My name is Sarah, I am 27 yo, married, & a mama of 3.
I started my weight loss journey one week ago today (7/9/2023), and so far, I am down 3.5 lbs!
My goal is to lose 45 lbs in 16 weeks. Ambitious, I know. I am planning on going from weighing 195 to 150.
I am doing this by working out almost every day, walking close to 10,000 steps every single day, and being in a 15,000 calorie deficit (which I calculated using a TDEE calculator like this one).
This page is simply a place for me to share my journey, leave behind tips I've learned, share meal prep recipes, and other random things along those lines. Please feel free to join me on my journey if you wish. If you are here to critique or judge, you will be blocked.
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