movies are so stupid
so my mom and i were chatting with the guy at america's best yesterday and i mentioned how im probably gonna be blind by the age of 30 if im not more careful on set because yesterday i had to slate a scene and i walked in front of the lights and i was like OH GOD
and my mom was like what's slating and i did like the clapboard motion and they were both like OOHHH ... and i waslike yeah when i found out that's like A Real Thing i was like wait omg...
and then after a bit i was like. actually maybe all of film is weird and made up. because like well some of the terminology makes sense like it is more convenient to call an extension cord a "stinger" but like. why the fuck do we call clothespins "c-47s" whose fucking idea was that
then i also mentioned how we have dead cats. who decided to name them that
the guy was like yeah you get the pretentious thing, the thing that's like actually kinda cool normal slang, and the one that's just a Bummer .and i was like yeah full range of human emotions and he was like i guess if that's what you're trying to express you might as well experience it too LMAO
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i think the thing that really does it for me/the reason i Know i love my major is that. well
basically every time i do something film related and it goes perfectly i can't wait to do more of it
but when there's so much as one (1) small mistake i still can't wait to get back on set/back to editing/whatever it is so i can go back in with more knowledge than last time
anyway shorter post than i usually put on this blog but that's all i had to say
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"don't like, don't read"
i saw someonr say that fiction can't harm people and i don't th.ink that's entirely true tbh
like. popular culture has a great influence on,,, like,,,, Culture. isn't that crazy? and works of fiction can definitely do a lot to contribute to a harmful environment whether that be through certain portrayals of things or Whatever
however it is ultimately on the . i hate saying "consumer" about art so im gonna say it's ultimately on the enjoyer to think critically about the fiction and come to their own conclusion on that piece of fiction; there's a lot of media where, if you don't already have established values of your own, it might not have the intended effect
for example if you're like 7 and you watch taxi driver you might like. Idolize the robert deniro guy i forget his name and see him as a hero or something because you don't really have values of your own yet so you can't bounce the film off of your values and come to a conclusion of your own, you just have to take what it's giving you and be like yeah okay cool 👍
and there's also a lot of media where that is the intent, you're supposed to just take what it's giving you, but it's giving you a message that uuuhhh Might Be Bad and contribute to ,,,, things that Hurt People. this is stream of consciousness i will not give any specifics no thoughts head empty
anyway. Uuhhh idk . Sometjing something media literacy 👍💪
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a poem about falling out of love
I used to hold this constant fondness for you in my heart One that made grass greener, made the sun shine brighter But even after how long it stayed, unbreaking, One moment still seemed enough to lift its spell And at the end of it all, somehow it feels as if nothing was ever there And somehow the longing was better than this, A premature ending of my bitter bliss.
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i wrote most of this in my notebook instead of paying attention to man with a movie camera in history of film
I truly believe that art- all art, including cinema- is about emotion above all else, whatever that may entail. Like, whether it's driving someone to action or just entertaining or helping people experience the full range of an emotion they've had before, or trying to make people feel things they haven't. My favorite songs are the ones that make me feel so deeply that I have some kind of physical response listening to them.
So why does it seem so impossible for me to feel anything form certain things where meaning can basically only be derived based on how it makes you feel?
I love abstract art, as a concept, but I suck so bad at trying to derive meaning from things, even my own work. I feel like I'm missing something. Someone who actually likes this movie would have to be the kind of person who has that thing I don't have.
(My professor said this is one of his favorite genres, the city symphony. He also said we could go to his office hours to talk about basically whatever we wanted. Maybe I should stop by his office and ask him what he's got that I don't.)
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many of the nice things that happened to me yesterday
I had a really good day yesterday and i just thought I'd share. there's no point to this, almost all of it is uninteresting out of context, and im not gonna wrap it all up into something cohesive, but here's how my day was :)
first of all my morning started with me learning that some of my dad's photos from dashcon are Very popular to the point where if you google dashcon slenderman you can easily find someone's post of them, not to mention someone redrew a couple of the photos which was So So cool to see
my history of film class was pretty uneventful but my professor is an all around pleasant guy and i enjoy being in his class
then i went to get lunch (/breakfast. so really brunch) with my friend and it was some Banger Pasta. which is starting to become a thursday tradition bc she already goes to that place for lunch with our other friend so we go there early and when i go to class she just hangs out until our other friend gets there LOL
we were looking out the windows and we saw a little baby running around in a little puffer coat and she started chasing a starship robot (little food delivery robot, if you haven't heard of them) and she waved at it and the crowd (me and my friend) went Wild.
also this was expected bc i think it's their routine but three of my favorite professors in the film department (which i say even though this is my first semester having any of them LOL) also walked in and since my friend and i are both in film production one of them always points us out and says hi. the other two don't really say anything they're just kinda like :) but that's just how they are.
((also notably this brunch time is sandwiched between my classes with both of the professors who don't say much LOL,, i usually leave a few minutes after they leave bc me and one of them r going to the same place))
anyway after that i went to my editing class ofc and i finished up my edit of the hold up, i decided im okay with it not being particularly creative because it doesn't necessarily Have to be. sure mine won't stand out but that's okay, not everything i do has to be above and beyond
anyway editing is my last class of the day, and it was really really nice out (57°F, my favorite temperature ever) so i dropped by my room to put on a lighter jacket and i went and wandered around for a while
Then i ended up going to the library and i knocked out some stuff I've needed to get done, and After That i helped run a pop culture club meeting (im the vice president) which i usually don't enjoy a whole lot but this time we had bad fanfic night and the turnout was Pretty Great especially compared to our other meetings
Anyway then i went home and had some pizza. The end
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i made a sideblog to satiate my desire to have like an actual blog where i twlk about stuff because i realized nobody's gonna read my fuckign BLOGGER posts . will reblog this post on my main (tozierstache)
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