fat-fit-and-fab · 11 years
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fat-fit-and-fab · 11 years
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Easy Chicken Pad Thai
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fat-fit-and-fab · 11 years
For 1, increase as you need.
1 Potato (about fist size or larger)
1 Egg
Salt and Pepper
Shredded Cheese (your choice, I usually use Sharp Cheddar)
(Optional) bacon crumbles, ham bits, finely diced bell pepper, red onion, green onion, herbs, etc.
Bake the...
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fat-fit-and-fab · 11 years
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Spread the joy! =) Remember, you deserve to be happy!
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fat-fit-and-fab · 11 years
Before listening to the Nerdist Podcast with Jaimie Alexander today, I knew that she played Sif in Thor, which was basically enough to make me like her. After listening to the podcast, I now know that:
She collects knives and throws them. She started...
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fat-fit-and-fab · 11 years
18th March 2014
So it's been a while haha sorry, nothing seems important enough to log really. I've joined the Quidditch club at Uni. Everyone there is really nice and there are some really fit people there. It's a lot of running, so I'm going to have to improve my cardio. Two hours on Tuesdays at four pm. Of nothing but running. It's really great fun, but I'm going to have to do some core because my lumbar back hurts a little. Oops. I probably haven't been taking care of it as much as I should've.
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fat-fit-and-fab · 11 years
As a doctor, let me tell you what self-love does: It improves your hearing, your eyesight, lowers your blood pressure, increases pulmonary function, cardiac output, and helps wiring the musculature. So, if we had a rampant epidemic of self-love then our healthcare costs would go down dramatically. So, this isn’t just some little frou-frou new age notion, oh love yourself honey. This is hardcore science.
Dr. Christiane Northrop
Hungry for Change
(via cultivate-solitude)
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fat-fit-and-fab · 11 years
being positive is extremely good for ur health and whatever way u choose to be positive is great and if someone makes fun of u for talking to plants if it makes u feel nice 
end them
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fat-fit-and-fab · 11 years
18th February 2014
It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything, but there hasn’t been a lot happening. I’ve been back at karate for a month, I didn’t gain weight over Christmas (score!), and it’s 1am and I’m overly emotional about a dumb anime about kids exploring their sexuality. I don’t think I’ve cried over something that wasn’t physical pain related since I thought a very close friend had committed suicide in 2010 (She didn’t, luckily). I’m feeling pretty flat right now, the gender profiling on Facebook hasn’t updated for me yet and I’m kinda upset about it. But, I’ve been relearning German, too. It’s really rewarding, and I have a friend at pony club who comes from Germany and she’s promised to help me practice by not speaking to me in English. I’m very grateful for her cooperation and support! I have to do 1k push ups in 25mins next week and I don’t know if I can do it, I’ll give it my best shot, however it’s really daunting and I just feel so worthless because people are expecting me to do things like this that I just can’t, and I know I know I know I’m not supposed to use that word, but I really can’t do it. And instead of being inspired to work harder and achieve stuff like this, 99% of the time I just feel like its unachievable and so I can’t find the energy to work towards it, and when I make myself try despite what I feel I usually end up laying in the ground because I feel so stupid for even thinking that I could do it In the first place. I feel a bit the same way about horse riding even though I want to do Olympic dressage. My instructor seems to think that it’s not stupid for me to say that, when he asked how far I wanted to take my riding and I told him he just said “okay next week I want a list of the three things holding your riding back and how you’re going to fix them, and so I’ve got the list and everything and I’ll put it in at the bottom and in another post so I can find it easily. And he keeps saying that my riding position is getting better each week, but it doesn’t feel like it is, and I don’t have a horse that ready for me to learn to actually do dressage on, I’m just stuck getting Cody soft and Ben’s too unfit to use and Carlie’s the same as Cody and I don’t want to risk taking one of Toni’s horses because I know they’re not properly soft.
Well I felt a lot better after sleeping. I did some push-ups in the morning and a few later on. But sleep was great.
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fat-fit-and-fab · 11 years
26th January. 2014
Super sore from demo and riding yesterday. I don’t usually get muscle sore so wow it sucks. I plan to do 250 push-ups, sit-ups and squats a day, so 1750 a week. That is my goal. Let’s crush it together!
Haha okay starting from the 18/2 Because I forgot about this, and I just cried my eyes out because I feel useless. Little daily goals Like I'm starting yoga to improve my flexibility and strength.
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fat-fit-and-fab · 11 years
10th January. 2014
I’m officially on antibiotics for tonsillitis and potentially glandular fever, but it’s weird because there is very little impact on my aerobic system. I’ve notices that I can’t quote get to 60 push ups still, but I’ve forced my way from 30 to 50 again. I’m doing really well for my holiday goal number, and I’m going to get there in about three days.
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fat-fit-and-fab · 11 years
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fat-fit-and-fab · 11 years
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Classic Lasagna
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fat-fit-and-fab · 11 years
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fat-fit-and-fab · 11 years
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S’mores dip. [video]
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fat-fit-and-fab · 11 years
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Vietnamese Crab Thick Noodle Soup (Bánh Canh Cua) 
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fat-fit-and-fab · 11 years
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Hahahaha 😂🎀 #linecamera (Taken with Instagram)
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