fangirlboyman · 9 years
New gravity falls theory.
Grunkle stan becomes bill and all of this everything he's done is to keep dipper and Mabel together
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fangirlboyman · 9 years
Nailed it
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So I’m sure I’m reading too much into this but Peridot just expects Pearl to obey, and what do we know about pearls doing what they’re told?
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fangirlboyman · 9 years
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So I’m sure I’m reading too much into this but Peridot just expects Pearl to obey, and what do we know about pearls doing what they’re told?
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fangirlboyman · 9 years
Steven is ORGANIC like I’d negotiate with you war MACHINE Gems are AI
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fangirlboyman · 9 years
Rose wasn't
do u think garnet would be asexual?
tbh I think all gems are, they’re a species that doesn’t sexually reproduce, so I don’t think they would develop a desire to
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fangirlboyman · 9 years
Pearl Greg Ship Part 4
As gunga stepped away from the table Greg took hold of one of the slices she’d set in front of him, groaning in satisfaction after the first bite as Pearl brought her steaming mug up beneath her nose breathing in the rising vapors.
“So you really don’t eat?  Like ever?” Pearl shook her head as she set her mug down.
“My body is actually just a construct of the energy within my Gem, unlike humans we don’t need to eat or rest to sustain ourselves. Greg nodded as he finished off his first piece and lifted another to his lips.  
“So what do you ya know, do?” Pearl raised an eyebrow as Greg seemed to inhale his second slice.  
“I told you back on the beach we protect humanity, we neutralize and contain the corrupted gem creatures when we locate them.”  Greg nodded licking the grease from his fingers.
“That’s what I’m saying you can only go off and fight those monster things when you find them, you don’t eat, you don’t sleep you don’t have a job so how do you ya know fill the hours in between.”   Greg leaned in closer hand fumbling for his third slice of pizza as he trained his eyes on her
“Oh.” Pearl blinked then nodded slowly.  “I’ve never really given it that much thought, usually if we’re not on a mission I’m sparring with Rose, or teaching Amethyst, other than that I’m usually just tidying up the temple.”  The third piece of pizza was gone by the end of her recitation, and Greg was resting his chin on one palm.  
“So you never relax?”  Pearl shrugged and took another deep inhalation of her tea.
“I told you, my body doesn’t need sleep.” Greg shook his head abandoning the final piece of pizza.
“It’s not about sleep, and it’s not about your body it’s about turning your brain off for a little while.”  Pearl set the now cool cup back down on the table.
“I don’t have one of those.” Greg rolled his eyes playfully, and smirked at her.  
“Look all I’m saying is that I can’t leave my van running twenty four seven and still expect it to be working at it’s best when I need it.  It’s the same way for people, and I’m betting it’s the same way with Gems. Don’t you ever just like go for a walk or sit out and look at the stars, you know just, be wherever you are?” Pearl lowered her eyes tracing one finger around the rim of her mug.
“I. . .we used to do things like that some times, Rose and I we would stroll through her gardens, or sneak away to this secret place of hers.”   Her eyes shot open as she looked up into his. “You can’t tell anyone about that, I can’t believe I just told YOU that.” She stopped a moment, studying his face, he looked pained and she couldn’t understand why.
“You and Rose huh?”   Picking a piece of sausage from his pizza and tossing it lazily onto the table, no longer able to meet her eyes.  She nodded in understanding.
“Yes, for as long as I can remember, at first I couldn’t believe someone as beautiful and wonderful as her was spending time with someone as generic as me, but when she looked at me I could tell she saw something more and I knew I wanted to make her happy, to be more for her.  Time went on though, and either I got better at noticing, or she got worse at hiding how she really felt.  She feels so guilty over me being stuck here for her, and even more guilty that…that she doesn’t feel the same way that I feel for her.  So she pretends to sometimes for me, I used to think that was enough but she never really looks at me the way I look at her…the way you look at me.” Raising her gaze to his again she found him staring, eyes like stars.
“I won’t pretend to understand all of that, but I do get the not being able to believe part.” His hand moved out to take hold of hers.  Blushing she clasped her other hand over his, never noticing the grease from the pizza.   They sat there like that for several long moments, Greg finally breaking the silence.  “Something’s bugging me though, you said you go to Rose’s gardens, and Rose’s secret place, don’t you have anywhere that’s special to you?” Pearl thought a moment then shook her head.
“Aside from my room in the temple I don’t suppose I do.”  Greg shook his head, motioning for Gunga to bring the check, then fished out several crumpled bills from his pocket to pay.  
“That’s too bad, everyone needs somewhere to get away and just be themselves” Counting out the money for the pizza, tea and Gunga’s tip Greg rose from the table, slipping his hand from Pearl’s he motioned for her to follow.  “If you don’t have one of your own, I can at least show you mine.” Pearl strode beside him, smirking as she looked over.
“Is it the van?” She asked smugly and his face colored.  “I’ve already seen the van.”
“It’s not JUST the van it’s what the van means.” She folded her arms in front of her chest incredulously, but followed him down to the beach where the van was still parked.  Greg slipped into the driver’s side, and Pearl did the same on the passenger side.  
“Alright, so enlighten me, what does the van represent?” Pearl asked leaning back in the seat, eyes roaming over the various knobs and buttons on the dash.
“Freedom” Greg said simply, waiting for Pearl to look up at him before continuing.  “I can go anywhere in this thing, I can BE anyone in a new place, I can be a comet streaking across the night sky, bright and hot for a moment then I’m gone again on to the next place dazzle more people over and over again until I’m a huge shining star in the sky.”  His voice rose as he spoke, fingers gripping the steering wheel white knuckled as he stared out over the ocean towards the star filled horizon. Pearl sat in silence for a long moment after he finished.
“Greg. . .why is it so important for you to get away, to be famous?” His concentration shattered he turned to her doubt in his eyes as he leaned back against the Van door. Sighing he spoke in a weary voice eyes cast down.
“I never did well in school, and I wasn’t athletic like at all.  I never felt good enough for anything. Then I discovered music, I taught myself to play an old guitar I got from a buddy’s older brother and wrote my first song, it was like magic.  I thought I’d finally found what I was supposed to do, but everyone always told me it was stupid, that it was impossible to make a living like that, that I was going through a phase or I was just distracting myself from getting a real education.  I quit community college and used the rest of the money I’d saved up for tuition to buy this beauty.”  Patting the Van’s dashboard.  “That’s why it’s so important Pearl, I just want to feel good enough for once.” Moist eyes lifted to find a matching pair staring back at him, a single tear rolling down her cheek.  Greg squeezed his eyes shut letting his own tears flow, when he opened his eyes again Pearl’s face was inches from his own, the tip of her nose pressing gently to his, hands lifting to take hold of his face.
“I think this is how human’s do it.” Pearl tilted her head and leaned in, pressing her lips to his, he remained rigid for a moment, then she felt his arms wrap around her. She could feel the warmth of his skin, but more than that she could feel the need in him, the desire to be close to her and the echo of it within herself.  She pulled back, and though she had no need for air found herself panting along with him, pressing the gem on her forehead to his she smiled as he stroked her cheek.  “I didn’t know humans could fuse.”
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fangirlboyman · 9 years
My advice is don't wait till your married because of a promise you made when you were younger. Imagine if you had to stick to every promise you made in your formative years. Sex is a natural need and there is nothing wrong with sating that need. If you're not ready to be sexually active that's fine but if you are that is fine too. Virginity does not define your worth neither does a lack there of. Sex is one of those things you need to ease yourself into. see what feels right, figure out if youre the kind of person sex can be just a physical thing or if you need the emotional connection. Don't try to impose external limits on yourself no one can decide what's right for you but you. The best way to overcome your shyness is to remind yourself sex isn't shameful and knowledge is power. Try to find objective sources when finding things out about the biological side too. I know abstience only programs give false information about sex to scare young people. Purely anecdotal (from a male even. ) a vibrator won't affect your ability to have children, yes it is okay to madturbate and yes it is fine to own sex toys you can even order them off the internet to help with the shyness. To overcome your shyness think of sex as just another biological need. You're not shy about eating and I bet even take pride in a meal well prepared physical intimacy is a need the same as eating.
*Sigh* Embarrassing to talk about but I need to talk about something that makes me blush like you wouldn’t believe and makes me really self-conscious about. 
Judgement free responses please if you do decide to say anything to me or just PM me about some of this stuff if you have decent answers for me and or are experienced. 
I’m actually really scared and nervous about the kind of responses I’m gonna get from this post. 
Keep reading
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fangirlboyman · 9 years
Also could op please draw connie as an adorable ginger girl?!
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Gentle reminder that you can draw your favorite characters any way you want to and no one has the right to tell you that you can’t. Go forth and art, and please please please do better than I did. XD
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fangirlboyman · 9 years
So when people draw amethyst as black thats offensive right? I mean she’s voiced by an asian woman
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Gentle reminder that you can draw your favorite characters any way you want to and no one has the right to tell you that you can’t. Go forth and art, and please please please do better than I did. XD
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fangirlboyman · 9 years
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fangirlboyman · 9 years
They even tried to shut down an equestria daily style fan site just cuz bronies were making it
Oh wow, thanks for answering my question so quickly. I was kinda hoping SU would be the show without a slightly shitty side of a fanbase but alas. That sucks. What do you mean by gatekeeper?
We dont want bronies coming in here and ruining steven like they did mlpWhite cis men shouldnt be su fans that kinda stuff
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fangirlboyman · 9 years
Oh wow, thanks for answering my question so quickly. I was kinda hoping SU would be the show without a slightly shitty side of a fanbase but alas. That sucks. What do you mean by gatekeeper?
We dont want bronies coming in here and ruining steven like they did mlpWhite cis men shouldnt be su fans that kinda stuff
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fangirlboyman · 9 years
How have the fans of Steven Universe gotten shittier? (I'm a very new fan)
Well there is some heavy anti brony sentiment. There is also this SU is only for LGBTQ people. There are some great members of the fandom but there are some very vocal "gatekeepers" I've said it before there are 2 kinds of su fans "ohh what a great written story with compelling characters" fans. And the "Look at all the non white non straight aspects. How can I use this to further my own bigoted beliefs
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fangirlboyman · 9 years
Someone's been playing inquisition
"Male gaze," like all men have a collective way of viewing things. Nah, fuck that, I'm female and I don't even NOTICE if it was made for "the male gaze" or "the female gaze", because they're both bullshit concepts. Do you know what it was made for? My gaze. If I see a skinny attractive elf woman with a weapon, I will think she's a beast and write 10000 fics about her, regardless of which gender feminists think she was "made" for. People are more than just "man" and "woman", you know.
Yes, I’m aware of this.  I like to ogle women too!
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fangirlboyman · 9 years
Someone's been playing inquisition
"Male gaze," like all men have a collective way of viewing things. Nah, fuck that, I'm female and I don't even NOTICE if it was made for "the male gaze" or "the female gaze", because they're both bullshit concepts. Do you know what it was made for? My gaze. If I see a skinny attractive elf woman with a weapon, I will think she's a beast and write 10000 fics about her, regardless of which gender feminists think she was "made" for. People are more than just "man" and "woman", you know.
Yes, I’m aware of this.  I like to ogle women too!
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fangirlboyman · 9 years
No its gotten much better the fans have gotten shittier
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fangirlboyman · 9 years
Yeah it doesn’t seem that long ago because she never makes any content for it 
This was great. Clicked to the first episode last night and ended up watching the whole thing. Worth a watch even if you don’t like or know anything about video games. Definitely my favorite explanation thus far for why people are just outright mean on the internet, especially when it comes to confronting and admitting to various forms of privilege.
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