fangirltolive · 8 years
Reblog if you've attended (or have plans to attend) at least one Model United Nations conference.
apparently also known as the real life Hetalia roleplay
Let’s see how many are on Tumblr!
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fangirltolive · 8 years
There's nothing wrong with sex, people.
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fangirltolive · 8 years
SSS- The Firebird Chapter 4
Taking a deep breath, she knocked on the door before making her way into the room.
Skin. Lots of skin. That’s what came straight to her mind as she pulled up short, still holding the doorknob in her left hand, her breath catching.
And Muscles. Lots of muscles. Lean, neat lines outlined the ridges of the muscles on two backs, moving side by side in complex moves. One was the color of bronze, the drops of sweat making the muscles shine with each passing movement of the arm. And on the right the fair skin of the other man, shoulders seemingly fixed while the man’s torso was swaying, highlighting the man’s dorsals.
They were dancing in sync, their left arms bent at the elbow in front of them while their other arm was in crown above their head. But  the real piece of work of the choreography   their feet, moving at the exact same speed and with a precision only gained by hours of work.
Working in a ballet company, Katniss was used to seeing shirtless men on a regular basis, even on stage. But this was a sight of its own. Two handsome men, moving side by side in sync, to a sexy latino music, oblivious to the rest of the world, lost in their routine.
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fangirltolive · 8 years
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Celebrating hemsworthys new URL.
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fangirltolive · 8 years
Girls with muscles reblog if you agree
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fangirltolive · 8 years
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fangirltolive · 8 years
I can finally say I have completely recovered. 🎀❤️
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fangirltolive · 8 years
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fangirltolive · 8 years
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fangirltolive · 8 years
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fangirltolive · 8 years
It’s hard when you constantly feel so fucking unwanted.
(via diabolicequilibrium)
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fangirltolive · 8 years
Against The Wall- Part One
Prompt: Rye and Peeta share an apartment and Katniss is their next door neighbor. Every week Rye brings home a different girl and they have loud sex (which Katniss constantly overhears). Katniss thinks Peeta is the one with all the conquests, how does she figure out he isn’t? [submitted by Anonymous]
A/N: Modern AU. Rated E for explicit language, graphic sex, and potentially offensive slang. Part One of Three. Contains direct and revised quotes from The Hunger Games books and movies. With many thanks to @everlylark , @jennagill , and @myusernamehere for pre-reading under a tight deadline and to @javistg for being a gracious host and all-around mensch. All mistakes and errors are mine. Sadly, The Hunger Games is not.
Contains lyrics from “Anecdotes” by Joanna Newsom.
He moved in on a Saturday morning at the asscrack of dawn.
It was the grunting that woke her up, some strange man’s voice barking things like “pivot!” and “higher,” and “no, no, you go first” from the narrow hallway outside her apartment. Katniss rubbed the crust from her eyes, impatiently gouging her index finger into each corner, and laid there, belligerently tangled in her sleep-rumpled sheets, grimacing from the commotion in the hall. A small army, by the sound of it, was hauling furniture into the empty apartment next door. She could hear their names— Mellark, Finnick, and Hawthorne— and although it was bad form to judge people by the sound of their voices, she had the distinct impression that the brothers of Delta Tau Chi were moving into sweet Mags’ old apartment.
She missed her former neighbor already, the afternoon invitations to tea (that Katniss never accepted but appreciated all the same), and the peace and order of the hours the elderly woman kept. She even missed the smell of the mothballs, although, in the scorching heat of late summer, she could still detect traces of it baking its way out of the pores of the walls. When Mags had passed away and her apartment was posted for let, Katniss had hoped that the faded floral wallpaper and the spare room that had been earmarked for Mags’ porcelain doll collection would be a magnet for another sweet old lady.
No such luck, it turned out. That was the downside to living in a rent-controlled apartment in a gentrifying neighborhood— the invasion of the casually affluent hipsters and frat boys who saw an affordable apartment in a working class neighborhood as an opportunity to gain street cred while still living a short commute from their shiny new jobs and the glitzy shops and restaurants further downtown.      
Climbing out of bed, she slipped on her robe and wrapped it around her like body armor, tiptoeing over to her front door and pressing her ear lightly to the wood, curious to glean whatever information she could about the new tenants in apartment 451.  
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fangirltolive · 8 years
Once a year, the twelfth colony of Panem makes sacrifices to the Clan of Claws. This time, the Lupine prince eagerly awaits their volunteer. In-Panem AU/fantasy. Everlark.
Rated M for sexual content.
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fangirltolive · 8 years
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Actual Reasons Why People Were Dumped
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fangirltolive · 8 years
The Bride Swap - Part 1
Prompt 52: (Canon AU) Peeta stands to inherit the bakery, but his mother won’t sign the papers until he is officially engaged to a proper Merchant class girl. So Katniss enlists the help of her best friends Madge and Gale, who can just barely stand each other, to fake date and go on double dates so they can be together. Hilarity ensues when it’s time to plan the wedding!
Prompt submitted by @mylionskitten. I hope you enjoy it! It’s in four parts (Because what do I know about short fics?) and, of course, I only finished the first part.  I’ll publish the rest this week.
By: titaniasfics
Rating: Mature 
Part 1 - The Predicament
Katniss heard him long before she actually saw him.
The crunching leaves and snapping branches as he walked could literally be heard echoing through the forest for miles around.  Just from the sound alone, Katniss knew something was on his mind.  She picked up speed, no longer able to enjoy the early spring sunshine or the crisp morning air as her concern for him continued to grow.  She’d been going down this path to meet with Peeta for so long, her legs carried her almost automatically to the small house in the woods, on the edge of the lake where she once swam with her father.
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fangirltolive · 8 years
Every music video in the early 2000's 😂
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fangirltolive · 9 years
Once a year, the twelfth colony of Panem makes sacrifices to the Clan of Claws. This time, the Lupine prince eagerly awaits their volunteer. In-Panem AU/fantasy. Everlark.
Rated M for sexual content.
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