faerienella-blog · 9 years
Her eyes squinted to show that she smiled to his greeting. He was someone who wasn’t from here, based on his atmosphere as well Valerie could feel something about him being a wanderer. Sylveon stood next to his trainer with a friendly face on to the trainer and his Pokemon. It was rare for travelers to come through - unless they were challengers, but as of late they were scarce.
Noticing something caught the male to blanch the female said no words as he quickly adverted his stare. Blinking a few times Valerie said nothing as Sylveon made a noise. 
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“Now now Sylveon.” The female’s words rung in the air as she looked at her trusty companion with a smile. Arms in front of her as her kimono sleeves hiding her hands she took a glance up at the male. “You must not rush, for the wind is never in a hurry when it does not want to be.” She spoke as she closed her eyes.
Curious Looks [Snow + Valerie]
Snow nearly jumped when the woman addressed him, having half believed her to be… Something not human. He came a little closer, the Fairy-Type in his arms waving to her. “Good afternoon… I am doing well.” He studied her, his brows furrowed in thought. He tried to figure out just why she was dressed so elegantly, strangely, and beautifully. Surely the parties held in Kalos did not merit such things?
“How are you today?” He couldn’t help but ask, still amazed with her outfit. He tried relating it to Pokemon he had seen, but Snow couldn’t tell anything right off the bat-
Her eyes.
If Snow wasn’t already as pale as his namesake, he would have given away his sudden fear with color draining from the face. Instead, he tensed up completely, looking down at Dainty. He tried to focus his panicked and startled thoughts on the pink Pokemon. It wasn’t that he was scared, rather, it was the unexpectedness of it that frightened him. He wasn’t expecting to look into the woman’s eyes to see what looked like Bug-Type Pokemon eyes.
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faerienella-blog · 9 years
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faerienella-blog · 9 years
The day was just in the peaks of the beginning as Valerie was adjusting to the winter season leaving and spring coming into bloom. Not many challengers had shown up today - to the female found quite peculiar. Either way, she enjoyed the morning as it breezed by with no hitch.
Currently she walked out on the staircase with her Sylveon not to far from her. His ribbons floating around him as his blue orbs bright with happiness as he trailed after his trainer. Her shoes hitting the wood staircase as she was lost in a daze as usual.
The Gym that was inside the tree which became one. The doll house was cute and was a maze filled with fun for trainers who tried their hand to defeat the fairy princess. The tree itself was an amazement all on it’s own, it just had more of an interesting piece with her Gym being attached to it.
As she took a seat on the bench outside of it she was lost in her thoughts. Sylveon sat next to her feet took notice of someone there. Blue eyes staring in the direction of the new stranger he used his feelers to get Valerie’s attention. “Hm?” Humming as she was spacing out she noticed Sylveon point in the direction he had looked. “Oh.” Purple-gray hues looked towards the newcomer as she stood - arms in her sleeves she gave them a gentle smile.
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“Greetings sir.” Hiding her mouth behind her kimono sleeve she stood up. “How are you this afternoon?”
Curious Looks [Snow + Valerie]
Laverre City was quite an interesting place. The way to get to this city was an experience all in itself, trekking through the haunted swamp before suddenly arriving in a quaint, little area. It was hard to believe that the Pokeball Factory was here, also. He could thank that place for all of his troubles, really.
Nonetheless, after a brief visit to the Pokemon Center, he put Spore, his Ivysaur, back in it’s Pokeball. Instead, he let out Dainty, his Clefairy. Picking her up, they both walked out of the building, instead walking out to look at the large tree.
“Dainty,” He spoke, his voice barely above a whisper. “They say that this tree is a hundred years old. Is that not amazing?” His mismatched eyes stared up at the tree, particularly at it’s fall-colored leaves. How much must this tree have seen? And, in particular, the white-haired man remembered reading something about the gym here, and how it was inside of the tree? Odd.
The Pokemon in his arms spoke up, making a small noise as she pointed to the base of the tree. Snow looked where the Pokemon directed, gasping in surprise as he saw a rather oddly dressed woman. He didn’t dare go close, but her exotic looks were enough to make him stare.
(( @faerienella ))
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faerienella-blog · 9 years
beginnings | Valerie & Siebold
Being on a boat was a new thing for the female - though leaving and being on her own was a new feeling for her too. It wasn’t anything she had ever imagined it would be, but it was nice to feel the wind playing with her hair. The boat was rocky here and there, but other then that it was a smooth sailing.
Purple-gray orbs looked down at the water as Wingulls kissed the tops of the waves while Finneon jumped up to greet the air as Goldeen and Floatzel soon followed. Valerie had never seen so many water Pokemon before in one place. They swam and flew next to the boat with ease before taking off on their own adventures.
A bushy tail brushed the female’s cheek as her attention was back to the creature in her arms. “Oh, sorry Eevee.” She gave the small light and dark brown Pokemon a smile as her Eevee let out a noise before looking around their surroundings. His tail swaying side to side in happiness and excitement. He didn’t fully understand where they were going, but that could go for his trainer as well.
“Oh my, is that an Eevee miss?” Valerie’s ears perked up hearing someone speak to her. Turning next to her she gave a smile before nodding her head. They interacted as she explained she was on a journey. “Kalos your destination? Such a bold move dear.” Well, it was but she needed to start somewhere.
Once they docked she bid the old man parting words as her shoes made contact with the concrete pavement. So this was Kalos, it was bustling with life as the female held tighter to her Pokemon in comfort. Eevee stood his ground, if anything was to arise he would protect his trainer with everything he had.
Fifteen year old Valerie made the decision to leave her hometown region of Johto and travel to the new Kalos region to find herself. Granted, here she was within the city of Courmarine. It was a cute little place, though she found it was divided within two parts which shocked the female. How big was Kalos region if the city was divided within two?
Well, she took the monorail that was away from the seaside as she looked around. People gave the young female looks wondering why she was here by herself, sure she was old enough to not need a parent. All Pokemon trainers left at the age of 10, but her appearance was one to be compared to that of a fourteen or younger. She was always mistaken for younger then she was.
Deciding to take a break since the boat ride was long she felt hungry as well Eevee was getting antsy which meant he was hungry.
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Seeing a restaurant she opened the door to hear the bell ringing. Her hands covered by her red and black kimono top she walked in as her black boots kissed the wood flooring. Fixing her black tights and black skirt she sat down while her Eevee sat comfortable in her lap. Fidging with Eevee’s ear the Pokemon could feel his trainers anxiety as he made a noise to help cheer her up. “Thank you Eevee.”
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faerienella-blog · 9 years
She was lost in her daydream
           Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ Pale purple eyes stared in front of her. The Laverre winds whispered their secrets to the female as she seemed to be listening intently. The young female was currently sitting on a bench by the Gym staring at the small city around herself as her Sylveon was curled up in her lap contently. Her slender fingers running themselves on his soft fur.
Valerie let a smile grace her lips feeling her Pokemon relaxed posture. She had currently just finished a Pokemon battle with the challenger giving their all, but sadly did not beat her. Sylveon did his best with the battle and barely managed to hang on, so Valerie was happy to him doing his best.
As she was looking at the city she let her body relax as the leaves were rustling with the wind. She had missed her hometown in Johto, but she couldn’t let herself go back. As a leaf fell in front of her face she turned attention to that as her mind wondered. 
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The winter was melting away and spring was making it’s appearance. The wind shifted as Valerie was lost in her thoughts. What kind of day would today bring.
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faerienella-blog · 9 years
What is your favorite tea?
Letting out a hum she smiled happily. “Chamomile tea is my favorite. It’s very relaxing to the body.”
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faerienella-blog · 9 years
Do you like cheese?
“I’ve never really minded cheese, but it isn’t my favorite to say.” She spoke letting her hand rest underneath her chin.
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faerienella-blog · 9 years
If you could be a Pokemon, which one would you be?
Letting out a soft laugh she covered her mouth. “I would have to say Diancie or a Sylveon.” Looking down at her own Sylveon as he let out a happy noise to his trainer. 
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faerienella-blog · 9 years
What is your favorite non-Fairy Type Pokemon?
“Espeon.” The reply was quick without missing a beat. “Espeon is just an elegant Pokemon that is surrounded with mystery. And even if it wasn’t, there is simply something about the Pokemon that draws people to it.”
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faerienella-blog · 9 years
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