famous-mbti · 7 years
The Types in a Nutshell
ENTP: stubborn yet agreeable
ENFP: selfless yet independent
ENTJ: hypocritical yet righteous
ENFJ: outspoken yet thoughtful
ESTP: reckless yet careful
ESFP: focused yet active
ESTJ: demanding yet mellow
ESFJ: sympathetic yet strict
INTP: logical yet impulsive
INFP: friendly yet distant
INTJ: two-faced yet steady
INFJ: perfectionist yet negative
ISTP: domineering yet peaceful
ISFP: narrow yet resourceful
ISTJ: isolated yet popular
ISFJ: relaxed yet persistent
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famous-mbti · 7 years
On point.
People who don’t use Fi can still have morals
People who don’t use Fe can still care about others
People who don’t use Ti can still be analytical and thorough
People who don’t use Te can still be direct and efficient
People who don’t use Ni can still have a “gut feeling”
People who don’t use Ne can still have new ideas
People who don’t use Si can still remember the past
People who don’t use Se can still value experiences
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famous-mbti · 7 years
Truths of the Types: What They're Doing
INFJ - is probably on the verge of breaking down because of the realization they can’t marry their favorite fictional character and they have to pick someone from this planet
INTP - is probably wearing earphones right now to avoid face to face human interaction while they lurk the world wide web and expand their collection of saved memes
ISFJ - is probably pampering themself with beauty/health products because they can’t fix themself on the inside
ISTJ - is probably trying to fix something that doesn’t need to be fixed which frustrates everyone around them
INTJ - is probably staring into space thinking about their purpose in life & thinking of ways to extend their already-long list of achievements in their resume
INFP - is probably playing videogames right now and doing much more in their character’s life, more than their own
ISTP - is probably trying their best not to be rude but still ends up hurting people by their sharp words and still doesn’t realize it
ISFP - is probably smiling and looking sensitive and innocent but is actually patiently waiting for their best friend and girlfriend to break up so they could finally make their move on them
ESFP - is probably doing something they shouldn’t be doing but does it eitherway without giving effort of hiding it and is surprised about getting caught
ESFJ - is probably writing an article to help others but is actually just writing it so they can share another one of their life stories–which no one actually cares about
ESTJ - is probably smiling on the outside acting like they like you but deep down they know they’re better than you–and if you actually are, they’ll watch your every move
ESTP - is probably thinking of ways to surprise their current romantic partner by making them sad first, just to see their reaction and be able to make them feel better later on–but fails horribly to the point that their partner almost breaks up with them
ENTP - is probably on snapchat taking random snaps of themselves with their dog to show that they’re having more fun than they actually are
ENFP - is probably being clingy with numerous people at the same time through chat, making each of them feel special but they don’t know it’s not only them
ENFJ - is probably posting inspirational quotes online & showing people motivational tips but doesn’t actually follow their own advice
ENTJ - is probably reposting articles online about why a person who is strong and independent is hard to love but are actually the best people to love
P.S. Hoping you guys like my new segment ☺ First time I’m writing about all the types! Sorry again for the hiatus, btw! Hope this post will make it up to you guys.
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famous-mbti · 7 years
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Disney: “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.”
Disney: “It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.”
Disney: “If you can dream it, you can do it.”
Disney: “Disneyland will never be completed. It will continue to grow as long as there is imagination left in the world.”
Disney: “When you’re curious, you find lots of interesting things to do.”
Disney: “We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.”
Read More: http://www.famoustypes.com/walt-disney-enfp/
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famous-mbti · 8 years
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An official MBTI test can be as expensive as $200 and unofficial MBTI tests as low as $0, but does it really mean it’s reliable?
Read more: http://www.famoustypes.com/mbti-type-without-taking-mbti-test/
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famous-mbti · 8 years
Great and detailed comparison between Ni Te and Ni Fe!
What are the main differences between an INFJ and an intj?
Essentially, INTJs, from first glance, will be a lot more arrogant and sure of themselves. INFJs are not sure of themselves in general. They’re likely to be like, “oh no!! I’m sorry!! But you know what you can do is…”
Whereas INTJs will be like, “Well that’s your own fault for getting that started anyway. In the future, to avoid that sort of thing you should…” and of course, they’ll only say that if they feel like wasting their breath trying to help you. Or scold you.
Otherwise, the differences are like this:
INTJs will be more interested in the world. Solving problems. Generally interested in politics, history, science–a subject that can actually be applied to everyday life and discussion.
INFJs, on the other hand, are usually into subjects that they don’t know how to explain why they like them. They like pondering over things inside of their heads. It doesn’t matter to them if it has a “real world” application; it’s fun to think about so they like it.
INTJs are more sarcastic, crass, and rude
INFJs are more emotional, easily offended, and vindictive 
INTJs are problem solvers, excellent communicators when they want to be, and are confident
INFJs are understanding, humanitarian, and soulful
I’m going to include another ‘appearance’ tidbit, but of course it’s just my own personal observation of behavioral patterns:
INTJs are socially awkward. They’ll do things like cross their legs in a chair and pick at the soles of their shoes. They’ll repeatedly run their fingers through their hair when thinking hard. They’re oblivious, in short, to social norms. A lot of them look like they have a touch of autism because of this. 
INFJs are quiet, but less socially awkward. They may be clumsy and get into awkward situations, but they are generally aware of how to act around people. They’ll be unnoticeable if they want to be, or the center of attention if they want to be. It’s up to them. But generally, conversation with them is lighthearted until they really get to liking you.
INTJs are confrontational. Say something they don’t agree with and they’ll start arguing about it.
INFJs are quiet observers. Say something they don’t agree with and they’ll ask you why you think what you think first, and argue with you second. When they argue with you, also, it’s less intense and usually ends with, “I see your point, and it’s ok if we don’t agree.” (unless it’s a FIGHT, but that changes everything)
INTJs explode and then quickly shut down in fights. Fights are fairly common since they’re capable of being so abrasive
INFJs explode but take a longer time to simmer down in fights, since fights with INFJs are so rare; a lot of held-in emotions from a long period of time rush to the surface and they can’t force them back down again 
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famous-mbti · 8 years
mbti as ways they say “i love you”
“stay over”
“you might like this”
“i was just in the neighborhood”
“i want you to be happy”
“you look like you could use a hug”
“i’ll wait”
"you didn’t have to ask”
“i’ll meet you halfway”
“i’ll be here when you’re ready”
“i saw this and thought of you”
“i’m worried about you”
“i like your laugh”
“don’t worry about me”
“i’m proud of you”
“that’s okay, i bought two”
“you should take a break - you work too hard”
“take my jacket, it’s cold outside”
“you’re important too”
“i made this for you”
“we can share”
“i don’t mind”
“it reminded me of you”
“i made your favourite”
“i want you to have this”
“listen to this song - it reminded me of you”
“i’m happy you’re here”
“i saved you a piece”
“well what do you want to do?”
“i picked these for you”
“stay there, i’ll come get you”
“you dont have to say anything”
“i’ll help you study”
“i noticed”
“do you need any help with that?”
“call me if you need anything”
“it’s no bother”
“i’ll do it for you”
“i really want your opinion on something”
“you can have the last slice”
“what do you want to watch?”
“do you want to come too?”
“is there anything i can do to help?”
“it’s okay, i couldn’t sleep anyways”
“take mine”
“i appreciate what you do for me”
“you just made my day”
“we’ll figure it out”
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famous-mbti · 8 years
Lol @ INTP
Angry types
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Keep reading
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famous-mbti · 8 years
Mistyped by CelebrityTypes.com - MBTI type of Ed Sheeran
As an Ed Sheeran fan, it hurts to see how the most popular MBTI ‘famous-people-typing’ website mistypes him.
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So celebritytypes.com types Ed Sheeran as ESFJ; a dominant Extraverted Feeling (Fe) profile. A warm personality who places value on materialistic things, helping others, rules, tradition, and maintaining social status. It is true that Ed is unarguably a Feeler type with a warm nature and likes to help others, but it is really not his main priority. His main priority is rather being an individual; being true to himself which results to people liking him - while ESFJs tend to ‘blend-in’ and adjust their behavior based on the values of the people around them. Here’s my favorite quote from Ed that just screams that he is an Fi-user instead of Fe:
“If someone tells you to change yourself tell them to fuck off”
It is true that Ed uses Introverted Sensing (Si), but it’s not his main function. In fact, it is far from his main function. ESFJs are known to try to do things well thoroughly and are usually very high-skilled singers, very focused on details like pronunciation, tone and pitch. Ed isn’t that much focused on raw singing and there are a lot of people who are better at singing than him - I’m not saying he’s not a great singer because he certainly is - but it’s just that he isn’t all about singing. What makes him unique is his way of storytelling in the form music - reaching other people’s hearts because they can deeply relate to his lyrics. It’s about the message.
I type Ed Sheeran as an ENFP (Ne-Fi-Te-Si)
Before we go to the cognitive functions I want to point out that he’s a Perceiver instead of a Judger. First of all, he is totally not organized in his external world: messy hair and rusty guitars are a good example. However, his internal world is pretty organized - he knows exactly what he likes and dislikes, executes his ideas last-minute and is great at improvising, especially using his loop station on stage.
Why I type Ed as an ENFP and not as an INFP is not because he is the most outgoing person in the world. In fact, he comes off as an introvert quote often. But rather because he doesn’t always take things too seriously, being drunk and partying a lot and just a goofy personality overall. He is also very accepting and knows how to relax and have a good time. Last year (2016) he took a year-long break from his career just to travel the world. An INFP takes things much more serious, judges himself a lot more and wouldn’t take a break like this. At least, not this long.
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Now let’s go in-depth with the cognitive functions of an ENFP:
Dominant Extraverted Intuition (Ne)
As you may or may not know about Ed’s story to success, he was actually a ‘homeless’ street performer before he became famous. At the age of 16 he left his hometown in England on his own, to live and perform in the streets in the US - in hope that he will get found out. Quite a risky thing to do right? Especially since he didn’t have the money to live a normal life while pursuing his dream. You will have to really believe in the idea of making your dream come true in order to do that. An Si-dominant person would value the safety and certainty he has of living home and having a stable job instead of trying to pursue an ‘unrealistic’ and ‘uncertain’ dream with a high chance of failure - they do not like things to be unpredictable.
Ed Sheeran however, enjoys the idea of his days being different every day. Performing at different street corners to see how many people he can move. Performing in clubs and bars, then asking the crowd if he can couch-surf at their places so he has a warm place to sleep.
His improvisation skills. Using a loop station isn’t something everyone can learn easily and Ed seems to have mastered it even during live performances. He is also great at freestyling; when he forgets lyrics or something unexpected happens he seems to be perfectly fine and just makes the right decision on the spot to keep the show going - resulting the audience to be even more excited.
Here’s a beautifully executed performance of ‘Bloodstream’ live using a loop station as example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrLLWtp2nvs
His inspiration from outside sources. Extraverted Intuition loves to break down existing ideas and reorganizing them in a different way. Many of his songs are either an alternated version of his previous idea or even completely ‘borrowed’. He also borrows lyrics from existing songs from other people. For example in his song 'You need me, I don’t need you’ some of the verses are straight from other people’s songs - but performed in his own creative way.
His way of inspiring others. First of all, during his live performances, he often encourages his audience to join him in singing - even playing around creatively by dividing the audience into groups and letting them sing in creative ways similar to a ‘musical canon’. Main reason why ENFPs are often called ‘The Inspirers’: In many of his songs, his lyrics actually encourages other people to pursue their own dreams just like he did - regardless of the struggles. Here’s a piece from “Take it back”:
Dreaming dreams, day to day goals Stay awake loads, try to make the cut like the Paper or razor blade, oh, never give up And just remember just to hold out more A couple years ago I couldn’t just control that thought You’d find me buskin’ on the street When it was cold outdoors And now I’m sweating on the stage of a sold out tour Writing love songs for the sake of it Never to make a hit You can’t fake talent and work ethic just to make it quick I’m not a rapper I’m a singer, I just take the piss and Most of these other guys are kids that Pulses Little sister has to babysit, that’s just the way it is Dreams you own, just set your goals And have the utmost faith in it; tread your own path You’ll never make it as a follower, you’ll never know Where you will go or where you will be tomorrow rha.
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Auxiliary Introverted Feeling (Fi)
This function is pretty straightforward to me that Ed uses it and I’ve also explained a bit in the beginning of the article. If you listen to his music you’ll notice that every song he wrote is based on his own experience, how he feels about things, and not as much as Fe-users who tend to write songs based on the feelings of someone else.
A piece from ‘You need me, I don’t need you’:
All I want in this cold world is to make music and use it Not to abuse it and get affected, infected with the who’s who of music Who did it, who is it, who’s in it or what the hell does it matter? Chitter chatter, don’t matter what a yidder, yidder, yadder, it don’t matter to me All I want is a bit of dignity in me to battle this industry freely To be me in this seedy, needy world, can you hear me? Hey, so I keep singing that When I first started this rapping shit I felt pressure from haters Became invaded with sadists and just developed a hater radar And made for the stars, kept my grind in the dark And then appeared with a remedy kicking rhymes with a melody Hennesey shots and Glocks, all these fools on the block Who said you gotta be a gangster now to raise to the top? I’m just a normal, casual, usual, everyday type of guy With my head in the sky, Ed Sheeran, Urban Angel coming ready to die So see the signs, stand to the side Open your eyes and take a look and realise The resurrection’s arrived and as the mist clears I arise from my tomb in disguise, all alone, Alonestar Urban Angel rising from the ashes Surprising all haters, guiding, now moving steady
Basically, he is telling a story here how he got haters from rapping but because he kept going he eventually made it anyways.
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Aside from his lyrics - because quoting lyrics all of his songs where he uses Fi will be too much. Instead, I will base his Fi on his way of singing and expression. As a singer myself, I tend to notice when a singer’s feelings come from an internal or external source.
An Fe singer sounds like he/she is singing for ‘someone else’, reaching out to the audience. They are very aware of their surroundings and are capable of altering the general atmosphere. They accurately express an objective and wide range of feelings that everyone can relate to - but not as intense as Fi. The majority of ‘musical’ singers are Fe-dominant - in a musical play, they are focused on projecting a broad range of (changing) feelings during the whole performance.
Examples of Fe singers are Jessie J, Taylor Swift, Ariana Grande, Celine Dion and James Blunt.
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An Fi singer sounds like he/she is singing for ‘themselves’, in musical terms they often call it having ‘soul’ for music. They precisely express a subjective and intense feeling that they have experienced themselves - but it either reaches a person - or it doesn’t reach the person at all. Many ‘timeless’ artists are Fi-dominant - while performing they are much more consistent in expressing their feelings since they aren’t as ‘affected’ by their surroundings.
Examples of Fi singers are Adele, Bob Marley, Micheal Jackson, Jimi Hendrix and Eric Clapton.
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Even though Ed loves to incorporate and interact with his audience while performing, he always stays consistent with his expression in singing. It is always intense and it always has ‘soul’. Even if he cover songs from other singers.
Tertiary Extraverted Thinking (Te)
Te is basically the function he used to make his Ne-Fi dream of becoming a Superstar a reality. His hard work and dedication combined with objective and logical decisions when needed. He is pretty clever when it comes to marketing his songs and albums (can’t prove that he came up with every himself but at least he made the decisions to let it be done). In 2015 he also started a record label called ‘Gingerbread Man Records’ and in 2017 started to do a lot of collaborations with other artists as a method to increase his popularity and reach a bigger audience - resulting in more sales. Also, he is quite comfortable with explaining his ideas and thoughts in public like interviews.
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Inferior Introverted Sensing (Si)
Even though Ed is a superstar nowadays, he still values and even misses his past experience from his hometown and wrote a song completely based on his Si in his third album: “Over the castle on the hills”
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And of course, his way of dressing is not really fancy but rather simple and not really paid attention to details and the latest fashion since sensing is his inferior function.
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Thanks for reading this long ass in-depth analysis of Ed Sheeran’s MBTI type. If you agree with my typing and liked this article please share or reblog it, so CelebrityTypes.com will notice this and maybe fix this mistype on their website!
For more MBTI types of famous people, you should check out my website - which is an alternative to CelebrityTypes - http://www.famoustypes.com/ed-sheeran/
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famous-mbti · 8 years
How to attract the MBTI types:
ISTJ: Be trustworthy and loyal, avoid lies at all cost, slow and steady, learn their likes/dislikes, invite them out.
ISFJ: Reassure them in times of need, be kind and caring, talk about family, ask for help, be their friend first, be warm and caring, give them time.
ESTJ: Be hardworking, know what you want, tell them about yourself, be honest and loyal.
ISTP: Flirt, joke around, have a carefree attitude, be adventurous, give them space, suggest new things, be careful of talking about commitment, avoid being clingy.
ENFJ: Make yourself noticed, be ambitious, make them laugh, be friends first, take your time, show respect.
INTJ: Become friends first, be yourself, start conversations, be patient, don’t rely on them to confess their feelings, do it yourself.
ENTP: Debate with them, voice your opinions but not without backing them up, give them freedom, surprise them.
ENFP: Be romantic, be mysterious, talk about your dreams, boost their self esteem, be sensitive about their needs.
INTP: Show off your intellectual side, be direct, make them laugh, be confident, Give them space.
ESTP: Take them out on adventures, do something new every time you meet, don’t talk about commitments early, don’t be afraid of getting phycial.
ESFJ: Win over their freinds, look good, take them somewhere, talk about stability and family.
ISFP: Be funny/doorky, support them, compliment them, give them freedom, acknowledge their creative works.
INFP: Listen to them, read their favorite book, open up yourself, show them that they’re special to you, give them emotional support and feedback, don’t be afraid of being intense.
INFJ: Be deep, try to open them up bit by bit while at the same time respecting their walls, show interest in their interests, listen to them.
ENTJ: Don’t be emotionally clingy, be independent, don’t be fake, run errands together.
ESFP: Flirt, joke around, be exciting and interesting, touch them.
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famous-mbti · 8 years
Being an INTJ...
…is noticing everything while simultaneously waking into a wall…
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famous-mbti · 8 years
Dafuq did I just read
The MBTI and Enneagram types as Discourse Moments
ESTP:  “I, too, can divide, multiply and categorize into oblivion but what’s the fucking point”
ESTJ: “How many aneurysms did it take to render you useless?”
ESFP: “seeking for some kind of drama and attention”
ESFJ: I don’t know who wrote that book, but you have got to stop calling each other cp 6s and 4s!
ENTP: “💞Palpa 💞 be nimble🚶🏻 Palpa be ENTP🏃🏻💨 Palpa has enough Ne 🗿 To fill the sea 🍆😍! 1 Ne💦 2 Ne💦💦 3 Ne💦💦💦 4 💦💦💦💦! Palpa Ne’s💦 so much he can’t Ne any more 🙈🙉🙊! Ghost Ne 👻💦 Ghost Ne 👻💦 don’t be scared ❌😖❌! There’s always more Ne 💦👅 that can be shared 👬! Palpa makes me ☁️squishy ☁️ It’s sexy how he’s so 💧mean💧 Palpa treats me like his INFJ dream 🐈🐩🐕! Send this to 8w8 💯TRUE💯 ENTPs or else you’ll 🚫never 🚫 get any Ne 💦💦💦 again 😦😳😎‼️”
ENTJ: 8w1
ENFP: On all levels except physical, I am an 8. [intense!]
ENFJ: The manifesto people wrote about mag-ne-ti-c and his mom on twitter
ISTP: circumventing the circumgrip
ISTJ: Everyone I don’t like is Hitler a 4 
ISFP: “type me like one of your British infjs~~”
ISFJ: “nearly an 8″ *this post cannot be reblogged*
INTP: The hexadecagram 
INTJ: @glass-bones-and-palpa-skin
INFP: Hi my name is Infjandora Dark'Ness Dementia Raven Way, and I have a long ebony dark Ni-Ti loop(that’s how I got my name) with an Se loop that reaches my mid back and icy psychic blue eyes like limpid tears and a lot of people tell me that I’m on the same level as Carl Jung (AN: If u don’t know who he is get da hell out of here!) I’m not related to Keirsey but I wish I was because he’s a major hottie. I’m a 4 but I’m definitely not cringeworthy and attention seeking. I’m also an INFJ(the rarest type), and I spend my time on MBTI tumblr, where I’m in my seventh year here(I’m seventeen).  
INFJ: @palpa-ni-fe​
1: “I’d like you to solve this conflict like mature people instead of bitching each other.”
2: Mag-ne-ti-c’s mom
3: @palpas-st-ri-fe​
4: “a 14w13-6w5-9w10-2w4, which is in the 14-6-9-2 tetratype.”
5: Circumgrip
p6: “stable grip”
cp6: Intense!
7: ENTPs are Se-doms
8: “fucking stick your dick down my throat then pistol whip me”
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famous-mbti · 8 years
We humans tend to have different moods every day.
One day you will be typed as ENFP while the other day you will be typed as INFP or ENTP.
Most type tests disregard the fact that people tend to go through daily mood swings. The tests offer hypothetical, scenario-based questions, that will alter your result depending on what has happened from past personal experience or present feeling. Maybe you feel generous and loving today and test as an ENFP; tomorrow you might feel a bit savage and type as an ENTP. One letter can make a whole difference, which is why the process of discovering your own type is more than just question and answers. Read more: http://www.famoustypes.com/discover-your-true-mbti-type/
i need to talk to someone over how betrayed i feel about the mbti. i used to be an introvert years ago?? and now it gives me ENFP WHAT IS THAT
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famous-mbti · 8 years
This is my INTP analysis
So, recently i found out my MBTI personality type and it’s INTP. 
at first, i spit on it because of the stereotypical INTP as “logician analyst” boooooo how boring. And i don’t feel like i’m dat genius lol. but as i read through the the traits, strength, weakness, and functions i got really mentally deprived lol. next time i do, is that i spend 3 fucking days browsing and studying and make a research out of it lol.
i would like to scientifically explaining the theory and all… but i don’t want to. Instead, i want to explaining it from my point of view . because it’s easier this way and less boring.
so here’s:
INTP is an abbreviation used  in the publications of the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) as one of 16 personality types. Each alphabet stands for
I : Introversion. means a reserved personality.
N: Intuition. means abstract thinking and an ability to make future possibilities.
T: Thinking. means when making decision they value logic and reasoning.
P: Perceptions. means they value other perceptions aka open minded.
but that’s only on a surface.
as functions INTP has:
Dominant: (Ti) Introverted Thinking
the ability to logically analyst a subject that comes from inside the mind to mind itself. aka self-philosophize aka self-debating aka what i’m doing right now. this usually lead up with common “absent mind” which is when the INTPs are so caught up with whatever is on their mind, they forget about their physical world and their mind is at- God knows where their mind is… 
on the eyes of other people they would seem like lost/doozed or in bahasa indonesia “bengong” but they actually doesn’t. if you think INTPs are analyzing something amazingly genius you’re dead wrong. they’re often take even the stupidest and less functional idea. nah, it’s not just about tv series and stuff. most of the INTPs are not even realize they’re absent minded and if you ask them what they’re thinking, there’s 70% changes they would forget about it.
(Ne) Extroverted Intuition
the ability to “abstract thinking” and make future possibility of the subject outside the mind (environment). this is why INTPs won’t just fed up with what’s already been there. instead they analyzed the shit out of it and make the logical reasoning of “what if” and “why would”. thus leads them to despise the norm and social order. also because of their abstract thinking, INTPs are also very open minded and sometimes can be very enthusiastic. 
their emotions are connected with a thirst of knowledge. that’s why some INTP can be childish and weird when they’re gushing about something they interested. “triggered” could be a great word for this. when my enthusiasm triggered, it’s like there’s a cotton candy explosion in my brain and the next thing in my mind… is pure emotions and enthusiasm. INTP can go from boring faced dude to kid on sugar rush when something triggered them… and then they back to boring faced dude again. 
but sometimes INTP can be easily fooled because of their open mindness and overly enthusiastic. i’ll have you know, they hate it. because INTP treasure knowledge more than any other personality. not because they love, nor because exciting, nor because to achieve a goal. they just simply worship knowledge.
also INTPs are very straightforward and honest. INTP often accidentally slip on their juicy opinion into a touchy subject and make the people around him super pissed. they didn’t mean it tho, perhaps they might be trying help you. this is because of their lack of understanding in human feelings and their straightforward personality that makes the INTP sometimes looks like a “machine without a heart”. which isn’t true tho, i can guarantee you.
(Si) Introverted Sensing
the ability to recall memories and emotions. they use it to gather the data and then comparing them with the present to judged/support the theory.     i don’t know if any INTPs has a same traits as me but i always have a tendency to use metaphor as a pillar of my theory. 
if you don’t know metaphor, it is a technique to judged and compare problems by simply imagining problems as another objects. the objects could be anything like box, mugs, cats, even book character from your recalling memories. i used this technique to understand why INTJ self-eccentrically feeling has more understanding of human feelings rather than INTP by imagining balls, i used balls as a metaphor for that theory. further talks will be on the next post after this.
Inferior: (Fe) Extroverted Feeling
now this is rather interesting. i had spent 5 hours analyzing INTP theory, and at the dawn of the day, i still don’t understand about this Fe function. since it’s the lowest out of four INTP functions, and since i honestly do not understand about human feelings. 
i know that i’m not a cold machine like *ehm* particular personality. i want to interact with people. eventhough some poeple are jerks… but i believe that somehow they’re good in their own way, because god made us different on a purpose. in my motto, “if you can’t get em and they can’t get you, then don’t. because it’s only hurt you or them in the process.” furthermore, this Fe theory is still under development. that’s why i need to put this theory on the alpha-mode experiment. 
what i’m trying to say is: i’m gonna try to make a social connection on the first day of class and see what happens. see you next.
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famous-mbti · 8 years
Dear SJs... from an ENFP
Dear SJs, I will respect your status or traditions, if you respect my personal values.
I will respect authoritative figures by default.
I will call you by your title and be polite towards you.
I will do what you ask me to do out of respect.
The moment you abuse this status by starting to order me around and expecting me to do exactly as you say, I will lose complete respect for you and I will treat you the same way you are treating me - regardless of your status. I will no longer consider you my guardian, mom, dad, older sister, older brother, teacher, principal, master, aunt, uncle, grandma, grandpa, supervisor or boss. We ENFPs aren’t necessarily ‘rebellious’ or ‘unpredictable’. We are rather predictable. We will treat you like a human - so we expect you to do the same. Respectfully yours,
-an ENFP
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famous-mbti · 8 years
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Mine and hubs desks, side by side comparison. INTP vs ENTJ
INTP: maybe I should clean my desk today ENTJ: Well I wasn’t going to say anything but….
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famous-mbti · 8 years
It is not as opposite as ENFP-ESTJ...
Opposed siblings
I’m an INTJ-T ( introverted , Intuitive, Thinking and Judging person) you can find yours by doing an MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type indicator test). I just made my brother take it and he is an ESTP( extroverted , sensing, feeling and perspective person). We are complete opposites, perhaps opposing siblings.
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