fatinfa1o ¡ 7 years
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October 2017
Grande Lexis, Port Dickson.
I never thought or dream of having a good trip with friends to PD. Yep. Why so? Because it is PD? Haha. It just few miles away and me and my family used to go there for mom’s company event. 
9 sweet ladies, RM73 each, for an overnight stay at RM650 villa hotel with a private pool, a great promotional price from 2017 MATTA Fair Kuala Lumpur!
But, honestly being in PD is always sentimental to me.
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fatinfa1o ¡ 7 years
I can. I know. I feel.
All of it. I know. Just, want to remain calm and just let them be. Me? Here with my thoughts, as, always. 
They fake it they care,
they fake it you are one of them,
they call you their best friend,
but in the end,
the one who keep rooting on this so called, so long friendship,
just you.
Been through this phases so many times. I don’t know who is actually at fault. Me being too sensitive? Or them putting me as the second option as they always do?
Oh sorry, you guys are busy living out work life, living out your marriage and poor me being emotional. But before all that came in? 
This is the reason why, I’m afraid to open up to people. Yep, faking it with big smile, good laugh and looking dumb save me from all shit.
Good night,
Fatin Syazreen
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fatinfa1o ¡ 7 years
We shouldn't kill them, we should compete and make it a fair game
Datin Siti Norayu, The Principle Assistant Director of Business Development Division, KPDNKK
I really adore her, she’s a very humble lady with good motivations and advises. She has a positive aura that’d make you feel you should be like her!
Why I met her? 
This is part of my team, Le’ Alpha’s mini research project. 
A project for one of our compulsory subjects which is Workplace Communication Skills 1 that require us to find any problems faced or happening to Malaysia or Malaysian.
So we thought about a large number of foreign products are dominating hypermarket shelves in Malaysia. 
Then, we thought by increasing the usage of local products would generate more income nationally. Kira solution lah ni.
Yes. We did hit the nail right on the head!
How to make it work? 
We thought if the authority could control or frankly we would say REDUCE the number of foreign products, problem solved.
But we are wrong. 
As quoted above, yes we should play a fair game yela negara majukan?
We compete with them, we produce more products that someday we can’t choose between foreign products with produk buatan Malaysia! patriotik
The main problem faced by some/most local producers is:
Competency on how to make their product, their business as sustainable as the foreign one.
The ability to fulfill market demand.
Continuous supply without fail for a long period of time.
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But no worries.
Our number of local products are increasing with even better quality.
p/s: sumber mengenai solusi terhadap permasalahan kumpulan kami adalah dari pihak KPDNKK dan tidaklah sumber sendiri-sendiri =D
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fatinfa1o ¡ 7 years
Backpack ke Jepun Januari 2017 (1)
Hello hai! So, following the above title I’m going to write an entry (entries) about my trip to Japan last January! But this entry (those entries) will be written in Malay language (Malaysian language) as to avoid further grammatical accidents and improper English wording by me hohoho. 
Jadi mari kita mula! 
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Trip ku ke Jepun adalah selama 8 hari 7 malam dan ku pergi dengan adik lelaki dan adik perempuan ku. Kami menggunakan konsep backpack (konsep hangat di Malaysia sekarang) di mana kosnya adalah jauh lebih rendah walaupun trip tu memakan masa hampir seminggu atau lebih.
Berapa kosnya? Ku tak kira lagi specific figure dia tapi roughly RM3500 termasuk:
Tiket kapal terbang pergi-balik (Airasia)
Penginapan (Airbnb)
Kos pengangkutan awam (bullet train, ICOCA card & bus)
Entrance fee to ski park (only for sightseeing can’t afford ski gear rental cost, cry a bit)
Sedikit kos souvenir untuk mak abah ahli keluarga dan kawan-kawan
Ni ringkasan itinerary.
Day 1 - KUL (KLIA 2) > KIX (Osaka) > Tokyo Day 5 - Tokyo > Itoigawa Day 6 - Itoigawa > Osaka Day 8 - KIX > KUL
Ye ku tahu mesti ada yang wonder beberapa perkara seperti:
Kenapa tak buat one way trip, arrival dekat KIX airport dan depart back to Malaysia dekat Narita atau Haneda airport?
Kenapa tak (seperti di atas) tapi starting point dekat Narita atau Haneda airport?
Kenapa tak pusing Osaka dulu lepas tu baru pergi Tokyo?
Kenapa buang masa macam tu? Haha tak no you won’t ayte?
Boleh tambah dekat komen terima kasih xD
Jawapan dia nanti boleh?
Tassabar nak masuk day 1 ni hoho.
Day 1 - 20/1/2017
Flight ticket > RM798.28
KUL - KIX return
With luggage 20 kg return
Meals return
Beli masa promo 24 hours apekenama dia. Pelupa
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Ha nampak ke idak? Flight pukul 0155 boarding 0055 tak silap. Maaf pelupa
Sebelum boarding, kitorang pergi ambil pocket wifi dulu dekat Samurai WiFi. Susah jugak nak survive backpack-ly without internet.
Harga sewa pocket wifi > RM144
Untuk 8 hari 7 malam
Pickup dekat KLIA 2
Unlimited quota
Up to 5 users kot? Ke 10? Pelupa
Atas gunung salji pun ada line boleh video call!
Tapi dekat platform subway bawah tanah tak cantik line dia
Sebab kitorang salah bawak adapter, charger pocket wifi ni lah kitorang guna!
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Meet my lil brother looking good in that Obey hoodie yaw.
Masa ni hanyalah kitorang berdua sebab adik perempuan ku beli tiket waktu lain jadi flight dia lambat sikit. Kitorang sampai nak dekat pukul 0920 waktu Malaysia dan 1020 waktu Jepun (perjalanan 6 jam).
waktu taklah tepat sebab ada delay hampir setengah jam dari KUL plus ku pun lupa ni pun refer archive airasia lol
Dah sampai kita solat la dulu apa yang patut sementara menunggu adik perempuan ku sampai dalam pukul 1500 waktu Jepun. Masak jugak menunggu budak ni tulah dah suruh beli sekali degil. Bebel
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Ni surau perempuan atau sign board luar dia tulis prayer room. Terminal 1, tingkat 3. Boleh cari Uniqlo dulu, dekat je dengan Uniqlo.
Dah siap semua cuci muka pakai losyen banyak-banyak sebab dah serik kulit kering masa trip ke Seoul, Korea Selatan dulu. Tapi alhamdulillah airport Kansai taklah sejuk sangat tak perlu pakai winter coat lagi dik buat pening je dalam tu. Sekarang berlegar sekitar airport sambil memikirkan apa patut kitorang dua beradik ni buat lagi beberapa jam menunggu lagi sorang tu.
Kitorang decide untuk cari locker untuk letak hampir 8 kg punya backpack ni ye lah nasi segera Brahim je nak dekat 6 paket! Masalah masa dekat locker:
Takde duit syiling lagi
Mahal pulak ada yang sampai 600 yen!
Yang murah boleh letak dalam 2 jam sahaja pfftt
Takde pulak locker kosong yang bersesuaian dengan saiz beg
Tak reti guna pfftt
Jadi kami pilih harga 200 yen kot? Pelupa. Tapi simpan untuk 2 jam sahaja. Tukar duit dekat kedai dengan beli apa ya? Pelupa. Mula-mula cuba pau pasangan Korea (Kansai airport RAMAI gila orang Korea, like RAMAI gila) tapi diorang pun tak cukup syiling. 
Godek-godek rupanya ada je option bahasa Inggeris. Isshh. Lepas dah masuk duit, lock dan keluarlah resit kecik yang korang HARUS simpan! Sebab nanti nak bukak locker, kena guna passcode stated dekat resit tu! Kalau degil jadilah macam ku yang main campak je resit tu lepas tu nak menangis bila tak boleh bukak locker. 
Then, kitorang berlegar lagi keliling airport sambil-sambil google tempat nak makan. Jumpalah satu kedai ni  The U-don atau Sanuki Udon dekat Terminal 1, tingkat 2. Terserempaklah beberapa keluarga dari Malaysia yey! Udon dia mangai lombut bonar!
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Beef udon kot? Pelupa. Cost 900 yen or 910 yen? Pelupa. Share dua beradik sebab besar.
Kitorang makan berdua, sebelah orang Jepun tengah rehat waktu kerja kot bersilih ganti. Punya leisure kitorang punya cepat diorang. CEPAT.
Lepas makan, pusing lagi airport satu kali then balik surau solat Zohor. Dekat surau, dari pagi pun terserempak dengan beberapa orang Malaysia yang rata-rata trip area Osaka sahaja. Terkejut diorang dengar trip ku, macam wau apa budak ni fikir sebenarnya. LMAO
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Siapa je suka menunggu walaupun kakak sendiri?
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Reunite 3 beradik! Dalam Haruka 42 dari Kansai International Airport menuju Shin - Osaka station.
Bila adik perempuan ku sampai kitorang pun bergeraklah ke platform untuk naik Haruka 42 menuju ke Shin- Osaka station. Kitorang gerak tepat pukul 1716 dan sampai tepat pukul 1805.
Dari Shin - Osaka kitorang naik bullet train (atau dalam bahasa Jepun Shinkansen) Hikari 532 menuju ke Tokyo station. Kitorang gerak tepat pukul 1816 sampai tepat pukul 2110. TEPAT. Janganlah nak senyum-senyum kalau dah terlambat takdo do dio nak bonti. Berlari jugak nak kejar train tu bila kau tak sure mana platform dia plus minutes gap yang sikit. The key is to find Shinkansen sign! 
Untuk lebih senang, korang bermainlah dengan web Hyperdia. Kelebihan dia:
Boleh confirmkan platform mana nak tunggu train
Boleh confirmkan train mana nak naik, sama tak dengan tiket yang dah di book
Boleh tengok train schedule kalau tak buat reservation
Boleh tengok nama train dan platform mana nak tunggu kalau tak buat reservation
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Japan Rail Pass (JR pass) kitorang beli 7 days pass dan ni main untuk transport jauh-jauh dan ada beberapa train dalam bandar boleh pakai pass ni.
Penggunaan dia?
Dah sampai any airport dekat Jepun, boleh cari JR counter.
Retrieve pass.
Make sure tahu destinasi seterusnya dan boleh book terus lepas retrieve (book both train and seating).
Boleh book beberapa banyak terus pun lagi bagus untuk destinasi sepanjang berada dekat sana tapi nanti korang pulak terkejar-kejar nak kejar masa train. 
Kalau tak book pun boleh je jangan risau.
Coach dia ada beza dan ada signs dekat luar gerabak dan pintu gerabak, Reserved or Non-reserved.
Car - gerabak, Seat - nombor tempat duduk, nombor platform ada dekat bawah sekali yang tulisan Jepun then nombor tu
Harga Ordinary 7 days pass > 29110 yen 
Convert RM masa ni Jadilah RM1240 kot? Pelupa 
Kalau korang tengok dekat link provided, ada green bagai, tak payahlah dik. ordinary diorang pun dah extraordinary kita. Kihkih
Ye. Dengan ekonomi sekarang, ketar juga dengan harga dia. Sobs
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Tokyo station with this sexy Hikari 532. There us with 8 kg backpack. Baru lepas deeeeeeeep sleep.
Dah sampai Tokyo station maka bermulalah explorace mencari tempat tinggal. Kitorang book bilik semua dekat Airbnb. Kelebihan Airbnb:
Urban (ada jugak traditional)
Boleh direct contact dengan host (owner property)
Cantik! (taktaulah kalau ada yang buruk)
Murah (ada je yang mahal)
Only us (ada je share)
Dekat Tokyo kitorang tinggal di kawasan Chuo, host kitorang Four Leave House. Person yang kitorang contact adalah Ming Lee, sangat cepat balas Whatsapp dan very helpful! Tempat ni berdekatan dengan Nihombashi station yang ada JR line dan Tokyo Metro Line. Dalam 5 minit jalan kaki.
Harga bilik > RM1159
Untuk 5 hari 4 malam
3 guests
Ada dapur
Private toilet & bathroom (we especially me don’t really like the sharing one)
Mesin basuh (we use it everyday, plus cara penggunaan sedikit berbeza dari mesin basuh dekat rumah kitorang)
Pocket WiFi provided (for up to 5 users, very useful bila Samurai dah habis batery dan Samurai takde coverage dekat area subway bawah tanah tu)
Apa beza JR line dan Tokyo Metro Line?
JR line boleh la guna dengan percuma sebab ada JR pass.
Tokyo Metro Line kena pakai kad macam Touch n’ Go tu atau boleh je beli tiket.
Kitorang pakai ICOCA card yang kitorang beli sekali masa retrieve JR pass sebab boleh refund plus dapat balik deposit plus can be used for Metro line both in Tokyo and Osaka.
Tapi ada je Metro line yang terima JR pass tapi tak banyak.
Metro line atau sengakatan banyak stops dan lebih dekat dengan destinasi tujuan.
JR line station untuk dalam bandar tak banyak dan memerlukan jalan kaki ke sesuatu tempat jauh.
Kos ICOCA card > 3000 yen 
Kos termasuk reload
Tapi boleh refund dekat Osaka sahaja
Balance refund kitorang dalam 1200 yen termasuk dia bagi balik deposit 500 yen
Tapi kalau refund tak dapat bawak balik kad tu
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ICOCA card.
Berpandukan map yang Ming Lee bagi, maka sampailah kami di bilik kami. Walaupun ada sedikit salah jalan plus tanya salah seorang penduduk di situ yang tak nak layan kitorang plus penat gila plus beg 8 kg, alhamdulillah we made it! Interior yang sangat cantik dan kemas! Fatin bagi 5 bintang! 
Uish day 1 pun dah lebih 350 patah perkataan. Ni pun draft sikit-sikit sambil memikirkan kuiz Farmakologi mendatang. Gigih
Next entry: Day 2 - 21/1/2017
Bila? Day 1 pun boleh tahan jenuh.nak kena cari balik sumber-sumber dan data-data dan bukti-bukti trip. Kihkihih
Fatin Syazreen
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fatinfa1o ¡ 7 years
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Hey, Tumblr.
Today is May 1. The first day of Mental Health Month. This entire month we want to nudge all of you to celebrate triumphs, acknowledge struggles, and just come together. Let other people know they’re not alone. Feel less alone yourself. It’s what Post it Forward is all about.
One of the incredible ways you—all of you—have helped shape Tumblr is with your ability to be open and honest.  It was you that turned this platform into a community, one based on genuine expression, creativity, and acceptance.
Neat. How can I participate?
Glad you asked! Each week, for all four weeks, we’ll be giving you ideas for ways to Post it Forward.
Week 1—Post it for you: How you practice self-care and personal well-being.
Week 2—Post it for each other: Ways you can be there for each other.
Week 3—Post it for reflection: Sharing stories of personal growth and development.
Week 4—Post it for the future: Committing to continuous reflection and improvement.
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This week is all about posting for you. Acts of self-care. Here are some places to start:
Post an emoji spell for self-care and positivity. 🌈 🔮 💕 🌱
Share a photo or GIF of something that calms you down. Don’t have one? Here’s one.
What’s the one thing that always cheers you up? Post a photo of it, take a GIF, or illustrate it. Toss a sticker on it, if you’d like.
Never forget that you are valid! Post a selfie with “valid” sticker (see below).
Make a list of things you like about yourself.
Make a checklist of 5 acts of self-care you promise to do for yourself this week.
Make an audio post with a song that helps you zone out and re-energize.
Don’t forget to tag all your posts with #postitforward this month! It makes it easier for everyone to find each other’s contributions.
What else?
We’ve asked our pal Tumblrbot (@tumblrbot) to help out with any extra encouragement you might need. Try sending them messages like “tell me about Mental Health Month” or “what’s this week’s prompt?” Tumblrbot will let you know what’s up, because Tumblrbot is a friend to all of us.
We got Answer Times, all of them taking place right here on Post it Forward unless indicated otherwise:
5/4—Utkarsh Ambudkar, NAMI (@namiorg) ambassador, Pitch Perfect actor, and member of hip-hop improv group, Freestyle Love Supreme.
5/8—AJ Mendez Brooks, NAMI (@namiorg) ambassador, former pro wrestler, and author of Crazy Is My Superpower, a memoir about her experiences with bipolar disorder.
5/9—Brittany Snow and Courtney Knowles, co-founders of Love is Louder, from their official blog (@loveislouderofficial).
5/10—Kelly Williams Brown, New York Times best-selling author, from her official blog (@adulting).
5/15—Cynthia Germanotta, Lady Gaga’s mother and co-founder of the Born This Way Foundation.
5/16—Shannon Beveridge (@now-this-is-living), 25-year-old YouTube star. She’ll be partnering with It Gets Better (@itgetsbetterproject).
5/23—The creators of #TheBlackout movement, from their official blog (@theblackoutofficial).
5/25—Anna Akana, YouTuber, writer, director, and activist, from her official blog (@annaakana).
5/26—Mental health advocates Patrick and Amy Kennedy.
We even have some limited edition stickers ready for you in the Tumblr app right now:
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<3 Tumblr
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fatinfa1o ¡ 7 years
Hello hai halo!
Yep fi-nuh-ly I’m posting an entry here!
*you have no idea how life gets me since hmm I forgot*
Update up to 30th April 2017?
- Gaining more weight
- Still can’t fit in S size clothes
- Getting more wrinkles
- My academic performance goes stationary LMAO (but within a good range of CGPA, how good? If I gain another 2 points I’m entitled for a first class degree =))
- Wait I’m thinking what more to add
- Wait
- Still looking for an update of MYSELF
- I’m still using that Fa1o name (a name that I created since I was in high school MYSELF *capital bold blink blink* thanks to Prof.  Rohi for this phrase) but thinking on removing it as I’m turning 24 years old soon =(
- Single yes with no boyfriend with no friends or so called bff
- Still hating attachment (one good reason for the above update)
- Updating my Tumblr after received an email that if I still do nothing with my blog they will close it for me (dear Tumblr team, I’m here writing an entry =D)
- Finishing my last 2 months as a 2nd year student 
- I went to Japan last January with my lil bro & lil sis (thinking on an entry about it)
- Now I’m thinking on another entry about my trip to Seoul, South Korea on January 2015 kihkihkih
Till then, 
Dear people, do differentiate classmates, friends, & true friends so that these terms won’t hurt you someday (do I get my English right ey? Lama dah tak buat karangan Inggeris, missing my old blogspot page why did I delete it?)
Fatin Syazreen
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fatinfa1o ¡ 8 years
Yes, I'm in week 2 of second semester. How was it in week 1? HAHAHA. So, am I gonna stop my writing for this entry here? Is that all I can write? Unfortunately, yes. XD #goodnight #xo
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fatinfa1o ¡ 8 years
Esok! Esok esok esok! Sem 2 tahun 1 akan mula. Bismilah. Hopefully what I did during my first semester wouldn’t happen again. 
LAST MINUTE. What a killer attitude to have when you are a student. Especially for a not so brilliant student. Heeee. Nah, you are brilliant fatin =) 
Semester 2 punya subjek ada 6:
Anatomi & Fisiologi/Anatomy & Physiology
Biologi Molekul Asas/Basic Molecular Biology 
Sains tingkahlaku/Behavioral Science
Pembangunan Diri 2 (not sure what its name in English heeee)
Kursus Asas Keusahawanan dan Inovasi/CESMED 
***Sepatutnya ada English Communication 1 tapi ku dapat pindah kredit dari diploma dulu wuhuuu~
And, another thing that I should keep away from is, OVERTHINKING. This attitude have been in me since I don’t know when but for sure since I was in high school. So yeah, people can always change =)
GOGOGOGOGOGO *dengan nada Pierre Andre, filem Ola Bola xD
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fatinfa1o ¡ 8 years
Sekian lama.
As I’m scrolling back to my very first post on Tumblr, which was on February 2011 and I was 18 that year. Haha. Belum masuk PICOMS lagi masa tu. 
Macam menyesal pulak inactivate Blogger tu kalau tak dapat tengok what I wrote on my first post there. I can’t recall on what year I started to write. Hehe~
Jadi, sekarang ku dah berumur 22 tahun 8 bulan dan setengah? Mihmihmih. 23 paten, tolonglah terima hakikat. =l
Why I kinda paragraph my post like so many? I hate essay, never gonna love it. Even in examination, on essay part, I write answer in point form =)
Ku adalah Alumni Pusrawi International College of Medical Sciences (PICOMS), yang pertama dan sulong. Lebih tepat lagi, School of Medical Science. Lepasan diploma Sains Perubatan, ambilan Julai 2011. Sis nak tanam semangat ke-Malaysia-an, nak banyak menaip bahasa Melayu. Walau bahasa Inggeris pun ala je...................... x)
Sekarang? Tak lepasan lagi. Ku sambung ijazah sarjana muda Sains Bioperubatan, ambilan 2015/2016 di Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). Termenung sikit part ni sebab umur 23 di tahun pertama =l
Alhamdulillah, semester 1 tahun 1 dah lepas walau keputusan idok le keluar lagi. Dan lagi beberapa hari, ulang, beberapa hari untuk mula semester 2 tahun 1. Nak cuti lagi tolong~
Berikut update terkini dari Cik Paten =D
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fatinfa1o ¡ 8 years
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An introductory? =D
Well, yeah I’m back to blog! Macam ada orang kesah di situ~
I tweeted on either should I do blog or nah and which site to choose between Blogger and Tumblr. Jadi, disini saya memilih Tumblr as my site to write my stories, thoughts and whatever can be put into words. Haha! 
Kenapa saya memilih anda Mr. Tumblr? Saya rasa Tumblr lagi lite dari Blogger. Can I say that? I’m sorry if it is not. =)
Kenapa gambar dekat kenduri Akmal yang ku guna as my introductory post? Sebab tu gambar yang paling latest dari teman. Sekian ^^ Smiley zaman Blogger dedolu~
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fatinfa1o ¡ 10 years
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dear one | do not edit.
41 notes ¡ View notes
fatinfa1o ¡ 10 years
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D.O - 140406 2014 Peace & Love & Friendship
Credit: Dear One.
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fatinfa1o ¡ 10 years
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D.O - 140406 2014 Peace & Love & Friendship
Credit: Dear One.
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fatinfa1o ¡ 10 years
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D.O - 131214 Onemount Special Party
Credit: I Like You And Naps. (원마운트 스페셜 파티)
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fatinfa1o ¡ 10 years
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D.O - 140228 Gangnam Goodwill Ambassador Appointment - [HQ]
Credit: I Line You And Naps. (강남 홍보대사 위촉식)
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fatinfa1o ¡ 10 years
D.O - 131009 2013 Asia Song Festival - 3.6.5
Credit: H a2 f. (2013 아시아송 페스티벌)
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fatinfa1o ¡ 10 years
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D.O - 131225 SMTown Week
Credit: H a2 f.
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