fckkni · 10 years
Especially my cuddles. Bring it in, bring it in.
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—cuddles are nice. Okay, alright. 
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fckkni · 10 years
Mm -- c'mere, Lou. You need a cuddle.
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—yes please.
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fckkni · 10 years
Well -- since you pinky promise, I guess I'll have to believe you.
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But, I want you to take my turtle to cuddle with. I’ll be okay for a couple of days. I pinky promise you, Niall.
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fckkni · 10 years
But --- but, Sel.
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But, Niall.
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fckkni · 10 years
Ya sure?
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M’actually really good!
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fckkni · 10 years
Does somebody need some Nialler love?
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fckkni · 10 years
---..Well, hot damn.
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Yanno, not gunna lie ‘nd all that, but, bein’ home alone’s pretty good when ya wanna walk ‘round naked. Full commando ‘nd shit. ‘nd yanno, Risky Business-ing this shit up.
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fckkni · 10 years
I couldn't take your turtle from you either, though! That would be cruel to deprive you of such an avid cuddling device.
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I would never let you eat a turtle! It’s for cuddling and making you feel better, of course.
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fckkni · 10 years
But --- I don't like it --
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Can’t we just play it once?
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fckkni · 10 years
Hey, now --- what's the matter, H?
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— no.
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fckkni · 10 years
But --- but why not?
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—no. No it isn’t.
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fckkni · 10 years
But --- but, that is a terrible game.
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I have a fun game idea, you wanna’ hear it? It goes somewhere along the lines of you bring me a pizza, and we share it. It’s the better version of your idea, I think.
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fckkni · 10 years
But --- I can't eat a turtle.
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I don’t have any pizza but I do have a turtle.
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fckkni · 10 years
That depends --- is it working, Louis William?
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—are you whining, Niall James?
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fckkni · 10 years
Someone's being a little grumpy, Haz. Are you a'right?
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Get it yourself. M’too tired.. sick.. whatever.
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fckkni · 10 years
Hey, hey. If you bring me a pizza, I'll share it with ya. I played three rounds of football and I don't think I can move anymore.
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fckkni · 10 years
text || louis
Louis: you really don't have to though, I don't want you to feel like responsible
Louis: well it's complicated, he did like every other night then he stopped for a bit when he fell and hit his head, went through a little amnesia state
Louis: then got right back into it, and went from every so often to like every other day again
Niall: It's not something I feel I should be responsible for. I want to do it, Lou.
Niall: Have you tried talking to him about it, Lou? Telling him how you feel about it?
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