fastestflier-blog · 9 years
It was funny, this. Rainbow wasn’t exactly an expert in dating, herself -- she’d never dated anyone before, and quite frankly, she wasn’t even sure she wasn’t kidding when she made the statement of Twilight taking her as her date -- but despite her lack of expertise, and combing through reading material like she knew her nerdy friend did herself, she was completely and totally chill. Maybe it was just because she knew who she was going with, rather completely comfortable with the alicorn at the ball. Or maybe it was simply because she didn’t really decide to take this very seriously. She went mainly out of curiosity, after all; there was no need to sweat the details too much, right?
In any case, here they were. Rainbow stopped in front of Twilight, and noted that she happened to be wearing that star-themed dress again. She never admitted it out loud, but privately she always thought it looked pretty on her.
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“’ey, Twi!” She nudged her friend gently with her shoulder, slipping in a little nickname for her. If this was going to be a date, well... Might as well go all out, right? “Yeah, it’s pretty cool here. They took a lotta time to set up the decorations.” Her eyes swept over the star motifs just glittering around everywhere. “Not as cool as real stars, but... Hey.” She shrugged. “Maybe next time I can take ya up for real star-gazin’.”
For the time being, though, her gaze swept over her friend again. “How’re you holdin’ up? Nervous?” She couldn’t smother a grin.
@fastestflier [Winter Ball]
        Okay, she’d read a few books on dating. She was still confused about it, honestly. Especially because it was with one of her best friends. How was she supposed to act normal during this? She still wasn’t even sure if it was a joke or not, but here she was taking it serious like she tended to do. 
        A hoof extended inwards with an inhale and moved outward on an exhale before she approached the other mare in question. It would be akin to the Gala and she had to keep telling herself that, but it only served to make her more nervous because those tended to go badly for her.
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        “Hey, Rainbow!” She smiled. Her dress was star themed, of course. And if it hadn’t been for Celestia she’d likely have shown up in a Star Swirl the Bearded cape. She didn’t have Rarity around to help with fashion advice. “It’s…it’s really lovely in here, isn’t it?”
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fastestflier-blog · 9 years
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“Man, y’really are an egghead.”
An egghead she’s gonna go on a date with. By Celestia, this is weird.
“Gotta research everything! Some social stuff is stuff you learn by just bein’ social. Books don’t tell you everything.”
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        All this talk of the ball makes her remember she has a date. Or was that a joke? She’s still so unclear on that, but equally as embarrassed.
        “I…think I have a date. Now I just have to research what dates entail exactly…”
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fastestflier-blog · 9 years
Oh, Twilight had a way of making Rainbow feel bad for teasing. She knew the alicorn wasn’t doing it on purpose -- but she definitely felt a little guilty after she chuckled nervously in a way that suggested she honestly believed her.
Now what was the strangest part? The fact that she believed her, or the fact that Twilight actually seemed kind of...okay with it?
Rainbow retracted her foreleg then as she cocked an eyebrow.
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“You okay there, egghead?”
Now Rainbow was the one doing a little bit too much thinking. Seriously, what did Twilight’s reaction mean?
      Boy was she making a fool out of herself. She wasn’t entirely opposed to the idea but she didn’t know it would have been a date. And as she was over thinking as she tended to do she missed the part where Rainbow was actually joking about it. Oops.
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      She laughed nervously again then cleared her throat, ruffling her wings as the other mare put a foreleg on her. How did she even save this? “Ooh, was it? Haha….what a…what a good joke. You sure got me again, Rainbow.” Yeah, that was it, right? Probably not. There was no saving this.
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fastestflier-blog · 9 years
Of all responses, Rainbow expected Twilight to deny it. So, when she actually, technically agreed...
Wow, that’s actually a cuter reaction than she expected... And now the pegasus felt weird. Thanks, Twilight.
Just play it cool... 
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“Geez, look atcha. You’re all blushy! It was just a joke.”
She then swung her foreleg over Twilight’s shoulders. “I mean, unless you wanted it to be like that...” She was still grinning. Sheesh, Rainbow.
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      Dear Celestia, was it a date? Was that what a date was? She’d never been on one, to be honest. “Oh…well…” She started laughing nervously, her face flushing.
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      “I mean…I….am I?” She lifted a foreleg, bending it and holding it awkwardly in front of herself. “I guess…in the textbook sense I would be…” Okay, she was getting a severe case of hoof in mouth here. Shut up, Twilight. 
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fastestflier-blog · 9 years
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“Oh... Well, okay!”
Initiate secret playing down of excitement. Rainbow Dash practiced ever since the incident with the flag carrying, so she was pretty sure Twilight couldn’t see through it.
Yeah, Rainbow was a cool pony.
“Heh... Yeah, I betcha Pinkie’s gonna be the first one there.”
Then she suddenly grinned mischievously.
“Would that mean, though...that you’re my date?” Of course. She couldn’t resist the tease.
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      “Why don’t you just go with me? And I’m sure everypony else will be going. You know how Pinkie loves parties.” 
      She shook her head to the second comment. “I highly doubt that’s true. It does say it’s open to everypony–everyone. Either way, you’ll have everypony with you, so I don’t think that should matter.”
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fastestflier-blog · 9 years
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“Well... I dunno. It does sound kinda fun... But I wouldn’t have anyone to go with, firstly, and secondly, I’m still new in this city. Wouldn’t it be weird for me to show up?”
She kind of felt like a fish out of water, if she were honest. She wasn���t shy by any means, but she’d grown so accustomed to Ponyville’s...homely atmosphere. The City was cold in comparison.
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      “Oh, don’t be so dramatic, Rainbow. I’m sure everything will be perfectly fine.”
      She paused and thought for a moment.
      “Well, I was planning on going. It does sound interesting and the theme is stars. Were you going?”
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fastestflier-blog · 9 years
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“Y’know, every time you say that, Twilight, I get this feeling...”
She shook her head.
“So, are you goin’, or what?”
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      “That’s…incredibly true. But at least Discord isn’t here. What could possibly go wrong?” A phrase she probably shouldn’t have said ever in Hive City, but there it was.
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fastestflier-blog · 9 years
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“We’d...prob’ly better hope it isn’t. Y’know, after what happened the last two times we went to the Gala.”
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      “A ball? And the theme is stars? How exciting! I wonder if it’ll be anything like the Grand Galloping Gala?”
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fastestflier-blog · 9 years
Before Rainbow could even orient herself, Twilight’s magic wrapped around the pegasus and created a tingly feeling within her muscles, and Rainbow only had the capacity to blink before the alicorn moved her over to a bed -- which she quickly sank into as if she hadn’t been within a bed in ages. Well, actually...
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“Been tryin’ to a find a way out of this city, o’ course...” There was an attempt at emphasis there, but her voice was a little quieter than usual due to her exhaustion. Her brain felt fuzzy; an oddity, considering earlier in this conversation she’d been completely alert. Then again, she had been flying... She rolled slightly on the bed as Twilight brought the covers over her body, letting out a soft snort. “I’m not helpless, Twilight.” She took a corner of them herself to bring them up over her hooves and shoulders, before snuggling into the pillow and mattress.
Not as good as cloud beds, but it was better than nothing.
“This feels good...” She sighed. “Up on my hooves for, like, days. You should be my caretaker, princess,” she glanced at her with a smirk, “hook me up with a place to crash.” She didn’t want to admit it, but part of the reason she avoided the apartment she had been assigned was due to the possibility of dealing with people she’d never met, and in a strange place like this? No way she wanted to do that.
     Twilight let herself inside, landing on the ground and letting the window close as she withdrew her magical influence on it. She frowned at her words. “There’s absolutely no reason to stop taking care of myself and my possessions.” She grinned after, though. “But it’s excellent to hear you’re using big words.” She didn’t keep up the teasing for long, as she watched exhaustion clearly hit her friend.
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      Expression changed to worry as she hit the ground. “Rainbow?” Pinkish glow left her horn and surround the other pony, lifting her and placing her on the bed. She gladly gave her last use of magic for the day. “You need to be careful!” Her voice was full of worry as she pulled off her saddlebags and dropped them on the floor.
     “What have you been doing?” She grabbed the blanket with her mouth and pulled it over the other. “You should get rest and if you need food I have some in the kitchen. But for now, rest up.” She was very obviously worried, as she was about her friends in this city. She never wanted any of them to get hurt and she had to try to protect them at least.
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fastestflier-blog · 9 years
Well, now it was bygones-be-bygones. Rainbow had already forgotten about the little conflict in regard to ‘egghead’, instead focused entirely on the hypotheticals regarding Daring Do. She knew that the alicorn wasn’t mocking her, merely responding to her, but it almost felt like she was trying to spur her on to explore.
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“It sure would look a lot cooler if I could keep all my speed.” That was probably a big reason why she hated this place. “I dunno, Twilight. I don’t think Daring Do would really like it here, adventures or not.” She paused, then her eyes lit up. “... What about you, though? You’re sayin’ all this stuff about the city and you mentioned how long you’ve been in it -- have you found anything awesome you could show me?” After all, Twilight did seem to be goading her.
     Twilight paused, caught somewhat off-guard by the confession. “Of course I know what a term of endearment is. I didn’t realise though…” Her ears dropped backwards. She was just joking around, really, even if it did get her goat on multiple occasions. She certainly hadn’t meant to distress her.
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     With the sudden change in pace, Twilight smiled as she listened to her friend’s next words and watched her pace around. “I’m more than certain she’d be able to fare well here. She is Daring Do, after all. She’s resourceful and never backs down from a fight.” She laughed softly. “Even if this city “sucks”, what would she do if she were here? Or rather, what would you do if you were her? I’d definitely be brave if I were her and figure out the ins and outs of this city. And I know you’re just as brave as she is, if not more! Besides, imagine the adventures you could have here with her. I can tell you with utmost certainty that this city is full of secret adventures. It may not be what you’re used to but if you look hard enough you can find little awesome things about it.”
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fastestflier-blog · 9 years
There it was, the typical objection from the princess that Rainbow missed so dearly. She couldn’t help but crack a soft grin at it once she heard it; it was as if she was finally back home again, and she could almost forget that she wasn’t if it weren’t for the smog she spotted out in the distance that told of the city. She really was beginning to miss Ponyville...
At the alicorn’s beckoning, she nodded. “Okay.” She waited for the alicorn to drift downward before she followed, gently angling her wings so she didn’t have to flap and instead glided down to where Twilight stopped, her magical aura enveloping the window before she opened it and gestured for Rainbow to enter. The pegasus flew right in before the princess could even tell her anything, and she landed within the room.
And was completely unsurprised by its contents.
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“Still meticulous as before,” she commented with a tiny laugh within her tone. Meticulous... She probably got that word from a book. It was upon further contemplation that exhaustion hit her as she realized how tired she was, and of course, such made sense; she’d been up on her hooves and wings for days straight, with very little to eat and nowhere to lie down in, because she’d been on a mission hot in pursuit of the scientists, in hopes to bust them, as well as to look for other ponies trapped within the city with her. As a result, she practically flopped down on her side with a thud.
“Mmmnnn... Ow.” She probably should’ve asked Twilight where the bed was first, but she wasn’t sure she could walk another step after that.
     Eyes narrowed in annoyance as she heard that familiar insult. “I am not an egghead!” She chirped, but in all honesty she had actually missed that. Making new friends from different worlds was great and all, but nothing could truly take the place of her best friends. Even the little annoying things were missed greatly.
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     Twilight nodded at her other words before looking around at the ground and bending a foreleg up. “Well, we could go somewhere down there but I was headed to my apartment anyway. If you’d want to go there.” She gestured to her saddlebag with her head. “I needed to drop some things off.” Okay, that wasn’t exactly the reason she was headed home, but it was part of it. Her books would have to wait.
     “Follow me!” The alicorn glanced at her friend before heading down toward her apartment building, going for the window to her room instead of the actual building entrance. Pinkish hue lit up her horn before displaying itself around the window, lifting it opening as she held it for the other pony. “Make yourself at home.” She paused and remembered who she was talking to. “Well…don’t disorganise anything.”
     She’d wait for the other mare to go in before letting herself in. And if she were to enter the room she would see everything in tidy, organised order offset by the giant crystal mirror taking up a portion of her room. Resting on a perch next to her bed would be her owl.
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fastestflier-blog · 9 years
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HOW MEAN. “Aw, c’mon, Twilight! You know I’m kidding! Egghead’s just a...a...” She breathed in, then let out a resigned sigh. “It’s a term of endearment. Y’know what that is, right? I call you it ‘cause I like you. Sheesh...” It was weird, admitting to that, even though Twilight’s her friend and she’d on more than one occasion hugged her. Affection was weird.
It was then that the last thing that Twilight said sank in, and Rainbow’s ears stood up. “... You’re right! It is possible she could show up here!” Suddenly she paced back and forth, all riled up. Thanks, Twilight. “Omigoshomigoshomigosh! What if she did? That’d be--” She frowned, stopping abruptly. “... I dunno if that’d be awesome or bad for her. This city sucks.” Welp.
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      “Hmmm, I don’t know, Rainbow. Wouldn’t that be considered an egghead thing to do?” She teased and lifted a foreleg. “I wouldn’t want to make you do something so awful. I’m sure somepony in this city would appreciate the important words written in these pages. Who knows, maybe there’s a human who’d just love to get their hooves–hands on what I’m assuming is the only existing copy of each Daring Do book in this city.”
      She teased but she was probably going to give them to her either way. It would be mean to just sell something so valuable, after all. 
      “You know, what if Daring Do herself showed up in the city? I just realised that’s an actual possibility.” 
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fastestflier-blog · 9 years
Sidles up to and whispers, "Egghead..."
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     “Oh, come on! My head is the shape of anypony else’s! Not even one iota egg shaped.”
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     “Or, wait…could it be you’re jealous, Dash? You know I did find all the Daring Do books in this city. There’s a surprising amount of things you can find if you look hard enough. But I mean, only an egghead would look for those, right? I guess you won’t be wanting them? They’re all limited edition. Maaaybe I’ll just sell them at my bookstore.”
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fastestflier-blog · 9 years
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“Jealous? Why would I be jealous of you? I mean, the whole princess deal is cool, I guess, but you’re--
“Wait. W-wait.”
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“There are Daring Do books in this city!? What!? Twilight, you gotta gimme them! Pleeeeeease! I haven’t been able to read them for nearly a month! C’mon...”
Puppy dog face. You got her, Twilight.
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fastestflier-blog · 9 years
Anyone up for another round of regular mafia? Capped around 12:15 EST! :)
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fastestflier-blog · 9 years
send me ✿ + a ship and i’ll tell you…
who is more excited for halloween?
who gives the best gifts?
who sings along to the radio the loudest?
who actually finishes a book they’ve started?
who falls asleep during a movie?
who plans a surprise getaway vacation?
who comes home with useless decorative knick knacks for the house every single day?
who takes more pictures?
who likes baths? who likes showers?
who keeps a weekly planner?
who actually watches the discovery channel?
who brings up having kids first?
who fixes things around the house when they break?
who leaves their dirty towels on the floor?
who makes the coffee in the morning?
who gets jealous over very petty things?
who exercises more?
who starts listening to christmas music in october?
who actually reads the newspaper?
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fastestflier-blog · 9 years
★ + Pinkie Pie!
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“Pinkie Pie, huh? Yeah, she’s an odd girl – always got a lot of energy in every step, and man, she’s so random. It’s kinda funny, the fact that Twilight tried to understand her, but honestly, there’s no understanding Pinkie Pie; she marches to her own drum, but everything she thinks and says works within her own logic. It’s kinda weird, given her upbringing. Didja know she was raised on a rock farm? I didn’t either until recently, and it’s so strange, thinking about it! She’s so different from the rest of her family; while they’re all drab, she’s just a bundle of energy.
“Unique, that’s what she is. But she’s a real good friend, too, and I’m glad to have her around! She always wants to make everypony happy, and that’s something I can respect. She even has a sort of party hideout where she plans ‘em! It’s obvious that she puts a lot of thought into it. Overall, she’s pretty sweet! Sometimes I wish she had a bell tied to her neck so she didn’t keep catchin’ me by surprise, though…”
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