fandolinroyals · 2 years
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A selection of Blooper sprites over the years.
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fandolinroyals · 2 years
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they’re super ugly but she somehow thinks they’re still cool looking
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fandolinroyals · 2 years
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hi everyone! 🍋
i’m lemon and welcome to my new simblr!
i’m not new to tumblr or the simblr community as i’ve been here for years but decided to deactivate my old account. but here i am! once again.. 😅 hoping to stay this time! 💛
feel free to reblog so i can find all of you! (❁´◡`❁)
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fandolinroyals · 2 years
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😎🧡 Portal between posts
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fandolinroyals · 3 years
Can't believe I'm making another post about Adf*y in 2021 but here we go...
I'm sure you all know the new adf*y page which (i'm pretty sure) adf*y skipper can't skip anymore, the one where it asks to send notifications and won't let you proceed until you let them send notifications.
I accidentally just allowed one of these notifications (not at home and using a janky mouse on a pillow, keeps going crazy), so I immediately headed to my chrome settings to get rid of it.
I'm going through blocking everything before I delete it (just so I feel better about it truly being gone lol) and I see this:
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I'm thinking, what the hell is a payment handler and why is it set to allow?? That super doesn't sound good... And after some googling I find yeah, it's probably not great.
So, what's a payment handler? Basically, it's when google saves your payment details to autofill later on when you're making an online purchase. So that includes your credit card, debit card, paypal, ect, details. (Source - askcybersecurity.com) Now these are usually fine on legitimate sites but this site specifically:
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You just google 'christianivory.pro' and every result is how to get rid of it because it's malware. (That picture was after I cleared the cookies it had already stored, no idea what they were)
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(btw, I wouldn't recommend clicking on any of these since malware/viruses are often hidden behind fake anti-malware ads/programs)
Luckily I don't keep any of my payment details saved so I'm pretty sure I'm fine after deleting it and MalwareBytes or Windows Defender hasn't detected anything. I can't say for sure what it would have done if I hadn't of deleted it, it seems to mostly be notification spam but the fact that it was trying to access my payment methods doesn't sound all that great. Even if having the payment methods allowed doesn't do shit, I've had money stolen from me through an adf*y virus before (source - my tumblr)
Like I said, I'm pretty sure I got lucky because I don't save those things but I'm going to offer a hypothetical situation which could be extremely likely in our community specifically;
Lets say I'm a 14 year old simmer who uses their parents computer to play the sims. I've recently discovered custom content and my favourite creator uses adf*y, but since I'm young and new to the community I have no idea that adf*y can be bad and I trust this creator so they would never link me to anything that could harm my computer... right? So I accept that adf*y notification and don't think anything of it, I get the CC I really like and I'm happy. But that notification I just accepted has saved my parents credit card details. I'm sure you can guess where the rest of this situation goes.
So this is me, creator to creator, telling you need to stop. I know finding a source of income can be awful right now, but your source of income could be coming at the expense of someone else who did not agree to this.
If you think your content is worth a price then I urge you to start a Patreon, Ko-Fi or even a paypal because these are platforms that are safe for both parties and are OPTIONAL. Adf*y is not optional for the downloader.
Stop putting the younger and more susceptible people in our community at risk. As creators it is likely that we gain a larger following so stop taking advantage of that. Especially if you're older or are someone who preaches the safety of our younger members in this space, step up and actually practice what you fucking preach instead of just saying it for likes and reblogs.
I am genuinely sick of this, I've been in this community for over half a goddamn decade now and I've posted before about adf*y, as have dozens of other people and this shit is STILL happening.
I am so close to wiping my old laptop and recording myself going through creators adf*y links and downloading as many malicious things as I can JUST to prove to people that adf*y is not safe. And no, I wouldn't blur out blog names, I would specifically be calling people out on their shit. This isn't just petty simblr drama, this can actually affect peoples lives.
It's Adf*y?? We all know it's bad, stop using it for the sake of our community members!?? I'm gonna start calling people out for pretty soon?? STOP PISSING WHERE YOU EAT
how to remove notifications on chrome:
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Checking/removing payment methods on chrome:
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I'm sure there are some of you who will take issue with my post for whatever reason so:
1. Don't comment saying that we should just keep downloading however many adfl*y skippers or avoidant addons or be careful about what we click, that is not the point of this post. We shouldn't HAVE to do that just to get cc, and new/young community members DON'T KNOW THIS.
2. SimGuruDrake explicitly saying creators cannot use permanent paywalls
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source (sims forums)
video on adf*y (old but still relevant info)
video (this dude basically just speedruns getting malware from link shorteners and the ads on the sites lol)
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fandolinroyals · 3 years
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Jackie Kennedy’s pink suit
This one is for everyone who’s been asking and waiting for some Jackie Kennedy cc. I have been meaning to make some of her outfits for a while, so when I received an anon asking me for some cc inspired by Jackie just recently, I decided to make her most iconic outfit. Hope you’ll enjoy it!
Hat and outfit are available in 15 matching swatches.
Outfit found in the outerwear and suit categories.
Hat slider compatible. 
Custom thumbnail.
Not allowed for random.
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fandolinroyals · 3 years
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With a loud uproar of cheers that steadily made its way along the carriage route, King William and Queen Consort Maria Theresa arrived! They both took a few moments to take in the crowd and wave to their subjects, and before the Queen Consort left to enter the abbey on her own to be with their three children, King William broke traditional protocol and pressed an adoring kiss to her forehead. 
It’s no secret that the Queen Consort has been a rock for King William for many years, so it’s not surprising that he would want to “thank” her in such a public way. They certainly make a striking pair, with the Queen Consort wearing a gorgeous white and gold embroidered gown, as well as a favorite tiara of Queen Elizabeth, the King’s late grandmother that has rarely been seen in public since her passing. 
The guests have arrived and the stage is set – time for the ceremony to begin! 
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fandolinroyals · 3 years
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The arrivals keep coming as we eagerly await the arrival of King William! The carriages have started pulling in, which means that members of the Royal Family have started arriving! We’ll be going in order from lowest to highest in the place of succession before the immediate family of the King arrives, so let’s get started! 
1. TRH the Duke and Duchess of Soburg arrive with their four children – Princes Benedict, Hugo and Oliver as well as Princess Giselle – in tow! The Princes all have their respective partners in attendance. 
2. Princess Giselle has arrived solo! Reports say that Crown Prince Louis of Melide was scheduled to be in attendance today, but was detained due to a family emergency. 
3. Prince Benedict and Miss Beatrice Anthony share a quick word on the walk in. The pair was also present at the funeral of King Maxwell, so many wonder if an engagement is around the corner. 
4. Prince Hugo and Miss Helen Leon are the picture of elegance as they make their way into the abbey. Miss Leon chose an emerald dress and accessories to match her engagement ring from the Prince, who chose a vintage piece from a local collector instead of something from the Royal Treasury. 
5. Prince Oliver and Mr. Gabriel Lopez were the true stars of this arrival, and prove to be fan favorites of many of the younger Royal Watchers in the audience. Sources say that the pair will begin attending university together in the Fall. 
6. TRH the Duke and Duchess of Daven have arrived! Walking alongside his parents is HRH Prince Alexander, who has remained relatively outside of the public eye in recent months, especially when compared to his siblings. 
7. TRH the Earl and Countess of Oswin, alongside the Earl and Countess of Cloverfield bring up the rear, looking respectfully cheery for the day ahead. Tensions are reportedly high between both respective couples right now, but the Palace hasn’t commented one way or the other, so we’ll just have to wait and see. @royalfamilyofgrimalldi
8. TRH the Duke and Duchess of Summerset arrive with their two children and their son-in-law. 
9. TRH Prince Mattheus and Princess Emilia walk behind their parents as they enter Winterven Abbey, with the Princess on the arm of her husband Lord Frederick Pennington. 
It won’t be long until the arrival of the immediate family of the King – stay tuned! 
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fandolinroyals · 3 years
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Royal Watchers, today is the day we have been waiting for! After a mourning period for the late King Maxwell and months of preparation, the day has finally arrived for the coronation of King William II of the Winden Territories! The ceremony is set to take place in just a few hours inside the historic Winterven Abbey, where coronations have taken place for the entirety of the country’s history. King William’s father was coronated in this church when he was a child, and today his own children will bear witness to his historic moment. 
It’s sure to be a star-studded day, with not only the members of the Royal Family out in their finery but several foreign nobility set to arrive as well. We’ll be with you all day and through all of the ceremony, so don’t touch that dial! We’ll be right back for more Coronation Day Coverage on WTBC. 
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fandolinroyals · 3 years
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CC set inspired by the Swedish royal family
Without a doubt my classiest cc yet, this Super Trouper set was inspired by the one and only Swedish royal family during its most iconic years. With it’s glitz and glamour, it’s sure to make absolutely everyone who sees it go Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!  Being both timeless and regal, this set will make the wearer seem like they have serious Money, money, money, while still being able to dance, jive and have the time of their life.  
Base game compatible.
Available in a lot of swatches.
Found in the various categories.
Custom thumbnails.
Not allowed for random.
Take it now or leave it
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fandolinroyals · 3 years
Reblog if you wouldn't mind some curious anons
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fandolinroyals · 3 years
10 tricks you didn’t know you could do with your food.
By Blossom
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fandolinroyals · 3 years
okay maybe this is common knowledge but not to me
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twitter source: https://twitter.com/Al_Naffy40/status/1361419318206947328
THEY REALLY FUCKING STOLE THE REAL GATE OF ISHTAR AND LOOTED IT ALL THE WAY TO BERLIN GERMANY? Truly no words for the level of theivery and evil. and Iraq now has a ~recreation~ while the real thing is in germany
source to back it up https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ishtar_Gate 
litearlly no words this is so evil and vile
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fandolinroyals · 3 years
i’ve said this like a hundred times before at this point, but somehow the same people who are in my notes whenever i say something funny always miss this: you guys are WAY to comfortable normalizing weeaboos and making them out to be funny and harmless.
weeaboos are racist. they are NOT haha funny anime fans or weird guys who like hentai, they are fetishizing, cultural appropriating racists who wish they were japanese. 
examples of things weeaboos ACTUALLY do: they yellowfish. they racefake. they fetishize japanese people and culture. they appropriate japanese culture. they turn the japanese language into their cute little aesthetic. they get mad at other asians for not being japanese. they think japanese imperialism is a good thing even if they dont put it in those words. they believe japanese people are superior to other asians. they excuse and deny japanese war crimes against other asians.
examples of things people who just like japanese media do: they literally just post abt their favorite media and think critically abt it hopefully, maybe they draw fanart or write fanfics
weeaboos can be any race but japanese, so also stop calling japanese people who like anime weebs. it’s gross and weird to anyone who actually understands what a weeaboo is.
stop pretending weeaboos arent racists. stop watering them down for your shitty jokes that just prove you dont care about asian issues.
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fandolinroyals · 3 years
ok so this has been bothering me for like the longest time so sit down and please stop appropriating japanese culture. u may not realize ur doing it, so just take a second to listen. if any other japanese wanna add on to this post, feel free to do so. if u are not japanese, please do not try to defend ur ignorance or racism, rather listen and change ur behavior.
stop saying the word “jap” as a substitute for japanese. jap is a racial slur that was popularized in america after pearl harbor and all through the japanese internment. it’s not a shortened version of the word japanese like brits are to british. we are japanese, not japs.
acknowledge japanese imperialism. do not defend it. what the japanese did in ww2 was horrible, so make sure u know about it and use that knowledge to think critically about any japanese media u may consume.
stop japancore. japan is a country with a deep culture. my culture is not ur aesthetic.
on the same note of japancore, do not use shinto shrines as part of ur moodbaord. that is a religion still practiced to this day in japan. it’s not ur aesthetic. also realize that shintoism has been used as means to empower the emperor during japanese imperialism in ww2. they forced people into that religion and locked up those who didn’t comply. (it’s ok if u practice it ofc, just research and know what u are following)
again with moodboards, this is slightly more forgivable, but please don’t use japanese language for ur aesthetic. while i encourage anyone who wants to learn it to try and learn it, it’s not there for ur aesthetic. i can explain more on this if anyone would like, but i’ll just leave it at that for now.
do not self id as a weeb. being a weeb is incredibly harmful, as it dismisses many of the horrible things japan has done to asia. please read this post for more.
please do not support hetalia or aot. hetalia sort of glorifies japanese imperialism as well as nazism and makes it into this cutesy lil thing that makes u go “awww 🥰” at ww2. aot has anti-semitic themes within it and again glorifies japanese imperialism.
if u are going thru with a name change, do not choose a japanese name that u found online after a google search. names in japan are more than just names, there’s a whole process that involves it that is dependent on ur time of birth as well as stroke count for the written name. additionally, it further appropriates the culture when a non japanese person uses a japanese name simply bc they found it cute. this also applies to online aliases. a name from ur own culture or language is good enough.
do not fetishize us. this goes for every culture and race but just stop. we are not “babies” and we are not here for ur entertainment. we are people too.
do not say “i wish i was japanese.” don’t say that for any culture at all unless u are also prepared to face the years of oppression and racism that comes with it.
do not say we have privilege simply because japanese tend to have lighter skin to other poc. this can be said about many east asians countries as well. asia isn’t just pale skin, it comes in a multitude of shades as well as cultures from other countries. we do not have privilege because we do not benefit from the system like white people do.
i’m just done with racism going unnoticed because of ignorance. if u did/do any of these things, whatever. just realize how ur behavior has added to japanese racism and learn from it. further, please help stop anti-asian violence. i live near where an attack was done to an elder. please use these links to help asian lives.
stop aapi hate
post with resources, petitions, and donation links
news source about anti-asian crimes within recent times
twitter post about anti-asian hate crime with graphics
how to support asians
a post about comparing blm and protect asian lives and why it’s harmful to both movements
google doc with a full list of many resources on aapi
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fandolinroyals · 4 years
The Royal Family of Fandolin send their deepest condolences to His Majesty's family in this difficult time.
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Breaking and heartbreaking news comes from Winterven Palace today, who confirmed in a statement that His Majesty King Maxwell I has died. The late King, who had privately been battling various stages of prostate cancer, died in his sleep during the night with Her Majesty Queen Morgan by his side. The family has been informed. 
The new King, King William II, is not expected to host a press conference, as the statement from Winterven Palace contained his signature and requested privacy for the entire family during their time of mourning. No date has been set for the funeral, but it is expected to be a private affair. All government buildings and royal residences will lower their flags to half-mast for the next week for the official mourning period. 
Rest in peace, King Maxwell. Long live King William. 
Beginning – Previous – Next
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fandolinroyals · 4 years
Coronation Portrait Released
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The palace has released to the public the official coronation portrait taken of the royal family. The Portrait will hang in the Royal Gallery, next to other notable rulers from Fandolin's past, including King Helga, Queen Agatha, and King Henry Lockemre II.
From left to right, we have the Crown Prince Alexander and Princess Helena Alden, and the newly crowned King of Fandolin, His Majesty King Louis along with the Queen Consort, Her Majesty Queen Victoria.
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