f0blove · 3 years
Where Is Your Boy Tonight? (Patrick Stump)
I walk into the first period, dreading the start of another day. As I make my way to the back and my seat, I catch Patrick’s excited eyes. I’m surprised - usually he's slumped over his desk and barely conscious this early in the day.
“You look happy” I say with a smile, sliding into my seat behind him.
“I did it!” Patrick says excitedly.
'Did what?’
“I went and auditioned last night” he explains grinning.
I gasp and smile back, “No way! That’s great! How’d it go?” I grow just as excited as he is.
“It was amazing,” he practically gushes.
“And Pete Wentz was there? Like you thought?”
“He was! It was him and Joe, the one I met in the bookstore last week”
“Unbelievably cool” I grin, “So I'm assuming you got it? You’re officially their drummer?”
“Not exactly…” Patrick says with a smile.
“Now I’m confused”
“Well, I originally told them I would audition for drummer, since that’s what i’ve been doing with those other bands”
“Uh huh…” “But after Joe listened to those covers I gave him, he asked if I could bring a guitar instead”
“I like where this is going” I interject excitedly.
“One thing led to another….and now I'm singing and playing guitar!”
I practically squeal in excitement, eliciting curious looks from our classmates.
“That’s incredible! About time someone outside of me and your family hears that amazing voice”
“Oh come on it’s not that good” Patrick says blushing bright red.
“Really? Because it sounds like you just got asked to be a lead singer of Pete Wentz’s new band”
“I guess you're right” Patrick says grinning widely, “I just hope I do well”
“You're gonna crush it!” I insist immediately, “When do you start?”
“There’s a practice tomorrow night and another on Friday” he gushes.
“You can come with if you want” He asks, “It’ll be fun, and i’d be way less anxious if you were with me”
“As much as I would love to be there for you,” I say regretfully “I actually have plans with Eric tomorrow”
“Oh” Patrick says, a smile immediately dropping from his face.
“I'm sorry” I said immediately, feeling awful, “You know there’s nothing I love more than watching you sing, but we already have a date planned. ”
“No it’s okay,” he says, “I'm sure you'll have, uh, lots of fun with him”
“Come on, don’t be like that” I say, crossing my arms.
I raise my eyebrow at him. “You always get quiet and weird when I bring up Eric, I know you don't like him”
“That’s not true” Patrick says half heartedly
“It’s okay,” I responded, “I want you to be honest, I just wish you liked him more. I mean you're my best friend! It sucks that you two don’t get along”
“It’s not that i don’t like him, Y/N” Patrick explains, avoiding my eyes, “I barely know him. You’ve been together like 6 months now and I’ve actually hung out with him...maybe twice?”
I sit back, letting that sink in. I open my mouth to respond when the bell rings, interrupting my thought. Have Eric and Patrick only hung out twice? My heart twinges in disappointment. I never really thought about it but it makes sense, Eric’s not one for group hangouts, usually backing out and telling me to go without him.
At the front of the room the teacher starts talking, so I focus on the board instead.
*Narrator POV*
Patrick nervously walks up to the door of the garage, willing himself to stop freaking out so much. It’s just band practice, something he’s done plenty of times before. He takes a deep breath and knocks.
Seconds later, Joe opens the door and grins.
“What’s up man! Come on in” he says happily, turning around. Patrick follows him into the garage, and sees Pete sprawled out on the couch flipping through a small notebook
“H-hey guys” he smiled, sitting down. “What’re you up to?”
“We’re thinking maybe just trying some covers or something today, easy stuff to get into the swing of things” Joe explains, “Does that work?”
“Totally,” Patrick says quickly, “I'm down for whatever”
‘I'm trying to come up with some original stuff” Pete explains, shaking his notebook, “But I can barely pull my words into a verse, let alone put it to music”
“We’ll work on it, don’t worry so much” Joe says, clapping him on the shoulder.
“I could try and help out too” Patrick offers shyly, “I can throw some notes together to whatever you have”
“You write music?” Pete grins
“Yeah, a little” he shrugs, feeling his face grow warm.
“Man you just get better and better” Pete grins.
“Come on” Joe says excitedly, “Let’s do this”
Two hours later, sweaty and exhausted, the three boys collapse back on the couch.
“That was great” Patrick says
“Totally” Joe agrees.
“Everyone good to go again on Friday?” Pete asks.
“For sure” Joe says
“Definitely” Patrick agrees.
“Awesome! Then I think I’m ready to be done for today if you guys are,” Pete says with a tired laugh.
“Thank god” Joe says with a groan.
“Hey I had a question actually” Patrick says nervously.
“Do you guys care if I bring someone to the next practice? I told my best friend about the audition and she’s been dying to meet you’
“Oh totally man!” Pete grins, “Bring anyone you want I don’t care”
“Same” Joe says, “she’s invited anytime”
“Awesome” Patrick grins, “Thanks”
“No need to thank us dude, this is your band now too”
I flip through the pages of my notes, absentmindedly sticking a french fry in my mouth as I read.
“There you are!” Patrick says, sitting down in front of me, the noise of his hands making me jump “I’ve been looking for you all day”
“Ugh I'm sorry” I say, closing my notebook, “I slept through my alarm this morning so I missed homeroom”
“You slept through your alarm?” Patrick asks suspiciously, “You never do that”
“I had a long night” I say with a shrug, trying to act normal
Patrick raises his eyebrows. “Okay what happened?”
“Nothing” I say quickly, “Just couldn't sleep”
He stares at me, eyebrows still raised, and says nothing. I crack immediately.
“Okay I got into a fight with Eric” I mumble.
“What happened?” he asks.
“He bailed on our date last night” I say, “and didn’t tell me until 5 minutes after he was supposed to pick me up.” I see the simmering anger settle over Patrick’s face, but he takes a deep breath before responding.
“Did he have a good reason?” he asks.
“Some family thing or something” I say. “But I was pissed so we got into a fight about it and I couldn't sleep all night”
“I’m sorry YN” he says sincerely, but I can tell under the surface he’s still boiling with anger at the idea. My stomach flips.
“Enough about me” I say quickly, “How was the practice”
Patrick looks unsure but when I nod excitedly he starts talking.
“It was so much fun,” he says excitedly, going on about everything that happened. I listen intently, happy to see him so happy. Something about seeing him so excited and happy makes my heart swell as I look at him.
“But anyway, you're more than welcome to come to practice next Friday '' Patrick finishes his story, “If you still want to, that is” he adds quickly.
“Totally! “ I say excitedly, “I can’t wait to see you in action!”
Narrator POV
Patrick and YN walk up to the garage door, and Patrick twists the knob to let them in.
“Hey guys” Patrick greeted Joe and Pete inside.
“Hey” they say in unison, both looking at YN immediately.
“And who might this be?” Pete asks cheekily.
“Im YN” YN says with a smirk, sticking her hand out, “Nice to meet you”
“Patrick has told us all about you” Joe says grinning and shaking her hand.
“Oh yeah?” she asks. Patrick blushed behind her.
“Never mentioned how gorgeous you are,” Pete says smoothly. Patrick’s gut clenches at the words and he stares daggers at Pete.
“Oh thanks” she says, ears turning pink. Patrick notices, only growing more irritated.
“Anyway” he clears his throat, “ she wanted to meet you guys and see us play”
“Well then let’s get to it” Joe says, looking curiously at Patrick.
A couple hours later, the four of them sit on the couch and array of chairs, talking and hanging out.
“You guys were great” YN says, “ Love the sound”
“Thanks” Pete grins, “Patrick here is a pretty impressive song writer”
Patrick blushes, “All I do is throw some notes together”
“Always so humble,” YN says with a smile, standing up and squeezing his shoulder playfully, “Is there a bathroom I can use?”
“Yeah it's through that door and past the kitchen” Joe says, pointing down the short hall to the house.
YN mumbles a thanks, stepping over Patrick's legs and heading into the house, and Joe looks over at Patrick, watching her leave.
“So,” he says with a grin, “Your best friend huh?”
“Yeah” Patrick says, a little confused.
“And nothing more?” Pete asks, raising a single eyebrow.
“What n-no” Patrick stammers, “just my friend.”
“She's hot as hell man” Joe says. Patrick flashes an irritated look at him.
“Oh come on, don’t pretend you haven't noticed”
“Obviously I’ve noticed” Patrick says irritated, “but we’ve been best friends since elementary school”
“So?” Pete asks
“So” Patrick explains, “that’s all we are”
“I would bet serious money that you want more than that” Joe says, leaning forward.
“So would I,” Pete says.” The way you’ve been talking about her? And the way you look at her? You’ve got it bad dude”
Patrick flushed bright red, knowing there's no way to play this off now.
“It doesn’t matter,” Patrick says, trying to steady his voice. “She has a boyfriend anyway”
“Ah so that’s a problem” Pete says knowingly.
“Are they serious?” Joe asks
“Sorta” Patrick shrugs, “They’ve been together for 6 months but he’s a total douchebag” “Oh that sucks” Joe says, “I’m sorry man”
“Sorry for what?” YN says, coming back into the room and making all three boys jump.
“Oh uh, um” Patrick panics slightly, unsure of what she heard.
“We were just consoling Patrick on a truly tragic setback” Pete says, rubbing Patrick’s shoulder.
“Okay…” YN says, sitting back down next to Patrick, “And what might that be?”
“Y-” Joe starts, only to be immediately interrupted.
“I had an idea for a m-melody” Patrick says quickly, “But I lost it before I could write it down”
“Oh” she replies, still slightly confused, “Well that’s not a big deal I’m sure it'll come back to you in no time”
“You’re right, let's just move on and forget it” Patrick says, glaring at the two guys across from him. They both nod, but Patrick still sees the playful twinkle in Pete’s eyes. There’s no way this is going to end well.
I kick a stone down the street, watching as it rolls down the broken down sidewalk.
“Remind me why you wanted to walk again?” I ask, annoyed as I shift my backpack to the other shoulder.
“I don’t know, I thought it’d be nice to take a walk, enjoy the weather” Patrick says cheerfully. “This isn’t exactly my idea of a pleasant walk” I grumble.
“Oh come on it’s not that bad” Patrick smiles
“I don’t know” I say, looking around us with disdain, “Pretty much everything in this part of town is turning to shit”
“Hey!” he replies “As someone from this part of town, consider me offended”
“I clearly didn't mean you” I say giggling, shoulder bumping him lightly. “But you gotta admit, there's a lot of shitty people around these days''
“Again, consider me offended!” he exclaims in mock outrage.,
“No no not you Patrick ” I say with a laugh, “in fact I would say you’re the last good thing about this part of town”
Patrick looks at me in surprise and I blush lightly. His cheeks are pink too, but it’s hard to tell if he’s blushing or if it's from the chilly air.
“You’re not half bad yourself” he says lightly. I grin in reply.
We turn the corner, reaching the street our houses are on.
“So I was thinking,” Patrick says.
“Maybe you should invite Eric to come to practice some time”
“Really?” I look at him in surprise.
“Yeah why not?” Patrick says
“I thought you hated him”
“I told you I don't hate him,” Patrick says impatiently, “I just don’t know him that well. If you like him so much I’m sure he’s great”
I smile at the words, happy to hear that Patrick actually wants to get to know him better.
“I think you two will really like each other” I say hopefully.
“Totally” Patrick says, but he doesn't quite catch my eye. “How about you guys both come sometime on a Friday or something ?”
“Sure Patrick” I say happily, “That sounds fun”
We stop walking as we reach his driveway.
“Sounds like a plan!’ Patrick says. “See you tomorrow?”
“Definitely” I responded, watching him turn and walk up the driveway.
“Patrick?” I call out, he turns around to look.
“yeah?” he asks
“Thanks” I say with a smile.”For giving him a chance”
“Anything for you” he says in a way that makes my stomach flip and I see his blue eyes twinkling, even from down the driveway.
*6 weeks later*
After weeks of finals, graduation prep, and graduation itself, summer was finally here. Now with no more family obligations or final projects, I finally had plenty of free time to spend with Eric, my girl friends, and Patrick and the guys. Over a month after Patrick invited us, Eric and I were finally going to hang out at a band practice with them. They had one of their first big gigs in a couple weeks time, so the guys were practicing basically every day. And now that they finally had a drummer, Andy, their sound was coming together better than ever. Patrick and Pete had grown really close, and started writing music together. It made me happy to see Patrick happy, but I couldn't help a twinge of jealousy everytime he was hanging out with the guys instead of me. I guess I couldn’t be his only best friend forever.
I glanced at my watch, wondering where Eric was. The practice started at 5 on Fridays, and it was nearly 4:50. I sigh, grabbing the phone in the living room and dialing his house. I hear his mom pick up and say hello.
“Hi Mrs Smith,” I said happily, “it’s YN. Is Eric at home?”
“Yeah I think he’s playing video games with his friends, let me grab him for you sweetie”
I thank her, a pit falling in my stomach at the words. Is he really hanging out with his friends when he’s supposed to be here, picking me up?
“Hello?” I hear him say “Hey babe” I say nervously, “What’s going on?”
“Oh hey,” he says casually, “Just playing that new game with my friends. Why, what’s up?”
“Are you still coming to get me?” I ask, trying not to sound too irritated.
“For what?” he asks, confused. I want to scream.
“Aren’t we going to Patrick's band practice tonight? To hang out with them?” I ask, too annoyed to mask my irritation any longer.
“Oh shit I forgot” he replies, “Can we go another time?”
“What! It's not a big deal is it?'' he asks , sounding annoyed himself
“You’ve already backed out of hanging out with him twice, and he invited us almost two months ago”
“I know, you’re right” He replies with a groan, “but I already invited my friends over to hang out for the night.”
“Well, what do you want me to do? Send them all home?”
“I mean…” I say slowly, trying to understand how he can be so dumb, “Kind of?”
“Okay I mean if you want I’ll cancel on them and send them home, tell them I'm hanging out with you”
“Well don't say that!” I exclaim.
“Why not? Isn't that what you want”
“It’s not MY fault YOU forgot about me Eric” I almost yell into the phone.
“Stop making such a big deal out of this!” he retorts, “I'll tell them okay, I'll be over in an hour to get you”
“Just forget it” I say angrily, “I’ll go myself. Have fun with your friends”
“Oh cool thanks babe”
I roll my eyes, hanging up the phone without another word. Guess I'm going to practice alone. I grimace, wondering if Patrick is gonna be offended.
Twenty minutes later I park next to the curb at Joe's house and hop out, walking down the path to the garage. I take a deep breath and walk in. The guys are mid song, so I plop on the couch and watch.
Patrick catches my eyes for a second and his eyebrows stitch together with concern. I shake my head and he looks away, concentrating on staring at the wall while he finishes singing. Less than a minute later the song ends and the boys drop their instruments, greeting me.
“Hey YN!” they say almost in unison.
“What’s up?” Joe says, sitting in the chair next to me and drinking some water.
“Not much just watching Chicago’s hottest new band” I say with a grin.
“Where’s your boy at?” Pete asks raising an eyebrow, “I thought he was coming”
“Oh” I say, avoiding Patrick looking at my for the response,” He had something come up he can’t make it”
“Something came up?” Patrick says doubtfully, “Really?”
“Yeah just some friend thing I guess” I say, picking at my thumb and trying not to meet anyone's eyes.
“So he just bailed?” Andy asks quietly.
“Yup, pretty much” I answered with a sigh. The guys all share a look.
Joe snorts, “Wow what a gentleman”
“Yeah that’s just shitty” Pete says, “I'm sorry to say it but he sounds like an ass”
“No he’s not, really” I say quickly, “And this was just a fluke, not like he does this all the time”
“Yeah” Patrick laughs humorlessly, “Just about every other week”
“Patrick” I say in shock, not expecting his angry tone.
“Sorry! But it’s true” he says meeting my eyes, “He does this to you all the time”
“I agree with Pete for once,” Joe says, “He sounds like an ass”
“Well that’s great but none of you really know him” I say defensively.
“We just think you deserve better,” Andy says with a small smile.
“Yeah, way better,” Pete says strongly.
“That’s great guys, I appreciate it” I say, irritated that this suddenly became an intervention, “but you guys hardly even know me”
“But I do” Patrick says
I look at him, daring him to say more
“And I know you deserve better” he says with more feeling than I was expecting. My mouth instantly goes dry.
“And seriously from everything Patrick has told us-” Pete starts to add an argument.
“Excuse me?” I say looking at Pete sharply, “From everything he’s told you?” I look at Patrick in question. He turns red, looking away, which answers my question.
“I’m sorry, is this what you guys do at practice?” I ask, standing up and crossing my arms, “Sit around and shit talk me and gossip about my relationship?”
“YN, Of course not” Patrick says
“Don’t even talk to me right now Patrick” I say angrily pointing in his direction. I feel the betrayal pass through my whole body.
“Hmm?” I ask, looking at the other guys, “ is that what you do?”
“YN Don't be mad at Patrick '' Pete says, “he’s just been worried about you. He doesn't think you're happy with your boyfriend”
“Weird then!” I yell, “How I haven't heard any of this from Patrick myself!”
“I-” Patrick interrupts but I cut him off.
“How many times?” I ask abruptly, looking at the other guys, “How often do you talk about this?”
“Just once or twice” Pete says, quiet for once.
“You’re lying,” I say immediately, turning to Joe. “You wanna answer that?’
“YN” he says tiredly, but I continue glaring at him, “Okay, we talk about it almost every practice. But it’s just because Patrick is worried”
I raise my eyebrows in shock. They talk about this every practice? The dread grows in my stomach and I feel the weight of the embarrassment and shame settle on me. Minutes, maybe hours of practice, dedicated to talking about Eric? About how stupid I am? I try to fight it but tears prick my eyes. I see the guys exchange looks, unsure of what to do. I look at Patrick, but he’s still staring at the ground, not meeting my eyes. That only makes me feel worse.
“Really cool of you Pat” I say voice cracking causing him to look up worriedly. I see his eyes crinkle as he sees my face. I take a deep breath, the room completely silent.
“I guess I’ll be going now” I say to him , grabbing my bag off the couch “wouldn't want to interrupt your precious time to talk about my relationship with everyone else except me”
I hear all the boys start to call after me and Patrick stumbles to his feet but I ignore them and rush out of the garage.
“YN wait!” Patrick yells, rushing out of the door.
He rushes out the door in a panic, knowing he needs to catch her before she gets in her car.
“YN!” he yells out “Please stop”
She stops in her tracks and slowly turns around. He starts to explain and then sees her face, streaking with tears.
“Oh no” he says, a pit falling in his stomach, “No no no you’re crying”
“Of course I'm crying Patrick!” She yells angrily wiping the tears from her cheeks, “Do you even realize how embarrassing this is for me?”
Patrick blanches at her words, only feeling worse and worse.
“I didn’t mean to embarrass you,” he pleads, “We’ve just been talking it’s not a big deal”
“Not a big deal?” She repeats walking closer to me, “You’ve been talking behind my back, for weeks, to guys who barely even know me”
“Because I was worried about you!”
“Then talk to me Patrick!” YN yells, “Not them!”
“You’ve clearly been thinking about my life and my relationship a whole fucking lot and yet when have you brought it up to me? Once? Months ago?” She crosses her arms and glares at him.
“I didn’t want to hurt your feelings” Patrick mutters, realizing immediately it’s a dumb explanation.
“Well you failed” she states bluntly turning, “big time”
“I'm sorry! Really I am” Patrick begs, grabbing her arm and turning her back, “I swear I haven’t been saying anything bad”
“What have you said?”
“What?” he asks confused
“If you're not saying anything bad, what have you been saying?”
“Oh” he answers nervously , “just that you seem unhappy with Eric, that he doesn't seem right for you”
“You don’t even know him!” “It’s not like I haven't tried!” He yells back, now irritated himself, “I’ve invited him to hang out a half dozen times and he never shows up! Because he never shows up for you”
“That’s not true,” she whispers.
“Yeah it is” he scoffs, “he doesn't care about what you care about. If it’s his thing, he’s there right on time, flowers in his hand. But when it’s your thing?” He stares at her, she avoids his eyes and stares at the grass under her feet, “he bails. Every time.”
“I just don’t understand why you didn't talk to me” she says, and Patrick sees tears pooling in her eyes. He kicks the ground angrily.
“Because… I didn’t know how to tell you without hurting you” “I never asked you to like him,” YN says looking back up at him, “Only to be honest with me.”
“I know,” He whispers, ashamed. YN takes a deep, steadying breath.
“When you dated Shelby in sophomore year- who was terrible by the way” she says, voice rising again, “I told you I didn’t like her, and that I didn’t think you were good together. And then I shut my mouth and let you live your own life!” “I know,” He repeats.
“I was honest, but I respected you, and her, that entire awful relationship” She says, looking at him stonily, “Why don’t you respect me like that?”
Patrick falls silent, hesitating, unsure how to answer.
“But I do” he says earnestly, grabbing her hand, “I swear I didn’t mean to hurt you, That’s the last thing I wanted.”
“Well like I said before'' she says dropping his hands and wiping her eyes, “you failed.'' She turns and walks over to her car and starts to get in. Patrick rushes over, trying to stop her. They’ve never fought like this before, and he’s not sure what will happen if he lets her go.
“Please don’t leave” he begs. “I just…. I need some time okay?” She says quietly, “Can you just give me some space”
Patrick looks at her, and sees the devastation in her eyes.
“Sure” he chokes out, “Whatever you need”
She nods, sliding into her car and driving away. He watches her until the car disappears around the corner. Patrick takes a heavy sigh, hating himself for letting this get so out of hand. He really hopes he didn’t just royally fuck everything up.
Patrick takes a few deep breaths, trying to calm down, and then heads back into the garage. The guys all give him looks of sympathy but he shakes his head, so they don’t say anything. Pete sits on the couch, furiously writing in his little notebook.
“What are you possibly writing right now?” Patrick asks tiredly, plopping down next to him.
“Our next song” he says excitedly, “And maybe the answer to all of your problems”
Patrick looks at him in curiosity, raising one eyebrow. He grins cheekily back, showing him the page in his notebook.
There are two quick lines scrawled on the page.
“Where is your boy tonight?
I hope he is a gentleman”
I hear the knock on my door and turn down my stereo, "Come in”
My mom slowly pushes the door open.
“Sweetie, Patrick’s at the door again” she says, a regretful look on her face.
“Oh my god” I groaned, flopping down on my bed, “That’s the third time today!”
“He seems desperate to talk to you”
“I told him to give me some space” I say, sitting up and looking at her pointedly.
“And it’s been almost 72 hours...that's a long time for you two” She says, crossing her arms and matching my expression.
“I just….” I hesitate “I'm not ready to talk about it yet”
“Honey I know you're upset,” she says, walking over and sitting on the bed. “But I think he really had your best interest at heart”
I snort, “Yeah, totally in my best interest to be humiliated in front of his friends!”
She looks at me, “And you have never once talked about Patrick with your other friends? Not even when he dated that one girl?”
“I mean, a couple times I guess….” I say reluctantly. She just raises her eyebrows. “But not every day! And not to people who barely knew him!”
“I know, but just put yourself in his shoes”
“I’ll try”
“Im serious YN, “ she says with a look, “And consider other reasons that Patrick may have been upset about your relationship”
Her pointed expression confuses me, “What do you mean?” I ask.
“Oh nothing,” she says with a sigh, standing up, “You want me to tell him you still don’t wanna talk?”
“Please” I ask. She nods, maybe a little sadly, but leaves the room anyway. I sigh and turn the radio back up, hoping this third turn away will finally deter Patrick.
I’m not that lucky. Within a couple minutes, I hear a tapping noise. I turn the radio down once more, groaning when I realize the tapping is on my window.
I take a deep breath and pull up my blinds. Crouching on the literal roof, right outside my window, is Patrick, red faced and breathing hard.
I raise my eyebrows and open the window, “I didn’t know you can still do that” I say, crossing my arms and fighting a smile..
“Yeah” he groans, sitting in my windowsill, “not as easy as it was when I was 12”
“Patrick, what are you doing up here?”
“Can we just talk please?” He puts on his best puppy dog eyes.
“I just wanted some time” I say, exasperated.
“Please YN” he begs, “can I just come in”
“Of course, I wouldn't want you falling off the roof,” I say with a laugh, offering him my hand and pulling him in.
“Thank god” he says, hopping down and onto the floor with an oomph.
I sit back on my bed, looking at him unexpectedly.
He looks around the room awkwardly, rubbing the back of his head.
“Well?” I say, throwing my arms up in frustration.
Patrick sighs, flinching slightly at my irritation, “ Look I’m sorry YN! You have no idea how totally, completely, and ridiculously sorry I am” he lets it all flow out dramatically, words coming out before I can process them. “I know I fucked up okay? But I swear to god I didn’t mean to hurt you, and I promise I never said a single bad thing about you! I know I crossed a line, I was just worried”
He nervously shuffles as he says all this, and then perches on the edge of my bed.
“No wait,'' he says, “ I know you’re still mad and of course you have the right to be, but I just can't hear it right now. I’ve been thinking about this nonstop for three days. I'm so petrified of losing you, and I just can’t. I know I crossed a line the other day. And again today because I came in here anyway, and I know that's not cool, but I couldn't stand the thought of you hating me for any longer” His eyes glisten with the last words.
“Patrick” I say, my heart breaks and the wall I had built up comes crumbling down “Of course i don't hate you, I could never hate you” I grab his hands and make him look me in the eyes
“That’s a relief” Patrick sighs “I thought-”
“I know,” I say, interrupting him. “I may have overreacted slightly. I was just….hurt”
“I know and I'm so so so sorry” he begs.
“I’m not happy about what you were saying But do you know the worst part?” I say, taking my hands back
“What?” he asks, but looks afraid of the answer.
“It just hurt so bad that you didn’t care enough to talk to me about it” I say, cursing the way the tears mist my eyes, “Knowing you could talk to your friends more easily about it than me, even though it's my life, and you're my best friend. And then you threw it all in my face at once” I hastily wiped the tear that fell down my cheek.
“No no no” Patrick says, face crumpling, He immediately pulls me into a tight, all encompassing hug. “You’re right I should've talked to you sooner”
He pulls back, grabbing my hand once more. “I talked to them about it because it was easier to do that, because I knew I wouldn’t hurt them or make them angry. I just needed a place to vent and I, I couldn’t do that with you. I'm sorry”
“It’s okay” I say with a small smile, ‘I understand that… but next time, if something like this ever happens again, just tell me first. I swear I won't be angry or upset. I want to know your opinion, I love you Patrick”
Something flashes across Patrick's eyes at my words, but he smiles back. “I love you too, you're my best friend in the world. Next time i’ll talk to you first”
“Promise” We pinky swear on it, and the tension almost immediately dissipates.
“Well thank god that's over” I crack a smile, “I missed you”
Patrick grins back, “I missed you too. And I have great news!”
“What?” I ask, intrigued.
“That first gig we had planned? It got moved up to this Friday!” Patrick says
“That’s amazing!” I say excitedly.
“I'm excited but also wildly nervous” Patrick says with a chuckle, cheeks blushing pink, “I was hoping you would come see it”
“Of course!” I say immediately. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world”
Patrick grins happily at the response, and then checks his watch.
“Oh shoot, I gotta run home for dinner” he says, standing up, “But we’re okay?” he asks anxiously.
“We’re great” I say, squeezing his hand and then reluctantly letting it go. He smiles at me and stands up, staring at me for just a second longer than I expected. His cheeks lightly turn pink again.
“Okay um, I'll get going then” he says, sounding nervous again. He turns towards the window.
“Patrick?” I say with a giggle.
“Yeah?” he says, turning back around.
“You’re free to use the front door this time”
“Right” he says with a laugh, moving towards my door, “good call”
“I'll call you tomorrow” I say as he opens the door.
“Goodnight YN” he says with a smile, and closes my door behind him.
“There's no way I can do this guys” Patrick says frantically, pacing around the tiny green room.
“Of course you can '' Pete says encouragingly.
“No I really can't” he says back, “I might actually pass out. Or vomit. Or both”
“It’s a small gig Patrick,” Joe reminds him, “Try to stay calm”
“Small gig for you guys!” Patrick snaps, “This is my first time singing in front of more than like 5 people at a time.
“And you'll crush it” Andy says, slapping him on the shoulder.
“And you’re sure there’s no other reason you're so anxious?” Pete says with raised eyebrows.
“Why, nothing else big is happening” Patrick says wringing his hands out, “Unless of course you’re referring to us closing our set with our new song that we wrote about how I’m wildly in love with my best friend and hope she chooses me over her boyfriend”
“Okay, so we're a little stressed about that,” Joe says with a chuckle.
“Not a time for jokes,” Patrick snaps.
“Listen” Pete says standing up, “ everything is going to be totally fine. You’re gonna do great, YN is gonna love the song, no matter what”
“You don’t know that” Patrick stammers.
“We all believe in you, in us” Joe says, “And I would bet money that YN has some feelings of her own.”
“No matter what, I guess I’ll know the truth after tonight” Patrick says, anxiously gnawing on my lip.
“Exactly! It’s a good thing - now let’s get out there and kill it”
I work my way through the crowd, impressed at how many people are here to see the band. Perks of having famous Pete Wentz in the band I suppose.
I rub the skin under my eyes, checking to make sure no makeup was running. After a few days of thought, and some not-so-deep conversations with Eric, we had decided to call it off.
After everything I realized that Patrick was right, even if Eric was fun and sweet and loving when it was just us two, I deserve someone who cares about the things I like and the people in my life. If my best friend had fought that hard to let me know he cared, my boyfriend should be willing to do the same. In reality, Eric did the bare minimum and i’m embarrassed it took me this long to realize. The breakup went pretty well, all things considering. I was much less upset about it than I thought I would be. It had definitely been a long time coming, but it’s still only been two days since it happened. I haven’t even brought myself to tell Patrick yet, afraid of him worrying about me when he should be focused on the show, and also just… nervous to tell him for some reason. So, when a sad song came on the radio on the way to the gig I couldn't help the tears that followed.
Luckily, there's a good enough crowd in here, and the music should start anytime now so I push the thoughts of Eric out of my head and focus on getting to the front of the stage. Time to focus on the band and lose myself in the music. I can’t wait to see the new song Patrick and Pete have been working so furiously on. Patrick refused to let me hear it until the show, so the anticipation has been killing me .
The lights over the crowd dim and I see the guys walk on the stage. I immediately start cheering and screaming, a few other friends around me following suit. Patrick sees me front and center when he stands in front of the microphone.He wears a leather jacket pulled over a band shirt and some skinny jeans. I find myself staring for a second as he reaches up, readjusting his hat and fixing his hair. He catches my eyes and immediately blushes bright red, looking above the crowd instead. He must be so nervous to sing. Pete grabs the mic, introducing the band and saying they're gonna be playing a short set with some covers, and a few original songs thrown in. They waste no time and get right into the music.
The crowd is having a blast, and I'm awed at how flawless they sound together, and as always i’m impressed at Patrick’s voice. I keep trying to catch his eyes again, but he stares resolutely above the crowd. I decide it must be a stage fright thing, so I focus on dancing and singing along instead. Pete introduces each song, tells funny stories about practicing or how the bands inspired them or blah blah blah before each song. He’s impressively good at interacting with the crowd, and I can tell the girls around me feel exactly the same way. Most of them can't drag their eyes away from him. After what feels like only a few minutes, the set is coming to a close.
“We’re about to wrap up here” Pete says into the microphone, “So we’re gonna end the show with a brand new original song that is very special - if you are all okay with that of course”
I scream and holler with the rest of the crowd. Pete looks to Patrick, as if to see if he’s ready. Patrick nods his head slightly, grabbing his own microphone and bringing it to his lips.
I raised my eyebrows in surprise - he hasn’t talked into the microphone a single time the whole show.
“H-hey everyone,'' he says nervously, cheeks pink as he looks at the crowd. “I’m Patrick”
I scream loudly, the rest of the crowd clapping and cheering too. Patrick blushes further.
“Y-you know one of the best things about making your own music is that you get to write about anything you want to” he explains nervously. I try to catch his eyes again, but now he seems to be avoiding the front of the crowd all together. “This is one of those songs that we wanted to write about something, or someone actually, really special to me”
I raise my eyebrows, curious as to what the song is about.
Patrick nervously cleared his throat “So um, yeah I just wanted to say that this person is really special to me, and I hope she likes it. Or at least, uh, doesn’t hate it, or me” He sticks the microphone back on the stand, and Pete claps him on the shoulder.
I stand in the crowd confused. What is happening? Patrick gets back in position and glances at me for just a fraction of a second, but it’s long enough to see the look in his eye. He looks nervous, avoiding my eyes again. The song’s about me? I grin at the thought. How cute of him to write their first song about me, if that is what happening. Butterflies flit in my stomach as I watch him.
I smile up at them, and Patrick nods at the guys, grabbing the microphone. The word starts immediately, before any instruments join.
“Where is your boy tonight?
I hope he is a gentleman
And maybe he won't find out what I know
You were the last good thing about this part of town”
I feel my jaw drop open as soon as Patrick starts the words. Holy fucking shit, this is not what I expected. My stomach drops out, and I come to a complete standstill, staring up at Patrick.
He avoids my eyes, staring out over the crowd again. Right after the first verse the instruments kick in, the song progressing so fast I barely have time to react.
I stare at Patrick in absolute confusion, trying to pick up every word of the lyrics. I'm conscious of both Pete and Joe looking at me several times, but I can’t bring myself to look away from Patrick.
When I wake up
I'm willing to take my chances on
The hope I forget that you hate him more than you notice
I wrote this for you, for you, so
At this point I don’t even know how to feel, but I feel my face growing redder and redder with every line. What is happening right now?
You need him, I could be him
My jaw practically hits the floor. Holy shit.
I could be an accident but I'm still tryin'
And that's more than I can say for him
I blush furiously, butterflies going crazy in my stomach, tears in my eyes. Is this really how Patrick feels?
Where is your boy tonight?
I hope he is a gentleman
And maybe he won't find out what I know
You were the last good thing about this part of town
I roll my eyes internally, fighting off the regret and embarrassment of knowing I dated someone for so long who apparently was notorious enough for ditching me, someone else wrote a literal song about it.
Someday I'll appreciate in value
Get off my ass and call you
The mean time, I'll sport my brand new fashion
Of waking up with pants on at four in the afternoon
I almost laugh, so absolutely dumbfounded I still don’t know how to react. Patrick glances down at me briefly, and I see the shine of his blue eyes, but it’s not long enough for me to catch his expression. He could be him? He could be an accident but he’s still trying? These lines ring through my head even as the band goes through the remaining choruses. The crowd goes crazy around me but I stand stock still, mind racing at a million miles per hour. This is why Patrick hated Eric so much? Why couldn't he talk to me about it? Because….he wanted to… be him? Wanted to be… with me?
As soon as I think about it, everything I know to be true crashes down around me. What does this mean? How long has he even felt like this?
I think back through every recent interaction we have, trying to figure out how I could’ve missed this. And trying to figure out how I feel about it. I can tell the song is winding down and I begin to panic, knowing this means I’ll have to face Patrick any second.
But he’s just my best friend right? I love him, but only as a friend. I say that in my mind, but suddenly I’m not so sure if that sentiment is right, if it’s ever even been right. If it was, I don't think my heart and stomach would be doing backflips in my torso in response to the song.
The song slows and Patrick sings the last line, finally looking down and catching my eyes
“You were the last good thing about this part of town”
The song fades off and ends, and I break Patricks stare. I vaguely hear Pete thank the crowd, probably mentioning their next gig, but at that moment I don’t care.
Suddenly I’m overwhelmed, overloaded with information I don't know how to handle, and stuck in a crowd with people I don't know, after my friend, my best friend of over 10 years, confessed his…. Love? For me.
I turn suddenly, shoving through the crowd, desperate to get out, to get away. I vaguely register the sound of my name being called, but I don’t care. I need air, I need space, I need…. To be away.
I shove my way through to the back of the room, roughly pushing the door open and throwing myself into the cool, empty alley behind me. I suck in breaths of fresh air and I hear my name again right before the door shuts. It sounds like Patrick. Is he coming after me? Do I want him to?
I wait with bated breath, staring at the door, waiting to see what comes through it.
It opens in seconds, but it’s just a couple girls pushing through and I let out my breath, feeling absolutely disappointed, not relieved. I realize I do want him to come after.
The girls giggle and talk, moving out of the door frame to walk down the alley. Behind them, framed perfectly in the door frame, is Patrick.
I gasp quietly, stomach immediately flipping out again. Patrick looks… stressed to say the least. He’s red, panting, staring at me with wide eyes as he steps out into the alley.
“YN” he says, stepping in front of me, eyes cast at the ground.
“H-hey” I say shakily, heart pounding so loud I wonder if he can hear it.
“Hi” he says back nervously, looking up at catching my eyes.
For a moment we just stare at each other, clearly both of us at a loss for words.
Patrick takes a deep sigh. “Listen, YN, I-”
“I broke up with Eric” I blurt out, totally interrupting him.
Patrick's eyebrows shoot up so high so fast they practically fly off his face “What?”
“I um,” I falter, stumbling over my words. Why am I so nervous? This is just Patrick. Patrick-who- might-be-in-love-with-me, but still Patrick, I take a deep steadying breath, “Just thought you should know, um, we broke up on Wednesday”
“Oh” Patrick says, eyes as wide as I’ve ever seen them. He clears his throat awkwardly “w-why did you do that?”
I let out a dry chuckle, “Well you may have realized, he gained a reputation for not ever showing up. It got so bad, one could even write a song about how he never shows up” I smile shyly at him.
Patrick’s face immediately blushed again, “Y-yeah wouldn’t that be crazy” he looks down at his shoes.
There’s silence again for a moment that feels infinite. I suddenly know exactly what I want him to say. Exactly what I want to say to him.
“I’m sorry” he says quietly, “i’m sorry you guys broke up”
“Are you?” I ask quietly. He looks up with a grim smile.
“Of course” he says earnestly, “I never wanted you to get hurt, I just-”
“You were jealous” I say, seeing in total clarity as I spoke the words. Suddenly Patricks words, actions, feelings about my relationship all made perfect sense. Not only did he think Eric was bad for me, he wanted to be better for me. I smile at the realization. This has been in front of me the whole time.
Patrick says nothing, staring down at his shoes.
“Patrick I-”
“You don’t have to say anything” He says suddenly, looking up at me with frantic eyes. “If you want, we can pretend it’s just a normal song, that this never happened. I don’t need an...an answer or anything. I just had to tell you in some way” He blushes yet again, words shaking as he says them.
“Patrick,” I say quietly, moving forward to stand right in front of him. He looks up into my eyes, “I loved the song”
“Y-you did?” Patrick says, a small, hopeful smile on his face.
“Yes” I say with a smile, the flood of emotions inside me is settling, and I can finally realize what i’m feeling. This was why I overreacted so much, I realize, I was defensive because I knew he was right but also because…. I knew the whole time. Everything I really wanted had been right by my side the whole time, “It was the best song I have ever heard, and the most romantic. kindest, sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me”
Patrick grins at me, still blushing, but his eyes are sparkling in a way I’ve never seen them before. “You deserve it,” he says with a smile.
The look in his eyes melts my insides and I’m wondering how I could’ve been so blind for so long. We stare at each other in silence for a moment, the only sound is the sound of our breathing mixing together. I become acutely aware of just how close we’re standing. My eyes flick down to his lips, and I see his eyes widen.
He slowly places his hand on the side of my face, thumb stroking over my cheek. My breath catches under the intensity of his stare. He moves towards me slowly, as though he’s giving me every chance to back away.
I don’t. I lean forward, pressing my lips to his and slipping a hand behind his neck. He kisses back immediately, his other hand snaking around my waist and pulling me into him. We kiss slowly at first, sweet and slow and innocent, just like Patrick. Patrick pulls back, looking me into the eyes intensely, as though waiting to see if I’ll bolt right then. I don’t.
I bite my lip and look at him. His eyes watch the movement, and that’s all the extra convincing he needs. He pulls me into his lips again, the arm around my waist tightening its grip to keep me close to him. We kiss hungrily, needily, sweet and passionate all at once. I melt into him, feeling more alive and awake than I ever have before. We pull away to catch our breath, foreheads leaning against one another.
“Patrick?” I say with a grin
“What?” he says, smiling at my impression.
“I think you’re going to have to write another song now”
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f0blove · 3 years
Favourite fall out boy songs?
OOH always the hardest questions… they change but right now I’d say top five are :
Don’t you know who I think I am?
Champagne for my real friends
The Phoenix
What a catch Donnie (this one has a permanent place in my top five!)
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f0blove · 3 years
I don't know if you will ever go back to this blog, but I just want to say that, you were the very first fob blogs I ever follow on here, and I still love your writing! Hope you are having a fantastic day/life :)
So happy to hear this, even when I only check this every once in a great while these days! Happy to have found a place to share my writing and stories with amazing people like to! Hope you're having a fantastic day and life too <3
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f0blove · 3 years
hey, are you still active on this account? i love your work, and i cant find newer posts, the last one i see is from 2018
If you couldn't tell by how long it took me to answer this.... I'm mostly inactive but I'll write every once in a while when the feeling hits!
0 notes
f0blove · 3 years
Welcome to the Dark Side
Part 3 to “The Dark Side Can Be Fun” series
Click to read Part 1 and Part 2 
Warnings: Contains Smut, and brief mentions of physical abuse, foster care, and alcohol
The sun filters in lazily through the blinds. Scarlett groans and rubs her eyes, sleepily smiling at the figure laying next to her. Slowly, blue eyes blink open to look at her.
“Good morning sleepy head” Scarlett says with a smile.
“Oh I'm so exhausted, what time is it?”
“Just past 9” Scarlett says with a laugh. “We gotta get going soon”
The conversation is interrupted by a loud knocking on the door. Scarlett groans and rolls her eyes, grabbing a robe off the couch to wrap over herself as she walks to the door. She opens it up and sees exactly who she was dreading - Patrick. And a disgruntled one by the looks of it. Pete stands behind him, looking very much like an unwilling accomplice
“You’re killing us” He says with a glare.
“Good morning to you too Pat” Scarlett says, crossing her arms and leaning against the wall.
“I'm serious Scarlett, we didn't get any sleep last night!” Patrick complains angrily.
“Hey neither did I” Scarlett says with a grin, Pete lets out a laugh, which he quickly chokes down at the sight of Patrick’s glare.
“I’m not joking” Patrick says, no hint of humor to be found.
Scarlett sighs, “Look I'm sorry okay! Was the music too loud again last night?”
“Yes but also your...screaming for lack of a better word” Patrick says. Pete laughs again, giving a knowing glance to Scarlett 
“We could hear everything through the wall...just like the last hotel night” he explains
“For the record, I wasn’t the one screaming” Scarlett says with a grin, raising her eyebrow. 
“That was probably me…. I’m so sorry about that!” Leslie yells, still in the bed.
Pete grins, “Hey, props to you” he says, high fiving Scarlett.
Patrick takes a deep breath, clearly fuming at the situation. “This is the third time either we or someone else has complained about you. Just keep quiet or we’re gonna start requesting rooms on different floors! I’m serious”
Scarlett drops her grin, “I’m sorry okay, I’ll keep it down, I swear. It wasn’t on purpose” she says seriously.
“Sure it’s not” Patrick says with an eye roll “Just stop with whatever it is you’re trying to prove. Consider it message received”
With that, he turns, quickly returning to his room down the hall. Pete opens his eyes widely and stares after him. After a second of shocked silence he lets out a slow whistle.
“So…. Now are you gonna tell me what’s going on there?” He says, pointing in the direction Patrick stormed off.
“Guess he just really needs some sleep” Scarlett laughs weakly, shitty feeling of regret already sinking in. She went too far and she knows it.
Pete gives her a clear look that says he doesn’t believe her for a second. “I’ll see you on the bus in an hour okay?” she says, avoiding any further conversation.
Pete nods slowly, looking defeated. He turns and walks down the hall. 
“Time for you to go love, I’ve got work in an hour” Scarlett says, turning to the girl still wrapped up in her bed. “And my coworkers are not very happy with me”
*Six Weeks Earlier*
Scarlett paces the room quietly, her bare feet hardly making a sound on the carpet. She chewed anxiously on her thumb, glancing over at the bed every few seconds. Patrick was still sleeping soundly, passed out after they had stayed up late the night before. Patrick’s confession and the following kiss had cracked open a door to a whole other side of their relationship. A door that Scarlett knew she had to shut again, before anything got worse, and before she hurt Patrick anymore than she had to.
Patrick groans on the bed, rolling over and stretching his arms out. 
“Hey” Scarlett says nervously, sitting on the edge of the bed
“Mornin’” Patrick says through a yawn. He looks up then, noticing Scarlet anxiously looking at him.
“Hey are you okay? Is something wrong?” Instantly the fatigue is gone from his eyes and he sits up straight, looking at her with concern.
“I’m okay, it's just… we need to talk” Scarlett says slowly.
“It’s about last night, and everything we talked about” She says, unable to meet his eyes.
“What is it?” Patrick says, nerves making his stomach clench.
“I just wanted to put it out there that … I’m still not ready for this...for us”
“What do you mean?” Patrick says, “last night you..”
“I know” Scarlett jumps in solemnly, “ and I meant everything that I said. Including the part about not being able to do this”
“Scarlett,” Patrick says sadly, “ If this is about dragging me down or whatever, I told you that’s not true. You make me better.” He begs her to believe it.
She smiles sadly, and the look in her eye is enough to twist the knife in Patrick’s gut.
“I know, and I did mean what I said. You’re amazing, and wonderful, but I’m just really not in a place to be in a committed, real relationship.”
“But I thought…”
“I know. And I'm so sorry but I didn’t want to lead. I didn’t want to hurt you” She chokes out.
Patrick lets out a single, humorless laugh. “And there’s nothing I can do to change your mind?”
Scarlett’s heart cracks at the question. “No, there’s not,” she whispers.
They both sit in silence for a minute.
“So what happens now?” Patrick finally asks.
“We don’t have to be over “ Scarlett says quickly, “ Let’s just go back to how we were before.”
“I can’t do that Scarlett '' Patrick says, throwing back the covers and rushing out of bed, “ I can’t go back to sleeping with you and acting like I don’t have the feelings I do! That’s not fair.”
“You’re right, it’s not” Scarlet replies, standing up in front of him. “And I'm sorry but I can’t give you more.”
Patrick shakes his head, putting both hands on top of his head. He’s angry, sad, confused. He takes in a few deep breaths to steady himself. 
“I’m sorry Patrick” Scarlett says, reaching over to squeeze his shoulder, but he steps out of reach. 
“So these are the only options?” Patrick says in disbelief “We either go back to friends with benefits, or we’re over?”
Scarlett nods, not wanting to speak and make anything worse, or show Patrick how much this was hurting her.
“Then I guess we’re over” Patrick says in defeat.
Scarlett nods, whispers another weak apology. Patrick walks over to his side of the bed, grabbing his jeans from the ground and quickly pulling them up. He gathers his glasses, phone and wallet from the side table.
He looks at Scarlett one more time, hoping that somehow this is all a mistake. 
She says nothing. Patrick turns around and walks out of the room.
*Present Tense*
Scarlett runs off stage, breathless and grinning. No matter what, the roar of the crowd and the rush of singing with the guys always made her feel better. They had kept the same routine, and Scarlett came out half way through the set to join Patrick in singing Just One Yesterday. It brought both of them pain to sing it to each other, the lyrics hitting too close to home, though neither would admit it. Scarlett simply joked on stage with Pete and interacted with the crowd. It wasn’t the same as it was, but it was still fun for her. If it had been up to Patrick, they probably would’ve cancelled the duet all together, but there was no way to do that without telling the guys, or the fans, why. So they had fallen into a new sort of routine. After the show, everyone would return to the bus, Scarlett and Patrick artfully avoiding each other as much as possible. If they were staying in town, they often either avoided going out at the same time, or going out at all. After a few weeks, with the pain dulled, they were on speaking terms again. At least they were for the most part, aside from the fights stemming from Scarlett’s not-so-nice behavior.
The guys come walking off stage a half hour later, panting and sweaty, but smiling. Scarlett grins and high fives all of them, happy to be back in some sort of normalcy after the morning’s fight and ensuing awkwardness.
“Alright guys we’re straight through to the next city so let’s hit the bus” Joe says fake-excitedly.
Scarlet lets out a dramatic groan “Woo-hoo” she says sarcastically.
“Aw what’s wrong” Joe teases, poking her in the ribs “Bummed you’re not gonna be able to get any tonight?” 
“Of course not! Maybe I’m just not excited to be sleeping so close to your stank!” Scarlett says wrinkling her nose at him.
“I am quite offended ma’am” he replies in mock outrage.
“Yeah, next time be nicer when you make fun of him!” Pete says laughing.
Joe laughs and shrugs, and the group moves on, making the way to the buses.
Several hours later, Scarlett is jostled awake from a bump on the road. She groans, sliding her feet out of the bunk and hopping down. She walks quietly down the small hallway to the main room. To her surprise, Patrick is there. He has headphones on, doing something on his computer and concentrating hard, despite the fact it was probably four in the morning. Scarlet rolls her eyes and smiles, wondering when exactly he sleeps if not in the middle of the night. She walks quietly over to the couch, trying not to make too much noise. She sits down on the couch on the opposite end, tucking her feet up under her. She waits a second, but Patrick is so absorbed in his screen he doesn't even notice. She smiles, noticing the way his eyebrows are stitched together in concentration. She laughs, leaning forward and waving her hand in front of him so he knows she’s there. He looks up with a start, pulling his headphones off his head.
“Oh sorry, didn’t see you” he says sheepishly.
“I noticed” she said, leaning back into the couch with a smile “What are you working on?”
“Some new material maybe… trying to throw some of Pete’s lines together into something coherent”
“Making progress?”
“Eh a little...what are you doing up so late?”
“Says the one working in the middle of the night” Scarlett says with a laugh.
Patrick just shrugs and smiles softly.
“The last bump we hit woke me up, I haven’t been sleeping great recently” she explains.
“Now that I relate to it, the bus gets to be too much sometimes ,” Patrick responds.
They fall silent, both of them wondering what to say, how to make the silence comfortable again.
“Listen I-, I want to apologize about this morning and last night” Scarlett says, clearing her throat, “I’ve been a dick recently”
Patrick laughs a little, “ I may have been a little harsh” he confesses, “It’s still hard for me, um, seeing you with someone else I mean” he blushes and looks away.
Scarlett takes a deep breath, steadying her voice “I know, and I’m sorry I really am.”
“It’s fine. Really,” Patrick says, “I get it.” He closes his laptop quickly.
“No, really I don’t mean anything by it, I swear” Scarlett says, desperation in her voice, “ i’m not trying to rub it in your face or anything like that. That’s the last thing I want”
Patrick nods slowly, obviously not completely believing her.
“Patrick I don't want to hurt you,” Scarlett says earnestly. “It was just... a distraction. It doesn’t mean anything”
Patrick lets out a laugh, “Of course it doesn’t. It never does for you, right?” he retorts bitterly.
“Ouch” she replies, stunned as tears prick her eyes. "I get it okay, I'll just leave you alone” 
“No wait-” Patrick grabs her wrist as she stands. “That was harsh, I'm sorry. Please stay” he whispers.
Scarlett sighs, sitting back down. “I just- I just want us to be okay. Fighting is exhausting, and I don’t want it to be like this”
“Me neither. "Patrick admits, “ we’ve just been punishing each other and annoying everyone else around us in the process ”
Scarlett lifts the corner of her mouth in a smile. “How about we try something new? Let’s just be friends”
“Hmmm...friends you say” Patrick ponders, putting a hand to his chin, “an interesting concept. What would this entail?”
Scarlett giggles but answers the question, “You and me, clean slate. No more snarky comments, no more sex, no more fighting, just us. Two people, friends, nothing more nothing less”
Patrick smiles, the first genuine smile directed towards Scarlett in weeks. “ I think that could work.”
Scarlett smiles back relieved. “In that case, I am heading to bed” she says, standing up and looking down at him, “see you tomorrow pal.”
“Goodnight bud” Patrick jokes.
By the time Scarlett is across the small room, Patrick has already opened his laptop back up and is back to work.
*Two Weeks Later*
Scarlett stumbles down the path, focusing on keeping her feet beneath her. Falling was the last thing she wanted to do, given the heeled boots she had worn that night. It’s possible trying to keep up with Joe at the club all night had been a bad decision. Her head had started spinning a little too much under the dancefloor lights, so she decided it was time to head back to the hotel. Andy had walked her to the hotel, also on his way to bed. It was in the hotel hallway that Scarlett realized she had never gotten her overnight bag out of the bus. So here she was, 3 o-clock in the morning, walking through the dark behind the hotel, by herself. She could see the bus in front of her. She was practically there when she heard it.
She whipped around, fear briefly flaring as she looked for the source of the noise. Just her luck to run into an obsessed fan at this hour.
“What are you doing out here?”
She breathed a sigh of relief when she made out the glasses and sweater in front of her.
“Trick! You’re here!” she says with a relieved giggle.
“I am” he says with a laugh, “Why so excited?”
“I missed you tonight,” she said grinning widely.
He grins, “I’m sorry I bailed on the night out. What are you doing out here?”
“My bag…” she says weakly pointing at the bus, “I left it” she stumbles a little over the curb.
“Woah” Patrick says, stifling a laugh as he walks quickly to her, “maybe time to take off these shoes yeah?”
“And what! Walk on this ground with just my feet?” Scarlett asks incredulously, “Now that would be gross Patrick”
He laughs in response, and gingerly grabs her elbow instead, “You’re right, let’s get to the bus and you can change into something else.”
Scarlett grins and continues forward. She reaches the door, but it doesn’t open when she pulls the handle.
“It’s locked,” she says dumbfounded.
“It’s always locked at night” Patrick says, “didn’t you get a key before you came all the way out here?”
Scarlett huffs, and crosses her arms turning to look at him. “Do I look like someone who had the foresight to remember a key?”
Patrick laughs and shakes his head. “Not particularly. I could go get it if you want?”
“Hmm not worth it” Scarlett decides immediately, “I don't need PJs anyway! I can always sleep naked” She waggles her eyebrows at him.
“Alright” patrick sighs, “let's get you inside”
“Wait wait wait” Scarlett begs, grabbing his hand to stop him from walking away, “I’m sorry I didn't mean that. I remember- no sexual innuendos here!”
“Uh huh” Patrick says dully.
“I'm sorry really - I'm trying I promise” Scarlett says, sobering up slightly “Can we stay out here a little bit longer? I don't want to go to bed yet” she pleads.
“And do what? It's dark and empty out here” Patrick says.
Scarlett grins and grabs his hand again “I have an idea!”
She pulls him along, steps a lot more confident now, to the back of the bus.
“Shh shh hold on!” she says, leaning against the bus to untie her boots. She struggles with the knot at the top of the second one.
“Here let me” Patrick kneels down, untying her boot and pulling it off her foot.
“Thanks” she replies, a soft smile on her lips, “now come on!”
She spins around, grabbing the ladder on the back of the bus.
“I don't think we're supposed to do that,” Patrick comments warily.
“Oh come on, I do this all the time, trust me!”
Scarlett disappears onto the top of the bus, so Patrick quickly follows. 
When he reaches the top of the bus, Scarlett is already laying down. She gestures at him to follow, so he lays down, looking up into the night sky.
“Isn't it pretty?” Scarlett says, in awe of the stars.
“It is yeah, you can actually see them”
“Yeah, in most of the cities there's too much light but sometimes, late at night in a dark area, you can just barely make them out”
Scarlett looks over at Patrick , seeing his eyes light up at the sky above them, she stares at his lips, pulled into a soft smile as he takes in the heavens.  Scarlett pulls her eyes away and starts talking.
“I always loved looking at the stars when I was a kid,” she explains, a peace settling over her. “Always a constant, no matter where I was or what was happening.”
There's a moment of silence between them.
Suddenly, Scarlett whips her head to the side “Hey! You know what I just realized”
“You never told me what you were doing out here. Waiting around in the dark in case a lost damsel needed some saving?”
Patrick laughs at her sudden observation. “No,” he laughs, “ I was actually on the phone with my parents. I thought it would be nice to get out of the hotel and walk around while I talked to them”
“Oh” Scarlett says quietly, looking back up at the stars.
“What?” Patrick turns on his side, confused by her change of tone.
“Nothing,” she says quickly, “How are they?”
“Oh they're good,” Patrick answers quickly, “but why’d you respond like that?”
“Nothing I just … I wish sometimes i had that kind of relationship with my parents, but it’s not a big deal”
Patrick turns quietly and looks back up at the sky. “I’ve never heard you talk about them before,” he says quietly.
“There’s not much to talk about. I haven’t seen my dad since i was 9 and i haven't talked to my mom in at least a decade”
Patrick looks over at her in surprise, but her eyes are glued on the sky.
‘What happened?”
“My dad wasn’t the nicest guy around” Scarlett says with a half hearted shrug, “he would push me and my mom around. Literally”
Patrick looks at her again, shocked he’s never heard of this before.
“He took it too far one night, left too many bruises for my teachers to ignore” she continued solemnly. “They called the police, one thing led to another. My dad should’ve been sent to jail, but my mom protected him with everything she had. Protected him from the cops, instead of protecting us from him”
“Oh my gosh…” Patrick says quietly.
“so, “ Scarlett says in a lighter tone, “ I was in foster care by the time I was 11, got tossed around to a couple different families. Ended up with a decent one for a few years, and set out on my own when I was 16”
“Wow Scarlett, I had no idea. I'm so sorry” Patrick says sadly, unable to stop himself from reaching out and grabbing her hand 
“It’s alright. I wouldn't change anything. As shitty as it was, at least it got to be who I am today.”
“I would take the pain if I could” Patrick says, squeezing her hand, “but I wouldn't want to change anything about you either” he adds quietly.
“Really?” Scarlett says, the words completely sobering her up as she meets his eyes in surprise.
“Not a single thing,” Patrick smiles.
“You really feel that way? Even after… everything?” she asks in disbelief, guilt at her actions coming back.
“Of course I do.” Patrick says seriously, “ even after everything”
“Thanks Patrick” Scarlett says with a smile, looking back up at the sky to hide the mist in her eyes.
Patrick smiles, and looks up at the stars, still holding her hand.
After ten minutes of comfortable silence, Scarlett sits up, and then stands.
“Come on Trick” she says smiling, holding out her hand to help him up. “Time to get back inside”
 After four long months on tour, Scarlett and the guys were beat. For the first time in a while they actually had time  off, and they were certainly gonna enjoy the night out. 
That’s how the group of five ended up in a crowded club, music pumping and people everywhere. Luckily Pete had pulled some strings, and they landed a private table with bottle service. 
“Finally, after months of being with you guys, I finally get the perks!” Scarlett says laughing, taking a swig of her drink,
“What our company isnt a perk enough?” Joe says wounded.
“Oh yeah totally” Scarlet says, giggling into her drink. 
“I am offended,” Joe says, “so I'm leaving, and I’m taking Patrick with me!” And with that he stands up, dragging an only slightly willing Patrick behind him until they reach the dancefloor.
The second they're gone, Pete and Andy turn to Scarlett.
“Are you ever gonna tell us what happened with you and Patrick?” Pete asks, raising an eyebrow.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about” she responds, avoiding andy's eyes.
“Really?” Andy says, “you have no idea”
“Not in the slightest” She takes another big swig, quickly refilling her glass.
“Kid, I say this with love,” Pete says seriously, “ But you're an utter moron if you think we haven’t noticed anything going on with you ”
“Like what?” she responds, avoiding both men’s looks
“Like you and Patrick going from sworn enemies, to friendly, to pissed and back again?” Andy says.
“Yeah I mean we thought you guys were just fucking but now we can’t keep up!”
“Pete!” Scarlett scolds, cheeks flushing.
“Am I wrong?”
“Not technically” Scarlet mumbles, staring down at the table. 
“Agh I knew it!” Pete explodes, “ I knew you guys were gonna end up fucking some day!”
“Seriously?” Scarlett asks, exasperated. 
“You have to tell me everything, now!” Pete says, “I’m talking allllll the details”
“And that's my cue to leave” Andy says, clearing his throat. “But I'm always here if you need anything.” He adds sincerely.
“Thanks” Scarlett says with a smile, watching as he leaves to join Joe and Patrick on the dance floor. She tries not to notice the group of girls dancing with them. 
Pete clears his throat “so…. Those details?”
“Ugh don’t be a perv” Scarlett grumbles
“Oh come on!” Pete whines, “I’ve been telling you for two years that you and Patrick would be great together”
“Well clearly we weren't,” Scarlett scoffs.
“Really? The sex was bad?” Pete looks astonished.
“No the sex was…. Kinda amazing actually” Scarlet says, eyes finding Patrick on the dance floor again.
“Ha I knew it! But then what was wrong?”
“He wanted more,” she said simply. “And I didn’t”
“But what actually happened?” pete asks, clearly still confused.
“Fine fine I’ll tell you everything, “ Scarlett gives in, actually relieved to finally be able to talk to Pete about it. The secrecy of it all had been grinding on her. “It all started at that after party last spring….”
“Wow” Pete said, eyes wide when she finished the story “I figured it out a while ago but I never guessed it happened that early...I assumed it started on tour”
“How’d you figure it out anyway?” 
“Seriously ?” Pete gave Scarlett a look. When she just shrugged he continued.
“Okay we’re all sitting, you joke about the time we hooked up, a minute later Patrick suddenly storms off , and then you two are just coincidentally in the tiny bathroom - together - less than an hour later”
“Ah. Right” Scarlett says, “Obvious I guess”
“Painfully so” Pete said, “but I was respecting your guys’ privacy”
“And now?”
“Now you guys are pinballing so fast I can’t keep up! One second you're fighting, the next you're cozying up, and then now Patrick’s pining for you across every room, and you're desperately trying to push him away!”
“Woah I am not!” Scarlett says angrily.
“Oh you just suddenly decided to start having loud obnoxious “sleepovers” “ he says with air quotes, “ in Patrick’s ear shot”
Scarlett crumpled a little, “okay I admit that wasn’t my best moment”
“You could say that! And I had to watch Patrick sulk around our room, all while wondering why you were trying so desperately to push him away.”
“Okay okay I get it! You’re so smart you know everything” Scarlett says, now irritated and defensive.
“I don’t” Pete says softly, “but I know Patrick and I know you, more than any other people on the planet”
“Your point?”
“I know whatever happened is bothering you. Both of you” Pete says earnestly, grabbing Scarlett's hands, “ And I think you were pushing him away so you wouldn’t get hurt”
“Patrick wanted more, I didn’t. It’s simple”
“Hardly” Pete says, “I think there’s more to it”
“Like I think there’s a reason you are both so miserable after you broke it off. Maybe you and Patrick ended it too early. Maybe you actually care about him?”
“It was just sex Pete” Scarlett says bluntly, “that’s all there was with me and Patrick.”
“What the fuck?”
Pete and Scarlett look over in surprise, to find Patrick glaring at them, a girl practically glued to his side.
“Patrick I-” Scarlett starts.
“What the fuck Scarlett?” Patrick repeats, “What happened to keeping our business to ourselves?”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to” Scarlett says desperately.
“Oh sure, “ Patrick spits out, “I'm sure it was one big accident. Not like you were dying to tell Pete the whole story. Maybe you’ve been talking behind my back this whole time”
“Patrick, come on man” Pete interjects.
“What? Oh I'm sorry am I interrupting your moment?” Patrick says, throwing his hands in the air, “Please go back to talking about how pathetic I am”
“Patrick, that's not what I was saying! At all!” Scarlet says, reaching out and grabbing his sleeve.
“I don’t even care anymore Scarlett” Patrick says, pulling his sleeve away.
“Patrick please!” Scarlett begs, sliding out of the table, “Please just talk to me”
“Why should I?” he responds, anger in his eyes. 
“You know what, you shouldn’t” Scarlett says, now angry as well “Just ignore me and go back to grinding up against every girl in here”
“Are you seriously pissed at me right now?” Patrick yells, “For what?”
“ For being an asshole!” she yells back. 
Suddenly, a bouncer appears between them, clearing his throat. “Im sorry guys, but you’re either going to have to break it up, or take it outside”
“Great look what you did now” Scarlett huffs.
“Are you really fucking blaming this on me? ” Patrick responds.
“Alright that’s it, outside you go” The bouncer is over it, pushing them both towards the back door that leads out into the alley.
“You’re really kicking us out?” Scarlett says in disbelief,
“No, but you gotta chill out before you can come inside. Figure your shit out and I’ll let you back in” The bouncer grumbles, clearly used to witnessing drama. He closes the door behind him, leaving Patrick and Scarlett in the alley, alone.
“Well that was embarrassing, thanks a lot” Scarlett says.
“Me? How is this my fault?” Patrick says.
“You were the one who started this!”
“You were the one telling everything to Pete, despite the fact you were pissed when I suggested telling him the truth months ago!”
“I didn’t tell him Patrick,” Scarlett says, “he guessed okay!”
“Fine, doesn’t change the fact that you’re the one who got pissed at me and started yelling!” Patrick says, crossing his arms.
“You were the one dancing with every fucking girl in there!” Scarlett fumes. “So?” Patrick says angrily, “News flash I’m allowed to dance with whoever I want!”
“Of course you are,” Scarlett says, taking a deep breath, “ Doesn’t mean I like watching you flirt with other girls okay?”
“But you don’t get to do that!” Patrick yells, frustrated. “ You ended this, not me. You rejected me! You don’t have the right to be like this”
“I know, okay!” Scarlet says, “ but I am”
“You didn’t want anything with me” 
“I get it!”
“So you don't get to turn around and act crazy jealous because I’m giving someone else attention!”
“I know that!” Scarlett yells throwing her hands in the air
“Then what is your problem?”
“You are!” Scarlett yells, frustrated beyond belief.
“Really?” Patrick replies angrily. “And how am I the problem?”
“Because no matter how hard I try I can’t get you out of my head!” Scarlett says frustrated,  “No matter what I do I can’t stop thinking about you” 
Patrick looks at her with wide eyes, all anger immediately melted away.
“So yeah, I was jealous” Scarlett says “ Cause I can’t stand seeing you with anyone else”
Her words shock both of them into silence. They stare at each other for a moment, breathing loudly. And then Patrick moves. It takes him two strides. Two strides to cross the distance between them, two seconds to pull Scarlett into a deep kiss.
She responds immediately, wrapping her hands around the back of Patrick’s head and kissing him back. At that moment, neither of them care, or even remember, that they are in the middle of an alleyway. They lose themselves in one another, in the way they’ve both been wanting to for months. Patrick walks Scarlett back, pressing her back into the cool brick wall as he kisses down her neck, kissing and sucking under her ear, along her neck, and over her collarbone. She groans, twisting her fingers in his hair and tugging lightly. He runs his hands down her sides, lightly digging into her hip bones before reaching down and squeezing her ass. She pulls away from the wall and he grips her thighs, pulling her up as she wraps around waist. He presses against the wall, his hips the only thing stopping her from sliding. They kiss intensely, like each of them was oxygen and they were taking their first breath. They get lost in kisses, touches, breaths and moans, completely unaware of the world around them. That is, until the bar door a few feet away from them slams open, banging against the wall and breaking them out of their little world. Two girls come out of the door, giggling at the sight of Patrick and Scarlett, pressed against the wall and flushed from the action. Scarlett giggles, pushing Patrick away slightly and resting her feet back on the ground. Patrick grows even redder, only causing Scarlett to giggle more.
“Maybe we got a little carried away” She whispers, smoothing down the front of Patrick's shirt. 
“Maybe we should take this back to the hotel?” He responds in a hopeful whisper.
She grins, “Definitely”
Patrick disengages from her, grabbing her hand and pulling them down the alley and onto the street. 
“So glad we picked the club close to the hotel” Patrick murmurs, walking quickly across the sidewalk. Scarlett laughs and agrees, and they both walk as fast as they can. They make it into the lobby, crossing quickly across and into an elevator. Patrick’s completely prepared to grab Scarlett and pull her into him again, but they open the door to a half full elevator. Patrick grins at Scarlett's sigh of annoyance, but they step in, smiling politely at the other guests, and press their floor. Scarlett wraps her arm around Patrick’s back, slipping her hand into his back pocket. After what seems like hours, they make it to their floor. Patrick wastes no time, speeding down the hallway and unlocking the door to his hotel room, thankful that they had decided to splurge on private rooms for their last night. The second the door closes behind her, Scarlett turns and kisses Patrick. He grips on to her needily and they immediately walk backwards towards the bed. Their movements and touches and noises are a mixture of booze, lust, and joy. Scarlett groans in approval when Patrick practically throws her on the bed, crawling over her. She runs her hands down his back, quickly yanking at his shirt, so he stops and pulls it over his head. Scarlett wiggles out from under him, pulling up the hem of her dress. Patrick grins at her, reaching down and pulling the silky fabric up and over her head, grinning even wider when he sees there’s no bra underneath.
“Fuck” he whispers gazing down at her. She laughs, reaching forward and pulling his belt open. He scoots off the bed, yanking down his pants and boxers before kicking them off and immediately returning to her. He kisses down her chest, squeezing and teasing her breasts. She moans, digging her nails into his back. His movements send goosebumps down her spine and she lets out another moan.
“Fuck you sound incredible” Patrick mumbles, coming back up and attacking her mouth. She grips the back of his head and rolls them over, sitting on top of him. She grinds her hips down into his and he groans. Scarlett kisses down his neck and chest, desperately trying to return the attention he’d given. Patrick groans under her, fingers digging into her thighs as she moves on top of him, driving him crazy. After another few seconds he can’t take it and he flips them again, fingers hooking into her panties and yanking them down. 
“Patrick I need you” She says, looking into his eyes, and the words are enough to nearly finish anything before it started. 
He groans, bending his head down and kissing her roughly on the lips before pulling away and positioning himself between her legs. She bites down on her bottom lip as he teases her entrance, and then fills her completely. She gasps at the sensation, pulling Patrick back down, burying her face in his neck. As he moves back and forth their moans match each other. Patrick reaches in between them, rubbing fast but accurate circles, pushing Scarlett over the edge. 
“You’re so beautiful baby” Patrick groans, watching her face and Scarlett trembles at the words, chasing her finish.
“Fuck Patrick’ she gasps, “ you feel so good”
Patrick groans, “I-I’m getting close”
The words push her to the edge and she races into her orgasm, pulling Patrick into his. They shudder together and Patrick collapses on top of her, both of them breathing hard.
“Holy shit” Scarlett murmurs after a moment of silence, slowly rubbing Patrick's back, tracing small circles and lines between his shoulders.
Patrick hums at the sensation, “Yeah that was…” he stops for a moment, contemplating, “incredible”
He takes a deep breath and lifts himself up, gingerly untangling them, and rolls over to lay on his back, pulling Scarlett into his chest. 
“Couldn’t have said it better myself” Scarlett says with a smile, curling into Patrick’s side and letting out a big yawn. 
Patrick smiles down at her, pressing a soft kiss to her head. “Let’s get some sleep, okay?”
“Mmkay” Scarlett replies, already drifting away. 
They fall asleep almost immediately, wrapped up together, too tired to even get under the covers. 
The next morning the sun shines in through the window, only half blocked by the curtains. Scarlett opens her eyes, and she’s facing the wall of the hotel room, opposite of the way she had fallen asleep. She hesitates for a second, too scared to turn around and find an empty bed. She takes a deep breath and rolls over anyway  
Blue eyes find hers immediately.
“Hey” Patrick smiles softly, “Good morning”
“Good morning” Scarlett says relieved, slowly moving over and laying next to him. He smiles and wraps his arm around her tightly, stroking her arm. 
“How’d you sleep?” he asks curiously. 
“Like the dead” she responds, “You?”
“Surprised I'm even awake right now” he laughs. 
‘So….” Scarlett says, absentmindedly running her finger along his chest.
“So” Patrick responds, amused.
“I think we-”
“Wait, wait” Patrick says anxiously, interrupting her. He pulls his arm away and sits up, and watches as she sits up as well. “Let me go first”
“Please” he pleads.
She nods her head. “I just want to apologize for everything” he says quickly, anxiously picking at his thumb.
She starts to protect but he shakes his head, continuing.
“I know that things have been crazy between us, and I hate it. But I also know that I really screwed up.” He takes a deep breath, “I wanted more than sex, more than you wanted. And then when you tried to be honest and tell me what you wanted, I was angry and defensive. I punished you for not feeling what I felt, and that isn’t fair.” 
“Patrick,” Scarlett says quietly.
“I just want you to know that i’m sorry” Patrick says earnestly, grabbing her hands in his, “I tried to push you into something you didn’t want and I had no right” 
“Wait,” Patrick says, “ but what I really want to say is that that’s okay. If you don’t feel the way about me that I feel about you,  that’s okay. I’m not gonna keep trying to convince you to change. But no matter what, you should know I’m in this with you. Friends, friends with benefits, open relationship, I'm in it no matter what”
“Really?” Scarlett says with surprise, raising her eyebrows.
“Yeah really,” Patrick smiles, “Because it doesn’t matter how, I just want to be with you. I’m absolutely crazy about you Scarlett. And no matter what I do, no matter what i try, I just cant get you out of my-”
He’s cut off my Scarlett pressing her lips against his slowly, softly placing her hand behind his head. She melts into that kiss, all insecurities, worries, and fears dissolving as they hold onto each other.
“I’m crazy about you too Patrick” she whispers, smiling at him as they pull away.
“Really?” Patrick says, eyes pooling with hope.
“Of course,” Scarlett says, “How could I not be?”
Patrick smiles pulling her in for another kiss.
“And i’m so sorry too” She says sadly, “ All the shitty things I did and said, I know I can’t take any of it back but I wish I could. You didn’t deserve any of that. I was worried and scared and Instead of talking to you more about it I just pushed you away. Because usually that's the easiest thing to do”
Patrick smiles sadly at her, reaching up and tucking some hair behind her ear.
“But no matter what you were always inside my head” she says with a smile, “and I don’t want that to change. So i'm in it too, for you, with you, all the way”
Patrick grins, “I am so unbelievably happy to hear that” he breathes a sigh of relief, kissing her again.
“I do just have one request, if that’s okay?” Scarlett asks softly, grabbing Patrick's hand in hers. 
“What is it?” Patrick says, trying not to dread the answer.
“Can we keep us, this, private?” she asks.
“Oh” Patrick says, trying not to sound disappointed.
“Not a secret,” she says quickly, “but private. We can tell the guys and our friends and everything of course. But let’s keep this away from the fans and the media. At least for a little bit?”
“ I am more than happy to do that,” Patrick says with a grin.
“Thank you,” she says, squeezing his hands.
“Like I said, I’m in this, no matter what” Patrick responds, 
“We’re in this, no matter what” Scarlett repeats with a grin, “Promise?”
“I promise.”
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f0blove · 3 years
Updated 4/2021
Fall Out Boy Imagines Masterlist
Patrick Stump :
Patrick is Home
Airport With Patrick Stump: Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4  , Part 5
Meeting Patrick in Chicago
Patrick, the Savior
A New Year’s Kiss 
Happy Birthday Patrick!
Patrick, My Not-So-Fake Boyfriend
Patrick, Are You Jealous?
A Bad Day
A Winter Storm with Patrick Stump
Cosmic Bowling w/ Patrick
“You’re gonna be okay, I promise”
A Campfire, A Guitar, and A Diamond Ring
Miss Managing You 
Everyone is Afraid of Something
“I’ll Never Let You Go” 
The Singer and the Assistant
The Eyes of A Demon
A Wonderful Little Surprise 
The Dark Side can be Fun ( Smut ) |  The Dark Side and Secrets
Mad At Nothing
Victoria Secret Fashion Show
One Night At a Party 
Punk Goes Pop
The Ferris Wheel Proposal
Taking a Chance (Patrick Stump)
People Will Surprise You
I’ve Fallen for My Best Friend
One of the Guys
The Talent-less Daughter (Dad! Patrick)
You Don’t Know My Heart, the Way You Know My Face
So Sick
Everyone Has Bad Days
A Lesson in Confidence
Around the Campfire
Butt I Didn’t Do It On Purpose
How to Make Boys-Next-Door out of Assholes
Bang the Doldrums
Don’t Come Home
Finalists and Flirting
Moving Pictures | Part 2
A Rebellious Streak (Dad! Patrick)
All the Things I Love About You
The Horror (or lack thereof)
A Bloody Situation
First Date Jitters
Finalists and Flirting Part 2
I’m A Nervous Wreck
Birthday Surprise (Smut)
Don’t Stand So Close to Me (Smut)
What Happens After Class (Smut)
Stay In School, Kids (Dad!Patrick)
Kisses on the Necks of “Best Friends”
I Wanna Scream I Love You
Period Pain (Dad! Patrick Stump)
Progress Report: Missing You to Death
Good God I Wish I Wasn’t Tall
Perfect (Feat. TOP)
Thank God for Pikachu (smut)
I’m Half Doomed and You’re Semi Sweet
It’s You and Me, Kid (Dad!Patrick Stump)
I Love the Beach (Smut)
Keep You Like An Oath
Pete Wentz:
“I Want All of You” ( Smut )
Day Care with Pete Wentz 
“I’m worried about you”  
“Thanks, Dad”  (Dad!Pete)
Dress Shopping and a Batman Onesie   (Dad!Pete)
“You’re a Wentz, and That Means You’re a Fighter”   (Dad!Pete)
“It Always Gets Better Eventually” (Dad!Pete)
“You Make It Better”
The Weight of the World (Dad!Pete)
A Brief, Perfect Moment in Time
The Paparazzi (Dad!Pete)
A Punny Coming Out Story (Dad! Pete)
A Perfect Fit
Meeting the Girlfriend ( Dad!Pete)
The Children Are Our Future | Part 2- This Family is Our Future
The Problem with Emotions
Dirty Dancing(smut)
I Think I Might Like This (Smut)
A Little More “Touch Me”
Plus Size
Pistachio Milkshakes
We’re Only Liars…
Joe Trohman:
“Jealousy isn’t a good look on you, Joe”
The Scavenger Hunt
After the Accident
Finally Back Home (Dad!Joe)
Dream Come True
A Day to Celebrate
Disney Disaster
Metamorphosis (Dad! Joe)
Love Isn’t Finite
Andy Hurley:
Lazy Day with Andy
A Baby Boy with Long Eyelashes
Better Off As Lovers
A Baby Girl
Make a Move (smut)
Together ( Dad!Andy)
Luke & Leia (Dad!Andy)
Daddy’s Girl (Dad!Andy)
Everything We Ever Hoped For
Fall Out Boy ( 2+ members or whole band )
“Thanks, Dad” Part 2  (Dad!Pete)
An Interesting Game of Twister  (Patrick feat. Pete Wentz)
Impromptu Dance Party w/ Patrick and Pete
The Southern Accent (Patrick feat. Pete)
Whipped (Patrick feat. FOB)
It Pays to Have Great Friends
Falling at the Fair  | Part 2
Teenage Shenanigans 
If Three’s a Crowd… (Smut)
566 notes · View notes
f0blove · 3 years
Keep You Like An Oath (Patrick Stump)
I turn the knob, not bothering to knock, and shove the door open with my shoulder.
“You will NEVER guess what happened to-oh” I pause as I see only Andy and Joe sitting on the couch. “Hey guys. Sorry I thought Patrick would be home”
I grin at them and plop my bag down on the floor, kicking the door shut behind me. “No worries, YN” Joe says with a laugh “what’s up”
“Just a rough day at school” I say with an eye roll, glancing around the room.
“Sorry to hear that” he replies, “and Patrick is home, just grabbing something out of the bathroom I think”
“Oh perfect, thanks!” I say, perking up. I cross the room quickly, not hesitating before swinging the door of the connecting bathroom open. 
“Wait not-” I hear as it opens, but it’s too late.
“Oh god!” I say, greeted with a full view of fully naked Pete, towel drying his hair. I shut the door before Pete has a chance to respond.
“Yeah not that bathroom….sorry” Joe says, him and Andy laughing behind me.
“Little late to tell me that now don’t you think” I say with a glare in his direction. 
Pete comes out of the door, towel now wrapped around his waist. “We really need some boundaries in this house” he says with a mocking grin.
“My bad, thought you were Patrick” I say sheepishly.
“Oh trying to catch a naked glimpse of him instead?” pete responds, waggling his eyebrows.
“Of course not” I say, grabbing a pillow off the couch and chucking it in his direction. “Now go put some clothes on”
Pete laughs but listens, turning to walk down the hallway into his room.
“You really set me up for failure” I say, dropping down onto the couch near the boys.
“Or success… depends on how you see it,” Andy says with a grin.
“Then definitely failure” i quip back, “but anyway, what are you guys up to?” They delve into an explanation of whatever video game they had just started, and pete walks back into the room, appropriately clothed. 
“Sorry to end the show, but I thought I should get dressed,” he says with a wink, sitting down on the couch across from us.
“Ugh I am never going to live this down am I?” I say in despair.
“Live what down?” Patrick says, coming down the stairs and nodding in my direction.
“Patrick finally! I have so much to tell you!” I say happily, standing up.
“Hey don’t change the subject, what embarrassing thing did you do today?” Patrick asks, grinning at me.
“ Walked in on Pete, completely naked” Joe fills in immediately. 
“Still dripping from my shower, might I add” Pete chimes in.
“ Not much for boundaries today huh?” Patrick asks with a laugh, poking me in the sides playfully. I feel the heat rise in my cheeks.
“It really is not a big deal! Let’s just move on...please?” I ask.
“Aw come on, but it's so fun to tease! And double whammy- embarrassing for you and Pete” Joe laughs.
“Oh seriously, it’s not like it’s anything I haven’t seen before” I say quickly, not realizing.
“YN what the hell” Pete says immediately, glancing at Patrick.
“What does that mean?” Patrick says, confusedly looking in my direction, “have you seen Pete naked before?”
My eyes widen with realization, and I see Pete shaking his head in my direction. “Oh, you know. Just in past accidents, just like this one” i say feebly.
Patrick stares at me for a second. “You’re saying you’ve accidentally seen Pete completely naked….more than once?”
“Mm hmm” I say, glancing at the ground and trying to ignore Pete’s burning gaze.
Patrick looks between Pete and I, staring at me until I meet his eyes. 
“You’re totally lying right now” He says, shock in his voice
“Am not” I say
“Definitely are too” Patrick says, walking over and staring directly at me. “What gives?”
I open my mouth, dreading everys second.
“YN don't,” Pete says in a warning tone. 
Patrick turns to stare at him and confusion, before glancing at Andy and Joe who are watching, entertained, before turning back to look at me. I stare at the floor, unsure of how to get out of this situation.
“Oh my god will someone just say what’s going on” Patrick says in exasperation. 
“Patrick,” I say calmly, “it’s not that big of  a deal” I glance at Pete, who’s staring at me with intensity.
“Then just say it, what’s with all this secrecy?” Patrick says, throwing his hands up in the air.
“Fine, fine” I give in, “Pete and I slept together. No big deal”
“You what?” Patrick exclaims, immediately glaring at Pete.
“Trick, seriously, no big deal” Pete says, holding his hands up in surrender.
“No big deal??” Patrick says, almost yelling, crossing the room in seconds to where Pete is standing. “Are you fucking kidding me?” He jabs Pete in the chest, turning back to glare at me.
“Patrick calm down, what the hell!” I say, shocked. I can’t remember the last time I saw Patrick so angry, let alone at me.
“The one person Pete! The one fucking person!” Patrick's yelling now. “I told you to leave her alone! She’s my best friend. What happened to off limits?” he shoves Pete in the chest.
“Woah woah woah” I yell, crossing the room and inserting myself between the two boys, both glaring at each other.
“You need to calm down dude, this doesn’t need to be a thing” Pete says, anger growing in his voice.
“What don’t you understand about off limits?” Patrick says, no longer yelling, but a voice full of anger. I can practically see his eyes flashing.
“Okay okay, sit down! Both of you!” I yell this time, and both boys snap out of it, looking at me. With one more huff, Patrick backs off and sits on the couch.
“Okay, I appreciate the protectiveness and the care, Pat, I do” I say to Patrick, pissed off. “But in no way is it okay that you told them I was “Off limits” I say with finger quotes.
“I just-” Patrick starts, looking guilty.
“No, I'm yelling now!” I say, angrily. “I know you want to protect me, but you have absolutely zero right to dictate what I do with my body, and you have no right to decide for me who I interact with!”
Patrick looks down in shame, ears turning red.
“I’m a grown ass woman, and I am perfectly capable of making my own decisions, I don't need you telling me what to do. That doesn’t make you protective, it  just makes you an ass”
Patrick blanches, but nods. “You’re absolutely right, I’m sorry YN”
“You should be! If i want to sleep with all of them I will, because that’s my choice, NOT yours’ I say with a pointed glare. I pause, looking around at the other guys. “To make it clear I don’t want that, just making a point” Joe and Pete chuckle.
Patrick glares at Pete quickly but looks back at me. “Im sorry YN you’re right, I just didn’t want you to get hurt”
“Well I appreciate that but i’m fine. It was a drunken fling, it happened months ago, and I’m fine. Pete’s just another guy”
“Hey!” Pete interjects. I glared at him with a this-isn't-helping stare. He looks away.
“Wait, this happened months ago?” Patrick says quietly.
“Yeah” I say, “back in the summer. After I broke up with Brian”
“So…. almost six months ago” Patrick says, hurt in his eyes. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because we thought you’d react like this!” I say exasperatedly.
“So you all knew?” Patrick says, looking around at the guys. They nod, albeit looking ashamed.
“Cool. really cool guys” Patrick says, irritated.
“I’m sorry Patrick” I say.
“I'm sorry too man, we just didn’t want you to freak out over nothing '' Pete says, putting a hand on Patrick’s shoulder.
“Over nothing?” Patrick responds angrily, staring at Pete before looking up at me, betrayal clear in his eyes. “Right”
He shrugs Pete's hand off his shoulder, standing up from the couch. He brushes past me, not even looking at me when I say his name. He marches angrily down the hallway, and I hear the back door open, and then slam.
“Well that went well” I said dryly. “ We should've just told him earlier” I cross my arms over my chest.
“That wouldn’t have helped,” Pete says. “He still would’ve been pissed”
“I don’t get what his problem is. I know he’s protective and we tell each other everything but that… what the hell was that?”
“It’s pretty obviously why he’s upset,” Pete says, looking at me and raising his eyebrows.
“What do you mean?” I ask, confused.
“You really don’t know, do you?” Pete says sympathetically. “Why he would be so upset you slept with me?”
“Know what?” I say, completely lost.
Pete gives me a half smile, shaking his head. “Just go talk to him. You guys will work it out, like you always do” The guys all give each other a glance, leaving me feeling like I'm missing out on insider knowledge.
“Okay…whatever ” I say suspiciously, heading down the hallway. I push open the door to the back porch and walk out.
Patrick is sitting on the steps, staring down at his hands and picking at a rock in his hand. I plop down next to him, playfully jostling him with my knee.
He sighs “What do you want YN”
“Pat seriously? Why are you so mad about this?” I say 
“I’m not mad, I just…” he trails off. He chucks the rock into the yard.
“Is this all really because I slept with one of your friends? I really didn’t think it would be such a big deal”
“It’s not that, I’m sorry I overreacted. It’s just…” he trails off again, standing and rubbing his hands on his legs. “Nothing, let’s forget it”
I grab his hand to stop him from walking away. “Patrick, please, sit back down”
He does, looking over at me.
“What is it?”
He shakes his head.
“Come on it’s me, you know you can tell me anything. What’s bothering you?” I squeeze his arm..
He gives a heavy sigh, like a weight is lifting off his shoulders. “ You’ve just always been my best friend, on my side. Long before you met Pete”
“So I thought you were the one person that I would never have to worry about.” he says it quietly, and I still don’t follow.
“What do you mean?”
“I thought you were the one person that would never pick him over me.” he says it, and I feel my heart break in half at the sound of it.
“Patrick…” I say, trying to get him to look at me.
“Nevermind YN, it’s not a big deal. I just wish you would have told me, that’s all” he responds, slowly getting to his feet.
“No Patrick, don’t” I say, standing and grabbing his arm. “It’s not like that. I didn’t choose him over you. In fact I would never choose anyone over you”
He looks at me now, but I can tell he doesn’t believe me. “Then why wouldn’t you just tell me?”
“I don’t know… I didn’t want you to think that Pete was anything more than a friend to me, because that’s all he is. A friend.”
“If you want more than that, I won’t hold you back” he practically whispers, turning to move away.
“Patrick, stop trying to walk away from this! From me!” I say, pulling his arm back. 
“It’s fine YN, you’re right, I have no right to tell you what to do. And it was wrong of me to treat you like I should have a say”
“That’s true, and I appreciate you apologizing,” I say sincerely. “But there;s something you should know”
“You didn’t sleep with my brother too did you?”
I gasp, looking up in shock, until I catch the smile on his face and the twinkle in his eye.
“Shut up I’m trying to be serious” I scold, although secretly relieved to hear humor back in his voice.
“I’m sorry. Seriously, I overreacted, let’s just move on” Patrick says, reaching out and squeezing my arm.
“But Patrick I really need you to believe me when I say this” I take a deep breath. He looks at me, but I can’t read the expression in his eyes.
“I would never choose anyone over you. You’re my best friend. My person. And I love you”
Patrick smiles at me “I know. I love you too. Come on, let’s go back inside.”
He tries to pull me along but I don’t move, and he looks at me for a moment in confusion. 
“Patrick…”  I say quietly.
“What is it?”
“I don’t mean I love you as a friend, I mean I do but…” I trail off for a second. I see Patrick’s eyes widen, and I know there’s no going back.
“Patrick,” I say, taking a deep breath, “ I mean, I would never choose anyone over you, because i’m in love with you”
I see Patrick’s eyes widen, and his eyebrows raise, but for a second he says nothing and I feel like the floor is falling out underneath my feet and my heart is in free fall.
Then he smiles, and his hand comes up to the side of my face. “Really?” he asks in a whisper.
I nod, smiling in return. 
His face breaks out into a grin, and the hand on the side of my face slips around my neck and pulls my lips into his. His other hand wraps around my waist, bringing me in close as I slide my hand to the back of his head and kiss him like I’ve always wanted to. 
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f0blove · 6 years
i’m not sure if you’re doing request but i have been ready a bunch of your stuff and it’s amazing. honestly so so good. but anyways, i was wonder if you could do one where you’re part of the band and idk maybe start getting hate and you like start to get really sad and maybe start crying. then the boys comfort you... i really don’t know. but again love your work 🖤
“You’re not reading those stupid comments again are you?” Pete asks, slamming down on the couch next to you
“Comments? What comments?” you ask, hurriedly switching from Instagram to candy crush. 
“The comments you’ve been obsessing about for a week? Since our first show with you officially in the band? You know... the bad ones”
“No Pete I don’t look at those anymore. I’m taking your advice and avoiding the bad press completely” You respond, trying not to look away and reveal that you’re lying through your teeth. 
“okay... if you say so” he says, raising his eyebrows
“Seriously, everything's fine” you say smiling and standing up, “Now if you don’t mind, I have a show to get ready for”
*Later that night*
You lie in your bunk, the only sound the bump and hum of the bus as it races across the highway. You scroll through the comments on your latest post : the picture of you and the boys in front of the crowd at the end of the concert.
You see some good ones, sure, but right now they don’t matter. The ones that catch your focus are definitely negative.
“It’s called Fall out BOY for a reason”
“Go back to where you came from”
“Didn’t realize they would let that street trash into the band just because she could carry a note... sometimes”
“LOL i wonder if she realizes how much she’s bringing down the band”
You scroll and scroll, but the more you read, the more pop up, you’re caught in an endless loop of hate. 
You try to be quiet as the tears start streaming down your face, trying to keep your shame a secret. Its getting harder to breathe through the tears now, and you can’t help the sound of your gasps for air. Before you can worry if anyone hears you, the bus pulls to a stop. Your confusion stops your tears momentarily, and you peek out from behind the curtain.
“Get up sleepy head, it’s dinner time” You hear Joe say to you through the curtain.
“Okay” you croak out, and you hear Joe stop in his tracks. Two seconds past and he pulls back the curtain, revealing him and Andy standing with worried faces. 
“Whats wrong?” they ask at the same time
“Nothing” you say, quickly wiping your face, “Just homesick”
Joe and Andy share a look, and immediately Andy reached down, pulls you out of your bunk, and throws you over his shoulder.
“Andy stop!” you scream, gripping to the material of his shirt in fear, “Put me down”
“Nope, sorry. Its time for an intervention” Joe says, walking ahead of the two of you and opening the door. You glare at him, but there’s nothing you can do to stop it, so you hang quietly while Andy walks you into the random highway diner and plops you down in a booth.
“What in the world...” Patrick says, “Are you okay?”
“I’ve been better”
“Someone was obsessing over hate and crying again” Joe says, “ She needed to be stopped”
“Oh please you don’t understand, just leave me alone” you say
“Hey, we all understand. We’ve been through it and we still go through it!” Pete says, “Just stay with us”
“Do you wanna talk about it?” Patrick asks.
“Sure, um, everyone hates me, they think my voice is shit, that i’m bringing down the band, and that i’m ruining everything that has been fall out boy for a decade.... so, you know, everything's fine”
“None of that stuff means anything, haven't you seen all the positive comments?” Joe says
“Yeah I guess”
“No matter what you do, or when you do it, there will be people that hate you” Pete responds.
“Gee, thanks”
“That came out bad, what he meant is that their are always going to be people whoa re jealous and angry towards you, but it doesn't matter” Patrick says
“Because there’s always going to be twice or three times or even ten times as many people who love and care for you” Pete says with a knowing look.
“The point is to focus on the good, not the bad” Joe adds.”We have amazing, wonderful, sweet fans, and those are the ones that matter, and the ones that will love you as much as we do.
“And remember that we love you, and you love you, and that’s all that really matters” Andy says, reaching over and squeezing your hand.
“You guys are pretty great” you say, smiling at all of them.
“Thanks, and so are you” Patrick says sweetly.
“Now can we please eat?” Joe asks. 
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f0blove · 6 years
My Brothers Best Friend (Andy Hurley)
Based of the Request: Hi can you do an imagine where the reader is joes younger sister and has a one night stand with Andy so smut first but then she finds out she’s pregnant and they get together and all the fluff @writingourwildestemodreams
“What are you doing here?” Andy asks as soon as the door opens. “Wow I was expecting a little warmer of a welcome but okay” she says, pushing her way past Andy into the apartment.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that” Andy says with a sigh, rubbing his forehead. “I meant that you shouldn’t be here” “Why not? I come here all the time”
“Come on (y/n), that was before…” “Before what?” (y/n) says angrily, “before we made out and then you left me alone in the middle of a parking lot?”
“Yes, before that” Andy says meekly. “That’s it? No apology or explanation? Not even gonna try?”
“I told you (y/n), we can’t do this. You’re Joes little sister I can’t” “ so what?” (Y/n) spits out, “that doesn’t make me any less of a person does it?”
“Of course not! But…” “But what?” She demands, putting her hands on her hips expectantly.
“But I can’t see you as anything but the kid that grew up with us, and how much Joe would kill me if he knew I ever touched you let alone did other stuff” Andy explains, Sounding defeated.
“So all you can see me as is his little sister?” Y/n asks quietly. “Yes, y/n I’m sorry, I wish… I wish it was different” “It can be different” (y/n) says slowly, an idea growing in her mind. “What do you mean?” Andy asks, confused as y/n’s face changes from a frown to a smile.“You just have to see me as something else” she says lowly.
“I don’t understand” “You have to see me in a different way” she says walking slowly closer to him with a smile “I don’t get what yo-“ Andy stops mid sentence as (y/n) reaches up and undoes a button on her shirt, and then another, and then another. “(Y/n) stop, what are you doing?” Andy stutters, actively trying to avoid the skin that was now exposed on her chest.
“I’m not some little kid anymore, I’m a woman, Andy” (y/n) says with a suggestive smile, “you just have to see that”(Y/n) unbuttons a few more buttons slowly, and then the loose shirt falls from her shoulders and hits the floor. Andy looks pointedly at the wall to his left, but it’s hard to avoid the sound of her zipper being pulled down.
���Come On baby don’t you wanna see me? Just for a second?” (Y/n) asks, desperately not trying to sound desperate or stupid.“I can’t (y/n), please stop” Andy says, as her pants fall and hit the floor.
“I don’t want you to do anything you don’t want to do Andy, I just want you to see me as a person, as a woman, not as your friends untouchable little sister.” (Y/n) says sincerely, her stomach sinking as he continues to look away.“I can’t” Andy repeats in a broken voice. “Andy please, I like you. I like you a lot, just look at me please” (y/n) begs, her voice cracking. Andy take a deep breath and lets it out, slowly turning to look at (y/n). He stops and stares, mind temporarily numbed at the way her black lace bra and panties cling to her. He sighs heavily, reaching forward and taking her hands.“(Y/n) you are insanely beautiful and out of this world sexy, but I just can’t”
“ Andy please,” Y/n says shakily, “ if you don’t like me Becuase of me, that’s okay I understand. But if you’re only holding back because of Joe than stop! Please!” Andy hesitates, unsure of what to do. He wants nothing more than to kiss every inch of (y/n)s body but still he holds back.
“Okay” (y/n) says, eyes glistening with the threat of tears, “I guess I’ll go” She turns, bending down quickly to pick up her clothes.
“Wait” Andy says as she moves to redress.
“What?” She asks, sounding defeated.
“I-“ Andy stutters, “I think-“ And then he stopped talking all together. In three quick strides he closed the distance between the two of them, pulling her into his arms and kissing her like his life depended on it. (Y/n) melts in his arms, hers going up to grab the back of his head and kiss back strongly.
They pull back, breathing heavily. “I’m sorry I just didn’t want-“ Andy rushes to explain. “I don’t care just kiss me” (y/n) cuts him off. And he does, kissing her strongly on the mouth, breaking away to continue down her neck, across her collar bone, down her shoulder. His hands graze her back and her sides, pulling her as close as possible.
(Y/n) groans and grabs his shoulders, breathing heavily and tilting her head back. Andy grabs her legs, pulling her up easily and wrapping her legs around him. He walks them out of the main room and into his bedroom, laying (y/n) on the bed as he continues to kiss her. She pulls his face back up to hers, kissing him strongly as she wraps her legs around him again, pulling him close and groaning and he rubs against her. Andy pulls her up and unhooks her bra, throwing it off the bed. “You are crazy sexy right now” he groans. “Prove it” (y/n) challenges. Andy smiles and kisses her neck again, cupping her breasts and softly rolling her nipples between his fingers as he continues to thrust against her. (Y/n moans, grabbing the sheet under her briefly. Andy groans at the sight, and leans back pulling his shirt over his head and tossing it to the ground. (Y/n) runs her hands down his chest, feeling his stomach and sides, pulling at his back to try and get him even closer.
“Can the pants come off too?” She asks breathlessly. Andy let’s out a laugh, “they most definitely can” He moves back and off the bed, pulling His pants and boxers down and kicking them off his feet, watching as (y/n) does the same with her panties. She bites her lip as she looks up at him, grabbing his hand and pulling him back on top of her. “Please Andy I want you so bad” she moans as he thrusts up against her, Andy groans and kisses her fiercely, before lining himself up and pushing into her. They moan in unison and Andy moves faster, thrusting and kissing with all his energy. (Y/n) runs her hands over his shoulders and back, pulling away from the kiss to suck on his neck and kiss his ears. Andy begins letting out breathless little moans, and reaches one hand down, quickly rubbing her clit in circles, desperately trying to let her finish first.
She lets out a choking moan “I’m so close”
“Me too baby girl” Andy responds. (Y/n) gasps and lets go, pleasure rushing through her body and making her squirm, at the sight and feeling of it, Andy finishes too, and they collapse in a heap of desire and pleasure. “Oh my god” (y/n) gasps, “that was even better than I imagined.”
“Yeah, me too” Andy says, rolling off of her and laying on his back, catching his breath, “ you’re amazing” “You’re not bad yourself” (y/n) says wth a chuckle, rolling to cuddle up to the side of his chest. Andy smiles, pulling her close and resting his head on hers. “I guess we make a good team” he laughs.
“Yeah we do” y/n responds sleepily, eyes dropping as she begins to fall asleep.
Andy smiles, adjusting himself around her and closing his eyes as well.
The next morning
“yo Andy, are you here?” Joes voice booms through the apartment and the door swingns open.
In the bedroom, Andy and (Y/n) jump out of bed.
“Shit” (y/n) says shocked, “What is he doing here?”
“Dammit I forgot he was coming today” Andy says frantically, “gimme one minute bro!” He yells out to joe. “Bad thing to forget” she says sarcastically
“Okay just stay here, wait until we leave, and then you can leave after that” “Seriously?”
“What?” Andy asks confused. “You want me to hide in your room until you guys leave and then sneak out?”
“Yeah…” (Y/n) looks at him in irritation. “Wow, Okay. Go ahead then.” “Are you mad?” He asks confused. “No of course not. We fucked and now you want me to hide so joe doesn’t know. This is just about the sex I get it” “(Y/n) that’s not what I me-“ “Andy hurry up! We need to be at the studio in ten!” “No youre right, this was a mistake. You should go” y/n says angrily, internally yelling at herself for thinking it was more than a one night type of thing. “(Y/n)” Andy says sadly, as Joe bangs on the door.
“I’m sorry” he whispers, pulling on his shirt and pants, “I’ll call you later”
“ don’t bother” (y/n) says bitterly, turning away from him. Andy between her and the door. When the doorknob starts to jiggle he mars a choice and leaves the room “Sorry I took so long man” he says to joe, slipping out and closing the door.
“No problem! Anything else you need to take care of or can we leave?” Andy looks at the door, “let’s go”
1 month later - (y/n)’s apartment
“Okay okay this is fine” (y/n) says, talking to herself quietly as she walks into the bathroom. “I’m only a couple days late that’s no big deal”
She takes a deep breath, and begins opening the test “I’m taking a pregnancy test that I bought myself at a drugstore at 2 am, no big deal”
She takes the test, and immediately begins pacing in her tiny apartment bathroom. “It’s probably nothing, it’s probably nothing” she repeats for as long as she can wait.
Finally she stops, takes a deep breath and looks down at the test.
“Well shit” she says.
Andy’s apartment, early the next day.
“Am I a stalker if I call her again?” He wonders out loud.“How many times have you called her?” His friend asks.“Once to twice a day for the last month”“Does she ever answer?” “Nope, not once” Andy says“Yeah that usually means she doesn’t want to talk” he says with a laugh.“Yeah you’re probably right.” Andy agrees solemnly, “but I’ll try just one more time”His friend laughs but he takes out his phone anyway, calling (y/n). To his surprise, she answers in the third ring.
“Andy, I’m glad you called” She says sounding worn out, “Y-you are? That’s greats (y/n) I’ve been trying to talk to you for weeks” “ I know Andy but I didn’t want to talk” she says “ you made me hide in the dark Because you couldn’t bear the thought of Joe knowing about us” “I know (y/n), I let you down and I know that was wrong I wanna just-“
“Listen it doesn’t matter right now. Are you free tonight? We need to talk” “Free, yes yes I am of course! Do you wanna come over at 6?”
“Sure, ill see ya then Andy” she said, and then hung up. Andy closed the phone grinning, “ I’m seeing her tonight” “I’m impressed man, didn’t expect that” his friend responded.
“Yeah, me neither”
Later that night
“Hey (y/n) how are you?” Andy says, pulling open the door right after she knocks.
“I’m okay” she says with a small smile
“Listen I know we left off on a really bad foot but I’m really glad you came over tonight I’ve been wanting to talk to you every day since”
“Andy I-“ (y/n) sighs and rubs her temples, “I’m here Becuase I need to tell you something”
“Okay let me go first” Andy says.
“No I-“ she tries to interrupt.
“Please just listen” Andy begs,
“Okay” she says, sitting on the couch. Andy follows her and takes a deep breath before beginning to talk. “(Y/N) I know that I mistreated you. I treated you like some random one night stand that I didn’t want joe to know about Becuase I was embarrassed, but that’s not it. You’re more than that- we should be more than that. I was trying to be respectful of Joe because he’s my friend but (y/n), the truth is is that I’m in love with you. And I have been for years”
“You- you are?” (Y/n) says in disbelief.
“Yes yes I am, so so much and I tried to hide it but the truth is, I don’t care what Joe thinks. I love you and I want you with me, forever”
“You mean it?” Y/n asks with tears in her eyes.
“I really do” Andy says, grabbing her hands.
“Andy I- I love you too” (y/n) says with a grin.
Andy let’s out a breath of relief and pulls her close, softly kissing her lips.
“I promise to never hide you again. We can tell joe right now if you want, but maybe we should leave out the sex part”
(Y/n) let out a dry laugh, “we’re not gonna be able to hide that part for long”
“What? What do you mean?” Andy asks in confusion. “I came over here to tell you, um” she starts nervously “You can tell me anything” Andy says sweetly.
“Okay um, im actually,um” y/n stutters and then takes a deep slow breath. “Andy, I’m pregnant”
“What? Oh my god!” Andy says standing up.
“I’m sorry, I was between birth controls thats night and I was supposed to be safe but I guess I wasn’t and I didn’t think we needed a condom and-“
“Woah woah woah, slow down (y/n), you don’t need to apologize” Andy says, stroking her cheek lovingly.
“I don’t?” She asks
“No I’m not mad, I’m so so happy” “Really?” (Y/n) asks in disbelief.
“Of course I am! I have been your friend for years and I’ve finally realized that I’ve been loving you this whole time, and now I hear this? This is a dream come true!” “You’re serious?” She says with tears falling from her cheeks, grinning.
“I’ve always wanted a family and there is no one else in the world I would rather start one with than you” “I love you” she whispers in awe.
“I love you too (Y/N)”
Tag List: @imke-vd @deltablue202 @thepatricktreestump p @memyselfandwifi @jigglypuff1999 @emoxxtrash @everybodywantsapete @the-doctor010​
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f0blove · 6 years
My Brothers Best Friend (Andy Hurley)
Based of the Request: Hi can you do an imagine where the reader is joes younger sister and has a one night stand with Andy so smut first but then she finds out she's pregnant and they get together and all the fluff @writingourwildestemodreams
“What are you doing here?” Andy asks as soon as the door opens. “Wow I was expecting a little warmer of a welcome but okay” she says, pushing her way past Andy into the apartment.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that” Andy says with a sigh, rubbing his forehead. “I meant that you shouldn’t be here” “Why not? I come here all the time”
“Come on (y/n), that was before…” “Before what?” (y/n) says angrily, “before we made out and then you left me alone in the middle of a parking lot?”
“Yes, before that” Andy says meekly. “That’s it? No apology or explanation? Not even gonna try?”
“I told you (y/n), we can’t do this. You’re Joes little sister I can’t” “ so what?” (Y/n) spits out, “that doesn’t make me any less of a person does it?”
“Of course not! But…” “But what?” She demands, putting her hands on her hips expectantly.
“But I can’t see you as anything but the kid that grew up with us, and how much Joe would kill me if he knew I ever touched you let alone did other stuff” Andy explains, Sounding defeated.
“So all you can see me as is his little sister?” Y/n asks quietly. “Yes, y/n I’m sorry, I wish… I wish it was different” “It can be different” (y/n) says slowly, an idea growing in her mind. “What do you mean?” Andy asks, confused as y/n’s face changes from a frown to a smile.“You just have to see me as something else” she says lowly.
“I don’t understand” “You have to see me in a different way” she says walking slowly closer to him with a smile “I don’t get what yo-“ Andy stops mid sentence as (y/n) reaches up and undoes a button on her shirt, and then another, and then another. “(Y/n) stop, what are you doing?” Andy stutters, actively trying to avoid the skin that was now exposed on her chest.
“I’m not some little kid anymore, I’m a woman, Andy” (y/n) says with a suggestive smile, “you just have to see that”(Y/n) unbuttons a few more buttons slowly, and then the loose shirt falls from her shoulders and hits the floor. Andy looks pointedly at the wall to his left, but it’s hard to avoid the sound of her zipper being pulled down.
“Come On baby don’t you wanna see me? Just for a second?” (Y/n) asks, desperately not trying to sound desperate or stupid.“I can’t (y/n), please stop” Andy says, as her pants fall and hit the floor.
“I don’t want you to do anything you don’t want to do Andy, I just want you to see me as a person, as a woman, not as your friends untouchable little sister.” (Y/n) says sincerely, her stomach sinking as he continues to look away.“I can’t” Andy repeats in a broken voice. “Andy please, I like you. I like you a lot, just look at me please” (y/n) begs, her voice cracking. Andy take a deep breath and lets it out, slowly turning to look at (y/n). He stops and stares, mind temporarily numbed at the way her black lace bra and panties cling to her. He sighs heavily, reaching forward and taking her hands.“(Y/n) you are insanely beautiful and out of this world sexy, but I just can’t”
“ Andy please,” Y/n says shakily, “ if you don’t like me Becuase of me, that’s okay I understand. But if you’re only holding back because of Joe than stop! Please!” Andy hesitates, unsure of what to do. He wants nothing more than to kiss every inch of (y/n)s body but still he holds back.
“Okay” (y/n) says, eyes glistening with the threat of tears, “I guess I’ll go” She turns, bending down quickly to pick up her clothes.
“Wait” Andy says as she moves to redress.
“What?” She asks, sounding defeated.
“I-“ Andy stutters, “I think-“ And then he stopped talking all together. In three quick strides he closed the distance between the two of them, pulling her into his arms and kissing her like his life depended on it. (Y/n) melts in his arms, hers going up to grab the back of his head and kiss back strongly.
They pull back, breathing heavily. “I’m sorry I just didn’t want-“ Andy rushes to explain. “I don’t care just kiss me” (y/n) cuts him off. And he does, kissing her strongly on the mouth, breaking away to continue down her neck, across her collar bone, down her shoulder. His hands graze her back and her sides, pulling her as close as possible.
(Y/n) groans and grabs his shoulders, breathing heavily and tilting her head back. Andy grabs her legs, pulling her up easily and wrapping her legs around him. He walks them out of the main room and into his bedroom, laying (y/n) on the bed as he continues to kiss her. She pulls his face back up to hers, kissing him strongly as she wraps her legs around him again, pulling him close and groaning and he rubs against her. Andy pulls her up and unhooks her bra, throwing it off the bed. “You are crazy sexy right now” he groans. “Prove it” (y/n) challenges. Andy smiles and kisses her neck again, cupping her breasts and softly rolling her nipples between his fingers as he continues to thrust against her. (Y/n moans, grabbing the sheet under her briefly. Andy groans at the sight, and leans back pulling his shirt over his head and tossing it to the ground. (Y/n) runs her hands down his chest, feeling his stomach and sides, pulling at his back to try and get him even closer.
“Can the pants come off too?” She asks breathlessly. Andy let’s out a laugh, “they most definitely can” He moves back and off the bed, pulling His pants and boxers down and kicking them off his feet, watching as (y/n) does the same with her panties. She bites her lip as she looks up at him, grabbing his hand and pulling him back on top of her. “Please Andy I want you so bad” she moans as he thrusts up against her, Andy groans and kisses her fiercely, before lining himself up and pushing into her. They moan in unison and Andy moves faster, thrusting and kissing with all his energy. (Y/n) runs her hands over his shoulders and back, pulling away from the kiss to suck on his neck and kiss his ears. Andy begins letting out breathless little moans, and reaches one hand down, quickly rubbing her clit in circles, desperately trying to let her finish first.
She lets out a choking moan “I’m so close”
“Me too baby girl” Andy responds. (Y/n) gasps and lets go, pleasure rushing through her body and making her squirm, at the sight and feeling of it, Andy finishes too, and they collapse in a heap of desire and pleasure. “Oh my god” (y/n) gasps, “that was even better than I imagined.”
“Yeah, me too” Andy says, rolling off of her and laying on his back, catching his breath, “ you’re amazing” “You’re not bad yourself” (y/n) says wth a chuckle, rolling to cuddle up to the side of his chest. Andy smiles, pulling her close and resting his head on hers. “I guess we make a good team” he laughs.
“Yeah we do” y/n responds sleepily, eyes dropping as she begins to fall asleep.
Andy smiles, adjusting himself around her and closing his eyes as well.
The next morning
“yo Andy, are you here?” Joes voice booms through the apartment and the door swingns open.
In the bedroom, Andy and (Y/n) jump out of bed.
“Shit” (y/n) says shocked, “What is he doing here?”
“Dammit I forgot he was coming today” Andy says frantically, “gimme one minute bro!” He yells out to joe. “Bad thing to forget” she says sarcastically
“Okay just stay here, wait until we leave, and then you can leave after that” “Seriously?”
“What?” Andy asks confused. “You want me to hide in your room until you guys leave and then sneak out?”
“Yeah…” (Y/n) looks at him in irritation. “Wow, Okay. Go ahead then.” “Are you mad?” He asks confused. “No of course not. We fucked and now you want me to hide so joe doesn’t know. This is just about the sex I get it” “(Y/n) that’s not what I me-“ “Andy hurry up! We need to be at the studio in ten!” “No youre right, this was a mistake. You should go” y/n says angrily, internally yelling at herself for thinking it was more than a one night type of thing. “(Y/n)” Andy says sadly, as Joe bangs on the door.
“I’m sorry” he whispers, pulling on his shirt and pants, “I’ll call you later”
“ don’t bother” (y/n) says bitterly, turning away from him. Andy between her and the door. When the doorknob starts to jiggle he mars a choice and leaves the room “Sorry I took so long man” he says to joe, slipping out and closing the door.
“No problem! Anything else you need to take care of or can we leave?” Andy looks at the door, “let’s go”
1 month later - (y/n)’s apartment
“Okay okay this is fine” (y/n) says, talking to herself quietly as she walks into the bathroom. “I’m only a couple days late that’s no big deal”
She takes a deep breath, and begins opening the test “I’m taking a pregnancy test that I bought myself at a drugstore at 2 am, no big deal”
She takes the test, and immediately begins pacing in her tiny apartment bathroom. “It’s probably nothing, it’s probably nothing” she repeats for as long as she can wait.
Finally she stops, takes a deep breath and looks down at the test.
“Well shit” she says.
Andy’s apartment, early the next day.
“Am I a stalker if I call her again?” He wonders out loud.“How many times have you called her?” His friend asks.“Once to twice a day for the last month”“Does she ever answer?” “Nope, not once” Andy says“Yeah that usually means she doesn’t want to talk” he says with a laugh.“Yeah you’re probably right.” Andy agrees solemnly, “but I’ll try just one more time”His friend laughs but he takes out his phone anyway, calling (y/n). To his surprise, she answers in the third ring.
“Andy, I’m glad you called” She says sounding worn out, “Y-you are? That’s greats (y/n) I’ve been trying to talk to you for weeks” “ I know Andy but I didn’t want to talk” she says “ you made me hide in the dark Because you couldn’t bear the thought of Joe knowing about us” “I know (y/n), I let you down and I know that was wrong I wanna just-“
“Listen it doesn’t matter right now. Are you free tonight? We need to talk” “Free, yes yes I am of course! Do you wanna come over at 6?”
“Sure, ill see ya then Andy” she said, and then hung up. Andy closed the phone grinning, “ I’m seeing her tonight” “I’m impressed man, didn’t expect that” his friend responded.
“Yeah, me neither”
Later that night
“Hey (y/n) how are you?” Andy says, pulling open the door right after she knocks.
“I’m okay” she says with a small smile
“Listen I know we left off on a really bad foot but I’m really glad you came over tonight I’ve been wanting to talk to you every day since”
“Andy I-“ (y/n) sighs and rubs her temples, “I’m here Becuase I need to tell you something”
“Okay let me go first” Andy says.
“No I-“ she tries to interrupt.
“Please just listen” Andy begs,
“Okay” she says, sitting on the couch. Andy follows her and takes a deep breath before beginning to talk. “(Y/N) I know that I mistreated you. I treated you like some random one night stand that I didn’t want joe to know about Becuase I was embarrassed, but that’s not it. You’re more than that- we should be more than that. I was trying to be respectful of Joe because he’s my friend but (y/n), the truth is is that I’m in love with you. And I have been for years”
“You- you are?” (Y/n) says in disbelief.
“Yes yes I am, so so much and I tried to hide it but the truth is, I don’t care what Joe thinks. I love you and I want you with me, forever”
“You mean it?” Y/n asks with tears in her eyes.
“I really do” Andy says, grabbing her hands.
“Andy I- I love you too” (y/n) says with a grin.
Andy let’s out a breath of relief and pulls her close, softly kissing her lips.
“I promise to never hide you again. We can tell joe right now if you want, but maybe we should leave out the sex part”
(Y/n) let out a dry laugh, “we’re not gonna be able to hide that part for long”
“What? What do you mean?” Andy asks in confusion. “I came over here to tell you, um” she starts nervously “You can tell me anything” Andy says sweetly.
“Okay um, im actually,um” y/n stutters and then takes a deep slow breath. “Andy, I’m pregnant”
“What? Oh my god!” Andy says standing up.
“I’m sorry, I was between birth controls thats night and I was supposed to be safe but I guess I wasn’t and I didn’t think we needed a condom and-“
“Woah woah woah, slow down (y/n), you don’t need to apologize” Andy says, stroking her cheek lovingly.
“I don’t?” She asks
“No I’m not mad, I’m so so happy” “Really?” (Y/n) asks in disbelief.
“Of course I am! I have been your friend for years and I’ve finally realized that I’ve been loving you this whole time, and now I hear this? This is a dream come true!” “You’re serious?” She says with tears falling from her cheeks, grinning.
“I’ve always wanted a family and there is no one else in the world I would rather start one with than you” “I love you” she whispers in awe.
“I love you too (Y/N)”
Tag List: @imke-vd @deltablue202 @thepatricktreestump p @memyselfandwifi @jigglypuff1999 @emoxxtrash @everybodywantsapete @the-doctor010​
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f0blove · 6 years
Oh My God, your stories are the best!
Yay I’m glad you like them 💕 you’re so sweet thank you
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f0blove · 6 years
Omg I'm so glad you're back !!! I missed your stories a lot 💞. Hope everything is fine now
Aw thank you!! Everything is good, thanks for reading! 💕💕
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f0blove · 6 years
Plus Size (Pete Wentz)
Based off the request for a plus size imagine featuring Pete
“You’re sure you don’t want to look at anything?” Pete asks again, pulling another shirt off the rack and adding it to his heaping pile in the cart.
“No I’m okay” you respond, rubbing your arms and following him down the aisle.
“How come we never shop for you?” He asks, looking at you quizzically.
“We shop for me” you say, picking a shirt up and showing it to him.
“I think I have that already” he says, and you place it back. “We shop for you but never for clothes”
“Weird I never thought about it before” you reply, casually picking up two more shirts “how about these?”
“They’re fine, stop evading”
“I’m not evading!” You exclaim, before picking up a pair of jeans “these are cool”
“Babe stop it, those aren’t even cool” Pete says with a groan. He takes the jeans from you and stuffs them back on the rack. “What’s going on you’re being weird”
“I’m really not” you try and say convincingly.
Pete stops and stares at you, slowly raising an eyebrow. “I shop for clothes all the time and you come with me, yet we’ve never looked at clothes for you?”
“And that’s weird (Y/N). Come on just tell me”
You let out a sigh, looking away. “I never want you to come shopping with me Becuase it’s embarrassing”
“What? Why?” He asks.
You sigh again, “because I have to go to plus size sections and plus size stores and I can bring ten pairs of jeans to the dressing room and I’m lucky if two fit! Okay it’s embarrassing”
Pete looks at you with wide eyes, and then starts cracking up.
Your eyes tear up, “I’m glad this is so funny to you”
You turn and start walking away.
“No no babe wait stop” Pete rushes after you, grabbing your arm. “That’s now why I was laughing”
“ then why were you?” You say, irritated.
“I was laughing Becuase you honestly thought I would care about any of that”
“Ah so you’re laughing because you think I’m being ridiculous” you say tearing up even more, a stray tear slipping out.
“No no no, that’s not it” Pete says, “ I know how you feel about yourself and your body I just thought you knew how I felt.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean that I love you and your body. I think youre crazy sexy and you look amazing in your clothes. Why would I care if you have to go to different stores or try on a lot of stuff? Babe I could watch you try on clothes all day long and I would be perfectly happy”
You smile at him, tears finally dripping down your cheeks.
“No I was supposed to stop those not start them!” He exclaims, wiping your cheeks and showering you in kisses.
You giggle and push away, “these are happy tears don’t worry”
“I’m glad. I never want you to feel embarrassed or bad about yourself or your clothes babe I love you and your body more than anything else. I wouldn’t change a thing”
“I love you so much” you say with a smile, pulling him into a slow, sweet kiss.
“I love you too sweetheart.” he replies, “now how about we do some shopping for ya?”
You laugh and wipe your face, erasing the evidence of tears. “Okay okay”
“Let’s go!” He says, exiting the aisle and marching towards the door excitedly,
“Wait Pete don’t you wanna buy all of this?” You ask, gesturing to the heaping pile of clothes on his cart.
“Good point, to the register!” He half shouts, turning and marching the opposite direction.
You laugh and pull the cart to follow him.
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f0blove · 6 years
Could you do a plus size imagine with Pete. 💖
Posting right now 😊😊😊😊
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f0blove · 6 years
Pistachio Milkshakes(Pete Wentz)
Based off of the Request: I was just wondering if you could write a little somethin to cheer me up. Like with pistachio milkshakes lol I really love milkshakes ~ sunny
“You know I love you but if we waste anymore time today laying in this bed I might have to kill you” you say, poking Pete in the back.
“Five more minutes” he groans, curling his body away from your finger.
“Hun you said that two hours ago l, I wanna get up!” You say, again poking him in the spine.
“It’s too early” he argues sleepily.
“It’s noon”
“But I didn’t sleep well”
“Oh please you slept like a log all night and you know it”
“I’m dying”
“I doubt that”
“Ughhhh” Pete groans loudly, flipping his head and glaring at you. “You won’t give up will you”
“Nope” you respond brightly, “it’s summer and we’re wasting sunshine”
“You’re my sunshine” Pete says with a smile.
“Aw” you say, bending down and kissing him on the nose, “ you’re sweet but you still need to get up”
“Never!” Pete suddenly yells, startling you. “You will never win this battle!” He yanks you down from your sitting position, engulfing you in his arms and a half tackle half hug.
“Let me go!” You giggle
“Never!” He yells again, attacking your neck and face with kisses and making you dissolve in laughter.
“Okay okay I forfeit!” You gasp, squirming out of his arms.
“Nope!” You grin and jump out of bed. “I’m getting up and putting my bikini on and hitting the pool. But hey you’re more than welcome to stay here alone”
“Playing dirty I see” he raises an eyebrow.
“A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do” you say with a playful shrug.
“Fine fine fine” Pete says with exasperation, “ I will get up and into the pool, on one condition”
“What?” You say, matching his exasperation.
“We have to get milkshakes first”
“I’m in” you grin.
In under twenty minutes, you and Pete are walking out of the neighborhood towards your favorite ice cream shop. A perfect replica of an 80s diner, this was where you had your first date with Pete, and the two of you visit this place at least once a week. It was safe to say you each had a bit of a sweet tooth, especially when it came to milkshakes.
“Hey guys, welcome in!” Al, the diners owner calls as you walk in the door.
“Hey Al! Table for two?” You respond.
“Anywhere you’d like (Y/N)” he responds cheerfully.
You smile and pull Pete along, leading the two of you to your favorite booth, nestled in the corner by the window, perfect for people watching.
Al follows the two of you over “Let me guess, you guys want the usual”
“Yes sir” Pete says with a grin.
“Two large pistachio milkshakes to go coming up!”
Al walks away with the order and you snuggle into Pete’s side, looking out the window.
“This was a good idea” you sigh happily.
“Are milkshakes ever a bad idea?” Pete asks.
“Okay good point” you agree.
The two of you sit in comfortable silence, people watching out the window while you wait. When the milkshakes come, Pete pays and tips generously, and the two of you take the travel cups with you, happily sipping on the way home.
When you get back, you race upstairs to put your swimsuit on, grab a pair of sunglasses and head out to the pool, Pete close behind you.
“Hold this!” You say excitedly, handing him your milkshake. Before he can ask why, you sprint to the side of the pool and dive in.
You breach the surface of the water, sit on the ledge and gesture for your milkshake.
“Coming in?”
“Why of course my lady” Pete responds. He sets his milkshake on the side and does a backflip into the pool.
“Show off” you say when his head pops over the surface.
“Me?” He asks innocently
You set your milkshake on the edge next to
His and swim over to meet him in the middle of the pool.
“Yes you” you say, playfully shoving him down under the water. Before you have time to react, he grabs onto your legs, pulling you down with him.
You gasp as you get pulled under.
A few seconds later you both pop up laughing, “you’re such a jerk” you say, splashing him lightly.
“Me? You dunked me first!”
“But you deserved it” you retort,
“You’re so annoying” Pete says
“But ya love me” you say grinning.
“Yes, yes I do” Pete says grinning. He grabs your wrist and pulls you into him, kissing you softly. “So so much”
You smile and kiss him back.
“See isn’t this better than lying in bed?” you say, pulling away and swimming to the edge.
“A tad maybe” Pete agrees, swimming after you. “After all, now we have milkshakes”
“Wow you care more about the milkshakes than spending time with me?” You ask jokingly.
“Of course not babe,” he replies, “but you have to admit pistachio milkshakes are pretty amazing”
“Yes they are,” you say with a smile, “and so are you”
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f0blove · 6 years
Can you do more of the Dad!Pete imagines?
Haha I know these are very popular so don’t worry I’m sure more will be coming soon ❤️
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f0blove · 6 years
Hey sorry for bothering you and maybe crossing a line, but I just wondered if you were alright? I haven't been following for long but you seem pretty inactive and I wondered if that's normal or if there is something going on. You don't have to answer this if you don't want to, but I just thought it couldn't hurt to ask. 🖤
You’re not crossing a line you are sweet and wonderful and I appreciate you asking! I’m okay and I’m back to being more regularly active 😊❤️
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