#Aerik Tirel
aeriktirel · 2 years
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Roevember Day 14 - "Casual"
Relaxing and demonstrating his flexibility
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ffxiv-roleplayer · 6 years
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“We are a biker gang now Inferno, the bikers were needed!”
“Do not drag the company coffers into your mild life crisis!!”
OOC fun with @aeriktirel Good to be poking my head around the game again. 
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                                     GRAPHIC IMAGERY WARNING
The midlander in the blood red fox mask tossed a dagger in his hand as he circled the large figure hanging by his arms.
“I won’t ask you again, Prince.” He said with a clear frustration in his tone.
Only silence was the man’s response. Growling, the hyur reached forward and grabbed the figure by the chin and brought it into the light. Saelsria’s face was covered in cuts and bruises. His eyes nearly bloodshot from strain. The green and purple eyes slowly turned to the man in the mask. “I-I will tell you nothing...” The Hellsguard said defiantly as blood trickled from his mouth. “Y-You are as good as dead, Inari....Just you wait.” The young man said spitting his blood onto the midlander’s red mask. Maniacal laughter filled the dark room as Inari took his blade and placed it on Sael’s neck. “You make me laugh.” Behind the mask, Inari licked his lips and leaned into the roegadyn’s ear. “I will enjoy breaking you, Grumble. Your screams have been so tantalizing thus far.” The hyur pressed the blade on to the sun kissed skin and gradually slit it the throat open. The cut was just enough to draw blood. “Feel your life slipping away?” The sinister figure’s cheeks rose behind the mask to show just how much he enjoyed this. “I-Is this the worst you can do? I-I have felt more pain m-making love then from your blade, I-Inari.” His tone was growing weaker but he continued to remain unwavering. Saels grit his teeth and took large breaths to deal with the pain of the torture. Inari finished the cut and dropped the Hellsguard’s head from his hand. “Far from it, Prince. We know just what will break you...” The man said as he took a few steps back and smiled once again. “Enjoy the show...” He quickly tossed a small orb of burning smoke just at the roegadyn’s feet. The smoke contained several hallucinogenic compounds they were released into the air. The midlander quickly made several hand signs and focused his concentration on the illusion. “Tell me, Prince...How much do you love them?”
For the Hellsguard, the smoke cleared and revealed three dark figures that stepped closer. As they entered the light, the figures were revealed to be, Sterrbhar, Isilfyr, and Aerik. They stood there only smiling at him. The faintest spark of relief built in the young man’s heart as he saw them. His heart swelled and his eyes ran over will happiness. But in a cruel twist of fate. Each illusion had their throats split open and fell to the ground lifeless. “N-NO!!!!” Saels cried out as he watched them fall one by one. He thrashed against his restraints as only wanted to reach out to them. His happiness quickly turned into saddness and his cries filled the room. This scene happened over and over again until the cries faded into the night and Inari’s laughed only grew louder.
@aeriktirel @singingseadog @scrawlinghellsguard
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preservedcucumbers · 4 years
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(happy birthday Aerik Tirel!!)
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grumble-fc · 7 years
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“We did it!”
Aerik and Toumin worked tirelessly to find a way to stave off the disease festering inside Izzy and Inferno. After days and hours of little sleep, the two medics finally managed a break through and made quick to administer the new medicine in the form of a vapor that soaked into the bodies of the sick. They waited and watched as the drug took effect; causing both Inferno and Izzy to sweat and vomit out the infection from their body. 
The vapor detoxed their bodies and removed anymore possible contagions in their systems. With the rot gone, now it was time to re-hydrate and fuel their bodies to keep the sickness from returning in full. Aerik was happy to inform Sterrbhar but the matter at hand was still very serious. 
“We must destroy the chimera, as it is heading for us.”
At least with the two victims cured and no longer waiting at death’s door. Aerik and his staff could focus on the coming storm and keep the rest of the company from getting infected with the rot. It was a true relief to find that cure. 
What will the coming suns bring? Time will only tell...
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aeriktirel · 5 years
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The Importers fend off the attacks of the Defense Grid at the Burning Wall’s Internment Hulk.
feat. Kugeki, Saelsria, Isilfyr, Sterrbhar, Mishani, Gracilda, Aerik, Ryssbhar, Theodric, and Resilient. 
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ffxiv-roleplayer · 6 years
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“She is drunk on aether.”
Theodric lead a group of the importers into Eureka. There was warnings about the chaotic aether, Aerik even brew potions to help dampen the effects. Kugeki was sure of herself that their claims were exaggerations. She was the most sturdy of them all when it came to aether control. Her body would simply filter through it and fuel her. 
However, the moment, the very moment the group stepped out of the protected camp. The energy struck the construct harder than she anticipated. She had to do her best to keep herself standing up right. 
Into the fray they went, trecking across the land and taking in the beauty of the place they were exploring. This was the result of aether left unchecked, unbound and allowed to grow. Kugeki wanted to study everything and anything she could get her hands on. Of course the more she touched, the more aether pooled inside of her. 
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First the group came to a cave, Theo, Sterr and Kugeki stepped into the mouth of it, while the others kept surveillance. Kugeki did not even need to do a full check to know what was lurking within the out-cove. 
The void, I am drowning in it.
The construct’s heart, for lack of a better phrasing, pounded. It was hammering with each trace of void she could taste. It craved the essence of chaos and despair. A drug addict who had been clean for thirty days was given a small hit and they suddenly remembered why they were hooked on the stuff. 
Sterrbhar had to pull her away from the cave as the group continued to walk. Finally, they reached their destination, an abandoned house stocked with books that were more than likely documented and recorded already by Krile’s team. 
Everyone waited in the wings as Theo did his work. The tome he was able to recover set off multiple alarms in Kugeki’s head, she sensed the void, Sterr could feel the black magic and Aerik narrowed his eyes at the white. The three of them turned their attention on Theo as if to expect something wild, but in the end he gave up the book to Sterrbhar to keep it safe. The hellsguard only needed to glance at a few pages to know where the book came from. 
This came from Mhach.
With their work done, the importers made their way back to the base camp for the moment, there was more to be done but the effects of Aerik’s potions were wearing off and Kugeki had started to act strange... Stranger than usual. 
As they entered camp, Kugeki grabbed whole of Saels and said something soft to him before the construct’s eyes faded out and she crumbled to the ground in a heap. It took everyone by alarm except for Sterrbhar, he explained she was simply overwhelmed and put herself in a sort of sleep cycle to process all of the aether she can consumed. 
The group returned to the ship they had sailed on. Sterrbhar took Kugeki below deck to lay her down, making sure she was comfortable before moving off to find something to eat and possibly rest. 
They were not done in Eureka, but for the moment it was wise to take a break and work out the next stretch of their journey. And to possibly reinforce their protection against the abundance  of aether. 
To be continued, in the forbidden land!
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The Cards and the Scrolls
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The young Raen girl found herself on her knees outside the wench in early morning. Little did Izumi know she would have such a chance encounter with a miqote named Beexu. The only problem being the language barrier between them. Calling upon the help of Fier, the seeker and the midlander were about to find out what was leaving the Raen in such distress. Her employer, one Saelsria Grumble, had been taken by the notorious Fox Gang...for the second time. The gang had made it’s way over to Eorzea after the Hellsguard slipped from their capture only a few moons before. They had tracked him down and waited for the trade prince to be alone so they could finally strike. A sight Izumi saw with her very eyes but was unable to stop by herself. 
Izumi quickly showed them to the area where the kidnapping had happened. She pointed out where the Hellsguard was standing and where she was able to take cover and hide. The party found nothing but a dagger thrown from high elevation and a trail of blood. With enough information to back the Raen’s claims, the midlander found it prudent to finally reveal to Beexu just who went missing. Needless to say, there was no delay in assembling the team.
Sterrbhar, Aerik, and Alec all arrived at the moment’s notice. With all those who were able to present, they set out to follow the blood tail on to the rain forest of eastern La Noscea. Following a trail of corrupted aether they fell right into the enemy’s hands. 
Before they could realize they had been set upon by four members of the Fox gang. Dressed in black garbs, blood red chain mail chest armor and adorned with black fox masks they poised for an attack. A barrage of blade, fist and spell was thrown throughout the battlefield as the two parties battled. The battle was close to its end but the final fox called forth his trump card with his dying breath. Pulling free a scroll, he pulled it open and smeared his blood upon its words. Upon expiring, a large toad was called forth as per ninki contract. The red monster was large enough to almost reach the top of the canopy and attacked the party.
But, the cards and fate were with them. As Izumi drew from her deck, their fortune smiled upon them. Azeyma’s balance lent it’s aid to the party and granted them great strength. Each member assaulted with the creature with new found fury. Tearing it to shreds in a display of petals, the toad falls and left the very scroll that summoned it on the floor.
Izumi rushed to the scroll and did her best to read the doman script behind the blood. The writing spoke of three scrolls, the toad, the snake, and the slug, only with the three assembled could they dispell the genjutsu that miraged the Fox gang's hide out. With their objective ahead of them, most of them returned home for a well earned rest. @ffxiv-roleplayer @aeriktirel @albinomiqote @scrawlinghellsguard
Poster Credit: @ffxiv-roleplayer
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grumble-fc · 7 years
I’m curious about your FC. I and my partner run a smuggling ring out of our house and would love to talk to you about otential RP or possible joining!
Sure! Absolutely - you can message me or the FC leader on Discord or in game! My Discord name is Aerik#4483. I’m Aerik Tirel in game, and our FC leader is Saelsria Grumble (I won’t give his Discord info out publicly though, since I don’t have his permission!)
We’d love to talk to you about RP or having you all join us. 
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actuallyanalligator · 8 years
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@berrodtherapscallion as Whute Rangurr @aeriktirel as Bloo Rangurr @the-batcams and @milolikesthings as the shirtless people we keep hostage
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astraladvent · 8 years
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Date an Agent: Aerik Tirel
Hey! My name’s Aerik Tirel. I was born in the islands to the north, but traveled to Eorzea when I was young and grew up in La Noscea. By trade I’m a conjurer and fairly good botanist, besides. For fun I tend to enjoy gardening or anything that gets me outside to enjoy nature and work with the land, but I also don’t mind spending time in the cities or just at home reading by the fire. I’m compassionate and kind, with a bit of a mischievous streak.  So whether you’re seeking quiet time together, a day out in the world, or a night on the town – I am your kind of Roegadyn.
Like what you see? Check out the Astral Agent’s Auction post here for more information and Agent profiles!
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ffxiv-roleplayer · 7 years
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“We got ourselves a hunting trip. Those assholes took Saels.”
Beexu had been walking back through Limsa from fishing. Outside the wench she ran into a crying raen of the name Izumi. With Fier’s help, they learned the woman had witnessed her friend get abducted. Though it wasn’t until later out in the orange groves did they learn it was Saelsria who had been taken. Beexu called for Sterr, Aerik and Alec. The three roegadyn joined them. Lead by Fier, they tracked the kidnappers into the rain forest. 
As they got deeper into the jungle, the group was ambushed by four of the kidnappers. It took everyone’s combined strength to bring the few down. Leaving one alive for questioning. Though he did not last long as his taunts left the doman a bloody pile of bits thanks to Sterrbhar. 
The group would have to retreat and gather their energy. They needed everything together to face down the rest of the mongrals and take back what was rightfully their’s. 
Hopfully they aren’t too late...
@saelsria-grumble @aeriktirel @shadowsthatgiggle @fatedadventurersxiv
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great-grey-raven · 9 years
Whoops my hand slipped
@ligart-redwyne @aeriktirel @xyclo25
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