fandom-------queen · 3 years
How I think Kurt and a significant other would display affection
Warnings: none
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Kurt is super possessive of you considering he has never had something or someone to call his own before
By possessive i don’t mean confrontational
I mean he always wants to be touching you and with you
Hes terrified you will find someone else and leave him so physical contact reassures him
We all know it would be hard to hold hands considering he only has three fingers
You would still attempt to so Kurt doesn’t feel as if he was affecting the relationship in any negative way.
You would link his three fingers with your middle, pointer and ring
You use your other two fingers (pinky and thumb) to rub up and down his hand
When you cant hold hands or are just feeling like it Kurt will wrap his tale loosely around you wrist
He will tighten it up (not to the point of pain) when excited or nervous or frightened, just any strong emotion
And lets be honest Kurt does have strong emotions so you will feel his tail grasp your hand moe tightly often.
You two don’t just hold hands but also each other
When its time for bed Kurt gets nightmares
The nightmares aren’t nearly as prominent when he is with you
If you aren’t sleeping with him that night then he will use a shit or sweatshirt so he can still have a piece of you with him
He swears having you or anything of yours keeps the nightmares away
If he does by chance get a nightmare you wake up immediately and sooth him back to sleep
He will stay asleep for the rest of this night with dreams of all the good memories you had
One of your personal goals is to make more good memories for him then the bad ones he has
For cuddling in bed you two hold each other face to face because as Kurt says “I want to dream of beautiful zings, therefore I must look at ze most beautiful zing before I go to zleep.”
He likes to wind his tail around your legs as you sleep and then take his hands and put one by your shoulders/upper back and the other around where your neck meets your head.
You two cuddle everywhere not just in bed
You hold each other when sitting on couches and chairs and sit in eachothers lap when anging out withbyour friends.
Let’s admit it Kurt isn’t the only one who loves to hold his significant other
You live to hold him too which he deepley indulges in
He likes to call you pet names in German especially “liebe” or love
You have a variety of names for him which include Blue or love in English
I honestly cannot think of anyone more affectionate then the poor touch starved Kurt
Him being touch starved is a whole nother topic I hope to cover.
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fandom-------queen · 3 years
Hey here's a little drabble for y'all!
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Summary: Kurt has a nightmare and goes to you for comfort. (I know this isn't fantastic but I wanted to give y'all at least a little something.)
*Not revised and there is a predetermined relationship and is a mutant but no powers are used or mentioned besides Kurt's*
Warnings: none rally unless you count a little PTSD for Kurt and an insane amount of fluff.
You were asleep in your dorm when you began to stir due to a *BAMF* and slightly labored breathing. You blinked your eyes as you woke up and attempted to adjust to the darkness. When they did you saw Kurt standing in front of you, nervously glancing around your room while ringing his fingers and taking deeper breaths.
"Kurt" you mumbled your voice still groggy with sleep. He glanced at you eyes widening in surprise at your voice.
"I'm sorry liebe" he said crouching down in front you. "I had no intentions of vaking you up" he said with a soft guilty smile.
"Hey, hey it's all right, but what happened why are you over here?" You asked gently cupping his cheek. He leaned into the touch and seemed to relax more.
"Couldn't sleep" he said nuzzling his face into your hand. You shot him a playful glance and scooted over in bed and opened your arms. Kurt immediately dove into them and buried his face into your neck.
"I may not speak fluent German but I do speak fluent Kurt and I know that 'cant sleep' means you had a nightmare, you don't have to tell me what happened but I'm always here for you, I promise love." You pulled him closer and leaned your head into his neck as well. He took a deep breath inhaling deeply in your neck and relaxing more from being surrounded completely by you.
"It vas just memories from ze circus" Kurt said eyes glancing up to meet yours as his arms tightened around your waist.
You cupped his face worry and complete adoration blatant in your features. "You never have to worry about any problems you had from the circus I promise you if anyone ever tried to hurt you me, Peter, Jean, Storm, Scott and Charles would protect you I swear." You kissed him on the temple sweetley and he buried his face in your chest.
"Trust me liebe if I'm worried about anyone's safety its yours." Kurt yawned as he payed his head into your chest. He grinned when he could feel you shake gently as you chuckled at his response. "Goodnight miene liebe, and zank you for alvays keeping me safe, even if it is from somezing like my past." Kurt murmured as he began to drift off into sleep.
"I will always be here to protect you, weather from sentinels, mutants, humans or nightmares I will chase them away and protect you with my last breath." You leaned your head lightley on his as you felt him cuddle closer and give a content sigh in his sleep. You gave a soft grin at the feeling of your blue boyfriend relaxed and warm against your side before drifting off as well.
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fandom-------queen · 3 years
Movie night with the young X-men
Kurt x Reader(all ready in a relationship)
Summary: a little drabble about you and the other younger X-men attempting to continue to introduce Kurt to all the fun he missed while in the circus. Tonight you introduce him to the wonders of movie night
Sorry for mistakes it's not proofread and written in my phone
Story under the cut
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Everyone could agree that reacquainting Kurt with all of the glories he had missed was fantastic. You, Peter, Jubilee, Storm, Jean and Scott all enjoyed getting to relive activities from childhood you missed or also never got to enjoy. Your favorite part was watching the joy on Kurt's face at the ability to run around and enjoy himself, enjoy the freedom from training and from his past, from taking him out to play laser tag to go go kart racing to introducing him to the wonders and possibilities of the mall food court, everyone enjoyed the new favorite way to unwind after a stressful day or week.
Tonight's activity of choice of choice was a movie night heavily advocated for by Jean who was tired of Scott complaining about how he lost at go kart racing and how it shouldn't be against the rules to use his own lasers at laser tag.
In theory but had been a good idea until the problem of picking the movie arose, it might just have been the hardest feat you have ever had to face. Everyone had filled into the screening room in Xavier's mansion and everyone was advocating for a different genre. Kurt sat there amazed by the different genres being named with no idea of what movies he would even want to watch. You sat next to him trying to think of a movie everyone could enjoy and shooting down movies being named that you new would be to scary or wouldn't hold Kurt's interests. Finally Peter and Scott said they would compromise with Venom, you Jean, Jubilee and Storm also agreed that it wasn't to scary, had a slight romance, was funny and all around a good movie. While Jean was putting it on you grabbed one of Kurt's fuzzier blankets he had brought and threw it around the two of you as you pulled him close as possible and the two of you snuggled together. Just as you got comfortable you jumped three feet in the air when Peter screamed. Everyone looked over to him as his face held a look of horror.
"The snacks!" And with that he sped off leaving you all chuckling and Scott muttering to Jean about how they almost forgot the most important part of movie night. Jean had the movie ready and about 10 seconds later Peter ran back and forth placing down three bowels of pop corn, a grocery bag filled with multiple boxes of assorted candies, cans of soda and water and of course another few bags filled with boxes of Twinkies. Everyone was settled into their respective places on the couches and chairs in the room and the movie started.
During the movie Kurt had a few jump scares when he witnessed venom's violence but for most of the movie he stayed snuggled into your side chuckling at Venom and Eddie's antics.
By the time the movie ended the room was a mess with boxes and wrappers, cans and kernels, and more promenentley half asleep mutants on the downhill side of a sugar rush. As the end credits played everyone heaved themselves up to grab their respective trash and stumble back to their dorms. Once all of yours and Kurt's trash was taken care of he *Bamfed* you two back to his room and straight into his bed.
He wound his tail around you and pulled you close into his arms as he pulled his comforter up around you."Did you enjoy the movie?" You asked with a yawn.
"Mhm" he mumbled, "but I enjoyed being with our friends more, I enjoyed being with you the most" he looked down his cheeks tinging purple.
"I love you" you grinned softly pecking him on the lips.
"I love you too (y/n)"
"Goodnight Kurt" you mumbled Kurt's warmth and the pull of sleep making it hard to remain awake.
"Good night liebe" he whispered back.
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fandom-------queen · 3 years
Movie night with the young X-men
Kurt x Reader(all ready in a relationship)
Summary: a little drabble about you and the other younger X-men attempting to continue to introduce Kurt to all the fun he missed while in the circus. Tonight you introduce him to the wonders of movie night
Sorry for mistakes it's not proofread and written in my phone
Story under the cut
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Everyone could agree that reacquainting Kurt with all of the glories he had missed was fantastic. You, Peter, Jubilee, Storm, Jean and Scott all enjoyed getting to relive activities from childhood you missed or also never got to enjoy. Your favorite part was watching the joy on Kurt's face at the ability to run around and enjoy himself, enjoy the freedom from training and from his past, from taking him out to play laser tag to go go kart racing to introducing him to the wonders and possibilities of the mall food court, everyone enjoyed the new favorite way to unwind after a stressful day or week.
Tonight's activity of choice of choice was a movie night heavily advocated for by Jean who was tired of Scott complaining about how he lost at go kart racing and how it shouldn't be against the rules to use his own lasers at laser tag.
In theory but had been a good idea until the problem of picking the movie arose, it might just have been the hardest feat you have ever had to face. Everyone had filled into the screening room in Xavier's mansion and everyone was advocating for a different genre. Kurt sat there amazed by the different genres being named with no idea of what movies he would even want to watch. You sat next to him trying to think of a movie everyone could enjoy and shooting down movies being named that you new would be to scary or wouldn't hold Kurt's interests. Finally Peter and Scott said they would compromise with Venom, you Jean, Jubilee and Storm also agreed that it wasn't to scary, had a slight romance, was funny and all around a good movie. While Jean was putting it on you grabbed one of Kurt's fuzzier blankets he had brought and threw it around the two of you as you pulled him close as possible and the two of you snuggled together. Just as you got comfortable you jumped three feet in the air when Peter screamed. Everyone looked over to him as his face held a look of horror.
"The snacks!" And with that he sped off leaving you all chuckling and Scott muttering to Jean about how they almost forgot the most important part of movie night. Jean had the movie ready and about 10 seconds later Peter ran back and forth placing down three bowels of pop corn, a grocery bag filled with multiple boxes of assorted candies, cans of soda and water and of course another few bags filled with boxes of Twinkies. Everyone was settled into their respective places on the couches and chairs in the room and the movie started.
During the movie Kurt had a few jump scares when he witnessed venom's violence but for most of the movie he stayed snuggled into your side chuckling at Venom and Eddie's antics.
By the time the movie ended the room was a mess with boxes and wrappers, cans and kernels, and more promenentley half asleep mutants on the downhill side of a sugar rush. As the end credits played everyone heaved themselves up to grab their respective trash and stumble back to their dorms. Once all of yours and Kurt's trash was taken care of he *Bamfed* you two back to his room and straight into his bed.
He wound his tail around you and pulled you close into his arms as he pulled his comforter up around you."Did you enjoy the movie?" You asked with a yawn.
"Mhm" he mumbled, "but I enjoyed being with our friends more, I enjoyed being with you the most" he looked down his cheeks tinging purple.
"I love you" you grinned softly pecking him on the lips.
"I love you too (y/n)"
"Goodnight Kurt" you mumbled Kurt's warmth and the pull of sleep making it hard to remain awake.
"Good night liebe" he whispered back.
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fandom-------queen · 3 years
Hey here's a little drabble for y'all!
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Summary: Kurt has a nightmare and goes to you for comfort. (I know this isn't fantastic but I wanted to give y'all at least a little something.)
*Not revised and there is a predetermined relationship and is a mutant but no powers are used or mentioned besides Kurt's*
Warnings: none rally unless you count a little PTSD for Kurt and an insane amount of fluff.
You were asleep in your dorm when you began to stir due to a *BAMF* and slightly labored breathing. You blinked your eyes as you woke up and attempted to adjust to the darkness. When they did you saw Kurt standing in front of you, nervously glancing around your room while ringing his fingers and taking deeper breaths.
"Kurt" you mumbled your voice still groggy with sleep. He glanced at you eyes widening in surprise at your voice.
"I'm sorry liebe" he said crouching down in front you. "I had no intentions of vaking you up" he said with a soft guilty smile.
"Hey, hey it's all right, but what happened why are you over here?" You asked gently cupping his cheek. He leaned into the touch and seemed to relax more.
"Couldn't sleep" he said nuzzling his face into your hand. You shot him a playful glance and scooted over in bed and opened your arms. Kurt immediately dove into them and buried his face into your neck.
"I may not speak fluent German but I do speak fluent Kurt and I know that 'cant sleep' means you had a nightmare, you don't have to tell me what happened but I'm always here for you, I promise love." You pulled him closer and leaned your head into his neck as well. He took a deep breath inhaling deeply in your neck and relaxing more from being surrounded completely by you.
"It vas just memories from ze circus" Kurt said eyes glancing up to meet yours as his arms tightened around your waist.
You cupped his face worry and complete adoration blatant in your features. "You never have to worry about any problems you had from the circus I promise you if anyone ever tried to hurt you me, Peter, Jean, Storm, Scott and Charles would protect you I swear." You kissed him on the temple sweetley and he buried his face in your chest.
"Trust me liebe if I'm worried about anyone's safety its yours." Kurt yawned as he payed his head into your chest. He grinned when he could feel you shake gently as you chuckled at his response. "Goodnight miene liebe, and zank you for alvays keeping me safe, even if it is from somezing like my past." Kurt murmured as he began to drift off into sleep.
"I will always be here to protect you, weather from sentinels, mutants, humans or nightmares I will chase them away and protect you with my last breath." You leaned your head lightley on his as you felt him cuddle closer and give a content sigh in his sleep. You gave a soft grin at the feeling of your blue boyfriend relaxed and warm against your side before drifting off as well.
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fandom-------queen · 4 years
Kurt x reader
Warnings: Sparring
Notes: your mutation is the ability to read people's fears and traumatic memories. You can also produce illusions for everyone to see or put an illusion only in one person's head. These illusions can be based on their fears or memories. Also since it's based off of Wanda and more of the mind stone your power will be yellow and your eyes will glow yellow.
*Also I'm so sorry this took so long I just had so many papers I had to write last week that it was hard for me too write once I finished them. Also I had to rewrite it a few times when I forgot to hit save. Do again I am very sorry for the delay.
*Not proofread
You awoke to the obnoxious blaring of your alarm. You turned away from the noise to bury your face into your pillow but found yourself face to chest with Kurt. You grinned as you remembered how you fell asleep in Kurt's arms last night. Kurt groaned and reached over you to shut the alarm off then pulled you closer to him and started to drift back off. You lifted your head up and mumbled "Ah ah ah love, as much as I would love to lie here all day we have classes and training." Into Kurt's neck. He gave a groan in response and blinked one eye open giving a toothy smile as you lifted your head from his neck and sit up a bit to smile down at him.
"Oh liebe you are most definetly the best site to wake up to"he said his voice gravelly with sleep.
"Oh Kurt" you mimiced a sly grin covering your face and mischief gleaming in your eyes 'your my favorite pillow to wake up on."
You didn't think it was possible for Kurt to grin even bigger and he was so adorable with his purple tinted cheeks. This was most definetly the best way to wake up, giving Kurt all your love and seeing the look of absolute adoration on his face. The giddy feeling you got from moments like these were better then anything else in the world.
"I have to go to my room and change, but I vill see you for breakfast in a few minutes" he kissed you on the forehead and walked to the door giving you one last smile before leaving your dorm. The need to see Kurt again had you changing in recorded breaking time.
Kurt kurt kurt kurt kurt kurt kurt kurt
You met up with Kurt, Peter, Jean and Scott after grabbing some food. You sat at the table And all had a lovely discussion if who had done the home work this time. Let's be honest you and your fellow mutant friends had a schedule of who would do the homework for each class then at breakfast you would all trade the homework. It was actually really nice to sit there and chat with your friends while copying down important dates for mutants throughout history. And before you knew it all the homework was done and you and your friends where on your way to professor Xavier's literature class. You and all your friends could hardly pay attention because in a few hours after lunch the rest of the afternoon would be simulation training.
Kurt kurt kurt kurt kurt kurt kurt kurt
You, Jean, Kurt, Scott and Peter had just finished scarfing down lunch and were grinning excitedly as you grabbed your training clothes. After changing you all raced to the training room to meet up with Charles and Mystique, Peter obviously won, but you and Kurt came in second when he saw Peter speed ahead and decided to grab you and *BAMF* to the training room.
Charles and Mystique were getting the simulation set up with the help of Hank as the other filled in behind you Peter and Kurt. Everyone loved simulation training it was good to excersize your powers almost like stretching muscles. The rest of the week you would spend doing hand to hand and minor excersize but this was how you put it all to the test and everyone loved it, especially since you would get out of your last class of the day in order to have time to get ready for the simulation.
"Alrighty then" Charles grinned as he wheeled over to you all. "You will be working through the sentinel simulation again" this was most definetly one of the harder stimulations since in the sentinels could mic your powers. You all moved into the simulation room excited to display your powers and impress your teachers. You lined up in the middle of the room and heard Hank's voice through the speakers
"Are you all ready" you all gave a thumbs up for them to see from the window at the top of the wall. The tiles in the room began to change as the images were projected on them and it looked like you were all in a dilapatated town that had been destroyed by sentinels. You looked around not seeing any signs of them besides the damage they had left when all of a sudden you heard a stomp and felt the ground tremble slightly beneath you. Your heads snapped in the direction if the sound and watched as the sentinels walked towards you. There were five of them there, one for each of you. Sentinels were hard for you to fight since they didn't have a mind for you to manipulate, however they couldn't tell the difference from reality and your illusions, which made you to work on them. This was honestly good since projecting so much and so far was definetly harder so the more practice the better.
The sentinels started towards each of you and you all split up, weaving past crumbling buildings and down deserted roads. You took cover behind a smashed car and watched as the sentinel looked around for you. Just as the sentinel recognized you your hands lit up with yellow energy and multiple mutants appeared, each with different abilities. Some were shooting fire, other ice and water, one was flying above. The sentinel looked around constantly being distracted by the other mutants while your illusions gif you, which gave you the opportunity to look for shrapnel you could use to jam into the sentinel. You noticed a metal beam on the other side of the sentinel that had been crushed into pieces with sharpened ends. You rushed over to grab it and in your moment of excitement your illusion no longer hid you.
You were half way to the beam when the sentinel raised it's hand and smacked you into a building, despite the fact that all of this was a simulation it still felt real and in your disorientation your illusion fell and the sentinel was no longer distracted by the other mutants.
Your vision swam for a few moments but you didn't let that stop you from scrambling up and looking around for a place to take cover while you created a new illusion. You were boxed in with no where to go so you did the only thing you could, you cast an illusion. This time you had roots crawling up its feet as mud cemented it all together. Your eyes were glowing this time as you had to concentrate harder and use more energy. You darted past the sentinel, barely missing the sentinels hand attempting to grab you. You kept on sprinting towards the shrapnel when you heard the ripping if roots from the ground. You glanced behind you and watched as the sentinel freed itself and started towards you. Desperate for more time and thoughts impaired you watched as a giant wall if ice formed it was thick enough to give you enough time to run to the shrapnel. You sprinted over to the shrapnel and as you reached it you felt a slight burst of warmth on the back of your neck. You whipped around to watch as the sentinel finished burning through the ice and walked towards you, you only needed a little bit of time so you altered the illusion to push the sentinel back to the other end of the street. It was taking longer to pull the metal out since you had to focus on pushing the sentinel back. It was close to being all the way pulled out do you pushed the sentinel back one last time before dropping the illusion and yanking the metal out all the way. You turned toward the sentinel gripping the shrapnel you created the last part of your plan by setting up another block of ice and watching as the metal lifted to expose the heat from underneath. You started to climb a fire escape that was still attached to a semi intact wall.
You reached a decent height and waited as the sentinel broke free. You jumped down from the fire escape into the sentinel, your suit protecting you from getting burned by the still hot metal on the sentinel. Your idea would potentially toast you but this was the only way you could jam the metal through. You cast a mutant with the ability of ice again. The sentinel immediately turned on the heat again and as the metal lifted you took the shrapnel and shoved it between. You felt the sentinel jerk as the metal cut through the sentinel. The sentinel started to fall and you clung to it having completely forgotten to come up with a way down. The fall wasn't as bad as you had anticipated only jarring you a little.
You jumped up and raced down roads to find the others. You heard the signature *BAMF* and raced towards it. You smiled as you saw Kurt teleporting around the sentinel and wrapping rope around the sentinel. He then *BAMFED* out of the way of the sentinel as if crashed to the ground, Kurt was looking around to find something to finish the sentinel off with as the sentinel's eyes to fire a lazer at Kurt. Desperately you called out Kurt's name and cast an illusion of multiple Kurt's he caught on to what was happening and *BAMFED* next to you.
"Thanks liebe" Kurt said with a light kiss to your cheek.
"Anytime" you smirked. Kurt grinned when he saw the yellow in your eyes and around your hands as you kept the multiple Kurt's to confuse the sentinel.
You watched as Peter sped next to you.
"How do we disable these things" he panted annoyance displayed across his features.
An idea occured to you, "Keep away from the the sentinels" you warned. "I will distract them but I need you two to make a small square around the sentinels. " Kurt *BAMFED* off and was all of a sudden back and handed the rope to Peter who quickley created the rope ring. You changed the illusion to creating a cage right outside of the rope ring. You added random mutants crawling all over the two sentinels as they tried to kill the non-existent mutants and ended up beating each other up. In addition they were tripping over the rope, until one of the mutants destroyed the other. With only one left Kurt took a page out of your book and *BAMFED*. He came back and noted how tired you were.
"Move out of the way liebe, I don't want you hurt even if it is just a simulation." You nodded in agreement not only due to exhaustion but also because you wanted to make sure that Peter and Kurt got an opportunity to display their powers and impress your teachers. Peter began to speed around as the sentinel prepared to lazer him(same way that Scott does, through the eyes). At that moment Kurt *BAMFED* onto the Sentinels head and shoved the shrapnel through his eyes.
He *BAMFED* next to you and you watched as the simulation ended meaning all sentinels had been destroyed. You looked over and saw Kurt and Jean walking towards you covered in sweat but grinning none the less. The doors opened to let you all out of the simulation room and you met your teachers. Charles came forward grinning.
"That was brilliant, all of you did spectacular" you all gave tired grins. "Now you have the rest of the weekend to rest and of course finish you papers for my class." He added before a collective groan resounded between the five of you. "Now go shower you all reek" he gave you one last smile before wheeling away with the rest of the teachers.
Kurt kurt kurt kurt kurt kurt kurt kurt
You had showered and changed into much comfier clothes. Before bounding to Kurt's room where he answered your door with a grin and a "Hey liebe" before grabbing you and diving beneath the covers of his bed. You chuckled as you hugged him tight to you. "You did so good today sveetheart"he mumbled as he nuzzles his head into your neck, his muscles relaxing fully.
"Well handsome you too were fantastic, I was exhausted after the first sentinel so there was no way I would have stood a chance without your brilliant idea of using rope "
"Always the perfect team liebe"
"Always the perfect team Kurt"
Kurt kurt kurt kurt kurt kurt kurt kurt
*I thought the metal was okay to disable the sentinel since they weren't made out of metal to prevent mutants like Magneto from controlling them.
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fandom-------queen · 4 years
Kurt x reader
Notes: your mutation is the ability to read people's fears and traumatic memories. You can also produce illusions for everyone to see or put an illusion only in one person's head. These illusions can be based on their fears or memories. Also since it's based off of Wanda and more of the mind stone your power will be yellow and your eyes will glow yellow.
Warnings: intense description of fighting and invading people's minds, using past trauma in fighting maybe one curse word I think, a broken arm, passing out. Please tell me if you find any other trigger or content warnings I should include!
*maybe spoilers for first class
*Not proof read
*Also I love Eric and Mystique but I needed someone for them to fight against and this made the most sense to me.
You were very nervous as you sat next to Kurt on the jet. You, Kurt, Scott, Jean, Peter, Storm, Charles, Hank and Logan were all on your way to prevent Eric and Mystique from wreaking havoc on humans in the name of mutants once again.
Kurt was holding your hand while you stroked your thumb up and down it. He was nervously wiggling his tail around by twisting between your legs and sometimes using the tip to stroke your leg. You would cast him small smiles and give him gentel hand squeezes just to help ground him since he always got nervous when it came to this.
You were getting close to the outside of the city were you would land as to not alert Eric that you were there. Charles spoke up telling people what roles they would be playing in order to stop Eric.
Your job would be to distract Eric's followers and him if nesessary, to allow your teachers to gain control over the situation. You knew you probably wouldn't only use your illusions since they took much concentration and could leave you open to attacks so you figured you would also use your hand to hand combat that all mutants were taught in case it was more useful or nesessary.
Kurt was also going to be distracting Eric's followers but with hand to hand combat so that Logan, Charles, Hank and Storm (even Peter I'd it came down to it) could focus on stopping Eric. When Kurt did hand to hand he more teleported around to confuse his opponent and would lash out at their feet with his tail to knock them down and tire them out. It was different but effective.
You were going to be landing soon and you felt Kurt's hand start to lossen around yours and quickly unthreaded your fingers. You knew Kurt was going to want to pray and you were happy that Kurt always had and always will have something to ground him, besides you of course.
Just as you touched down you heard Kurt murmur and Amen and then he turned to you "Please be carefully meine liebe, check in with me if you can just so I can feel better knowing you are safe" he pleaded as his hand game to rest on your face.
You pressed your hand on top of his and gave him a reassuring smile."I love you too miene liebe and I promise to stay safe and check in as long as you do too' you quickly kissed his cheek and started to unbuckled your seat belt as Kurt did too.
Charles gave you directions to go in so you could surround Eric. You, Scott and Logan were going left around the base Eric set up and Kurt, Jean , Peter and Storm went around right. Hank and Charles were going directly through the middle of the town in an attempt to talk things out with Eric.
You made it around Eric's perimiter and got a visual on Eric and a few of his followers. You watched as Charles attempted to stop Eric, and Hank stood next to him as beast to protect him from Eric, Mystique and their followers. Once Eric began to raise metal and the other mutants started to braise for a fight. Logan gave you the signal and off you all went. You started with the girl closest to you who's mutation was elastic like limbs. Your eyes turned yellow as her motors flossed your mind yellow energy surrounded your fingers as you found a memory of her parents berating her for being a mutant. You almost felt bad for her but her parents actions shouldn't be the reason for everyone's punishment. You twisted your hands in front of you using your magic to invade her mind and cast the illusion. Before you got too involved you backed yourself against a wall to give you some protection since you would be to focused on the details of the illusion. You replayed the memory but you made it more intense. You knew that once she snapped out of it she would be confused and upset but other wise fine so you didn't feel to bad. Your goal was to tire her out so she wouldn't be as big of a threat and now that you had done it emotionally you made her believe she snapped out of it and was fighting you. She swung punches and extend her arms and legs to trip you up. However, you were actually fine, close enough to manipulate bit far enough to be safe. You could feel her growing tired and in the illusion landed a blow to her temple. Her brain thinking it was real knocked her out and you fell out of her brain once it gave in to the exhaustion.
Blinking around you looked to see if anyone was in trouble and saw Scott fighting a winged man who wouldn't stay down your eyes turned yellow and the energy flowed around your fingers as you saw his fear of cages. He had been kept in one and forced to fight and as much as you disliked bringing up trauma you also couldn't leave Scott in a position where he didn't have the upper hand. You sent an illusion that everyone could see of the winged boy being stuck in a cage. Scott looked over and saw you as you held your hands up manipulating them around and it's the yellow energy covered your eyes and swirled around your fingers. You focused your gaze and you brought the cage down making him land on the ground. You saw Scott found some wire from a fence and you saw a three walled pile of debris with more debris on top acting like a roof. You moved him back into there by moving the walls and he kept backing up untill he was secured in there. Scott found some wire, removed his glasses and melded it to some metal structural beams in the debris to make the fourth wall. It was enough space for him but not enough to spread his wings so he wouldn't get out. You stopped the illusion and he looked around confused he saw you and tried to break out of the wire, but that wasn't something his fluffy angel wings were good for. Scott gave you a nod of thanks and the two of you headed into the fighting to find other in need of assistance.
You saw Logan doing fine on his own, Beast and Storm as well. Charles was focusing on distracting Eric and Peter was zipping around sending blows to people to knock them down. You saw a women not far from you with finger lazors, no longer down and about to hit Peter as he stopped to take a quick check of the field and you quickly raced over to her. Before she had the chance to fire you slid onto the ground and kicked her feet out from underneath her. You used your momentum to jump back up as she to came back this time her attention on you. You didn't have time for an illusion so hand to hand it was. She prefered to throw punches and kept close enough to you that neither you nor her could give a strong enough kick. You instead blocked and give the occasional elbow until you eventually saw a sloppy punch, grabbed her arm and put her in a wrist lock effectively snapping her arm, this time she we stayed down. Peter of course came by and high fived you.
You finally saw Kurt and the person he was fighting against seemed to be growing more and more irritated with Kurt and how he couldn't hit him. You didn't like how this man (who's mutation seemed to be super strength) was getting more and more irritated with Kurt. Since he couldn't physically hit him he was getting angrier and taking out by emotionally hurting him. He hit Kurt closed to home by calling him a freak and you were ready to unleash hell. You felt like a highlighter with how brightly yellow you were glowing as you snuck into his mind and fed him visions of pain. Visions of him flying through the air and getting hit by debris plagued his mind as you unleashed your anger on him for daring to insult Kurt. You were so overcome by anger you didn't realise how Eric was getting annoyed with you incapacitating his mutant followers and he hurled metal at you. He want hoping to kill you only injur you enough to knock you out of the fight, Eric wasn't one for killing his mutant brothers and sisters. Kurt was watching you in awe feeling so loved at how protective you were of him when he quickly caught on to the shard of metal aimed to imbed in your legs. He quickly grabbed you and you heard the signature *BAMF* and you fell out of the brutes mind since you were on the other side of the chaos and too far away to slip back in. You looked at Kurt and held him tight whispering a thank you in his ear. He held you tightly to him and mumbled out "liebe you made me a promise to not get hurt, I will be very unhappy if zhat promise iz broken"
"You come before anything, even promises I made to you, but I assure you miene liebe I am perfectly fine" you reassured him pulling back from his chest to smile at him. "And as much as I love being here in your arms we have a job to finish" you kissed him on the cheek and gave him a wild grin he smiled back and *BAMFED* you to the other X-men who had regrouped in front of Eric and his group in the classic sign of unity within the two groups before an awesome battle scene breaks out. Eric lifted himself up along with more shards of metal.
"Time after time, Charles have I bent to your rules and wishes, I am tiered of never having change, of being taken advantage of. They underestimate and underappreciated us Charles and the only way for them to learn is to show them, the only way left is that hard way"
"Eric the more you revert back to anger and desperation for revenge the less they trust us and the harder we must work to show we mean no harm and we can all live together peacefully. We need an ear of peace now then ever, and peaceful wishes from you may be just the thing we need to make our coexistent wishes a reality."
"Your aspirations will never be a reality Charles, they will only ever be wishes, and if I have to show you the hard way as well then so be it." As Eric raised more metal to girl at you all, you developed a potentially dumb plan or potentially great plan.
You worked to invade Eric's head, and despite his helmet preventing telepaths from getting in his head, you weren't a telepath and made it in with as expected quite the amount of resistance. You knew of Eric's past and you knew exactly what memories to use, however, you would have to be careful, after using so much energy especially on that brute you were getting a little to tired for the stunt you were trying to pull. You found the memory of Eric at the camp and losing his mother. You could feel his grief and it only made it harder to consentrate. Your breathing was definetly laboured by know as you pushed that memory to the front of his brain and had him relive it. Watching it horrified you and you could feel tears of exhaustion and pity leak down your face as you trembled with both exhaustion and the pain this memory was bringing, both emotional and physically demanding. You could feel his resistance weakening but his helmet only attempted to push you out more. Your legs you were sure were on the verge of giving out. You could hear Charles telling everyone to stand back, with a protest from a familiar German accent, that crowding you and touching you to keep you from collapsing would only distract you. The memory got to the part were his mother was killed and his powers started to surge. You could definetly feel his power surging now, Eric felt as if he was back there and this time he was determined to save his mom. You knew that you only had to keep the memory going a little while longer and let him build his power up so the sudden surge would use enough energy to knock him out. As the memory progressed and Eric's power grew. You all of a sudden felt his power reach the point to knock him unconscious, and it just so happened to take you too.
Kurt kurt kurt kurt kurt kurt kurt kurt
You woke up to three fingers strumming through your hair and the sound of the jet. You looked up and saw Kurt's face light up at the sight of you awake. "Liebe" he grinned pulling you up gently and resting your head on his shoulder as he pulled you close to him and you wrapped your arms around him.
"What happened?" Was the obvious question on your mind.
"Well" Charles began from behind you " you prevented Eric from showering us with metal debris, you invaded his mind and successfully knocked him out. However, you over exerted yourself and past out along with him. With Eric down Mystique and the others tried to flee, however, but with much assistance through Peter, we managed to keep them from leaving fast enough to esacpe custody. We are almost home, where you can all take a well deserved rest and have the next few days off of classes to recouperate. How does that sound!"
Scott and Peter let out whoops of joy while Jean grinned and you and Kurt gave each other gentel smiles. "Get some rest miene liebe, you deserve it" Kurt said smiling down at you. You snuggled into his shoulder and managed to get a quick nap in.
You managed to wake up just in time for landing. You got many praises for the stunt you had pulled when you came back to the academy. Eventually Kurt got tired of people keeping you away from the rest you so clearly needed, so when people weren't looking he *BAMFED* you two to his room. Too exhausted to get your clothes from your room you slipped on one of Kurt's tshirts and snuggled up next to him.
"I'm so proud of you liebe" he cooed quietly in your ear. "I can't thank you enough for loving me so much and protecting me so vell even vhen you do put your selv in unnecessary danger "Kurt said a goofy smile covering his face and love filled in his eyes.
"Well I can't promise never to be in danger, but I can promise to never stop loving or protecting you." That night you got the best sleep ever as you drifted off to the love of your life planting butterfly kisses all over your face knowing the next few days off would be spent in bed with the love of your life!
Hope y'all enjoyed!
@selemercy(I hope you don't mind that I tagged you it's just that you encouraged me to write this fic and your comment ment so much to me!)
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fandom-------queen · 4 years
Night cuddler
Warnings: no language or anything to trigger anything, an absurd amount of fluff with our favorite blue cinnamon roll!
Kurt Wagner x reader
*Not proof read
*Note readers mutation is is the ability to project fantasies around her for all to see and to project fantasies in a single person's head (kinda like Wanda Maximoff)
*Note part 2 I speak some German but I can't ensure that the little German I used is properly conjugated. I'm sorry if it isn't.
You had just returned from a mission with Scott, Logan and Storm. In an effort to slowly get the students prepared for solo and more intense missions, the teachers would pick one or two students to take on a more advanced mission. This allowed you to learn from the missions without the teachers having to worry about too many students. You had been gone about a full day since last seeing Kurt as you had left last night and it was now around 9 pm . Your mission had been to investigate a mutant smuggling ring and sure enough people were selling and trading mutants. You had gotten all of the mutants out and helped them find their homes, some of them even came back to the school. You were exhausted from using your powers to distract the smugglers with false realities and fantasies, while Logan and Scott cut and melted the locks on the cages and directed the mutants to the jet with the help of Storm.
You were utterly exhausted as you walked into the common room where Kurt was lounging on the coach with his tail holding a book above his head. "Hey baby" you smiled as you walked over to him. He quickly moved the book and a grin covered his face.
"Your home!" he jumped up and hugged you "I missed you meine liebe." he said snuggling his nose into the crook of your neck. You chuckled as he pulled you tightly to him. He pulled his head out of your neck and looked at you with pure adoration"How vas ze mission?"
"Really good." you smiled "We saved a lot of mutants and even brought some to the school, however, I'm so exhausted I could sleep for two days."
"Oh liebe let's get you to bed." He pressed his lips to your forehead and this time it's you nuzzling into his neck. You heard the signiture BAMF and the next thing you knew you were in his room. Kurt handed you your t-shirt and sweat pants that you kept in his room as you both kept a few pieces of clothing in each other's room for instances like this. You changed out of your mission suit and into your comfy clothes before eagerly bounding to his bed and into his arms. Kurt grinned widely and lifted the blankets off his bed as you quickly slid under them and wrapped your arms around his waist. He wrapped his arms around your back and pulled you as close as he can and nuzzles his head to your temple where he can easily kiss your temple whenever he pleased, which was often. Your legs were jumbled together and he intertwined his tail between your legs too, and the tip gently stroked your leg. You let out a sigh of pure happiness and feel your tense muscles finally relax and all of the post mission stress just melt away.
"Kurt" you mumbled. He hummed back in response. "Ich leibe dich" you said with a grin and took your head away from his chest to make eye contact. Kurt broke out into a toothy grin as his cheeks grew purple and his hands moved to cup your face. "Du bist miene liebe!" He replied adoration for you all over his face. You leaned up and gently kissed him. You stayed up a little while longer talking about the mission and what he had done while you were gone, which mainly consisted of eating twinkies with Peter, before you ended up drifting off to sleep. The last thing you felt before you finally nodded off into much needed rest, was Kurt pressing a gentel kiss to your forehead.
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You woke up in the morning to the obnoxious blaring if the alarm signalling it was time to get up for the day. You were still a little sore from the mission the day before and also tired, so when Kurt shut off the alarm and started to get up you quickly stopped that. "Nooooo" you grumbled out "let's just stay in bed all day I promise you it will be so good" you begged as Kurt chuckled from where he was pinned beneath your arm
"y/n liebe, ve have to get up, ve have lessons today."
"We can skip one day it isn't that big of a deal" you protested snuggling into his chest and bringing the blanket higher. Cue confused Kurt, "Vell how iz it not a big deal, if ve don't have to go zen vhat iz stopping us from never going?"
"It's not a big deal if we skip every once in a while, just not every day"
"Ah, I see" said Kurt an idea forming. All of a sudden you were BAMFED out of bed and now by the foot of the bed.
"Kurt what the heck"you moaned not liking the sudden coldness that came with not having your comforter.
"Vell liebe you skipped yesterday while on your mission and you can't skip every day." He said pleased with how he turned your logic against you.
"Fine, but your punishment is that you can't leave my side for the entire day' you said your voice muffled through Kurt's shirt that you were cuddled up to.
"Zhat iz definetly a punishment I can handle" Kurt smiled as he pulled you in to hold again.
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fandom-------queen · 4 years
These are fantastic and I can always find a divider I need. Reblogging for easy access for me and to spread this wonderful creators work for other wonderful creators.
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Here you will find various dividers for fandoms, general ones like flowers and hearts etc.
Return to Masterlist
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Alternate Universe
Is your story set in another world? a Coffee Shop!AU or are your characters part of the Medival!AU or the fantasy world of Mermaid!AUs? Check out the link above for all sorts of Alternate Universe related dividers!
Flora & Fauna
From Bumble Bees to sea shells to daisy chains to wolves. All plant & animal based dividers can be found on the above link.
Events, Seasons & Weather
Autumn / Fall - 1 // 2
Christmas - 1 // 2
Halloween - 1 // 2 // 3 // Animated
Spring - 1 // 2
Valentine’s Day - 1
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Avengers Logo (Rainbow)
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Avengers - Original Six
Batman / Harley Quinn / Joker
Bucky Barnes
Captain America: The First Avenger
Chris Evans
Criminal Minds
Curtis Everett
Daryl Dixon
Dodger Evans - Chris Evans
Harry Potter
Harry Potter - Marauders
Horizon Zero Dawn
Henry Cavill - Superman / Captain Syverson
Johnny Storm
Loki / Tom Hiddleston
Lucifer Morningstar
Mark of Cain - Red
Nightmare Before Christmas
Rick Grimes
Sherlock Holmes (Henry Cavill)
Spencer Reid / Matthew GG
Team Cap
The Last Kingdom
The Last Kingdom / Vikings
The Witcher
Thor Odinson
Tony Stark - Iron Man
Zombies - The Walking Dead
Masterlist Dividers - 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6
Personalised - 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8
Character Dividers - 2 // 3
Gradient Line (Various Colours)
Line (Various Colours)
Angel / Cherub
Blue Diamond
Bondage & BDSM - 2
Gold Glitter
Film Strip
Heart (Rainbow)
LGBT - 1
Office Supplies
Pink Marble
Random Selection - 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8
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fandom-------queen · 4 years
updated 6/27/21
Ransom Drysdale
Sick Ransom x reader
Kurt Wagner
Night cuddler
Kurt x Reader on a mission
Kurt x Reader training
Kurt Wagner Drabbles
Kurt has a nightmare
Kurt's first movie night with the X-men
Kurt Wagner headcannons
How you and Kurt would show affection
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fandom-------queen · 4 years
Hey this is my first fanfic and im not sure how well this will go but i decided fluff would be the easiest and please tell me if you have any constructive criticism!
Warnings: No bad language, horrible flirting, vommitting, suggestive wording from Ransom but nothing actually happens besides a crap ton of fluff. Sick Ransom Drysdale x reader
You currently worked for Harlan Thrombey as an assistant and you had a major in English literature. You had wanted to be a writer and when the opportunity came you most certainly couldn't pass up the internship with Harlan Thrombey himself. You were fresh out of college and eager for a job so you applied and got the internship at Blood Like Wine publishing with a few other new graduates, but once the internship ended Harlan approached you and asked if you would be his assistant which consisted of doing the occasional odd job or even sometimes playing secretary but it was all worth it when you got to bounce ideas with him about his books and get a early glimpse of them! Being his assistant was a great and Harlan considered you family after doing so much work with you. Not to mention the perfect opportunity to establish and develop your writing skills made your job so worth it that not even Harlan's brat of a grandson Ransom could ruin it. Ransom allowed only you to call him Ransom since he didn't see you as the help but someone who's pants he wanted to get in. You delt with his flirting through witty comments and simply ignoring him. Ransom hadn't been around this morning and you had gotten much more work done without his persistent flirting. You walked into Harlan's office with a coffee for both him and you since you had such an early start this morning to finish up his novels plot. As you walked in Harlan got off the phone looking rather concerned. "Is everything all right Mr. Thrombey? " you questioned
Harlan let out a tired sigh "Well Ransom and all his staff members seem to have caught the flu. Al of his staff are out sick and im afraid my grandson doesn't even know how make himself a bowl of cereal." He rubbed his forehead as despite his grandsons general spoiled self and lack of respect for anyone, he still shouldn't have to suffer alone. Harlan knew of your annoyance when it came to Ransom but he also knew that Ransom liked you better then anyone in his family or staff, he also knew you had a higher tolerance of him then others and knew you would never say no. The minute Harlan looked at you with a pleading face you knew what he was going to ask and you knew your answer. You gave Harlan a small smile and asked what soup Ransom liked the best. Before you went to Ransom's you stopped by the store to grab some basics like medicine cough drops ourange juice and a few ingredients for food so you could have options to cook and a few other products that could be usefull.
When you arrived at Ransom's you went to the front door and gave a gentel knock. You heard a groan and the thus of someone standing up ungracefully and then Ransom opened the door looking purely miserable. He had on sweatpants and a his classic cream sweater and his comforter wrapped around him and covering his head. The hair you could see from under the blanket wasn't smooth and perfect like it always was but rather tousled and bed ragged. His pale face allowed the bags under his eyes that were so big they could probably carry all your groceries to be beyond prominent and gave a contrast in color to his red cheeks, eyes and nose. You felt pity tug at your heart at the site of him looking so bad. His scowl disappeared however his attitude didn't change. "What do you want? " He croaked.
"Your grandfather sent me to ensure you didn't die of misery and it looks like I got here in the nick of time." You remarked as you shifted past him and into his kitchen to deposited your bags on his counter.
"Did you bring me presents swwetheart" he flirted although it didn't have the intending effect of sounding his usual confident "sexy" self with his horse voice.
"Nope I brought your salvation" you retaliated.
"Babygirl I feel fine" he mumbled as he came up behind you.
"I'm not your 'babygirl'"You snorted in response. "And I doubt you feel fine your bundled up more right now compared to when your outside and it's negative thirty, which suggests you have chills, which are a symptom of a fever which you definitely have along with the flu." You stared at him pointedly.
"Well sweetheart if you have a problem with how many clothes I'm wearing I could take all my clothes off right now and we can take this to my bed" he smirked.
"Your fever is worse then I thought, your becoming delusional" you retorted with your own smirk while Ransom rolled his eyes. "You probably haven't eaten anything and that certainly isn't going to help you get over this any sooner. Go lay down while I make you something to eat." You instructed, while Ransom made his usual fuss but resigned to laying on the couch snuggled into his comforter he still had on. It took every thing you had not to laugh when he had walked to the coach with it billowing like a cape behind him.
A little while later the classic homemade chicken soup was done as well as a grilled cheese to give it more sustenance. You walked into the living room to find a rerun of some tv show on and Ransom fast asleep under three blankets. He looked a little more pale then he had before and he didn't even stir when you pressed your hand gently to his forehead where you could definetly feel his high fever. You frowned and put down his food as you went back into the kitchen to grab some fever reducer and a glass of water to take it with.
You came back over to Ransom and hated waking him but you knew he had to eat and take something for that fever. "Ransom" you cooed gently as you carefully shook his shoulder trying not to jostle him to much in case he had a headache when he woke up. "Ransom you gotta wake up " you quietly mumbled next to his ear to try and wake him up but also not cause him any pain if he didn't feel well now. He woke with a groan and snuggled back into the couch. "Ransom hon you gotta wake up so you can eat and take some medicine" you said softly. He slowly pulled his head away from the couch and towards you he opened his eyes and they were red an watery. He let out a groan from how bright the room was and how it made his eyes water more. You jumped up to shut his curtains around the room and dimmed the lights so he could see but the light wouldn't be so harsh. When you came to sit by his head again he was trying to fall back asleep. "Hey, hey, hey no no stay awake this will make you fell better I promise." You murmured as you tilted his head toward you softly, your hand gentel on his cheek. He faced you again with a pout
"sweet heart" he whined with a croak.
"I know" you said softly "but I bring a piece offering of soup and grilled cheese" you softly smiled as you reached around to grab everything off of the coffee table. "I also got some medicine to help with that fever" as you handed him the pill and cup of water.
"Thanks" Ransom said after swollowing the pill he looked exhausted but that didn't stop you from poking fun at how he had thanked you.
"Aw a thank you jeez Ransom you seem more delusional then before" you chuckled he rolled his eyes and decided that your behavior warranted his usual attitude.
"You will never hear me say it a again now give me soup" he smirked. This got him an eye roll as you set the soup and grilled cheese tray on his lap. You started to get up when Ransom chimed in with a "Ah ah ah sweet heart I'm to sick to feed myself I can't even sit up right so I might spill it on me, I need you to feed me."
You knew you wouldn't get out of this as you were tired and didn't want to fight with him, but just because you were going to do it didn't mean you wouldn't do it without an attitude. You crouched in front of him with a sigh"God Ransom what are you 2'' Ransom didn't reply he just opened his mouth with a smug expression on and waited for you to spoon feed him. You rolled your eyes and began to feed him wondering for the first time ever if your job was worth it if you had to do this. It was a war between your ambition and pride but eventually you realised you could never leave your job and you had to prove to Ransom that he couldn't scare you off like other staffers he and his family had.
Soon he grew tired of being spoon fed soup and laid on the couch taking small bites of the grilled cheese every once in a while. You moved to sit down next to him by his legs and were texting Marta asking how things were at the house and updating Harlan on how Ransom was doing. You soon became confused because Ransom wasn't flirting with you and he wasn't watching TV either he was simply starring into space and grimacing every once in a while. You placed your hand gently only his leg and called his name, despite him acting childish earlier you decided to let it go since he wasn't feeling well. He didn't move or answer he just made a grumble of acknowledgment. You got up and sat in front of him asking if he was alright. He seemed to contemplate something before almost running you over in a mad dash to the closest bathroom which happened to be his master bath right up the stairs. You followed behind him with an idea of what caused his sudden movement and stopped in the kitchen across from the stairs to grab water and gaterade. You ran up stairs to find him heaving over the toilet you crouched next to him rubbing one hand on his back while the other pushed hair off of his already sweat soaked forehead. He heaved for a few more seconds before coughing up the soup he had not even an hour ago. You rubbed circles on his back and mumbled how it was going to be okay in his ear. Thankfully it didn't last to long however he was back to dry heaving you gave him little sips of water before grabbing a wash cloth and wetting it before gently dabbing his lips and around his mouth as well as his forehead. He was shaking from chills and exhaustion and leaning on the toilet for support you quietly asked him if he felt well enough to move into his bed and he shook his head and spit some bile into the toilet. You reached up and flushed the toilet before sitting behind him and letting him lean against you in hopes it would offer some warmth and he could relax. You two stayed in the bathroom with Ransom heaving over the toilet every once in a while and then leaning back on you again while you rubbed his back, cooed in his ear and made him as comfortable as you could such as wiping his face and brushing his hair back. Eventually he felt well enough to go to bed and you placed a trash can near the bed so he wouldn't have to get up. He fell asleep and you moved all of your materials to his room. You looked for a thermometer in his bathroom and by some miracle he had one. He had a fever of 101.6 which wasn't to concerning but still enough to make him miserable. You realised he was shaking again and went in search of blankets in the guest rooms he had.
When you came to his door with another thick comforter and a fleece blanket you heard a sound that practically made your heart shatter. Ransom had whimpered you quickly went over to the bed where Ransoms face was scrunched up and his body was curled in on itself. He was clutching his stomach and letting out little whimpers. You quickly wrapped the blankets over him and that seemed to help with the chills but you would help with his stomach cramps.
"Hey sweetheart" you cooed in his ear as you slipped under the covers next to him. "Mind if I help your tummy' you said softly while rubbing your hands up and down his arms. He let out a little whimpers and nodded his head. You wrapped your arms around his waist and let you got palms trace the clenched and cramping muscle you could feel him relax into you as he leaned back into you. You could feel him fall asleep as you kept rubbing his stomach relieved that you could ease his pain. Soon his soft snores and warm body lulled you to sleep too.
You woke up to Random shifting around it was about 6:30 in the morning. Dang you had slept long. Ransom was waking up now, his eyes adjusting to how dark it was in the room with the curtains closed and the lights out "Hey Ransom how are you feeling?" You asked. "A lot better then last night, thanks to you sweet heart" he mumbled. He turned toward you and wrapped his arms around you. His voice was no longer cracking and as he nuzzles his face into you finally happy to have you in his bed, you could tell he didn't have a fever. "Ya know" you smirked "if you wanted me in your bed so badly you could've just asked me on a date instead"
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