fat-filled-blog · 7 years
do you ever just cry your eyes out because you want to die so bad but can’t kill yourself? because same
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fat-filled-blog · 7 years
sure, when my grandfather fought nazis and fascism he was “a hero” and “on the right side of history” but when i do it im “way too sensitive” and “no better than they are”
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fat-filled-blog · 7 years
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fat-filled-blog · 7 years
you fat bitch. has it ever, ever crossed your mind that perhaps enough is enough, and that you don’t need to eat the ungodly amount of food on your plate? don’t you understand what that does to you? it’s all just a mess of fat, just waiting to spread itself all across your body and hide all those pretty bones. is that what you want? i didn’t think so. now go, take that plate and throw the food out and put it away. there you go. feel better? you will.
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fat-filled-blog · 7 years
Being skinny isn't just for photos.
Imagine walking down the street or down a hallway and having your thighs breeze past each other without touching. It will be flirtatious, and in the spring all the wind and flowers will just float right through the gap in your thighs. The way you walk will be graceful. Like a delicate angel, a perfect nymph that glides instead of stomps.
Imagine in summer when the aqua waves lap around your waist and nearly knock you over. Your flat waist will be perfect for holding when your friends or family toss you easily into the air and then into the cool water. You’ll wear a bikini proudly, any bikini you want. You’ll feel more comfortable tanning like a goddess when your stomach doesn’t roll around without you doing anything.
Imagine when as Autumn sets in and you think of your crush wrapped in a blanket with you, watching a scary movie together. His hand reaches around you and he can actually touch your other shoulder. He won’t be disgusted with the flab hanging off your limbs like dead weight. And if you’re skinny enough, he may even kiss you.
Imagine being perfect even in winter. While everyone else looks like walking marshmallows in their coats and scarves you’ll still be as small and delicate as the snow falling onto your hair. You will be able to leave little to no footprint in the snow, and they will all see you as a light little bird gliding across the blizzard.
Being skinny isn’t just for pictures. It’s for living without chains that hold you back by the skin, preventing you from having joy in your life. It doesn’t matter when season it is, there is always something that will be better if you are skinny. So don’t give up. And lose that weight.
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fat-filled-blog · 7 years
Does anyone know any exercises/ tips on losing arm fat?? I hate my fat arms so much. And also, calve fat ? I have big calves and I need them gone 😭
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fat-filled-blog · 7 years
Mom: you're not taking in enough calories to maintain a healthy weight for your age
Me: that's the fucking point
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fat-filled-blog · 7 years
Skinny imagine
Imagine yourself as the skinniest girl in your classroom. Every girl wants to be like you and every boy wants you as their girlfriend. Imagine to wear leggings, converse and a big sweatshirt and look the cutest human ever. Imagine everyone asks for your weight and be worried for you. Imagine all this things. You can do it. We can do it. Love you ♥️
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fat-filled-blog · 7 years
I can do it... just 4-5 more pounds till my first goal weight!! Ahhh
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fat-filled-blog · 7 years
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I've been traveling, I was in New York for a week and now I've been in the Dominican Republic for a little over a week and will be heading back to New York in about a week. That's why I've been inactive :( I surprisingly haven't gained weight. I keep fluctuating between 114 and 115 but that's okay, I haven't been able to exercise at all so for not doing anything that's pretty good. && I didn't feel like cropping my face out so here's what I look like.
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fat-filled-blog · 7 years
Reblog if you need to loose 10 pounds in the next week 😭😭
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fat-filled-blog · 7 years
Epsom. Salt. Baths.
My dudes, I accidentally discovered the greatest thing ever. After a particularly rough workout I was insanely sore like the weak ass bitch I am so I consulted Google for ways to help ease my muscle soreness. I was instructed to run a warm bath, put two cups of Epsom salt in and soak for about 20 minutes.
I have this weird habit of weighing myself before and after showers/baths because I’ve lost what little sanity I used to have. Anyways, did my thing and weighed myself before soaking for a bit then I got out and weighed myself after drying off.
I almost hit the floor I was so shook. I weighed myself live five more times and the number was still the same so I went back to Google because holy hell what magic witches brew did I just marinate myself in and how often can I do it
Turns out that Epsom salt is crazy good at sucking out water weight. You know that soft squishy weight that sits just underneath your skin? That. Apparently the magnesium in the salts helps draw it out.
Obviously you’re losing water weight and not actual fat but weight is weight amiright. You can still lose a good inch or two off your tummy/thighs quickly. So basically it’s the perfect quick fix for you if you have to be anywhere and are feeling extra self conscious. I soak about every other day now and honestly I am loving it. Oh and it makes your skin super soft too so
Hope it works for you guys as well as it did for me. Just remember to stay hydrated please. Go pamper yourself with a warm salty bath because because you deserve it ✌🏻️✨
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fat-filled-blog · 7 years
i can't wait for school to start
losing weight is going to be so much easier when i’m at school for 7 hours a day and doing homework and hanging out with people for hours after school i’m gonna be too distracted to even think about eating
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fat-filled-blog · 7 years
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72kg/158lbs vs. 53kg/116lbs // 172cm
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fat-filled-blog · 7 years
Reblog if you hate your thighs.
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fat-filled-blog · 7 years
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fat-filled-blog · 7 years
Reblog if you see yourself in the mirror everyday and want to cry because your so fat and ugly.
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