rxbelling-hxrald · 5 years
@projectlightfox continued from here
“Considering how long its been for both of us, does that ‘bit’ really matter?” Chortling a little to himself before being winded almost as the pup tackled herself into him, in response the demon-hog would scoop Harmony up into his arms where some long overdue nuzzles were promptly given.
“Heh, hello to you too Harmony, you’ve grown haven’t you? And you know me....I’ve been hiding all over more or less.” Choosing not to go into any particular details for the time being, there’d be a better moment for that than his reunion with the pair. “I hoped you like the chocolates, I wasn’t sure what to get you so I thought those rings would be enough to fetch you something nice you wanted.”
As he spoke to the younger in his arms he’d keep walking on over closer to Voltage before gently placing her back down besides her father, lowering a hand towards him in both a friendly gesture and to make up for lost time. “What about you? How’s life been treating you while I’ve been in the shadows?...Cmon, let’s get this over with I know your gonna want a hug yourself.” A cheeky smirk on his muzzle as he said that last part.
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the-twinventors · 5 years
((Cont. from here | @projectlightfox))
Nothing made sense anymore. Everything was just a frantic, jumbled blur in her mind as she tried desperately to pick out the more rational thoughts. But nothing was working, nothing was helping. Her chest grew tighter and tighter, and she whimpered, curling in on herself tighter as she struggled to breathe.
What was wrong with her? Why did she feel like this around him? It couldn’t be love, could it? She was just fussing over nothing, right??
Chaos, how she wished she couldn’t feel anymore...
Stella couldn’t even relax as the reason for her troubled mind took a seat next to her, flinching as she felt his fingers against her arm. The touch was so gentle, so concerned, but while her body loved it, her mind was panicking. She was barely able to listen to his words, and kept her head buried behind her arms, too afraid to look at him. If she looked at him, she’d get that wonderful but terrifying feeling again... why was she like this?! Why couldn’t she just look at him and have a proper conversation with him about this like any other Mobian?!
She did, however, manage to peek out at him slightly as he spoke about how she made him feel. She... surely she couldn’t have that kind of effect on anyone, could she? She was just a silly little girl, right? And nobody would ever want to be with her because of how childish and helpless she was, right?
Clearly, Volt didn’t agree with that train of thought, even if he couldn’t see it chugging.
And then... the bombshell. The last thing Stella had expected to hear from any Mobian’s mouth. As soon as those three small but powerful words reached her ears, her head immediately snapped up, staring at the hybrid in... in... she couldn’t even tell anymore. So many emotions were flying to the forefront at the confession - joy, excitement, and hope... but also terror, dread and confusion. And unfortunately, because of her damaged mind, the negatives were rapidly outweighing the positives.
He... he was just saying that, right? Just to make her feel better? There was no way he could mean it, no way. But, as she read his face, she realised slowly that he was telling the truth. She knew how to spot a liar, having been raised by someone who lied like there was no tomorrow. And she could tell... he wasn’t lying. He truly meant every word of it. He loved her. Volt loved her.
Her thoughts and emotions had become a hurricane, leaving her unable to pick one to focus on. So... she reacted in the only way that made sense to her in her current state.
She burst into tears.
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metallumdash · 5 years
| ᗩᖇᕮ YOᑌ ᗩᗷSOᒪᑌTᕮᒪY ᑕᕮᖇTᗩIᑎ ᗩᗷOᑌT TᕼIS? |
          In hindsight, it was a solid plan. Use Syntax’s ability to use Chaos Control and get the three of them, he, Volt, and Harmony, into Neo’s prisoner ship so that he could get Jayce and Stella out of there - but what of the backup plan? What if things go wrong? How will they escape? How will they escape unscathed? The amount of flaws it has under its belt could potentially put the two of them at risk of dying, but...
          They seemed determined enough. A short, accepting nod is all Syntax needed to confirm they were absolutely sure about going through with this. This isn’t exactly how he pictured his first time getting close to Neo was going to be - teleporting them in and then simply teleporting out. He knew that if he was quick enough, Neo wouldn’t be able to trace his movements, giving Volt and Harmony enough time to do their thing while he leaves to find safety. He’d stay, but the possibility of losing the emerald to Neo is too great, and he fears for what may happen if that emerald gets back in his possession...
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          No, no time to worry about the possibilities. He needs to do this now. Maybe, if he’s lucky enough, Volt and Harmony will actually do more harm to Neo’s plans than he thinks. Nodding to the hybrids, Syntax steps forward and places his hands on both of their shoulders.
| ᑕᕼᗩOS... ᑕOᑎTᖇOᒪ ! |
          In a flash of light, the three of them are instantly teleported into a metallic hallway, a corridor inside of one of Neo’s massive airships. Syntax glances down both ends of the hallway, confirming no one was watching them, then gives them one final nod.
| GOOᗪ ᒪᑌᑕK, ᗷOTᕼ Oᖴ YOᑌ. ᗰᕮᕮT ᗰᕮ ᗷᗩᑕK ᗩT Tᕼᕮ ᑕᗩᐯᕮ ᗯᕼᕮᑎ YOᑌ ᗩᖇᕮ ᗪOᑎᕮ. |
                 He almost said ‘if you come out of this alive.’ No. Have to stay positive.
          With a final parting nod, Syntax teleports out of Neo’s ship, back to his sanctuary. 
Now all that’s left is for Volt and Harmony to find out where the twins are cooped up. They were given the access codes for Neo’s chambers, hopefully they’ll remember it!
@projectlightfox @the-twinventors
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penthousedragon · 5 years
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A full detail commission for @projectlightfox of Volt and Harmony stargazing with Stella from @the-twinventors!
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obeyeternally · 5 years
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A lovely commission of Dominic “Shadow” Robotnik, done by the amazing @familylightfox ( @projectlightfox )!!
Please. Commission. this. man!! He does just wicked work, and he communicates wonderfully. Very first commission I’ve ever done, and I will definitely be commissioning him again.
As for the commission itself? Look at it!! I love the work he put into getting Dominic’s eye right ( the scarred left side )!! He was also very thorough, asking me about little details ( like how worn Dominic’s shoes are [ since he hasn’t changed them ]; how his gloves are worn out and discoloured due to the fighting / blood; how Dominic’s scars are done, the colour of Dominic’s skin [ I prefer a darker tone ala the original SA2 model ]!! )~.
Just. Amazing. Wicked. Work!!
Thank you again @familylightfox !! Ask him about commissions if you’re so inclined!! Feel free to reblog this post or like it BUT DO NOT REMOVE THIS TEXT!!
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buzzingdetective-a · 5 years
@projectlightfox Continued from (x):
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“Nah, I would bee to afraid you would fry my phone, although that’s probably useful in emergencies. I always wondered what having chaos powers would feel like. A lot of what people consider somewhat of a super power that have is more of my biology I assume. My antennas sense all sorts of things, but mainly sounds and people really. Guess you can call it a sixth sense of sorts...It’s strange though when I’m around Knuckles’ Master Emerald. I can feel the chaos energy irradiating from the giant gemstone now, where as when I was younger I couldn’t. Maybe it’s just expose from everyone using chaos powers or the emeralds, except me of course.”
*Charmy would then stop to ponder for a moment.*
“How controlled is the electricity when you direct it at something or someone. Is it a clean path to that person or can the arc fork off and hit other things unintentionally?”
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fortruechaos-moved · 5 years
Continued from here. || @projectlightfox
Shadow likes kids. But he’s also a little afraid of them (and them of him), what with his callous exterior. And he’s never unsure how to interact with them, and when they cry it’s frustrating, and he doesn’t know how to make them laugh, and...well, you get the idea.
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“Pass,” he calls down from his trusty perch. It was more interesting to observe, anyways.
Shadow sits down on the pillar, brings a knee to his chest, and drapes an arm over it lazily. At first he had been wary, coming across two strangers out here. But it feels his wariness was unnecessary. Just a family passing through.
His gaze shifts over to Harmony, the small blue ball of fur. She seems she’s having fun. Shadow can’t help but smile a bit to himself at seeing the girl enjoy herself so much.
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spywithjeweleyes · 5 years
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❥: I was trying to keep myself occupied at work so I decided to draw some headshots of OCs that I’m familiar with!
We have Volt Lightfox from @projectlightfox , Dan from @victimsofchance , and Pam from @tsuntealkitty !
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theislandkeeper-a · 5 years
[ starter ;; ] @projectlightfox
     Spring always made Angel Island look like something out of a fairytale. After winter’s cold touch covered the island and cut short the lives of the plants, the change in weather and season brought them all back to life with grand results. With the warmer days, Knuckles had wasted VERY little time getting things ready for the planned construction on his hut.
     And once that was all prepared he let a CERTAIN pair know that they could come over anytime to follow through with their plans from before. 
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      Distracted by his work, Knuckles wasn’t sure how long it took the hybrids to actually visit the island but after feeling an all too familiar sensation that announced someone had arrived on his floating home and an even MORE familiar energy signature, he couldn’t hold back a chuckle. 
     Without hesitation, he started making his way to the SPOT in question. 
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dyadhogsarchive · 6 years
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         ❝  well, well, well. look who it is. ❞  hopefully neither hybrid would let sonic’s cocky tone fool them. he really was happy to see the pair again after all this time, and that was obvious enough by the grin on his face as he got up from the lounger outside his shack to greet them with a warm wave.
          next to him, amy was quick to follow and her reaction was a little more animated as she ran over, through the sand and practically threw her arms around volt’s neck, laughing merrily. “how have you two been? it’s been a while.”
          STARTER ○  [ @projectlightfox ]
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rxbelling-hxrald · 5 years
@projectlightfox liked for a starter!
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“While I really do appreciate the offer, I don’t think I’m the best person to take with on a day to the beach....why don’t you ask another friend?” Answered an uneasy demon-hog to both hybrids as they looked at him expectantly, wanting to argue against the idea of heading out to spend the day over at the shorelines.
It wasn’t something Dan was against in its own right, but knowing full well how he could get and the state of his being, Dan was unsure if he should be the one to go with his friends on this little trip out.
He’d even go as far as to pet Harmony’s head with his good hand, trying to avoid any potential counter argument before it happened. “Like who would you want to come with you Harmony? maybe one of your friends from school? or someone Volt knows with the freedom fighters....that’d be cool right?”
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the-twinventors · 5 years
((Cont. from here | @projectlightfox))
Today had not been going in the twins’ favour. No matter where they turned, their tormentors seemed to be three steps behind them - and now, they were taking the brunt of their wrath. Somehow, in the chaos, Stella had managed to get her phone out, but she only managed to blurt out a few words before Axel snatched her phone and tossed it aside. Luckily, it seemed those few words were all the hybrids needed, because next thing the twins knew, Harmony was barrelling into Axel’s legs, knocking him over.
Not wasting any time, Jayce and Stella collected their things and stumbled through the Warp Ring as fast as they could, finding themselves back in their apartment. Their heads were swimming from the hits they’d taken (jeez, Axel seemed to hit a lot harder than Cody did), and when they were settled on the couch, they just let themselves fall back against the cushions, struggling to get their breaths back. Chaos, they hated that damn wolf... what had they ever done to him?
Hearing Volt’s warning, they both nodded, too out of breath to give a proper response, and held themselves as still as possible. Seeing his eyes shift hues was a little unnerving to them - the sparks dancing across their skin were even more so. The pins and needles sensation they felt was a little uncomfortable, but nothing they hadn’t felt before. But seeing their wounds closing over in real time? Now that was insane. Before they knew what was going on, the pain had vanished, and the worst of their injuries had been healed.
“Whoa...” Jayce carefully sat up as Volt lowered his hands. “... what... what was that?”
“A-are you alright?” Stella quizzed, noticing his clear exhaustion.
Then Harmony returned and explained while dabbing at their healed wounds. It didn’t make a lot of sense to either twin, but hey - there was a lot of stuff about both hybrids that they didn’t know about. Not that they were going to push for that information - that was for them to tell when they were ready. For now, they would just gratefully accept the help - they were still feeling a little dizzy and didn’t feel like arguing.
“Yeah... bandaids would be helpful.” Jayce held out his arm to give the pup better access. “Thanks, Harmony.”
“And hey - nice job rushing Axel.” Stella managed a giggle. “Wish we could’ve seen the look on his face...”
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metallumdash · 5 years
          Ever since Neo’s initial strike against the HUBWORLD, things have been set into absolute disarray. Villages have been decimated, others are currently being pillaged, temples are being occupied, and perhaps most concerning of all, multiple huge battleships hover ominously in the air, occasionally firing their massive cannons at random targets, as if its purpose was purely to establish dominance over the world below.
          Those who were resistant to Neo’s forces would find themselves against one absolutely massive army. While the grunt robots weren’t too much trouble, they were definitely stronger - and better equipped - than Eggman’s usual robots. In addition to being themed strongly around metallic races of Mobians, different sets of strike teams are equipped for different purposes.... and the subjugator strikeforces are equipped with stun lances, prepared to incapacitate anyone that dared to oppose Neo’s rule.
          Harmony and Volt would happen upon a strike force of four individual robots, each of them glaring at the duo with all the intention to approach them with their weapons ready to strike!
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chaoticspeedarch · 5 years
MAINS [updated]
This is an official Mains Call / Mains Page, for Kendall Maurice Rennard’s universe! Please read this entire page, as it is very important!
What is a Main?
These Mains will be the default / assumed character when an ask is sent in, regarding that character! ( I.E, Knuckles, or Amy, etc. ) It is also the default character that Kendall will think of / refer to when mentioning said character. This is also the character that Kendall will have known for many, many, many years.
What do I have to do to become a Main?
You MUST READ KENDALL’S HISTORY PAGE! No two ways about it. I know the history page is long, but it’s imperative; I’ll be willing to flesh out the dynamics between Kendall & your character more. Not everything is fully set in stone! We can hash out further details!
You must acknowledge that ‘Sonic’ & CO. are NOW HUMANS, AND HAVE BEEN FORCEFULLY TRANSFORMED FROM THEIR MOBIAN STATES. Nobody knows why; most gave up trying to put it together ages ago. It has canonically been a year and a half since Kendall & co. transformed into regular humans; since Earth became ravaged by demons & angels; since society and stability fell into shambles.
You must have roleplayed with Kravitz with Kendall plenty, or plotted things, or have a good chemistry between Kendall & your character: it also helps if Kravitz knows you personally, but that isn’t strictly required!
You MUST BE WILLING to roleplay your character AGED UP! Kendall, in his default main verse, is nearing 30 years old! Thusly, your character must be close to his age ( Knuckles would be 31, Amy would be around…. 26 / 27? Tails [ who now goes by Miles Prower ] would be in his mid to late 20s! etc. )!
I’d LOVE for you to make a verse tag specifically for Kendall’s verse! This is just so I can keep track of your character in Kendall’s life a bit easier! A tag for Kendall himself would also be preferred!
Please be active! We don’t have to roleplay every single day, or what have you! But I do expect interaction, headcanon ideas, thread ideas, and the like to be tossed back and forth between us! I really want Kendall’s story to keep evolving and pushing forward, and I’ll need your help to do that! Kendall can’t have a main story if he doesn’t have anyone else to interact with, and his friends / your muses will be very important in those story events! Even in just little interactions! It all matters & adds up!
What can I expect as a Main?
Priority! I’ll be answering your threads / asks first! As mentioned above, your character is the one Kendall’s known for years! I’ll be tagging you in images, asks related to Kendall, headcanons. I’ll come to you first for any events / ideas I might have for Kendall!
A lot of interaction! Kendall’s going to be coming to your character a lot, with asks, with threads! He loves hanging out with his friends! It’ll never be a dull moment!!
My full trust: this might sound strange! But, I’ve had Kendall as a muse for about eight or nine years now: he means the world to me! I’ve been hesitant to make this entire page, because I worried that people might not be interested? I also worried that people may not stick around! If you’re a main, then I trust you to be there for Kendall! I trust you with Kendall, and interacting with him in a way that will be fun for both us of! You’ll also have my full support, that goes without saying!
Sharing! I’ll often find music or artwork or aesthetics that I think would fit Kendall and his interactions with your muse specifically! I’ll tag you in these, either on Tumblr or via discord ( if we’ve mutually shared it )! I’ll make playlists or images if I feel inspired / have some free time! I’ll share headcanon ideas, possible plot ideas, and I encourage you to do the same! I’d love to see things that make you think of your muse & Kendall!
World building! Kendall’s got a vast storyline: originally from Mobius, he & his friends were warped to Earth over 10 years ago ( as of current story timeline )! A lot of stuff’ll have happened between now and then! We don’t have to thread out all of it! But
I would love for us to sit down and hash out finer details about your muse’s life in Kendall’s timeline, how they interacted in Kendall’s life! Their own daily lives! What are they like as an adult? What were they like as a younger child, when first meeting Kendall? Expect a lot of world building together! Kravitz adores world building, especially with roleplay partners!
What can I NOT expect as a Main?
Exclusivity! While you will get top billing, I still want to interact with other muses of your character! This is just to keep everything fair, and I love seeing everybody’s interpretations of these characters!! I will never do exclusives, so please do not ask!
Expecting to be on 24/7! We all have lives, and it’s very important that we keep them healthy and balanced. While I love roleplaying, it isn’t everything! It’s totally fine if you need to be away for a while, or just can’t find the will to roleplay! I’ll understand: I will never hound you for interactions, or answering things. Just please let me know if it might take you a while to get to stuff!
Pressure to thread! If you’re just not feeling an interaction anymore in a certain thread, we can drop it. It’s okay! Just let me know you’re not feeling it anymore. We can make it shorter, end it somehow, or just scrap it entirely! I’m all for feeling out what might or might not work! Let’s work together to make this story our story and for it to be fun!
Will I lose Main status?
You may. If you’ve gone inactive for a year, without any word or contact, I’ll try and contact you. If I can’t, and you’re clearly not around anymore or interested, then I’ll drop you from the main status! If you also don’t want to be a main anymore, you’re free to come by and let me know! This is just so I can keep interactions, well, interacting! If we’re still in touch and you’re just not feeling up to writing, let me know and I’ll easily extend it for you! Again, no pressure!
Knuckles the Echidna ( Age range: 28 - 30 ) :
Amelia “Amy” Rose ( Age range: 25 - 27 ) :
Miles “Tails” Prower ( Age range: 23 - 25 ) :
Shadow the Hedgehog ( Age range: 28 - 31 ) :
Ivo Robotnik ( Age range: 30s ) : @chaoticonscious
Christopher Thorndyke ( Age range: 23 - 25 ) :
Rouge the Bat ( Age range: 28 - 30 ) :
Sally Acorn ( Age range: 27 - 29 ) :
VOLT  & HARMONY: @projectlightfox / @familylightfox
ALTERNATE SONICS: @thewayfaringhero ( @chaosworthy ) / @fighteternally
IVO ROBOTNIK: @dreggmxn
DOMINIC / ALT SHADOW: @obeyeternally
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callsignjack · 5 years
{closed starter for @projectlightfox}
When Shard picked up the father-daughter duo’s signatures on his radar, he zipped away at almost his top speed to go great his friends. They were in and out, a busy set, but he understood that. Thoroughly enjoying their day together at the market, and with accessories on his mind, and more importantly deciding he wanted to give them some kind of gift, he was excited to see them again.
Landing close by, and shouting ‘hey’ to get their attention while he was high up in the air, he again ran over, coming to a sudden stop as dust kicked up around them. “Volt! Harmony!” His arms were wide open for a hug from either of them, the little gift bag being placed on the ground carefully before hand. “How are you guys? Sorry if you were busy but I noticed you guys were around and I had to come see you before I got caught up in something! Oh and I have gifts this time! One for each of you!”
“...And a favor to ask, but that’s for after gifts.”
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littlelegend · 5 years
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I am really proud of this one! I made this art for the birthday of my friend from @projectlightfox ! They are an amazing artist and person in general, check them out!
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