fatgirlfatkini · 10 years
You know what happens when you go six months without dieting because of preoccupation with a spiritual journey and major house renovations? You end up where you started a year ago. And now it's time to get back to basics.
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fatgirlfatkini · 10 years
mrsnarcissamalfoy-to-you theclairetionary
1926. If Harry Potter Was An Anime.
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fatgirlfatkini · 10 years
theclairetionary mrsnarcissamalfoy-to-you
Things almost every author needs to research
How bodies decompose
Wilderness survival skills
Mob mentality
Other cultures
What it takes for a human to die in a given situation
Common tropes in your genre
Average weather for your setting
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fatgirlfatkini · 10 years
i need clear skin by yesterday
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fatgirlfatkini · 10 years
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u right tho..white privilege just some tumblr bullshit..def. not applicable in the real world..damn
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fatgirlfatkini · 10 years
I just saw your last post, sorry to hear about your bad day. But be happy that you are still on the right path with the diet. I admire that you kept we with that despite the unfortunate events that have happened recently. Keep up the good work :)
Thank you so much!!  Really, this day has only gotten worse since I posted (I won't bore with details), but this just cheered me up.  Thank you beautiful.
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fatgirlfatkini · 10 years
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Okay.  So I have bought a new mirror, but have not put it up yet. xP
Today was a horrible day for me, worried and stressed out for a number of reasons.  It makes it so much worse that there's a ton of things I'd love to shop for right now but have no income to do so. 
I'm surprised I lost weight.  Though I'm almost positive it's muscle loss after not exercising lately.  Good news though, I did exercise last night!!  Yay!  I made a new workout calendar I'll post soon and have a plan for tonight, though still have to work on routines for a few more days.  Also, my ex invited me to walk around the lake with him tomorrow during my son's nap time.  That might be okay.  Diet has been good for the most part.  Still one or two snacks here or there I need to control. 
And I'm working on editing some photos for a friend who I did a photoshoot for recently.  So at least I'll stay busy.   I need to keep motivated with diet and exercise.  My friend who I used to work out with is working out with me again so yay for that.  It helps. 
Wish me luck this week.  Sorry if I don't post too much anymore.  Ever since my computer died, I haven't been used to sitting at the computer and have been out almost every night or spending time with family, etc.  My friend and brother are planning on setting up a gaming channel on youtube, so watch out for that. :D
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fatgirlfatkini · 10 years
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I totally forgot it was time for another Graze box. This time I got Summer Berry Flapjacks (rolled oat bars with berry infused cranberries), Punchy Protein Nuts (chili lime cashews, pistachios, and almonds), Super Berry Detox (dried blueberries, cranberries, goji, and green raisins), and Salted Fudge & Peanut Cookie (salted peanuts, redskin peanuts, vanilla fudge pieces, and mini chocolate cookies). Currently snacking on the Salted Fudge & Peanut Cookie. 🍪😍👍
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fatgirlfatkini · 10 years
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Turkey Chili for dinner. Yum! 😋
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fatgirlfatkini · 10 years
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Yummy! (at T-POP Desserts & MORE)
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fatgirlfatkini · 10 years
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Needed a quick dinner tonight because it's been a long, tough, horrible day. So I pulled out some multigrain pasta, a can of organic marinara, and some ground turkey and topped with a little parmesan.
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fatgirlfatkini · 10 years
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Lunch - banana berry jicama smoothie with spinach, flax, mulberries, and maca ➕ gluten free mex rice with tofu.
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fatgirlfatkini · 10 years
Yay!  I got a new computer in today!  It's not my HP, but it will do for now until my old one is fixed.  Now to figure out how to get everything off my old hard drive.  I'm really missing my bookmarks toolbar right now though.
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fatgirlfatkini · 10 years
theclairetionary mrsnarcissamalfoy-to-you
Family: *insults my weight* Family: *insults my interests* Family: *insults my friends* Family: *insults my music* Family: *judges me constantly* Family: you’re being so rude why aren’t you spending time with us
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fatgirlfatkini · 10 years
(sorry I'm late at getting back to these!)
I was tagged by elocelocin & namasteveganky
Rule1: Always post the rules.  Rule 2: Answer the questions the person who tagged you asked and write 9 new ones.  Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post Rule 4: Actually tell them you tagged them ! 
1. Are you passionate about anything? if so, what? and how did you come to discover it?
Haha, I'm actually passionate about a LOT of things, although the passion in me grows and fades but I pretty much thrive off being passionate about one thing or another.  One thing I've been passionate about for a long time is astrology, and working (though unfortunately am not at the moment :( )
2. Who are the most influential people in your life and why?
Well, this is tough because I'm blessed to have a lot of supportive people in my life.  My father has been a big influence on me and shaping my world and teaching me how to strengthen both my mind and intuition.  He touted tolerance (although in truth, he is far more conservative and close-minded than myself), but we generally get along really well.  My youngest brother has also been probably one of my biggest supports growing up and still today.  We're really close and lean on one another when we need.
3. What is your religious affiliation (or lack thereof), how did you become so?
I don't have a title for my "religious affiliation."  I guess you could call it agnostic, but I hate affiliating myself with anything.  Okay, so truth told, I've always been a bit rebellious.  The more anyone pushed me to do something, the more I would pull twice as far the other direction.  I was raised as a Christian growing up and all I knew was I hated every minute of church function.  I didn't believe in a book written by a possibly dishonest man with no proof written thousands of years ago to tell me what to believe.   We also moved around a lot of churches (this would be due to my mother not believing in certain details or not getting along with other members of the church), and at each one, all I met were a bunch of phony Sunday Christians.  I'm not saying they all are that way, but it shaped the influence of what I believed.  My son's father is also a Christian too, but that doesn't make him a better person than myself.  Nor does his junkie mother who tried to show me her tits when I just met her and now claims she is better than me because she believes in Jesus.  Excuse me while I pick my diaphragm up, I just died of laughter.
4. If you knew you wouldn’t fail, what would you attempt?
That's a hard one.  I think the biggest thing I'm afraid of but want to do right now is move up the coast to Washington with my bestie and brother and my son.  There's just so many problems with doing that right now, I couldn't list them all.  But if I knew I would be able to find work and have that money to move, I'd have been all over it months ago.
5. Name five goals you have right now. They can be health/fitness related or not at all! (stolen from losingmydemons)
Continue on my weight loss journey, without giving up
Get back to working out because I haven't for nearly 3 weeks (ouch)
Get my dad to get off his ass and finish the living room so I can have some place to habitat/work out/etc besides my brother's room. (I believe bedrooms are for simply sleeping in, and am probably alone in this regard)
Start school this coming semester and work hard!
Fix up a couple plants in my garden area
6. What are ten of your greatest virtues?
I'm strong (headstrong lol), passionate, a great listener, fun to hang out with - I know how to have fun, I believe in all sorts of equality, and other people tell me I'm a good mom (though sometimes I doubt it).
7. What are ten of your greatest Vices?
I have a big temper - anger issues, I blame myself for too many problems out of my control, not working drives me crazy to the point of feeling useless.
8. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
If you said country - Washington.  World, I would probably be a traveler of sorts.  I never got to have that phase of my life. xD
9. Whats your favorite flavor of ice cream?
I don't have a favorite.  I spend too much time trying new or different/unusual flavors.  Lol!   But I do tend to like fruity things, or ube or red beans with my ice cream.  The toppings are what make the ice cream. ;)
10. Do you hoard anything? 
Craft supplies.  You name it, I've got (most of) it.  I have an addiction to wanting to start new projects with passing passion. 
11. Do you have any nonfitness related hobbies?
Tumblr.  Binge watching shows.  Netflix.  (Trying to) Grow my garden.  Anything remotely crafty I can DIY (I love working with my hands).  Hanging out with my brother chatting about stupid or serious crap.  Acting stupid getting drunk with my best friends.  I couldn't wait for the summer and the warped tour...sorry.  It just happened.(That's literally what happens when I open my mouth.)
12. Name five things on your bucket list.
Visit Disneyworld/Epcot/Harry Potter World
Get married (simply to act out my ideal wedding.  I don't even care if I marry my bestie, she probably wouldn't care either lmao).
Finish college and get a decent job
Move out of this house/California/United States
More than anything, just to have a happy life without regret or lingering anger toward anyone in general.
13. What is your most visited web page?
Tumblr, Netflix, and TWC tv online.
14. Do you wear jewelry?
Haha I actually was browsing the jewelry store in Target last night trying to find a reason to buy this cute $10 anchor necklace.  Then I told myself I generally don't dress up/wear jewelry and put the thing back.  I have jewelry sitting around I don't wear.  No occasion.
15. Post a selfie/picture of something you like to do. (I’m keeping this from losingmydemons who originally stole it from fatmaninalittlesuit)
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Does silly selfie time with my son count?  Haha!  I don't have many other things with me taking selfies. 
16. What is your favorite season? What is your favorite thing about that season?
Fall/Winter.  I pick two.  Good food, cool weather, pumpkin everything, CINNAMONNN <333, cookies, cakes, Halloween, Christmas, trees, decorations, dressing up in costume, cozing up with hot tea/coffee/hot chocolate, walking around seeing christmas lights, December Nights at Balboa Park, Disney costumes, candy, fuzzy socks, cute blankets, nostalgic movies, Harry Potter marathon at Christmastime, sitting in front of the fireplace, cuddling up in the couch with a book and a big blanket.  Dude, the whole latter half of the year is filled with soft and warm things and a cool air with the best holidays.  Nothing beats the happiness I feel during this time.  Nothing.
17. What is your favorite book? What is it about? ( Don’t tell me the ending, because I might read it, if it sounds good!)
Game of Thrones.  Okay, it may not count because I haven't finished it yet, but still the most awesome so far. xD
18. If money wasn’t an issue, what would you go to school for?
Probably psychology or criminal justice.  But this should be if there was a guaranteed job.  Haha!
My questions:
1.  This should be an easy one.  What's your birthdate?
2.  If there was one food in the world you could eat as much of as you wanted without worrying about weight gain or loss, what would it be?
3.  What's one of your favorite childhood memories?
4.  All your favorite movies are marathoning on television right now but you can only pick one to watch.  Choose!
5.  If there was a book to describe your life, what would the title and synopsis be?
6.  Do you have any regrets?  Explain.
7.  What was your favorite subject in school?  (Sorry, lunch/recess doesn't count. xD) What was the one subject you did best in, if they are different?
8. Name one thing you wish you could try, but haven't yet for one reason or another?
9.  What is your dream job?
Bonus: What's your fantasy?  (This can be your dream world, sexual, ideal mate, whatever.  It's completely up to you.)
I’m tagging elocelocin namasteveganky get-fitget-healthy getfit-behappy-lovelife dorigaga green-tea-smiles ittybittyfitty-committee fitness-fits-me carrots-and-hummus shemustbelosingit juicy-coutwhore springbirdy future--wonderwoman lexliftlove khaleesi-lifts
And anyone else I haven't tagged that wants to do it, just tag me in your post so I can see your answers! :)
You don't have to answer if you don't want of course, I wouldn't be offended.
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fatgirlfatkini · 10 years
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Yummy breakfast! I made some whole wheat biscuits last night to go with my leftover homemade pepper chicken gravy, an egg/egg white omelette with a little cheese, and some sliced pear from my tree outside. Delicious! (I just wish I would have seen that stray bone. Eek! Uh oh. 😰)
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fatgirlfatkini · 10 years
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