If you’re not quite sure what to write, here’s something to get you started:
I’m writing to urge you to keep our Open Internet rules based on Title II in place. Without them, we could lose the internet as we know it.
The proposed changes to FCC rules would allow fast lanes for sites that pay, and force everyone else into slow lanes. We’ve already seen access to streaming services like Netflix, popular games like League of Legends, and communication platforms like FaceTime slowed down, or even blocked. Conditions like this hurt businesses large and small, and penalize the users who patronize them. 
The changes also open the door to unfair taxes on internet users, and could also make it harder for blogs, nonprofits, artists, and others who can’t pay up to have their voices heard.
Please leave the existing net neutrality rules based on Title II in place.
Thank you!
If you need more ammo, feel free to quote these experts from our net neutrality Issue Time. TechCrunch and Battle for the Net also have some good starters.
Everyone is counting on everyone else here. Do your part and tell the FCC to keep a free and open internet under Title II. 
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“I must say Captain Elk it takes guts to deport someone who nearly died for your country.” “Sp’rark…you know I would keep-” “My father will die if I don’t keep sending him money.” “Sp’rark!” “GRRRRR!”
Sp’rark crater wolf lurched forward towards the captain and she instinctively grabbed his collar.  The Captain took a step back and put his hand on his blaster.
“Get your hand of your gun Captain” “Soldier! You do not…!” “Captain Elk, I think we both know you shouldn’t insult my dog,” Sp’rark said coolly.  “Sit Fang!”
The crater wolf obeyed but kept the Captain in its angry eyes.  The captain moved towards the window, and away from the dog.
“I get it Sp’rark.  It’s unfair.  It’s wrong…” he began. “And you could do something about it.” “At what cost Sp’rark?  Yes, there is some chance I could put in a petition but the chances that it would be accepted are slim.  And if High Command sees this as an act of favoritism they could remove me.  And where does that leave your community then?  I am the only leader in this Immutable-rejecting military that gives an ooze dropping about you and the other immigrants from the Outer Rings.  Besides you knew full well that there was no promise of citizenship in the Empire-”
“No promise sure.  But it was sure as heck implied that the government would look the other way while we did jobs your people were too proud or too incompetent to do.  And all we want to do is feed our families who live in squaller because of your Empire’s drug problem,” Sp’rark responded.   “Sp’rark!  I am not here to rehash all of our two countries…” Elk roared. “And yet these immigrants are more loyal to your cause and your country then your own citizens,” Sp’rark finished and turned to leave.
“There is an alternative Sp’rark” Captain Elk said.  Sp’rark turned and glared.  Captain Elk continued, “You are not going to like it.”  “I’m still listening.” Sp’rark replied.  Fang went over to the captain’s desk and lifted his rear leg. “No Fang!” Sp’rark said.  The crater wolf looked at the captain and back at its master and to the desk and reluctantly lowered its leg.  
“You have heard of the Earth mission, correct?” Captain Elk continued.  “You really are an ooze-drop-” Sp’rark said.  “Hear me out!” Captain Elk pleaded.  “They will need a biologist and given the small size of the ship they will need to pack as much combat power into that thing as possible.  Your birds and your wolf would be a much appreciated asset.  Your biological training would be valuable for scouting missions of Earth’s surface as well.  Furthermore you would be re-classified as Irrevocably Deployed as it would not be possible to quickly retrieve you once you head to Earth…” “Which would exempt me from having to report for my regular Visa check.  Which prevents me from being deported.  Or rather you are deporting me, just not back to the Outer Rings, just to Earth…” Captain Elk decided to let Sp’rark rant.  “Which early radio wave probes suggest is a backwards thinking and uncivilized little rock.”   Fang lifted his rear leg again.  Sp’rark considered, then shook her head.  Once again the Crater Wolf reluctantly lowered his leg.  
Sp’rark considered.  “And who would ensure that immigration officials do not interfere which my paycheck being forwarded to my family? “  “You would have to trust me with that.” Captain Elk said.  “It’s unfair I know Sp’rark.  But I am not going on a political suicide mission for you.  One that would only leave other immigrants like yourself worse off.”  
Sp’rark looked at the scars on her crater wolf’s face.  The poor creature had already seen its fair share of war.  But her family back home needed the paycheck…  “When do we leave for this uncivilized Earth?” Sp’rark said. A month later Sp’rark was watching the stars race by as the Mobius Drive-powered ship raced towards Earth.  It would be a month journey.  She wondered if the people she would be working and fighting alongside cared that the was almost deported.  Best not to ask.  Didn’t matter if the person next to you didn’t care about your family.  What mattered was that you needed to not get killed in a hostile world.  Staring arguments could interfere with that.  She sang the lullaby her mother sang to her as a child to herself.  She still used it to quiet Fang when he was scared.  She hadn’t known it as a child, but the strange and seemingly random lyrics were born during a time of invasion and national tragedy for her people centuries earlier.  She finished the strange little song, “…But in your bed you must stay ‘cause its an Extraterrestrial Masquerade.”  It had been centuries since the last diplomatic Masquerade was held.  Earth’s discovery, she thought, was just the sort of thing to spur another.   No sense worrying about it though.  She went to her bunk, and petted the sleeping Fang.  She had her dog.  More reliable then any other life form.  For now Fang and her lunar Falcons would have to be enough.  And besides C’therax, their leader, did seem to be a man of honor, who stood firm upon the Immutable, That Which Moves The Stars.  
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Battle at Silver Frontier Military Base
Location: Empire’s Military Base at the Silver Frontier Lunar Colony
C’therax felt as if fire was in his veins every single time he breathed.  Instinct told him not stir.  There were sounds…jeers…shouts…then someone talking with a cruel but gleeful voice.  
C’therax remembered fire and figures running…laser cannons…the sound of C’rululian tentacles striking metal and crushing bone…and of Oquruian Ion blasts…
The ship flipping 180 degrees…seeing the glowing lunar isolation…a flash of light…a rush of motion…then pain…
C’therax remained absolutely still as he checked his body mentally.  Nothing was obviously broken.  But his hands were tied.  Ooze droppings.  He listened to the voice speaking over an amplifier.
“For too long the Empire has claimed cultural superiority over us!  Destroying our ways of life!  Barricading and sanctioning us over alleged “human rights’ abuses!  It’s just an excuse to topple our governments to help their businesses!  They may have ceased taking colonies, but THEIR IDEOLOGICAL COLONIZATION CONTINUES”
Great.  I am a Oquruian prisoner.  Well I might as well size things up.
Taking care to remain absolutely still, C’therax sightly opened one eye. “He stirs!” Ooze droppings.
He opened both eyes and kept an emotionless face.  C’therax was tied in front of a camera and arranged in a half circle were dozens of Oquruian fighters.  Upon seeing C’therax stir they started a new round of raucous jeering.  Behind C’therax was the desk of the Diplomat of the Silver Frontier with the gold seal of the Empire blazoned upon it.  It had several laser-holes in it now.  A fitting backdrop for an anti-Empire propaganda video C’therax thought.  
I hope Xogue got to read my response to her letter before she was taken.  
The speaker at the microphone turned and got as close to C’therax face as he could while being out of reach of his pinchers and spat on him.  C’therax suppressed the urge to try to use his natural C’rululian acid-spit defense mechanism knowing that it was standard protocol for Oquruian bracelets to be rigged to electrify their prisoner should any of his species’ natural defense powers be activated.  
C’therax sized up his captor.  Both C’rululians and Oquruians were standard bipedal, opposable thumbed creatures.  C’rululians had a slight greenish tinge to their skin whereas Oqurians had a reddish tinge and a leathery texture to their skin.  Both species had pinchers around their mouths.  C’therax was pleased that his captors hadn’t broken his off.  He supposed his so-called “anti-colonialist” captors wanted him to be conscious to experience the pain of their removal.  Oqurians were known for their ability to summon quantum blasts that were effective long range weapons and to detonate small explosions within a three foot radius of their formidable claws.  C’rululians had tentacles that they could summon from the quantum realm that, when made extant in the physical world, could range as long as ten feet and connected to their arms.  While C’rululins were stronger and had an effective acid-spit weapon, Oquruians were faster and could more then compensate for their weaker bodies with their natural defenses.  
“Prisoner of justice!  You stand on trial here today for crimes you have committed in service to the Empire’s arrogance.  You have no jurisdiction to be policing the galaxy!  You will answer for crimes against the Pyronians, the Oquruians and against numerous outcasts of the Seven Worlds!  But before we have you undergo a fitting experience of justice let us show you how quickly the empires propaganda can fade!  Bring us our liberated Daughter!”
Xogue came in dressed in the ceremonial robes of the Pyronian people. 
 C’therax suppressed a burst of rage because he knew Xogue would find those robes more humiliating than his chains.  Those who did not comply to the caste system and the standards of decency the robes implied could be beaten or killed, often by their own families.  For Xogue the ceremonial robes were a sign of oppression.  
Xogue was placed in front of the camera.  “Hello, my name is Xogue and I want to thank the Anti-Colonist Insurgents for liberating me from the brainwashing of the Empire.”
What are you doing Xogue? C’therax thought.  
“I was promised liberation if I would forsake the ways of my ancestors and participate in their culture’s depravities….”
Xogue opened a suitcase she was carrying.  As was standard in these captivity videos, there were shocks of horror whenever some supposed artifact of the Empire’s depravity was brought forward.  C’therax stared at the suitcases contents.  It contained numerous items that the captors would deem proof of the Empires immorality.  But nothing of that sort would interest Xogue.  C’therax stared closer.  Something wasn’t right about the items…they all looked wrong.  C’therax found that when he moved his eyes from one item to another he was unable to move his eyes back to the original item he had been looking at.  
“The thing about propaganda…” Xogue continued.  C’therax noticed that the original speaker was worried.  Xogue was going on script.  “..it only lets you see things that fit your worldview.” Xogue let out a psionic scream and her psychic illusion was broken.  Instead of ceremonial robes everyone now saw she was wearing combat armor and the suitcase she was caring was not holding proofs of the Empire’s alleged polluted culture but was rather holding several self-flying laser turrets.  Chaos exploded as the remote controlled turrets opened fire and Oquruian bodies started dropping and blood started soaking the walls and floors.  Xogue dropped a smoke pellet and dashed to C’therax as Oquruian quantum bolts lashed out at her.  C’therax felt his bracelets charge to give him a probably lethal shock but Xogue activated one of Dr. Vyryn’s more ingenious gadgets in time and soon several auto-aimed lasers blasted off C’therax’s bonds.  C’therax let out a roar and summoned his tentacles and started spinning in a furious pinwheel of death.  Soon debris and bodies were flying and the sound of his tentacles crushing armor and bone were heard through out the hall.  
A quantum blast from the event’s main speaker soared just over C’therax’s head and he wisely stopped his assault to seek cover under the desk.  Reserve Oquruian fighters poured into the hallway but were soon driven off by a liberation squadron led by Dr. Vyryn, a fierce fighter in his own right, even if he considered medical functions to be his expertise.
Behind the desk Xogue gave C’therax a blaster and continued up a barrage of psionic screams to disrupt and distract the enemy.  C’therax’s adversary had taken up refuge behind a large statue of one of the Empire’s greatest diplomat and for a long while they both exchanged laxer fire without being able to hit the other.  Eventually seeing that any hope of reinforcements had been slain by attacking C’rululians the Oquruian propagandist dropped several grenades and in the resulting chaos darted out the hall’s back door.  C’rululians forces followed suit.  
“It’s a good thing their hate made their minds easy to psi-hack,” Xogue muttered.
Several explosions rocked the hall and soon an air-raid alarm sounded.   “C’therax!  There are incoming Anti-Empire forces bombing the base!” Dr. Vyryn shouted.  “Intelligence says they want to take out the Platinum Grade ship we had prepared for our Earth mission!”  
“Lets get the ship into orbit!  We can defend it from there easier than in the atmosphere!”
“No” C’therax responded.  “We need to launch for Earth now.”
“What!?!” Xogue said.  “While bombs are dropping?  From Orbit we can provide air support to insure these monsters don’t kill any more of us.”
“Our general I am sure is more than up for that task Xogue!“ Dr. Vyryn said.  “C’therax is right.  The number of enemy fighters is not enough to do substantial damage to the base or it’s inhabitants.  It’s a suicide mission.  These fighters want to be die gloriously taking down one of the few ships we have that is ready to reach Earth.  Once they find its location they will all concentrate on that area.  The only safe space is Earth!”
A huge explosion shook the building and cracks started appearing and growing on the walls.  
“LETS MOVE!” C’therax shouted” “Vyryn, tell Sp’rark to meet us at the launch site”  They met no enemy resistance as they tore through the bases weakening halls but they could hear the sounds of aerial battle being played out above their heads.  They found the ship which was a silver tube with rounded edges.  It had eight legs.  The cannons in front were designed to make it look like a giant spider with large cruel jaws.  It had massive after burners on its rear.  Once inside Vyryn and C’therax took their place upfront at the weapon stations.
“Where is Sp’r…” C’therax began “GRRRR” came a sound and C’therax gave a start and almost released his tentacles.  “Easy boy,” a young Senonian woman said as she struggled to restrain the angry Crater Wolf.  “Good to see you Sp’rark!” C’therax said, “You too Apoll-roe” he continued addressing the wolf. Sp’rark was a Soenonian woman with gorgeous glittering silver skin that contrasted strangely with the layer of black soot that was currently covering it.  She contrasted strongly with her jet-black and fearsome Crater Wolf.
Sp’rark took her seat near the rear of the ship next to a holding pen for her Crater Wolf companion.  Xogue stood on a silver platform and started to float as her mind reached out to the ship’s psionic controls.
“Control tower this is an emergency take off.  Destination Earth!” C’therax shouted as Xogue mentally deployed the ship’s afterburners. Within half a second they were roaring through the lunar base’s atmosphere.   “Enemy ship heading to X3534 R3433 35-2141-02” Vyryn shouted.  “There is nothing there…except Earth” “I guess we will have company on Earth” C’therax said. “So Xogue, we will get to kick some ass after all!” “We need to blast out of orbit quickly Xogue!  Fighters are pouring in!” Vywrn shouted.   Sp’rark’s Crater Wolf started to whine, startled by the ships rocking and she began singing it a lullaby.
“Hush little larvae get some rest And curl up in your nest. Baby dear don’t fear the sky Even if the strangers can fly”
“Xogue enemy fighters getting close!  What in the name of our Dear King are you doing!!!” Vyryn shouted. “Not…yet..”Xogue said.  Her eyes were glazed over.  Her lower brain functions now believed that the ship was their body and Xogue only had a fragmentary understanding of events inside the cabin.  Her mind was peering through the ship’s optical instruments.
From the view ports C’therax saw Oquruian ships start to form a shrinking noose attack formation meant to limit their prey’s ability to dodge laser fire.
“Xogue…now might be a good time…
A siren started blaring.  “They are in range Xogue!”
Xogue let out a mighty battle cry and unleashed the full power of the ship’s mobius reactor and the resulting shock wave released a percussive wave that damaged the incoming enemy fleet and launched their ship towards the wormhole that would lead to that strange new world called Earth.
As the stars swept by C’therax resisted the urge to cry.  Home already seemed so far…and may never come back again.  As he thought of home he listened to Sp’rark’s lullaby, one that he had been sung as a child.
“Hush little larvae get some rest And curl up in your nest. Baby dear don’t fear the sky Even if the strangers can fly But if they do fly… I’ll swap a dove for a cloud from the sky And if they can stick to the roof above… I’ll swap a rug for a nest made with love. And if they can slurp an eight-legged bug... I’ll ask them to clean the lice from our pug. But in your bed you must lay ‘cause it’s an Extraterrestrial Masquerade.”
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Xogue’s Letter
Transmission Sent from Pyronian Homeworld to C’rululian Homeworld.
Hello C’Etherax,
I imagine I should be telling you this in person.  But I don’t know when that will be and well…as you know I can’t leave things undone.  I’ve never been one to wait.
First off, I am sorry for racing the night before the mission.  It was stupid of me, I know.  If I had gotten hurt then that would have prevented me from providing psionic back up during the raid, and I am aware that the Major may have chosen to just cancel the mission instead of doing a last minute switch.  It was stupid.  I know.
I am not upset that you yelled at me.  I am upset that you insinuated that I am a part of the Empire’s StarForce solely for the adrenalin.  It’s not true.   And well…I guess the best way to start is at the beginning.   When I was four years old I first started manifesting what my people call Silver Fever.  On Pyronia it is believed that to be born under a triple full moon is bad luck.  Or to be conceived under a triple full moon.  Or to have your first in utero kick under a triple full moon.  Or to sneeze under a….okay I am making the last one up.  Anyhow Silver Fever is so named because it is believed to be caused by lunar interference.  I know its hard for you, who were born and raised in the Empire, to understand that.  But on Pyronia…education levels are low.  People think differently.  
I remember when I was four I was always buzzing around in at the Meeting of the Youth.  I hated standing still.  I also loved textures.  I had to touch everything.  Smooth.  Rough.  Heavy.  Light.  Slimy.  Dry.  Sticky.  Smooth.  They all fascinated me.  Then randomly on certain days I couldn’t stand to touch anything.  And, well, on the order and honor loving culture I was born in, this could cause…conflicts.  One of the Youth Trainers beat me.  I got kicked out of one Meeting for fighting.  I wasn’t trying to be violent.  I just got caught up in running and jumping and was so well..caught in the moment I couldn’t tell that the child I was roughhousing with wasn’t having fun with me. My reversals on wanting to touch everything one day and nothing the next were seen as insubordination.
  I remember Uncle Zar coming over to my families house and I would be told “Run Xogue-re and play with your sister.”  “-re” is is a term of endearment on our world, but when its said with a certain tone by your parents you know you are clandestinely being given an order.
   Eventually things got so bad that they, at Uncle Zar’s prompting, were planning on doing an antennae-rectomy.  You see the biological cause of Silver Fever is an imbalance in how our antennae relate to the rest of our nervous system. The brain expects more neural input then the antennae can give.  The running, jumping texture exploring is all a way (even though we don’t realize it) to give neural feedback so that the brain feels like it is getting the stimulation we should get.
   Sometimes when you aren’t able to move/jump/ride like your body wants to do it feels like you are about to be tickled but the tickle never comes.  Other times it feels like a deep restlessness.  Sometimes it is just feels like a deep sadness.  I don’t know why it manifests the different ways it does.  In my community the sorts of over the job athleticism we want to manifest is seeing as uncouth and even a threat to the family image.   Cutting of the antennae convinces the brain that it should be receiving no input, thus correcting the problem.  The side effects are life-long imbalance, the loss of any psionic gifts and life-long head pain.  C’therax, I loved the high of climbing up the rocks over the cool mist of the ocean.  I loved jumping from the trees to the icy river.  I loved it when I snuck out on my good Uncle Rey’s motorcycle and felt the wind in my antennae…that was life for me.  And the thought of that sharp blade cutting me, that I could only be a part of the community if part of my being was compromised…that was too much.  So I ran out.  And I even left a small prank ooze bomb behind in my room.  I was young and angry.  I guess I just wanted to leave one last invective behind at the family who hated me.  
I lived as a lone wolf.  I would take odd jobs.  And even a few…undignified…ones.  I would steel occasionally.  I would participate frequently in illegal street races.  I had a strong track record.  It gave me some cash to live on.  And then one day a competitor switched out the oil in my engine.  It was a clever formula.  For half the race my motorcycle ran just fine.  Then half way through I could smell the burning and it smelled like a cross between vomit and roadkill.  For my extrasensory senses it broke my concentration.  When the engine gave out I didn’t have the wits to handle the out of control machine.  I slid and crashed into the window of an apartment building and the bike landed on a man there.  
I was dragged to court.  My family, dishonored by what I was didn’t show up.  Accept for my bad Uncle Zar who offered to let me off if I were to become a servant(?) (I am not sure what the word for it would be in your language) for him.  I spat in his face.  By the time a police officer drove us apart I had severely damaged one of his eyes.  Neither my Uncle nor the officer pressed charges.  The officer refrained because he saw my uncle was a repulsive creature and as for my Uncle…let’s just say he didn’t want the threat of shame if there was no…benefits shall we say?…from being involved. Besides my uncle thought I was going to rot in jail anyway.  
The victim of the accident was in critical condition at the hospital and I found out we were a blood match which for our species means we are likely to be a match as well. I volunteered on the condition, and I know this will sound weird, that my donation be anonymous.  Yes, it occurred to me that if I saved the man’s life the judge might be moved for a lighter sentence.  But I didn’t want a lighter sentence.  I hated my self.  I hated my silver fever.  I hated my life on the road.  I hated not having a family.  I wanted to suffer to, rot in prison to never see the sun set.  So I gave an organ and planed for the man never to find out that I had donated it.  
Well before my trial I saw one of the nurses walk up to him and whisper in his ear.  At the trials opening he petitioned the judge for the trial to be delayed one week.  It was the longest week of my life.  When the trial resumed the man took the stand and said he had spent the week meditation upon the Immutable and recommended that I me let off “for reasons that are my own.”
And to my shock and horror the judge granted me amnesty.  The word of my donation got out.  The newspaper reporters flooded the courthouse like vultures.  I was the topic of every social media outlet on that planet and all of its moons.  Our story was an example of forgiveness and restoration.  And oddly all this made me angry.  The world had hated me when was on the streets.  It had hated me when I was a young child struggling to understand the gift and curse of silver fever.  But now after I had fallen to my lowest point, it wanted to parade me online next to the videos of cute animals and cheap DIY projects.  It wanted to be inspired by me provided that I had no needs in return and just smiled and said the things the reporters wanted to hear.  
I guess I should thank them though.  There is a military base of the Empire’s StarForce near that courthouse.  And one of the captains had Silver Fever.  He came to me and offered me a life that would be anonymous (should I wish) and give me a chance to get away and start again and even to do some good.  So I wrote a letter to the man who had let me off, thanking him and entered into the squad.  After fighting for four years and rising rapidly through the ranks I chose to be a public bounty hunter.  That brought fame yes, but it is a fame that I earned, not the result of feeling like I am in a zoo.  And I always tell the story of how my antennae were almost cut off.  Had that happened I would have lost my psionic powers and my sense of balance.  My whole career would not have been possible.  The reason why I race, why I crave the death defying stunts is not solely for fame and adrenalin C’Therax.  I can’t deny that the adrenalin makes the pain I still feel go away.  But I also know that there are Pyronian kids out there like me.  Who need to run constantly.  Who need push their psionics farther then other kids feel the need to.  Who crave adrenalin, who are addicted to it and who want to know if they are just freaks or if there personality profile can be channeled into something good.  So I collect bounties for the military and I run races.  I want to show the world that Silver Fever is not something to be ashamed of, that it can be controlled.  That it can, if used properly, be a force for good.
I am writing this to you because I believe that you will be the person to make the final decision on whether I am on the scouting mission to Earth.  I know I can be a loose canon C’therax but so can you.  And I want you to know that I serve this military with honor, and I would be honored to fight along side you on this most historic of missions.  This is who I am C’therax.  Whether you believe this letter is reason to accept or deny me, at least I can say that I said my piece.  
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Warning from a Friend
C’therax’s Weapons Bunker Galaxy Date 7786-30-3 C’rululian Home-world
“C’therax, its good to see you” Dr. Vyryn said.  He had his feet up on the gun-cleaning table and was watching videos on his portable communicator.  C’Therax grunted as he went towards the armory in the next room of the bunker.  
He took off his helmet and dropped it on the floor and gave a cross between a smile and a grimace to the unexpected guest.  
Dr. Vyryn smiled back warmly.  “Chipper as ever I see”
“Let.  It. Go. Vyryn”  C’thereax tentacles started on unfastening the other parts of his armor .  “I’ll give you some privacy while you undress” Dr. Vyryn said as he returned to his videos.  
“Don’t want to go out for a drink today Vyryn.”   “I’m not here for a drink” “I just busted three Arcanin drug dealers.  I think that entitles me to some rest” “Oh please.  Three of those small timers?  It’s an  easy day for you and we bot know it.”
Clunk. Clunk. Clang.  Pieces of armor fell to the floor one after another.
Dr. Vyryn considered if he should speak.  “When you first got that armor you polished it every single time you got home.  Now it looks like it hasn’t been refinished it in weeks and your dropping it-”
“It can stop gunfire Vyryn.  Dropping it on the floor won’t-” “I know full well the armor won’t break! I designed most of it.” Vyryn snapped. He paused.  “Though you can’t tell anyone that.  It’s classified.”
C’therax finished undressing and approached his friend.  Even outside of armor, C’therax tentacles were longer and stronger than most.  His height alone was imposing and his pincers around his jaw were as sharp as they came C’rululians.  
“I can decide what I want to do with my own bloody gear in my own bunker.  Thank you” “Are you seeing…” “I don’t need to see anyone to talk about my feelings or any of that ooze-droppings.  Thank you.  Now get out.” “Even normal people need help every once in awhile.  And with the new confidentiality laws it won’t even appear in your record.  I think jumping off buildings and dodging bullets entitles someone to some help every now and then” “Could sidetrack my career” “Oh that is squid-shit and you know-” “I know how High Command thinks!  They would kick me to the-” “Even if they kicked you to the curb, the first time something blows up and they are caught with their pants down they will expunge anything on your record to get a gun as deadly as you on the job. “
Dr. Vyryn’s gave a sigh of frustration then changed the subject.  “C’therax.  The rumors are true.  ” “Which ones” “They have found Earth, the base you and the Alpha Team raided the on the Kronsian moon really did contain Earthlings.  And preliminary evidence suggests that the Earthlings are more closely related to our Most Recent Common Ancestor than any life form we have found so far.” C’Therax grunted.  Dr. Vyryn continued. “So a bunch of High Command sons of Ooze dropping plan to stick an experimental Mobious Drive on a tin can of a spaceship, wait for the black hole to pulse just right and ignite a hyperdermic reaction beneath our feet and hope we get to Earth with at least most of our limbs working properly.” “Why the rush?” “Well it turns out that every. Single. Planet. Except us, the great Empire, have been sending scouting missions to earth when the black hole barrier permitted.  As usual the so-called leader of the galaxy is leading from behind.” “And why is that?” C;therax asked, secretly amused to see his normally chipper friend show some irritation.   “Because democracies are weak and ineffective” C’therax snorted.  “You don’t believe that” “With all my heart.” “The fingers your missing on your left hand suggest otherwise” “I love my nation with both my hearts C’therax and I am glad that even in your perpetually shitty moods you still have your patriotism about you.  But we both know that the current electorate cares more about trifles and social media conquests to rectify alleged grievances on distant moon colonies than on actually getting their hands dirty to do what we need to ensure that the Empire, and democracy, continue to exist in a hostile galaxy”
C’therax grunted.   “So as I said.  I and a few other lucky people get to ride an explosion and hope we live to see another one.  And word on the street is that you will be our chief of security.  That’s not official and still classified so you didn’t hear it from me” “So why are you…” “Because High Command plans to tell you about this pretty much right before the bloody ship is ready to take off.  They don’t want to tell anyone until they have made their decisions.  And they won’t make their decision until right beofre they are ready to light the fuse.  The spacewinds are changing fast.  Well they may want to ooze-around in their bureaucracy but I think that you deserve a bit more time to consider the course of your life.  Because even though you treat me like shit…”
C’therax stated to say something but Dr. Vyryn cut him off “…I actually care about you.  They plan to send us with no clear plan of getting us back, to Earth where we will be in charge of surveying the planet and making sure that the other planet’s scouts there don’t reveal our existence until such time as the United Planets deems that action appropriate. “ “And I take it you don’t want me to go” “Are you kidding?  If you don’t go my chances of not dying go from slim to near impossible.  Unless…you allow your ‘not-a-problem’ to cloud your judgment.  You look like shit C’therax.  And while the fools at High Command can’t see anything but numbers I know full well that when soldier looks like you do its only a matter of time before they do something stupid.”
Dr. Vyryn handed C’therax a small metal stick.  “That contains all the files on the mission C’therax.  Again, all highly classified.  But I ain’t being an angel giving this to you.  Considering my life is in this game, I wanted to give you more than an hour’s notice that they plan on asking you to risk your life on a suicide mission.  Because while my chances of survival increase if you got my back in the field, it only works if you can keep your shit together.” “Has anything gone wrong-”C’therax answered “You blew up at Xogue” Dr. Vyryn retorted.  C’therax winced. He hadn’t meant to hurt Xogue…it had just…kinda came out. “Look C’therax I know I can be blunt.  It’s a weakness.  Whatever you choose I will respect.  I would be honored and a little less likely to die if you are there to blast any pirate scum we find on Earth.  But you need to figure out if you are up to it.  Even people in office desks get slumps.  And you have been through more shit and more gunfights than anyone should have to deal with. And because I appreciate that (even if our Planet doesn’t these days)I wanted to respect you enough to allow you to sleep on the decision before the Major drops it on you.  They want this mission off the blocks quick so the Empire can save face.  Whatever you choose just makes sure you choose it with a clear head”
To Be Continued...
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Report to The Captain of the Star Garrison
We have successfully captured the compound. It is as we feared sir.  The Enemy has reached the strange planet called Earth before we did.  From the blood samples we collected, it appears their expedition team successfully brought back four Earthlings.   
Blood evidence suggests all are dead.  Whatever the Enemy found in their DNA analysis of the Earthlings, it clearly enraged them.  Records suggests that three of the humans were killed without any scientific purpose (not that the killing of the first was somehow less reprehensible because of its motive) after their captain had a fit of rage.  
It is as the rumors said.  For so long we have known that all the life across the stars must have evolved from a Prime Planet.  The inhabits of Kronsye Five have long held onto the (scientifically preposterous) that they were the earliest descendants of of the Prime Planet.  The only thing that we can imagine would elicit such rage from them is if they found proof that Earth is Prime.  This would damage their claim to superiority.
I am aware of the difficulties.  Earth’s dwellers show such limited technology, it is unclear how life could have gotten off their planet to colonize the stars.  But even our early blood tests show that the Earth Prime hypothesis is feasible.  If it is true that Earth is Prime, it is in the Empire’s interest to send a team of elite forces to Earth to (peacefully) gather evidence as well as to prevent any planets from establishing military bases on their planet.  We would recommend the Empire take an approach of peace to the Earthlings.  We do not want to repeat the mistakes of our past. 
There is one other difficulty.  Three of the Earthlings appear, from what limited forensics evidence we have, to have been utterly incapable of defending themselves, suggesting a rather week and defenseless species.  
The fourth cell shows that the final Earthling was able to generate a heat so powerful he was able to damage Kronsian Steel.  There is also much Kronsian blood around his cell.  We estimate it took 25 men to subdue him.  We know not whether the Earthlings power was technological or biological but given that all tech should have been removed from the earthling before being put in this cell (combined with the un-evolved nature of Earthling tech) we suspect the heat was generated from inborn biological power.  If there are more like him on Earth, it appears that Earth contains a sub-species of great power.  Any expedition team must be on their guard.  
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Coming Soon
Seven planets have been shocked by the discovery of Earth...unknown to the human race eyes from across the galaxy stare at Earth.  Stare in hope, in fear, in wonder... A myriad of strange and wondrous lifeforms wonder if on this blue rock their deepest questions can be answered...
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