fatal-miw-imagines · 8 years
Are you going to keep your blog open???? Please never delete it ❤️❤️️❤️
Yes. I’m not planning on ever deleting it, don’t worry!
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fatal-miw-imagines · 8 years
Masters list?
Here you go :) 
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fatal-miw-imagines · 8 years
Author’s Note - The Most Important One Yet
Hello everyone! I have something very big to announce.
Unfortunately I am going to stop writing imagines. I don't find as much joy in writing them anymore and I don't have as much time as I used to. I'm really sorry for any disappointment this may cause, but it is the final decision that I have made.
I really hope that all of you have enjoyed reading my imagines and preferences! I am so happy with all of the success I have had and I truly appreciate every single nice thing that you guys have written to me. It always made my heart happy whenever I saw a notification for one of you saying something nice. Since I started writing I have gotten a few really special comments that I will remember forever - seriously.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for all of the support!! If you have any questions, send me an ask and I'll reply (I'm gonna stay online for a little while). I love you guys! 
-Alexa xx
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fatal-miw-imagines · 8 years
Your Song
Motionless In White Preferences
Chris: There is a Light That Never Goes Out by The Smiths
Ricky: The Foreboding Sense of Impending Happiness by H.I.M.
Devin: Closer by Nine Inch Nails ;)
Balz: Join Me In Death by H.I.M.
Ryan: Prisoner of your Eyes by Judas Priest
Vinny: Follow You by Bring Me The Horizon
Angelo: Iris by The Goo Goo Dolls
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fatal-miw-imagines · 8 years
The Last Thing He Says To You Before Leaving For Tour
Motionless In White Preferences
Chris: "I hate to leave you, but it's only for a short time. I love you so much, Y/N."
Ricky:  "I love you so dearly...I'll be back soon, love."
Devin: "I can't believe how lucky I am to have you, Y/N. You're truly amazing. I'll call you later."
Balz: "Goodbye Y/N. I love you so much baby."  
Ryan: "I promise I'll call and text you everyday, whenever I can. Y/N...I love you."
Vinny: "I'm really gonna miss you, babe. I'll call you tonight, ok?"
Angelo: "You're so beautiful...I'm gonna miss kissing you every morning. I'll be back soon."
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fatal-miw-imagines · 8 years
WrestleMania 32 {Part 2}
A Ricky Horror Imagine
Word Count: 1,622
Warnings: none
Author's Note: Since the anon on here waited so long for this imagine, I decided to make it a longer story. This is the second and final part, I hope you all enjoy reading it! (Don't worry, I promise there's a happy ending.)
"What is broken can always be fixed." 
The ambulance door slammed shut once Vinny was inside. He anxiously watched as medics tended to Ricky inside of the moving vehicle. Thankfully a hospital was nearby, so the ride wasn't very long. The ambulance driver pulled up by the emergency room doors and Ricky was quickly taken inside. Vinny ran close behind the hospital gurney and did not let Ricky out of his sight for even a moment.
When Ricky was taken into an operating room, the nurses did not let Vinny to go in with him. Even though he protested for quite a while, he ended up watching at the door. Vinny watched through a small window as doctors and nurses gathered around Ricky. He had lost even more blood than when they had left the arena. Vinny couldn't see much of what the doctors were doing because of all the movement, but he did see one of the nurses hooking an IV up to Ricky. It broke Vinny's heart to see Ricky in such a traumatic state.
Soon after Vinny had started to watch the doctors through the window, other hospital employees told him that he had to leave. Vinny protested again, but was escorted away. A nurse took him into an empty waiting room. The walls were a dull gray color and there were a few simple paintings. There was a television set on a table in the corner opposite of Vinny and on it played the one thing that Vinny did not want to see.
The local news channel played on the television while Vinny sat and watched. He felt like he was going to be sick when pictures of his injured boyfriend appeared on the screen. Paparazzi must have taken pictures of Ricky while the medics were taking him to the ambulance. Vinny was in some of the pictures too, with tears rushing down his cheeks. He didn't even feel embarrassed for himself. Vinny's mind was too occupied with worries about Ricky to possibly process any other kind of emotion.
Vinny's gaze was turned away from the tv at the sound of frantic footsteps. Balz was standing in the doorway of the waiting room, talking on his cellphone. The two men caught each other's eyes and the world fell still and silent.
"He's in the waiting room downstairs, meet us there." Balz says, talking to whoever was on the other line.
Balz hung up and put his phone is the back pocket of his jeans. He stayed still in place for a few moments, trying to sense what to do. Before many more seconds passed he rushed over to Vinny, who quickly stood up to hug him. They held each other with strength. A loud sob escaped Vinny. He was no longer able to suppress him emotions. Especially now that one of his best friends was there to hold him. Vinny was so fearful and broken.
"I'm here, buddy." Balz whispered, holding onto Vinny even tighter.
Vinny let himself go, crying and sobbing onto Balz' shoulder. He knew the others would be there soon, but he wasn't afraid to cry in front of them. All of the guys in Motionless in White were close in an indescribable way. Even though Vinny was still a more recent member, he was still just as close to all of them.
The rest of the band, as well as Balz' fiancé Ryan Ashley, quickly arrived at the waiting room where Vinny and Balz were. Chris saw the state that Vinny was in and started to cry even more. Everyone in the room had an unspeakable amount of fear and anxiety within them. Everyone was either crying or looked like they had been crying.
After a few minutes of silence and exchanged glances, everyone came into a group hug. Vinny was still the most shaken up out of everyone. It was noticeable, but no one thought anything of it. Vinny sat back down, then everyone else did too. They filled almost all of the chairs in the room. There was nothing to really do other than stare at the gray, nearly empty walls. The room was almost ghastly. Vinny hated to just sit there, knowing that the one man he loved was in pain. He wanted to be by Ricky's side, holding his hand, comforting him.
"You look terrible, man." Chris softly tells Vinny.
Vinny's thoughts paused for a moment. He did not reply, not knowing how to respond. Chris' eyes were red and tears were still sliding down his cheekbones.
"Are...Are you gonna b-be ok?" Chris asks.
Vinny asked himself the same question in his mind. Again he could not think of what to say in reply to Chris. He was lost. His mind was absent, yet at the same time his thoughts were deafening. A quiet "I don't know" managed to escape Vinny's lips. His voice was barely audible, but everyone had heard what he said.
"Vinny?" Ryan Ashley suddenly spoke up.
Vinny's head turned to Ryan Ashley, who sat directly beside him. Chris was sat on the opposite side. Ryan Ashley's eyes looked weary with worry and glossy from her tears.
"Don't take this the wrong way, ok," She started, taking Vinny's hand in hers, "But...Is there something going on between you and Rick that maybe we don't know about?"
Vinny, once again unable to speak, just nodded. Everyone's eyes were on him. Vinny didn't feel pressured, though. He didn't have the emotional capacity to feel pressured at the moment. He wasn't afraid to finally reveal him and Ricky's relationship.
"We started dating a few months ago." Vinny said.
"Holy shit." Vinny heard Chris say under his breath.
"The only reason that we didn't tell you guys was because...well...I guess we were just nervous. We didn't want to have to leave the band or cause any kind of trouble." Vinny quickly explained.
"Vinny, we would never think that of either of you guys. Especially not for that reason." Chris says.
Vinny couldn't do anything but show a small, feeble smile. The next half hour or so was dead silent. No one said a thing. Nobody even went on their phones. Everyone was still in shock of what happened and didn't know what to do other than wait. Wait for answers, wait for relief.
After much time had passed, a doctor finally entered the room.
"Vinny Mauro?"
Vinny stood up from his chair, all eyes on him. He felt so small and vulnerable.
"Yes?" He quietly replied.
"May I speak to you in private for a moment?" The doctor asked, motioning for Vinny to join him out in the hallway.
Everyone watched as they left the room. Vinny was nervous, but also eager, to hear what the doctor had to say. The results of the fight could go either way - he didn't know what to think. There were so many questions that he wanted to ask. Was Ricky conscious? Was he going to be alright? The doctor took a deep breath before speaking.
"Vinny, I read that you are Mr. Ricky Horror's boyfriend?"
All he could do was nod in response.
"Well, Vinny, Ricky sustained some pretty bad injuries tonight. Honestly, if I may be so blunt, we are lucky that he is still alive."
By the time the doctor finished his last sentence, tears were falling down Vinny's cheeks. It was all so much to carry, the heartache and the pain.
"Vinny." The doctor said, Vinny now looking up at him, "Ricky is going to be ok."
It felt as if a huge weight was lifted from Vinny's shoulders. He immediately stood up straighter, looking into the doctor's eyes.
"You - you mean that?"
"Yes, Vinny. He won't be able to fight or perform for quite some time, but Ricky is stable. He is currently getting several stitches. Ricky will have to stay at the hospital for a few days so we can make sure that his head is okay, but then he will be able to go home with you. In a bit I will give you a form with his prescriptions listed on it." The doctor said.
Vinny stood still and silent. The relief he felt was unexplainable. The doctor soon walked away.
Now feeling much more relieved, Vinny went back into the waiting room where everyone else was still waiting. When he entered the room, everyone's blank expressions soon turned to fearful ones. Vinny was confused for a moment, then he felt the tears that stained his cheeks and jawline.
"The doctor said that Ricky's gonna be ok."
Tears left Ryan Ashley, Chris and Ryan's eyes. Everyone looked just as relieved as Vinny felt. All of them quickly held each other in one tight, loving group hug. The next few minutes were spent doing nothing but loving and caring for one another. Vinny told everyone the rest of what the doctor had said.
"I was so worried...not just for Ricky, but for you too." Devin told Vinny.
To this statement Vinny smiled. That night he had truly realized the depth of his friendships. It was such a great thing to have so many great people around him during such an emotional and tragic time. A time that could have been much more tragic.
Vinny couldn't wait until Ricky was finished getting his stitches. He couldn't wait to hold his hand and announce that everyone now knew that they were dating.
Vinny just wanted to see him, even if he did look sort of broken at the moment. Vinny was going to help Ricky put himself back together, piece by piece. Nothing could ever shatter their love. What is broken can always be fixed.
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fatal-miw-imagines · 8 years
WrestleMania 32
A Ricky Horror Imagine
Word Count: 2,532
Warnings: language
~Requested by anonymous on Tumblr~
Author’s Note to Anon: Before writing this imagine, I didn’t know shit about wrestling. I wanted to do some research on wrestling and WrestleMania so that this imagine could hopefully be better and more accurate. I’ve watched tons of wrestling, men’s and women’s, and may I just say, it’s quite entertaining. I hope this turned out well, haha. I’m sorry you had to wait so long for this imagine! Read on and enjoy :) 
Ricky looked at his reflection in the bathroom mirror, taking a deep breath. Today he was going to WrestleMania 32. There he would go against "The Beast" Brock Lesnar in an extreme rules wrestling match. Although he had fought and won many fights before, Ricky was nervous for tonight. He had not wrestled in a while. A few years ago Ricky had taken a break to spend more time on his band's music.
"Nervous?" Vinny asks Ricky.
"A little bit." He replies.
"Don't worry. You'll dominate the match, I know it."
"Thanks." Ricky says, before pulling Vinny in for a kiss.
After a few more minutes, the two of them left, ready to go to WrestleMania. It didn't take long to get to the huge arena. Ricky met up with his coach and his trainer first. He talked to them for a while before saying goodbye to his boyfriend, Vinny. Then it was time for Ricky to go backstage and get ready. Vinny got to sit in a private room backstage, since they weren't letting people sit in their seats yet. Later, though, he would be in the front row to watch Ricky's fight.
After about an hour or so, the rest of Motionless in White arrived at the venue. Security brought them all into the room where Vinny was. They all greeted each other and talked about the upcoming match between Brock Lesnar and their bandmate, Ricky Horror. Although each of them had strong confidence in Ricky, they were worried about his physical well-being. Brock Lesnar was, after all, a WWE champion. He was lethal.
About an hour of conversation and preparation passed. The guys got ready to say goodbye to Ricky and then go to their seats. Ricky knocked on the door, then walked into the room that contained his bandmates. All of them stood up.
"It's time." Ricky says.
Chris walks over to Ricky first, giving him a strong hug.
"You got this, buddy. I know you can do it." Chris tells him, smiling.
"Thanks, man."
"Kick his ass!" Balz tells Ricky, playfully punching his shoulder.
"Show them how badass you are." Ryan adds.
"I know you got this, Rick." Devin says.
"Thank you guys for all of the support, really. It means the world to me." Ricky says.
A moment later, the guys left. Except for Vinny. He silently stayed behind to say his own goodbye's to Ricky. The rest of the band didn't know that the two were dating yet. Now they made their way to their seats high up in the bleachers of the arena. There was nothing but silence between Ricky and Vinny. They stared deeply into each other's eyes, already knowing what was on each other's minds.
After a long, tight hug, Vinny left Ricky. He walked to his front row seat. Vinny was now anxiously waiting for the fight between Ricky and Brock. Wrestling fans of all ages started to fill the seats all around Vinny. The sound of the people grew louder and louder.
Now it was time for all of the commentating to start. The hosts of WrestleMania started to talk nonstop about all of the fights happening that night. Eventually they mentioned the match between Ricky Horror and Brock Lesnar.
"The legendary Ricky Horror will be making a special appearance tonight, taking on WWE champion Brock Lesnar." One female host stated.
"Yes, it will surely be a tough fight for both of them." Another male host added.
"There has been a heated debate online about who is going to come out on top-Horror or Lesnar. The many fans here today will be sitting on the edge of their seats to see who wins the fight."
While the hosts talked on, Ricky was backstage in a line for interviews. He was next in line. Another WWE champion was talking to an interviewer now, spewing all kinds of threats and nasty comments towards the interviewer herself and other fellow wrestlers. Ricky silently waited for his turn at the mic.
Minutes later it was Ricky's turn for a televised interview. Everyone in the crowd would be able to see and hear him.
"Now I will welcome the legendary Ricky Horror to the show. Hello Ricky! I understand you've been taking a break from wrestling to progress with your band, what does it feel like to be here now at WrestleMania?"
"It feels great. I can't wait to get into the ring and face Brock Lesnar. It's gonna be one hell of a fight." Ricky says confidently.
"Definitely. Do you feel like you have a disadvantage here tonight? It's been a few years since you've fought in the ring and you've been focusing so much on your music."
"I don't think so. Earlier I was thinking that I might have a disadvantage, but I've been training hard as fuck these past several months. I don't think I have any disadvantages against anyone tonight."
"You sound pretty confident, Ricky."
"I'm damn confident." Ricky says.
"How do you feel going up against the Brock Lesnar?" The interviewer asks.
"I would feel just the same if I was going up against anyone. He's a beast, but so am I. And I think I'm gonna be the stronger one tonight."
"That is quite the statement, Ricky."
Ricky shrugged, smirking. Meanwhile Vinny was watching with full attention from his front row seat. He couldn't wait for the fight, even though he was still a little nervous. Sometimes Ricky came out of fights almost unharmed, other times the consequences were a bit more harsh. Vinny just wanted him to win the fight.
"Well I wish you good luck tonight, Ricky. We'll see you in the ring later on with the one and only Brock Lesnar!" The interviewer continues.
"Thanks for having me." Ricky says, before leaving the interviewing room.
Many more interviews were conducted and broadcasted on live tv. In-between the interviews, intros for some of the wrestlers were shown. Both Ricky and Brock's intros were intense and threatening. The crowd couldn't wait to see the match. It was the most anticipated fight of WrestleMania 32.
Vinny watched the huge screens in the arena as clips from former fights played. One of Ricky eventually came on, showing him winning an intense street fight years ago. Vinny remembered that night exactly. He had been in the front row, watching as Ricky took a beating from his opponent. After a few minutes he regained his strength and won the match. Ricky had been in great pain afterwards, but was happy to have won the fight.
After a few interviews with popular wrestling coaches, the first wrestling matches began. Vinny watched as two men fought. The fight didn't last long, but it was very entertaining. The crowd's cheers were deafening as one of the men won the fight. Vinny cheered along, clapping. Two more matches between men followed. After that, it was time for a few of the woman's wrestling matches.
Vinny watched as the Total Divas team went against the B.A.D. and Blonde team. All of the women were dressed in their best wrestling outfits. They looked glamorous and dangerous as they wrestled each other in a tag team fight. The Total Divas team won, which made most of the crowd happy. The cheers were, again, deafening. Vinny cheered along with the others.
Finally, it was time. The crowd cheered endlessly, waiting for Ricky's intro to come on. In just five seconds or less, it did. Vinny yelled out loud and clapped. He was eager to see Ricky in the ring doing what he loved. It had been years since Vinny had the opportunity to watch Ricky wrestle.
Now Ricky was taking his first steps out onto the stage and into the crowd's view. He had his black hoodie on as well as his wrestling shorts. Ricky wore gloves too, walking with confidence and attitude. Vinny's eyes were glued on him and his muscular stature. Ricky continued to walk down to the ring, motioning for the crowd to cheer louder. The crowd's volume grew in the presence of Ricky Horror, the legendary wrestler.
Ricky entered the wrestling ring and the crowd continued to roar. He spotted Vinny and made eye contact with him, smirking. Ricky then looked over the rest of the giant crowd. He saw lots of younger kids with Ricky Horror shirts on, which lit up his heart. There were lots of people there to support him on his WrestleMania special appearance.
Now it was time for Brock Lesnar to enter the ring. His intro played, then he walked out onto the opposite side of the stage. The crowd roared again, going crazy. Ricky turned his head to look at Brock. He looked just a muscular as the last time he fought him almost four years ago. Ricky had beat him in that match, so he knew that Brock would be looking for hard revenge this time.
Brock yelled out to the crowd, looking furious. He saw Ricky and hurried to the ring, jumping up into it. Ricky gave him a unyielding look. He wanted Brock to know that he wasn't playing around tonight. Brock returned a similar look of fury. The men took their jackets off and got ready to begin their fight. The crowd had been cheering continuously during this whole time.
Right as Ricky and Brock were about to fight, the crowd went mostly silent. People shouted every now and then, cheering for their wrestler of choice. Ricky's mind went blank as he focused on the fight. He drowned out the sounds of the crowd, staring into Brock's mean eyes. Ricky went to the side of the ring opposite to Brock.
The referee stood in the middle of Ricky and Brock, waiting to signal the start of the fight. Once he signaled, Brock went straight for Ricky. Being prepared, Ricky quickly dodged Brock. After recovering, Brock quickly went for Ricky again, this time knocking him down onto the ground.
Ricky tried to fight back, but Brock was in the perfect position to attack. His fist came down on Ricky several times. Brock hit Ricky in the head and neck with powerful blows, worrying Vinny. Not too many hits later, Ricky was already bleeding. Brock had busted part of his skull open.
Blood spilled on Brock's back from Ricky's wound as he regained his strength. Ricky lifted Brock off of him, pushing him hard. Brock hit the ropes of the ring, taking a moment to steady himself. The referee quickly tried to get his gloves on to look at Ricky's wound, but before he could do anything, Brock came charging over to Ricky. He knocked him down again, his arms around Ricky's waist. Ricky now started to hit Brock, punching in the head multiple times.
Brock succumbed to Ricky's blows, but not for long. His anger boiled over and he regained control of the fight. Brock punched Ricky even harder than he previously had. Ricky, stunned, could barely move. Brock stood up straight, laughing at his opponent. He mocked Ricky and motioned for him to get up and continue fighting.
"Come on fucker, get up!" He yelled.
Ricky slowly began to get up, crawling over to Brock.
"Looks like the 'legendary' Ricky Horror isn't so legendary anymore. Did your music make you soft?" Brock says, quieter.
Ricky now used his cold-blooded rage to his advantage, taking a hard blow at Brock's genitals. Brock, surprised by the sudden blow, fell down and clutched himself. Ricky then stood up and spit at Brock. Now was the time to show his dominance in this fight. Vinny cheered loudly for Ricky, relieved at the change of leadership in the match.
"Get up!" Ricky yells at Brock.
Brock slowly gets up, keeping his distance from Ricky. He then swiftly charged at Ricky again. Just as Ricky thought things were going better for him, Brock lifted him up and body-slammed him down onto the ground. It was a really hard hit for Ricky. Brock quickly stood up and picked him up again, doing the same move. Ricky was now breathless and extremely hurt.
Vinny watched with much anxiety, not knowing how this was going to turn out. The rest of the band, as well as Ricky's many fans, were also nervous. This was an unexpected turn of events. The hosts of WrestleMania were even shocked themselves.
Brock was now taunting and mocking Ricky again. He was still hurting himself-especially because of Ricky's blow to his manhood-but he was strong enough to finish Ricky off. But Ricky wasn't going to give up so easily. He got up and took a few deep breaths. Ricky looked out into the vast crowd, trying to muster up more strength and confidence. He saw the people cheering for him, young and old, tall and short. Ricky knew that he had to keep going for them. He had to keep going for the kids that looked up to him.
Ricky turned around to face Brock, a true look of anger on his face. He charged at him with a perfect plan to win. Brock, however, had a plan of his own. As Ricky was about to slam Brock into the floor of the wrestling ring, Brock hit him on the head once more. The blow was powerful enough to worsen Ricky's already bleeding wound and even knock him out. The crowd was completely taken aback.
People started to "boo" at Brock and the results of the match. No one was sure if Ricky was ok. Vinny's heart had dropped when Brock hit Ricky. He stood completely motionless as the sounds drowned out from his mind. Referees and medics came into the ring, trying to find out what damage was done to Ricky. They quickly found out that he had been knocked completely unconscious. The show hosts began to talk about the situation and Vinny found out what happened.
Scared for his lover, Vinny jumped over the barricade and ran over to the edge of the ring. Security held him back from going any further. They knew who Vinny was, but he still wasn't allowed to get up close to Ricky. Vinny shouted and tried to get past the security, but they subdued him.
Vinny, unable to get any further, started to yell madly at Brock. He knew that this was how fights just went sometimes, but he was scared and furious. A bad combination. Brock just smirked and yelled into the crowd at his fans as they cheered. The referees announced that Ricky had been knocked out and presented Brock as the winner of the fight. Tears began to fill Vinny's eyes. He felt torn apart on the inside as he looked at Ricky, who looked torn apart on the outside.
Vinny quickly followed the medical team as they put Ricky on a gurney and began to take him to the exit. Vinny's heart was fearful for his boyfriend. This had never happened at a fight before; Ricky had never gotten knocked out by anyone, let alone Brock Lesnar.
Only time could tell how bad Ricky's injuries would be.
*Part 2 Coming Soon*
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fatal-miw-imagines · 8 years
Little White Lie {Part 2}
A Ryan Sitkowski Imagine
Word Count: 908
Warnings: smut
~A Wattpad user said that I should make a part 2 of this imagine, so here it is!~
You woke up wrapped in Ryan's arms, his hold on you strong. The past two days had been...absolutely amazing, to say the least. You had not realized how long it had been since you and Ryan got to spend some nice, quality time together. It had been even longer since you two had pleasured each other like this, too. Ryan had been touring nonstop with Motionless in White and you had been busy with both work and school. But now you two had one more free day to be together, to pleasure each other. You couldn't wait for it all to begin.
You were going to wait for Ryan to wake up, but it was taking forever and you were already beginning to feel needy and impatient. You poked his nose and tickled him a little bit. Soon his eyes opened up and a yawn escaped his mouth. You giggled at Ryan in his sleepy state. He smiled back at you.
You squealed when Ryan suddenly crawled on top of you, tickling you. He was now getting his revenge on you for waking him up. You laughed and thrashed your limbs about, trying to gain control. Ryan laughed with you. He dominated you with no trouble.
Soon your laughs turned into moans. Ryan kissed your neck as his hands traveled across your skin. The warm afternoon sun shined through the windows, warming the room; you two had woken up well into the day. Your moans continued on as Ryan's lips slid down to your waistline. Shivers crossed your body as he kissed you lightly.
Ryan's hands teased you plenty until they got to where you needed them the most. You let out a desperate moan as he slid a finger into your wet pussy. You gripped the sheets tightly as the pleasure deepened. Ryan kept his gaze on you; he wanted to see the effects of the pleasure he was giving you. He wanted to see the desire on your face.
Ryan slid two more fingers into you, only maximizing  the euphoria you felt. It was amazing and left you moaning loudly. Your body shook and heaved as you came onto Ryan's fingers. He loved the feeling of it. After pulling out his fingers, Ryan sucked them off in front of you. You bit your lip and waited for him to make the next move.
"Can I blindfold you...and tie your wrists to the bed?" Ryan nervously asks you.
Your mouth goes slightly agape as you are shocked by the question. You and Ryan had never ventured into bondage before. You slowly nodded your head, thinking about the pleasure. Ryan smiled at you before getting back to business. After kissing you hard on the lips, Ryan bound you to the bed. Your blindfold went on next.
Your chest raised up and down as your breathing became faster. You were so anxious to see what this experience would be like. Ryan caressed your breasts and kissed your neck and collarbones to further arouse you. You were sure that you would be covered in hickeys when you went back into work tomorrow. You hoped that no one would notice, it would make you look suspicious.  
After teasing you for much too long, Ryan finally pumped his cock and then pushed into you. You were taken aback from the sudden and extreme pleasure. A cry came out of your mouth and Ryan thrusted into you repeatedly. He went faster and faster, eventually rubbing your clit to intensify every sense of pleasure.
You cursed and tugged ruthlessly on your wrist restraints. You felt as much of Ryan's body as you could with your legs and feet. His hip bones dug into your skin while he thrusted deep into you. Low and insidious moans escaped your soft, swollen lips as Ryan persistently carried on.
You could barely process the pleasure you felt within you, it was so immense. Your orgasm was growing near. Ryan was also close to his climax, his moans getting louder and deeper. Your legs were trembling and your wrists were burning from the restraints. Ryan continued to pound into you, his thrusts getting sloppier by the second. Sweat coated the skin of you both.
Without much more time being able to pass, you both came. Your back arched immediately as you experienced your second orgasm of the day. Ryan let out his deepest moan as he came, turning completely still as he did. You both rode out on your highs and then collapsed. Ryan breathed more heavily than you, his chest rising up and down at a quicker pace. You felt his heart and it was beating fast.
Soon Ryan took off your restraints. He rubbed your wrists some before kissing them both; they were a little red from your tugging. You smiled sweetly at him.
"You're the best." You tell Ryan.
He turns to look at you, smiling calmly.
"And you're even better." He says.
Ryan crawls back over you, kissing you repeatedly. You entangled your hands in his hair and tugged on it. After making out for quite some time, you went downstairs to make breakfast. You then brought it back upstairs where Ryan had made some kind of pillow-and-blanket-fort. You laughed and quickly joined him in his makeshift fort. You spent the day lying around, watching tv shows and movies. It was another great day off with your man, Ryan Sitkowski.
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fatal-miw-imagines · 8 years
what is your wattpad name? :)
BandAddict77 :) There’s a link to my WattPad profile in my bio! xx
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fatal-miw-imagines · 8 years
Little White Lie
A Ryan Sitkowski Imagine
Word Count: 1,659
Warnings: smut, language
~Requested by Anonymous on WattPad~
You were sitting down at work when Ryan texted you. You sighed and looked down at your phone. He was asking you when you were gonna come home. You texted him back saying that it would be a while longer. Ryan sent a sad face in reply.
You told him that it wouldn't be too long and then went back to work. Every few minutes you would glance over at the clock. An hour or so later you got another text. Eager for an excuse to take a break, you quickly stopped to check your phone. Ryan had texted you again. You typed in the passcode for your phone and then looked at the message.
I'm so hard Stephanie...Can you please come home now?
You were shocked by the nature of Ryan's message. You quickly hid your phone from the view of others. Then you tried to think of what to type back. You had already left work early one other time this week due to Ryan, you were not sure if your boss would allow you to do so again. You sat in your chair, petrified, trying to figure out what you wanted to do.
In a moment you were up from your chair. Your decision had been made. You made your way over towards your bosses office to ask if you could leave work early. You were nervous about doing this, but Ryan had gotten you aroused. After knocking on his door, your boss welcomed you inside of his office.
"Hello Miss Stephanie, what can I help you with?" Your boss asks you, sitting with his coffee and donut at his mahogany desk.
You decided to tell a little white lie, saying "My boyfriend is terribly sick...He's at my home with what seems like a fever and there's nobody available to help him out. I wouldn't ask for another early leave this week, but I'm really worried about him."
Your boss takes a bite of his chocolate frosted donut and thinks for a moment. You were surprised by his sudden sympathy when he allowed you to leave work right then. After thanking your boss, you hurried to collect your things and go. You were eager to get home to Ryan.
There was no telling what kind of mood Ryan was in; what things he was wanting to do to you. Thinking of it during the drive home only made you more aroused and wet. You were already so lustful by the time you had gotten into your car. When you pulled into your driveway, you stopped for a moment to pleasure yourself. It was just impossible to wait any longer.
You slipped your hand into your pants and rubbed your clit, hoping that Ryan wouldn't notice that you were home. If he caught you pleasing yourself and making him wait, he would be furious. After pleasing yourself a considerable amount, you quietly made your way inside. You looked to your right once you walked in, and there Ryan was.
You saw him sitting on the couch, stroking his length. You bit your lip and made sure to be careful not to make a single slight sound. You wanted to watch. Breathy moans came from Ryan's lips, further tantalizing you. Your hand went back down again, rubbing your clit through your jeans. You were so wet from all of the suspense and now from watching Ryan pleasure himself.
Soon Ryan came, moaning loudly as he did. You watched in absolute agony. The sight was torturous, since you hadn't yet felt much pleasure yourself tonight. Ryan breathed heavily as he turned towards you. He smirked and you looked at him with large eyes. He must have known that you were watching.
"You didn't tell me that you were coming." Ryan says, his voice raspy.
"Neither did you." You wittingly reply.
Ryan lets out a laugh, then goes back to staring you down. You looked deeply into his darkened eyes. There was only a small, teasing tendency that kept your two bodies from conjoining. Within moments neither of you could wait any longer. Both of you rushed towards each other.
Your lips collided harshly, teeth hitting teeth. Ryan strongly gripped your waist. His hold was surely strong enough to leave bruises. You moaned into his mouth mercilessly, letting him dominate you. Your built up desperation had made you totally submissive to Ryan and he was very pleased with that.
Ryan picked you up, grabbing onto your thighs. He took you into the bedroom, where he then stripped you of your clothes. Your senses were extremely alert and frenzied. His hands were so quick and messy when removing your clothes. It was making you tremble with need.
You shivered as Ryan's hands glided down your sides. He then caressed your breasts, ghosting his fingertips above your nipples. They hardened quickly. You bit your lip hard as his hands traveled back down your body.
"So desperate, Stephanie." Ryan says in a low and haunting voice.
You nod slowly and then close your eyes. You wanted to focus completely on the feeling of Ryan's hands on your skin. He kissed your thighs and sucked on them, leaving some hickeys for you both to treasure later. Your breathing had became unsteady.
Before you knew it, Ryan's tongue was pleasuring you. He kissed your dripping clit and then attacked with full force. He ate you out with no restraint. Within a minute your moans had gotten louder and louder, now echoing in the bedroom. Ryan was quite pleased with your reaction, but he wanted more. He sucked hard and began to moan, vibrating your sex.
"Oh my god, oh my god." You moaned, gripped the sheets.
Ryan moaned again, sending vibrations. You cursed and moaned his name. Your climax came on quick, your pleasure overwhelming. Ryan worked at you frivolously as you came close to your orgasm. He rubbed your clit with his fingers and kept going until you came.
"Shit." You moaned, coming down from your high.
"I've been waiting for this all day." Ryan says, admiring your figure.
"Fuck me, Ryan. I need you right now." You say, unable to wait any longer for Ryan's cock to be inside you.
"Whatever you want, baby."
He kissed your neck and sucked on it while getting into position. Your breathing was heavy and unsteady. Your body was still sensitive from your first orgasm. Ryan pushed into you slowly, teasing you to some extent. You whimpered and tried to get him to go on. Soon he did, thrusting into you with full force.
Ryan grunted as he pushed deep into you. Your moans were now strained from the intense euphoria. Later on you switched positions, with you now on top. Ryan grabbed your hips again, helping you out. Moans left both of your mouths as the pleasure became much more immense. You could barely stop your orgasm and Ryan soon came close to his.
"Fuck, I'm gonna cum." He groans, still thrusting up to meet your hips when they came down.
You moaned in response, bouncing harder. Before many more seconds could pass, Ryan came, setting off your orgasm. You cried out in euphoric pleasure. Your hands were pressed down on Ryan's chest as he moaned in a low tone. Your hair fell onto him.
"That felt so good." You tell Ryan as you lay down next to him.
He smiles at you sweetly and pulls you into his arms. You smile back at him and snuggle into his chest. Ryan kisses the top of your head and strokes your hair. You both laid still for a long time. When you were willing, the two of you went downstairs to have ice cream and watch some hockey, Ryan's favorite sport.
Almost immediately after you and Ryan had finished getting your ice cream all fixed up, your phone rang. You looked to see who it was and you suddenly became anxious. It was your boss.
"Shit." You said under your breath.
"What? Who is it?" Ryan asks, taking a bite of ice cream.
"It's my boss....I told a white lie and said that you were sick so I could come home early." You explain.
"It's alright, just be cool."
You took a deep breath and then answered the phone. Ryan motioned for you to put it on speaker. You did.
"Hello." You say.
"Stephanie? Hello!" Your boss says.
"Hi, how are you?" You ask.
"Good, what about your boyfriend? That's why I called. I was worried since you seemed to be in such a rush earlier today. Is he feeling ok?"
You look at Ryan with a shocked expression.
"Um, he's feeling a little bit better. But...um..." You thought for a moment, then came up with a master plan.
"I'm actually afraid that it'll take him a few days to get better and to get his strength back." You start. "I'm just hoping that he'll do ok while I'm at work all day."
The other end went silent and you waited anxiously for a reply.
"Well that's terrible, I'm sorry to hear that." Your boss says.
"It's alright." You say, almost mumbling.
"If you need a few more days off to help him out, I can arrange something."
You smiled at Ryan and he gave you a thumbs up. You told your boss that that would be great. He agreed to get something in order and that you could have the next three days off. You were relieved; not only because you could spend more time with Ryan, but because you could finally have a break from working so much.
"Thank you so much." You say.
"No problem, Stephanie. I hope he gets feeling better soon." Your boss replies.
"Oh trust me, he will." You say, winking at Ryan.
You said bye to your boss and then quickly hung up the phone. You could tell that these next few days would be...pleasurable.
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fatal-miw-imagines · 8 years
I forgot to post about this earlier because I got busy, but MY MOM WALKED INTO MY ROOM WHILE I WAS WRITING SMUT 😂 I was listening to music so I didn't hear her, but I guess she didn't see anything. I was shaking 😂😂 Anyways, a new Ryan imagine will be up in a few minutes! ❤️💋
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fatal-miw-imagines · 8 years
share this to save a life
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fatal-miw-imagines · 8 years
Back Home
A Josh Balz Imagine
Word Count: 1,214
Warnings: smut, daddy kink
~Requested by an anonymous user on WattPad~ 
When you arrived home from work, all you could think about was that your boyfriend would be coming home from tour tonight. You had missed Balz so much, even with all of the texts and Skype calls. You wanted to hug him so tight. But until he got home, you would have to entertain yourself. You had about two hours.
First things first, you went upstairs to change into something more comfortable. You put on a tank top and wore one of Balz' jackets like you often did. You slipped on some shorts and then walked back downstairs. You decided to make a nice dinner for Balz to come home to. You turned on the stove and began cooking his favorite meal. You also got out a bottle of expensive wine.
Soon the aroma of your delicious home cooking filled the kitchen and other parts of the house. You smiled and hummed Motionless in White songs while you stirred. Later you checked the clock and a smile stretched across your lips. Balz would be home really soon.
You plated the food and set the dinner table. You made it really special, even lighting some Halloween-scented candles. You really wanted Balz to know how much you loved and missed him. Plus, there was no harm in getting him in the mood, right?
The sound of your front door knob jiggling disrupted your thoughts. You gasped and rushed over the the door, running into Balz' arms. He held you strong and tight, inhaling your perfume that he loved and missed dearly. You closed your eyes and held onto Balz tighter, never wanting to ever let go.
"I love you so much." Balz says.
"I love you too."
Balz presses his lips onto yours eagerly, gripping your arms. You kissed him back just as eagerly, then you both stopped to take a breath.
"I made dinner." You say, before it's too late to stop Balz from continuing.
"Oh, that's great." He replies.
You smirked, knowing that making him wait would only increase his impatience. You wanted Balz to be even more desperate. It would make for a much more interesting night.
You two sat at the candlelit table and Balz complimented your decorating skills. He mentioned the Halloween-scented candles as well. You smiled at him and then began to eat. Balz ate quickly; whether it was because of vast hunger or impatience, you couldn't tell. Either way, it was amusing you.
You ate at a slightly slower pace, wanting to drag this out a little bit more. Balz finished well before you, afterwards sitting, just watching you. His fingers toyed with the end of the tablecloth. You quickly noticed his increased impatience and decided to fool around some more. You had missed teasing Balz so damn much ever since he left for tour.
You ate at the same pace, but stopped more often to wipe your face or take a drink of wine. Balz had already drank two glasses. Minutes passed and then he excused himself to use the restroom. Balz had hoped that by the time he came back, maybe you would be tired of teasing him. He had caught onto your devious plans.
When Balz came back, you were indeed finished eating, but had poured another glass of wine. He eyed the almost full glass, then looked at you. You smirked at him. Now both of you were playing a sinister game. Balz stared back at you, his eyes piercing. You took a sip of wine as he stood there still as can be.
Just when you were about to give in, Balz walked over to you. He knocked the wine glass over, spilling the red liquid onto the tablecloth. You then held your breath and waited for him to take over the situation. In a split second you were out of your chair and in Balz' arms. You two kissed ever so lustfully and your hands moved over each other's clothes frivolously.
Soon there was no more fabric to touch and your clothes were in a pile on the floor. You and Balz had made it into the bedroom quickly. You made out messily, Balz holding onto you firmly. Your hands were pressed onto his tattooed chest. Balz' lips moved to your neck, sucking hard.
You let out breathy moans as things progressed further. Intense euphoria came over you quickly. Balz laid you down on the bed and pulled off your panties. He was quick and clean with his movements. Balz kissed your thighs, eventually pushing a finger into you. A moan escaped your lips and a smile came onto your face.
Balz pleasure you with his hands. His fingers pushed into your sex and his free hand rubbed your thigh. You moaned and bit your lip at times. Soon you were on the brink of orgasming and you couldn't control the sounds that came out of your mouth. Just as you were about to cum, Balz stopped every movement, then pulled his fingers out of you.
"Please keep going, daddy." You moan.
"Just wait, baby."
After waiting for a few seconds, Balz replaced his fingers with his tongue, pleasuring you once again. You moaned louder, the pleasure even more immense this time around. You came several seconds later. Balz licked up all of your juices and then pumped his length.
You both got in position and then Balz pushed his cock into you. Your eyes rolled back and you let Balz control you. He thrusted into you quickly and deeply, but kissed you softly. You moaned as his lips were against yours and his tongue was in your mouth. Soon sweat began to coat your skin and his.
"Fuck," You moan, "Harder, daddy."
Balz did as you requested and started to thrust into you harder and faster. You were coming closer and closer to the edge. Balz was coming close to his orgasm too. You were moaning loudly as things went on, both of you had been waiting so long for this. Now you were finally back together and your skin was touching. It took everything inside of you not to scream so loud that the neighbors would hear.
Curse words spewed from Balz' mouth as he came to the edge of his orgasm. You clutched onto his shoulders tight and moaned in a low, animalistic tone. Your body was under so much euphoria and pleasure, such tantalizing pleasure. You were unsure of how much longer you would last.
Balz soon came, moaning as he shut his eyes closed. You came instantly after. Profanities left your lips and his, the pleasure taking it's course. You both rode out on your highs and kissed sloppily. When all was done, Balz laid next to you. He grabbed you and gently pulled you close to him.
You both laid under the covers. You spent the rest of your night listening to Balz' tour stories and funny moments. You stayed up late and slept in the next morning. You were so excited to spend time with Balz before he left again for the next tour. Maybe you could even go along with him next time; you made sure to ask him the following morning. Little did you know, Balz was already planning on asking you.
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fatal-miw-imagines · 8 years
New Little Buddy
A Chris Motionless Imagine
Word Count: 833
Warnings: fluff
~Requested by Iris on WattPad~
Your eyes slowly opened as you woke up in bed. You turned and looked at your boyfriend, Chris, who laid beside you. You smiled and began to stretch. Excitement sparked inside of you as you remembered your plans for the day. You waited impatiently for Chris to wake up, which took about six minutes or so. You counted.
Chris saw you staring at him and laughed, smiling. You quickly laughed along with him. He stretched out for a moment and then threw the covers off of him. Chris then looked at you and started to speak.
"Well someone's excited." Chris says.
"Yes, very excited." You reply, kissing him afterwards.
"Wanna get ready and then eat breakfast?"
"Sure. Then we can go to the pet store!"
You and Chris hurried to get dressed. After you both were ready for the day, you went downstairs to the kitchen to cook breakfast. Chris helped you cook eggs, pancakes and some other breakfast foods. When you two sat down to eat, you started to discuss some things.
"So, have you decided what kind of pet you want to get today Iris? I know you've been thinking about it nonstop." Chris asks you, smiling.
"Well..." You start to say, as Chris begins to eat, "I was thinking about getting a ferret!"
"Really? That's great!"
"You really think so?"
"Of course! Ferrets are cute little guys." Chris says.
You smile and then eat your food. Soon you and Chris are ready to leave to house and head to the local pet store. You were excited not just to get a ferret, but to get all of the things it would need. While you drove to the pet store, you and Chris started to talk about what name to pick for your ferret. You wanted to pick a name that you both would really like.
By the time you both arrived at the pet store, a name had been chosen. You were super excited when you stepped out of the car and soon into the store. Chris followed close behind your lighthearted footsteps. He enjoyed seeing you so happy. It was something that he would never get tired of.
"Hello ma'am! Looking for anything in particular today?" A female employee asks you.
"Yes, actually. I'm looking to adopt a ferret today!" You say joyfully.
"Oh how wonderful!" She exclaims. "They are right over here. Come on, follow me!"
You and Chris follow the girl over to the other side of the store. A large cage soon comes into view, holding five ferrets inside. You get even more excited as you look at the cute little animals. After only a few seconds or so, you decide which ferret you want.
One ferret had separated from the others. He came up to the edge of the cage and looked at you with adoring eyes. He looked so sweet and you just wanted to hug him. Chris saw the look in your eyes and knew that you had made your choice. He talks to the employee and then goes to grab some necessities for the ferret.
Soon you had to sign some papers and then all of the important things were finished. You and Chris left after buying a ton of things for your new pet ferret. You couldn't wait to get home and let him run around. Chris was excited too, since he had never had a pet ferret before.
When you finally got back to the house, you and Chris hurried inside. You set all of your things down and got ready to play with your new ferret for the first time. When you let him loose, he ran all over your house. You and Chris laughed as he jumped from the couch to the table, then to the wall, before falling over.
You two spent the next few hours chasing your new ferret around the house. There were lots of funny and adorable moments. At one point Chris tackled you on top of the bed, tickling you. You laughed as if you had gone mad and he refused to stop. Your laughs and squeals filled the home and only made your ferret even more hyper and excited.
While Chris was tickling and kissing you all over, your ferret jumped on his back. Chris was taken by surprise and let out a startled sound. You laughed at both him and your ferret. Chris started to laugh as well, the ferret soon climbing off of him and onto the bed beside you.
You and Chris exchanged glances, then got under the covers. You had both gotten pretty tired from all of the running around. Your ferret seemed to finally be tired as well. He eventually crawled in between you and Chris, laying down. He cuddled up to you and your heart was exploding with love from the cuteness.
"Look!" You exclaim.
Chris smiles at you and replies, "He loves you, Iris. But not as much as I do."
You smile back at Chris and cup his face with your hand. Within minutes you all fall asleep. The room was dark, warm and pleasant. You all slept well throughout the night without a single interruption. It was more than you could of hoped for during the first day with your new little buddy.
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fatal-miw-imagines · 8 years
A Ricky Horror Imagine
Word Count: 1,126
Warnings: fluff
~Requested by Fransesca on WattPad~
Your thumbs moved furiously fast as you played a video game against your brother, Vinny. You were on tour with MIW and had brought a new game for you guys to try out. You were about to win, but Vinny was catching up to your score. Within seconds he beat you easily. You groaned in defeat, throwing your hands up. Vinny cheered and whooped.
"I was so close!" You say.
"But I was closer." Vinny says, taunting you.
You scoff and playfully punch Vinny's shoulder. Just when you guys were about to start another round, you got distracted by someone entering the tour bus. You turned your head to see Ricky. His arms were black with paint and his hair was a little messy. You smiled at him, waving.
Ricky smiled back at you until Vinny turned towards him. You recently noticed how different Ricky acted around you whenever your brother was around. You didn't know the reason for this, but never really bothered to think about it much. You just missed Ricky's usual kind gestures towards you.
"Hey Rick." Vinny says.
"Hey. What are you guys up to?" Ricky asks, grabbing a Monster energy drink before walking over to you.
"We're playing a new video game I bought recently. You wanna try?" You offer as Ricky sits down beside you.
"No way Fransesca, I wanna go against you again. You have to try to beat my high score." Vinny argues.
"Oh come on, Vinny. We've been playing this for over an hour. Let Ricky have a turn." You say, grabbing Vinny's controller out of his hand.
You hand Ricky the game controller and offer Vinny yours. He refuses, so you and Ricky go head to head. You spent another hour or so playing video games with him. Vinny sat on the opposite side of you, secretly fuming on the inside. Later on he had come to the point where he had had enough.
You and Ricky finally finished your game, you finishing as the winner. Once the game ended, things started getting weird.
"Hey Rick, can you go grab me a soda?" Vinny asks.
"Why don't you go get it yourself?"
"Because I don't want to. Now go get me a soda."
After staring at Vinny with a confused and angered expression, Ricky gets up from the couch. You then grab his arm, stopping him.
"I'll go get it, just sit down." You say, shocked that your brother would suddenly be so rude.
You walk away from the guys, going to the other side of the bus. You open the fridge and grab a soda. After you closed the fridge, you stayed quiet for a moment. You wanted to get to the bottom of this. You waited and listened for voices.
Soon enough the men spoke in whispers. However, the bus was small and you could hear every word. Just a few seconds in, you found out what the problem was.
"Ricky, I'm sick of you messing around with my sister. I told you the other day to knock it off." You hear Vinny say.
"Well, I'm sick of you thinking that you have authority over me. I get that she's your sister, but you can't just tell me not to be around her. All I did was play a video game!" Ricky replies, irritated.
"You were doing more than just playing a video game Ricky, and you know that."
"Bullshit. I was playing a video game with her, nothing more."
Vinny sighs, then says, "Where's Fransesca?"
Your eyes go wide and you think for a moment. You decided to open this up right here, right now. You wanted answers and you wanted a solution. You walked into the room that the guys were in. By the look on your face they could tell that you had just heard everything that they were talking about. You set Vinny's soda down on the table and crossed your arms.
"Alright, what's going on?" You ask, demanding answers.
"Nothing." Vinny says, trying to brush it off.
"Nothing? What do you mean nothing? Now you're just gonna lie to your own sister?" Ricky says, even more irritated now than he was before.
Vinny sighs and looks down at the floor, unsure of what to say or do next.
"Look Fransesca, I really like you. Vinny doesn't approve of it, but I can't just change my feelings for you. I love your beautiful ombre hair and your brown eyes. I love how you can always make me feel better no matter what's going on, I love how you make me laugh. I love you, Fransesca." Ricky says, pouring his heart out to you.
You stood there in complete awe, taken aback by Ricky's statement. Vinny looked over at you, trying to see how you felt. Your shocked expression quickly turned into a smile. You walked over to Ricky and hugged him, not caring if Vinny didn't like it.
"I love you too, Ricky." You whisper.
Vinny just stands still and watches. He waits until you guys pull away, then speaks.
"Look Fransesca, if you really love Ricky then I don't have a problem with it. I'm just afraid of you getting hurt. I would be like this with any guy, not just with Ricky. I guess I'm just overprotective sometimes." Vinny admits, scratching the back of his neck. "I'm sorry for being such an asshole."
"It's alright man, I understand. You've gotta protect your loved ones." Ricky replies.
Vinny nods at Ricky, then looks over at you.
"You happy now?" He asks playfully.
"Yes, Vinny. Very happy." You say, laughing a smiling.
You look over at Ricky, smiling at him too. He smiles back and puts an arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer.
"Wanna go out for some ice cream?" He asks you.
"Sure, sounds good!" You reply.
You both tell Vinny bye before leaving. He didn't want to come along and make things awkward. Just as you guys were walking out the door of the parked tour bus, Vinny said one more thing.
"Hey Rick!" He calls.
"Hurt my sister and I'll kick your ass." Vinny says, half playful and half serious.
"Understood." Ricky says.
You laugh and clutch onto Ricky's arm, walking with him. You both took a little walk over to a nearby ice cream parlor. It was extremely sunny and warm outside and there were lots of people about. You both had a nice, sweet little ice cream date. You talked about all of the things you guys would do together in the near and distant future and even kissed before going back to the bus to hang out with Vinny. Things were much different now and everyone enjoyed it so much more.
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fatal-miw-imagines · 8 years
A Devin Sola & Ricky Horror Imagine
Word Count: 1,494
Warnings: smut, language
~Requested by Nicole on WattPad~
It was almost time for your close friends, Ricky and Devin, to pick you up. Ricky was driving you guys to a metal concert. You were extremely excited to be going to another concert, especially since Ricky and Devin were coming with you. They always went crazy at shows, just like you did. You were dressed in all black and your hair was down. You were prepared and ready for the night ahead. Or so you thought.
Soon Devin knocked on your door. You grabbed some cash and went out the door. The drive to the concert venue wasn't long. The three of you listened to music in the car while discussing your excitement. All of you were super pumped up for the concert.
"Tonight is gonna be so awesome." You say.
"Oh yes, definitely." Devin says, his voice enticing.
You wrote off the slight oddness, thinking that Devin was just really excited. He was indeed excited, but for reasons that you did not yet know. Soon you all arrived at the concert venue and walked inside. You guys quickly made your way to the barrier, your early entrance tickets earning you the best spots.  
As you waited for the first band to perform, you noticed more suspicious actions between Devin and now Ricky as well. They kept exchanging sinister glances at each other. Now you were almost positive that something was going on, something that you were not aware of. Once the band members started walking on stage, the crowd went wild. It was then that you pushed away your thoughts of suspicion.
You head banged and jumped up and down as the opening band performed. You had earlier decided to go all out and be totally crazy during the concert. Because you were so distracted, you didn't notice Devin watching you intently. Ricky kept his eyes on you as well. Both of the guys were enjoying your enthusiasm and energy.
After the next two bands came and performed, the entire crowd waited for the headlining band. During this waiting time, you sparked conversation with Devin and Ricky. You asked them if they had been enjoying the concert so far and they replied yes, slightly smirking to each other afterwards.
"It's been great so far." Devin adds on to his previous statement.
"Good! I'm glad you guys are enjoying yourselves too, haha." You reply.
"I think we'll be enjoying ourselves even more later on." Ricky says, looking over at Devin.
"Alright Rick, that's enough." Devin says. "We've teased Nicole enough for now."
Just as you were about to ask what they were talking about, the crowd made your words inaudible. Everyone screamed and shouted as the final band hit the stage. You decided once more to ignore Devin and Ricky's previous words and actions so that you could enjoy the concert. You rocked out again as the band performed. You screamed the lyrics with Devin while Ricky stayed silent.
As the last song was being performed, your mind wandered back to what the guys had said earlier. You wondered what they were "teasing" you about. You had no clue as to what you all would be doing in the hours that came.
When the concert was over you guys left immediately. Usually you would hang around for  while after concerts, but Ricky and Devin were in a rush to get back. Ricky was supposed to drop you back off at your house, then drive Devin home. But that was not what he had in mind.
"Ricky, you just missed the turn." You say, noticing that Ricky was going the wrong way.
"Don't you wanna come hang out with us for a bit at my house? It's not that late." Ricky asks you.
"It's after midnight, what do you mean it's not late?" You ask, laughing.
"Well, whatever. Come on Nicole, the night doesn't have to end now." Ricky argues.
"Alright, but I'll have to sleep over unless you want to drive me back home in the middle of the night."
"You can sleepover, that's fine with me."
"Ok then."
In the side view mirror of his car, you could see Ricky licking his lips. Devin sat still and silent in the passenger seat. When you got back to Ricky's house, Devin opened your car door for you. You thanked him and followed Ricky to the front door, where he let you inside first. Soon all of you were in the house and your jackets were hung up.
"So, what do you guys want to do?" You ask.
"Devin and I actually already have something in mind. If you're ok with it, we would like to do that." Ricky announces.
"Ok, what is it?"
Ricky and Devin exchange glances before answering you.
"We would like to have a threesome with you. What do you think about that?" Devin asks you.
Your jaw dropped slightly as you finally realized the reasons for the guy's abnormal behavior. It didn't take you very long to think of your answer to Ricky and Devin's proposal. You had long since been attracted to both men and were comfortable with them. You would even occasionally fantasize about doing sexual things with them. Now your fantasies were coming true right in front of you.
"I think that that would be amazing. I'd love to." You say.
The guys smirked and stared at you. You could tell just how much they wanted this by the expressions on their faces. It was not long before you all were in Ricky's bedroom stripping the clothes off each other. You were completely submissive as both men's hands grazed and groped your body. It felt so amazing to finally let your fantasy come to life. You were enjoying every single second of it. It was extremely exhilarating and electrifying.
Things advanced further as you all stripped down to your underwear. Devin laid you on the bed and tore off your panties. The guys then removed their boxers and Ricky pumped his length. Devin crawled over you and began to suck on your neck. Ricky continued to pleasure himself before getting his turn to pleasure you.
Once Devin was finished marking your neck with hickeys, Ricky had his way with you. He grabbed your thighs and held them strongly, peeling your legs apart. Your breathing was unsteady as he blew cold air onto your dripping clit. You bit your lip and waited for his mouth to make contact with the sensitive skin.
You let out a load moan and arched your back as Ricky's tongue entered you. A smile spread on your lips and more moans escaped your lips as he continued to pleasure you. As things escalated you gripped onto the sheets. You knew your orgasm was close. Ricky let out long, low moans, vibrating your clit.
The loud moans couldn't stop leaving your body as you felt immense pleasure. Your knuckles turned white, you were gripping the sheets so hard. Ricky's tongue worked quickly to bring your orgasm out. You moaned as you came, Ricky licking up your juices while Devin watched hungrily.
After you came down from your high, Devin helped you get into position. You held onto the bed sheets again whilst Devin pushed into you from behind. You moaned again and your eyes rolled back. While thrusting into you, Devin's hand wrapped around your throat. His hold was strong enough to arouse you, but not to make you feel too much pain.
The sound of slapping skin filled the room as Devin pounded into you. Ricky soon positioned himself and commanded you to suck his throbbing cock. You obeyed him immediately and took his hardened length into your mouth. You sucked hard as Devin continued to relentlessly thrust into you. You could feel your second orgasm approaching.
Your moans only enhanced the pleasure that Ricky was feeling from your mouth on his cock. He let out low moans as you pleasured him. Devin growled into your ear as his orgasm came close to the edge as well. You were so undeniably aroused and excited from all of the pleasure revolving around you.
Soon you came, setting off Devin's orgasm. You both moaned, your moan pushing Ricky to the edge. He came as well, the last of all of you. You swallowed his warm cum and Devin thrusted into you a few more times. Devin held you up after all was done, your legs weak. He picked you up and gently placed you on the bed, then Ricky got you a glass of water.
The guys tended to you for the next few minutes, making sure that you were comfortable. You all then discussed positive things about the experience. You guys even talked about your secret fantasies, ones that you often thought about. Throughout the night, all of you would recreate your fantasies. It was more than any of you had ever expected from just mere fantasies and daydreams. It was absolutely amazing.
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fatal-miw-imagines · 8 years
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But I know that there’s nothing real inside Your heart’s invested in feeding everyone lies
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