fandom-hell-yeah · 4 years
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fandom-hell-yeah · 4 years
I am so sick of pretending that I’m not falling in love with you everyday
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fandom-hell-yeah · 4 years
we just work together chapter 7
Chapter 7 is finally up!! Let me know what you guys think and what you wanna see in the future!
“Are you- are you giggling at me?” Stacie asked incredulously.
Stacie crossed her arms, “You are a terrible liar.”
“I’m sorry, you were just being overly dramatic!” the blonde stated.
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fandom-hell-yeah · 4 years
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Would also be really annoying if they wore heat resistant gloves to throw back the hot tear gas canisters and if this got shared to all those protesting…
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fandom-hell-yeah · 4 years
you’ve heard it before but I’ll say it again.
This is a very different kind of post and I don’t usually like to get very political on social media, but things must be said:
1)     All Lives Matter is true, but we need to boost Black Lives Matter because it’s a statement. We wouldn’t even need to have this debate if everyone was treated equally in the first place. It’s evident that our society does not treat every human being the same. People are at different levels of risk. Yes, everyone’s life matters but if you have not experienced any set back, violence, or cruelty because of your skin color then you need to focus on the people that have.
2)     If you aren’t angry about the situation happening right now. You are privileged. Plain and simple. You may never truly understand what it means to be oppressed, but you can try to learn. Staying oblivious will be your downfall, so please don’t bring society down along with you due to ignorance.
3)     Not all cops are bad. Yes, there are many corrupt police officers and law enforcement officials but not all of them are itching to harm others. That’s like saying all pit bulls are dangerous dogs. The breed does not define the individual. There are some who intentionally create chaos at protests, but there are some who want to see the same change as you do. Don’t group them together.
There are many more things that can be said, but I want to keep it short and simple. Please do everything you can to help progress our society.
If you choose to participate in protests, please stay safe and do not put yourself in any position where a corrupt cop could conjure up an excuse for harming you. If you can’t or don’t feel comfortable going to a protest, sign petitions and boost significant posts! All actions help.
Do your part and be on the right side of change.
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fandom-hell-yeah · 4 years
we just work together
Chapter 6 is up!! Let me know what you guys think :)
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fandom-hell-yeah · 4 years
chapter 5
We just work together
They walked side-by-side on the way to Aubrey’s house, keeping casual conversation. Aubrey had to remind herself that this was not a date. They were just coworkers who happened to get dinner after work and now she was being walked home. For safety reasons. Nothing more.
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fandom-hell-yeah · 4 years
we just work together chapter 3!
She gave Stacie a smile before turning to head down the opposite side of the street. But before she got too far she turned around, “I’ll see you tomorrow, Conrad.”
 The smirk that spread across Stacie’s face should have been illegal. It made Aubrey want to run right over and kiss that smirk right off her face, but she couldn’t do that. Why was she thinking of kissing Stacie right now?
 “Oh, so this is how it’s gonna be”, Stacie replied while walking backwards and down her end of the street.
 “I guess it is”, Aubrey responded before turning around and walking towards her house.
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fandom-hell-yeah · 4 years
Looking through old photos and I found one of my junior homecoming dance. It was the night after my dad's funeral. My friend who'd stayed with me the entire week, in my bed, through all the tears, made me get out of bed that night. She pulled my shirt up over my head and told me to get in the shower. She washed my hair for me. She curled it. She rubbed foundation onto my face, lined my eyes, and put me in my dress.
She contacted my other friends who were feeling awkward and unsure of what to do and told them the party was still on, to meet at my house for photos before the dance.
They all showed up, and I went to the dance, and we all screamed and cried, and I took my first step to healing.
I haven't spoken to that girl in five years. Nothing happened. I moved away. She fell in love. We grew apart and into our own lives.
It's strikes me how beautiful the ephermeral nature of teenage friendships can be.
We may not need each other now, but there was a time when I needed her more than anyone. And sometimes she needed me.
And the universe put us together just then. Just when it was most important. Not a year too late or too soon. The same town, the same school, the same classroom where we could meet. Right when it mattered.
We come and go from people's lives every day, and along the way we may get a chance to love someone fully, just for a little while.
I'll remember every single one.
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fandom-hell-yeah · 4 years
Chapter 2!! Happy Friday ❤️
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fandom-hell-yeah · 5 years
We just work together
Chapter 1 is up!
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23211649/chapters/55568311
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fandom-hell-yeah · 5 years
we just work together
Quick preview for a possible story with Staubrey and some Bechloe since I’m stuck at home instead of college now... But anyways enjoy this snippet of chapter 1
It was an overly warm Saturday in Georgia. It was one of those summer days that felt like the air was actively trying to suffocate you by noon but started off decently enough. So, before it got too hot Aubrey got up and dressed for her daily morning run. She tied her hair up, slipped on her sneakers and headed out the door into the warm air to get a couple miles in before she had to go to work.
Aubrey was a server at this small local diner run by an older woman named Nancy. She was basically a grandma to Aubrey. The two had met when Aubrey was still an army brat moving around with her dad. They spent about a year stationed in Georgia and since the diner was only a 5 minute walk away from her house, every Tuesday after school, Aubrey would stop by the diner with her childhood friend Chloe Beale and get a vanilla milkshake while finish up her homework before heading home.
This routine lasted for the entire year, even during the summertime when she wouldn’t have any homework to do. It was better than staying at home in a mostly empty house while her dad was away at work. She grew accompanied to the two vanilla milkshakes awaiting her arrival on the counter and the kind smile that Nancy had every time she walked into the diner, it made her feel at home. But like every time before, Aubrey had to eventually move away. This was an especially hard time for Chloe since she never had a friend who moved out of their small town before. She made Aubrey promise to keep in contact with her and come back to visit when she got older.
Little did they both know, Aubrey would eventually return to the small Georgia town for college. The same college that Chloe was going to attend. When they hung out again for the first time, it was like no time had passed and they both became each other’s best friend again. Now the pair lived in a small townhouse right outside of Barden while Aubrey continued onto law school and Chloe continued going to vet school.
Aubrey finished her run in record time and headed back towards her house. Aubrey was quite pleased with the house that they found. It was within walking distance of the diner and Barden’s campus and it felt homey, maybe because she had Chloe living with her but it was something that she never really had before.
She opened the front door and headed into the smell of coffee and French toast. She was greeted with the sight of Chloe dressed in scrubs since she was volunteering at the animal shelter today and a plate full of French toast on the counter.
“Welcome back, how was your run?”, Chloe asked while turning around from the coffee machine. Aubrey grabbed a glass of water and sat down at the counter before answering, “It was good. I’m glad I made it back before it got too hot”. Chloe nodded in agreement while sipping from her cup, “Yeah, I think it’s supposed to be 95 today” the redhead replied.
“Nancy’s milkshakes are the best, so we’ll probably get pretty busy today.” Aubrey grabbed a piece of French toast and took a bite when Chloe asked, “Weren’t you guys going to hire someone new today? Annabelle or Abigail?” Aubrey nodded while finishing her French toast, “Yeah, Anastasia. But I’m not sure when she starts working.”
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fandom-hell-yeah · 5 years
Reblog if you’re in love with someone who will never love you back, ahahah
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fandom-hell-yeah · 5 years
forever would still never be enough time with you
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fandom-hell-yeah · 5 years
u ever get jealous over something u have no right to be jealous over so u just sit there like… ok
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fandom-hell-yeah · 5 years
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fandom-hell-yeah · 6 years
Jesus said amen not agirl Jesus is gay wake up America
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