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Happy Ides of March!
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Why is it not called Fantastic Lies and How to Spot Them?
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Me, a Brit, celebrating America toppling a fascist and bringing safety back to their people:
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Me, a Brit, remembering that Boris Johnson is still running our country, we’re still in the grip of a deadly pandemic, Brexit is still happening, and our government had to be peer-pressured into feeding impoverished kids by a 23 year old footballer:
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get on your feet.mp4
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Come on, America. Do it for Leslie Knope!
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Graves: Why are there six people here who say they’re waiting to meet with me?  Tina: So, you know how you love me because you haven’t had a single meeting with anyone since I became your assistant? That’s because every time someone calls and requests a meeting with you, I always schedule it for March 31st. Graves: Why?  Tina: Because I didn’t think March 31st existed. Thirty days has September, April, March and November  Graves: JUNE and November. Today is March 31st. Tina: I know.
(Parks and Recreation; season 2, episode 21: 94 Meetings) 
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Percival: History began on July 4th, 1776. Anything before that was a mistake.
(Parks and Recreation; Season 6, Episode 1: London Part 1)
Happy 4th of July, you punk-ass book jockeys!
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Graves: Why are there six people here who say they’re waiting to meet with me?  Tina: So, you know how you love me because you haven’t had a single meeting with anyone since I became your assistant? That’s because every time someone calls and requests a meeting with you, I always schedule it for March 31st. Graves: Why?  Tina: Because I didn’t think March 31st existed. Thirty days has September, April, March and November  Graves: JUNE and November. Today is March 31st. Tina: I know.
(Parks and Recreation; season 2, episode 21: 94 Meetings) 
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Percival: There is nothing more disgusting than an invasion of privacy. And I should know; I’ve had many people steal my undershirts. 
(Parks and Recreation; season 5, episode 2: Correspondents’s Lunch)
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Newt: My brother's really lame. But Leta's pretty cool. I guess I kinda see why she would marry him. Also, if anyone has seen my niffler I lost it, thanks.
(Parks and Recreation; Season 3, Episode 9: Andy and April's Fancy Party)
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Newt: Niffler, there was a niffler. We captured a niffler and we brought it into your house and it got out and it might have laid eggs in your bed. Tina: What? Newt: And it went into your laundry and your kitchen and it touched all your bras. And I’m so sorry, it’s our fault we captured it and it got out and it ran around and it was a niffler, OK? Jacob, run, Jacob. Sorry, Tina. I love you!
(Parks and Recreation; Season 2, Episode 18: The Possum)
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