fancyfleet · 4 years
✪✪✪✪✪✪ = Stop being so perfect >:0
"Aww I don't deserve how sweet you are! You're one of the best people I've had the pleasure of befriending and I hope you never change"
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fancyfleet · 4 years
As nervous as he was Wraith was highly excited to meet his lover's close friend and *Fleety's future best man. There was just the slight issue of once the Wraith saw those familiar blue quills and emerald eyes he froze in his tracks. Oh Arrow was a Sonic.....
He tried to keep smiling but be could feel it slip off his face as he forced himself to step forward from their sudden appearance just mentally thinking.
"A Sonic, of course he's a Sonic it's always a Sonic around here when *Fleety is involved" It wasn't a bitter feeling just an odd aftertaste on his tongue.
It wasn't that he hated the blue one but everytime he has met one he has gotten these awful headaches and a cold feeling deep in his chest. It chilled him to his core and he couldn't stop a small shiver as he forced a new smile and a slight cough in his sleeve. Must be friendly after all there was no reason for him to be be rude even if for the moment he felt off, stepping forward he held his clawed hand out toward the new "Sonic" hoping he seemed friendly enough.
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"Hello Arrow! It's so nice to finally meet another one of *Fleety's friends, I've heard nothing but good things about you" a slight twitch of his lip as he finished his words trying to keep calm with his insides already feeling clammy....it's fine it'll pass.
"I hope you enjoy sweets? We both have a bit of a sweet tooth so it's easy to forget not everyone shares that trait, still I know we'll be able to find something good for us all to eat on the menu"
Oh boy was he nervous! Why? His lover said everything would be fine all he had to do was meet his mate’s friend nothing scary about that, but the thought that this was so important to his lover is what made it scary the thought of what the other might think and if he’d approve or not, the thought of it not going well and his partner being left upset from the ordeal.
He tried to sleep peacefully that night but it seemed if it wasn’t his occasional nightmares it was his worry keeping him from getting some restful sleep, and at the end of it all he honestly could go without sleep and just spent his time going over the plan, the place, and what conversations they could have. It wasn’t long before his alarm gave a loud sharp buzz and he knew it was time to get up and get ready.
He made sure to make his love breakfast in bed before he himself got ready with his signature white button up, red tie, his black vest and favorite bright red suit jacket. Brushing it all down and making sure his buttons looked good he then put on his black dress up shoes as he slipped his engagement ring into his finger.
Grabbing his favorite cane he gave it a tap, he left to do a few errands in his office till it was nearly noon before floating out and looking over to his mate with a nervous smile on his face.
“Love~ I….I think I’m ready?”
He held his hand out and grinned at the sight of their rings, okay deep breaths this was all going to be fine.
“Lets go meet your good friend” e////v////e
After sleeping through Wraith’s alarm and being brought his breakfast, Fleety took his time getting ready. Hesitantly showering, cleaning up the kitchen, and preparing his shoulder bag. He had to bring his wallet and camera! He’d be taking his phone too but it just doesn’t produce the same results. With his engagement ring on, he went down to the foyer and had a seat by a window, waiting for his love to join him. 
Before he knew it, it was almost twelve noon, and Fleety looked up to his husband-to-be when he finally joined him. With an excited smile, Fleet took the hand offered to him and stood up, holding Wraith’s hand between two of his own.
“Yes! Let’s! I’ll take us to him! Since I don’t think you’d know how to find him.” The former super closed his eyes and focused on Arrow’s energy, and the memory of his face. Fleet might not have been as powerful, but he still knew how to manipulate Chaos Energy, well enough to take what he needed from the air and the super beside him. In a flash, they left Wraith’s mansion, and appeared about five feet away from wherever Arrow was. Fleet was just lucky they didn’t end up inside a wall.
Looking around for a few seconds, Fleety locked eyes with a familiar set of green. “Arrow!” He called gently, but his excitement raised his volume a bit. “We found you!”
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     {➹} – THE HERO’S MORNING, oddly enough, had been wildly uneventful. Per usual he hadn’t sleep much the night before but he always felt, and looked, oddly awake despite that, which was part of the reason he thought Mina had stopped worried about his apparent insomnia so much lately. The couple had actually had a pleasant breakfast before the mongoose set off for the day, leaving the hero to wait until it was time to meet Fleet and their soon to be significant other.
     Arrow had never minded meeting new people before, and today was going to be no different. After the talk he had with Fleet the hero was actually rather excited for the day ahead; well, lunch at least. He had no idea how long the pair would stick around or what they planned on doing after but that small mystery didn’t quell his anticipation. 
     In fact he had just stepped out onto the sidewalk, having just entered the main city, when a flash of light blocked his path. 
     While the accented hedgehog did blink at their rather sudden appearance, suddenly thankful there was no one else around at the moment, he still smiled at the sight of Fleet and his partner. He had been a tad worried that Fleet wouldn’t come for one reason or another but seeing them in front of him put that worry to ease. 
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     “That you did. Good thing I’m not a hard person t’ find,” he said with a soft laugh, giving his friend a quick once over before looking at the other. New face or not there was nothing but kindness in his eyes and in the smile he directed at them. “You must be Wraith.”
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fancyfleet · 4 years
Oh boy was he nervous! Why? His lover said everything would be fine all he had to do was meet his mate's friend nothing scary about that, but the thought that this was so important to his lover is what made it scary the thought if what the other might think and if he'd approve or not, the thought of it not going well and his partner is left upset from the ordeal.
He tried to sleep peacefully that night but it seemed if it wasn't his occasional nightmares it was his worry keeping him from getting some restful sleep, and at the end of it all he honestly could go without sleep and just spent his time going over the plan, the place, and what conversations they could have. It wasn't long before his alarm gave a loud sharp buzz and he knew it was time to get up and get ready.
He made sure to make his love breakfast in bed before he himself got ready with his signature white button up, red tie, his black vest and favorite bright red suit jacket. Brushing it all down and making sure his buttons looked good he then put on his black dress up shoes as he slipped his engagement ring into his finger.
Grabbing his favorite cane he gave it a tab, he left to do a few errands in his office till it wad nearly noon before floating out and looking over to his mate with a nervous smile on his face.
"Love~ I....I think I'm ready?"
-He held his hand out and grinned at the sight of their rings, okay deep breaths this was all going to be fine-
"Lets go meet your good friend" e////v////e
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As hyped as he was to have made those lunch plans, in the days leading up to it, Fleet had become veeeery nervous. He was so certain that Wraith and Arrow would get along! So what was stopping him from smiling today…?
Wraith is such a lovable version of himself. A little overzealous when it came to his gifts, sometimes admitting to wanting to spoil the blue hedgehog rotten, but Fleety couldn’t blame his powerful fiancé for being in love! If Fleet had the money, he’d want to give his partner the world too!
Then there’s Arrow. Fleet never thought he’d be okay with thinking of Arrow as an older brother, but that’s what it had come to! They got along better than the siblings Fleet had seen in media and even around him in the real world, but they were family now! As scary as it had been to see him again, truly, nothing much had changed between them! Their chemistry was still so effortless…
And now, these two that mean so much to the former super were going to meet! That should be so exciting! Fleet had calmed Wraith on that night he came back and suggested a light lunch with his friend with similar words. ‘My two favourite people…!’ ‘He’s not some judgmental overprotective big brother…!’ ‘You don’t need to bring a gift!’ 
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Despite how heavy his whole body felt, he managed to squeeze out a little chuckle at the memory. They’d be fine. He just hoped he wouldn’t blurt out something all of a sudden. 
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fancyfleet · 6 years
Send my Muse some stars!
✪ = I wanna kill you ✪✪ = I hate you ✪✪✪ = I kinda dislike you ✪✪✪✪ = You’re okay ✪✪✪✪✪ = Whoa you’re kinda cute ✪✪✪✪✪✪ = Stop being so perfect ✪✪✪✪✪✪✪ = *nosebleed* ✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪ = oh god you are hella sexy ✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪ = I wanna have sex with you ✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪ = Marry me
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fancyfleet · 6 years
5: Does your muse have any phobias? .11: How important is family to your muse?
(( Well like all supers it seems he also had a bad run in with water or some sort of wet type trauma. Besides water he fears the day Ebony passes way, but there's nothing he can do about that so he tries not letting the idea bother him for too long
Family is highly important to him! He was adopted by a tight nit “family” after all and anyone he gets close to is and will always be part of his family, and he will do anything to help, care for, and love )) 
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fancyfleet · 6 years
X3 (( Poor angry Dark baby! ))
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(( shortly after sketching this, i found out that this is p out of character for Dark and Wraith, so just consider this crack x3 )) @thewayfaringhero @fancyfleet
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“You want some ointment for that burn altie?”
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fancyfleet · 6 years
Wraith just snickered as the chao babbled back to the sweet smaller super, nodding his own head Wraith closed the menu and waved his friend over.
“Alrighty then, so starlight lets just think about how we both want our brownies, then we can talk about what other sweet we might like after okay?” 
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As the cat cam closer Wraith helped up the normal lunch food menu and kept the dessert menu
“Could we both please have the brownie pan panic? I want mine the usual, with two scoops vanilla, some caramel and chocolate drizzled on top, oh oh and please with pecan bits in? Fleety how would you like yours?” 
Wraith watched amused with Fleety’s face as he mentioned the food,  wide grinning as he watched the hyper little spark. 
“Well they have vanilla, chocolate, cookies and cream, and peanut butter. Usually the food you want has one scoop of vanilla but you could ask for any flavor and if you want another scoop or not” 
As he finished, he watched as some of the chao, now used to all the energy, started to go about and do their own thing. Some going back to singing and some going back to playing an instrument. The largest just nuzzling and cooing at the bright super holding him.
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“I know I said I wanted cookies but, Now I want cake and brownies too” 
“Abububu~” he cooed at the Chao he held before looking back up to Wraith. “Then let’s be fancy and have brownies!”
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“Then after that, we can have the chocolate malt milkshake, then some chocolate cookies, then the strawberry shortcakes, then,” he’d go on like this for most of the menu, if not all of it, pointing to all his favourites first. “What do you think?”
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fancyfleet · 6 years
Wraith watched amused with Fleety’s face as he mentioned the food,  wide grinning as he watched the hyper little spark. 
“Well they have vanilla, chocolate, cookie and cream, and peanut butter. Usually the food you want has one scoop of vanilla but you could ask for any flavor and if you wan another scoop or not” 
A he finished he watched as some of the chao, now used to all the energy started to go about and do their own thing. Some gong ack o sining and some going back to playing an instrument. the largest just nuzzling and cooing at the bright super holding him.
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“I know I said I wanted cookies but, Now I want cake and brownies too” 
Their hostess who’d been hanging back, walked over and placed a dessert menu out for them, smiling politely at them both.
“I’m going to let Wraith show off all he knows about this place, just wave me over when you’ve decided what you’d like to eat and drink” and with that, the siamese turned and walked back to other cat at the counter. As she left, Wraith opened up the menu and pointed out some of the treats
“They have sugar cookies, short bread, pecan, some pies. Fruit pies and little ice cream and cake treats! My favorite are the brownies with some nuts and ice cream with fudge or caramel. But that’s only if I really want to get fancy~ For now I’m fine with some pumpkin bread and or cookies and tea” 
Fleet pulled the pudgy purple Chao into his lap and pet it, nodding as the waitress told them to just call when they were ready, and waving as she stepped away. 
Leaning closer to peek at the menu, the shorter super already started salivating at the list of sweet things to choose from. “Oh… M-Maybe the…” His eyes darted up and down the menu, trying to pick just a few things to start with. “Maybe the… thing you said? With brownies and ice cream and fudge? What kind of ice creams do they have?” 
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fancyfleet · 6 years
What would your muse say to their younger self if they could go back in time?
(( Umm hmm I’m not sure? He doesn’t have any recollection of his past, so nothing he would say would matter, but if there was a way it could. just that his younger self has lots of good and love ahead of him, yeah that cheesy I know but Wraith is very happy with his life)) 
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fancyfleet · 6 years
17 & 19
17: How does your muse deal with their anger? 
(( Meditation, meeting Ebony not only helped him hone his chaos abilities but, also helped teach him how to keep emotions in check. Aaand if that doesn’t help he enjoys to do his glassblowing ))
19: Is your muse more self loving or self loathing?
(( Ehh it’s hard, usually he likes himself in some way I mean. He has hated part of himself during his life time but, overall I think he is p positive about himself )) 
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fancyfleet · 6 years
10: Most problematic thing your muse has ever done?
(( Eheheheheh well he did p much absorb all chaos energy in his zone and destroy it, I mean he didn't mean to completely destroy it but absorbing all that so suddenly caused such a huge surge of power hat he couldn't’ contain )) 
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fancyfleet · 6 years
1: When did your muse lose their virginity?
(( He’s old for a super but Mi hijo is still a virgin, he just hasn’t yet spend that sort of time with someone. Or has yet to meet someone that caught his eye for longer than just an small flittering crush ))
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fancyfleet · 6 years
9: What is your muse’s sexual preference?
(( Wraith hasn’t really thought about sex before, well he has just not much about it. He finds all people generally attractive, probably both demi romantic and demi sexual, ya just gotta get close to win his heart ))
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fancyfleet · 6 years
Dig into my muse's life | headcanons
1: When did your muse lose their virginity? 2: Who was your muse’s first kiss? 3: Which parent(or guardian) does your muse prefer? 4: Who are your muse’s closest friends? 5: Does your muse have any phobias? 6: Which sibling is your muse closest to? If they have no siblings, which family member? 7: If your muse had the opportunity to turn into the opposite sex for a day, would they take it? If so, what would they do? 8: Who was your muse’s first crush? 9: What is your muse’s sexual preference? 10: Most problematic thing your muse has ever done? 11: How important is family to your muse? 12: What is your muse’s happiest memory from their childhood? 13: What is your muse’s saddest memory from their childhood? 14: What is your muse’s deadly sin? 15: What would your muse say to their younger self if they could go back in time? 16: How does your muse see themselves in 5 years? What about 10? 17: How does your muse deal with their anger? 18: How does your muse feel about religion? 19: Is your muse more self loving or self loathing? 20: What is your muse’s addiction?
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fancyfleet · 6 years
Their hostess who’d been hanging back, walked over and placed a dessert menu out for them, smiling politely at them both.
“I’m goign to let Wraith show off all he knows about this place, just wave me over when you’ve decided what you’d like to eat and drink” and with that the siamese turned and walked back to other cat at the counter. As she left Wraith opened up the menu and pointed out so eof the treats
“They have sugar cookies, short bread, pecan, some pies. Fruit pies and little ice cream and cake treats! My favorite are the brownies with some nuts and ice cream with fudge or caramel. But that's only if I really want to get fancy~ For now I’m fine with some pumpkin bread and or cookies and tea” 
Wraith just snorted as he watched the chao all follow Fleety anyway, the grumpy baby in his own arms lifted it’s head up to look at the oncoming super with curiosity. Babbling as it looked back and forth, between the one that held him and the shorter one. Sliding into the booth he held his arms out so the big chao could hold it’s chubby arms for Fleety.
“Aww looks like he wants to meet you! Though it’s also obvious they all already seem to like you. So, I don’t eat much I’ll just want some tea and a few pastries, what about you? Actual food or snacks?”  
Oh no, Fleet didn’t expect the Chao to follow him! He watched the adorable mob scuttle over to where he sat with a bit of surprise. Despite how many times he’d visited gardens, rarely would the blue babies cling to him this much. His energy must have made them all curious. The gold super picked a few up as Wraith sat down, and sat them down in the booth with them as if they were a bunch of teddy bears.
Once he was satisfied, he noticed some purple arms trying to get him. “Hello!” he chimed, grinning and putting his face in the hands instead of doing something normal, like shaking its hand. “Can I have snacks? Snacks and juice? What kind of snacks do they have?”
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fancyfleet · 6 years
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Unlike he other before him Wraith had trouble hiding his own discomfort, he never met the other but...there was something that bothered in deep in his stomach. Still there was no need to be rude, putting on a smile he floated closer to and held out a hand.
“Why yes I am! I thought it would be nice to take a look around a new zone, my name is Wraith, and you are?” 
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     {➹} – THERE WOULD NEVER be a time where the accented hero came across a red-eyed super and didn’t tense in anticipation of something dreadful, like he had just done at the sight of the whiteish hedgehog in front of him. They were…different looking, sure, but not enough so that the hero didn’t feel a familiar tingle down his spine. Arrow did quite well at hiding it, however, and met the other’s eyes.
     “You’re…new around here, aren’t you?”
| @fancyfleet ⇀ liked
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fancyfleet · 6 years
Taking the hand he gave a light shake as he chuckled
“No no it’s alright, children don’t bother me much, especially if they don’t get scared by my eyes. My name is Wraith and it’s very nice meeting you”
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“Um If anything I apologize for possibly getting in your way? where you heading off to the park? Or did you hear about the fair?”  
Pats the little one’s head once he saw she was fine, standing back up to his full height as her parent was drawing near 
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“Aww don’t worry about that little one, you probably didn’t mean to, I just hope you didn’t hurt your nose too bad?” 
Harmony had no problem giving a bright smile for the pat on her head, even wagging her tail as Volt closed the gap between them and she ran over to be picked up. 
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“Nuh uh. I’m oki! Daddy says I gots a hard head so it didn’t hurt too much.” Now she would take in the appearance and height of the other. “Wow! Yer really tall!”
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“Made friends by running head first into someone’s ankles again… Didn’t you?” Volt held out a hand that wasn’t supporting the toddler on his hip. “I’m Voltage and my daughter is Harmony. Sorry for any inconvenience she caused.”
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