fan-tastic-fiction · 2 years
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fan-tastic-fiction · 4 years
An fic about surveillance that manages to be clever, funny and sweet. This Steve/Bucky fic by owlet may be one of the most popular and well know Stucky fics in the fandom. Make sure you check out owlet’s other work as well and leave comments and kudos!
Summary: The mission resets abruptly, from objective: kill to objective: protect
Excerpt: Three hours is not enough after relocation. Three hours is UGH territory. But the building is still silent and the sky still dark. He unscrews the (pathetic) doorknob plate. Future people have obviously expended much more effort on perfecting grilled cheese than on locks.
Good choice, future people.
At 0446, coffeeshop Pronoun is not open. Points off, Pronoun. Starbucks is open and the sandwiches are ready.
Rogers wakes at 0645 and takes an inordinate amount of time bathing for someone with so little hair. By the time Rogers emerges from the building, all scrubbed and shiny, the sidewalks are filling with people, many of whom walk in the direction of the subway. But the crowd is nothing like Manhattan. Barnes can breathe. No one jostles him.
He follows Rogers around all morning. First to Pronoun, where Rogers orders tea and something called a “wheat-free paleo sunrise muffin.” Rogers takes one bite of it, stops in the middle of the sidewalk, stares at it, and then tosses it in the nearest trashcan. Barnes is tempted to grab the thing and test it for poisons, but it looks so … sticky, lying on top of an old newspaper. Who knew food could look malevolent.
Steve, pal, you gotta learn about the magic of grilled cheese.
Yeah, yeah. Maybe.
He follows Rogers to a grocer, to a drug store. The grocer is next to a hardware store. Barnes goes in and buys a doorknob and lock while Rogers tries and fails to get a word out of the grocer.
“Brooklyn used to be friendlier,” Rogers mutters to the sidewalk afterward.
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fan-tastic-fiction · 4 years
A touching and a bit bittersweet Sam Wilson/Steve Rogers oneshot that leaves room for a happy ending. Check out the author, thingswithwings, and leave kudos and comments on all of their work!
Summary: “Sam puts the Trouble Man soundtrack on repeat, like a talisman at first, when he thinks that Steve might die. The doctors are grim and serious, claiming that they did what they could for him, removing the bullets and stitching his insides back together. A few hours later, the doctors’ faces get less grim, more confused, and a few hours after that, they’re throwing their arms up in the air in frustration and grinning with triumph at the same time, because apparently the Super Soldier Serum is worth more than just the fastest mile in human history.
Sam spends that time beside Steve, in the position he’s gotten used to after only a couple of days: on his right, waiting to see where he’ll run next, ready to get his back.”
Excerpt:“Here,” Sam says, handing him the remote for the bed. “This is the head of the bed, this is the foot, this is up, this is down.”
Steve frowns down at the remote as he touches the buttons, then grins like a kid when the bed moves.
“I love the future,” he says softly, and Sam can’t help but laugh. He pulls back from Steve’s side, moving to sit down again, but before he can get far Steve grabs his wrist. He must be healing quick, if his grip’s that strong after getting shot in the shoulder.
“Hey Sam,” Steve says, and for a second Sam is lost in the wild, impossible thought that Steve Rogers might kiss him. Sam swallows.
Steve’s grip shifts, so that he’s clasping Sam’s hand instead of holding his wrist. It’s a manly kind of bro-handclasp, not like holding hands or anything, but it still feels intimate. Sam thinks that Steve wants it to feel intimate. Is this how guys in the forties interacted? Touching each other a lot and staring into one another’s eyes? Is it just Steve? It’s really hard to tell.
“Thank you.” Steve’s voice is hoarse. “It was good that you were here. When I woke up. Much better than last time.”
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fan-tastic-fiction · 4 years
A fic focusing on the relationshio between Miles Morales and his father. Please leave comments and kudos for the author, TechnicolorVocab01!
Summary: “Jefferson Davis can’t lie to himself, as much as he tries. He and Miles have always butted heads– his son just has this carefree, unfettered approach to life that Davis’ strict, no-nonsense methods seemingly have no place in. A large part of him loves Miles for that, truly, even though sometimes Jefferson feels as if he’s just slowing him down.
But now, with Miles away at school on weeknights– seemingly always busy with something or another– Jefferson has never felt that gaping space between himself and his son yawn wider.
Enter the new Spider-Man. A free-spirited kid, five foot nothing and standing between the whole city and danger as if it’s his job, breaking a long series of minor laws with careless ease, and giving a certain cop heart palpitations on a regular basis.
Jefferson Davis can’t lie to himself anymore. No matter how much he hates vigilantes– especially of the masked variety– a child is a child. And a dad is a dad.”
Excerpt: Jefferson feels something swell painfully in his chest, and his eyes burn with sympathetic tears in a way they hadn’t in a long time. It was just so hard to watch thiskid cry like his heart was breaking over things he couldn’t help and situations he never should have been in. A kid who went out into the city everyday to face villains and thugs twice his size for people who repaid him by following him around; recording his pain and hardships for the world to see. Jefferson… he doesn’t want to be a gawker on the sidelines, another adult for Spider-Man to worry about and put on a show for only to retreat to a deserted rooftop alone to beat himself up even more over his mistakes. It wasn’t right for any kid to feel this way, and Jefferson couldn’t swing around on webs or climb up walls, but he knew a thing or two about encouraging downtrodden kids.
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fan-tastic-fiction · 4 years
Captain America meets Antique Roadshow but somehow it works. This is a really thoughtful and introspective fic with some funny moments centering around Sam Wilson, Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff as well as the romance both past and present of Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes. Make sure to leave comments and kudos for the author, queenklu!
Summary: “Sam told me you were watching Antiques Roadshow,” Natasha says, shaking out her hair. “I assumed it was a national emergency.”
Excerpt: When Steve tunes back in the appraiser is telling the owner that his logbook is worth eighteen thousand dollars as it is, but if he cuts it up and sells the autographs individually then he has a total worth of somewhere closer to fifty thousand dollars. For the ‘Steven G. Rogers’ autograph alone he could get between two and three grand.
Steve lets out a long breath as Sam whistles. “So that is a lot,” Steve says, voice low. “Sometimes it all seems like monopoly money.”
“Inflation, man,” Sam says, voice kind. “You sure watching this doesn’t bring you down?”
“Yeah,” Steve says, shaking his head. “It feels… It’s good to know people are keeping things like this. Keeping them safe.”
“Well, I’d never cut it up,” the owner says, resting his hand on the cover. “I could never do that to Freda. This place meant the world to her.”
“I remember Freda,” Steve smiles. “She ran the front-of-house. I think Dum-Dum took her home that night.”
“This is the most fun I have ever had watching PBS,” Sam says after a stunned moment of silence. “Since I outgrew Sesame Street, anyway. Maybe I’ll make popcorn.”
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fan-tastic-fiction · 4 years
A rarepair fic featuring Bruce Banner and Clint Barton and loads of emotional hurt/comfort and cute couple scenes. By hoosierbitch, be sure to check out their work and leave comments and kudos!
Summary: No one can understand why Bruce and Clint are together. Clint’s loud, brash, irritating–exactly what Bruce doesn’t need in his life. (Also, there are sandwiches. Of LOVE.)
Excerpt: The first time Bruce had complimented Clint—really complimented him, trying to explain how deep his feelings went—Clint had laughed and conceded that he believed that Bruce believed it, as if Bruce was some delusional person, in love—in like—with an imaginary, invented version of Clint. Bruce had flipped out on him a bit, protesting and insisting, trying to convince Clint of something that—he realized later—maybe Clint was hearing for the first time.
Clint never contradicted a compliment again, but Bruce knows that Clint doesn’t believe him. Especially on nights like this, when Clint tells Bruce something honest and Bruce doesn’t laugh in his face or leave him. Bruce stays calm, because he knows that the anger he feels—for everyone who’s seen this little-boy part of Clint and pushed him away—is dangerous. Clint makes something dark burn inside of Bruce, something fierce and proprietary and sad. He fights it back, struggling with his emotions in a way that hasn’t happened in years. Since Betty.
Clint curls up against Bruce’s side and holds onto him so tightly that it hurts. Bruce stays quiet, rubbing his hand across Clint’s shoulders until he falls asleep.
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fan-tastic-fiction · 4 years
A Cosmo/Don/Kathy fanfiction by cimorene on AO3 that does a great job capturing the feeling and atmosphere of Singing In The Rain. Check out this great fic and the authors other works in the same fandom if you want to read some great works inspired by this classic movie.
Summary: Kathy tweaked his nose and skipped ahead of him. “You know, Cosmo, Don and I may love you for your brains–”
“Excuse me! I resent that remark! You love me for my unerring sense of comic timing.”
“–But not everyone is so forgiving.”
Excerpt: The second time Kathy asked Cosmo if he really wanted to live with them, he took half a handful of marigolds from her and arranged them in the vase on his dresser himself. “Don’t be silly, Kathy,” he’d scolded, “next thing you know you’ll be asking me if I like your cooking, or how you look in that dress.”
But the first time she’d asked him–not in so many words, of course, but more like “were you pleased to be asked,” hoping Don’s bizarre sense of humor hadn’t hurt him–he’d been silent almost a full second before he’d said just “yes,” solemn and too serious to summon another answer.
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fan-tastic-fiction · 4 years
If you are looking for a BAMF Bulma Briefs then RC_McLachlan has you covered. They write a lovely, competent Bulma while still staying in character. This is a short humorous and dramatic fic that is full of wit and really fun to read. Be sure to check out their other work and leave kudos and comments!
Summary: “So, there’s a crazy guy on the front lawn shouting that he’s the king of the saiyans. He keeps threatening to blow up the planet.”
“I told you, just ignore him when he gets like this. He’ll be fine by lunch.”
“It’s not Papa.”
Excerpt:  Sending a little F-bomb-laden prayer to Dende, Bulma straightens her shoulders, throws the front door open wide, and finds herself face to face with the saiyan collective. The soldiers, in perfect formation, turn in her direction as one, while their captain slams her stony glare upon Bulma, who doesn’t even stumble once on her way over because she is the consummate professional and their goddamn queen.
Their prince, on the other hand, trips over something with a loud, “Ow, crap!”
This is exactly why her dad laughs every time she says she’s doing a good job parenting. Bulma comes to a stop maybe fifteen feet away, Trunks close behind, and tilts her chin up a little to meet the gaze of the captain. 
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fan-tastic-fiction · 4 years
Today’s fanfiction recommendation is a short, cute and funny little piece by rageprufrock centering on Lestrade from BBC Sherlock adopting two mischievous kittens.  Be sure to check out their other work and leave comments and kudos!
Summary: It’s an uncomfortable and telling measure of the depth of Lestrade’s parental guilt that he acquires not one, but two kittens.
Excerpt:   Amelia, when presented with the cats, shrieks at such an alarming decibel and for such a long time that Lestrade actually thinks she’s dying.  The cats are similarly unimpressed and remain curled together, cowering in the carrier Mrs. Hudson has pressed on him, and Lestrade’s grateful for it when Amelia launches herself at him crying, “Thank you, Daddy!  You’re the best daddy in the world!”  Obviously it’s flagrant emotional manipulation and positive reinforcement training him into reflexively buying her things to win the chemical high of her adoration, but that doesn’t make it any less effective.
It’s a short hit, though, and Lestrade’s barely manage to give her a squeeze before she’s rocketed away from him and to the carrier, falling to her hands and knees to peer into the dark mouth of the container.
“Do they have names?” she asked.  "Can I name them?“
Lestrade goes over to her.  "The black one’s Sherlock, and the ginger one’s John — and be careful with John, Sherlock’s mean.”
“Excellent,” Amelia says, fearlessly sticking her hands into the carrier.  "I love mean ones.“
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fan-tastic-fiction · 4 years
Today’s fanfiction recommendation is a post apocalypse Spike/Buffy by Lirazel. Be sure to check out their other work and leave comments and kudos!
Summary: The world is remade in shades of scarlet and midnight, and all that’s left is each other.
Excerpt: “At first (he tells himself), he stayed with her because he hates to be alone (he’s liveddied long enough to know that everyone’s greatest fear is being alone, and there’s no shame in admitting it), and in a world full of hell’s own demons (untainted by anything like humanity, unlike vampires) he needed someone to fight with if he was going to last (these demons, real ones, pure ones, hate vampires, label them half-breeds, have sworn to wipe them out) and who could be better than the Slayer?  He’d never fought by her side before (not until Angelus and Dru and Acathla and that was less him fighting and more just knocking Dru out and running, and besides, it didn’t exactly end well), but he knew when they were fighting each other (their mutual preference for engaging each other instead of anyone else), so fluid and graceful and brutal and perfect (the greatest dance he could imagine), that they would be unstoppable if they ever fought side-by-side.”
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fan-tastic-fiction · 4 years
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fan-tastic-fiction · 4 years
Today’s reccomended fic is a Vegeta/Bulma fic on AO3 by RC_McLachlan. Be sure to leave comments and support and to check out their other work!
Summary: “Of all the ways she imagined this happening, lodging a five-pound diamond in the wall above her bed at four in the morning and shouting at her to find a white dress hadn’t even made the list.”
Excerpt from story:“Vegeta has always felt things so keenly, more than maybe anyone gives him credit for: anger, sure, but confusion, fear, and all the softer emotions always leave him floored. The first time he saw Trunks let loose a ki blast, it took Vegeta nearly ten minutes to move from where he stood, his pride and admiration nailing him to the floor. She took a picture of it; it’s been the background on her phone ever since.
But whatever it is he’s feeling right now, it’s immobilized him. He stares at her wordlessly, swallowing hard.
In for a penny. “You came in, threw a 12,000-carat diamond at my head, and then you left… like it was a given I’d go along with it. Like I’d just follow you to the altar like some simpering dipshit and thank you for the privilege.”
He swallows again and turns his head away—angrily, of course, because why would he ever allow himself to be sheepish? “I never once thought you were a simpering dipshit.”
“You literally thought that was my name for the first two weeks you stayed here.”
“Until you rigged the simulator to electrocute me!”
She took a picture of that too. It’s still her lock screen.”
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fan-tastic-fiction · 4 years
Author: kartography Forum:AO3 Rating: E Chapters: 3 Fandom: How I Met Your Mother Pairing: Barney/Robin Summary: She’s never heard a love story like this one.
Quote: “She laughs, and it’s kind of nice sitting here, just the three of them. Sometimes it gets awkward, just her and Ted, especially now that they’ve stopped hooking up, but she likes this, with Barney on his fourth cup of coffee as he tears through the business section and Ted demolishing his syrupy short stack as he sends what she guesses are disgustingly sappy texts. She liked living alone but this feels warmer than she expected. Neater. Maybe she could get used to having roommates.
“You know, Lazer Tag is unlimited games for five bucks until two on Saturdays,” Barney says hopefully.
Hell, what else is she going to do today? “I’m in.”
Funny, bittersweet, slow moving and convoluted this story matches the tone of the show well.
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fan-tastic-fiction · 4 years
Author: Eleveninches, fabricant, hell otailor, M_Leigh, neenya, tigrrmilk Forum:AO3 Rating: G Chapters: 1 Fandom: Captain America, Marvel Cinematic Universe Pairing: light Captain America/Bucky Barnes Summary:“Heil Hydra,” the enemy agent shouts. “Heil this, motherfucker,” says Captain America, shooting off a rocket.
Steve and Bucky find out Hollywood has been busy since they went away. A historical survey, including but not limited to: one set of exploded genitals, a brief interlude in France, Mel Gibson and other masterworks of casting, eight Academy awards, several dinosaurs, and something Tony Stark has ominously dubbed “the masterpiece.” Art included.
Quote from the fic: “I remember movies being better,” Bucky says. “Well, at least you remember movies,” Steve says.
The “Steve Rogers reacts to modern films made of his life” fic you always wanted, done perfectly. I will say that I think the rating should be higher based upon the porn movie scene. The only disappointing part of this fic is that some of the artwork links are broken.
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fan-tastic-fiction · 4 years
Author: Throstle Forum:All about Spike Rating: NC-17 Chapters: 12 Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Pairing: Spike/Buffy with various side pairings Summary:A sequel to Try a Little Tenderness(a redemption fic for both Spike and Buffy.) TLT assumes some time has passed after Hells Bells and everything else follows on from there. B/S.
Quote from the story:
“Xander stares at the empty till. Imagines it’s a shrine to Anya, a shrine that he foolishly left untended. Feels like he’s been robbed. Robbed of chance, of hope, of the opportunity to tell her that, yes, he lied to her, but he lied to himself most of all. The truth was locked away out of his sight, out of his workaday mind. How could he possibly know it was there? Might never have seen it, but for payback demon and his mindfuck mojo. Man, that was bad, sitting centre stage with his fears acting out all around him. Recognising the stock images of dysfunction and despair. Thinking, yeah, these are the things that frighten me. This is what I think about every time me and Anya row, or when I run into my Dad. Tell me something new. But then there was the back story. Yeah, that surprised him. Strike that. Horrified him. Shocking to realise that – of course – there’s a plot point waiting to derail his life. Couldn’t ignore it. Couldn’t fail to understand that all that he is, all that he can be, all his happiness, all of his hope, hangs on the thin thread of a slayer’s life. So what I wanted to say is I do love you, Anya. I want to touch you, be touched by you. Make love and life with you. All those things. Wanna be amazed at you, amused by you. Even want to be embarrassed by you. Most of all I simply want to be with you. Don’t ever doubt that. I think that adds up to love. But I need Buffy more. Not going to be the one that gets to touch her. Hey, I’m not that self-deluding. But she made a space for me in the family she built. And that lifts me out of the basement. Helps me shut out the echoes of my Dad’s fistfalls. Allows me to believe that I’m a better man, part of something good. Without her I don’t know if I can be the man that you love and, shit, that’s not a solid foundation to build a marriage on. So I guess I came here to ask whether you can forgive me and carry on loving me. And I guess there’s only one answer you can possibly give.”
A story full of gentle, sad confusion.
Author interviews are being suspended for a couple of weeks to build up a supply. If you would like to give an interview, please let me know.
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fan-tastic-fiction · 4 years
Author: Waldorph Forum: AO3 Rating: E Chapters: 11 Fandom: Star Trek 2009 reboot Pairing: Kirk/Spock Summary: Spock met Jim when he was 7 and Jim was 6. It has since been generally agreed that this was a mistake (or: the one where they grow up together and things are simultaneously better and worse for it).
A fantastically well written Kirk/Spock fic, their relationship is so believable and the reader finds themself quickly invested in it. While the relationship is the main focus, there are other plot points as well as focuses on Spocks relationship with his family and identity and Kirk’s journey through a rough childhood. The fic is explicit but I would strongly suggest reading even if you need to skip the sexual scenes (of which there are only a few which show up about halfway through) because the emotional aspect of the friendship and romance are the real focus.
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fan-tastic-fiction · 4 years
Author: Colubrina Forum: Fanfiction.net Rating: M Chapters: 57 Fandom: Harry Potter Pairing: Hermione/Tom Riddle Summary: Tom Riddle walked through a doorway one fall afternoon everything changed and he found himself in a world wholly unprepared for him. “Something about you makes my brain itch,” Hermione Granger said. “As if an earthquake had shifted everything sharply two feet to the left and then back again and it didn’t all fit back quite right.” Tomione. AU. COMPLETE.
While not for everyone, perhaps, this fic is well written and well characterized and appropriately dark.
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