fantasytapout · 2 years
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Merry Christmas! ~Tal'naya
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fantasytapout · 2 years
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Our resident black mage isn't all magic- she's still a fantastically competent and agile Miqo'te Hero! In a weaponless CQC battle, Terra assumed that her knight training would make this no challenge at all. She was very wrong, and Shtola is going to give her plenty of time to think about this mistake.
Cats do love to play with their toys, after all.
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fantasytapout · 2 years
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Chun-Li and Juri are no strangers- and both know that they're fairly evenly matched in a straight fight. As Chun-Li enters the room and prepares herself, she focuses in on her enemy. Juri makes no immediate motion to rush her, seemingly content to wait for their battle. A massive, wicked grin splits her face. Chun-Li realizes too late that she isn't waiting out of a sense of honor or competition.
"SURPRISE!" Jinx screams as she jumps up with a metal chair in hand. Could Chun-Li react quickly enough to protect herself from this sneak attack? Probably, if she didn't also have to contend with Juri flying in from the front at the same time.
Cun-Li split her focus. In one small moment, she was distracted enough on both sides to get completely blindsided. The chair bashed into the back of her skull, and Juri's knee slammed into her stomach hard enough to lift her feet off the ground.
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fantasytapout · 2 years
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"You give up, Cupcake?" Jinx taunted her clearly unconscious foe. Caitlyn had long since ceased her pained moans and sobs, and even longer since stopped struggling to fight back.
"She didn't say she gives up! She must not be done yet!"
Caitlyn was missing  a few clothes as well as her gun, now. Jinx had been having a laugh sarcastically taunting Cait while wearing her own officer's uniform, comically oversized on the anarchist's small body. Caitlyn hadn't protested then, either, but that may have been due to the constant barrage of fists and knees in her mouth. Or the asphyxiation. Or the broken bones.
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fantasytapout · 2 years
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Caitlyn had been in and out of consciousness a few times, but her tormentors weren't deterred. To Jinx, it was simply a challenge. You just need to come up with something exciting enough to bring your new toy back to life!
This, she thought, was a particularly good one. Her new friend Juri locked both the victim's legs under her arms, stepping over her body to bend her backwards in something akin to a Boston Crab. No dice, still asleep. Perfect.
Jinx slowly wandered over to Cait's rifle, laying forgotten on the decrepit wooden floor. It's a fine gun. It's an even better stick! Juri watched her ally with an evil grin, occasionally twisting her hips or lowering her body to contort Caitlyn further. Though the prisoner didn't react consciously, her spine sure did- filling the dusty room with yet more cracks and pops.
Jinx took her time lining up a good swing, almost sarcastically taking a couple of slow practice arcs like she was getting ready to golf. Then, she brought down the hammer.
"Wakey wakey, sunshine!" Jinx screeched excitedly as she swung.
That woke her up.
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fantasytapout · 2 years
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Caitlyn wasn't fully conscious enough at this point to know exactly what was going on. She knew her back was in absolute agony, and someone was wrenching on her neck. She could feel those pains much more clearly than anything else on her bruised and beaten body. Her eyes gazed blankly at a blurry ceiling inside this dimly lit hellhole. Cait had no idea how long she'd been here. It felt like years, but was almost surely only a few minutes.
How did this happen? The officer was sure she could handle Jinx. Even if that blue-haired anarchist was skilled enough to match her in CQC, Caitlyn had a pretty hefty size advantage- Jinx was a pretty small girl. This other assailant though, this purple clothed ninja woman- she seemed absolutely unstoppable. Whatever failings Jinx may have had didn't matter. Not only was Cait outnumbered, she felt like this new enemy could handily fight 3 copies of her at once.
She saw a flash of purple come up on her right, at the edge of her fuzzy vision. She felt a brief blast of jagged pain in her jaw, and then everything went dark.
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fantasytapout · 2 years
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Jinx simply cannot wait any longer. Patience is not exactly one of her strong suits...
She pounces up from her hiding place behind the window and latches on to Caitlyn's neck. Throwing an arm around her head, she drags down with all the weight she has. It's not much, but the element of surprise adds a lot to her advantage.
"Hey cupcake!" Jinx sneers in an alarmingly friendly tone. Caitlyn immediately realizes the trouble she's in.
Jinx's weight pulls the enforcer down into the windowsill, her arms crashing against the wood. The full weight of the pair slams the air from Cait's chest as the hits the sill. The impact knocks the rifle from her hands, sending it tumbling into the room.
Luckily for Caitlyn, she's a trained officer. After the brief moment of surprise, she's sure she can get the better of her adversary. Her mind immediately starts to rush through her response, planning to roll and use that same force to flip Jinx around and reverse the situation.
Unluckily for Caitlyn, that's when Juri's foot crashed into her spine- absolutely decimating her against the frame of the window. She would have screamed in pain if she had any air left in her lungs. Instead, the only sound that came out was a guttural wheeze.
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fantasytapout · 2 years
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Just two new friends who like wearing a lot of bright pink and setting things on fire getting ready to welcome their... guest.
Caitlyn is going to have a bad time. I'll post the bad time tomorrow 😘
I imagine Jinx and Juri would either be besties immediately or absolutely HATE each other's guts. I'm going to go with the former 😁
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fantasytapout · 2 years
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Lot of Corrin having a bad time on here recently, you must really hate this guy 😏
Lucina's curious how well someone can fight with dislocated shoulders. She's not going to do it herself, obviously, so she found a... "willing" volunteer.
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fantasytapout · 2 years
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Without Aerith's magic support behind her, Tifa found Scarlet to be a surprisingly strong fighter. Underestimating your opponent is the quickest path to defeat- and in this case, a particularly humiliating one. Scarlet isn't in any hurry to finish off her foe, and is taking all the time she can to really draw out her torment.
Tifa's just hanging limp at this point, though. It might just be over.
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fantasytapout · 2 years
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Sera's been practicing since the whole Katarina thing. Evelynn didn't expect much of a challenge- big mistake from her!
Kind of a different type of commission than my usual, but a fun one to do 😁
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fantasytapout · 2 years
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Three Houses and Fates collide as Edelgard makes sure to show Corrin that having weird dragon powers isn't going to get you out of any combat situation. It's kind of hard to use any kind of fancy powers when there's no oxygen going to your brain... lesson learned, I suppose.
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fantasytapout · 2 years
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Once upon a time, in a distant past before Overwatch and Valorant and Genshin Impact- the League of Legends girls were the online hotness in PC gaming.
Lux and Janna join up to bring Mona back to experience a little bit of that before time. She's got two legs, there's two of them, it's an easy pick what to do!
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fantasytapout · 2 years
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I don't know that I've ever seen anyone post anything with Momiji as anything but a jobber. I dunno why she got stuck with this role forever, but damn she looks pretty good doing it 😏
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fantasytapout · 2 years
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Trying to fight against Sheeva 1 vs 1 has to be one of the dumbest decisions you can make. Not only does she have a huge height and weight advantage over... everyone, she's got FOUR ARMS. How do you even compete with that? What could you possibly do grappling against 4 arms that are almost certainly stronger than you?
Well, you get pulled into some of the most agonizing submissions imaginable, I think that's what you do.
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fantasytapout · 2 years
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Maybe setting this thing to the maximum difficulty was a mistake. The match had only been a couple minutes, but you found yourself fully restrained and pinned down by Sam in a matter of seconds. She seemed absolutely immovable. The AI's form was slender, she didn't look like she'd be that strong- but that wasn't the problem. She just outmaneuvered you. Every move you tried to make (all one of them, before she took you down) was read in an instant. With all your new fancy VR equipment, you could even feel it. Sam's weight sat on your chest, making it hard to breathe. Her soft legs straddling your body holding you in place.
You weren't going anywhere soon.
"Your fight settings specified this was a knockouts-only match." Sam spoke down at you, plainly but pleasantly.
A little fear kicked in as she quickly positioned her thighs around either side of your neck, straightening her legs out behind you...
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fantasytapout · 2 years
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I made a tumblr 😉
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