falsifiaed-blog · 8 years
pringles are better fuckhead
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falsifiaed-blog · 8 years
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falsifiaed-blog · 8 years
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falsifiaed-blog · 8 years
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falsifiaed-blog · 8 years
            & HE HAD BEEN TRAINED, YES, to anticipate the enemy approaching him, to read every beat of the heart & tremor of the hands. The footsteps of the adversary were his lullaby, & the tune engraved in his head, the notes playing out like an orchestral piece, drawing out their next movements. & had he still human blood running through worn veins, then he could also go as far as to comment how knowing the next step did not necessarily mean he could react to them -- a vampire’s prowess was far beyond man’s.
BUT HUMAN HE was no longer, & he turned to the stranger just as quickly, Byakkomaru still clutched in still hands, disposition still cool ( exactly how long that would last, that had yet to be discovered ).
            “OH, I WOULDN’T dream of it,” he answered pleasantly enough, countenance still frigid, even with his tell-tale grin, a glare glazed upon azure eyes.
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            “YOU KNOW WHAT’LL be twice as easy? Walking away from this fight.”
       snipers - humans had things called snipers if he remembered correctly what was told to him at the debrief of their mission. it had been a new bit of information for them apparently. a sneaky way of fighting to mimic their species, how suiting to have a person simply for attacks far away.  .  . where it’s silent and the target cannot expect it, can’t see it coming until they’re dead. and in turn the human aiming was virtually safe, it was almost laughable- really just how lowly humans were. just like a cockroach- scrambling for their lives and as dirty about it as one could be. ( hah, what am i thinking ? in this world everyone is filthy even me. ) 
still he had been tasked with finding just those types of humans && shifting blue eyes saw this time, the one perched upon a building. knees bending, quickly going around where the human hides- wary of the view it has upon the street and it’s soon enough the vampire’s body leaps. pure white billowing about descending form right behind him. 
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☩ – ‘ don’t bother putting up a fight human. it’ll be easier for you if you don’t. ’ 
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falsifiaed-blog · 8 years
            THE IMPLICATIONS OF THIS CONVERSATION had grown to be something much more intimate than he had initially intended (a direction he did not so mind, as long as it was him ) , & Shinya wavered slightly at his words -- was it a challenge? Was it a warning? Was it a rejection? For once his ability to him had failed, though the failure was not the fault of the subject himself; the personal losses that could ensue from misinterpreting this situation made him falter, & he could only blame his own anxiety for his hesitance ( as if he had known any other method than to lay the fault on his shoulders ).
YET HE STILL pressed on, his smile slowly slipping & solemn countenance bleeding through what was once a foolish exterior ( & perhaps you too, will drop your facade ). The bed springs creaked, the mattress sinking beneath him, as Shinya rose from his place beside the desk to sit next to Guren, the sheets twisted and crumpled between shaking fingers ( stop, he commanded, & the trembling would cease. it was a battlefield in itself, it seemed ).
& WITH A GENTLE determination glistening in aegean eyes, Shinya spoke, softly, somberly.
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           “I WOULD.”
     While he did rely on Shinya, his squad and the moon demon company, he was alone in his goals for the most part. Having isolated himself from the others by spitting out lie after lie. Shinya had approached him when they were children, saying that he would take part in overthrowing the Hiragi but he didn’t wish to have his friend so involved in something so treacherous. He would use everyone but he was the leader, the demon that had raised his sword to the throat of the Hiragi just as Mahiru had before him. She wept over the damage she caused just as Guren had and would. However, neither of them would ever give up their goals, they were empathetic killers. Yet, he’d managed to keep his nature hidden, his murderous intent, his self-hatred, boiling beneath the surface of a false face untouched.
     “I told you that wasn’t it! I doubt even you wouldn’t go that far.” He was almost disgusted by intimacy at times. Despising that his affections were lost to some of those that had mattered to him the most due to their passing.
     “You’re all bark and no bite.”
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falsifiaed-blog · 8 years
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its 1 am and im tired but i want y’all to know that shinya is a pure unproblematic angel deserving of absolute love and affection instead of child murder slavery & emotional abuse thanks
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falsifiaed-blog · 8 years
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threads i’m keeping:
sin w suki but only after aevus
that one thread w @duxhiiragi unless u wanna try for smth fresh my dude
my vampire verse w @proklyati ill answer that starter i promise
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falsifiaed-blog · 8 years
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you find yourself ON YOUR KNEES at the mouth of a river gulping handfuls of DIRTY WATER as if this is your OASIS & you cannot stop drinking.
YOU TELL YOURSELF THAT YOU’RE  NOT LONELY                                                                       AND YET, AND YET ---
                                                                                                               previously hiraetln. written by min.
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falsifiaed-blog · 9 years
            “ARA, EVEN AFTER ALL THAT, YOU STILL DOUBT ME? I’m trying my best here, Guren! You should rely on me a little more.”
& THE REQUEST WAS innocent enough, a poking jest at the side of someone who had learned, through means cruel & unforgiving, to depend only on himself. There was no sorrow, no pity; such was the life they lived. Surely, Shinya, too would feel the same had he not been taught that he was not given the luxury to choose whether or not he felt inclined to ask for the support of others; tools did not need a helping hand -- they were the helping hand. & he would dutifully fulfill that role, quietly, inconspicuously, like the background noise in a crowded room, the servants who took the guests’ plates without their notice. 
( liar, selfish boy! you know damn well why you offer your hand ------ & there is no virtue to be found upon your fingertips. )
            “BUT IF YOU’RE checking to see if I’m serious, it looks like you are interested,” he teased. “Even Guren wants affection too sometimes, doesn’t he?”
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            “LIKE I SAID, all you have to do is ask nicely, haha! It’s okay to be human, you know.”
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      “Shut up, you’re annoying. Like I’d want something like that.” 
      He very much appreciated Shinya’s ‘commitment,’ not only did it benefit him, he had grown used to it. He could recall when they were younger, he would take solace in sitting side by side playing whatever game had been recommended to him. Guren was never particularly dedicated to these games, however, it had become a regular hobby. And since then, they’d found other ways to pass time, joking, training. The benefit of being part of an army was that no one questioned Guren’s dedication to his strength and his abilities nor the near pristine state of his office. Yet, he pretend to be lazy and uncaring, certainly there was a discrepancy. It simply appeared to be military discipline to those that didn’t know better.
     Still it was true that Shinya had done far more questionable things, he supposed he’d never really considered that. “You wouldn’t actually, would you?” He didn’t genuinely doubt Shinya and knew the difference between their jokes and their serious conversations but now he was thinking about the possibility. He hadn’t thought of it previously for the simple fact that he lacked interest and such a thing never came up. That wasn’t to say there was never the opportunity but rather that it came across as inane. ( He’d chalk it up to Goshi’s proclamations about the topic. )
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falsifiaed-blog · 9 years
We all often are the collateral damages of someone else love stories.
starsndarks (via ghcstking)
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falsifiaed-blog · 9 years
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why fear the dead when you can fear the living ? corpses  in  motion,     cruelty      &      kindness.
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falsifiaed-blog · 9 years
            “AH, WELL IN THAT CASE, it would reflect badly on me too, wouldn’t it?” he hummed in response, lightly, deliberately.
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            “DO YOU THINK we’re going to get scolded? Meetings like this have never been mandatory before. ‘Mandatory’ in the lightest sense of the word, of course.”
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` Hm? I am a Hiiragi after all. It’d reflect poorly upon me   if I don’t come once in a while. ` The atmosphere of the   event was as toxic as ever. ` I’d say the same to you. `
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falsifiaed-blog · 9 years
Who’s going to want me? My own mother didn’t even want me.
Lily York (via ofdoexyes)
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falsifiaed-blog · 9 years
His hands shake something furious, and you don’t know how to stop them, don’t know if they belong to a killer or a lover, or if there’s even a difference anymore. His shadow dances with yours in the streetlights; your darkness has found a kindred spirit, but you are still trying to take the fear from his mouth. Demons and angels are at war inside of him, and you swear to love every single one, swear to love him wicked, swear to love him holy. He is licking prayers he stopped believing into your mouth; if you thought kissing him would save him, you were dead wrong.
Emily Palermo, 
On Loving A Monster
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falsifiaed-blog · 9 years
            “I DO GET THE OCCASIONAL UNWANTED GUEST, you know,” he huffed as he dug around in the plastic bags, finding the refrigerated foods to store first. “They have never been all that..pleasant, to say the least.”
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            “SO LOCK THE door next time, please?” he pressed gently, tucking the frozen fish and ice cream in the freezer. “Anyway, how was your day? You don’t usually go out.”
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     He wasn’t worried about that sort of thing, it wasn’t easy to perturb him perhaps even to the point where he was careless. Peering over the counter into the grocery bags, he shrugged, “why do you worry so much? It’s not like a lot of people visit you. I went out and forgot to lock the door when I came back, that’s all.”
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falsifiaed-blog · 9 years
            “SO HAVE YOU DECIDED TO COME after all?” he greeted. “You usually skip out on family events.”
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            “WHY THE CHANGE of heart?”
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