fallenautumm 6 months
I'm back
I'll add Hazbin Hotel to my list soon. 馃グ Also i'll be active again)
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fallenautumm 1 year
Um, I have a thought I rarely see in reader-inserts. In a lot of Soldier 76/reader stories, he and Gabriel are exes and hate each other and etc. But I like the idea of a story where post-fall of Overwatch, Reaper and 76 have made up and are friends again, but have put any romantic stuff behind them. They're still really good friends and supportive of each other (and Gabriel vaguely threatens people not to be mean to Jack). Suffice to say, my request is that Jack met Reader a few months ago, and Jack clearly has a huge crush on Reader, and Gabriel pushes him into actually approaching his crush. (If gender ever comes up, I'd want Reader to be male because Jack is gay)
( hope you enjoy this -
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Your Love, is not enough
Reaper had always been a bit of a lone wolf. As a former member of the notorious Blackwatch division, he had spent most of his life in the shadows, working in secret for Talon
But when Overwatch was reinstated, Reaper found himself finding a certain interest in the Agency. Among them was Soldier 76, a grizzled veteran who had once been his closest ally.
In the early days of Overwatch, Reaper and Soldier 76 had been more than friends. They had shared a passionate romance, but it had ended in heartbreak when Reaper's true nature was revealed.
Despite their tumultuous history, Reaper and Soldier 76 had managed to salvage their friendship, working together on countless missions and becoming each other's confidants. And good Friends again
But when Soldier 76 confided in Reaper that he had developed a crush on a man named Y/N, Reaper felt a pang of jealousy in his chest. He had always cared for Soldier 76 more than he had let on, and the thought of someone else stealing his heart was almost unbearable.
Reaper tried to push his feelings aside, telling himself that Soldier 76 deserved to be happy, no matter who he was with. But as the days went on, his jealousy only grew stronger.
One night, Reaper couldn't take it anymore. He called Soldier 76 over to himself and poured his heart out, confessing his feelings and begging for another chance.
But Soldier 76 gently turned him down, explaining that he had moved on and had feelings for someone else. Reaper was devastated, but he knew that he had to respect Soldier 76's wishes.
Determined to prove his loyalty to his friend, Reaper decided to try to get Y/N and Soldier 76 together. He set up a casual get-together, inviting both of them over for dinner and drinks.
At first, things were a bit awkward between Soldier 76 and Y/N. But Reaper did his best to facilitate conversation, telling funny stories and making everyone feel at ease.
As the night went on, Soldier 76 and Y/N began to open up to each other, finding common interests and shared experiences. Reaper watched from the sidelines, feeling a mix of happiness and sadness.
When the night came to a close, Soldier 76 and Y/N finally exchanged numbers and made plans for a second date. Reaper felt a pang of jealousy, but he knew that he had done the right thing. He wanted Soldier 76 to be happy, even if it wasn't with him.
Over the next few weeks, Soldier 76 and Y/N relationship blossomed into something beautiful. They went on romantic dates, held hands in public, and even shared a kiss in front of Reaper.
Reaper tried to be happy for them, but his jealousy continued to eat away at him. He found himself drinking more than usual, staying out late, and neglecting his duties.
He thought about how gentle and nice, he used to be towards him. The way his kisses used to leave him breathless ,and the amount of Happyness he felt when they would hug. And Y/N, is experiencing all of these scenarios. And maybe.. they were doing even more than just that..
One day, Soldier 76 approached him, worried about his well-being. Reaper broke down, confessing that he was struggling with feelings of jealousy and inadequacy.
Soldier 76 listened patiently, offering words of comfort and reassurance. He explained that he valued their friendship above all else, and that he didn't want Reaper to feel like he was being replaced. But deep down Reaper knew, it will never be okay again like it used to be.
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fallenautumm 1 year
if you're doing writing requests, i wouldn't mind seeing symmetra and soldier 76 interacting! platonically, of course lol. i don't think i've seen any writing that even had them in the same room for longer than a paragraph, so i think it would be interesting!
( Sure!, Sadly i didn't got any Info on what exactly you wanted to see/read. So thats why i got a little creative ^^ also sorry for taking so long 馃挃 )
A Hope for Peace
Symmetra had been sent on a mission to investigate a strange disturbance in the heart of a major city. She had been working alone, as usual, carefully assessing the situation and gathering information. As she approached the source of the disturbance, she heard the sound of gunfire in the distance.
Curious, she moved closer to investigate, and that's when she caught sight of him: Soldier 76, The founder of Overwatch. She had heard of him before, of course. He was a legendary hero, a former soldier who had fought in wars all over the world. But she had never seen him in person.Symmetra watched from a safe distance as Soldier 76 took down a group of armed mercenaries. He moved with agility and precision, his aim deadly accurate.
She was impressed, but also wary. She knew that anyone with that kind of skill could be a danger to her.As Soldier 76 finished off the last of the mercenaries, he turned and caught sight of Symmetra. For a moment, they just stared at each other across the battlefield. Then, without a word, Soldier 76 approached her.Symmetra tensed, ready to defend herself if necessary.
But as Soldier 76 drew closer, he slowed his steps and held out a hand in greeting. "You must be Symmetra or Miss Satya Vaswani," he said, his voice gruff but friendly. "I've heard a lot about you."Symmetra hesitated for a moment, then reluctantly took his hand.
"Likewise," she said, her voice cool and composed.They stood there for a moment, sizing each other up. Symmetra could sense that Soldier 76 was assessing her, trying to determine whether she was a friend or a foe. She did the same, trying to gauge his intentions.Finally, Soldier 76 spoke again. "I don't usually work with others," he said.
"But it looks like we're both after the same thing here."Symmetra raised an eyebrow. "And what, exactly, is that?"Soldier 76 gestured to the chaos around them. "Stability," he said. "Peace. Order. That's what we both want, isn't it?"Symmetra considered his words. It was true, she did want those things. It was her wish to rebuild this City by any costs. And if Soldier 76 was willing to work with her, perhaps they could achieve them together.
"Very well," she said, nodding. "Let's work together."And so, Symmetra and Soldier 76 joined forces. They fought side by side, taking down enemy after enemy. They worked in perfect synchronicity, their skills complementing each other's. And as they fought, they began to realize that they had more in common than they had originally thought.
By the end of the mission, Symmetra and Soldier 76 had formed a bond. They respected each other's abilities, and they both knew that they could rely on each other in a fight. As they parted ways, Symmetra couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for the old soldier. And she knew that, in the future, they would cross paths again.
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fallenautumm 1 year
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Drawing Overwatch 2 Interactions - Episode 01: "The Cute Guy" I drew this last year and it's still my favorite hero interaction in OW 2 so far! Reposting this and labeling it "Episode 01" just for fun. I'll definitely make more, I just don't know how consistent it will be. LOL
Here's an animatic version where I also put the actual voice lines in just for fun! (Turn on sounds!)
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fallenautumm 2 years
I Might start writing Overwatch one shots
also almost every Genre and Character , so if anyone sees this ya'll know 馃槰馃憤
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