fatesskillshare · 6 years
I know this is probably outdated but could you possible find azura with tome breaker? ive been looking forever
honestly i have no idea how old this ask is and i’m so sorry for the hiatus. I’ve set her up for you. Hope it’s not too late! ~Samury Address: 09628-33322-61866-04368Castle name: Sindria Skills
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fatesskillshare · 6 years
Hello! By any chance does anyone have Selena with Bowfaire, Axefaire, Quickdraw and Life and Death? Region is NA.
sounds weirdly specific but ok! She’s all yours. Leave me an ask or bath towel to let me know you dropped by. ~Samury Address: 09628-33322-61866-04368Castle name: Sindria Skills
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fatesskillshare · 6 years
Any Australian/Oceanic mods have a Corrin with Tomefaire? I'm desperate here. ;w;
i had no idea there’s even specifically an AUS version of the game...can you not visit EUR or NA castles? Posting this ask anyway in case any followers have an answer. ~Samury
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fatesskillshare · 6 years
Can I please get bowfaire for forrest?
Set up and ready to go. Send an ask or a bath towel to let me know you picked it up! ~Samury Address: 09628-33322-61866-04368Castle name: Sindria Skills
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fatesskillshare · 6 years
Hey do you have Siegbert with nohrian trust and hoshidan unity, and Velouria with nohrian trust, hoshidan unity, and certain blow?
I’ve gotchu! Please send another ask, or simply leave a bath towel, so that I know you’ve finished skill shopping. ~Samury Address: 09628-33322-61866-04368Castle name: Sindria Skills
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fatesskillshare · 6 years
Got a USA Vallite castle and EUR Birthright castle
uuuuh i forgot what my tag was lol
~Samury (or was it pancakes idk)
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fatesskillshare · 7 years
Is there a tag thats solely for EU castles cause a lot of the address on here aren't marked down as either US or EU, so when ever I enter an address it almost always never works. Sorry if this sounds rude, it's just hard trying to find good skills yet no one in your region has them.
Hi there! EU castle related posts are all under the tag ‘#EU skills’ though that tag also includes people asking for skills. I don’t think there’s a ton of posts since none of the mods are in that region but you’ll have to look through everything.
I’ll change how I tag from now on and only posts with skills and not asking for them will be under that tag. Since there’s already also a ‘#EU wanted skills’ tag.
~ Mod Aeris
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fatesskillshare · 7 years
I saw I had two skills on this blog’s wanted list (Beruka with Death Blow, Charlotte with Vantage), so I thought I’d offer up my castle! All units are on hold and these are the ones out right now with their current skills. My castle address is 09690-19494-17253-65574.
Benny - Pavise, Aegis, Renewal, Sol, Wary Fighter
Sakura - Miracle, Counter, Amaterasu, Bowfaire, Renewal
Camilla - Savage Blow, Axefaire, Lifetaker, Trample, Bowbreaker
Hinoka - Amaterasu, Renewal, Lancefaire, Rend Heaven, Seal Speed
Beruka - Trample, Bowbreaker, Axefaire, Death Blow, Sol
MU - Profiteer, Dragon Fang, Dragon Ward, Astra, Swordfaire
Takumi - Counter, Bowfaire, Air Superiority, Death Blow, Rend Heaven
Xander - Luna, Armored Blow, Aegis, Vantage, Swordfaire
Ryoma - Vantage, Armored Blow, Astra, Swordfaire, Luna
Charlotte - Renewal, Vantage, Death Blow, Counter, Axefaire
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fatesskillshare · 7 years
Felicia with Daggerbreaker and Peri with Renewal? I need it to get Ignatius and the paralogue is hard
Felicia is up please let me know when you stop by ^^ Can anyone help with Peri?
~ Mod Aeris [07685-93207-57367-43079]
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fatesskillshare · 7 years
Would anyone here have a Reina with lancefaire and lethality? I have bowfaire and the fact that I don't have Lance is killing me
Yup she’s set, please let me know when you get it ^^
~ Mod Aeris [07685-93207-57367-43079]
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fatesskillshare · 7 years
Hi, I would really like to have future sight on shigure if you have it. Thanks
Can anyone help with this?
~ Mod Aeris
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fatesskillshare · 7 years
I'm looking for skills for Nohrian and Shared Children. I need Dwyer with Sol and Aptitude, Velouria with Trample, Shigure with Rally Strength/Skill/Magic, Midori with Amaterasu, Forrest with Vantage Counter and Strong Riposte, Ophelia with Lancebreaker and Gamble, Percy with Amaterasu and Bowbreaker, Nina with Amaterasu, Ignatius with Aptitude and Amaterasu, Sophie with Amaterasu, Seigbert with Amaterasu Aptitude and Tomebreaker, and Xander with Amaterasu and Trample. Any help is appreciated.
I’ve set up Dwyer, Shigure, Midori, and Sophie for you! If anyone can help with the others please let us know!
btw please remember to try and split up asks if possible to have 3 units max so it’s easier to organize, thanks!
~ Mod Aeris [07685-93207-57367-43079]
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fatesskillshare · 7 years
Skills for Nohrian and Shared Children
I’m collecting skills for the children available in Conquest and you are welcome to them. My address is 02447-63826-47670-11658. I have Cabbage and Sapphire resources and my current team is
Sophie: Sol, Luna, Aegis, Pavise, and Aptitude
KanaF: Nohrian Trust, Lethality, Astra, Dragon Fang and Vantage
Ignatius: Luna, Sol, Aegis, Pavise, and Vengeance
Veolouria: Aptitude, Bowbreaker, Lancefaire, Better Odds, and Grisly Wound
Shigure: Bowbreaker, Amaterasu, Voice of Peace, Air Superiority, and Darting Blow
Ophelia: Aptitude, Death Blow, Tomefaire, Shurikenbreaker, and Lifetaker
Forrest: Lifetaker, Sol, Inspiration, Gentilhomme, and Aptitude
Soleil: Aptitude, Luna, Sol, Trample, and Axebreaker
Nina: Aptitude, Tomebreaker, Movement +1, Rally Skill, and Shurikenbreaker
Midori: Aptitude, Profiteer, Miracle, Hoshidan Unity, and Lethality
I also have a google doc full of all the skills I have so far here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/17FihE42UbgNB4kNXIvtA5wblE-QohQss4CwlFENXWfw/edit
Feel free to pm me (@/tenashko) if I have something you need.
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fatesskillshare · 7 years
Gunter; Lethality, Renewal, Death Blow, Quixotic
Arthur; Certain Blow, Death Blow, Lifetaker
Elise; Death Blow, Lifetaker, Certain Blow, Witch’s Brew, Shadowgift
Keaton; Lifetaker, Death Blow, Quixotic, Lethality
MU; Quixotic, Death Blow, Lethality, Lifetaker
Peri; Lifetaker, Death Blow, Certain Blow, Lethality
Camilla; Savage Blow, Bowbreaker, Lifetaker, Death Blow, Certain Blow
Charlotte; Lifetaker, Certain Blow, Death Blow
Silas; Lifetaker, Death Blow, Certain Blow
Leo; Quixotic, Lifetaker, Death Blow
(I’m currently working in some more awesome skills. My units are on hold and my address is 08902-57358-02759-59785)
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fatesskillshare · 7 years
Please, please please!! I really need Kaze with life taker. I have been searching him like crazy I thought I saw that some one here have him, so please let me know. :(
Sure thing he’s set for you ^^
~ Mod Aeris [07685-93207-57367-43079]
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fatesskillshare · 7 years
hhhhhhh do you have a rinkah with certain blow ? bless
Yup I do she’s set for you! Please let me know when you’ve gotten it ^^
~ Mod Aeris [07685-93207-57367-43079]
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fatesskillshare · 7 years
I don't see anything saying asks are closed, so could I possibly trouble you by asking for a Beruka with Certain Blow and Death Blow? I can't seem to find one anywhere, and I'd really rather not blast out two whole playthroughs for it. In exchange, I have some skills your NA page says you're looking for. I'll PM that, if you're interested.
PSA: I am still the only mod around and I have Birthright so I can’t handle any of the Nohr unit requests I’m not ignoring your messages on purpose
Does anyone have these skills that could help them out?
~ Mod Aeris
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