extremelytiredgirlie · 4 months
I want to belong in a discord so bad, so fucking bad. I fucking love nerding about stuff I love, but why are discords on this fandom so fucking weird?
You have your discords where you can't even acknowledge that AI exists, but discords that share AI art like it's nothing
Discords that love binding with a weirdly insane passion, but only if you spend like a 1000 dollars upfront. Binding without a cricut and a 200$ guillotine is not an option (don't worry these love to share their amazon shopping list with you)
Discords where is forbidden to talk about other ships
Discords where they get insane and police what you share and do like crazy. Sorry, but if that person doesn't want their art shared... (with links and credits) WHY IS IT EVEN ONLINE??????? (Same for people who don't want comments on their fics? Or that you print/bind them at home so you can read them in physical form? JUST DON'T PUT THEM ONLINE)
Discords where people are literal fangirls of the main mod. The mod is god and does no wrong. We shall adore the mod.
Discords where they share tik tok @ 's of people they don't like so they can go mob them
Discords where they shame you for enjoying canon stuff
Discords where they actually hate, anything and everything canon. Only fandom developed characters are allowed.
Discords were they say that they love each other but you get reprimanded on PM
Discords that feel like fucking cults
Discords where you get canceled
Discords where you're only allowed in if you have a certain following
Discords that force you to apologize
Discords where they examine your socials before they let you in (for clout)
Discords where the motives of the mods are way to obvious (financial gain)
Discords that look fucking perfect but they're dead (those break my heart)
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extremelytiredgirlie · 4 months
The fandom that broke me
what do you do when fandom makes you feel the most isolated you've ever felt but at the same time it has inserted itself in every single social you own? You open a new tumblr just to vent.
Cause i fucking need it.
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