fangirl-domain · 10 years
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fangirl-domain · 10 years
every. Brendon. Urie. vine. ever.
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fangirl-domain · 10 years
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weird and wonderful man
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fangirl-domain · 10 years
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This Is Gospel For The Fallen Ones…
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fangirl-domain · 10 years
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fangirl-domain · 10 years
People Day! - Brendon Urie
There is not much to say about him other than that he is absolutely amazing. I truly have never heard a voice quite like his, and he's got a very unique sense of humour, or at least I think he has from what I have seen of him...
I'm not going to bore you with any more of my fangirling, there will be a whole music appreciation next week about Panic! at the Disco, so look out for that!!
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fangirl-domain · 10 years
Do you not have iTunes where you are from? They are all on iTunes.
I might have to check it out! it never occured to me before that I can download the soundtrack on itunes as well! =) stupid me!
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fangirl-domain · 10 years
Damn me and my messing up names!! :)
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fangirl-domain · 10 years
They've released a couple versions of the pitch perfect soundtrack that has beca's mixes in them too and as for the songs that don't appear, it's because they couldn't get the rights.
Good to know, thanks! I guess they're only available in the states, though, not where I live, at least I haven't found them anywhere here! But thanks for telling me!! :)
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fangirl-domain · 10 years
Movie Night - Pitch Perfect
Okay, there has been a huge hype around this movie last year, and let me tell you, it is so worth it!
Pitch Perfect is a comedy about Becca, a freshman at college, who joins an a capella group, which frankly kinda sucks at the beginning of the movie. Over the course of the movie the group gets together to compete in a national a capella competition, which in the last years has always been won by the Bella's rival choir, the Treblemakers, also a choir from Becca's college.
This whole story is incredibly funny, but also really moving. The characters are completely realistic, and there really is not one character that is not liked in at least some way.
Added to that is an absolutely amazing soundtrack of songs sung by the actors, all a capella. The music is perfectly incorporated into the movie, not like other films, where people just randomly start singing. Only thing not so great about the soundtrack s the fact that a few tracks are missing. They really should come out with a deluxe edition which also has the missing songs, as well as all of Becca's mixes.
Seriously, I would advise everyone to watch this movie. It's perfect for a girl's night, but also just to watch it by yourself or with your family. I'm sure everyone will like, it, even people who aren't too keen on musical films!
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fangirl-domain · 10 years
4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
1 Corinthians 13, 4-7
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fangirl-domain · 10 years
You are wonderfully and exquisitely made with purpose and with the beauty of individuality that far surpasses any exterior traits.
Curt Mega
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fangirl-domain · 10 years
I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles.
Audrey Hepburn
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fangirl-domain · 10 years
no movie rec today and no People Day on Thursday this week! Sorry for that, but New Years is going to be huge!
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fangirl-domain · 10 years
Book Club – Fangasm: Supernatural Fangirls
So, about two weeks ago, I heard on both Twitter and Tumbr that this book had come out. A book about Fangirls, what makes them fangirls and what’s so great about Fandom. Plus, it was about Supernatural as well. Supernatural, my favorite TV show.
So I thought to myself, you gotta go and buy that book, stat! I love books that talk about something like that, about fandom, and what makes it special, and the fact that it was, or so I thought, with the example of Supernatural, made it even better.
So I bought it for my kindle, and started reading, with the intention of afterwards writing a review and gushing about how much I liked it. Because come on, it’s about fandom and Supernatural, what’s there not to like?!
I started reading the book, thinking it would be somewhat academic, trying to explain the appeal of Fandom, but also that there are things that aren’t so awesome about it. I thought it would be a book to recommend to people who want to find out about what fandom’s all about, with the example of Supernatural.
What I got was 250 pages of two women gushing about how amazing Jensen Ackles is, which I don’t disagree with, to how many conventions they went and what great names they are when it comes to the Supernatural Life Journal community.
Seriously, I was so incredibly disappointed with this book, I more than once thought about not finishing it. I had expected to learn about what makes fandom, fandom, what the creative department and the actors think about it and the fact that there are also not so awesome sides to it.
I did not sign up for a step by step guide on how this book about fandom came to be, which, plot twist, in the end turned out to never really be written!
I was honestly so mad that I had bought this book. I didn’t want to hear about these two specific women, and how they travelled across country to go to various conventions, and how this turned out to cause serious problems with their families. I wanted to learn about fandom!
Not only that, but on literally every page there was something about fanfiction. Okay, I get it, fanfiction is a huge part of fandom, I myself both write and read a lot of it, but personally, I don’t think it has anything to do in a book like that. Also, if it’s said that the first rule of Fandom is not to tell about fanfiction, especially to actors, all the time, what the hell are you doing talking to them about fanfiction? It really came across as if fandom is all about fanfiction and there is nothing else about it!
Now, don’t get me wrong, there were also a few parts I really liked, especially the interviews, and the chapter about them on set, as well.
But the majority of this book really disappointed me. When people say something is about a certain thing, I expect it to be so as well.
I had first thought about giving the book only 2 stars, but because I actually did like the interviews, especially the one with Jim Beaver, and because I still have respect for them having written this book in the first place, I ended up with 3 stars.
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Of course this opinion is my own. If anyone feels differently about this book, that is completely okay. I’m not one to dictate others what to think. Feel free to message me about this. I’m always open for conversation!!
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fangirl-domain · 10 years
Music Appreciation – McFly
This band, I can honestly say, is one of my absolute favorites. I found out about McFly only about two years ago, funnily because of another band, R5. Again and again they talked about how their biggest inspiration was this English band called McFly and eventually I thought to myself, okay, you are going to check them out now, or else you’ll never find peace with this subject.
So I went over to youtube, typed in their name, and a whole new world opened up before me.
Before McFly, I had never really been a fan of a specific band. To be honest, before them I didn’t listen to anything other than movie soundtracks and musicals. McFly changed everything. They basically gave me a new love of music.
What also really helped me like them was the fact that these lovely guys are british. Now, I love everything British. I’m actually pretty much British at heart, myself, even though I don’t live there and don’t have anything British in my heritage…
But that doesn’t really matter, does it?
Anyways, I started listening to everything I found on youtube, and soon after, I decided that yes, I liked this band, I want to know everything.
So I watched EVERYTHING. I rewatched Strictly Come Dancing, I rewatched Dougie in the jungle camp. I watched Danny on Popstar to Opera Star. I watched everything. And with every video, I fell in love with them more.
Now, I haven’t had the chance to see them life yet, but I watched the 10 year anniversary concert and it was amazing. One day, one day I will be there, right in front of the stage, as well.
I seriously advice you to go and check them out. The boys are not only amazingly talented, but also hilarious on another degree! You can’t watch a single video without laughing at something or other one of them does!
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fangirl-domain · 10 years
Movie Night - Switched at Birth
It's time for another tv show. About two weeks ago, I found out that a great idol ok mine, Curt Mega, had landed a role on this ABCFamily show called Switched at Birth. I hadn't watched anything of it, but I had heard the name... So in good fan-fashion I told myself I would have to watch the show before the next season starts of in January. I haven't finished everything yet, but I'm well on my way of finishing season 1, and so far I'm not at all regretting starting watching this show. It's about two girls who find out when they are 16 that they were switched at birth. Over the course of the show they learn to get to know each other and how to live together. But plot twist, one of the girls is deaf, so that leads to a whole different set of problems... I love this show not only because I haven't seen anything like it before, but also because the show uses ASL heavily as a means of communication. I have always wanted to learn sign language, and because of this show in actually started now. I know ASL won't help me with pretty much anything, seeing as I'm not American, but I was still intrigued by it from the first moment! I would definitely recommend this show, it's on hiatus right now, but will air again in January!
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